"Ancient" doesn't send quite the same message as "ruined". And didn't the NA version dialog call this the East Tower, anyway? A soldier stands just inside the tower. |
おそろしい気を発した男が 塔の上に降り立ちました。 ……あれが、ガデスなのですか? |
A man giving off a dreadful energy touched down on top of the tower. ...is that Gades? |
A man radiating a terrifying force landed on this tower. Was that Gades? |
One side of the room has a passage leading only to a sign: |
赤き番人と三度、剣をまじえよ。 | Cross swords thrice with the red watchman. | Cross swords with the red guardian three times. |
On the other side is a pillar with a sign next to it: |
この柱を、どこかのかべに 押し付けると、そのかべを 動かす事が出来る。 |
Push this pillar against the wall in a certain place and canst move that wall. |
Pushing this pillar against a wall will move that wall. |
One wall has carpet running into it, and pushing the pillar against that wall pushes the wall back, revealing a passage to another doorway. This gimmick is then never used again, making it seem a bit pointless. One room further on has a door that only opens when a certain tile is stepped on. To proceed, Maxim must trap a monster on the tile. Later on, a staircase is surrounded by spikes that rise whenever Maxim approaches. However, the room also has a pillar, and pushing it behind the stairs lets Maxim use the Hook to pull himself to the stairs from a safe distance. Yet another room has a set of floor tiles, arranged as an O with an X through it, that light up or dim when stepped on. To open the door in this room, all the tiles in the circle, and only the ones in the circle, have to be lightened. Curiously, this puzzle is removed completely, with no replacement, in the NA version. Even if × (or ばつ) for "wrong" and ○ (or まる) for "right" aren't used quite as extensively outside of Japan, I wouldn't think it would be that difficult to figure out. Later, a hidden room has some fancy tiles in front of a door, with a sign in the room beyond: |
見かけにだまされるな! 真実のドアは、そこにある! |
Be not fooled by appearances! The true door is there! |
Don't be fooled by appearances! The real door is over there! |
A nearby room has a door that doesn't work. It also has the same tile pattern in front of what appears to be just a wall, though, and walking into the wall there reveals a working door. A later room holds a system of teleporters, with the central one sending the party in whichever direction Maxim faces when he steps on it. A bit of exploring and a few relatively simple puzzles later: |
くものカギを手に入れた | Got the Cloud Key. | Found Cloud key | ||||
...and the bombable back wall in the same room leads to a Miraculous. Another room, with a switch needed to continue, also has a sign on the wall. |
青き番人と、5回戦え。 | Fight five times with the blue watchman. | Fight the blue guardian five times. |
A later room needs pillars on four buttons; the only tricky part is that most of the buttons are hidden from view behind the pillars. On the fifth floor are two statues, one on red carpet and one on blue, and a sign on the far wall. |
石像の番人をたおす方法は、 いずこかの階の石板にかかれている。 |
The means to fell the stone watchmen are written on tablets on certain floors. |
To defeat the stone guardian, read the stone tablet on one of the floors. |
Swinging Maxim's sword at each statue the number of times indicated on the tablets mentioned and then stepping on a central tile removes the statues to reveal HP and MP rechargers, and also opens the door to continue. A later room has this sign on the wall: |
この先は、モンスターレース場! 自分の入ったワープポイントに 一番最初にモンスターが来ると、 あなたの勝ちです。 もし、自分以外のワープポイントに モンスターが入ってしまうと、 リセトがかかり、やり直しです。 モンスターがとうちゃくした時に、 ワープポイントに乗っていないと、 やり直しです。 アローと使って、他のモンスターの ぼうがいをする事もできます。 それでは、スタート! |
