Replekia is one of Ar tonelico 2's most distinctive songs, and would be even if it wasn't used in two of the game's most dramatic scenes, and probably far more often depending on your play style. Like many of the others, it demonstrates that you can tell a good deal about the intent of a song just by listening to it, even if you can't understand a word. This is plainly not a happy song. The dominant emotions are grief and rage, though it does turn more positive toward the end.

Hymmnos lyrics are listed in the center column (which I always use for pronunciation) and the given Japanese equivalents in the left column in this color to indicate that the Japanese phrases are not the actual lyrics.

Note that I'm using "man" and the corresponding pronoun "he" to mean "humankind", not a specific person or gender.

The Song

Vocal & Chorus by:
Lyrics by:
Composed & Arranged by:
Akiko Shikata
Reiko Takahashi
Akiko Shikata
Japanese Hymmnos Translation

Intro with choral aahs, ~22 seconds. Omitted in game verison.

The main chunk below is sung with the chorus chunk that follows, with two lines to the last chorus line.

彼女は心を謳う xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/. She sings of her heart.
それは人々を覆い xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/. It shrouds man,
永遠の闇に嘆き怯える xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/. Despairing in horror at the eternal darkness.
彼女の詩は続く xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/. Her song continues.
それはこの世を映し出す xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/. It reflects this world.
恐怖を生むものに恐怖を! xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/. Terror upon those who breed terror!
彼女は闇の中で生き xN herr v.t. ess dazua/. She lives in the midst of darkness,
暗い世界しか知らない xN herr v.t. goa balduo sphaela/. Knowing nothing but a dark world.

(start chorus)

彼女は心と闇を謳う xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/. She sings of her heart and darkness.
それは人々を闇で覆う xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/. It shrouds man in darkness.
xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua,
 vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.
It becomes darkness, eternally despairing in horror.
 This is a ruined world of terror.
彼女の詩は廃墟へ続く xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/. Her song continues unto ruin.
それは醜いものと悪意を映し出す xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/. It reflects ugly things and malice.
恐怖を生むものに恐怖を! xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/. Terror upon those who breed terror!
彼女はたくさんの恐怖の詩を続ける xA harr jOzOtO ouwua giz hymmnos/. She continues a song of many terrors.

(end chorus)

謳は雷のごとく xN rre hLYImLYUmOrO a.u.k. zess quesa/. The song is like thunder.
謳は街を大きく揺らす xN rre hLYUmLYUmOrO byui q.l.s. du sechel/. The song violently shakes the towns.
彼女の詩は続く xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/. Her song continues.
それは絶望で飲み込む xA sorr mLYInLYUgO dn z.z.x./. It engulfs them with despair.
彼女の詩は続く xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/. Her song continues.
この世を映し出す xA rre mArArA sphaela/. It reflects this world.
暗い廃墟の世を映し出す xA rre mArArA balduo ouvyu sphaela/. It reflects a dark, ruined world.
謳う 謳い続ける…
謳う 謳い続ける…
謳う 謳い続ける…
謳う 謳い続ける…
謳う 謳い続ける…
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
She sings, keeps singing....
She sings, keeps singing....
She sings, keeps singing....
She sings, keeps singing....
She sings, keeps singing....

The main chunk below is sung with the chorus chunk that follows.

彼女は心を謳う xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/. She sings of her heart.
それは人々を覆い xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/. It shrouds man,
永遠の闇に嘆き怯える xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/. Despairing in horror at the eternal darkness.
彼女の詩は続く xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/. Her song continues.
それはこの世を映し出す xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/. It reflects this world.

(start chorus)

彼女は心と闇を謳う xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/. She sings of her heart and darkness.
それは人々を闇で覆う xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/. It shrouds man in darkness.
xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua,
 vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.
It becomes darkness, eternally despairing in horror.
 This is a ruined world of terror.
彼女の詩は廃墟へ続く xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/. Her song continues unto ruin.
それは醜いものと悪意を映し出す xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/. It reflects ugly things and malice.

