Powerful yet sad. The booklet lyrics don't match up with the way the song is actually sung, in particular omitting the repeated lines entirely the second time around, so I've done some rearranging to make sure it reflects the song correctly.

Vocals / Hymmnos / Chorus:
Composition / Arrangement:
Electric and Acoustic Guitar:
ワタヌキ ヨシアキ
Akiko Shikata
Tomoko Shimoda / Akira Tsuchiya
Akiko Shikata
Seiko Oonuki
Yoshiaki Watanuki
Japanese Hymmnos Translation
Intro, ~29 seconds
尊い貴方を守護る為 クロニクルキーを奏でよう
この身の犠牲と引き換えに 今 この詩を捧げよう
Wee ki ra chs Chronicle Key en grandee sos dius yor.
Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mea iem.
To protect you who are revered, I shall sing Chronicle Key.
Now shall I sing this song, myself a sacrifice in exchange.
(add chorus, intensity jumps)
何故 力は 無欲な人に宿るのだろう
何故 力は 諍い望まぬ優しい人を苛むのだろう
Was au ga whai pauwel ferda enter whou na needle sor,
en whai pauwel gaunji yasra whou na senjue sor tou zuieg.
Why does power dwell in those who do not desire it?
Why does power torment the gentle who seek no conflict?
神の子よ 力の子よ
もし貴方が争いを厭い 永久の安寧を求めるのなら
力と そして肉体を 共に眠りへ就かせなさい
Was au ga, Diasee, Pauwee,
aiph yos dealij zuieg, en needle eterne falfa,
slepir tes pauwel an hyzik,
O child of the Goddess, O child of power,
If you are weary of strife, if you seek eternal peace,
Then let both power and body together settle into slumber,
(chorus drops out, ethereal tone)
己が力が禍となり 貴方の身さえも蝕む前に fatere tes pauwel chs deleir, en ousye yor. Ere your power turns disastrous and consumes even yourself.
Interlude with "ah"s, ~20 seconds
(more confident solo part with ethereal backup)
Wee ki ra selena anw yasra wiene,
en chs Chronicle Key sos yor.
I shall sing a kindly tone,
A lullaby for you.
この身の呪縛と引き換えに 今 この詩を捧げよう Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mea iem. Now shall I sing this song, myself spellbound in exchange.
何故 力は 無欲な人に宿るのだろう
何故 力は 諍い望まぬ優しい人を苛むのだろう
Was au ga whai pauwel ferda enter whou na needle sor,
en whai pauwel gaunji yasra whou na senjue sor tou zuieg.
Why does power dwell in those who do not desire it?
Why does power torment the gentle who seek no conflict?
神の子よ 力の子よ
もし貴方が争いを厭い 永久の安寧を求めるのなら
力と そして肉体を 共に眠りへ就かせなさい
Was au ga, Diasee, Pauwee,
aiph yos dealij zuieg, en needle eterne falfa,
slepir tes pauwel an hyzik,
O child of the Goddess, O child of power,
If you are weary of strife, if you seek eternal peace,
Then let both power and body together settle into slumber,
貴方の心を守護る為 永い眠りを与えよう
暗く翳した魂を 救済へと誘おう
祈りの言霊 貴方へと紡ぐ 深い嘆きを解き放て
Was ki ra grandi en eterne slepial,
presia aterra cremia sos viuy lonfa,
yehar lamenza der soare mea.
I shall grant you lasting slumber to protect your heart.
Let me beckon your darkened soul unto salvation,
Weaving prayful words of power unto you to free your deep grief.
Closing with hushed voices likely echoing earlier lines, ~24 seconds

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The Hymmnos

Keep in mind that I'm working from a Japanese description of how the language works and Japanese descriptions of the terms. Translations of translations always tend to suffer somewhat in quality...

Refer to my brief Hymmnos reference for general information on how the language works.

If you have the Hymmnos font installed, the headings below should appear in the Hymmnos script as seen in the game. Hey, why not? The font is freely available from the Hymmno Server, where most of my information on Hymmnos comes from. The site is mostly in Japanese, but the download link itself is in English. If you don't have the font, the headings will simply appear as large Latin text.

Wee ki ra chs Chronicle Key en grandee sos dius yor.

Hymmnos line: Wee ki ra chs Chronicle Key en grandee sos dius yor.

Glossed as: 尊い貴方を守護る為 クロニクルキーを奏でよう

Which means: To protect you who are revered, I shall sing Chronicle Key.