Ahead is the monster raceway! If the warp point you've entered is the first one a monster comes to, you win. If a monster enters a warp point other than yours, Reset kicks in, and you have to retry. If you're not on a warp point when a monster arrives, you have to retry. You can also use Arrows to impede the other monsters. Now, start! |
Welcome to the Monster Races! If a monster arrives at your warp point first, you win. If a monster arrives at another warp point first, the Reset spell is cast, and you must try again. If you are not on a warp point when the monster arrives, you must try again. You can also use your Arrows to block other monsters. Let the race begin! |
There are three monsters in the races. Each moves differently, but all are unpredictable and any can win. It's painfully random, though at least there's no penalty for losing other than needing to try again. Upon finally winning, the party is warped to another part of the room and can access a switch that lowers a passageway outside. With the Cloud Key in hand, they can now enter the top floor. In a large central room, the music fades out as Gades appears with his usual flashy warp-in, and the menacing 2-08 "Four Gods" starts playing. |
マキシム: ガデス!! |
Maxim: Gades!! |
Maxim: Gades!! |
ガデス: また、キサマか……。 一度負けているのに、なぜ、 また戦いをいどむ。 キサマに勝ち目はないのだぞ! |
Gades: You again...? You've already lost once. Why challenge me again? You have no chance! |
Gades: You again! You were defeated once. Why do you keep trying? You have no chance! |
マキシム: それは、やってみなければ わからない! |
Maxim: We won't know that until we try! |
Maxim: That remains to be seen! |
Yeah, and we've brought the strongest man in the world this time, too! |
ガデス: なぜだ?なぜ人間は、 むだな戦いをやめないのだ。 我らに支配されていれば、生き長らえる 機会もあると言うのに……。 |
Gades: Why? Why do you humans not cease your useless struggles? You might even survive if you would just let us rule you... |
Gades: Why do you not cease your senseless resistance? You need only bow down before us to live. |
Gades's use of "us" is the game's first direct reference to others like him in Japanese, though it could still be taken to mean him and the lesser monsters. |
マキシム: 理由もなしに、街を破壊するような ヤツにしたがう気はない! |
Maxim: We're not about to serve someone who would destroy a town for no reason at all! |
Maxim: You ask the impossible! For you have destroyed whole cities for no reason! |
ハイデッカ: 俺は、誰にも支配されん! |
Heidecker: No one bosses me around! |
Dekar: I will bow down to no one! |
ガイ: 一度、勝ったくらいでいい気に なるなよ! |
Guy: Don't get so cocky just because you won once! |
Guy: So you beat us once. Don't let it go to your head! |
ガデス: キサマたちも、しょせんは、 おろかな人間だな。 では、ここで死ぬがよい!!!!!! |
Gades: I see that you, too, are nothing more than foolish humans. Very well, you can die now!!!!!! |
Gades: You are merely foolish mortals after all. Prepare for the end!!!! |
You knew there was going to be a fight here, right? Okay, just checking. And that's a lot of exclamation points. Gades fights much like he did back in the tower west of Gordovan... but he's much weaker this time, with less than half the HP and significantly lower ATP and DFP. As such, even his wave attack that slaughtered everyone before is now only moderately dangerous, and especially given the party's higher levels and offensive specialists, he'll go down much faster. Having to rely on Maxim for healing may complicate things, but otherwise, this isn't so bad. As before, Gades resists Dark damage and has a weakness against Holy, so you should avoid Gades's Sword despite the high power even if you have it, and might want to give Heidecker an Undead Ring to further boost his already impressive damage output. When you're done enjoying the special battle music, feel free to enjoy the 10,000 experience and 20,000 gold reward for winning. Not as much as last time, but you weren't really expected to win that one, either. "Despair" plays after the battle, and Gades backs away, Maxim in pursuit. |
ガデス: ば、ばかな……。 たかが人間に、なぜこれほどまでの 力が…………。 |
