An interesting classical music sort of feel, starting with a very peaceful introduction before transitioning into something with more of a punch. In a divergence from the usual way of things, the Japanese rendition of the Hymmnos lines is written in classical (archaic) Japanese—typically even the songs with classical Japanese in the lyrics use modern Japanese to translate the Hymmnos lyrics.

Vocals / Hymmnos / Choir:
Composition / Arrangement:
Akiko Shikata
Akiko Shikata / Akira Tsuchiya
Akiko Shikata
Japanese Hymmnos Translation
小鳥は 啼く 世界を想い
小鳥は 謳う 人々と想い
Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.
Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.
Little birds chirp with thoughts of the world.
Little birds sing with thoughts of its people.
小鳥は 啼く 世界を想い
小鳥は 謳う 人々と想い
Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.
Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.
Little birds chirp with thoughts of the world.
Little birds sing with thoughts of its people.
掛け替えの無い世界 貴き生命達
慈しみの光 溢れる日を 願い
Ridalnae sol ciel yanyaue manaf.
Presia yasra lusye enclone anw omnis.
The world is irreplaceable, and its lives precious.
Wishing for days overflowing with loving light,
(A and B parts sung simultaneously)
(A) 小鳥は 奏でる“冀望の詩”を
(B) “冀望の詩”紡いたレーヴァテイル ミュールよ
(A) Faura selena anw Metafalica.
(B) Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,
(A) Little birds perform a Song of Hope.
(B) O Mir, Reyvateil who crafted the Song of Hope,
(A) 小鳥は 奏でる“冀望の詩”を
(B) “冀望の詩”紡いたレーヴァテイル ミュールよ
(A) Faura selena anw Metafalica.
(B) Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,
(A) Little birds perform a Song of Hope.
(B) O Mir, Reyvateil who crafted the Song of Hope,
(add deep organ)
願わくは 此の詩を 御身の耳に受け留めて
願わくは 此の詩を 御身の心に受け留めて
presia kiafa sarla mea.
Presia firle sarla mea.
I pray that you accept this song with your ears.
I pray that you accept this song with your heart.
(intensity spikes)
喩え 数多の刃に うたれる時も
数多の恐怖に 慄く時も
数多の苦難に 喘ぐ時も
数多の禍に 追われる時も
数多の嘆きが 絶望へと歪む時も
決して 途絶えぬ詩を 御身へと捧げん
Van fandel viega heighte mea,
van fandel wis lurrea,
van fandel crudea ousye,
van fandel deleir ousye,
van fandel gauzewiga der lamenza,
was ki ra tasyue eterne sarla yor.
Even when I may be struck by many blades,
Or when I may shudder at many terrors,
Or when I may groan with many hardships,
Or when I may be pursued by many calamities,
Or when many griefs may bend me to despair,
The song I present unto you will surely never cease.
今が 贖罪の刻
憎悪の連鎖 嘆きの歴史を 今 断たん
Alroetsue kierre iem,
fandel zadius, hierle melifan, iem endia.
Now is the time of atonement,
Sever now your chains of hatred, your history of misery.
“冀望の詩”紡いだ レーヴァテイル ミュールよ
願わくは 此の詩を 其の耳に留め
願わくは 御身を誡める 憎しみの炎より 解き放たれ
願わくは 御身を誡める 憎しみの炎より 解き放たれ
願わくは 其の心に“冀望の詩”蘇らんことを
Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,
presia kiafa sarla mea.
Presia yehar zadius rum ferda yor der sarla mea.
Presia yehar zadius rum ferda yor der sarla mea.
Presia metafalica rifaien tou yor sphilar.
O Mir, Reyvateil who crafted the Song of Hope,
I pray that you let this song into your ears.
I pray that you will be freed of the flames of hatred binding you.
I pray that you will be freed of the flames of hatred binding you.
I pray that the Song of Hope will be reborn in your heart.
(with an ethereal quality)
小鳥は 啼く 世界を想い
小鳥は 謳う 人々と想い
Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.
Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.
Little birds chirp with thoughts of the world.
Little birds sing with thoughts of its people.
(with building intensity)
“冀望の詩”紡いだ レーヴァテイル ミュールよ
願わくは 此の詩を 御身の耳に受け留めて
願わくは 此の詩を 御身の心に受け留めて
願わくは 此の詩を 御身の耳に受け留めて
願わくは 此の詩を 御身の心に受け留めて
お願い! (<-- presumably)
Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,
presia kiafa sarla mea.
Presia firle sarla mea.
Presia kiafa sarla mea.
Presia firle sarla mea.
O Mir, Reyvateil who crafted the Song of Hope,
I pray that you accept this song with your ears.
I pray that you accept this song with your heart.
I pray that you accept this song with your ears.
I pray that you accept this song with your heart.
(back to full intensity)
“冀望の詩”紡いだ レーヴァテイル ミュールよ
願わくは 此の詩を 其の耳に留め
願わくは 御身を誡める 憎しみの炎より 解き放たれ
願わくは 御身を誡める 憎しみの炎より 解き放たれ
願わくは 其の心に“冀望の詩”蘇らんことを
Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,
presia kiafa sarla mea.
Presia yehar zadius rum ferda yor der sarla mea.
Presia yehar zadius rum ferda yor der sarla mea.
Presia metafalica rifaien tou yor sphilar.
O Mir, Reyvateil who crafted the Song of Hope,
I pray that you let this song into your ears.
I pray that you will be freed of the flames of hatred binding you.
I pray that you will be freed of the flames of hatred binding you.
I pray that the Song of Hope will be reborn in your heart.
(the intensity temporarily backs off at this point)
小鳥は 啼く 世界を想い
小鳥は 謳う 人々と想い
小鳥は 啼く 母の胸に抱かれ
小鳥は 謳う 父を想い
Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.
Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.
Faura yerwe wis enclone tou marta.
Faura sonwe murfan anw fatele.
Little birds chirp with thoughts of the world.
Little birds sing with thoughts of its people.
Little birds chirp, held to their mothers' breasts.
Little birds sing with thoughts of their fathers.
掛け替えの無い絆 信じ愛し合える生命達
歓びの声 充ちる大地を 願い
小鳥は 奏でる“冀望の詩”を
小鳥は 奏でる“冀望の詩”を
Ridalnae ture inferiare manaf.
Presia briyante enclone anw sol ciel.
Faura selena anw Metafalica.
Faura selena anw Metafalica.
Our bonds are irreplaceable,
 and we lives can believe in and love one another.
Wishing for a land filled with joyous voices,
Little birds perform a Song of Hope.
Little birds perform a Song of Hope.
(with echo)
“冀望の詩”紡いだ レーヴァテイル ミュールよ
願わくは 此の詩を 其の耳に留め
Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,
presia kiafa sarla mea.
O Mir, Reyvateil who crafted the Song of Hope,
I pray that you let this song into your ears.
(conclude with ethereal singing I can't quite make out but that most likely comes from lines used elsewhere in the song)

