Sure, there are plenty of guides out there, but it just wouldn't be right not to dedicate a page to probably the best-known part of the game.
Depending on when you visit, the fourth party member may be Heidecker, Lexis, Arty, or no one at all. Under normal circumstances, Tia cannot come here. Although it is possible to attempt the cave with less than a full party, I wouldn't recommend it. Gruberick has the usual port town music. Ship transport leads south to Aleyn and southeast to Narcissus. Here, though, all anyone seems to talk about is the Ancient Cave, and justifiably so, since the island lacks any other noteworthy features. There aren't even any random encounters outside! |
あんたたちも剣士か……。 この街に来るやつは、どいつも ひとくせありそうなヤツらばかり だな。 |
So, you're sword fighters, too... It seems like no one ever comes to this town who doesn't have a certain quirk to them. |
You guys are warriors, too!? There's something different about people who come here, you know. |
いにしえの洞窟って面白いのよ。 入るたびに、いつもちがうかたち になってるの。ホントよ。 |
The Ancient Cave is fascinating. Every time you go in, it's different from every other time. It's true! |
The Ancient Cave is incredible! Every time you go in, it's different. You never see the same place. |
いにしえの洞窟で、手に入れた アイテムや装備は、帰ってくると なくなっちゃうのよ。 でも、ウワサだと無くならない アイテムもあるんだって……。 |
Whatever items and equipment you find inside the Ancient Cave disappear when you come back. But rumor has it there are some items that won't disappear... |
Any items, armor or weapons you get inside the cave will be gone once you're out. But I heard there are some items that won't disappear. |
いにしえの洞窟に入る時には、 ポーションを10個もらえるんだ。 これを、どう使うかが、生死の 分かれ目になるんだ。 たかがポーションが、これほど ありがたく感じられるダンジョンは、 他にないぜ。 |
When you enter the Ancient Cave, you'll receive 10 Potions. How you use those could mean the difference between life and death. There's no other dungeon that can make you feel so grateful for mere Potions. |
You'll get 10 potions when you enter the cave. How you use these shapes your destiny. You might think they're just potions, but only in this dungeon will you feel they're special. |
That "shapes your destiny" wording caused all sorts of speculation that using those Potions in a certain way would affect treasure quantity and quality, monster difficulty, and who knows what else. Really, all this means is that you don't have any other way to heal when you first enter. |
いにしえの洞窟にとりつかれると なかなか、この街から出て行けなく なっちまうよ。 |
Once the Ancient Cave gets its hooks into you, you'll have a hard time leaving this town. |
Once you're hooked on the Ancient Cave, you're stuck in this city for a long time. |
Truth. I've heard of people who get this far and then never go back to the rest of the game. |
いにしえの洞窟はウワサだと99階 まであるそうだ。 そして、そこには、とてつもなく 強いモンスターが、トレジャー ハンターを待っているらしい。 そのモンスターに勝つ事ができれば この世の物とはおもえない、宝が 手に入るそうだ……しかし、99階 までは、とても行けないな。 |
The Ancient Cave goes on until floor 99, according to rumor. There, supposedly, a ridiculously strong monster awaits treasure hunters. They say you'll win treasure that hardly seems of this world if you can beat that monster... but going 99 whole floors is well beyond me. |
I hear there are 99 basements in the Ancient Cave. It seems there's an incredibly strong monster in there waiting for treasure hunters. They say if you defeat the monster, you get an ethereal treasure. But, I can never get to B99! |
いにしえの洞窟の宝箱には、武器や アイテムはもちろん、魔法までも 入っているそうだ。 それに、地上ではお目にかかれない めずらしい物も多いと聞く。 ……みんなが行きたがるわけじゃな。 |
Treasure chests in the Ancient Cave have weapons and items, of course, but I hear they can even have magic inside. I've heard there are plenty of strange things you'd never see up here, too. wonder everyone wants to go. |