(end chorus)

彼女は闇しか知らない xA harr vIsIkI dazua/. She knows nothing but darkness.
初めて外に出たとき xA harr tAhAsA siann/. When she first goes outside,
彼女は月を見上げる xA harr lAkAkA maen/. She looks up at the moon,
そして心を謳う xA harr hAmmrA byui eje/. And she sings of her heart.

~4 seconds of pause, followed by a changeup. The version used in a certain late-game cinematic begins here instead of at the top.

照らす満月はまるで善き心のようです xA rre wArAmA maen a.u.k. zess titia/. The shining full moon is like a good heart;
優しく抱きしめる たくさんの光の希望 xE rre hAkAtt nafan ouwua siann arhou/. The light of many hopes gently embrace her.

The chorus returns here, with two lines to the first main line.

芽吹く温かさ そして心の謳 xA rre sEnEkk mirie, ag hEmmrA eje/. Warmth buds, and song in her heart.
さあ 心を繋げましょう xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/. Now, let us join our hearts.
そしてこの世界のために謳いましょう xA rre hLYAmLYEmLYErA sphaela/. And let us sing for the sake of this world.
彼女は新しい輝く世界を映し出した xA harr mLYErErA aje tafane sphaela/. She reflected a shining new world.

(start chorus)

謳になりましょう xA rre cEzE hymmnos/. Let us become song,
世界の希望を信じて xE rre sAlE sphaela arhou/. Believing in hope for the world.
さあ 心を繋げましょう xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/. Now, let us join hearts.
そしてこの世界のために謳いましょう xA rre hLYAmAmArA sphaela/. And let us sing for the sake of this world.
輝く希望の謳になる xA rre cLYAzE tafane arhou hymmnos/. We will become a shining song of hope.

(end chorus)

The standard game version loops back to the top at this point, and the special version for the late-game cinematic ends here.

The soundtrack version instead goes on the climactic ending below, with two lines to the last chorus line.

照らす満月はまるで善き心のようです xA rre wArAmA maen a.u.k. zess titia/. The shining full moon is like a good heart;
優しく抱きしめる たくさんの光の希望 xE rre hAkAtt nafan ouwua siann arhou/. The light of many hopes gently embrace her.
さあ 心を繋げましょう xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/. Now, let us join hearts.
そしてこの世界のために謳いましょう xA rre hLYAmAmArA sphaela/. And let us sing for the sake of this world.

(start chorus)

謳になりましょう xA rre cEzE hymmnos/. Let us become song,
世界の希望を信じて xE rre sAlE sphaela arhou/. Believing in hope for the world,
新しい輝きに染まる世界を願って xA rre yAzAtA aje tafane nEmElA sphaela/. Wishing for a new world dyed radiant.

(end chorus)

Back to translations index

The Hymmnos

Keep in mind that I'm working from a Japanese description of how the language works and Japanese descriptions of the terms. Translations of translations always tend to suffer somewhat in quality.... Also note that I'm not entirely certain of how to write the pronunciations of emotive sound verbs with emotive vowels added for certain combinations that are neither natural in Japanese nor shown in examples on the Hymmno Server.

Refer to my brief Hymmnos reference for general information on how the language works. This song specifically uses the Neopact Pastalie variant.

If you have the Hymmnos font installed, the headings below should appear in the script used in the game. Hey, why not? The font is available from the Hymmno Server, where most of my information on Hymmnos comes from. The site is mostly in Japanese, but the download link itself is in English. If you don't have the font, the headings will simply appear as large Latin text.

As the chorus lines are usually variants of the non-chorus lines, I'm interleaving them here when this happens, to make the differences and similarities more apparent. Also, lines that occur more than once in the song only appear once here.

xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/.

Glossed as: 彼女は心を謳う

Which means: She sings of her heart.

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] ヒリュムリュモロ エジェ

Romanized: za ha[ruru] hiryumuryumoro eje

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / h.m.m.r. = sing / eje = heart, feelings

As I believe I've noted elsewhere, "xA" is the most common form of "x." and doesn't really say anything meaningful about the singer's emotion, except perhaps attentiveness to the content being sung of, as 'A' is the "focus" family of emotion. Far more interesting in any case is the emotion in the main verb. Whoever this "she" is, she's not exactly in her happy place.

