Track names and attempted translations from...

Chronicles of Estpolis II

These are listed according to their placement on the two-disc OST (which also includes the music from the first game, not listed here). This is not the same as the order that the game stores them in. The game also has several blank tracks that were dummied out after being present in an earlier prototype build.

Sources for track names: Japanese / English

OST Soundtrack Names
disc / track
Japanese Name Attempted Translation
or Transliteration
English Name
1-01 審判の時 Time of Judgment Time of Judgement

This is a fairly general term for "judgment", and can refer to any time someone with some kind of authority makes a determination one way or another. Examples include the rulings of a court of law, the calls an umpire or referee makes, and, yes, the Judgment Day spoken of in certain religions.

1-02 鳴動 Rumbling Rumbling
1-03 旅立ち Setting Off Start of the Journey
1-04 Town Town
1-05 微睡み Dozing Off Light Slumber
1-06 大地 Earth The Earth

Not necessarily the planet Earth, just a vast land or the world in general.

1-07 洞窟 Cave Cave
1-08 バトル#1 Battle #1 Battle #1

The standard battle theme.

1-09 勝利 Victory Triumph
1-10a シナリオアイテム Scenario Item Scenario Item

Used when getting plot-important items, like keys.

1-10b 仲間 Companion Comrade

Used when a character or capsule monster joins.

1-10c スキルアイテム Skill Item Skill Item

Used when getting skill items like the Bomb or Fire Arrows.

1-10d アイテム Item Item

Used when getting normal items out of treasure chests.

All four of these brief fanfares share a single track on the CD.

1-11 安らぎ Serenity Peace of Mind
1-12 Village Village
1-13 バトル#2 Battle #2 Battle #2

The usual boss battle theme.

1-14 予言者 Prophet The Prophet
1-15 Castle Castle
1-16 天下の大盗 Greatest Thieves Under Heaven The Greatest Thieves in the World

The idiom exists in English, too, so why not use it?

1-17 迷宮 Labyrinth Labyrinth

Specifically, the sort found in castle basements and so forth.

1-18 カプセルモンスター Capsule Monster Capsule Monster
1-19 成長! Growth! Growth!

Used when a capsule monster evolves.

1-20 Tower Tower
1-21 旅の扉 Door of Travel Door of Journey

Used in those little shrines that connect various areas.

1-22 神殿 Temple Shrine
1-23 絶望 Despair Despair
1-24 戦慄 Shudder Shudder
1-25 最強の男 Strongest Man The Strongest Man
1-26 別れ Parting Parting
1-27 ウエディング・ベル Wedding Bells Wedding Bells

Plays during the wedding title card.

1-28 式の後 After the Ceremony After the Ceremony

Plays during the post-wedding scene.

1-29 Spring Spring
1-30 Summer Summer
1-31 Autumn Autumn
1-32 Winter Winter
1-33 港町 Port Town Port Town
1-34 万丈の山 Towering Mountain Towering Mountain

This seems to be sort of an idiom. As an interjection, 万丈 (banjou) is something like "hurrah!" or "long life", but its basic meaning involves having great depth or vastness in general. For a mountain, "towering" seems an appropriate equivalent.

1-35 蒼海 Azure Ocean Azure Ocean

Used when sailing a ship.

1-36 夢遊の笛 Sleepwalking Flute Flute of Sleepwalk
1-37 レクサス・シャイア研究所 Lexis Shaia Research Laboratory Lexis Shaia Lab
1-38 大勝負! Casino

comments go here.

1-39a スロット Slot Slot

I'm pretty sure this is used for something involving the pachinko-style slot machine ("Flower Slots"). I never really played it enough to be sure.

1-39b ビッグゲーム Big Game Big Game

Same with this one.

1-39c ヒット! Hit! Hit!

And this one. And all three share a track on the CD.

2-01 千尋の海底 Abyssal Seabed The Abysmal Depths of the Ocean

Used when going underwater in the submarine.

Although "abysmal" can refer to great depths, I'm more used to it meaning "exceptionally awful".

2-02 静寂なる世界 Tranquil World The Quieting World

Used for the undersea town.

2-03 蒼穹の彼方に Beyond the Azure Sky To Those of the Azure Skies

The airship theme!

This English name reeks of translationese and (along with the multiple versions of several track names that I've seen) makes me wonder whether there was ever an official translation of the soundtrack names.

2-04 壷中の天地 Isolated Realm The Lost World

Used for the remote last town.

壷中 (kochuu) literally means "in a jar" and figuratively refers to anything cut off from the outside world.

2-05 封印の望楼 Watchtowers of the Seal Watchtowers of the Seal
2-06 空虚島 Void Island The Island in the Void

Curiously, the game always refers to the island as 虚空島, with the first two kanji in reverse order compared with this track name. Even more curiously, I can't recall this track being used anywhere except the Dragon Egg Shrine. The first game had a track with the same name that was used outside on the surface of the island, which you never visit in this one, so maybe that's why...?

2-07 最終決戦 Final Decisive Battle Final Battle

Temple of Dios theme.

2-08 四神 Four Gods Four Gods
2-09 バトル#3 Battle #3 Battle #3

The battle theme for special bosses, mainly the Four Gods.

2-10 憂い Dismay Shock

...this brief dissonant sound gets its own track on the CD?

2-11 地上を救う者 The Savior of Those on Earth The Savior of Those on Earth

For the very last post-final-battle mission.

2-12 未来へ To the Future To the Future

The ending theme.

2-13 プリフィアの花 〈エストポリス伝記〉 Priphea Flowers <Chronicles of Estpolis> Priphea Flowers

I suppose the part in brackets is to distinguish it from the first game's version?

The rest of disc 2 contains the soundtrack from the first game.