I hear the treasure chests of the Ancient Cave hold not only weapons and items but also spells. They say there are things in the cave you can't bring out. Of course, many people want to go. |
Hmm, yes. Things you'll never see anywhere else seem a much better reason to go there than things you can't take out of the cave. |
いにしえの洞窟に行くなら、 これから言う事だけは、 おぼえておきな。 いいか。まず、あの洞窟は、入るたびに ダンジョンの形が変る。 ウソみたいだが、ホントの事だ。 同じ地下1階でも、一度地上に戻って から、また入ると、まったくちがう ダンジョンになっているんだ。 だから、マップをかいてもムダだぜ。 それと、今、もっているアイテムや 装備、魔法を持っては入れない。 すべて、洞窟の入り口であずけなくては ならないんだ。 そして、洞窟に入ったとたんに、 全員のレベルが1になる。 一気に弱くなるから気を付けろよ。 レベルや、あずけたアイテムは、 洞窟から出てくれば、元に戻るから その心配はしなくてもいいぜ。 俺のちゅうこくは、これくらいだな。 |
If you're going to the Ancient Cave, remember what I am about to tell you. Ready? First, the dungeon changes form every time you enter the cave. Unbelievable, yes, but it's the truth. It may be B1 both times, but once you leave and re-enter, you'll be in a completely different dungeon. So drawing a map won't do any good. Furthermore, you can't bring the items, equipment, and magic you have now. You need to leave all of them behind at the entrance to the cave. Additionally, the instant you enter the cave, everyone's level goes to 1. Be careful, for you will be suddenly weak. Your levels and the items you left behind will return to the way they were once you leave the cave, so don't worry about that. This concludes my warning. |
If you're going to the Ancient Cave, remember the things I'm going to tell you. Listen. The shape of the cave changes every time you enter. Sounds weird, but it's true. The B1 you enter differs from the B1 you entered before, so drawing a map won't help. Also, you can't take your items or anything with you. You have to leave them at the entrance. When you enter, your party members' levels go down to Level 1 and you weaken, so watch out! The levels will be restored and the items you left will be returned, so don't worry. That's it. |
いにしえの洞窟には、虹色にかがやく 剣や盾などがあると言われておる。 それらは『イリスの宝』と呼ばれて おり、地上に持ち帰った人は、 今まで、一人もいない。 それだけに、それを持ち帰る事が トレジャーハンター最高のステータスに なってるわけだ。 |
It's said that the Ancient Cave has gleaming iridescent swords and shields. They are called the Iris Treasures, and no one has yet brought one back to the surface. For that alone, bringing one back would give you top status as a treasure hunter. |
Some say there are swords and shields that emit rainbow-like light in the cave. They are called the Iris Treasures and no one has ever brought them back. So, a treasure hunter who returns with any of them would be thought awesome indeed. |
いにしえの洞窟に入る時には、 装備やアイテムをすべて、あずけて 行かねばならん―― ――と、言うのが、じょうしきじゃが、 実は、れい外もある。 それは、いにしえの洞窟にある、 青い宝箱のアイテムじゃ。 そのアイテムだけは、次に入る時も 持ちこめるのじゃ……。 これは、重要じゃぞ。 |
When you enter the Ancient Cave, you must leave all of your equipment and items behind— —at least, that's the popular belief, but actually, there are exceptions. Those are the items in the blue chests inside the Ancient Cave. You can bring those items and those items only when you next enter... This is important. |
You must leave all your gear and items before you enter the cave. The items inside the blue treasure chests in the cave are the exception to the rule. You can take those items with you next time you enter the cave. This is important to remember. |
こう見えても、あたしはトレジャー ハンターなのよ。地下25階までは、 行った事だってあるんだから。 イリスの宝は見つけられなかったけど。 |
I may not look like it, but I'm a treasure hunter. I've even gone as far as B25. Never found an Iris Treasure, though. |
I may not look it, but I'm a treasure hunter. I've been as low as B25 but found no Iris Treasures. |
There's also a woman in a room under the pub with a more specific interest. |
ここは、イリスの宝をならべる 場所ですの。 でも、まだ一つもならんでませんのよ。 悲しいですわ。 |
This place is here to put the Iris Treasures on display. But not even one is displayed yet. It's so sad. |
