Previous Chapter: Release the Seal, Call a Storm

なげきの山の賢者様 The Philosopher on Grief Mountain The Guru on Mt.Woe
ドロクイの巣 12,000 B.C. Mud-Eater den Beast's nest

To no one's surprise, the goblin isn't friendly.

このから先は、と~さないもんね~! I ain't gonna let you through here! You can't pass through here!

It's a boss fight. Mud-Eater L (Blue Beast) is immune to Water attacks and weak against Fire, while Mud-Eater R (Red Beast) is immune to Fire and weak against Water. Both have normal magic defense and slightly elevated physical defense. The Mud-Eater Tamer (Mud Imp) doesn't attack directly, but instead bosses the Mud-Eaters around. All attacks against them are counterattacked somehow, depending on the situation and the target of the attack.

If either Mud-Eater dies, the tamer starts healing itself and any remaining Mud-Eaters for 150 HP each whenever it's hit. The tamer has high magic defense and extreme physical defense, so killing it at this point is impractical, and it eventually runs away when alone anyway. However, it does appear to lose a significant amount of physical defense at some point after both its minions are down, so relatively powerful combo attacks may be enough to take it out.

The easiest way to finish the battle is to bring Marle and Lucca and use Ice Sword and Fire Sword with Crono to take out the Mud-Eaters quickly, then just sit there and laugh at the tamer until it runs away. However, Ayla can steal a Speed Capsule from the Mud-Eater Tamer, an Elixir from Mud-Eater R, and a Mermaid Helmet (not found anywhere else) from Mud-Eater L.

It's also possible (though more difficult) to win by taking out the tamer. If you want to attempt this, favor magic, since its magic defense is only moderately high, and leave both Mud-Eaters alive so it won't heal after every hit (though you'll have to deal with an earthquake counter).

The chain leads up to a mountain that floats in midair...

After beating the Mud-Eater tamer, no more Mud-Eaters will appear in the cave.

なげきの山 12,000 B.C. Grief Mountain Mountain of Woe

Visibility is low, monsters tend to show up out of nowhere, and wind noises replace the music. More chains connect different sections of the mountain.

Monsters here include the Monk Gargoyle (Gargoyle), Pinnacle Flower (Man Eater), Rokk (Rubble), and Bird Commando (Bantam Imp), which loses the bird and becomes a Jarrian (Stone Imp) when killed except by a counterattack. None except the Rokk have any particular resistances or vulnerabilities. The Monk Gargoyle has a nasty attack that will reduce its victim to 1 hit point, but has lower than usual defense. The Pinnacle Flower has elevated magic defense and can cause Confusion. Everything has less health than you'd probably expect for this point in the game. Ayla can steal new weapons from most of them.

The Rokk is also of particular interest. It disables skill and item usage at the onset of combat, is difficult to hit, and runs away if it survives long enough. However, if you manage to kill one before it runs, it gives 1000 experience and an obscene 100 tech points. Most can only be fought once, but the one northeast of the first save point does respawn if you change screens. Accuracy-boosting accessories will help, and Ayla is ideal thanks to her high speed, damage, and hit rate. The Rokk doesn't really have that much health, so you only need to connect a few times to win.

The screen after the second save point has a Magic Capsule in the corner, but then the sky grows darker as the party climbs up the chain that follows... At the top is a strange platform, with a large blue crystal in the middle.

The second character speaks.


Marle: This must be where the Philosopher
of Life is being imprisoned...

Marle: The Guru of Life's trapped in

Marle: This must be where the Philosopher
of Life is being imprisoned...

Lucca: The Guru of Life's trapped in

Robo: This must BE it. The place where the
Philosopher of Life IS BEING confined.

Robo: Here we will find the Guru
 of Life!

Frog: So it's here... the place where the
Philosopher of Life's being imprisoned...

Frog: Ah, 'tis where the Guru of
 Life remains imprisoned.
エイラ「これ デッカい オリか? Ayla: This is huge cage? Ayla: This big cage?

The "must" I've used in several of the translations is to approximate the effect of 「ね」, and is being used in the looser sense of indicating a reasonably certain conclusion, as opposed to meaning that it's literally required to be so.

