The usual town music plays. Selena stands in the house as Maxim enters. |
セレナ: お帰りなさい。 |
Selena: Welcome home! |
Selan: Hi, my love! |
マキシム: ラルフは、どうした? |
Maxim: How's Ralph? |
Maxim: How's Jeros doing? |
セレナ: いま、お昼寝中よ。 |
Selena: He's napping now. |
Selan: He's sleeping. |
マキシム: やっぱりそうか。 泣き声が聞こえないから、たぶん 寝てるんだと思ったよ。 |
Maxim: Thought so. I figured he was sleeping since I couldn't hear him crying. |
Maxim: I thought so. I couldn't hear his voice from outside. |
セレナ: それじゃ、私がいつもあの子を 泣かしてるみたいじゃない。 |
Selena: That makes it sound like I'm always making him cry. |
Selan: That sounds like I'm always making him cry or something. |
マキシム: もう半年もたつんだから、 寝かしつけるくらいは、 出来てもらわないとな。 |
Maxim: It's been half a year already. You've got to at least be able to get him to sleep. |
Maxim: Well...you're not very good at getting him to go to sleep, are you? |
Let's see... given that Ralph was born half a year ago, and that Selena presumably wasn't noticeably (if at all) pregnant when sparring in the autumn scene, I'd figure it's been at least two years since their wedding, if not longer. |
セレナ: もう……。 |
Selena: Lay off... |
Selan: Neither are you! |
The music stops as a sound like a monster warping in is heard. |
マキシム: 何の音だ? |
Maxim: What's that sound? |
Maxim: What's that sound? |
セレナ: 寝室の方ね……見てくるわ! |
Selena: From the bedroom... I'll go look! |
Selan: It came from the bedroom. Let me check! |
They head upstairs to find Idura holding the baby. It seems Heidecker had the right idea with not wanting to let him get away... "Despair" plays. |
マキシム: き、キサマは……イドゥラ! |
Maxim: Y-you're... Idura! |
Maxim: You...you..! You're Idura! |
イドゥラ: 赤んぼうは、あずからせて もらったぞ。 |
Idura: I'll be taking the baby. |
Idura: I've got your little baby. |
マキシム: なんのつもりだ! |
Maxim: What are you up to!? |
Maxim: What do you think you're doing!? |
イドゥラ: さるお方の命令だ。 |
Idura: Doing the bidding of one who shall remain nameless. |
Idura: Orders from one up high. |
マキシム: だれだ、そいつは!? ガデスなら死んだぞ! |
Maxim: And who's that!? If you mean Gades, he's dead! |
Maxim: Who!? If it's Gades, he's history! |
イドゥラ: ガデス様ではない……そうか お前、何も知らないようだな? |
Idura: Not lord Gades... ah, it seems that you don't know a thing, do you? |
Idura: No, no. Not Gades. Too bad you don't know yet. |
マキシム: 何の事だ? |
Maxim: What do you mean? |
Maxim: What are you talking about? |
イドゥラ: 知りたくば、北の燈台へ 来るんだな。うわはははっ! |
Idura: If you want to know, come to the northern lighthouse. Uwa ha ha hah! |
Idura: Come to the North Lighthouse to find out. |
He teleports away. |
セレナ: マキシム……ラルフが……。 |
Selena: Maxim... Ralph is... |
Selan: Maxim...Jeros! Our baby! |
マキシム: ああ、すぐに北の燈台へ行こう。 |
Maxim: Yeah. Let's go straight to the northern lighthouse. |
Maxim: I know. We've got to go to the North Lighthouse. |
Obviously, that wasn't an ending sequence after all. Of course, the menu gives away that there are another four capsule monsters, and if you watched the introduction, you should know there are two playable characters we haven't even met yet. Not to mention the Dual Blade... |
Come to think of it, this seems like something the king ought to hear about. |
なに?ラルフがイドゥラに 連れ去られたじゃと! |
What? Ralph was kidnapped by Idura!? |
What!? Jeros was kidnapped by Idura!? |
マキシム: イドゥラは、北の灯台に来いと 言ってました。 |
Maxim: Idura said to come to the northern lighthouse. |
Maxim: Idura said to go to the North Lighthouse. |
しかし、イドゥラと言うのは、 ガデスの手下ではなかったのか? |
Idura, though, wasn't he a subordinate of Gades? |