All the Iris Treasures are to be displayed here, but, sad to say, there are none here yet. |
Since everything here revolves around the cave, let's go there. |
The entrance has an almost businesslike setup, with attendants and a counter, but at least they don't charge for entry. |
いにしえの洞窟に入るには、すべての アイテム・魔法を、ここにあずけ なくてはなりませぬ。さらに、 全員のレベルが1になりまする。 あずけたアイテムと、レベルは、 いにしえの洞窟から出る時に、元に もどりますから、安心して下され。 いにしえの洞窟で、手に入れた武器や アイテムは洞窟から出ると、なくなって しまいまするが…… 青い宝箱のアイテムだけは 洞窟から出ても無くなる事は、 ありませぬぞ。 それと、いにしえの洞窟には、 下りの階段はあっても、 上りの階段は、ござりませぬ。 いにしえの洞窟から、出たい時は、 『天への祈り』と言うアイテムを 使う事になりまする。これを使うと、 一瞬で地上に戻りまする。 『天への祈り』は、地下20階以降の 宝箱に入っていると言われております。 ……それでは、ご武運をお祈りして おりますぞ。 |
In order to enter the Ancient Cave, you will need to leave all of your items and magic here. Furthermore, each of your levels will become 1. Please do not be concerned, for the items you left here and your levels will return when you leave the Ancient Cave. Any weapons and other items you obtain in the Ancient Cave will disappear once you leave the cave. However... Items found in blue chests, and those items only, will not disappear even when you leave the cave. Additionally, though the Ancient Cave has stairs that lead downward, it does not have any stairs that lead upward. When you wish to leave the Ancient Cave, you will need to use an item called the Prayer to the Heavens. Using it will return you to the surface in an instant. The Prayer to the Heavens is said to be in a treasure chest on B20 or beyond., I pray that you will be victorious in your endeavors. |
Please leave your items and magic before entering the Ancient Cave. Inside, you all change to level 1. Please don't worry. Your items and levels will be returned upon leaving this cave. Before you leave the cave, you must relinquish all the weapons and items you've obtained here. You may keep the items found in the blue treasure box. Remember, there may be stairs going down, but there are no stairs going up. To leave, use “Providence.” This item will bring you to the earth level. I hear “Providence” is in the treasure chest 20 floors below. Good luck! |
(entrance guard) |
それでは、アイテムをあずからせて もらいます。 | Now, allow us to hold on to your items for you. | I will keep your items here. | ||||
(sign next to entrance warp) |
この先には、天国とジゴクが まっている。 信じるものは、おのれの腕のみ! |
Beyond here await heaven and hell. You have only your own skill to believe in! |
One step ahead awaits paradise and purgatory. Believe nothing save yourself! |
(sign next to exit warp) |
この洞窟から生きて帰れた者は、 強運にめぐまれている。 その運が、これからの人生に 栄光をもたらすであろう……。 |
Those who leave this cave alive are blessed with good fortune. Such luck may well bring further glory to your life... |
Survivors of this cave are people of good fortune. Future glory will be yours. |
(exit guard) |
よくぞ、ご無事でおもどりに なられました! それでは、あずかっていたアイテムを お返しいたします。 どうぞ、胸をはって街に お帰り下さい。 | You've done well to come back safely! Now, we shall return the items that you left with us. Feel free to return to the town with your head held high. | Oh, it's you. You're back safe and sound! Let me return your items to you. You may now return to the city with your head held high! | ||||
(trying to leave after depositing your stuff) |
お客さん!! アイテムをあずけたままですよ! お返しいたします。 | Excuse me, sir!! Your items are still here! We shall return them. | Excuse me, sir! Your items are still here! Let me give them back to you! | ||||
Deeper levels of the Ancient Cave include monsters not found anywhere else in the game: Flame Glow, Uo Rum Glow, Wind Glow, Earth Glow, Lucifer, Deathbringer, Ghost Ship (non-boss version), Great Cocka, Orochi, Copper Dragon, Silver Dragon, Gold Dragon, Blue Mimic, Ice Devil, Dark Summoner.
