After all this time, Maxim finally visits his first port town. Appropriately, the lively 1-33 "Port Town" plays. Regardless, if Idura came by here, surely someone must have noticed. Conveniently, a sailor right by the entrance has all the most relevant information. |
変な男がとつぜんやってきて、 船を全部しずめていきやがったんだ。 まったく、信じられねーよ。 この街は、東のアスターク大陸に 行く船が出る港なんだ。 ……これじゃ、しばらく誰も海を わたれねーよ。 まぁ、ジャッドのヤツが北の山から 帰ってくれば、船はすぐにでも 出来るんだけどな。なにせ、 あいつは船作りの天才だからな。 |
Some weird man suddenly showed up out of nowhere and sank all our ships. I mean, c'mon, it's just unbelievable. This town's the port ships heading east to the Astark continent sail out of. ...ain't no one gonna be crossing the sea any time soon with things like this. Though if Judd would come back from the northern mountain, he could get a ship put together in no time. He's a shipbuilding genius, after all. |
A weird guy came out of nowhere and sank all the ships. I just couldn't believe my eyes. This is home port to ships headed east to the Ustark Continent. Without ships, no one can cross. But when Jyad returns from the North Mountain, he can make a ship in no time. He's a genius. |
Judd may have been named after a brand of high-performance racing engines. |
この街の船を全部壊したヤツは、 東のアスターク大陸へと向かったよ。 ……でも、なんで船を壊したんだ ろう? |
The guy who sank every ship in town headed east toward the Astark continent. ...but how come he destroyed our ships? |
The destroyer of ships headed east for the Ustark Continent. But why did he destroy them? |
Presumably to foil pursuit. |
船をしずめたのは、なんかキザっぽい へんな男だったよ。 |
The guy who sank all the ships was some weird man who seemed real full of himself. |
The man who sank all the ships looked really evil, as if he was showing off. |
That sounds like Idura, all right. |
船を直すには、ジャッドのヤツに たのむのが一番いいけど、あいつ また北の山に行っちまったんだよ。 あの山には、船にするには、いい木が 多いけど、モンスターも多いんだよな。 ジャッドは、剣士じゃねーからな。 ケガでもしなきゃいいけどな。 |
When you want a ship repaired, asking Judd's your best bet, but he's gone off to the northern mountain again. That mountain's got lots of good wood for ships, but it's got lots of monsters, too. And Judd's no swordsman. Hope he's not hurt or anything. |
If you have a problem with your ship, Jyad's your man, but he's on the North Mountain again. There are tons of good trees for ships, but many monsters too. Jyad's not a warrior. I hope he's ok. |
That explains why he's in the mountains, at least. Meanwhile, Judd's apparent girlfriend is drinking alone in the pub: |
ジャッドのヤツ、一度山に入ると、 しばらく帰ってこないのよ。 ……まったく、あたしと船と どっちが大事なのよ。 ……でも、ムチャしてなきゃ、いいけ どな。あいつ、船を作るのはうまくて も、剣はからっきしダメだからなぁ。 |
That Judd, once he goes into the mountains, it's always so long before he gets back. ...honestly, which is more important to him, me or boats? ...I just hope he's not being reckless. For all that he's good at making ships, he's completely hopeless with a sword. |
When Jyad goes into the mountains, he stays forever. Does he prefer ships to me? I hope he won't push himself too far. He's a great shipmaker, but he's no warrior. |
And although not useful yet, this could prove relevant later: |
ここから北の小島にグルベリックと いう街がある。そこには、 『いにしえの洞窟』と呼ばれる ふしぎな洞窟があるそうじゃ……。 なんでも、その洞窟には、無限の 宝が眠っているそうじゃ。 ウソかホントかは知らんがの……。 |
There's a town called Gruberik on a small island to the north. They say there's a mysterious cave there called the Ancient Cave... Supposedly, within that cave sleeps limitless treasure. Who knows if it's true or not... |
Gruberik's on the small island north of here. I hear the mysterious Ancient Cave is there. They say the cave holds countless treasures. Of course, who knows if it be true. |
The magic shop has second-level ice, water, and healing magic, not to mention a revival spell. Some of the new equipment may be worth a look, too. |
More new music! Mountain areas like this generally use 1-34 "Towering Mountain", and combine exterior trails with internal cavern networks. The puzzles here start off simple with a trio of regrowning bushes that a Bomb takes care of, then a switch that needs to be flipped to extend a ladder. After that and a brief trip outdoors, a more interesting puzzle awaits. |
