Magic, similar effects, and attempted translations from...

Final Fantasy IV

Spells are Reflectable unless otherwise noted. For the purposes of this list, a "boss" is any monster with the "boss flag" set.

All skills and spells named "Dummy" in the English release are also named "Dummy" in the EasyType unless otherwise noted. Incidentally, these "dummied" effects work just fine in all versions of the game, it's just that you can't necessarily access them normally in all versions.

Note that commands may override targeting when player characters use abilities, and AI scripts may override targeting when monsters use them.

Spells marked as hit/miss ignore MHitX and use MHitX = 1 instead (and also MEvdX = 1 for the target if it would otherwise be greater). Typically, these are spells that affect status and either succeed or fail, as opposed to damage spells, which use additional hits to boost damage. Status spells that are not hit/miss are far more likely to succeed than their hit rate suggests, since allowing multiple hits vastly increases the odds that at least one hit will succeed.

Due to a glitch in how enemy stats are loaded, nearly all enemies have 0x 0% magic evasion. The exception is when an in-battle script modifies the values, which only happens when Barbariccia starts or stops spinning.

White magic adds (spirit / 2) to the base hit rate, and all other spells add (intelligence / 2). Casters in the lead of the formation (the center player character in combat, and usually the frontmost monster) benefit from an additional 5/4 multiplier.

Warning: May contain spoilers


All spells that can be used out of combat have associated description text, but the menu doesn't display them anywhere. Some lines are shared with similar items, while others are completely unique and so never appear on the screen at any point in the game.

White Magic

All White Magic except Library and Teleport is reflectable.

(white magic) ホールド  (white magic) Hold (white magic) Hold
MP: 5, cast delay 1, hit/miss Sets Paralysis on any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 85%. Fails on bosses.
(white magic) サイレス  (white magic) Silence (white magic) Mute
MP: 6, cast delay 2, hit/miss Sets Silence on any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 90%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType lowers the cast delay to 1.

(white magic) コンフュ  (white magic) Confu[se] (white magic) Charm
MP: 10, cast delay 1, hit/miss Sets Confusion on any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 65%. Fails on bosses.
(white magic) ブリンク  (white magic) Blink (white magic) Blink
MP: 8, no cast delay Sets Decoy (2) on any one target (default ally). Base hit rate 50%.
(white magic) プロテス  (white magic) Protect  Armor
MP: 9, no cast delay, hit/miss +5 defense to any target or side (default one ally), stackable to a maximum of 255. Base hit rate 66%.

Not learnable in the English or EasyType versions. Certain enemies still cast it, though, so the name remains, just without the White Magic icon.

(white magic) シェル   (white magic) Shell  Shell
MP: 10, no cast delay, hit/miss +3 MDef to any target or side (default one ally), stackable to a maximum of 255. Base hit rate 66%.

Not learnable in the English or EasyType versions. Certain enemies still cast it, though, so the name remains, just without the White Magic icon.

(white magic) スロウ   (white magic) Slow (white magic) Slow
MP: 14, cast delay 1 Slows any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 70%.

Works by adding 8 to an internal value known as turn delay. Turn delay starts at 16 and has a maximum of 32, so cast Slow twice for best results.

(white magic) ヘイスト  (white magic) Haste (white magic) Fast
MP: 25, cast delay 1 Speeds up any one target (default ally). Base hit rate 50%.

Works by subtracting 3 from an internal value known as turn delay. Turn delay starts at 16 and has a minimum of 12. As with Slow, Haste needs to be cast twice to get the maximum effect, but since the second time only takes you from 13 to the minimum of 12, it isn't as worthwhile.

(white magic) バーサク  (white magic) Berserk (white magic) Bersk
MP: 18, cast delay 1 Sets Berserk on any one target (default ally). Base hit rate 50%. Fails on bosses.
(white magic) リフレク  (white magic) Reflect (white magic) Wall
MP: 30, no cast delay Sets Reflect on any one target (default ally). Base hit rate 75%.
(white magic) ホーリー  (white magic) Holy (white magic) White
MP: 46, cast delay 3, base power 340 Holy Holy damage to any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 99%. Also causes Slip if target is weak to Holy.