Idura was under Gades, wasn't he? |
マキシム: 私もそう思っていました。 ……しかし、ちがうようです。 |
Maxim: I thought so as well. ...it seems not, though. |
Maxim: That's what I thought, too. But I guess he's not.. |
考えたくはないが、ガデス以外にも まだ、あのような力を持っている、 ヤツがおるのか……。 |
I'd rather not consider it, but could there still be others besides Gades with that kind of power...? |
I don't like this. It sounds like there are others with the enormous power of Gades. |
マキシム: なんとも言えません。 ……とにかく、北の灯台へ行きます。 ラルフが心配です。 |
Maxim: I can't なんとも言えません。 ……とにかく、北の灯台へ行きます。 ラルフが心配です。 |
Maxim: I have no idea. In any case, I'll head for the North Lighthouse before anything happens to Jeros. |
そ、そうじゃな。ラルフの命が 大事じゃな。早く行くがよい。 |
Yes, yes, of course. Jeros's well-being comes first. Go immediately. |
Speaking to the king is completely optional and does little more than change the dialog of a few NPCs. However, it does also prompt the Parcelyte innkeeper to offer free lodging for the rest of the game, though Maxim and Selena can just go home to rest in either of the beds upstairs regardless. |
This lighthouse, basically another tower, has been here all along, it's just that nothing happened here previously. A soldier stands by the entrance. |
あやしい光が、この燈台の屋上へ、 飛んで来ました! それと同時に、モンスターもとつぜん 増えてしまって、手におえません! |
A suspicious light flew to the rooftop of this lighthouse! The monsters suddenly multiplied at the same time. They're out of control! |
Ever since a mysterious light flew to the top of the lighthouse, we're awash in monsters! |
The next room has a horizontal row of immobile blocks with two movable blocks above and two below it, a pair of exits to the north, and a sign on the wall. |
矢印のしめすドアが開く | The door the arrow indicates will open. | The door the arrow's pointing at opens. |
Pushing the blocks side to side is enough to form a large arrow and open a door. The room through the righthand door has another puzzle and sign. |
ドアが見えている時に、もんしょうに 箱を乗せれば、すべてのしかけが消え、 ドアが開く。 |
If you place a box on the crest when the door is in sight, all the tricks will vanish and the door will open. |
If you place the box on the crest when you see the door, all the tricks vanish and the door opens. |
There don't seem to be enough boxes to do everything all at once, but sticking one in front of the door to prop open the walls frees up the others to use elsewhere. Solving it is good for a Mystery Ring, a Large Shield, and another Dragon Egg. Further up the tower is a room with a puzzle that works like Concentration. Matching the tiles opens the exits. Each mismatch lowers one of four lines of spikes that initially hold monsters back. Solving the puzzle also removes the monsters, even after they've been freed. Beyond the spikes, a button raises hookshot targets on the other path. Skipping the hookshoting for now leads to a FuRei Ring. Across the hookshotting and through a bombable wall, flipping a switch extends a ladder outside to reach another puzzle. | ||||||
黒の上に置け……。 | Place upon black... | Place it on black. | ||||
A group of several light and two dark tiles ahead shuffle themselves when a button is pressed, all turning light at the end. Picking out the ones that started out dark and placing pots on top of them lowers spikes that block a blue chest. Failure just resets the room, so no big deal. |
とうだいのカギを手に入れた | Got the Lighthouse Key. | Found Light key | ||||
