
Miscellaneous items and attempted translations from...

Final Fantasy IV

Here's the "other" portion of the item list. Everything appears in the order the game stores them internally. Items are briefly explained as needed.

Most of the icons on this page do not exist in the Japanese version of the game. They were added in the English version using some of the character codes freed up by not having to support the Japanese character set, and help to compensate for how short item names were forced to be. I've thrown in some extra or different icons in my translation column based on what I find appropriate (potion icons for recovery items, for example).

Unless otherwise noted, item effects ARE Reflectable.

Some item descriptions are not viewable in-game even though they exist in the game data. Weird.

All items named "Dummy" in the English release are also named "Dummy" (in English text) in the EasyType unless otherwise noted. Incidentally, these "dummied" items work just fine in all versions of the game, it's just that you can't normally get them in all versions.

Item "spells" typically have an MHitX of 8 (equivalent to 28~31 int).

Warning: May contain spoilers

General Items

Usable Items
 ボムのかけら    Bomb Fragment  Dummy

Flame damage to all enemies. Spell power = 12 (weaker than Fire).

 ボムのみぎうで   Bomb's Right Arm  Dummy

Flame damage to all enemies. Spell power = 64 (same as Fira).

 なんきょくのかぜ  Antarctic Wind  Dummy

Ice damage to all enemies. Spell power = 12 (weaker than Blizzard).

 ほっきょくのかぜ  Arctic Wind  Dummy

Ice damage to all enemies. Spell power = 64 (same as Blizzara).

 ゼウスのいかり   Wrath of Zeus  Dummy

Thunder damage to all enemies. Spell power = 12 (weaker than Thunder).

 かみがみのいかり  Wrath of the Gods  Dummy

Thunder damage to all enemies. Spell power = 64 (same as Thundara).

 ほしのすな     Stardust  Dummy

Damages all enemies. Spell power = 80. Ignores Reflect.

 リリスのくちづけ  Lilith's Kiss  Dummy

Drains MP from one enemy. Spell power = 32 (twice the power of Aspir).

 バンパイアのきば  Vampire Fang  Dummy

Drains HP from one enemy. Spell power = 64 (more than triple the power of Drain).

 バッカスのさけ   Bacchus's Wine  Dummy

Sets Berserk on user. Ignores Reflect. Fails on bosses.

 エルメスのくつ   Hermes's Shoes  Dummy

Lowers user's turn delay by 8 (more effective than Haste). Ignores Reflect. Turn delay is normally 16 and has a minimum of 12.

 どうのすなどけい  Copper Hourglass  Dummy

Sets Stop on all enemies. Fails on bosses. {power is 50; relates to duration?}

 ぎんのすなどけい  Silver Hourglass  Dummy

Sets Stop on all enemies. Fails on bosses. {power is 100; relates to duration?}

 きんのすなどけい  Gold Hourglass  Dummy

Sets Stop on all enemies. Fails on bosses. {power is 200; relates to duration?}

 くものいと     Spider Silk  Dummy

Raises turn delay for all enemies by 16 (twice as effective as Slow). Turn delay is normally 16 and has a maximum of 32.

 スケープドール   Scape Doll  Dummy

Sets Decoy (2) on user.

 あかいきば     Red Fang  FireBomb

Flame damage to all enemies. Damage = (user's current HP / 2) + (0~255) before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.

 しろいきば     White Fang  Dummy

Ice damage to all enemies. Damage = (user's current HP / 2) + (0~255) before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.

 あおいきば     Blue Fang  Lit-Bolt

Thunder damage to all enemies. Damage = (user's current HP / 2) + (0~255) before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.

 ひかりのカーテン  Luminous Curtain  Dummy

Sets Reflect on user.

 ボムのたましい   Bomb Soul  Dummy

Damages one enemy and kills the user. Base damage = user's current HP. Ignores Reflect.

 つきのカーテン   Lunar Curtain  Dummy

Sets Reflect and Barrier on user. If the power value is meaningful, Reflect should last twice as long as when using a Luminous Curtain.

Barrier almost feels like cheating. It blocks all physical attacks until the end of combat, and the final boss is the only enemy with any ability to remove it. Just be aware that the Lunar Curtain's effect is reflectable. If an enemy gets Barrier status, only Dispel can cancel it, and Dispel doesn't affect enemies with the boss flag.