The EasyType lowers the cast delay to 2.

(white magic) ディスペル (white magic) Dispel (white magic) Dummy
MP: 12, cast delay 1 Removes Berserk, Slip, Reflect, Barrier, and Decoy from any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 70%. Fails on bosses. Despite being able to remove Reflect, Dispel is itself reflectable, limiting its usefulness.

Buggy on characters with Stop status. It apparently cancels the status timer, but doesn't actually remove the status, causing it to last indefinitely.

Not learnable in the English or EasyType versions. It's still used in the EasyType, which keeps the name ディスペル, minus the White Magic icon.

(white magic) ライブラ  (white magic) Libra[ry] (white magic) Peep
MP: 1, no cast delay Shows current/maximum HP and any weaknesses of any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 99%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
(white magic) ケアル  
HPを かいふくします
(white magic) Cure
Recovers HP
(white magic) Cure1
Recover HPs
MP: 3, cast delay 1, base power 16 Heals any target or side (default one ally), damages Undead. Base hit rate 100%.

"Cure" is only a rough approximation of ケアル, and would normally be キュア in katakana. "Care" is also plausible, though that would normally be just ケア. The "Keal" I've seen some places just makes me cringe, though... it looks too much like it should be pronounced "keel", and that's flat-out wrong.

The EasyType changes the name to ケアル1 (Cure 1) and removes the cast delay.

(white magic) ケアルラ 
HPを かいふくします
(white magic) Cura
Recovers HP
(white magic) Cure2
Recover HPs
MP: 9, cast delay 1, base power 48 Heals any target or side (default one ally), damages Undead. Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to ケアル2 (Cure 2).

(white magic) ケアルダ 
HPを かいふくします
(white magic) Cureda
Recovers HP
(white magic) Cure3
Recover HPs
MP: 18, cast delay 1, base power 144 Heals any target or side (default one ally), damages Undead. Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to ケアル3 (Cure 3). The English DS version renames it to Curaga and uses Curaja for the actual Curega.

(white magic) ケアルガ 
HPを かいふくします
(white magic) Curega
Recovers HP
(white magic) Cure4
Recover HPs
MP: 40, no cast delay, base power 288 Heals any target or side (default one ally), damages Undead. Base hit rate 100%.
If cast to a single target, ignores spell power and instead restores all HP.

The EasyType changes the name to ケアル4 (Cure 4). The English DS version renames it to Curaja and moves the Curaga name to Cureda.

The full heal effect only works properly when the amount to heal is 16,384 HP or less. Anything beyond that overflows and heals MP instead.

(white magic) エスナ  
いろいろなじょうたいを かいふくします
(white magic) Esuna
Cures a variety of conditions
(white magic) Heal
Heal conditions.
MP: 20, cast delay 2 Removes Stone, Toad, Minikin, Pig, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Curse, Paralysis, Sleep, Confusion,
and Gradual Petrification (either) from any one target (default ally). Base hit rate 80%.

The prevailing theory on Japanese sites is that Esuna is short for 永久ステータスを治す (eikyuu SUTEETASU wo naosu, "cures permanent status"). This goes back to FF2, where it could cure only persisting status effects and existed alongside Basuna, which only cured status effects that wore off after combat; the 'ba' likely came from バトル中 (BATORUchuu, "during battle"). Though Esuna has since become a more general-purpose status-curing spell, the name stuck.

(white magic) レイズ  
せんとうふのうを かいふくします
(white magic) Raise
Cures Incapacitated
(white magic) Life1
Bring back to sense
MP: 8, no cast delay, hit/miss Removes Incapacitated from any one target (default ally) and recovers HP equal to target stamina * 5.
Base hit rate 75%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType changes the name to レイズ1 (Raise 1).

(white magic) アレイズ 
せんとうふのうを かいふくします
(white magic) Araise
Cures Incapacitated
(white magic) Life2
Bring back to sense
MP: 52, cast delay 2, hit/miss Removes Incapacitated from any one target (default ally) and recovers all HP. Base hit rate 80%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType changes the name to レイズ2 (Raise 2).