Solving the puzzle also lowers spikes to open a side path with a teleporter that conveniently leads back to the ground floor. The key grants access to the other side of the tower, where a side room on the fourth floor provides healing and save spots. Pushing a pillar on the fifth floor reveals a bombable floor, and pushing the pillar into the hole and following it down leads to a button the pillar can hold down for access to a Bee Rock. There's more to it than that, though. Moving the pillar to the edge of the gap in the floor, then hookshotting to it from the far side, will drop the party into a secret room with a Cancer Rock. Then it's time to heal and save again before entering the final section. One last puzzle later, and upstairs, seemingly alone, is... |
セレナ: ラルフ! |
Selena: Ralph! |
Selan: Jeros! |
The music fades out. Idura warps in and "Shudder" starts playing. |
イドゥラ: 来たか……。 |
Idura: You've come, then... |
Idura: You're here... |
セレナ: ラルフは無事なんでしょうね! |
Selena: Ralph had better not be hurt! |
Selan: Jeros's ok, isn't he? |
イドゥラ: 元気だ。 だが、まもなく死ぬ。 |
Idura: He is well. But he will die shortly. |
Idura: Don't worry. He's just fine...for now. |
セレナ: 私たちの子供に、なんの うらみがあるのよ! |
Selena: What do you have against our child!? |
Selan: What did my son ever do to you!? |
イドゥラ: さるお方の命令だ。 マキシム。キサマの血を 残されては、困るのだ……。 |
Idura: Such is the bidding of one who shall remain nameless. Maxim, allowing your bloodline to remain could prove problematic... |
Idura: I am under orders from a certain someone to ensure your bloodline ceases, Maxim. |
マキシム: 俺の……血だと? |
Maxim: My...... bloodline? |
Maxim: My...bloodline? |
イドゥラ: さて、そろそろ話も 終わりだな。 |
Idura: I think that's enough talk. |
Idura: We do not need to talk really, now do we? |
Selena starts to advance, but... |
イドゥラ: 動くな! 動くと、このガキの命はないぞ。 ……ま、どっちにしても、 このガキは死ぬ運命だがな。 あーっはははっ! |
Idura: Don't move! Move, and the brat's dead. ...ah, but the brat's doomed to die either way. Ah, ha ha hah! |
Idura: Don't you move! One step more and you'll never see daylight again! Oh, I forgot. His fate will be grim, no matter what you try to do. Ha, ha, ha! |
Iris suddenly appears next to Ralph, grabs him, and warps behind Maxim and Selena. |
イドゥラ: な、なに!? |
Idura: Wh-what!? |
Idura: Wh...what!? |
アイリス: マキシムさん。 今です! |
Iris: Maxim. Now! |
Iris: Maxim, NOW! |
Finally, it's time to fight him! He uses and resists Thunder, but has weaknesses to both Ice and anti-Armor attack types. Any Groupies he summons should be taken out quickly, since their attacks can inflict Sleep status (interestingly, they're weak against Thunder, his favorite type of attack). Groupies have a good chance to drop Magic Fruit, but the item drop system allows at most one item per battle, so no farming for more. After combat, the music stops. |
イドゥラ: く、くそ! |
Idura: D-dammit! |
Idura: Aggrrrrh! |
He flees, yet again, before they can finish him off. "The Prophet" starts playing, and Selena retrieves Ralph while Maxim confronts Iris. |
セレナ: ああ、ラルフ……無事で よかった。 |
Selena: Oh, Ralph... thank goodness you're all right. |
Selan: Oh, my baby Jeros. It's ok now. |
マキシム: ……アイリスさん。 |
Maxim: ...Iris. |
Maxim: Iris... |
アイリス: おひさしぶりです、 マキシムさん。 |
Iris: It has been quite some time, Maxim. |
Iris: Good to see you again, Maxim. |
マキシム: ……私は、あなたに言われるままに 旅にでました。 各地で、いろいろな人と知り合い、 そして、セレナと出会いました。 |
Maxim: ...I went on a journey, just as you told me. I got to know many people in many places, and I met Selena. |