Gades: Th-this cannot be... How could mere humans have such power...? |
Gades: How...how can it be? Mere mortals, with such power..!? |
Gades continues backing away, with Maxim continuing to give chase. Before Guy and Heidecker can follow, though, the floor between them crumbles away. |
ハイデッカ: つ、通路が! |
Heidecker: Th-the passageway! |
Dekar: The corridor! |
ガイ: なんて事だ! |
Guy: What a mess! |
Guy: Oh, no! |
Gades stops in the middle of three posts and does something magicky to make them stick up from the floor. |
ガデス: ……こ、これで、セイム島は しずみ始める……パーセライトの 人間どもを、道連れにしてやるわ! |
Gades: ...th-this will make Seim Island begin sinking... I'm taking the humans of Parcelyte with me! |
Gades: Now, with Seim Island sinking...I will take everyone in Parcelyte with me... |
The tower shakes ominously. |
ガデス: ふわはははは――!! |
Gades: Fwa ha ha ha ha—!! |
Gades: Ha, ha, ha, ha!! |
Gades finally fades away. Suddenly, Maxim hears a girlish voice from behind him. |
マキシムー! | Maxim—! | Maxim! | ||||
マキシム: こ、この声は……まさか! |
Maxim: Th-this voice... it couldn't be! |
Maxim: That voice! Could it be...!? |
He rushes back over to the break in the floor to see Tia and Selena on the other side with Guy and Heidecker. |
マキシム: ティア!それにセレナさんまで! どうして、こんな場所に来たんだ! |
Maxim: Tia! And Selena, even! What are you doing here!? |
Maxim: Tia, and Selan! Why have you come here!? |
ティア: あなたの事が、どうしても心配で……。 それで……それで……。 |
Tia: I couldn't help worrying about you... So... so... |
Tia: I was just so worried about you...I couldn't... |
マキシム: セレナさん。どうして止めて くれなかったんです!? |
Maxim: Selena, why didn't you stop her!? |
Maxim: Selan, why didn't you stop her!? |
セレナ: すみません。 でも……私も―― |
Selena: I'm sorry. But...... I also— |
Selan: I'm sorry...But...I was worried, too... |
マキシム: と、とにかく、みんな すぐに逃げるんだ! |
Maxim: A-anyhow, everyone hurry up and escape! |
Maxim: Well, we've got to get out of here.! |
ハイデッカ: お前はどうするんだ!? |
Heidecker: And what'll you do!? |
Dekar: What about you!? |
And remember, Maxim can't use teleportation magic. |
マキシム: ガデスが死ぬ前に、スイッチを入れた。 こっちの部分に、島をしずめる ヒミツがありそうだ。俺はそれを探す。 |
Maxim: Gades activated a switch before he died. The secret to sinking the island seems to be over in this section. I'm going to look for it. |
Maxim: Gades pressed the switch before he died. Something here has to do with the sinking. I must find out. |
ティア: あたしも行くわ! |
Tia: I'll go too! |
Tia: I'll go with you! |
マキシム: 通路が落ちて、もうこっちへ来れない。 それより、早く逃げてくれ! この塔も、長くはもたない! |
Maxim: The passage collapsed. You can't get over here. And it's more important to hurry up and escape! This tower's not going to hold up much longer! |
Maxim: The corridor's collapsed! You can't cross. The tower's ready to fall! Get out while you can! |
ティア: いやよ! あなたを残して、逃げる事なんて 出来ないわ! |
Tia: No! I couldn't just leave you behind and run away! |
Tia: No! I can't leave you behind! |
マキシム: ティア!わかってくれ! ここは、もう危ないんだ! |
Maxim: Tia! Get it through your head! It's dangerous here now! |
Maxim: Tia! You have to understand! It's not safe here! |
ティア: いやよ! |
Tia: No! |
Tia: No! |
マキシム: ティア! |
Maxim: Tia! |
Maxim: Tia! |
セレナ: 行きましょう。ティアさん。 |
Selena: We should go, Tia. |
Selan: Let's go, Tia. |
ティア: あなた、よくそんな事が言えるわね! パーセライトが無事なら、マキシムが 死んでもいいって言うの!! |
Tia: I'm shocked that you could say that! Don't you care if Maxim dies as long as Parcelyte's safe!? |
Tia: How can you say that!? So it's ok for Maxim to die as long as your Parcelyte is safe!? |
セレナ: そんなわけないわ!! でも今の私たちには、何も出来ない。 マキシムさんの、足手まといに なってるのがわからないの!? |
Selena: Don't be ridiculous!! But there's nothing we can do now. Can't you tell we're just getting in Maxim's way!? |
Selan: No. That's not true! We can't do anything right now. Don't you realize we're in his way? |
I don't think Selena's ever reacted so strongly before... Formal speech is gone during most of this scene, incidentally. |
ティア: ――――! で、でも、もしマキシムに 何かあったら……。 |
Tia: ————! B-but, if something happens to Maxim... |
