Monster skills and attempted translations from...

Final Fantasy VI

Monsters 000 ~ 127

In the same order as the monsters that have them, these are the monster special abilities. Although each monster has a special move, some monsters never use them. In fact, some are completely meaningless, since they aren't usable either by the monster itself or through Sketch, Control, or Rage!

Unless otherwise noted, these cannot be reflected (with 'reflect' status), are unaffected by Magicseal Sword (Celes's skill), work normally on undead targets, are affected by the target's defense, and are blockable (through magic evasion). Enemy specials are simply physical attacks with modifications.

Monster Specials

The special "Hit" shows up repeatedly... it's apparently the default, and was left unchanged in a number of cases.

128 キバ Fangs Tusk

Physical attack. +50% damage.

This monster is sort of a small dragon with no visible teeth, so "tusk" doesn't seem appropriate.

129 スリップウイング Slip Wing Slip Wing

Causes 'slip', no damage.

130 ほね Bone Bone

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

131 しっぽ Tail Tail

Physical attack. +400% damage.

132 しゃくりあげる Wail Wail

Physical attack. +400% damage.

133 どくのつめ Poison Claw PoisonClaw

Causes 'poison', no damage.

134 くちばし Beak Beak

Causes 'petrified', no damage.

135 アスピルビーク Aspir Beak Drainbeak

Physical attack, drains MP.

136 サイレスアタック Silence Attack Silence

Causes 'silence', no damage.

137 かぎづめ Talon Nail

Physical attack. +50% damage.

138 ロック Rock Rock

Causes 'petrified', no damage.

139 くるったしんごう Haywire Signal Mad Signal

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

This is also part of an episode name from the '70s anime Ultraman Ace. Apparently the episode involves chaotic traffic lights.

140 ねむりのはり Slumber Sting SleepSting

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

141 はおと Buzz Flap

Causes 'berserk', no damage.

142 つの Horn Horn

Physical attack. +100% damage.

143 ブラッドシックル Blood Sickle Doomsickle

Drains HP.

144 ポイズンタッチ Poison Touch Bane Touch

Causes 'poison', no damage.

145 しのかふん Death Pollen DoomPollen

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

146 ちょくげき Direct Hit Blow

Physical attack. +400% damage.

147 アンライフタッチ Unlife Touch Doom Touch

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

148 しびれバサミ Numb Pincer Numblade

Causes 'stop', no damage.

149 スリップアンカー Slip Anchor SlipAnchor

Causes 'slip', no damage.

150 から Shell Husk

Physical attack. +50% damage.

151 ハサミ Pincer Scissors

Physical attack. +50% damage.

152 ゲロゲーロ Gribbit Gribbit Croak

Physical attack. +100% damage.

153 せきかにらみ Petrify Glare Petriglare

Causes 'petrified', no damage.

154 なめる Lick Lick

Causes 'petrified', no damage.

155 あっさく Compress Compress

Physical attack. +100% damage.

156 ゴールドランス Gold Lance Gold Lance

Physical attack. +200% damage.

157 げきとつ Crash Crash

Physical attack. +100% damage.

158 ダッシュ Dash Dash

Causes 'haste', no damage (combat script sets user as target, but Sketch and Control can also invoke it).

159 メタルナックル Metal Knuckle Metal Hand

Physical attack. +50% damage.

160 プログラム17 Program 17 Program 17

Causes 'shell', no damage (combat script sets user as target, but Sketch and Control can also invoke it).

161 ガンマせん Gamma Ray Gamma Rays

Causes 'death sentence', no damage.

162 まとわりつく Entangle Cling

Causes 'slow', no damage.

163 ねむりにつく Fall Asleep Sleep

Causes 'transparent', no damage (combat script sets user as target, but Sketch and Control can also invoke it).

164 にらみつける Glare Enmity

Causes 'darkness', no damage.

165 やなにおい Yucky Odor Stench

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

166 ぬるぬる Slimy Slime

Causes 'slow', no damage.

167 ゆめのなかへ Into the Dream Dreamland

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

168 ミスリルスパナ Mithril Wrench LodeWrench

Physical attack. +50% damage.

169 マッドシックル Mad Sickle Mad Sickle

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

170 みつめさせる Fixate Mezmerize

More literally "cause to stare at".

Causes 'berserk', no damage.

171 スリップシード Slip Seed Slip Seed

Causes 'slip', no damage.

172 さいみんガス Hypnotic Gas Hypno Gas

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

173 ブラッドダンス Blood Dance Red Dance

Drains HP.

174 のどわ Throat Jab Throat Jab

Physical attack. +400% damage.

175 たいあたり Body Slam Rush

Physical attack. +50% damage.

176 ひっかく Scratch Scratch

Physical attack. +50% damage.

177 マインドストップ Mind Stop Mind Stop

Causes 'stop', no damage.

178 ポイズンテール Poison Tail PoisonTail

Causes 'poison', no damage.

179 すいみんばり Sleep Sting HypnoSting

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

180 カッパタッチ Kappa Touch Imp Touch

Causes 'kappa', no damage.

181 すいつく Latch On Clamp

Causes 'slip', no damage.

182 ロッド Rod Rod

Physical attack. +50% damage.

183 あくまのキッス Demon's Kiss Demon Kiss

Instant death attack, no damage if it fails.

184 しょうかえき Digestive Juices Dijestive

Causes 'slip', no damage.

185 うねる、はねる Undulate Wind-up

Physical attack. +50% damage.

186 スリップタッチ Slip Touch Slip Touch

Causes 'slip', no damage.

187 デッドエンド Dead End Dead End

Instant death attack, no damage if it fails.

188 うすらわらい Smirk Smirk

Causes 'stop', no damage.

