1-27 "Wedding Bells" plays during the title card. |
1-28 "After the Ceremony" plays once the scene proper begins. Birds fly by a large group of people gathered outside the church in Parcelyte. Maxim and Selena walk out of the chapel in uncommonly elegant clothing, then stop to kiss. Guy's sister Hilda cheers. |
おめでとうセレナ! とってもキレイよ! |
Congratulations, Selena! You're so beautiful! |
Congratulations, Selan! You look so beautiful! |
The two men obsessed with Selena speak. |
セ、セレナのあねごー。 とうとう、いっちまうんですねぇ。 |
M-milady Selena...! Gone, after all this time... |
Madam, Selan. You are, you are really getting married! |
ばかやろう、あねごのはれの日じゃ ねぇか!泣くヤツがあるか! |
You dumbass, this's a big day for milady! What's the big idea, crying!? |
Hey, stop crying! This is the happiest day of her life! |
Guy turns to Heidecker. |
ガイ: しかし、あれからまだ一ヶ月しか たってないんだぜ。 ずいぶんと早いゴールインだな。 |
Guy: No more than a month's gone by since then, though. Awfully quick to the finish line. |
Guy: It's been only a month since Maxim returned. They rushed into the marriage, alright. |
ハイデッカ: ところで、ガイ。 お前さんも恋人がいるんだろ。 結婚してくれって、せまられてん じゃないのか? |
Heidecker: By the way, Guy. You've got a girlfriend too, right? Aren't you getting pressured to get married? |
Dekar: Hey, Guy! What about your girlfriend? Isn't she asking you to get married, too? |
Jessie walks up as Guy responds. Which is probably why she showed up over there when Heidecker was comforting Tia. |
ガイ: そうなんだよ。最近うるさくってな。 女には戦う男のロマンがわかって ねぇよ。 戦う男に女はいらねぇ、なんてなっ! |
Guy: Damn right. She's been all noisy about it lately. Women don't get a fighting man's sense of adventure. A fighting man don't need no woman, you know what I mean!? |
Guy: Yeah, but women don't understand the adventurous male spirit. Warriors don't need women! |
ジェシー: それが、あなたの ホンネなのガイ? |
Jessie: Is that how you really feel, Guy? |
Jessy: So, is that how you really feel about us, Guy? |
ガイ: う、うわっ!ジェシー! お、お前なんでここにいるんだ? |
Guy: Wh-whoa! Jessie! H-how come you're here? |
Guy: Wh...whoa! Jessy! What are you doing here? |
ジェシー: 結婚式を見に来たのよ。 それより、あたしがいらないって 言うなら、いつでも別れるわよ! |
Jessie: I came to see the wedding ceremony. But never mind that. If you don't need me, I'm perfectly willing to break up with you! |
Jessy: I'm here for the wedding. If you really feel that way, I can leave you anytime! |
ガイ: じょ、じょだんだよジェシー、 俺には、君が必要なんだ。 |
Guy: J-just joking around, Jessie! I need you. |
Guy: Hey, now. I was just joking, Jessy. I need you, you know that. |
ジェシー: ふん。どうだか。 |
Jessie: Hmph. I wonder about that. |
Jessy: Uh-huh. Sure, Guy. |
She rushes off. |
ガイ: わ、ジェシー!ホントに じょうだんなんだってば、 待ってくれよ! |
Guy: Wah, Jessie! I'm telling you, I really was just joking! Wait up! |
Guy: Come on, Jessy! I mean it! I was just joking. Hey! Wait up! |
Guy leaps down to run after her. |
ハイデッカ: ……あれが戦う男の姿かねぇ。 |
Heidecker: ...so that's how a fighting man looks? |
Dekar: So that's a true warrior, huh!? |
Maxim and Selena walk up. |
セレナ: あいかわらずね。 |
Selena: He's just like always. |
Selan: I guess that's the way they show each other affection. |
ハイデッカ: おー、セレナ! ウエディングドレスも、ばっちり 決ってるじゃねーか。 なかなかのもんだぜ! |
Heidecker: Hey, Selena! Damned if your wedding dress isn't just perfect on you, too. It's really something! |