Tia: But if something happens to Maxim... |
セレナ: マキシムさんは、これくらいの 事じゃ死なない……。 あなたは、そう信じてるでしょう? |
Selena: Maxim wouldn't die from a little thing like this... You believe that, don't you? |
Selan: Maxim can handle this and you know it. |
ティア: もちろんよ! |
Tia: Of course! |
Tia: Of course I do! |
セレナ: 私も信じてるわ。 だから、パーセライトで待つわ。 |
Selena: I believe too. So I'm going to wait in Parcelyte. |
Selan: I believe in him. So I'll wait for him in Parcelyte. |
ティア: パーセライトで……。 |
Tia: In Parcelyte... |
Tia: In Parcelyte... |
セレナ: ええ。島は、しずみはしない。 マキシムさんが、必ず止めて くれるわ! |
Selena: Yes. The island won't sink. Maxim is sure to stop it! |
Selan: Yes. The island will not sink. Maxim will stop it from sinking! |
ティア: セレナさん……。 |
Tia: Selena... |
Tia: Selan... |
セレナ: 行きましょう。 |
Selena: Let's go. |
Selan: Let's go. |
ティア: ええ。 |
Tia: Okay. |
Tia: Ok. |
ガイ: よし。すぐに脱出だ! |
Guy: Right. We're outta here! |
Guy: Alright. Let's get out of here! |
ティア: マキシム。必ず帰って来て! あたし、待ってるから! |
Tia: Maxim. Make sure you come back! I'll be waiting! |
Tia: Maxim. Promise me that you'll come back. I'll be waiting for you! |
The others leave as Maxim goes to look for a way to stop the device. This section of the tower, thankfully, has HP and MP rechargers, a save point, and relatively few monsters. And... a Magical Bikini? There are also two statues, one on red carpet and one on blue, and signs explaining how to deal with them. |
アローは青をつらぬく…… | Arrows pierce blue... | Arrows pierce the blue. | ||||
ボムは赤をくだく…… | Bombs shatter red... | Bombs destroy the red. | ||||
With those out of the way, and past a minor tile matching puzzle, Maxim finally reaches another odd device. Stepping on a central tile releases energy and appears to shut off whatever Gades has started up. |
マキシム: やった……。 |
Maxim: I did it... |
Maxim: I did it! |
Suddenly, lightning falls across the room. Maxim takes a hit and collapses. |
マキシム: こ、こんなしかけが……ある なんて…………。 |
Maxim: W-wasn't expecting... a trap like this... |
Maxim: I never knew there was such a device in this tower... |
Iris appears unexpectedly in a swirl of sparkles. |
アイリス: …………。 |
Iris: ........ |
Iris: ...... |
She warps Maxim away. Ah, but why is she here? Why does she keep saving him? And... why did she hesitate before doing so this time? |
Maxim wakes up on the outskirts of a familiar town. No music plays. |
マキシム: こ、ここは……パーセライトか? でも、どうして俺はこんな場所に。 |
Maxim: Th-this is... Parcelyte? But what am I doing here? |
Maxim: Is this...Parcelyte? How did I get here? |
Selena rushes up as he walks into town. The emotional 1-26 "Parting" plays. |
セレナ: マキシムさん! |
Selena: Maxim! |
Selan: Maxim! |
マキシム: えっ……ああ、セレナさん。 パーセライトは、無事だった ようですね。 |
Maxim: Wha... oh, Selena! It looks like Parcelyte's safe. |
Maxim: What..? Oh, Selan! I guess Parcelyte's ok, then. |
セレナ: ええ。 |
Selena: Yes. |
Selan: Yes. |
マキシム: みんなも無事ですか? |
Maxim: Is everyone safe as well? |
Maxim: Is everyone alright? |
セレナ: ええ。街のみんなも、ガイさんに ハイデッカさん。そしてティアさんも 無事です。 |
Selena: Yes. All the townspeople, and Guy and Heidecker. And Tia is safe, too. |
Selan: Yes. People in the city, Guy, Dekar and Tia, everyone's just fine. |
マキシム: よかった。本当によかった。 |
Maxim: Thank goodness. That's such a relief. |
Maxim: Good. That's a relief. |
セレナ: これも、すべてあなたの おかげです。 |
Selena: All this is thanks to you. |
Selan: I owe everything to you. |
マキシム: いえ。 みんながいてくれたからですよ。 |
Maxim: No. It's because everyone was there for me. |
Maxim: No, that's not true. I couldn't have done it alone. |
セレナ: ……そうですね。 でも、やっぱりあなたは、 すごい人です。 |
Selena: ...I suppose so. But you really are quite a person. |
Selan: Yeah, I guess. But you're really something. |
マキシム: ……やっと、みとめてもらえた ようですね。 |
Maxim: ...it seems that I've finally earned your acceptance. |
Maxim: You finally give me credit, I see. |
セレナ: ……いいえ。 |
Selena: ...no. |
Selan: No... |
マキシム: まだ、だめなんですか? |
Maxim: I'm still not there? |