There are also several musical tracks not on the OST. Of these, one omission is particularly perplexing. The music known as "Theme of Daos" that plays on the top floor of the final dungeon, during the lead-in to the final battle, is nowhere to be found!

Each music track also has a brief internal name stored in its header. These are listed below, with explanations and additional information as appropriate.

Internal Soundtrack Names
ID (hex) Internal Name Notes
00 FIELD A self-explanatory name, in correct English, even. This is the world map theme.
01 SHIRO 城 (castle), the castle music.
02 MACHI 街 (town), the town music.
03 MURA 村 (village), the village music.
04 OYASUMI お休み (good night), for when the party sleeps.
05 TOU 塔 (tower), the tower music.
06 OPENING 2 Officially titled "Rumbling", this is the music for the second part of the introduction.
07 DOROBOU 泥棒 (thief/thieves), the theme music of the bungling thieves.
08 DOUKUTHU Nonstandard romanization of 洞窟 (doukutsu, cave). However, this is the music for castle basements and similar areas, officially titled "Labyrinth".
09 CUCHYUTEIEN Appears to be a nonstandard romanization of 空中庭園 (kuchuu teien, aerial garden), which is also the name of an observation deck atop the Umeda Sky Building in Osaka. This track is the music for the towers on the central islands visited late in the game, and given their architecture, the name seems appropriate.
0A DENSETU 伝説 (legend), the music that plays in the Temple of Dios.
0B HANA 花 (flower), the priphea flowers music.
0C DAMY A misspelling of "dummy" for a dummied-out track. The Cutting Room Floor reports that an actual track was present in an early prototype, with the internal name "PANICK". The music fits that name, but resembles nothing in the final game, and it's unclear where it would have been used. Possibly instead of "Despair" for certain scenes that should feel more on-edge than despairing, like when Idura is causing trouble?
0D OPENING.1 Officially titled "Time of Judgment", this is the music for the first part of the introduction.
0E DAMY Another dummied track. This one was called "SORA" (sky) in the prototype, and was a version of the airship theme with an extended introduction.
0F KEKKONSHIKI 結婚式 (wedding ceremony). It's what you'd expect from the name.
10 PARTY Officially titled "After the Ceremony", and used in the scene immediately after the wedding.
11 WAKARE 別れ (parting), just like its official name.
12 UMI 海 (ocean), for sailing the ship.
13 YAMA 山 (mountain), the mountain theme.
14 MUUS ムース (Mousse), otherwise known as Foomy or Jelze. The capsule monster theme.
15 MINATO 港 (harbor), used for port towns.
16 MACHI HAKAI 街破壊 (town destruction), officially named "Despair".
17 DOUKUTHU 1 Nonstandard romanization of 洞窟 (doukutsu, cave) again. This is the one actually used in caves.
18 BATL 1 Standard battle music.
19 BATL 2 Boss battle music.
1A HAKA Could that be 墓 (tomb)? This track is "Four Gods", the ominous music that often plays in the scenes when they appear.
1B BIG BOS Epic boss battle music!
1C LAST BATL This one is better known as "Theme of Daos", and plays in the scene right before the final battle.
1D KACHI 勝ち (victory), for winning a battle.
1E HOKORA ほこら (small shrine), the theme of the various small shrines.
1F KENKYUUZYO 研究所 (research laboratory), used in the Lexis Shaia lab.
20 KAICYU 海中 (underwater); as the name suggests, it's the submarine music.
21 KAICYUCITY "Underwater city".
22 KAZINO "Casino".
23 777 PLAY Officially "Big Game"
24 777 JAC GAME Officially "Hit!"
25 777 START Officially "Slot"
26 GAAAAN Onomatopoeia for shock or disappointment. This is the track (such as it is) that I translated as "Dismay" above.
27 HARU 春 (spring).
28 NATU 夏 (summer).
29 AKI 秋 (autumn).
2A FUYU 冬 (winter).
2B NAME IN In the sense of entering a name, I suppose? This is used at the file select screen.
2C SHINDEN 神殿 (temple), used at the Dragon Egg Shrine.
2D ENDING The ending theme, of course.
2E LOVE An interesting title. This one is officially "Peace of Mind".
2F SHINDEN 神殿 (temple) again. This one is used in temple dungeons, like the one with the Treasure Sword.
30 DAMY Another dummied track. This was "WAKARE2" (parting 2) in prototype, and was a downbeat remix of the world map music. Presumably, it would have been used much like the first game's "Field Motif", which is a downbeat remix of its world map music.
31 DAMY Another dummied track. This was "SERENA" in the prototype, and was a remix of the first game's "The Spoils of War", played during Selan's death scene in its opening. And speaking of the prototype, a compilation of its music is available on YouTube, which is how I know what it sounds like.
32 HIDECKA The world's strongest man, naturally!
33 ITEM GET1 Officially "Scenario Item".
34 ITEM GET2 Officially "Comrade".
35 ITEM GET3 Officially "Skill Item".
36 ITEM GET4 Officially "Item". Also the last track present in the prototype.
37 NAZO NO HITO 謎の人 (mysterious person), the theme of the wandering prophet Iris.
38 KOKUUTOU DAS Not sure about "DAS", but KOKUUTOU is 虚空島 (Void Island). This is the music that plays in the final post-final-battle scene.
39 SORA 空 (sky), the airship theme.
3A BOSKAIWA ボス会話 (boss conversation); appropriate since it's so often used when talking to bosses before fighting them. The track's official name is "Shudder".
3B NAZONOFUE 謎の笛 (mysterious flute).
3C MUUS CYANGE "Mousse change", used when a capsule monster evolves.
3D NALBIK One possible romanization of ナルビク (Narvick). It's used as the name suggests.
3E MUUS 2 "Mousse 2", used when a capsule monster mutates.

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