Dekar: Hey, Selan! You look really cool in that wedding dress. |
セレナ: ありがとう。 |
Selena: Thank you. |
Selan: Thanks. |
A soldier runs up. |
た、たいへんですセレナ隊長! 城の南にモンスターの大軍が出ました! 私たちだけでは、手におえないんです。 |
T-terrible news, Commander Selena! A large army of monsters appeared south of the castle! There are more than we can handle on our own. |
Commander Selan! Monsters are in the southern part of the castle! We need your help! |
セレナ: 私たち今、結婚式やってるのよ。 なにも、こんな時に……。 |
Selena: We're having our wedding ceremony. Why now, of all times...? |
Selan: You guys, it's our wedding day! Can't you be a little bit more sensitive? |
マキシム: ……でもセレナ。 そのウエディングドレスの下に、 剣をかくし持ってるだろ? |
Maxim: ...but, Selena. You've got your sword hidden under your wedding dress, don't you? |
Maxim: But, Selan. Aren't you hiding your sword under your dress? |
セレナ: なんだ、知ってたの? これをつけてないと、 こしがさびしいのよね。 でも、マキシムだって 剣を持ってるんでしょ? |
Selena: Oh, you knew? My hip gets lonely when I don't have it on. But, Maxim, you've got your sword yourself, don't you? |
Selan: You know about that, huh? I feel like something's missing without it. But you, too, Maxim. You have your sword, too, right? |
マキシム: まぁ、これは俺の分身みたいな もんだし……。 |
Maxim: Well, it's like a part of my body... |
Maxim: Well, this is like a part of me... |
隊長!お願いします。 | Commander! Please. | Please, Commander! | ||||
セレナ: しょうがないなぁ……。 どうしようか、マキシム? |
Selena: I suppose it can't be helped... What do you think, Maxim? |
Selan: I guess I have to... What do you think, Maxim? |
マキシム: なに、俺たちの結婚式には、 これくらいのアトラクションが あったほうがいいだろう。 |
Maxim: Hey, it's probably better if our wedding ceremony has some kind of attraction like this. |
Maxim: The wedding needs some sort of attraction like this, don't you think? |
セレナ: それも、そうね。 |
Selena: You do have a point. |
Selan: Yeah, I guess so. |
They fling off their wedding clothes, revealing their usual outfits underneath. Guy runs up in front of them. |
ガイ: おうマキシム、さっそく戦いに 行くんだってな。俺もつきあうぜ! |
Guy: Hey, Maxim, heard you're jumping right into battle. I'll tag along too! |
Guy: Oh, Maxim! I heard you're off to the battle. I'll join you! |
Jessie runs up next to Guy. |
ジェシー: ガイ!私たちの結婚式の話は どうなったのよ! |
Jessie: Guy! What happened to talking about our wedding ceremony!? |
Jessy: Guy! Whatever happened to the talk about our wedding!? |
ガイ: マキシム、セレナ! 俺は、先に行ってるぞ。 |
Guy: Maxim, Selena! I'll be going on ahead! |
Guy: Maxim, Selan. I'll go ahead and meet you guys later, ok!? |
He rushes out of town. |
ジェシー: まちなさいよ、ガイ! |
Jessie: Hold your horses, Guy! |
Jessy: Hey wait, Guy! |
Okay, so it's literally just "wait", but I feel like this conveys the tone better. She rushes after him. |
マキシム: それじゃ行くかセレナ! |
Maxim: Shall we be off, Selena? |
Maxim: Shall we, Selan!? |
セレナ: はい! |
Selena: Yes! |
Selan: Yes, sir! |
"Sir"? Granted, she's learned a lot by acting under his command, but this seems out of place here unless they've turned it into some kind of kinky... actually, I can totally picture that happening. Let's leave their private lives private and not do any more speculating, though. Maxim and Selena run off in the same direction as Guy. |
ハイデッカ: 結婚式で、ケーキにナイフを 入れるってのが、去年あたりからの 流行だが……。モンスターにナイフを 入れるヤツもめずらしいな。 まぁ、あの二人らしいと言えなくも ないが……。 さて、俺も手をかしてやるか。 |