Maxim: Still? |
セレナ: あなたの事は、もうずっと前から みとめてます。 |
Selena: I have long since accepted you. |
Selan: I mean, I have for a long time. |
マキシム: ……セレナさん。 |
Maxim: ...Selena. |
Maxim: Selan... |
Frequent pauses in her upcoming lines indicate that Selena is having some difficulty getting her words out. |
セレナ: ……マキシムさん。 本当に……本当に無事で良かった。 |
Selena: ...Maxim. I'm so...... so glad you're safe. |
Selan: Maxim...I'm so... It's nice...to see you again. |
マキシム: どうしたんです? |
Maxim: What's wrong? |
Maxim: What's wrong? |
セレナ: 必ず帰ってくると信じていたのに……。 だから、マキシムさんが、ここに 立っているのは、あたりまえなのに…… |
Selena: I was positive you would come back...... And yet, even though there's nothing surprising about you standing here... |
Selan: I knew you were coming back...And I know this is no miracle, your standing here...yet... |
Selena leans into Maxim. |
セレナ: あなたは、ここにいるんですよね。 もう、どこにも行かないんですよね。 ……私……わたしは……。 |
Selena: You're here. You're not going away. ......I...... I... |
Selan: You're here. You're really here. You're not going anywhere again... right? I..I.. |
Lamity walks onto the scene. |
ラミティ: セレナお姉ちゃん、泣いてるの? 女の子は、カンタンに泣いちゃ ダメだって言ってたのに……。 |
Lamity: Miss Selena, are you crying? You said girls mustn't cry easily... |
Lemmy: Selan, are you crying? You said girls shouldn't cry so easily. |
Guy approaches. |
ガイ: ……いいんだよ、お嬢ちゃん。 今は泣いても、いいんだよ。 |
Guy: ...it's all right, little lady. It's okay to cry now. |
Guy: It's ok, little lady. It's ok to cry right now. |
The view pans to show Tia watching from a distance. She walks away without a word. Heidecker calls to her from the shadow of a nearby house as she's leaving. And Guy's girlfriend Jessie stands to the north, watching them. I don't think she's actually meant to be here for this scene... |
ハイデッカ: いいのか? |
Heidecker: Are you okay with this? |
Dekar: You ok? |
He steps out onto the path. |
ハイデッカ: マキシムの事が、 好きなんだろ。 |
Heidecker: You like Maxim, don't you? |
Dekar: I thought you were in love with Maxim. |
ティア: ……うん。でもいいの。 あたし、泣けなかったから。 |
Tia: ...yeah. But it's okay. I couldn't cry. |
Tia: Yes...I am...But it's ok. You know what? I couldn't cry. |
ハイデッカ: それが―― |
Heidecker: That's—— |
Dekar: So? |
Tia turns to the side and walks away slightly. |
ティア: ――ティアってね、涙って意味なの。 あたし、この名前で、小さな頃は、 よくからかわれて、泣いてたわ。 そして、いつもマキシムが助けてくれ てたんだけど、ある日マキシムが言っ たのよ。『すぐに泣くから、みんなが 面白がっていじめるんだ』ってね。 それから、あたしはつらくても、 泣かないようにガンバったわ。 そうしたら、ウソみたいに、みんな いじめなくなったのよ。 |
Tia: ——Tia... it means tears. When I was little, I was often picked on because of my name, and I cried. And Maxim would always save me, but one day he said something. "They all enjoy picking on you because you cry so easily." After that, I tried my hardest not to cry, no matter how bad I felt. Once I did, I couldn't believe it, but everyone stopped picking on me. |
Tia: My name...Tia, like tear. Because of this, I was always teased and I was always crying. Maxim always saved me. And one day he said “People tease you because you cry easily.” So I tried not to cry, no matter how hard kids teased me. Then they stopped. |
Tia walks back onto the path and faces Heidecker. |
ティア: それ以来、あたしは一度も泣いてない のよ。……でも、だめね……大事な 時に泣けなかった。 |
Tia: After that, I didn't cry even once. ......but look at me now... I couldn't cry when it really mattered. |
Tia: I've never cried since then. And I couldn't even cry when I really wanted to. |
Tia turns away. |
ティア: あたしは、もう泣けない女に なっちゃったのかな……。 |
Tia: Maybe I've turned into a woman who just can't cry any more... |
Tia: Maybe I just can't cry anymore... |
ハイデッカ: それは違うと思うな。 |
Heidecker: I don't think that's it. |
Dekar: You're wrong. |
Tia faces him again. |
ティア: どうして? |
Tia: Why not? |
Tia: Why do you say that? |
ハイデッカ: まだ、本当に泣かなきゃならない 時が来てないんだよ。 マキシムは、確かにスゴイ男だが 君とは住む世界が違う。 ……わかってたんだろ? |
Heidecker: The time when you'll really need to cry isn't here yet. Sure, Maxim's an amazing man, but you live in different worlds. ...you knew that, right? |