Literal translation attempt: "Wishing terror upon all, she sings with fury of her heart."

xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/.

Glossed as: 彼女は心と闇を謳う

Which means: She sings of her heart and darkness.

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] フンモロ エジェ アグ {dazua}

Romanized: za ha[ruru] funmoro eje agu {dazua}

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / h.m.m.r. = sing / eje = heart, feelings / ag = and (then) / dazua = ???

"dazua" is unlisted but seems to mean "darkness".

Literal translation attempt: "With grief and rage, she sings of her heart and of darkness."

xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/.

Hymmnos line: xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/.

Glossed as: それは人々を覆い

Which means: It shrouds man,

Kana reading: ザ ソ[ルル] クリュヴリュル ドゥ ケジェウ

Romanized: za so[ruru] kuryuvuryuru du kejeu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / sorr = that (subject) / k.v.r = ??? / du = (direct object marker) / qejyu = people, human

Between the glossing and the obvious English parallel, "k.v.r" pretty much has to mean "cover".

Literal translation attempt: "It covers man, bringing terror."

xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/.

Hymmnos line: xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/.

Glossed as: それは人々を闇で覆う

Which means: It shrouds man in darkness.

Kana reading: ザ ソ[ルル] クヴル ドゥ ケジェウ ドゥン バルドゥー

Romanized: za so[ruru] kuvuru du kejeu dun baruduu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / sorr = that (subject) / k.v.r = ??? / du = (direct object marker) / qejyu = people, human / dn = at, with, in, using / balduo = dark, unseen

Assuming "dazua" does mean darkness as proposed above, it's uncertain how it differs from "balduo", or why the latter is used here rather than the former.

Literal translation attempt: "Uneasy, it shrouds man in darkness."

xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.

Hymmnos line: xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.

Glossed as: 永遠の闇に嘆き怯える

Which means: Despairing in horror at the eternal darkness.

Kana reading: ズィ [ルル]レ フィリル ヒリスス アユルサ {dazua}

Romanized: zi [ruru]re firiru hirisusu ayurusa {dazua}

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / f.r.l. = fear / h.l.s.s. = sigh, lament / ayulsa = eternity / dazua = ???

On second thought, I think the subject is the entire phrase "fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua" rather than just the word "fIrIlU" by itself. The 'I's and 'U's strewn through all that express pain and sadness, basically just amplifing the already negative feelings the verbs already express.

Literal translation attempt: "I am pained about the terrifying and depressing eternal darkness."

xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua, vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua, vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.

Glossed as: 永遠に嘆き怯える闇になる ここは廃墟の恐怖世界

Which means: It becomes darkness, eternally despairing in horror. This is a ruined world of terror.

Kana reading: ズィ [ルル]レ セゼ フィリル ヒリスス アユルサ {dazua} ヴェガ オウヴュ {giz} スファイェラ

Romanized: zi [ruru]re seze firiru hirisusu ayurusa {dazua} vega ouvyu {giz} sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / c.z. = change / f.r.l. = fear / h.l.s.s. = sigh, lament / ayulsa = eternity / dazua = ??? / vega = here, this / ouvyu = ruins / giz = ??? / sphaela = world

"giz" might mean "terror".

Literal translation attempt: "I am pained that it is so eager to become terrifying and depressing eternal darkness, here in a ruined world of terror."

xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.

Glossed as: 彼女の詩は続く

Which means: Her song continues.

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] {ナtLYIノ} ヒュムノス

Romanized: za ha[ruru] {natryino} hyumunosu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / n.t.n. = ??? / hymmnos = song, Hymmnos

"n.t.n." seems to mean "continue".

Literal translation attempt: "Focused, wishing destruction upon all, and enraged, she continues her song."

xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/.

Glossed as: 彼女の詩は廃墟へ続く

Which means: Her song continues unto ruin.