Heidecker: I guess sticking a knife in a cake at your wedding ceremony is pretty last year... But this sticking a knife in monsters thing is a new one on me. Of course, it's not like I can't say it's just their style, though... Okay, I guess I'll lend a hand too. |
Dekar: I thought the idea was to put the knife into the wedding cake and not into monsters! Well, I guess it's their style. I'd better go ahead and give them a hand. |
He also rushes off. The camera pans up to where the king and a distraught priest stand in front of the chapel. |
なにも結婚式の日に……。 | On their wedding day, of all times... | It's their wedding day... | ||||
まぁ、ふつうのモンスターなら 何匹来ても、あの二人の敵じゃ ないじゃろう……。 ガデスのようなヤツが現れないかぎり、 この世は平和じゃ。 |
Well, if they're normal monsters, I doubt they're any match for those two, no matter how many come... As long as none like Gades appear, our world will be at peace. |
It's alright. They can deal with ordinary monsters easily. As long as villains like Gades stay away, this world will remain at peace. |
そうですね。マキシムさんが、 命がけで、ガデスを倒し、 やっと平和になったんですね。 |
Indeed. Maxim risked his life to defeat Gades, and peace has finally come. |
Yeah. Thanks to Maxim's risking his life to defeat Gades, we now have this precious peace. |
うむ。あの男は、まったく たいしたヤツじゃわい。 |
Yes. That man is truly something else. |
Indeed. Maxim's really some guy! |
ええ。 | Indeed. | That's for sure. | ||||
The scene fades out. 1-29 "Spring" plays starting with the following title card. |
IN SPRING | ||||||
Maxim walks into a house that had been up for sale before. Selena stands in the kitchen. |
マキシム: ただいま。 |
Maxim: I'm home! |
Maxim: Hello, I'm home! |
セレナ: お帰りなさい。 |
Selena: Welcome back. |
Selan: Hi! |
マキシム: おっ、うまそうな においだな! |
Maxim: Wow, something smells tasty! |
Maxim: Hmm. Something smells good! |
セレナ: でしょ? 今日は新しい料理に、 ちょうせんしてみたのよ。 |
Selena: Doesn't it? I took a stab at some new cooking today. |
Selan: Doesn't it! I tried something different today. |
マキシム: へー、何を作ったんだ? |
Maxim: Oh, what'd you make? |
Maxim: Really!? What is it? |
セレナ: ジェリーをオリーブオイルで あげてみたの! |
Selena: I tried frying Jellies in olive oil! |
Selan: I deep fried jelly in olive oil. |
マキシム: …………それ、食えるのか? |
Maxim: ............can you eat that? |
Maxim: Heh...? Is it... um...you know... edible? |
セレナ: …………言ったでしょ、新しい 料理にちょうせんしてみたって。 |
Selena: ............like I said, I took a stab at some new cooking. |
Selan: Didn't I just say I tried something different?! |
マキシム: ……失敗作だって、 みとめたらどうだ? |
Maxim: ...how about admitting it's a failed effort? |
Maxim: Did it work? |
セレナ: ……あはは、は。 |
Selena: ...a ha ha, ha. |
Selan: Ha, ha...ha. |
The scene fades out. 1-30 "Summer" plays starting with the following title card. |
IN SUMMER | ||||||
Maxim and Selena walk through the town. |
セレナ: あついわねぇ……。 |
Selena: So hot... |
Selan: It's really hot... |
マキシム: もう、夏だからなぁ。 |
Maxim: Well, it is summer now. |
Maxim: Yep, it's summer alright. |
Lamity walks up to Selena. |
ラミティ: セレナお姉ちゃん。 今年は、海に行かないの? |
Lamity: Miss Selena. Aren't you going to the beach this year? |
Lemmy: Selan, aren't you going to the sea this year? |
セレナ: そうねぇ……マキシム、 連れてってくれる? |
Selena: Let's see...... Maxim, would you take me? |