(white magic) ミニマム 
こびとになったり なおしたりします
(white magic) Minimum
Turns into or cures Minikin
(white magic) Size
MP: 6, cast delay 4, hit/miss Toggles Minikin on any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 50%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 2.

(white magic) テレポ  
ちじょうに ワープします
(white magic) Telepo[rt]
Warps above ground
(white magic) Exit
MP: 10, no cast delay Flees combat (if possible) with no gil loss when in combat, otherwise exits to the world map unless already on the world map. Ignores Reflect. Always succeeds unless disabled—some battles can't be fled, and some areas (mostly towns) disallow it.

Don't cast it when standing on a damage tile unless under Levitate status, or you'll take substantial damage. The spinning seems to count as taking steps.

(white magic) サイトロ 
しゅうへんのちずを みます
(white magic) Sightro
See a map of the surroundings
(white magic) Sight
MP: 2, no cast delay Use outdoors to view the surroundings. Usable even though useless in combat, and completely unusable in submaps.

What's the 'ro' for? Who knows? Regardless, try casting in battle with Reflect on the caster to see an odd animation that's likely junk data.

(white magic) レビテト 
ちゅうを うきます
(white magic) Levitate
Float in the air
(white magic) Float
MP: 8, cast delay 1 Sets Levitate on all allies. Base hit rate 100%. Can, and generally should, be used outside of combat.

Black Magic

All Black Magic except Quake and Meteor is reflectable.

(black magic) トード  
かえるになったり なおしたりします
(black magic) Toad
Turns into or cures Toad
(black magic) Toad
MP: 7, cast delay 3, hit/miss Toggles Toad on any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 50%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 2.

(black magic) ポーキー 
ぶたになったり なおしたりします
(black magic) Porky
Turns into or cures Pig
(black magic) Piggy
MP: 1, cast delay 6, hit/miss Toggles Pig on any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 10%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1 and raises the base hit rate to 40%.

(black magic) デジョン 
ひとつまえに もどります
(black magic) Dejon
Goes back one
(black magic) Warp
MP: 4, no cast delay Out of combat, warps to the previous door/stairs/etc. No effect in combat, and unusable on the world map.

According to numerous Japanese sites, デジョン is believed to be short for ディメンション = "dimension".

Of limited use, outside of an interesting oversight in one place that makes it possible to get the Dark Crystal early (this glitch is fixed—or, more accurately, circumvented by disabling the spell there altogether—in the EasyType).

Also try casting it in combat when the caster has Reflect status... while it still does nothing, you can see the animation associated with it, which looks a lot like various fatal monster attacks, suggesting that it was planned to have the instant-death effect it often does in other Final Fantasy games. This idea is further supported by the fact that the Summoner (Conjuror) monster will cast Dejon on a random monster when Confused (though it has no effect).

(black magic) ポイズン  (black magic) Poison (black magic) Venom
MP: 2, cast delay 1, base power 0 Poisons any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 90%. Fails on bosses.
Also inflicts 1 damage when it hits thanks to how the damage algorithm works.

Since this is not a hit/miss spell, it's virtually guaranteed to work unless the target is a boss or immune.

(black magic) ファイア  (black magic) Fire (black magic) Fire1
MP: 5, cast delay 1, base power 16 Flame Flame damage to any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to ファイア1 (Fire 1) and removes the cast delay.

(black magic) ファイラ  (black magic) Fira (black magic) Fire2
MP: 15, cast delay 3, base power 64 Flame Flame damage to any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to ファイア2 (Fire 2) and reduces the cast delay to 2.

(black magic) ファイガ  (black magic) Figa (black magic) Fire3
MP: 30, cast delay 4, base power 256 Flame Flame damage to any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to ファイア3 (Fire 3) and reduces the cast delay to 3.

(black magic) ブリザド  (black magic) Blizzard (black magic) Ice-1
MP: 5, cast delay 1, base power 16 Ice Ice damage to any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to ブリザド1 (Blizzard 1) and removes the cast delay.

(black magic) ブリザラ  (black magic) Blizzara (black magic) Ice-2
MP: 15, cast delay 3, base power 64 Ice Ice damage to any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to ブリザド2 (Blizzard 2) and reduces the cast delay to 2.

