Monster skills and attempted translations from...

Final Fantasy VI

Enemy skill index

In the same order as the monsters that have them, these are the monster special abilities. Although each monster has a special move, some monsters never use them. In fact, some are completely meaningless, since they aren't usable either by the monster itself or through Sketch, Control, or Rage!

Unless otherwise noted, these cannot be reflected (with 'reflect' status), are unaffected by Magicseal Sword (Celes's skill), work normally on undead targets, are affected by the target's defense, and are blockable (through magic evasion). Enemy specials are simply physical attacks with modifications.

Monster Specials

The special "Hit" shows up repeatedly... it's apparently the default, and was left unchanged in a number of cases.

0 クリティカル Critical Critical

Physical attack. +50% damage.

1 はんげき Counterattack Counter

Physical attack. +50% damage.

2 アックス Axe Axe

Physical attack. +100% damage.

3 かくれみのじゅつ Kakuremi no Jutsu Inviz

Causes 'transparent', no damage (combat script sets user as target).

A ninja invisibility/hiding skill, 隠れ身の術 in kanji. Literally approximates to "the art of concealing the body."

4 しんでもらいます You Shall Die Fatal

Instant death attack, no damage if it fails.

This is one of those cases where a ~てもらう (-te morau) expression doesn't translate well. Literally it's saying something more like, "I'm going to have you do me the favor of dying." While it's not exactly an outright demand, it pretty much just as well might be.

5 ゾンビタッチ Zombie Touch Zombite

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

6 ホイール Wheel Wheel

Physical attack. +50% damage.

7 あいうち Mutual Strike Tradeoff

Instant death attack, no damage if it fails.

あいうち (aiuchi) refers to two opposing combatants each striking the other at the same time. The monster with this skill uses it only as a counterblow when dying.

8 みえないいちげき Unseen Strike Invizap

Physical attack. +100% damage.

9 くろくぬりつぶす Black Out Sightless

Causes 'darkness', no damage.

10 かいてんするかさ Whirling Parasol Umbrawler

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

11 せいけんづき Jab Punch

Physical attack. +50% damage.

正拳突き in kanji. A type of thrusting blow used in karate, etc.

12 ちんもくのゆび Silence Finger Silencer

Causes 'silence', no damage.

13 なぐる Hit Hit

Physical attack. +50% damage.

14 カッパになるゆめ Kappafied Dream Impmare

Causes 'kappa', no damage.

15 さくらんタッチ Deranged Touch Wild Touch

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

16 ふるいほね Old Bone Fossil

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

17 やぶれかぶれ Desperation Grudge

Physical attack. +100% damage.

18 さいごっぺ Stench Near Fatal

Physical attack. +400% damage.

最後っ屁 (saigoppe)—quite literally "final fart"—has two meanings in Japanese. One is the stench a skunk (or weasel, apparently) releases when threatened. The other is a related figurative meaning, and refers to desperate actions taken when cornered.

19 かみつく Bite Bite

Physical attack. +50% damage.

20 くびすじにつめ Claw Neck Scratch

Physical attack. +50% damage.

21 とっしん Charge Redline

Physical attack. +100% damage.

22 たいあたり Body Slam Rush

Physical attack. +200% damage.

23 まえば Incisors Incisor

Physical attack. +50% damage.

24 ネコキック Cat Kick Catscratch

Physical attack. +300% damage.

There are stronger special attacks than this one, but it holds the distinction of having the best damage bonus of any that Gau can use.

25 キバ Fangs Tusk

Physical attack. +50% damage.

26 かみつき Bite Bite

Physical attack. +50% damage.

27 くまのて Bear Paw Bear Claw

Physical attack. +50% damage.

28 とびつく Pounce Pounce

Physical attack. +100% damage.

29 つめ Claw Claw

Physical attack. +50% damage.

30 あくび Yawn Yawn

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

31 じゃれる Roughhouse Frisky

Physical attack. +100% damage.

32 なぐりたおす Smackdown Take Down

Physical attack. +200% damage.

33 ベロベロなめる Slurp T. Lash

Causes 'slip', no damage.