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The Hymmnos

Keep in mind that I'm working from a Japanese description of how the language works and Japanese descriptions of the terms. Translations of translations always tend to suffer somewhat in quality...

Refer to my brief Hymmnos reference for general information on how the language works.

If you have the Hymmnos font installed, the headings below should appear in the Hymmnos script as seen in the game. Hey, why not? The font is freely available from the Hymmno Server, where most of my information on Hymmnos comes from. The site is mostly in Japanese, but the download link itself is in English. If you don't have the font, the headings will simply appear as large Latin text.

Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.

Hymmnos line: Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.

Glossed as: 小鳥は 啼く 世界を想い

Which means: Little birds chirp with thoughts of the world.

Kana reading: ファウラ イェーウェ ムルファン アンワ ソル シェール

Romanized: faura yeewe murufan anwa soru sheeru

Vocaulary summary: faura = little bird / yerwe = cry, sing/bark/etc. / murfan = think, feel / anw = (direct object marker) / sol = brilliantly blaze (sunlight) / ciel = sky, (loose usage) world

"Sol Ciel" is also the name of the region around the tower of Ar tonelico where the game takes place.

Literal translation attempt: Little birds chirp, thinking of the brilliant world.

Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.

Hymmnos line: Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.

Glossed as: 小鳥は 謳う 人々と想い

Which means: Little birds sing with thoughts of its people.

Kana reading: ファウラ ソンウェ ムルファン アンワ ソル シェール ィエエ

Romanized: faura sonwe murufan anwa soru sheeru (i)ee

Vocaulary summary: faura = little bird / sonwe = sing / murfan = think, feel / anw = (direct object marker) / sol = brilliantly blaze (sunlight) / ciel = sky, (loose usage) world / ee = great, exalted

There's really nothing in the Hymmnos that suggests "people" in any way.