 せいじゃくのかね  Tranquil Bell  Dummy

Sets Silence on all enemies. Fails on bosses.

 だいちのドラム   Earth Drum  Dummy

Damages all enemies. Spell power = 80 (less than half as strong as Quake). Ignores Reflect.

 クリスタル    (crystal) Crystal (crystal) Crystal

Targets all enemies and ignores Reflect, but does nothing except in a certain battle. Only a Paladin can use this item. Not consumed when used.

Given how the story goes, it's ironic that using the Crystal is treated internally as a Dark magic attack—the only thing in the entire game other than the Dark Knight swords with that damage trait, no less. It works by triggering a counterattack script that only responds to a Paladin using Dark magic.

 クアールのひげ   Coeurl Whisker  Dummy

Inflicts Incapacitated on one enemy. Fails on bosses.

 おうぎのしょ    Tome of Secret Arts  Dummy

Uses a Summon magic at random, reportedly excluding Asura and all Summons learned from items. Summons have their usual effects.

Rather than changing the name to Dummy and removing the item, the EasyType instead makes this a comparatively common item. In the original Japanese version, only the Marionetter, Sorcerer, and Summoner drop it, and only as their rarest drop. In contrast, the EasyType makes it available as a drop from over a dozen additional monsters, some appearing fairly early in the game, and for most of them it's as likely to drop as the common item. It seems a strange choice; summoning at random hardly simplifies the game, and an unsuitable outcome can just make things worse.

I believe I've seen this localized as "Grimoire", which gets the general idea across succinctly, assuming you're familiar with the word.

 かいじゅうずかん  Monster Guidebook  Dummy

Scans one enemy. Ignores Reflect. Unlike the Library spell, this works on bosses, making it considerably more useful.

図鑑 (zukan) specifically refers to a reference centered around drawings or photographs. I'm temped to call this An Illustrated Guide to Monsters.

 めざましどけい  (potion) Alarm Clock  Dummy

Removes Sleep from all allies.

 ユニコーンのつの (potion) Unicorn Horn  Dummy

Removes Berserk, Confusion, Sleep, and Paralysis from all allies.

Note that all potions and ethers automatically provide their maximum possible effect when used outside of combat.

HPを かいふくします
(potion) Potion
Recovers HP
(potion) Cure1
Recover HPs

Recovers HP for one ally. Ignores Reflect. Healing = 64 ~ 96 in combat, or 96 in the field.

HPを かいふくします
(potion) High Potion
Recovers HP
(potion) Cure2
Recover HPs

Recovers HP for one ally. Ignores Reflect. Healing = 320 ~ 480 in combat, or 480 in the field.

HPを かいふくします
(potion) X-Potion
Recovers HP
(potion) Cure3
Recover HPs

Recovers HP for one ally. Ignores Reflect. Healing = 1280 ~ 1920 in combat, or 1920 in the field.

MPを かいふくします
(potion) Ether
Recovers MP
(potion) Ether1
Recover MPs

Recovers MP for one ally. Ignores Reflect. Healing = 32 ~ 48 in combat, or 48 in the field.

MPを かいふくします
(potion) Ether Dry
Recovers MP
(potion) Ether2
Recover MPs

Recovers MP for one ally. Ignores Reflect. Healing = 96 ~ 144 in combat, or 144 in the field.

HP/MPを かんぜんにかいふくします
(potion) Elixir
Completely recovers HP/MP
(potion) Elixir
Restore HP/MP

Recovers all HP and MP for one ally. Ignores Reflect.

せんとうふのうを かいふくします
(potion) Phoenix Tail
Cures Incapacitated
(potion) Life
Bring back to sense

Removes Incapacitated from one ally and recovers HP equal to target stamina * 5. Ignores Reflect. Fails on bosses.

Renamed to ふっかつやく (Revival Medicine) in the EasyType, which also raises the price from 100 to 150, as does the English version.

せきかを かいふくします
(potion) Gold Needle
Cures Petrification

Removes Stone and Gradual Petrification (either) from one ally. Ignores Reflect.

かえるを かいふくします
(potion) Maiden's Kiss
Cures Toad

Removes Toad from one ally. Ignores Reflect.

こびとを かいふくします
(mallet) Lucky Mallet
Cures Minikin

Removes Minikin from one ally. Ignores Reflect.

This item comes from a Japanese legend involving a thumb-high boy, who uses the mallet to grow to normal size. The concept resembles that of a magic wand.

