![Miroku - face](images/miroku0.jpg)
弥勒 (みろく)
A powerful Buddhist monk. Despite being a monk, Miroku has an overdeveloped interest in women and money, and, among other things, will often con wealthy locals into providing food, lodging, and supplies.
(under construction)
弥勒 was apparently the name of an actual famous bodhisattva. Presumably the namesake was less of a delinquent than Inuyasha's Miroku.
Current status
Miroku travels with Sango, Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippou, and Kirara. He intends to destroy Naraku, not only to remove the curse upon himself, but also because of the whole tormenting and killing innocent people for fun thing. Miroku has an on-and-off romance with Sango, which his tendency to flirt with any attractive female isn't helping with.
Special powers, etc.
- 風穴 (かざあな) - A curse placed on Miroku's grandfather by Naraku about 50 years ago and passed on across the generations. The kazaana, shown at right, is a black hole-like opening in the bearer's right hand that, when not restrained, sucks in whatever gets in front of it without a trace. It doesn't sound like much of a curse at first, but over time the suction grows more powerful, and will eventually engulf even the bearer, leaving nothing behind except a large crater. Additionally, absorbing certain kinds of poison will harm Miroku, and Naraku has an apparently limitless number of poisonous insects at his disposal that render the kazaana useless against him.
- 法力 (ほうりき) - Generic term for Buddhist powers. Miroku has a variety of tricks up his sleeve, from throwing paper charms that smite youkai to erecting defensive barriers.
- Charisma. It's amazing how popular Miroku is with people he's only just met, and how persuasive he can be when he tries.
Voice: 辻谷耕史
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