Literal translation attempt: Little birds chirp, thinking of the brilliant world and its glory.

Ridalnae sol ciel yanyaue manaf.

Hymmnos line: Ridalnae sol ciel yanyaue manaf.

Glossed as: 掛け替えの無い世界 貴き生命達

Which means: The world is irreplaceable, and its lives precious.

Kana reading: リダルナーエ ソル シェール ヤンヤゥエ マナフ

Romanized: ridarunaae soru sheeru yanya(u)e manafu

Vocaulary summary: ridalnae = irreplaceable / sol = brilliantly blaze (sunlight) / ciel = sky, (loose usage) world / yanyaue = precious / manaf = life

Literal translation attempt: Irreplaceable brilliant world, precious lives.

Presia yasra lusye enclone anw omnis.

Hymmnos line: Presia yasra lusye enclone anw omnis.

Glossed as: 慈しみの光 溢れる日を 願い

Which means: Wishing for days overflowing with loving light,

Kana reading: プレシア ヤスラ ルーシェ エンクロゥネ アンワ オムニス

Romanized: pureshia yasura ruushe enkuro(u)ne anwa omunisu

Vocaulary summary: presia = may ~ come to pass, please / yasra = kind, gentle, calm / lusye = light / enclone = engulf / anw = (direct object marker) / omnis = everything

Literal translation attempt: May a kind light envelop everything.

Faura selena anw Metafalica.

Hymmnos line: Faura selena anw Metafalica.

Glossed as: 小鳥は 奏でる“冀望の詩”を

Which means: Little birds perform a Song of Hope.

Kana reading: ファウラ セレナ アンワ メタファリカ

Romanized: faura serena anwa metafarika

Vocaulary summary: faura = little bird / selena = play (music) / anw = (direct object marker)

If you're at all familiar with Ar tonelico II, you're probably wondering what "Metafalica" is doing here. The short answer is that it's apparently a Hymmnos word meaning "song of hope" in addition to being the name of a specific song. It also seems that Mir had heard of the Metafalica Project and was intrigued by it.

Literal translation attempt: Little birds perform a Song of Hope.

Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,

Hymmnos line: Was ki ra revatail whou Metafalica crushue, mule,

Glossed as: “冀望の詩”紡いたレーヴァテイル ミュールよ

Which means: O Mir, Reyvateil who crafted the Song of Hope,

Kana reading: ワス キ ラ レーヴァテイル フォウ メタファリカ クルシューエ ミュール

Romanized: was ki ra reevateiru fou metafarika kurushuue myuuru

Vocaulary summary: Was = very intensely / ki = serious, focused / ra = want to be like this
revatail = Reyvateil / whou = (one) who (does/is) / crushue = craft (Song Magic)

"Mule" is, as anyone who's looked into this should know, the proper name of the Reyvateil who became "Mir" in the English release. While I can understand why they would object to that as a name, it's actually quite appropriate for several reasons. A cosmetic spelling change (perhaps to "Myul") would, in my opinion, have been preferable to losing the connotations of stubbornness and being burdened, but we're stuck with "Mir" whether we like it or not.

Also note that although the given pronunciation for "whou" sounds like English "foe", Akiko Shikata pronounces it much more like English "who". While technically incorrect according to the Hymmnos dictionary, this really makes more sense given that the Hymmnos word is almost certainly derived from the English word.

Literal translation attempt: I address you in all seriousness, Mir, Reyvateil who crafted this Song of Hope.

presia kiafa sarla mea.

Hymmnos line: presia kiafa sarla mea.

Glossed as: 願わくは 此の詩を 御身の耳に受け留めて AND  願わくは 此の詩を 其の耳に留め

Which means: I pray that you accept this song with your ears. AND  I pray that you let this song into your ears.

Kana reading: プレシア キアファ サルラ ミーァ

Romanized: pureshia kiafa sarura mii(a)

Vocaulary summary: presia = may ~ come to pass, please / kiafa = listen, ask, hear / sarla = song / mea = me

Literal translation attempt: Please hear my song.

Presia firle sarla mea.

Hymmnos line: Presia firle sarla mea.

Glossed as: 願わくは 此の詩を 御身の心に受け留めて

Which means: I pray that you accept this song with your heart.

Kana reading: プレシア フィルレ サルラ ミーァ

Romanized: pureshia firure sarura mii(a)

Vocaulary summary: presia = may ~ come to pass, please / firle = feel / sarla = song / mea = me

Literal translation attempt: Please feel my song.