Blue Chest Items | |||||||||
The Ancient Cave may generate blue chests. These contain special equipment that tends to be unusually strong, and in many cases, is not available anywhere else. Additionally, these items, and these items only, will come out of the cave with you when you escape it, and will also go into the cave with you when you enter it again. For obvious reasons, collecting them will give you an advantage on future trips into the cave, not to mention elsewhere in the game. |
Weapons | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Conflagration Sword | +400 ATP (Fire), crit bonus* +20 GUT |
Flame Stream (1.5x Fire physical damage vs all) |
Phoenix Staff | +350 ATP (Fire), crit bonus* +50 INT, +50 MGR |
Phoenix Shot (typeless physical + Fire magic damage vs all) |
Kappa Spear | +400 ATP (Water), crit bonus* +20 INT |
Rain Slasher (1.5x Water physical damage vs all) |
Aquadragon Spear | +380 ATP (Water), crit bonus* +25 DFP, +50 AGL, +25 INT, +25 MGR |
Tyrant Aquadragon Blast (typeless physical + Water magic damage vs all) |
Ether Whip | +400 ATP (Ice), crit bonus* +20 MGR |
Tornady Hail (1.5x Ice physical damage vs all) |
Snow Faerie Sword | +380 ATP (Ice), crit bonus* +50 DFP, +50 MGR |
Ice Requiem (typeless physical + Ice magic damage vs all) |
Diamond Axe | +400 ATP (Thunder), crit bonus* +20 DFP |
Crusher Bolt (1.5x Thunder physical damage vs all) |
Thunderbeast Sword | +450 ATP (Thunder), crit bonus* +25 DFP, +50 STR |
Lightning Beast (typeless physical + Thunder magic damage vs all) |
Halo Sword | +400 ATP (Holy), crit bonus* +20 INT, +20 MGR |
Saint Strike Rush (1.5x Holy physical damage vs all) |
Ga Iath Sword | +410 ATP (Holy), crit bonus* +10 DFP, STR, AGL, INT, GUT, and MGR |
Ragna Slasher (typeless physical + Holy magic damage vs all) |
Gades's Sword | +200 ATP (Dark), +10% crit rate |
Octo Strike (8 hits of typeless physical damage) |
Gades's Sword can also be obtained outside the cave by beating Gades in the "unwinnable" battle in the tower west of Gordovan. * All blue chest weapons other than Gades's Sword both add 10% to critical hit rate and double the damage of critical hits. |
Body Armor | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Miracle Plate | +120 DFP prevents paralysis |
Magic Resurrection (fully restore target's MP) |
Lucina Armor | +140 DFP prevents instant death |
Aureole (revive all and heal 2000 HP total) |
Unfortunately for Lexis and Arty, the surprisingly limited selection of blue chest body armor doesn't include anything they can wear. |
Shields | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Flame Shield | +80 DFP, halves Fire damage +10 GUT |
Efreet Barrier (temporarily negate Fire damage) |
Water Bracer | +75 DFP, halves Water damage +10 AGL, +10 MGR |
Sylph Screen (temporarily negate Water damage) |
Bolt Shield | +85 DFP, halves Thunder damage +10 ATP, +10 STR |
Voltic Barrier (temporarily negate Thunder damage) |
Crystal Shield | +80 DFP, halves Ice damage +10 MGR |
Shiva Shield (temporarily negate Ice damage) |
Mirror of Darkness (cursed) |
+150 DFP cannot remove without uncursing |
(none) | |||||||
Apollon Shield | +85 DFP, halves Holy damage +10 ATK, +10 STR, +10 MGR |
Holy Wall (temporarily negate Holy damage) |
The Mirror of Darkness no longer counts as a blue chest item once uncursed (which means it can no longer be taken in and out of the cave). However, entering or leaving the cave will automatically unequip the cursed version, just like anything else, so that gives you a way to remove it without uncursing it. |
Headgear | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Agni Helm | +80 DFP +10 GUT, prevents sleep |