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] ナタノ ヒュムノス ウトゥ オウヴュ

Romanized: za ha[ruru] natano hyumunosu utu ouvyu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / n.t.n. = ??? / hymmnos = song, Hymmnos / ut = (indicates destination) / ouvyu = ruins

Literal translation attempt: "Focused and enraged, she continues her song unto ruin."

xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.

Glossed as: それはこの世を映し出す

Which means: It reflects this world.

Kana reading: ザ ソ[ルル] ムリョララ ドゥ スファイェラ

Romanized: za so[ruru] muryorara du sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / sorr = that (subject) / m.r.r. = ??? / du = (direct object marker) / sphaela = world

Between the glossing and obvious English parallel, "m.r.r." ought to be "mirror".

Literal translation attempt: "Inciting all to bloodshed and with focus, it reflects the world."

xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/.

Hymmnos line: xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/.

Glossed as: それは醜いものと悪意を映し出す

Which means: It reflects ugly things and malice.

Kana reading: ザ ソ[ルル] モララ ドゥ ダェドゥス アグ ウジェス

Romanized: za so[ruru] morara du da[e]dusu agu ujesu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / sorr = that (subject) / m.r.r. = ??? / du = (direct object marker) / daedu = ugly thing / ag = and (then) / ujes = malice

Literal translation attempt: "Enraged and focused, it reflects ugly things and malice."

xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.

Hymmnos line: xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.

Glossed as: 恐怖を生むものに恐怖を!

Which means: Terror upon those who breed terror!

Kana reading: ゾ [ルル]レ ムリョトヨヨ {giz} ウォスリェイ ドゥ {giz}

Romanized: zo [ruru]re muryotoyoyo {giz} {wosuryi} du {giz}

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / m.t.y.y. = create, give birth to / giz = ??? / w.s. = give, inflict / du = (direct object marker)

The main voice and chorus sing exactly the same line here.

Literal translation attempt: "I am angered as the raging terror that drives all to rage furiously inflicts terror upon all with intent to destroy."

xN herr v.t. ess dazua/.

Hymmnos line: xN herr v.t. ess dazua/.

Glossed as: 彼女は闇の中で生き

Which means: She lives in the midst of darkness,

Kana reading: ズン へ[ルル] ヴッ エース {dazua}

Romanized: zun he[ruru] vu' eesu {dazua}

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / herr = she / v.t. = live / ess = at, with, in, using / dazua = ???

Literal translation attempt: "I feel numb that she lives in darkness."

xN herr v.t. goa balduo sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xN herr v.t. goa balduo sphaela/.

Glossed as: 暗い世界しか知らない

Which means: Knowing nothing but a dark world.

Kana reading: ズン へ[ルル] ヴッ ゴア バルドゥー スファイェラ

Romanized: zun he[ruru] vu' goa baruduu sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / herr = she / v.t. = live / goa = only / balduo = dark, unseen / sphaela = world

Literal translation attempt: "I feel numb that she lives in a world of only darkness."

xA harr jOzOtO ouwua giz hymmnos/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr jOzOtO ouwua giz hymmnos/.

Glossed as: 彼女はたくさんの恐怖の詩を続ける

Which means: She continues a song of many terrors.

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] ジョゾト オウェア {giz} ヒュムノス

Romanized: za ha[ruru] jozoto ouwea {giz} hyumunosu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / j.z.t. = invoke, execute / ouwua = many / giz = ??? / hymmnos = song, Hymmnos

Literal translation attempt: "Brimming with rage, she invokes a song of many terrors."

xN rre hLYImLYUmOrO a.u.k. zess quesa/.

Hymmnos line: xN rre hLYImLYUmOrO a.u.k. zess quesa/.

Glossed as: 謳は雷のごとく

Which means: The song is like thunder.

Kana reading: ズン [ルル]レ {ヒLYIムリュモロ} アウク ゼス クエーサー

Romanized: zun [ruru]re {hiryimuryumoro} auku zesu kueesaa

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / h.m.m.r. = sing / a.u.k. = is / zess = like, as / quesa = something that shakes the earth, thunder

Here the verb-as-subject makes sense as a gerund.