The crystal starts to disappear.

The third character reacts.

マール「見て! 消えてゆくわ! Marle: Look! It's disappearing! Marle: Look!
 It's disappearing!
ルッカ「消える!? そんなバカな! Lucca: It's disappearing!? That can't be! Lucca: It's disappearing!
ロボ「コ、コレハ! Robo: Wh-what IS this! Robo: What's happening?!
カエル「! 消えてゆく! Frog: ! It's disappearing! Frog: 'Tis disappearing!
エイラ「クロ! あれ見ろ! Ayla: Cro! Look that! Ayla: Crono!

A big monster rises out of the depths. I hope everyone's healed...

The two arms jointly use Dark and Fire magic against the group, and can also act alone, with one specializing in offense and the other in healing. The Fire attack is both stronger and more common. Equip your characters with the Red Plate, Red Vest, and Black Plate to absorb some of the attacks for best results. The body, which is the real target, doesn't attack, but it will periodically revive the arms, though with less health than they had initially.

Take out the arms to stop their attacks, then let loose on the body. I find Crono and Ayla's Falcon Slash particularly effective at destroying the arms. All parts have normal defenses, and Ayla can steal a Speed Capsule from the main body.

After the battle, "Manoria Cathedral" plays, and the crystal reappears and dissolves, freeing the strangely familiar Philosopher of Life...

The second character in the lineup is incredulous.

マール「ボ、ボッシュ!? Marle: B-Bosch!? Marle: M, Melchior?!
ルッカ「ボ、ボッシュ!? Lucca: B-Bosch!? Lucca: Melchior?!
ロボ「ボ、ボッシュさん? Robo: M-mister Bosch? Robo: Mr. Melchior?
カエル「ボッシュのじいさん……! Frog: Old man Bosch...! Frog: Old man Melchior!?
エイラ「ボッシュのジジイ? Ayla: Old guy Bosch? Ayla: Melchior?

See? You're not supposed to know the missing Philosopher of Life is Bosch (Melchior) until NOW.


Bosch: Indeed, I am Bosch...
But that's odd, how do you know
my name? You do realize this is
my first time meeting you all?
But never mind that, what of the queen,
of the Abyssal Temple project?
Do you know anything?

MELCHIOR: Indeed, I am Melchior.
Have we...met before?
More importantly, can you tell me
anything about the Ocean Palace?


Bosch: Mmh, I see...
The queen's mind is already so far...

MELCHIOR: I see...the Queen has
degenerated to that degree...


Bosch: The greater the energy that the
Nether Relic sucks up grows, the
more the queen loses her sanity...
The queen's human mind has been
consumed by the immortal god Lavos
that sleeps beneath the ocean...

MELCHIOR: The more energy the
Mammon Machine absorbs, the
further the Queen degenerates.
Her spirit has been stolen by the
infamous immortal, Lavos.

The music fades, and the mountain trembles.

ボッシュ「む! ここの封印を解いたため
  山が落ちるぞ! 急いで下りるのじゃ!

Bosch: Mh! The mountain will fall since you
broke the seal here! Decend quickly!

MELCHIOR: We must flee!
 The seal has been broken!
 The mountain will collapse!

In the village below, a man rushes into the elder's room.

長老! な、なげきの山が!! Elder! G-Grief Mountain!! Elder! The Mountains of Woe is about to

A child and parents are near the bottom of the chain.

ママ、お山が落ちてくるです~! Mama, the mountain's falling down! Mommy, the mountain's gonna fall!

The internal storyline progression tracking variable is now 0xB7.

For no discernable reason, a Nu appears in the ruins of Laruba Village once the mountain falls.

The chain shatters, and the mountain flies off a short distance before falling to the ground nearby.

地の民の洞窟 12,000 B.C. Earth People's Cave Terra Cave

Bosch and Crono's party have safely reached the elder's room. No music plays.


Bosch: Lavos is consuming this planet
as it sleeps beneath the ocean.
If they were to move the Nether Relic
all the way to the ocean floor, I fear that
this might awaken Lavos itself...!
If we don't do something before it's
too late, terrible things will happen...