すべての草がおいしげる時 ドアは開かれる |
When all grass grows lush shall the door be opened. |
When all the grass grows, the door will be opened. |
But first, let's Bomb the nearby cracked wall and go through there and outside to find an important blue treasure chest. |
きのカギを手に入れた | Got the Tree Key | Found Tree key | ||||
Back to that puzzle. The short grass grows thick but blocks further passage after being stepped on, so this is a variant of the classic "pass through each tile exactly once" puzzle. Key to this one is that some spots on the edge of the formation can be stepped onto and then off of, without going through the center. Getting all the grass to grow opens a door leading to another blue treasure chest. |
ファイヤーアローを手に入れた | Got the Fire Arrow | Found Fire arrow | ||||
A nearby sign gives more information. |
ファイヤーアローを撃てば、アローが 通った後の草は、すべてもえる。 |
When you shoot a Fire Arrow, all grass along the arrow's path burns. |
Shoot Fire Arrows so the grass will burn. |
A Fire Arrow is otherwise the same as a standard Arrow. Continue on to find a fork in the path. Down the stairs is a cavern with a UoMu Ring and nothing else but lots of monsters, while the door behind the vines on the wall leads to a puzzle room. Use Fire Arrows to clear the way to push blocks onto switches, making ladders appear. Then it's time for the main puzzle. An area with a weak floor has two pots, two switches, and the way forward. Each floor tile can be walked on only once before crumbling and dropping the party into the monster cavern. Both pots need to go on the switches in order to lower the spikes blocking the doorway ahead. Start in the lower right and pick up the pot there, then work back toward the bottom left and up to the other pot. Remember to use the R button to turn in place without walking, and the rest should be fairly straightforward. After that, Bombing through a cracked wall, working across a room with a series of Hookshot targets, Hookshoting across a gap in a following room once the monster on the far side finally steps on the switch to raise the stake, then heading outside and Bombing through a doorway leads to another puzzle room. |
ここは、ゆかがもろくなっています。 過度の重量をかけないでください。 |
The floor here has grown fragile. Please don't put much weight on it. |
The floor is very fragile here. Don't put so much weight on it. |
A clearly outlined section of floor falls into the room below if the party and a nearby monster stand on it at the same time, allowing access to the next area. After using the Tree Key, they encounter a lone man. As in several other places, the dialog starts a bit differently if you come here before hearing about him. |
マキシム: もしかして、あなたがジャッドさん なんですか? |
Maxim: Would you happen to be Judd, by any chance? |
Maxim: Are you Jyad, by any chance? |
ジャッド: ああそうだが、あんたは? |
Judd: Yeah, that's me. And you? |
Jyad: That's me. Who are you folks? |
マキシム: マキシムと言います。ある男を 追って、東の大陸に行きたいのですが、 アレインの船は、ぜんぶ壊されて いるのです。 |
Maxim: My name is Maxim. We want to go to the eastern continent in pursuit of a certain man, but all the ships in Aleyn have been destroyed. |
Maxim: I'm Maxim. I'm after someone on the East Continent, but the ships in Aleyn were destroyed. |
ジャッド: なんだって?港の船が全部、 壊されただって。 それじゃ、俺のマーティン号は? |
Judd: What was that? Every ship in the harbor, destroyed? What about my Martin? |
Jyad: What!? All the ships destroyed? What about my Margos? |
Possibly named after the San Martín (also known as São Martinho), flagship of the Spanish Armada. |
マキシム: 港には、船は一せきもありません でしたから……おそらく。 |
Maxim: There wasn't a single ship in the harbor... so, most likely. |
Maxim: I didn't see any ships at all in port, so probably... |
ジャッド: くそっ!なんてこった。 ……でもまぁ、それならそれで、 ここまで来た意味があるってもんだな。 |
Judd: Damn! How terrible. ...but I guess that just makes it mean something that I've come all this way. |