Van fandel viega heighte mea,

Hymmnos line: Van fandel viega heighte mea,

Glossed as: 喩え 数多の刃に うたれる時も

Which means: Even when I may be struck by many blades,

Kana reading: ヴァン ファンデル ヴィエーガ ヘイテ ミーァ

Romanized: van fanderu vieega heite mii(a)

Vocaulary summary: van = even if, even though / fandel = numerous, much / viega = blade, sword / heighte = harm / mea = me

Literal translation attempt: Even if many blades harm me,

van fandel wis lurrea,

Hymmnos line: van fandel wis lurrea,

Glossed as: 数多の恐怖に 慄く時も

Which means: Or when I may shudder at many terrors,

Kana reading: ヴァン ファンデル ヴィス ルーッレア

Romanized: van fanderu vis ruurrea

Vocaulary summary: van = even if, even though / fandel = numerous, much / wis = is / lurrea = shudder (in fear)

Literal translation attempt: Even if my fears are many,

van fandel crudea ousye,

Hymmnos line: van fandel crudea ousye,

Glossed as: 数多の苦難に 喘ぐ時も

Which means: Or when I may groan with many hardships,

Kana reading: ヴァン ファンデル クルーデア オウシェ

Romanized: van fanderu kuruudeia oushe

Vocaulary summary: van = even if, even though / fandel = numerous, much / crudea = suffering / ousye = attack, fall upon

Literal translation attempt: Even if many sufferings assail me,

van fandel deleir ousye,

Hymmnos line: van fandel deleir ousye,

Glossed as: 数多の禍に 追われる時も

Which means: Or when I may be pursued by many calamities,

Kana reading: ヴァン ファンデル デレイア オウシェ

Romanized: van fanderu dereia oushe

Vocaulary summary: van = even if, even though / fandel = numerous, much / deleir = calamity / ousye = attack, fall upon

Literal translation attempt: Even if many calamities attack me,

van fandel gauzewiga der lamenza,

Hymmnos line: van fandel gauzewiga der lamenza,

Glossed as: 数多の嘆きが 絶望へと歪む時も

Which means: Or when many griefs may bend me to despair,

Kana reading: ヴァン ファンデル ガゥンゼーヴィーガ デァ ラメンツァー

Romanized: van fanderu ga(u)nzeeviiga de(a) ramentsaa

Vocaulary summary: van = even if, even though / fandel = numerous, much / gauzewiga = despair / der = by, via / lamenza = grief

Literal translation attempt: Even if I despair from many griefs,

was ki ra tasyue eterne sarla yor.

Hymmnos line: was ki ra tasyue eterne sarla yor.

Glossed as: 決して 途絶えぬ詩を 御身へと捧げん

Which means: The song I present unto you will surely never cease.

Kana reading: ワス キ ラ ターシュエ エテールネ サルラ ヨア

Romanized: wasu ki ra taashue eteerune sarura yoa

Vocaulary summary: Was = very intensely / ki = serious, focused / ra = want to be like this
tasyue = offer, consecrate / eterne = eternity / sarla = song / yor = you (object)

I've heard it said that this song has some disturbing parts to it. That would have to be referring the section ending with this line. I'll agree that it's disturbing superficially, but if that's all you see here, you're missing the point. This is about sheer unstoppable determination. "I'm going to keep singing no matter what you throw at me," Misha says. "Do your worst. I'm not going anywhere until you stop being so thickheaded and listen!"

Literal translation attempt: I will still remain ever focused on offering this song to you.

Alroetsue kierre iem,

Hymmnos line: Alroetsue kierre iem,

Glossed as: 今が 贖罪の刻

Which means: Now is the time of atonement,

Kana reading: アゥロエットューエ キェーッレ イェム

Romanized: a(u)roettyuue kyeerre yemu

Vocaulary summary: alroetsue = redeeming / kierre = moment / iem = now

Literal translation attempt: Now is the time for redemption.

fandel zadius, hierle melifan, iem endia.

Hymmnos line: fandel zadius, hierle melifan, iem endia.

Glossed as: 憎悪の連鎖 嘆きの歴史を 今 断たん

Which means: Sever now your chains of hatred, your history of misery.