The mallet icon exists in both Japanese and English versions of the game, but is used in neither. I thought it deserved better.

ぶたを かいふくします
(potion) Diet Food
Cures Pig

Removes Pig from one ally. Ignores Reflect. Fails on bosses, for whatever reason.

ちんもくを かいふくします
(potion) Echo Herb
Cures Silence

Removes Silence from one ally. Ignores Reflect.

くらやみを かいふくします
(potion) Eyedrops
Cures Darkness

Removes Darkness from one ally. Ignores Reflect.

どくを ちゅうわします
(potion) Antidote
Neutralizes Poison

Removes Poison from one ally. Ignores Reflect.

のろいを はらいます
(potion) Cross
Lifts Curse

Removes Curse from one ally. Ignores Reflect.

いろいろなじょうたいを かいふくします
(potion) Panacea
Cures a variety of conditions
(potion) Heal
Heal conditions.

Removes Stone, Toad, Minikin, Pig, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Curse, Paralysis, Sleep, Confusion, and Gradual Petrification from one ally. Ignores Reflect.

This item is far more common in the English and EasyType versions of the game, being widely available and costing a paltry 100 gil instead of the original 5,000 gil price. Then again, these versions removed all the individual status recovery items, so they needed to provide some other viable way to cure status.

まものを よびよせてしまいます
Calls for monsters

If used in an area with random encounters, initiates combat with the area's rarest monster formation (which otherwise has a 1 in 64 chance to appear).

 Gold Apple
An apple the color of gold

Permanently adds 100 to a single character's maximum HP, up to a maximum of 9999.

Remains きんのリンゴ in the EasyType instead of becoming Dummy. The description is also changed to つかうとHPがふえます (Use to increase HP).

 Silver Apple
An apple the color of silver

Permanently adds 50 to a single character's maximum HP, up to a maximum of 9999.

Remains ぎんのリンゴ in the EasyType instead of becoming Dummy. While every chest and pot that contains one in the JP version seems to contain an Elixir instead in the EasyType, some monsters still have a small chance to drop these. The description is also changed to つかうとHPがふえます (Use to increase HP).

しんぴてきな おさけです
 Soma Droplet
Mystical alcohol

Permanently adds 10 to a single character's maximum MP, up to a maximum of 999.

Soma is a drink of ritual significance in various Hindu cultures.

きゅうけい HP/MPがかいふく
(tent) Tent
Rest, HP/MP recover
(tent) Tent
Rest: Recover HP/MP

Only usable where saving is allowed. Recovers 1000 HP and 100 MP for all allies and removes all status effects except Levitate and Incapacitated.

The EasyType and English versions raise the Tent's cost from 100 gil to 200 gil.

きゅうけい HP/MPがかいふく
(tent) Cottage
Rest, HP/MP recover
(tent) Cabin
Rest: Restore HP/MP

Only usable where saving is allowed. Recovers all HP and MP for all allies and removes all status effects except Levitate.

The EasyType and English versions raise the Cottage's cost from 500 gil to 1000 gil.

 Lewd Magazine
A reading favorite!

Joke item found in the developer room. No real purpose.

The EasyType changes the description to けんちゃんのあいどくしょ (Ken-chan's favorite book), presumably in reference to a particular developer.

ちじょうに ワープします
 Emergency Exit
Warps above ground

Use to escape from dungeons. Equivalent to the Teleport spell.

The description is arguably misleading, given the existence of a large underground area that functions as a secondary world map.

しゅうへんのちずを みます
 Minikin Bread
See a map of the surroundings

Use outdoors to view the surroundings. Equivalent to the Sightro spell.

(summon magic) ゴブリン    
(summon magic) Goblin
Summon magic
(summon magic) Imp
Caller's Magic Orb

Use to learn the Goblin Summon. A rare drop from ゴブリン (NA name: Imp) and リルマーダー (NA name: Tricker).

Most readily obtained in the Damcyan region, with an average of 450 battles per drop. Alternately, try farming Goblins from a Summoner that summons them.

(summon magic) ボム      
(summon magic) Bomb
Summon magic
(summon magic) Bomb
Caller's Magic Orb

Use to learn the Bomb Summon. A rare drop from レメディボム (NA name: Balloon) and ダークグレネイド (NA name: Grenade).