Literal translation attempt: "I feel numb as the singing, bearing unease and ruin toward all, is like furious thunder."

xN rre hLYUmLYUmOrO byui q.l.s. du sechel/.

Hymmnos line: xN rre hLYUmLYUmOrO byui q.l.s. du sechel/.

Glossed as: 謳は街を大きく揺らす

Which means: The song violently shakes the towns.

Kana reading: ズン [ルル]レ ヒリュムリュモロ {byui} {qls} ドゥ セケル

Romanized: zun [ruru]re hiryumuryumoro {byui} {qls} du sekeru

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / h.m.m.r. = sing / byui = ??? / q.l.s. = ??? / du = (direct object marker) / sechel = city, town

More annoying unknown words. "q.l.s." is probably "shake" in some form, and "byui" most likely equates to "greatly".

Literal translation attempt: "I feel numb that the furious singing causes anxiety to all as it violently shakes the towns."

xA sorr mLYInLYUgO dn z.z.x./.

Hymmnos line: xA sorr mLYInLYUgO dn z.z.x./.

Glossed as: それは絶望で飲み込む

Which means: It engulfs them with despair.

Kana reading: ザ ソ[ルル] {ムLYIンリュゴ} ドゥン ズィークス

Romanized: za so[ruru] {muryinryugo} dun ziikusu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / sorr = that (subject) / m.n.g. = swallow, comprehend / dn = at, with, in, using / z.z.x. = despair

Literal translation attempt: "Wishing unease and destruction upon all in its fury, it engulfs them with despair."

xA rre mArArA sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre mArArA sphaela/.

Glossed as: この世を映し出す

Which means: It reflects this world.

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ マララ スファイェラ

Romanized: za [ruru]re marara sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / m.r.r. = ??? / sphaela = world

Literal translation attempt: "With utmost focus, it reflects the world."

xA rre mArArA balduo ouvyu sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre mArArA balduo ouvyu sphaela/.

Glossed as: 暗い廃墟の世を映し出す

Which means: It reflects a dark ruined world.

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ マララ バルドゥー オウヴュ スファイェラ

Romanized: za [ruru]re marara baruduu ouvyu sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / m.r.r. = ??? / balduo = dark, unseen / ouvyu = ruins / sphaela = world

Literal translation attempt: "With utmost focus, it reflects a dark world of ruin."

xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.

Hymmnos line: xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.

Glossed as: 謳う 謳い続ける…

Which means: She sings, keeps singing....

Kana reading: ズン [ルル]レ フンムンムンルン アユルサ

Romanized: zun [ruru]re funmunmunrun ayurusa

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / h.m.m.r. = sing / ayulsa = eternity

Literal translation attempt: "I feel numb that the unfeeling singing lasts forever."

xA harr vIsIkI dazua/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr vIsIkI dazua/.

Glossed as: 彼女は闇しか知らない

Which means: She knows nothing but darkness.

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] {ヴィsIキ} {dazua}

Romanized: za ha[ruru] {visiki} {dazua}

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / v.s.k. = feel (physical), experience / dazua = ???

Literal translation attempt: "Greatly pained, she experiences darkness."

xA harr tAhAsA siann/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr tAhAsA siann/.

Glossed as: 初めて外に出たとき

Which means: When she first goes outside,

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] タハサ シャン

Romanized: za ha[ruru] tahasa shan

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / t.h.s. = ??? / siann = light

"t.h.s." could mean any of a number of things. It's at least clear that this line isn't a simple as just going outside, though. Perhaps venturing into the light?

Literal translation attempt: "Intensely focused, she ventures into the light."

xA harr lAkAkA maen/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr lAkAkA maen/.

Glossed as: 彼女は月を見上げる

Which means: She looks up at the moon,

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] ラカカ マエン

Romanized: za ha[ruru] rakaka maen

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / l.k.k. = ??? / maen = full moon

"l.k.k." looks a lot like "look".