Kana reading: ウィ キ ラ チス クロニクル キー エン グランディエー ソス ディウス ヨア

Romanized: wi ki ra chisu kuronikuru kii en gurandiee sosu diusu yoa

Vocaulary summary: Wee = quite / ki = serious, focused / ra = want to be like this
chs = become / en = and (then), because of / grandee = protector / sos = in order that, for the sake of / dius = divine, exalted / yor = you (object)

Literal translation attempt: I am focused on becoming Chronicle Key and a guardian for you who are revered.

Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mea iem.

Hymmnos line: Wee ki ra araus tes soare an giue mea iem.

Glossed as: この身の犠牲と引き換えに 今 この詩を捧げよう

Which means: Now shall I sing this song, myself a sacrifice in exchange.

Kana reading: ウィ キ ラ [araus] テス [soare] アン [giue] ミーァ イェム

Romanized: wi ki ra [araus] tesu [soare] an [giue] mii[a] yemu

Vocaulary summary: Wee = quite / ki = serious, focused / ra = want to be like this
araus = {araus} / tes = (indicates destination) / soare = {soare} / an = along with, together with / giue = {giue} / mea = me / iem = now

This song has a disturbing number of lines that have as many unknown words as known ones, and this is one of them. "soare" appears to mean "prayer" based on the final line, and "araus" seems to be the verb, so it's probably "offer in exchange" or something similar. I'd guess "guie" has to do with sacrificing.

Literal translation attempt: (skipped)

Was au ga whai pauwel ferda enter whou na needle sor,

Hymmnos line: Was au ga whai pauwel ferda enter whou na needle sor,

Glossed as: 何故 力は 無欲な人に宿るのだろう

Which means: Why does power dwell in those who do not desire it?

Kana reading: ワス アウ ガ ファイ パゥウェル フェルダ エンテル フォウ ナ ニドゥル ソァ

Romanized: was au ga fai pauweru feruda enteru fou na nidoru so[a]

Vocaulary summary: Was = very intensely / au = sad / ga = want to escape quickly
whai = why / pauwel = power / ferda = lodge, dwell / enter = enter / whou = (one) who (does/is) / na = not / nedle = consider necessary / sor = that, it

"needle" is either a typo or variant of "nedle". It also appears that "enter" is being used to mean "in".

Literal translation attempt: Why does power dwell in those who have no need of it? I'm very saddened by this.

en whai pauwel gaunji yasra whou na senjue sor tou zuieg.

Hymmnos line: en whai pauwel gaunji yasra whou na senjue sor tou zuieg.

Glossed as: 何故 力は 諍い望まぬ優しい人を苛むのだろう

Which means: Why does power torment the gentle who seek no conflict?

Kana reading: エン ファイ パゥウェル [gaunji] ヤスラ フォウ ナ チェンジュエ ソァ トゥ ズウィーグ

Romanized: en fai pauweru [gaunji] yasura fou na chenjue so[a] tu zuwiigu

Vocaulary summary: en = and (then), because of / whai = why / pauwel = power / gaunji = {gaunji} / yasra = kind, gentle, calm / whou = (one) who (does/is) / na = not / cenjue = change / sor = that, it / tou = to / zuieg = power, authority

"gaunji" appears to mean "torment", which seems especially likely given its moderate resemblance to known words "gatynuy" (curse) and "gauzewiga" (despair). "senjue" appears to be a typo or variant of "cenjue". "zuieg" refers to (political, etc.) power or authority, but Chronicle Key seems to use in more in the sense of a power struggle.

Literal translation attempt: And why does power torment the gentle who would not turn it into a struggle for dominance?

Was au ga, Diasee, Pauwee,

Hymmnos line: Was au ga, Diasee, Pauwee,

Glossed as: 神の子よ 力の子よ

Which means: O child of the Goddess, O child of power,

Kana reading: ワス アウ ガ ディアズィエー パゥウェー

Romanized: was au ga diaziee pauwee

Vocaulary summary: Was = very intensely / au = sad / ga = want to escape quickly
diasee = child of god / pausee = child of power

Literal translation attempt: It's so depressing, child of the Goddess, child of power.

aiph yos dealij zuieg, en needle eterne falfa,

Hymmnos line: aiph yos dealij zuieg, en needle eterne falfa,

Glossed as: もし貴方が争いを厭い 永久の安寧を求めるのなら

Which means: If you are weary of strife, if you seek eternal peace,

Kana reading: アィフ ヨス ドゥエリッジ ズウィーグ エン ニドゥル エテールネ [falfa]

Romanized: a[i]fu yosu duerijji zuwiigu en niduru eteerune [falfa]

Vocaulary summary: aiph = if / yos = your / delij = dislike, shun / zuieg = power, authority / en = and (then), because of / nedle = consider necessary / eterne = eternity / falfa = {falfa}

"falfa" would have to be "peace". 安寧 is specifically social stability, or what you might call domestic tranquility. "yos" can apparently function as a simple subject in addition to being a posessive.