34 ウイング Wing Wing

Causes 'slip', no damage.

35 ボーン Bone Bone

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

36 なぐる Hit Hit

Physical attack. +50% damage.

37 とけこむ Blend In Melt

Causes 'transparent', no damage (combat script sets user as target).

38 ぶんまわす Wild Swing Swing

Physical attack. +500% damage.

39 かみつき Bite Bite

Physical attack. +600% damage.

40 きゅうこうか Swoop Dive

Physical attack. +50% damage.

41 はねのこな Wing Powder Duster

Causes 'poison', no damage.

42 めつぶし Fling Dust Blinder

Causes 'darkness', no damage.

めつぶし (metsubushi) refers to blowing or throwing something into an opponent's eyes to blind, or to whatever is used to blind in such a manner.

43 わしづかみ Grasp Grip

Physical attack. +100% damage.

In the manner of an eagle grabbing something in its talons; the word, 鷲掴み in kanji, literally means "eagle grip".

44 ロック Rock Rock

Causes 'petrification', no damage.

45 プログラム18 Program 18 Program 18

Causes 'reflect', no damage.

46 てつのはり Iron Sting IronNeedle

Physical attack. +50% damage.

47 はおと Buzz Wing Snap

Causes 'berserk', no damage.

48 たいあたり Body Slam Rush

Physical attack. +50% damage.

49 カマ Sickle Sickle

Physical attack. +50% damage.

50 ポイズンタッチ Poison Touch Bane Touch

Causes 'poison', no damage.

51 ポイズンシード Poison Seed Poison Pod

Causes 'poison', no damage.

52 めつぶし Fling Dust Blinder

Causes 'darkness', no damage.

53 エナジードレイン Energy Drain Energy Sap

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

54 どくばり Stinger PoisonBarb

Causes 'poison', no damage.

55 ベアナックル Bare Knuckles Knuckles

Physical attack. +400% damage.

Could also be "Bear Knuckles", since Japanese is phonetic and both "bare" and "bear" seem to fit reasonably well.

56 すみ Ink Ink

Causes 'blindness', no damage.

57 ハサミ Pincers Scissors

Physical attack. +50% damage.

58 まきつきしめる Constrict Garrote

Physical attack. +400% damage.

59 した Tongue Tongue

Causes 'slip', no damage.

60 カッパにらみ Kappa Glare Imp Glare

Causes 'kappa', no damage.

61 なめる Lick Lash

Causes 'silence', no damage.

62 おしつぶす Flatten Crush

Physical attack. +400% damage.

63 シルバーランス Silver Lance SilverPike

Physical attack. +200% damage.

64 カッパにするえき Kappafying Sap Imp Goo

Causes 'poison', no damage.

This really ought to cause 'kappa', going by the name, but it's never used anyway.

65 プログラム55 Program 55 Program 55

Causes 'kappa', no damage.

66 メタルキック Metal Kick Metal Kick

Physical attack. +50% damage.

67 ぎゃくふんしゃ Retrorockets Backlash

Causes 'silence', no damage.

68 ちょうおんぱ Ultrasonic SonicBlast

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

69 メタルアーム Metal Arm Metal Arm

Physical attack. +100% damage.

70 まとわりつく Entwine Cling

Causes 'slow', no damage.

71 スリップリキッド Slip Liquid Slip Gunk

Causes 'slip', no damage.

72 にらみつける Glare Glare

Causes 'darkness', no damage.

73 だきつく Embrace Hug

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

74 うすらわらい Smirk Smirk

Causes 'stop', no damage.

75 ブレインシェイク Brain Shake BrainStorm

Causes 'confusion', no damage.

76 はっきょうのとげ Madness Thorn Mind Sting

Causes 'berserk', no damage.

77 スパナ Wrench Wrench

Physical attack. +50% damage.

The Japanese name for a wrench is derived from "spanner", the standard British term.

78 シックル Sickle Sickle

Physical attack. +50% damage.

79 なぐる Hit Hit

Physical attack. +50% damage.