Dekar: The time hasn't come when you'll really want to cry. To be sure, Maxim is a kind man, but you two live in different worlds. And you know it. |
ティア: ……うん。マキシムが旅に出るって 言った時から……でも、もういいの。 あたし、あの塔の上で気付いたの。 あたしは、マキシムが好きだけど、 戦士としての、マキシムは、 好きには、なれないんだって事が……。 |
Tia: ...yeah. Ever since Maxim said he was going on a journey...... but I'm fine now. I realized it on top of that tower. That I love Maxim, but I can't make myself love the warrior in Maxim... |
Tia: Yeah. I noticed that when Maxim said he was going. It's ok now. I found out something at the tower. I'm in love with Maxim, but not Maxim the warrior. |
ハイデッカ: 戦士としてのマキシム? |
Heidecker: The warrior in Maxim? |
Dekar: Not the warrior? |
ティア: あたしは、マキシムが心配で、 塔の上まで追いかけて行ったのよ。 でも、それは、戦士としての、 マキシムを信じていなかったのね。 もう、会えなくなるかもしれない。 そう思うと、足手まといになると わかっていても、マキシムの元へ 行きたくなるのよ。 それで、やっぱりマキシムを よけいな危険にさらしてしまった。 ……でも、セレナさんは違ったわ。 マキシムを信じて、待つと言った。 あたしも待ったけど、とてもダメ。 マキシムの事を考えると、胸が はりさけそうになるの。 あの人が戦いに行くたびに、こんな 思いをするなんて、あたしには、 たえられない……。 あの人の事は、今でも愛しているわ。 だから……もう、ついては行かない。 |
Tia: I was so worried about Maxim that I chased him all the way up the tower. But that means I didn't believe in Maxim as a warrior. Whenever the thought hits me that I might not be able to see him again, it makes me want to go to him, even when I know I'll be getting in his way. And I really did put Maxim in needless danger because of it. ...but that's not how it was for Selena. She said she'd believe in him and wait. I waited too, but it's just no good. Thinking about Maxim makes me feel like my chest is about to burst apart. Having feelings like this every time he goes into battle is just more than I can handle... I love him even now. So...... I won't follow him anymore. |
Tia: I chased him to the tower because I was worried. I just didn't have faith in him as a warrior. The mere thought that we might never again meet sent me after him. And I put him in danger. But Selan said she'd wait. She believed in him. I waited, too. But, the thought of something awful happening to Maxim just kills me. I don't think I can bear feeling this way every time Maxim goes to battle. It's true that I love him even now. But that's why I don't want to be in his way. |
ハイデッカ: 会っていかないのか? |
Heidecker: You aren't going to go see him? |
Dekar: You're not going to say goodbye to him? |
ティア: ええ。今、マキシムに会うと 泣いちゃうかもしれないし……。 あたしは、カンタンには泣かないって 決めたんだから……。 |
Tia: Right. If I saw Maxim now, I might cry... And I decided I'm not going to cry so easily... |
Tia: No. If I see him now, I may cry. I decided long ago that I'm not going to cry so easily. |
ハイデッカ: ……いつか、きっと自然に泣ける 時がくるよ。 君は、涙がかれてる女に見え ないから……。 |
Heidecker: ...I'm sure, some day, a time will come when you'll be able to cry naturally. You don't look like a woman whose tears have dried up... |
Dekar: You will someday. I mean your tears haven't dried out yet... |
ティア: ……ありがとう。 あなたの言葉は、元気がでるのね。 なんだか、スッキリしたわ。 |
Tia: ...thank you. Your words are cheering me up. I'm feeling a lot better somehow. |
Tia: Thanks...You've really helped, you know. I feel a lot better now. |
ハイデッカ: ふっ、じまんじゃないが、俺は剣の 次に得意なのが、人を元気づける 事なんだ! |
Heidecker: Heh, not to brag, but my next best skill after swordplay is encouraging people! |
Dekar: Humph, I am great at swordsmanship, but I'm also great at cheering people up, you know!? |
The last time he used this line, he claimed flattery was his next best skill. And the next time, he'll say something different, again. Tia briefly dips, possibly making a curtsey. |
ティア: うふふっ!本当にありがとう。 マキシムに伝えて、あなたに まけないくらいステキな人を きっと見つけてみせるからって! |
Tia: *giggle*! Thanks so much. Tell Maxim I swear I'm going to find someone every bit as wonderful as he is! |
Tia: Ha, ha! Thanks, really. Tell Maxim, I'll find someone just as good as him! |
Tia leaves the town, and, for the most part, the game. |