Selan: Let's see...Maxim? Are we going to the sea? |
マキシム: 海か……いいねぇ。 |
Maxim: The beach... sounds good. |
Maxim: The sea, huh!? That sounds good. |
ラミティ: セレナお姉ちゃんの水着って 二つにわかれてるのよ。 それも、すっごく小さいの。 |
Lamity: Miss Selena's swimsuit's split into two parts. And it's reeeally tiny. |
Lemmy: Selan's swimsuit has two parts, top and bottom. And so tiny, too. |
マキシム: セパレートのミニか……ほぅ。 |
Maxim: A two-piece mini...... hmm? |
Maxim: Two pieces, huh? Tiny, huh? Hmm.... |
Maxim turns and gives Selena a look. She waves her arms around. |
セレナ: 去年の話よ! 若い頃は、一度は着てみたく なるのよ、ああいうのは。 今年はワンピースよ。 |
Selena: That was last year! Everyone wants to give wearing that sort of thing a try when they're young. It's a one-piece this year. |
Selan: That was last year. You wear something like that when you're young. I'll wear the one-piece. |
マキシム: なんだ、そうなのか。 |
Maxim: Oh. I see. |
Maxim: ...Hmm!! |
The scene fades out. 1-31 "Autumn" plays starting with the following title card. |
IN AUTUMN | ||||||
Selena spars with a soldier in the castle courtyard as Maxim watches. She quickly wins the match. |
ま、まいりました! | I, I yield! | I...I give up! | ||||
セレナ: どうしたの?もうネをあげたの。 すずしくなって、体を動かすには いいきせつになったんだから、 もう少し、がんばりなさいよ。 |
Selena: What's wrong? Giving up already? Now that it's cooled down, it's the perfect season to be moving your body around, so put a little more effort into it. |
Selan: What!? That's all? It's the perfect season for training. Can't you keep it up a little longer? |
は、はい!……そ、それにしても、 セレナ隊長は、あいかわらず、 つ、強いですね。 |
Y-yes sir! ...at, at any rate, Commander Selena, you are as s-strong as ever. |
Ye.. yes sir! I see you're still as strong as ever, Commander. |
セレナ: あら、これでも結婚してからは ほとんど剣の訓練なんかしてないのよ。 ね、マキシム? |
Selena: Oh? And yet I've baredly trained with a sword since getting married. Isn't that right, Maxim? |
Selan: You think so? But I haven't been practicing much since I got married. Right, Maxim? |
マキシム: 訓練はしてないけど、俺と ケンカする時は、本気で剣を ふりまわすじゃねーか。 ……ありゃ、実戦よりコワイよぞ。 |
Maxim: You haven't trained, but when we get in fights, damned if you don't wave your sword around like you really mean it. ...that's scarier than an actual battle. |
Maxim: No, but you wave your sword around a lot when we fight. That's scarier than a real battle. |
なるほど、隊長が強いヒミツが わかりましたよ。しかし、隊長の ダンナは、マキシムさん くらいしかつとまりませんね。 |
I see, now I understand the secret to the commander's strength. Still, you are perhaps the only one suited to being the commander's husband, Maxim. |
So that's her secret. You're probably the only one strong enough to be her husband, Sir Maxim! |
マキシム: いやー、わかってくれたか。 なにせ、ケンカの時は、モンスターと 戦ってる時より、きんちょうする からな。 |
Maxim: Ahh, then you understand. After all, I get more nervous when we fight than when I'm doing battle with monsters. |
Maxim: It certainly isn't an easy job! I get more nervous fighting Selan than monsters, you know. |
セレナ: それじゃ、まるで私が、モンスター よりコワイみたいじゃない! |
Selena: That makes it sound like I'm scarier than a monster! |
Selan: You're not implying that I'm worse than a monster, I hope! |
マキシム: コワイよ。 |
Maxim: You ARE scary. |
Maxim: Well, sometimes... |
セレナ: マキシム! |
Selena: Maxim! |
Selan: Maxim!! |
She rushes at him, and they continue through the gate and out of sight with sounds of clashing metal. |