Literal translation attempt: If you shun power struggles and find lasting stability necessary,

slepir tes pauwel an hyzik,

Hymmnos line: slepir tes pauwel an hyzik,

Glossed as: 力と そして肉体を 共に眠りへ就かせなさい

Which means: Then let both power and body together settle into slumber,

Kana reading: スレピア テス パゥウェル アン フィジク

Romanized: surepia tesu pauweru an fijiku

Vocaulary summary: slepir = put to sleep, suspend (activity) / tes = (indicates destination) / pauwel = power / an = along with, together with / hyzik = physical body

Literal translation attempt: Put your power to sleep, along with your body,

fatere tes pauwel chs deleir, en ousye yor.

Hymmnos line: fatere tes pauwel chs deleir, en ousye yor.

Glossed as: 己が力が禍となり 貴方の身さえも蝕む前に

Which means: Ere your power turns disastrous and consumes even yourself.

Kana reading: ファーテレ テス パゥウェル チス デレイア エン オウシェ ヨア

Romanized: faatere tesu pauweru chisu dereia en oushe yoa

Vocaulary summary: fatere = otherwise / tes = (indicates destination) / pauwel = power / chs = become / deleir = calamity / en = and (then), because of / ousye = attack, fall upon / yor = you (object)

Literal translation attempt: Lest your power cause catastrophe and turn on you.

Wee ki ra selena anw yasra wiene,

Hymmnos line: Wee ki ra selena anw yasra wiene,

Glossed as: 優しい音色を奏でよう

Which means: I shall sing a kindly tone,

Kana reading: ウィ キ ラ セレナ アンワ ヤスラ [wiene]

Romanized: wi ki ra serena anwa yasura [wiene]

Vocaulary summary: Wee = quite / ki = serious, focused / ra = want to be like this
selena = play (music) / anw = (direct object marker) / yasra = kind, gentle, calm / wiene = {wiene}

"weine" seems to refer to the tone of a sound.

Literal translation attempt: I am focused on singing a kindly tone,

en chs Chronicle Key sos yor.

Hymmnos line: en chs Chronicle Key sos yor.

Glossed as: 貴方の為の子守唄

Which means: A lullaby for you.

Kana reading: エン チス クロニクルキー ソス ヨア

Romanized: en chisu kuronikuru kii sosu yoa

Vocaulary summary: en = and (then), because of / chs = become / sos = in order that, for the sake of / yor = you (object)

Literal translation attempt: And becoming Chronicle Key for you.

Grandi en eterne slepial,

Hymmnos line: Grandi en eterne slepial,

Glossed as: 貴方の心を守護る為 永い眠りを与えよう

Which means: I shall grant you lasting slumber to protect your heart.

Kana reading: [grandi] エン エテールネ [slepial]

Romanized: [grandi] en eteerune [slepial]

Vocaulary summary: grandi = {grandi} / en = and (then), because of / eterne = eternity / slepial = {slepial}

"grandi" is presumably closely related to "grandee" (protector) and "grandus" (to protect), possibly a noun form. Similarly, "slepial" seems to be related to "slep" (to sleep) and "slepir" (to put to sleep).

Literal translation attempt: Protection and eternal sleep,

presia aterra cremia sos viuy lonfa,

Hymmnos line: presia aterra cremia sos viuy lonfa,

Glossed as: 暗く翳した魂を 救済へと誘おう

Which means: Let me beckon your darkened soul unto salvation,

Kana reading: プレシア [aterra] [cremia] ソス [viuy] [lonfa]

Romanized: pureshia [aterra] [cremia] sosu [viuy] [lonfa]

Vocaulary summary: presia = may ~ come to pass, please / aterra = {aterra} / cremia = {cremia} / sos = in order that, for the sake of / viuy = {viuy} / lonfa = {lonfa}

This is another line with far too many unknowns. Possibly "aterra cremia" is about finding salvation and "viuy lonfa" is about a darkened soul.

Literal translation attempt: (skipped)

yehar lamenza der soare mea.

Hymmnos line: yehar lamenza der soare mea.

Glossed as: 祈りの言霊 貴方へと紡ぐ 深い嘆きを解き放て

Which means: Weaving prayful words of power unto you to free your deep grief.

Kana reading: イェハール ラメンツァー デァ [soare] ミーァ

Romanized: yehaaru ramentsaa de[a] [soare] mii[a]

Vocaulary summary: yehar = release, unleash / lamenza = grief / der = by, via / soare = {soare} / mea = me

As noted above where it first appears, "soare" seems to mean "prayer".

Literal translation attempt: Your grief will be freed by my prayer.


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