Kana reading: ファンデル ザディウス ヘィアルレー メリファン イェム エンディア

Romanized: fanderu zadiusu he(i)aruree merifan yemu endia

Vocaulary summary: fandel = numerous, much / zadius = hatred / hierle = sad, sorrowful / melifan = history / iem = now / endia = bring to an end

Literal translation attempt: All your hatred and your history of sorrow come to an end now.

Presia yehar zadius rum ferda yor der sarla mea.

Hymmnos line: Presia yehar zadius rum ferda yor der sarla mea.

Glossed as: 願わくは 御身を誡める 憎しみの炎より 解き放たれ

Which means: I pray that you will be freed of the flames of hatred binding you.

Kana reading: プレシア イェハール ザディウス [rum] フェルダ ヨア デァ サルラ ミーァ

Romanized: pureshia yehaaru zadiusu [rum] feruda yoa di(a) sarura mii(a)

Vocaulary summary: presia = may ~ come to pass, please / yehar = release, unleash / zadius = hatred / rum = {rum} / ferda = lodge, dwell / yor = you (object) / der = by, via / sarla = song / mea = me

"rum" may mean "flames" or may be something more poetic.

Literal translation attempt: May you be freed by my song of the (flames?) of hatred that dwell within you.

Presia metafalica rifaien tou yor sphilar.

Hymmnos line: Presia metafalica rifaien tou yor sphilar.

Glossed as: 願わくは 其の心に“冀望の詩”蘇らんことを

Which means: I pray that the Song of Hope will be reborn in your heart.

Kana reading: プレシア メタファリカ リーファイエン トゥ ヨア スフィーラ

Romanized: pureshia metafarika riifaien tu yoa sufiira

Vocaulary summary: presia = may ~ come to pass, please / rifaien = be revived / tou = to, in, at / yor = you (object) / sphilar = mind, heart

Literal translation attempt: May the Song of Hope be reborn in your heart.

Faura yerwe wis enclone tou marta.

Hymmnos line: Faura yerwe wis enclone tou marta.

Glossed as: 小鳥は 啼く 母の胸に抱かれ

Which means: Little birds chirp, held to their mothers' breasts.

Kana reading: ファウラ イェーウェ ヴィス エンクロゥネ トゥ マルタ

Romanized: faura yeewe visu enkuru(u)ne tu maruta

Vocaulary summary: faura = little bird / yerwe = cry, sing/bark/etc. / wis = is / enclone = engulf / tou = to, in, at / marta = mother

Literal translation attempt: Little birds chirp, embraced by their mothers.

Faura sonwe murfan anw fatele.

Hymmnos line: Faura sonwe murfan anw fatele.

Glossed as: 小鳥は 謳う 父を想い

Which means: Little birds sing with thoughts of their fathers.

Kana reading: ファウラ ソンウェ ムルファン アンワ ファテレー

Romanized: faura sonwe murufan anwa fateree

Vocaulary summary: faura = little bird / sonwe = sing / murfan = think, feel / anw = (direct object marker) / fatele = father

Literal translation attempt: Little birds sing with thoughts of their fathers.

Ridalnae ture inferiare manaf.

Hymmnos line: Ridalnae ture inferiare manaf.

Glossed as: 掛け替えの無い絆 信じ愛し合える生命達

Which means: Our bonds is irreplaceable, and we lives can believe in and love one another.

Kana reading: リダルナーエ [ture] インフェリアーレ マナフ

Romanized: ridarunaae [ture] inferiaare manafu

Vocaulary summary: ridalnae = irreplaceable / ture = {ture} / inferiare = beloved / manaf = life

Based on context, "ture" seems to mean "bonds", so we have here parallel structure with two related concepts. Thanks to aquagon for noticing an earlier copy/paste error that left 世界 where 絆 should go and confused the heck out of the meaning.

Literal translation attempt: Irreplaceable bonds, beloved lives.

Presia briyante enclone anw sol ciel.

Hymmnos line: Presia briyante enclone anw sol ciel.

Glossed as: 歓びの声 充ちる大地を 願い

Which means: Wishing for a land filled with joyous voices,

Kana reading: プレシア ブリイャンテ エンクロゥネ アンワ ソル シェール

Romanized: pureshia burii(ya)nte enkuro(u)ne anwa soru sheeru

Vocaulary summary: presia = may ~ come to pass, please / briyante = joyous voice / enclone = engulf / anw = (direct object marker) / sol = brilliantly blaze (sunlight) / ciel = sky, (loose usage) world

Literal translation attempt: May joyous voices cover all the brilliant land.


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