Jyad: Darn it! What's goin' on? Well, that makes my coming here worthwhile, huh! |
マキシム: どういう事です? |
Maxim: What do you mean? |
Maxim: What are you saying? |
ジャッド: この山には、『幻の木』とよばれる 木があるんだ。軽くて丈夫で、まさに 船を作るのに、うってつけの木なんだ。 俺は、こう見えても船作りに関しては 自信がある! 幻の木さえ手に入れば、最高の船を 作ってみせるぜ。 でも、この先に出るモンスターが 強すぎて、俺には手におえないんだ。 ……それで、ここで立ちおうじょう してるってわけさ。 |
Judd: There's a tree on this mountain called the Fabled Tree. It's lightweight and sturdy, truly ideal for shipbuilding. I may not look like much, but I'm confident about shipbuilding! I just need the Fabled Tree, and I swear I'll make the greatest of ships. But the monsters that show up past here are too strong. I'm helpless before them. ...and that's why I'm stuck here at a complete standstill. |
Jyad: There's a tree called the phantom tree on this mountain. It's light, strong, ideal for ships. I'm a darn good shipmaker, you see. As soon as I get the tree, I can make the best. But the monster ahead is too tough, so I'm stuck sitting here doing nothing. |
ハイデッカ: なら、この場は俺たちにまかせて くれ。モンスターは、俺たちが かたづけてやるぜ! |
Heidecker: Then leave things to us here. We'll take care of the monsters! |
Dekar: That's easy then. Let us take care of the monster. |
ジャッド: 本当か? |
Judd: Really? |
Jyad: Are you sure? |
ハイデッカ: まかせとけって! そのかわり、船が完成した時に 東の大陸まで、送ってもらうぜ。 |
Heidecker: Leave it to us! In return, you can take us to the eastern continent once the ship's done. |
Dekar: Trust me! But in return, please take us to the East Continent when you finish the ship. |
ジャッド: ああ、それくらい お安いごようだ。 |
Judd: Sure, that's a simple enough request. |
Jyad: Sure. No problem. |
ハイデッカ: よし。決まりだ! |
Heidecker: All right, that settles it! |
Dekar: We've got a deal! |
Judd comes with them from this point. There's a save point just ahead, but no healing spots. A monster appears shortly after that. |
マキシム: こいつか! |
Maxim: Must be these! |
Maxim: This might be the one! |
A pair of Lions attack. They're fairly quick and have both a powerful single-target attack and a moderately strong multi-target attack, so watch your health. Buffs, debuffs, and of course healing spells all come in handy. These particular Lions are also weak against ice, but resistant to water. If anyone has an instant death IP available, like the one on the Undead Ring, it's worth giving that a try, since they're not immune to it. Continuing outside and across one last Hookshot gap, the party finds a large tree. |
ジャッド: こ、これだ……。 |
Judd: Th-this is it... |
Jyad: Th...this is it... |
ガイ: なんか、えらくでかい木だな! これがそうなのか? |
Guy: That's a heck of a huge tree! Is this the one? |
Guy: This is a huge tree! Is this it? |
ジャッド: ああ、これにまちがいない! |
Judd: Yeah, this is defintely it! |
Jyad: Yeah! I'm sure of it! |
マキシム: これで、船が作れますか? |
Maxim: Can you make a ship now? |
Maxim: Do you think you can make a ship out of this? |
ジャッド: ああ!最高の船が出来るぜ! よし、俺は街にもどって、人手を 集めてくる。 |
Judd: Yeah! I'll make the greatest of ships! All right, I'll head back to town and get some helpers together. |
Jyad: Sure - the best! Right! I'll go back to the city and organize some help. |
He starts to run off. |
マキシム: あっ、待ってください。 |
Maxim: Ah, just a moment, please. |
Maxim: Oh, wait! |
ジャッド: な、なんだよ? 早く、街に戻って―― |
Judd: Wh-what is it? I've gotta hurry back to town— |
Jyad: What is it? I have to go back right away and... |
マキシム: ――街になら、すぐに もどれますよ。 |
Maxim: —we can get you back to town in no time flat. |
Maxim: You can go back to the city in a flash. |
ジャッド: えっ? |
Judd: Huh? |
Jyad: What? |
マキシム: こっちに来てください。 いいですか、はなれないで くださいよ。 |
Maxim: Come over here, please. Keep close to us, all right? |
Maxim: Would you come over here and stay close to us? |
He does so. |
マキシム: セレナ。たのむよ。 |
Maxim: Selena, if you please? |
Maxim: Selan, we are ready. |
セレナ: ええ。スイング! |
Selena: Certainly. Swing! |
Selan: Alright. Warp! |
The five of them warp out... |
...and reappear in town. Judd looks around as though disoriented. |
ジャッド: こ、これがスイングの魔法……。 |