Literal translation attempt: "Intensely focused, she looks at the full moon."

xA harr hAmmrA byui eje/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr hAmmrA byui eje/.

Glossed as: そして心を謳う

Which means: And she sings of her heart.

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] ハンムラ {byui} エジェ

Romanized: za ha[ruru] hanmura {byui} eje

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / h.m.m.r. = sing / byui = ??? / eje = heart, feelings

There's "byui" again, meaning still unclear.

Literal translation attempt: "She eagerly sings {profusely?} of her heart."

xA rre wArAmA maen a.u.k. zess titia/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre wArAmA maen a.u.k. zess titia/.

Glossed as: 照らす満月はまるで善き心のようです

Which means: The shining full moon is like a good heart.

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ ワラマ マエン アウク ゼス ティティア

Romanized: za [ruru]re warama maen auku zesu titia

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / w.r.m. = illuminate / maen = full moon / a.u.k. = is / zess = like, as / titia = good will, innate goodness

Literal translation attempt: "The intently shining full moon is like goodness."

xE rre hAkAtt nafan ouwua siann arhou/.

Hymmnos line: xE rre hAkAtt nafan ouwua siann arhou/.

Glossed as: 優しく抱きしめる たくさんの光の希望

Which means: The light of many hopes gently embraced her.

Kana reading: ゼ [ルル]レ ハカト ナファン オウェア シャン アーフー

Romanized: ze [ruru]re hakato nafan ouvea shan aafuu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / h.k.t.t. = embrace / nafan = gently / ouwua = many / siann = light / arhou = hope

As before, I think a whole phrase is the subject, with "siann" being the main noun.

Literal translation attempt: "I am glad of the vast light of hopes gently embracing her with powerful intent."

xA rre sEnEkk mirie, ag hEmmrA eje/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre sEnEkk mirie, ag hEmmrA eje/.

Glossed as: 芽吹く温かさ そして心の謳

Which means: Warmth buds, and song in her heart.

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ セネク {mirie} アグ ヘンムラ エジェ

Romanized: za [ruru]re seneku {mirie} agu henmura eje

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / s.n.k.k. = sprout / mirie = ??? / ag = and (then) / h.m.m.r. = sing / eje = heart, feelings

"mirie" appears to be "warmth".

Literal translation attempt: "Warmth joyously sprouts, and she glady sings in earnest of her heart."

xA rre cEzE hymmnos/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre cEzE hymmnos/.

Glossed as: 謳になりましょう

Which means: Let us become song,

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ セゼ ヒュムノス

Romanized: za [ruru]re seze hyumunosu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / c.z. = change / hymmnos = song, Hymmnos

It appears that the verb may be the subject here.

Literal translation attempt: "Gladly becoming song."

xE rre sAlE sphaela arhou/.

Hymmnos line: xE rre sAlE sphaela arhou/.

Glossed as: 世界の希望を信じて

Which means: Believing in hope for the world.

Kana reading: xE [ルル]レ サレ スファイェラ アーフー

Romanized: ze [ruru]re sare sufayera aafuu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / s.l. = believe / sphaela = world / arhou = hope

Literal translation attempt: "Believing with intent joy in hope for the world."

xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/.

Hymmnos line: xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/.

Glossed as: さあ 心を繋げましょう

Which means: Now, let us join our hearts.

Kana reading: ゼ [ルル]レ ラナカアー エジェ

Romanized: ze [ruru]re ranakaaa eje

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / l.n.c.a. = link / eje = heart, feelings

Literal translation attempt: "I am glad of the eager joining of hearts."

xA rre hLYAmLYEmLYErA sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre hLYAmLYEmLYErA sphaela/.

Glossed as: そしてこの世界のために謳いましょう

Which means: And let us sing for the sake of this world.

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ ヒリャムリェムリェラ スファイェラ

Romanized: za [ruru]re hiryamuryemuryera sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / h.m.m.r. = sing / sphaela = world

Literal translation attempt: "Singing for the sake of the world to bring it great joy."

xA rre hLYAmAmArA sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre hLYAmAmArA sphaela/.