(summon magic) コカトリス   
(summon magic) Cockatrice
Summon magic
Caller's Magic Orb

Use to learn the Cockatrice Summon. A rare drop from ダイブイーグル, コカトリス, and ルドランベビー (original version only).

Most readily obtained in the Fabul region, with an average of 1,449 battles per drop. Don't forget that it never drops in the NA or ET versions.

(summon magic) マインドフレア 
(summon magic) Mindflayer
Summon magic
(summon magic) Mage
Caller's Magic Orb

Use to learn the Mindflayer Summon. A rare drop from マインドフレア (NA name: Mage).

Mindflayers appear only in the Magnetic Cave, most often on B3F, and are uncommon enough even there that the average drop rate is just 1 per 2,638 battles.

 ギサールのやさい  Gysahl Greens  Carrot

Use in certain places to summon an exceptionally large chocobo for item storage.

Renamed to チョコボのやさい (Chocobo Greens) in the EasyType.

 かいいんしょう   Membership Certificate  Pass

Allows access to the members-only section of a certain club. Pointless, but I suppose it's amusing.

The Internet says this is 会員証 and not 会員章 (membership badge).

 ギサールのふえ   Gysahl Flute  Whistle

Use anywhere to summon an exceptionally large chocobo for item storage.

Renamed to チョコボのふえ (Chocobo Flute) in the EasyType.

Event Items
 ボムのゆびわ   (ring) Bomb Ring  Package

Automatically gained and then activated (lost) very early in the game.

 バロンのカギ   (key) Baron Key (key) Baron

Unlocks doors in Baron.

The EasyType uses かぎ in hiragana instead of カギ in katakana.

 さばくのひかり    Light of the Desert  SandRuby

Cures high fevers.

 つちのクリスタル (crystal) Earth Crystal (crystal) Earth

Used as a ransom.

 マグマのいし   (stone) Magma Stone (key) Magma

Opens a big hole when used in the right place.

 ルカのくびかざり (key) Luca's Necklace (key) Luca

Controls the seal on the Sealed Cave.

 ひそひそう     Whisper Weed (harp) TwinHarp

Resonates with a certain someone's harp.

The original name crosses ひそひそ (hisohiso, whispering noises) with 草 (sou), which refers to any of a variety of grasses and weeds.

 やみのクリスタル (crystal) Dark Crystal (crystal) Darkness

Taken for its protection. At least, that's the idea...

 ネズミのしっぽ  (tail) Rat Tail (tail) Rat

Trade to the tail collector for Adamantite.

 アダマンタイト  (stone) Adamantite  Adamant

A blacksmith can reforge the Sword of Legend into the Excalibur with this.

 あいのフライパン  Frypan of Love  Pan

Wakes a sleeping Monk. Trade it back for the Carving Knife when done.

 ピンクのしっぽ  (tail) Pink Tail (tail) Pink

Extremely rare. Trade to the tail collector for the obscenely powerful Adaman Armor.

 ルゲイエのカギ  (key) Lugae's Key (key) Tower

Unlocks a door in the Tower of Babwil.

The EasyType uses かぎ in hiragana instead of カギ in katakana.

 ダークマター    Dark Matter  Dummy

Stolen from Zeromus before using the Crystal (original Japanese version only). Probably does nothing. Most likely an Easter egg of sorts.

Rumor has it that possessing the item weakens his Big Bang attack, and perhaps that having more further reduces it. However, this seems to be nothing more than wishful thinking. I haven't yet tested it myself, but I'm more inclined to believe scattered reports of people finding no discernible difference after testing than the sites blindly repeating the rumor that it works. I have yet to find a single case of anyone claiming to have noticed any difference after setting out to test it.

Why is it so widely believed, then? Perhaps because people want it to be true, considering that Big Bang hurts quite a bit. Perhaps because the idea is plausible until actually put to the test. After all, Dark Matter is a unique item found nowhere else, so it would make sense for it to affect the battle somehow. I've even seen rationalizations for the supposed effect, such as that it's a sort of "power core" and that taking it weakens Zeromus. That doesn't make it true, though...

Unused Items
 シナリオ0015  Scenario 0015  Dummy


 シナリオ0016  Scenario 0016  Dummy


Special Items
 ーせいとんー    -Arrange- -Sort-

Always appears in inventory. Arranges items.

 ゴミばこ       Trash Can TrashCan

Always appears in inventory. Move items here to get rid of them.

This appears as a trash can icon when displayed on the inventory screen.


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