すごい……まったくスキのない戦いだ。 しかし、まさに理想のカップルだな、 あの二人は……。 |
Amazing... their combat leaves not the slightest opening for attack. But they surely are the ideal couple, those two... |
Whew, incredible swordsmanship! Really, they are quite a pair! |
The scene fades out. 1-32 "Winter" plays starting with the following title card. |
IN WINTER | ||||||
Maxim and Selena stand in the open space in front of the chapel. |
セレナ: もうすぐ一年たつのね……。 |
Selena: A year will have gone by soon... |
Selan: It's almost been a year since we were married... |
マキシム: 早かったな……。 |
Maxim: That was quick... |
Maxim: It's gone by so fast. |
セレナ: そうね。 |
Selena: Yeah. |
Selan: I know. |
マキシム: ……幸せか、セレナ? |
Maxim: ...are you happy, Selena? |
Maxim: Are you...happy, Selan? |
セレナ: 言わなくちゃわからない? |
Selena: You can't tell if I don't say it? |
Selan: Can't you tell? |
マキシム: まぁ言わなくてもわかるけど。 |
Maxim: I guess I can tell even if you don't. |
Maxim: I think I know. |
セレナ: ねぇ……私の事、愛してる? |
Selena: Say...... do you love me? |
Selan: Hey...Do you love me? |
マキシム: 言わなくちゃわからんのか? |
Maxim: You can't tell if I don't say it? |
Maxim: Do I have to tell you? |
セレナ: わからない。 |
Selena: I can't tell. |
Selan: Yes. |
マキシム: 俺には言わせる気かよ。 |
Maxim: Are you trying to make me say it? |
Maxim: So, you're going to make me say it. |
セレナ: 女は言葉がほしいものよ…… |
Selena: Women crave words... |
Selan: I need to hear it sometimes... |
マキシム: セレナ―― |
Maxim: Selena—— |
Maxim: Selan...I... |
They move closer to each other as the scene fades out. |
An unspecified length of time later, Selena lies in an upstairs bed with the mint-haired woman from the castle in attendance. "Peace of Mind" plays. The woman holds a little bundle (of joy)... |
男の子よ、セレナ。 | It's a boy, Selena. | It's a boy, Selan! | ||||
セレナ: 私の……赤ちゃん……。 |
Selena: My...... baby... |
Selan: My...my baby... |
Maxim enters and stands by the bed. |
マキシム: セレナ! |
Maxim: Selena! |
Maxim: Selan! |
セレナ: 見てマキシム。男の子よ。 あなたに、そっくり……。 |
Selena: Look, Maxim. A boy. He looks just like you... |
Selan: Look, Maxim! It's a boy. He looks just like you... |
マキシム: よくやった、セレナ。 本当によくやったよ……。 |
Maxim: Well done, Selena. You really did great... |
Maxim: Good job, Selan. A really good job. |
セレナ: うん。 |
Selena: Yeah. |
Selan: Yeah. |
マキシム: そうだ、名前を 決めなくちゃな。 |
Maxim: Hey, that's right, we've got to decide on a name. |
Maxim: We have to name him. |
セレナ: 私、ずっと考えてたんだけど、 ラルフって言うのはどうかしら? |
Selena: I've been thinking about it for a long time. Why don't we call him Ralph? |
Selan: I've been thinking about that. How about Jeros? |
On the one hand, "Jeros" kind of comes out of nowhere. On the other hand, what kind of name is "Ralph" for a heroic fantasy setting? |
マキシム: ラルフ……いい名前じゃないか。 うん。それにしよう! |
Maxim: Ralph... that's not a bad name. Okay. Let's go with that! |
Maxim: Jeros...Yeah, it's a good name. Yes, he is our Jeros! |
セレナ: よかった。あなたに気に入って もらえなかったら、どうしよう かと思ってたの。 |
Selena: Thank goodness. I was worried about what I'd do if you didn't like it. |
Selan: Good. I was hoping you'd like it. |
マキシム: 君が考えた名前だ。 気に入らない事なんてないよ。 |
Maxim: It's the name you thought of. How could I not like it? |
Maxim: A name you chose? Of course I would. |
セレナ: ありがとう。 |
Selena: Thank you. |
Selan: Thanks. |