Judd: S-so, this is a Swing spell... |
Jyad: So that's what a “Warp” is. |
セレナ: 初めてだったんですか? |
Selena: Was that your first time? |
Selan: Was that your first time? |
ジャッド: ああ……魔法を使えるヤツは めずらしいからな。 それより……なんか、気持ち 悪くなった。 |
Judd: Yeah... not that many people around who can use magic. More importantly... I'm not feeling too good. |
Jyad: Yeah. I don't meet many people who can use spells. My stomach feels kind of weird. |
セレナ: よったんですよ。 移動の魔法は、よう人も いるんです。 |
Selena: Motion sickness. Some people get that from teleporation magic. |
Selan: You're just spell sick. It happens to some people when they get hit with one. |
The verb 酔う can refer to succumbing to any sort of motion sickness in general, and also to getting drunk. |
ジャッド: よったぁ?この俺が? どんな、あらしの海でも よった事がなかったのに……。 |
Judd: Motion sick? Me? I've never gotten sick even on the stormiest of seas... |
Jyad: Me? Sick? You're kidding! I've never been sick! Even riding out a storm. |
セレナ: 船と魔法は違いますからね。 でも、すぐになれますよ。 |
Selena: Ships and magic are different. You get used to it quickly, though. |
Selan: Ships and spells are different. But you'll soon get used to it. |
ジャッド: ……いや、もうゴメンだよ。 俺は、おそくても船で移動するよ。 そうだ!船だよ!俺は、人手を 集めて木を取ってくるぜ! 2、3日まっててくれよ。 俺が、最高の船を作ってみせるぜ! よーし、やるぞー! |
Judd: ...nah, that's enough for me. I'll travel by ship, even if it's slower. Oh, right! My ship! I'll gather up some helpers to go get the wood! Wait two or three days. I swear I'll make the greatest of ships! All right, here we go! |
Jyad: No thanks. I prefer ships. Oh, that's right. I've got a ship to make. I'm off to fetch the wood. The ship will be done in a couple of days. I'll show you my best work. Come back then, ok!? |
He runs off. |
セレナ: やっぱり船乗りは 船がいいのね。 |
Selena: I suppose sailors would prefer ships. |
Selan: I guess sailors like cruising better than warping. |
ハイデッカ: 俺は、スイングになれちまったからな。 もう船なんかで、ちんたら移動しちゃ いられないぜ。 |
Heidecker: I've gotten awful used to Swing. Can't stand how sluggish going on a boat is anymore. |
Dekar: I'm so used to warping now that I can't travel around slowly in ships. |
マキシム: でも、スイングは、行った事がない 街には行けないだろ。 その意味じゃ、ここから先は、船が なきゃスイングは使えないわけだ。 |
Maxim: But Swing can't take you to a town you've never been to. That means from here on, Swing does us no good without a ship. |
Maxim: But you can't get to places you've never been by Warp. That means we must travel by ship. |
ハイデッカ: ふむ……それもそうだな。 |
Heidecker: Hmm... you're not wrong. |
Dekar: Hmm...That's true. |
セレナ: ところで、マキシム。船が 出来るまでどうするの? |
Selena: By the way, Maxim. What do we do until the ship's done? |
Selan: By the way, Maxim. What are we going to do until the ship is done? |
マキシム: 2、3日って言ってたからな。 それまで、この街にいるしか ないな。 |
Maxim: He said two or three days. We'll just have to stay in town until then. |
Maxim: Jyad said a couple of days, so we have to stay in the city until then. |
Guy steps forward. |
ガイ: マキシム。 俺はちょっと行く所があるぜ。 |
Guy: Maxim. I've kinda got somewhere to go. |
Guy: Maxim. I just remembered something I have to do. |
So does Heidecker. |
ハイデッカ: 実は俺も行く所がある。 |
Heidecker: Actually, I've got somewhere to go, too. |
Dekar: Me, too. |
ガイ: てめぇ、まさか酒場のウサギちゃんに ちょっかいだそうって気じゃ ねーだろうな? |
Guy: Dammit, you'd better not be going to hit on the bunny girls at the bar, are you? |
Guy: You're not thinking about going out on the town, are you? |
ハイデッカ: ふっ、じまんじゃないが、 俺は剣の次に得意なのがナンパだ。 |
Heidecker: Heh, not to brag, but my next best skill after swordplay is picking up chicks. |
Dekar: Not to show off or anything, but, besides being great and all, I'm good at making friends! |
ガイ: お前にナンパされるような女が いるわけねーだろ? |
Guy: What sort of woman could possibly want to be picked up by you? |
Guy: No woman in her right mind would befriend you! |
ハイデッカ: 結果を見れば、お前にもわかる。 この俺のスゴサがな……。 |
Heidecker: You'll understand how awesome I am once you see the results... |
Dekar: Save it until you see what I can do, alright? |
Heidecker heads into town. |
ガイ: あのこんきょの無い自信は どっから、わいてくるんだ? |