Glossed as: そしてこの世界のために謳いましょう

Which means: And let us sing for the sake of this world.

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ ヒリャママラ スファイェラ

Romanized: za [ruru]re hiryamamara sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / h.m.m.r. = sing / sphaela = world

Literal translation attempt: "Singing for the sake of the world with great focus."

xA harr mLYErErA aje tafane sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xA harr mLYErErA aje tafane sphaela/.

Glossed as: 彼女は新しい輝く世界を映し出した

Which means: She reflected a shining new world.

Kana reading: ザ ハ[ルル] ムリェレラ アジェ {tafane} スファイェラ

Romanized: za ha[ruru] muryerera aje {tafane} sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / harr = she / m.r.r. = ??? / aje = new / tafane = ??? / sphaela = world

"tafane" = "brilliant"?

Literal translation attempt: "That it may prosper, she joyfully and intently reflects a shining new world."

xA rre cLYAzE tafane arhou hymmnos/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre cLYAzE tafane arhou hymmnos/.

Glossed as: 輝く希望の謳になる

Which means: We will become a shining song of hope.

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ {スリャゼ?} {tafane} アーフー ヒュムノス

Romanized: za [ruru]re {suryaze?} {tafane} aafuu hyumunosu

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / c.z. = change / tafane = ??? / arhou = hope / hymmnos = song, Hymmnos

Literal translation attempt: "For the sake of all, gladly becoming a shining song of hope."

xA rre yAzAtA aje tafane nEmElA sphaela/.

Hymmnos line: xA rre yAzAtA aje tafane nEmElA sphaela/.

Glossed as: 新しい輝きに染まる世界を願って

Which means: Wishing for a new world dyed radiant.

Kana reading: ザ [ルル]レ ヤザタ アジェ {tafane} ネメラ スファイェラ

Romanized: za [ruru]re yazata aje {tafane} nemera sufayera

Vocaulary summary: x. = (holds own feelings) / rre = (indicates the subject follows) / y.z.t. = wish / aje = new / tafane = ??? / n.m.l. = dye / sphaela = world

Literal translation attempt: "Intently wishing for a brilliant new world suffused with great joy."


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Lyrics Only

All lines that are next to each other are sung simultaneously. Any suspected typos are corrected.

xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/.
xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/.
xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.
xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.
xN herr v.t. ess dazua/.
xN herr v.t. goa balduo sphaela/.
xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/.
xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/.
xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua, vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.
xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/.
xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/.
xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.
xA harr jOzOtO ouwua giz hymmnos/.
xN rre hLYImLYUmOrO a.u.k. zess quesa/.
xN rre hLYUmLYUmOrO byui q.l.s. du sechel/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYInLYUgO dn z.z.x./.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA rre mArArA sphaela/.
xA rre mArArA balduo ouvyu sphaela/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/.
xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/.
xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.
xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/.
xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/.
xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua, vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.
xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/.
xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/.
xA harr vIsIkI dazua/.
xA harr tAhAsA siann/.
xA harr lAkAkA maen/.
xA harr hAmmrA byui eje/.
xA rre wArAmA maen a.u.k. zess titia/.
xE rre hAkAtt nafan ouwua siann arhou/.
xA rre sEnEkk mirie, ag hEmmrA eje/.
xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/.
xA rre hLYAmLYEmLYErA sphaela/.
xA harr mLYErErA aje tafane sphaela/.
xA rre cEzE hymmnos/.
xE rre sAlE sphaela arhou/.
xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/.
xA rre hLYAmAmArA sphaela/.
xA rre cLYAzE tafane arhou hymmnos/.
xA rre wArAmA maen a.u.k. zess titia/.
xE rre hAkAtt nafan ouwua siann arhou/.
xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/.
xA rre hLYAmAmArA sphaela/.
xA rre cEzE hymmnos/.
xE rre sAlE sphaela arhou/.
xA rre yAzAtA aje tafane nEmElA sphaela/.

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