Maxim: I began my journey as you told me. I've met many people in many places, and I met Selan. |
アイリス: …………。 |
Iris: ....... |
Iris: ...... |
マキシム: そして、ガデスを倒し 世界は平和になりました。 あなたの言った『戦う事が運命』とは ガデスと戦う事ではなかったのですか? |
Maxim: Then I defeated Gades, and the world was at peace. Isn't fighting Gades what you meant by doing battle being my destiny? |
Maxim: I defeated Gades and brought peace to the world. You did mean that I was to fight Gades? |
アイリス: その通りです。 ……ですが、運命は狂い はじめているのです。 |
Iris: Precisely. ...however, your destiny has begun to veer off course. |
Iris: Exactly. But...your fate has changed. |
マキシム: ……どう言う意味です? |
Maxim: ...what do you mean? |
Maxim: What do you mean? |
アイリス: ガデスを倒し、あなたもそこで、 息絶えていれば、世界は何事もなく 平和になるはずでした。 しかし、あなたはセレナさんと 結婚し、さらにあなたの血を引く 者を残してしまった。 あなたは、あの塔で死ぬべき だったのです。 でも……私が……。 |
Iris: All would be settled, and the world be at peace, if you had breathed your last after defeating Gades. However, you have married Selena, and furthermore left one who carries your blood. You were meant to die there in that tower. But... I... |
Iris: If you had died when you defeated Gades, peace would have returned to the world. But you married Selan and left a descendant. You were supposed to die in that tower. But I... |
マキシム: ………? |
Maxim: ......? |
Maxim: ......? |
アイリス: 時の流れが変わり始めています。 もう私にも先は見えません。 ただ一つ言える事は、あなたに また旅立つ時が来たと言う事です。 ……愛する者を守るために、あなたは 戦わなくてはならないのです。 |
Iris: The flow of time has begun to change. Even I can no longer see where it leads. The one thing I can say is that it is once again time for you to journey. ...to protect those you love, you will need to fight. |
Iris: The flow of time is changing. Even I cannot see the future any more. I can tell you it's time for you to go. To protect your loved ones, you must fight again. |
マキシム: ガデスよりも、強い敵が いると言う事なのですか? |
Maxim: Are you telling me there's a stronger enemy than Gades? |
Maxim: Are you saying there is an enemy stronger than Gades? |
アイリス: ……あなたが、運命をも変える力を 持っているならば、真実を知る事が 出来るでしょう……。 |
Iris: ...if you have the power to change fate, you should be able to find the truth... |
Iris: If in fact you have the power to change fate, you will one day know the truth. |
And with that final enigmatic line, she steps away and teleports out. |
セレナ: マキシム……。 |
Selena: Maxim... |
Selan: Maxim... |
マキシム: セレナ……ラルフは 大丈夫か? |
Maxim: Selena... is Ralph all right? |
Maxim: Selan...is Jeros alright? |
セレナ: ええ……。 |
Selena: Yes... |
Selan: Yes. |
マキシム: …………。 |
Maxim: ...... |
Maxim: ...... |
セレナ: ……行く気ね、マキシム。 |
Selena: ...you mean to go, don't you, Maxim. |
Selan: You're going, aren't you, Maxim? |
マキシム: ……行かなくちゃならない。 君とラルフを守るために。 |
Maxim: ...I have to, to protect you and Ralph. |
Maxim: I must go to protect you and Jeros. |
セレナ: 私も行くわ。 |
Selena: I'm going, too. |
Selan: I'm going with you. |
マキシム: ……だめだ。 君は、ラルフを守るのが役目だ。 |
Maxim: ...you can't. You need to keep Ralph safe. |
Maxim: No, you can't. You must stay with our son. |
セレナ: ラルフと二人で、あなたの帰りを 待つ……普通の母親ならそれでも いいわ。 でも、私には戦う力があるのよ! ラルフを守るために、私は戦い たいのよ! |
Selena: Waiting with Ralph for you to come back... I might be fine with that if I were a normal mother. But I have the strength to fight! I want to fight to protect Ralph! |
Selan: If I were just an ordinary mother, I could wait with Jeros for you to come back. But I am different. I know how to fight! I want to fight to protect Jeros! |