Guy: Where's that completely groundless confidence of his coming from? |
Guy: Where is this confidence coming from!? You've got nothing special to be proud of! |
ガイ: まぁ、マキシム。 そんなわけで、俺たちは2、3日 この街で時間をつぶしてるぜ。 それじゃな。 |
Guy: Anyway, Maxim. There you go. We'll be killing time here in town for two or three days. See ya. |
Guy: Well, Maxim. You heard us. We'll be chillin' around this city for a couple of days. |
Guy follows. |
セレナ: どうして、男って ああなのかしら? |
Selena: Why is it that men are like that? |
Selan: Typical males! |
マキシム: …………。 |
Maxim: ...... |
Maxim: ...... |
Guy and Heidecker have temporarily left the party, and can be found in the local pub. |
ガイ: よう、マキシム。やっぱり来たか! やっぱ男は、これだよな。 |
Guy: Hey, Maxim. Knew you'd come! This's what a man's gotta do. |
Guy: Hey, Maxim, I knew you'd come! A man must relax, after all! |
ハイデッカ: ふふふ……この俺様のスゴサを 見せてやるぜ! |
Heidecker: Hu hu hu... I'll show you just how awesome I am! |
Dekar: Tee, hee, hee. I will show you what I can do! |
Selena and Maxim won't leave town until the ship is done, so there's nothing much to do at this point but wait. Staying overnight at the inn advances time, and doing that twice is enough for Judd to finish. Several NPCs will mention that he's done, and Judd himself appears by the docks with his new ship. |
ジャッド: 見てくれ!どうだい、ついに 完成したぜ。 新生マーティン号だ。 |
Judd: Behold! How's that? I'm finished at last. The Martin is reborn. |
Jyad: Look at this beauty! I did it! It's done. This is the newly born Margos. |
マキシム: すごい!こんなに早く 出来るなんて! |
Maxim: Incredible! I can't believe you finished so quickly! |
Maxim: Incredible! It's amazing how fast you can work! |
ジャッド: まぁこの俺にかかれば、ちょろい もんよ。わははははっ! |
Judd: Well, this's no big deal for a guy like me. Wa ha ha hah! |
Jyad: It's nothing, really. A piece of cake. Do it all the time... Ha, ha, ha! |
Just then, Guy runs up from town. |
ガイ: おう、やっと船ができたか? これ以上、飲んでると、体が 酒びたしになるところだったぜ。 |
Guy: Ah, the ship's finally ready? Any more drinking and I was about to be pickled in alcohol. |
Guy: Oh, it's ready, huh? What good timing! I needed a break from the party. |
Heidecker shortly follows. |
ハイデッカ: あのていどで、酒びたしに なるとは、なさけない。 |
Heidecker: Is that all it would take you to end up like that? Pathetic. |
Dekar: Yeah, you just don't know how to handle the wild side like I do, huh?! |
ガイ: よっぱらって、ウサギちゃんに ちょっかい出して、おまけに ハリ倒されてたのは、誰だっけ? |
Guy: Remind me who made a drunken pass at a bunny girl, and what's worse, got taken to the ground? |
Guy: Look who's talking! Who was it that got smacked up side the head by a “new friend”? |
ハイデッカ: ふっ、わかってねーな。あのウサギの 強さは、ハンパじゃなかったぜ。 ……おそらく、ガデスよりも強い! |
Heidecker: Phew, you just don't get it. That bunny girl's strength was no laughing matter. ...I bet she was even stronger than Gades! |
Dekar: You don't know how strong she was. She's probably stronger than Gades! |
ガイ: ホントか? |
Guy: For real? |
Guy: Uh-huh. Sure. |
セレナ: ホントなわけないでしょ! それは、よった客のあしらい方を 身につけてるだけよ。 |
Selena: Of course it's not for real! She's just learned how to deal with drunk patrons. |
Selan: It's not strength! She just knows how to handle brutes like you. |
マキシム: と、とにかくジャッドさん。 私たちを、アスターク大陸まで 送ってもらえますか? |
Maxim: A-anyway, Judd. Could we have you take us to the Astark continent? |
Maxim: In any case, Jyad, would you take us to the Ustark Continent? |
ジャッド: おう、まかせとけ! ところで、行き先はどうする? この船で行ける港は、アスターク大陸の ナーシサス港と、いにしえの洞窟がある グルベリック港だぜ? |
Judd: Sure, just leave it to me! By the way, where should we head? This ship can get us to Narcissus port on Astark, or Gruberik port where the Ancient Cave is? |
Jyad: Why not! And where exactly did you want to go? You can go to either Narsysus port on Ustark or Gruberik port where the Ancient Cave is. |
As all information has indicated, Idura went to the Astark continent, so progress lies that way, in Narcissus. However, the Ancient Cave makes for a fascinating side trip, and as the conversation about transportation hinted at, it's worth a visit even if only to add Gruberik to the warp list. |