189 じがい Suicide Ruin

Instant death attack, no damage if it fails (combat script sets user as target, but Sketch and Control can also invoke it).

Outsider uses this on itself with 2/3 probability after throwing five weapons (not counting counterattacks), if the battle drags on that long. Apparently, failing to win after that much carnage (and those things can really hurt; remember that Throw deals bonus damage on top of ignoring evasion and defense) brings such shame that only death can hope to atone for it.

Since Outsider can appear in the Coliseum, and its Control list includes this attack, it may use this offensively there, making nonsense of the name.

190 ひらてうち Slap Slap

Causes 'silence', no damage.

191 うずまきガサ Parasol Twirl Spin Slice

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

192 スリップタッチ Slip Touch Slip Touch

Causes 'slip', no damage.

193 のろいのしせん Cursed Glance CursedGaze

Causes 'slip', no damage.

194 はらにいちげき Blow to the Gut Blow

Physical attack. +200% damage.

195 にんじん Carrot Carrot

Physical attack. +50% damage.

196 ししゃのあしおと Deathly Footsteps Doom Step

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

197 とびだしナイフ Switchblade Knife

Physical attack. +50% damage.

198 なかまづくり Recruiting Pal Maker

Causes 'kappa', no damage.

199 プログラム65 Program 65 Program 65

Causes 'silence', no damage.

200 あばれる Rage Riot

Physical attack. +50% damage.

Same name as Gau's command.

201 しっぽ Tail Tail

Causes 'kappa', no damage.

202 がんめんかみつき Face Bite Face Bite

Causes 'darkness', no damage.

203 プログラム95 Program 95 Program 95

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

204 くちばし Beak Beak

Causes 'petrified', no damage.

205 つっつく Peck Pick

Causes 'kappa', no damage.

206 だきつく Embrace Grab

Physical attack. +50% damage.

207 からみつく Entangle Cling

Causes 'slow', no damage.

208 はおと Buzz Wing Whisp

Causes 'berserk', no damage.

209 ばいきん Bacteria Bacteria

Causes 'slip', no damage.

210 マインドシックル Mind Sickle MindReaper

Physical attack, drains MP.

211 ガルルルルル Grrrrr Oogyboog

Physical attack. +100% damage.

212 ベアハッグ Bear Hug Bear Hug

Physical attack. +200% damage.

213 ほねのこな Bone Dust BonePowder

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

214 つめ Claws Nail

Physical attack. +50% damage.

215 クリスタルランス Crystal Lance QuartzPike

Physical attack. +200% damage.

216 ウイング Wing Wing

Physical attack. +100% damage.

217 メガショック Megashock Megashock

Physical attack. +200% damage.

218 マインドショック Mind Shock Mindshock

Physical attack, drains MP.

219 ベトベト Sticky Gunk

Causes 'slow', no damage.

220 フィガロのさけ Figaro Sake Figaro Tea

Causes 'kappa', no damage.

"Figaro Booze" if you prefer. There's that censorship again!

221 ふくろだたき Beat Up Pummel

Physical attack. +100% damage.

No relation to Mash's first skill.

222 めらめら Flare Up Flare Up

Physical attack. +50% damage.

223 ゴールデンスパナ Golden Wrench GoldWrench

Physical attack. +50% damage.

224 つきあげる Heave Hay Maker

Physical attack. +300% damage.

225 しのとげ Death Stinger Doom Sting

Causes 'death sentence', no damage.

226 はいにする Cinderize Cinderizer

Instant death attack, no damage if it fails.

227 プロペラ Propeller Propeller

Physical attack. +50% damage.

228 はんげき Counter Counter

Physical attack. +100% damage.

Used only as a counterattack.

229 さくらんタッチ Deranged Touch Mad Touch

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

230 くちばし Beak Beak

Causes 'petrified', no damage.

231 ホイール Wheel Wheel

Physical attack. +50% damage.

232 ストーンニードル Stone Needle StoneSpine

Causes 'petrified', no damage.

233 しょくしゅ Tentacle Feeler

Causes 'poison', no damage.

234 ダブルアーム Double Arm Double Arm

Physical attack. +100% damage.

235 はねのこな Wing Powder Down Dust

Causes 'poison', no damage.

236 はばたく Flap Flap

Physical attack. +400% damage.

237 パラレルアウト Parallel Out Parallout

Causes 'transparent', no damage (combat script sets user as target, but Sketch and Control can also invoke it).

238 ストーンタッチ Stone Touch StoneTouch

Causes 'petrified', no damage.

239 ニッケルスパナ Nickel Wrench Ore Wrench

Physical attack. +50% damage.

240 こしをふる Shake Hips WaistShake

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

241 ゾンビスティック Zombie Stick ZombiStick

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

242 みぎアッパー Right Uppercut Uppercut

Physical attack. +400% damage.

243 たいあたり Body Slam Rush

Physical attack. +100% damage.

244 ひっかく Scratch Scratch

Physical attack. +50% damage.

245 えぐる Gouge Gouge

Physical attack. +150% damage.

246 ブレインブラスト Brain Blast BrainBlast

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

247 なぐる Hit Hit

Physical attack. +50% damage.

248 たいあたり Body Slam Rush

Physical attack. +50% damage.

249 どくのキバ Poison Fang PoisonTusk

Causes 'poison', no damage.

250 きょうらんびょう Frenzy Frenzy

Causes 'berserk', no damage.

251 クリティカル Critical Critical

Physical attack. +150% damage.

252 マインドストップ Mind Stop Mind Slap

Causes 'stop', no damage.

253 デストロイド Destroid Destroy

Physical attack. +100% damage.

254 おしつぶす Flatten Crush

Physical attack. +200% damage.

255 ほうちょう Carving Knife Knife

Physical attack. +700% (!) damage.


Monsters 000 ~ 127

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