Agni's Radiance (temporarily reflect Fire damage) |
Indra Turban | +85 DFP +10 ATP, +10 STR, prevents sleep |
Indra's Radiance (temporarily reflect Thunder damage) |
Aqua Helmet | +85 DFP +10 AGL |
Aqua Mirror (temporarily reflect Water damage) |
Ice Hairband | +80 DFP +10 MGR, prevents sleep |
Ice Mirror (temporarily reflect Ice damage) |
Yasha's Hairpin | +80 DFP +10 INT, +10 MGR, prevents sleep |
Dark Radiance (temporarily reflect Dark damage) |
Rings | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Earring | +5 DFP, +5 MGR | Re Gion (strongest Thunder attack magic) |
Diamond Ring | +30 ATP, +30 DFP, +20 MGR | Ga Iath (strongest Holy attack magic) |
Sea Ring | +25 DFP, +10 AGL, +10 INT, +20 MGR cancels typeless and anti-race damage types |
Uo Rum (medium power Water attack magic) |
Engage Ring | no stat changes discounts shop prices |
Direct (DFP +30% spell) |
Stones | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Water Cryptolith | +10 DFP, +20 INT, +10 GUT | Cold Breath (Ice magic damage vs all) |
Thunder Cryptolith | +30 ATP, +5 DFP, +10 STR, +10 INT | Thunder Breath (Thunder magic damage vs all) |
Earth Cryptolith | +20 DFP, +20 MGR | Fury of the Earth (Earth magic damage vs all) |
Wind Cryptolith | +35 DFP, +30 AGL | Wind Scythe (Wind magic damage vs all) |
Dark Cryptolith | +50 MGR | Dark Breath (Dark magic damage and 40% instant death vs all) |
Mermaid's Cryptolith | +20 GUT | Tsunami (Water magic damage vs all) |
Catfish's Cryptolith | +20 GUT, +20 MGR | Great Earthquake (Earth magic damage vs all) |
Camus's Cryptolith | +20 ATP, +20 INT, +20 MGR | Spread Buster Attack (1.5x Fire physical damage vs all) |
Giant Spider's Cryptolith | +10 ATP, +20 GUT | Spider Net (AGI down 40% vs all) |
Orochi's Cryptolith | +20 ATP, +50 DFP, +20 STR, +20 MGR | Octo-Head Breath (Fire/Water/Ice/Thunder magic damage vs all) |
Sablewyrm's Eye | +20 ATP, DFP, STR, AGL, GUT, and MGR | Dark Splash (Dark/Fire physical damage vs all) |
Argentwyrm's Eye | +10 DFP, +20 AGL, +20 INT, +20 GUT, +20 MGR | Diamond Dust (Water/Ice physical damage vs all) |
Orwyrm's Eye | +40 ATP, +30 DFP, +20 STR, +20 MGR | Stardust Breath (Thunder/Holy physical damage vs all) |
Many stones can also be obtained outside of the cave: Water Cryptolith (chest in the Alunze Castle basement), Thunder Cryptolith (7.5% drop from the Thunderbeast enemy), Earth Cryptolith (10% drop from the Tartona enemy), Wind Cryptolith (7.5% drop from the Blizzn Lizard enemy), Dark Cryptolith (1% drop from the Shadow enemy or 2.5% drop from the Nosferatu enemy), Catfish's Cryptolith (12.5% drop from the Giant Catfish boss), Camus's Cryptolith (3% drop from the Camus boss), Giant Spider's Cryptolith (3% drop from the Giant Spider boss). Other stones are available as random loot from monsters that only appear inside the cave itself: Orochi's Cryptolith (1% drop from Orochi), Argentwyrm's Eye (1% drop from Silver Dragon), Orwyrm's Eye (1% drop from Gold Dragon). Nothing can drop the Water Cryptolith, or the Mermaid's Cryptolith (not even a Merman or its palette swap), or the Sablewyrm's Eye (not even a Black Dragon). |
Cave-Only Red Chest Items | |||||||||
While the blue chest items may be the most exciting treasures in the Ancient Cave, its red chests may also give out items and even spells not found anywhere else in the game. Whether they're the remnants of ideas that didn't make it into the main content, or just a nice little bonus... who can say? |
Usable Items | |||||||||
Item | Details | ||||||||
Purifying Drop | Uncurses all cursed items that one character has equipped. This is the only way to uncurse anything inside the cave. | ||||||||