MELCHIOR: Lavos sleeps deep
 underground, while consuming the
 energy of this planet.
 If the Mammon Machine is brought
 closer to him, he may awaken!
 We must hurry before it's
 too late!

A man walks into the room.

長老! サラ様がおいでです! Elder! Lady Sara has come! Elder!
Schala is here!
ボッシュ「何、サラが? Bosch: What? Sara? MELCHIOR: What?
 Schala's here?

"Sara's Theme" starts playing, and Sara walks into the room, followed by Jyaki.


Elder: Lady Sara... why have you come
to such a place as this...?

ELDER: Miss Schala...why have you come
 to such a miserable place?

Sara: Please stop...
We People of the Light were once just like you.
The difference is nothing more than that we
are compelled to dance by Lavos's power...

SCHALA: Stop degrading yourselves!
 We Enlightened Ones were once the
 same as you.
 The only difference is that we are
 under Lavos's control...
ジャキ「……きたない所。 Jyaki: ...filthy place. JANUS: What a filthy hovel.

Sara: Bosch...
I thought that I would be able to see you
if I came here, since Grief Mountain fell.

SCHALA: Melchior...
 After the Mountain of Woe fell, I
 thought I would find you here!

Bosch: Is it all right for you to do such
a thing as leaving the palace?

MELCHIOR: Is it safe for you to leave
 the palace?

Sara: This is no time to worry about that.
I'm afraid the Abyssal Temple is complete!

SCHALA: That no longer matters!
 The Ocean Palace is now operational!
ボッシュ「間に合わなかったか! Bosch: We're too late!? MELCHIOR: Then all is lost!

Sara: However, the Nether Relic
will not work without me there...
I want nothing more to do with it...

SCHALA: But without me, the Mammon
Machine won't work.
I have turned my back on that evil


Sara: I have opened the Sky Road.
Please hurry and stop the queen...
stop my mother!

SCHALA: I've kept the Skyway open.
You must mother!

The music fades out.

「そこまでにしていただきましょうか。 : I think that's enough out of you. Why don't we keep it right there...

Dalton walks into the room.

サラ「ダ、ダルトン! Sara: D-Dalton! SCHALA: Dalton!

Dalton: It puts us in a real bind if we can't
get you to run it. Doesn't it... lady Sara.

DALTON: Tisk, tisk my dear.
 Your presence is required elsewhere!

Bosch: Dalton!
I won't let you do as you please!

 Leave her alone!

Dalton just laughs at this.


Dalton: Old man, I can't stand
how you reek of preaching.

 The geezer speaks!
 Silence, old man!

He blasts Bosch with magic, rushes over, and grabs Sara.

ボッシュ「ぐはっ! Bosch: *gwah*! MELCHIOR: Argh!

Dalton: Now, I'm having her come down
to the Abyssal Temple with me.
Interfere, and lady Sara's life...

DALTON: You'll come to the Ocean Palace
 with me.
 Do anything funny, and Schala's dust.
 Got it?
ジャキ「姉上! Jyaki: Elder sister! JANUS: Schala!

Dalton smacks Jyaki across the room.


Dalton: Oh come ON, it's no good that
every damn one of the brats with the
queen's blood is so stubborn.

DALTON: The Queen's children all seem
 to have a problem with authority,
 don't they?

Crono and the others draw their weapons.


Dalton: Whoa, don't you guys interfere either.
I'm not the least bit scared of the queen or
anyone. I'm ready to take the head of a
little girlie like this one any time!

DALTON: Stay back.
 The life of this woman means
 nothing to me!

Crono and the others put their weapons away.


Dalton: Now then, let us be off, lady Sara.
Your kindly mother eagerly awaits you.

DALTON: Shall we get going, Schala,
 Your mother awaits!

Can't you just feel the sarcasm oozing? Bleh.

Dalton disappears in a flash, taking Sara with him. "Silent Light" resumes playing as usual.

The internal storyline progression tracking variable is now 0xBA, starting the next chapter.

Rescuing the Philosopher of Life has the potential to make a difference, but so far all it seems to have done is attract Sara's attention, and she was captured almost as soon as she arrived. For now, it's difficult to say whether there's been any historical impact yet.

Previous Chapter: Release the Seal, Call a Storm

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