マキシム: ……もしかしたら、もう ラルフには、会えなくなるかも しれないんだぞ。 |
Maxim: ...there's a chance you might never be able to see Ralph again. |
Maxim: You may not be able to see Jeros again once you go on. |
セレナ: 私たちが倒せない相手なら、 どのみち、この世界は終わりよ。 でも―― |
Selena: If this is someone we can't beat, the world's done for anyway. But— |
Selan: If we can't defeat the enemy, this world will end sooner or later anyway. But... |
マキシム: ――でも? |
Maxim: —but? |
Maxim: But what? |
セレナ: 私は、絶対にラルフの元へ帰るわ。 ……そして、平和な世界で、 あなたとラルフと三人で、静かに くらすのよ。 |
Selena: I swear I'll come back to Ralph. ...and the three of us, you, me, and Ralph, will lead a peaceful life in a world at peace. |
Selan: I will come back to Jeros and lead a quiet life, with you and Jeros, in a world at peace. |
マキシム: ……来るなと言ってもムダな事は、 わかっていたけどな。 よし、そうと決まれば、まず イドゥラの足取りを追う必要があるな。 |
Maxim: ...I knew telling you not to come wouldn't do any good. All right, with that settled, we'll need to track down Idura, to start with. |
Maxim: I knew I couldn't stop you. Ok. The first thing we should do is track down Idura. |
セレナ: その前に、一度パーセライトに戻りま しょう。ラルフを連れては行けないわ。 |
Selena: Let's go back to Parcelyte first. We can't take Ralph with us. |
Selan: Before that, let's go back to Parcelyte. We can't take Jeros with us. |
マキシム: そうしよう。 |
Maxim: Let's do that. |
Maxim: Alright. |
They return to town, leaving Ralph at home with the woman previously seen in Selena's room at the castle. |
セレナ: それじゃ、おばさん。ラルフを よろしくお願いします。 |
Selena: All right, auntie, please take good care of Ralph. |
Selan: Auntie, please look after my Jeros for me. |
Note again that family terms don't necessarily mean literal family. It seems likely in this case, though. |
ああ、それは、まかせておきな。 ……それにしても、セレナ。 どうしてあんたが戦いに行かなきゃ ならないのかねぇ? あんたには、普通の母親の幸せを つかんでほしかったのにねぇ。 |
Yes, just leave that to me. ...but anyway, Selena. Why do you have to go and fight? I wanted you to have the joys of a normal mother for yourself. |
Don't worry about Jeros. But, Selan...why you? Why do you have to fight? My only hope was for you to have the ordinary happiness of a mother, you know. |
セレナ: 私は幸せですよ。愛する人や息子を 守るために戦えるんですもの。 ……普通の母親にはできません。 |
Selena: I have joys enough. I get to fight to protect my son and my love. ...normal mothers can't do that. |
Selan: Auntie, I AM happy. I fight for the people I truly love. What mother can do this? |
そんな考え方もあるのかねぇ。 ……まぁ、とにかくラルフちゃんは まかせときな。 |
I suppose that's one way of looking at it. ...in any case, just leave Ralphie to me. |
I guess that's another way to look at it. In any case, I'll take care of Jeros just fine. |
セレナ: お願いします。 |
Selena: Take good care of him. |
Selan: Thank you. I'm counting on you. |
……セレナ。生きて帰ってきなよ。 ラルフちゃんには、あんたが必要 なんだからね。 |
...Selena. Come back alive. Ralphie needs you. |
Selan...You have to come back. Jeros needs you. |
セレナ: ええ。わかってます。 |
Selena: Yes. I understand. |
Selan: I know. I know, aunty. |
Conveniently, finding a clue for where to go next is no trouble at all. |
燈台から飛び出した光は、 北へ行きやしたぜ。 燈台から北といや、港町アレインが あるはずでさぁ。 アレインは、バウンドキングダムの 東のほこらから行けるはずですぜ。 |
The light that flew from the lighthouse headed north. The only thing north of the lighthouse that comes to mind is the port town of Aleyn. You should be able to get to Aleyn from Boundary Kingdom's eastern shrine. |
The light from the lighthouse went north towards the port town of Aleyn. I believe you can get to Aleyn through the small shrine east of Bound Kingdom. |