Prayer to the Heavens | Returns the party to the cave entrance, keeping all blue chest and Iris treasures found. This item will appear starting at floor 20, but you will only find one per trip, so don't accidentally throw it away or feed it to a capsule monster. Beating the boss of the cave will add one to your inventory if you don't have any. | ||||||||
Weapons | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Blood Sword (cursed) | +20 ATP (Dark) 80% chance to inflict instant death |
(none) | |||||||
Blood Sword (uncursed) | +120 ATP (Dark) 10% chance to inflict instant death |
Warcry Strike (base damage is 1/6 of target's current HP) |
Suhr Custom 11 | +50 ATP | (none) | |||||||
Berserk Blade (cursed) | +250 ATP (Dark) |
(none) | |||||||
Berserk Blade (uncursed) | +200 ATP (Dark) +50% crit rate |
Explosive Attack (1x typeless physical damage vs all) |
Luck Rapier (cursed) | +0 ATP +100% crit rate |
(none) | |||||||
Luck Rapier (uncursed) | +290 ATP +40% crit rate |
(none) | |||||||
Luck Blade (cursed) | +0 ATP +100% crit rate, +25% crit damage |
(none) | |||||||
Luck Blade (uncursed) | +300 ATP +40% crit rate |
(none) | |||||||
Fly Slayer | +240 ATP (anti-Flying) +10% crit rate, +100% crit damage |
Shooting Winger (1.5x anti-Flying physical damage vs all) |
Archaic Sword | +450 ATP | Fury Strike (base damage is 1/4 of target's current HP) |
Blood Rod (cursed) | +0 ATP (Dark) 80% chance to inflict instant death |
(none) | |||||||
Blood Rod (uncursed) | +110 ATP (Dark) 10% chance to inflict instant death |
Destruction Strike (base damage is 1/8 of target's current HP) |
Sleep Rod | +100 ATP 20% chance to inflict sleep |
Sleep Stinger (1x typless physical damage, inflicts sleep 100%) |
Holy Staff | +180 ATP (Holy) 100% chance to cure paralysis |
Holy Slugger (3x Holy physical damage) |
Death Pick (cursed) | +0 ATP (Dark) 80% chance to inflict instant death |
(none) | |||||||
Death Pick (uncursed) | +150 ATP (Dark) 25% chance to inflict instant death |
(none) | |||||||
Though only the cursed versions of applicable items will appear in chests directly, uncursing them is the only way to get the uncursed equivalents. |
Body Armor | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Diamond Lab Coat |
+93 DFP prevents instant death and poison |
Angel Recover (cures status effects) |
Headgear | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Safety First | +70 DFP +5 MGR, prevents confusion |
Weapon Destruction (reduces ATP by 25%) |
Rings | |||||||||
Item | Stats | IP | Who Can Use | ||||||
Tweak Ring | +10 ATP boosts Tweak effectiveness |
Tweak (increases ATP by 20%, boosted to ?? by ring) |
Fake Ring | +10 ATP boosts Fake effectiveneess |
Fake (increases AGL by 20%, boosted to ?? by ring) |
Spells | |||||||||
Spell | Details | Who Can Use | |||||||
Muujir | Costs 5 MP. Inflicts silence status (less successful when multitargeted). | ||||||||
Dreed | Costs 5 MP. Reduces DFP by 10%. | ||||||||
While both spells are found as IP effects on certain rings, neither can be learned outside of the cave. |
Special Items | |||||||||
Iris Sword | Iris Shield | Iris Helmet | |||||||
Iris Armor | Iris Ring | Iris Diamond | |||||||
Iris Staff | Iris Pot | Iris Tiara | |||||||
The Iris treasures, though found in red chests, leave the cave with the party, just like blue chest items. An NPC in town will put them on display. The tenth treasure is a chunk of the cave's boss, won by beating it (the item won't appear in your inventory, even though it exists, but the NPC will still put it on display when you talk to her). These treasures have no known purpose whatsoever beyond bragging rights. |
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