80 ポイズンキッス Poison Kiss Bane Kiss

Causes 'poison', no damage.

81 ミラーボール Disco Ball Mirror Orb

Physical attack. +200% damage.

82 ふしぎなおどり Mysterious Dance Daze Dance

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

83 ずつき Headbutt Head Butt

Physical attack. +300% damage.

84 ほうちょう Carving Knife Cleaver

Physical attack. +700%(!) damage.

85 なぐる Hit Hit

Physical attack. +50% damage.

86 サイレントタッチ Silent Touch Silencer

Causes 'silence', no damage.

87 へばりつく Cling Gunk

Causes 'poison', no damage.

88 あばれる Rage Riot

Physical attack. +50% damage.

Same name as Gau's command.

89 しびれとげ Numb Spine NumbSpines

Causes 'stop', no damage.

90 じかんよとまれ Halt, O Time Pause

Causes 'stop', no damage.

91 しょくしゅ Tentacle Feeler

Causes 'poison', no damage.

92 しっぽ Tail Tail

Physical attack. +50% damage.

93 しびれさせる Benumb Numb

Causes 'stop', no damage.

94 すいつく Latch On Clamp

Physical attack. +50% damage.

95 すいつく Latch On Clamp

Physical attack. +400% damage.

96 スリップタッチ Slip Touch Slip Touch

Causes 'slip', no damage.

97 よだれ Drool Drool

Causes 'slip', no damage.

98 しょうかえき Digestive Juices Heart Burn

Causes 'slip', no damage.

99 ねむくなれ Get Sleepy Slumber

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

The verb is in command form.

100 とつげき Charge Charge

Physical attack. +100% damage.

101 ふりあげる Overhead Swing Swing

Physical attack. +100% damage.

102 バイオアッタク Bio Attack Bio Attack

Causes 'slip', no damage.

103 ディスアピア Disappear Disappear

Causes 'transparent', no damage (combat script sets user as target, but Sketch and Control can also invoke it).

104 ゾンビタッチ Zombie Touch Zombite

Causes 'zombie', no damage.

105 マジックドレイン Magic Drain MagicDrain

Physical attack, drains MP.

106 ブラインドタッチ Blind Touch Sightless

Causes 'darkness', no damage.

107 かさ Parasol Parasol

Physical attack. +100% damage.

108 ひざげり Knee Knee Kick

Physical attack. +100% damage.

109 ためなぐり Charged Strike Zap

Physical attack. +300% damage.

Name related to the Monk skill common in other Final Fantasy games that involves gathering energy for a turn to hit harder the next.

110 スリップタッチ Slip Touch Slip Touch

Causes 'slip', no damage.

111 ふしぎなおどり Mysterious Dance Daze Dance

Drains HP.

112 ろっこつ Rib Rib

Physical attack. +100% damage.

113 かみつき Bite Bite

Physical attack. +50% damage.

114 しっぽ Tail Tail

Physical attack. +50% damage.

115 まえば Incisors Incisor

Physical attack. +50% damage.

116 くびしめ Strangle Choke

Physical attack. +50% damage.

117 ポイズンアタック Poison Attack BaneStrike

Causes 'poison', no damage.

118 まえば Incisors Incisor

Physical attack. +50% damage.

119 とびつく Pounce Pounce

Physical attack. +50% damage.

120 きょうけんびょう Rabies Rabies

Causes 'poison', no damage.

121 かみつく Bite Bite

Physical attack. +50% damage.

122 キバでつきあげる Tusk Heave Gore

Physical attack. +100% damage.

123 タックル Tackle Tackle

Physical attack. +50% damage.

124 こうら Carapace Carapace

Physical attack. +50% damage.

125 あくび Yawn Yawn

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

126 あれくるう Wild Fury Rage

Physical attack. +100% damage.

Not the same name as Gau's command.

127 すいみんガス Sleeping Gas Hypno Gas

Causes 'sleep', no damage.

すいみん (睡眠, suimin) is sleep. いみん (催眠, saimin) is hypnosis, or more accurately any artificial sleeplike state (sleeping pills are 催眠薬, for instance).


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