Perhaps someone here has heard something that might be useful. |
イドゥラのような男が、アレインへ 行ったとのウワサがあるんですが。 ……ウワサですよね。 |
There are rumors that a man who sounds like Idura went to Aleyn. ...they're just rumors, right? |
There's a rumor that the evil Idura went to Aleyn. Well, it's just a rumor, right? |
That squares with previous information. |
ハイデッカさんの姿を最近 見ないんですよ。どうしたのかしら? |
I haven't seen Heidecker around recently. I wonder what's going on? |
I haven't seen Dekar lately. I wonder what happened to him? |
That could be important. |
ジェリーをオリーブオイルであげた人 がいるらしいんですよ。 どんな人なのか、一度顔を見たいもん ですね。はははは。 |
I hear there's someone who fried Jellies in olive oil. I'd love to get a look at whoever would do that. Ha ha ha ha! |
I heard someone actually deep fried jelly in olive oil. Who could do such a thing? Ha! |
And that's just rude. Selena doesn't react, though. |
The guards let Maxim through now. On the other side of the teleporter, two familiar figures await. "The Strongest Man" plays. |
ガイ: ようマキシム。 |
Guy: Hey, Maxim! |
Guy: Hey, Maxim! |
ハイデッカ: 二人で、どこに行くつもりだ? |
Heidecker: Where do you two think you're going? |
Dekar: Where are you two going? |
マキシム: ガイ、ハイデッカ! |
Maxim: Guy, Heidecker! |
Maxim: Guy! Dekar! |
ガイ: 俺たちに一言のそうだんもないとは みずくさいじゃねーか。 |
Guy: That's awfully cold of you not to say a word about this to us. |
Guy: Were you just going to go off without saying anything to us? I thought we were a team! |
ハイデッカ: マキシム、俺たちが気づかない とでも、思っていたのか? ガデスよりもヤバイやつが 動き出してる事によ……。 |
Heidecker: Maxim, did you really think we wouldn't notice? Someone even worse than Gades is on the move... |
Dekar: Did you really think we wouldn't notice an enemy bigger than Gades making a move?! |
マキシム: …………。 |
Maxim: ...... |
Maxim: ...... |
ガイ: 言っとくが、お前に義理だてて行く わけじゃねーぜ。 俺にも、守らなきゃならねーヤツが いるからな……。 |
Guy: Just so you know, I'm not going because I feel like I owe it to you. I've got someone of my own I need to keep safe... |
Guy: Let me tell you. I'm not going for you. I'm going because there's someone I have to protect, too. |
ハイデッカ: ところで、その守らなきゃならない ヤツとは、まだ結婚してないそうだな。 ……おうじょうぎわが悪いな、お前も。 |
Heidecker: By the way, I hear you still haven't married this someone you need to keep safe. ...you just don't know when to give in. |
Dekar: I heard you still haven't married that someone you must protect. Talk about slow! |
ガイ: へっ!恋人もいない男に 言われたかねーよ。 |
Guy: Heh! I don't want to hear it from a man who doesn't even have a lover! |
Guy: Ha! What do you know about love anyway? You don't even HAVE a girlfriend! |
ハイデッカ: 俺は剣が恋人なんだよ! |
Heidecker: My sword is my love! |
Dekar: My love is my sword! |
ガイ: ……そういうのは、やめといた方が いいぞ。マジで。 |
Guy: ...you should steer clear of that sort of thing. No joke. |
Guy: If you ask me, you should stay away from thoughts like that. |
ハイデッカ: ……と、とにかく、マキシム。 来るなと言っても行くぜ。 あきらめるんだな。 |
Heidecker: ...a-anyway, Maxim. We're coming even if you say no. Deal with it. |
Dekar: Anyhow, I'm going no matter what you say, Maxim. |
マキシム: ……最初からあきらめているよ。 言って聞くような二人じゃないしな。 |
Maxim: ...I'd dealt with it to begin with. You two aren't the type to take orders. |
Maxim: I know. You two will do what you have to do no matter what I say. |
ガイ: まぁそういう事だ。 それじゃ行こうぜ! |
Guy: Can't argue with that. Okay, let's go! |
Guy: That's right. Well, shall we then? |
ガイとハイデッカが仲間になった | Guy and Heidecker became companions. | Guy and Dekar join the party. |
It's nice to have a full party again. But what awaits in Aleyn? |