(black magic) ブリザガ  (black magic) Blizzaga (black magic) Ice-3
MP: 30, cast delay 4, base power 256 Ice Ice damage to any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to ブリザド3 (Blizzard 3) and reduces the cast delay to 3.

(black magic) サンダー  (black magic) Thunder (black magic) Lit-1
MP: 5, cast delay 1, base power 16 Thunder Thunder damage to any target or side (default enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to サンダー1 (Thunder 1) and removes the cast delay.

(black magic) サンダラ  (black magic) Thundara (black magic) Lit-2
MP: 15, cast delay 3, base power 64 Thunder Thunder damage to any target or side (default enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to サンダー2 (Thunder 2) and reduces the cast delay to 2.

(black magic) サンダガ  (black magic) Thundaga (black magic) Lit-3
MP: 30, cast delay 4, base power 256 Thunder Thunder damage to any target or side (default enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The EasyType changes the name to サンダー3 (Thunder 3) and reduces the cast delay to 3.

(black magic) バイオ   (black magic) Bio (black magic) Virus
MP: 20, no cast delay, base power 128 Damages and sets Slip on any target or side (default enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

The speed, relatively high power, relatively low cost, non-elemental damage, ability to multitarget, and lingering aftereffect make Bio one of the game's best spells.

The DS remake, however, significantly nerfs Bio, making it weaker than Fira/Blizzara/Thundara.

(black magic) トルネド  (black magic) Tornado (black magic) Weak
MP: 25, cast delay 2, hit/miss Sets any one target's HP to single digits (default enemy). Base hit rate 75%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1.

(black magic) クエイク  (black magic) Quake (black magic) Quake
MP: 30, cast delay 2, base power 200 Damages all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
Always misses targets that have Levitate status or are weak against Projectiles (mostly flying monsters).
(black magic) スリプル  (black magic) Sleepel (black magic) Sleep
MP: 12, cast delay 3, hit/miss Sets Sleep on any target or side (default one enemy). Base hit rate 50%. Agility reportedly influences success rate. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 2.

(black magic) ブレイク  (black magic) Break (black magic) Stone
MP: 15, cast delay 2, hit/miss Sets Stone on any target or side (default one enemy). This is fatal to monsters. Base hit rate 30%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1 and raises the hit rate to 40.

(black magic) デス    (black magic) Death (black magic) Fatal
MP: 35, cast delay 5, hit/miss Sets Incapacitated on any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 60%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 2.

(black magic) ストップ  (black magic) Stop (black magic) Stop
MP: 15, cast delay 2, hit/miss Sets Stop on any one target (default enemy) {10 time?}. Base hit rate 80%. Fails on bosses.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1.

(black magic) ドレイン  (black magic) Drain (black magic) Drain
MP: 18, cast delay 3, base power 20 Drain Drains HP from any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 100%. Reversed effect on Undead monsters.

The EasyType raises the base power to 80 and reduces the cast delay to 2.

(black magic) アスピル  (black magic) Aspir (black magic) Psych
MP: 0, cast delay 5, base power 16 Drain Drains MP from any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 100%. Reversed effect on Undead monsters.

As noted on numerous Japanese sites, アスピル (ASUPIRU) appears to be short for "aspirate", to remove something by suction.

The EasyType raises the base power to 20 and reduces the cast delay to 1.

(black magic) メテオ   (black magic) Meteor (black magic) Meteo
MP: 99, cast delay 10, base power 800 Holy Holy damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

メテオ (METEO) is an accepted rendition of the English word "meteor", so there's little or no justification for dropping the 'r' other than space limitations.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 5.

(black magic) フレア   (black magic) Flare (black magic) Nuke
MP: 50, no cast delay, base power 400 Damages any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate 100%.

Unlike in many Final Fantasy games, Flare has no special defense-piercing properties in this one. However, its high power has a similar effect in practice, since magic defense is capped at 255, so each hit does a minimum of 145 damage even against magic-resistant enemies. Add damage varation to that, and a caster with 50 int will average over 3,000 damage against one of those, whereas -ga spells are lucky to reach four digits in the same situation. It's also very quick to cast.

Summon Magic

No Summon Magic is reflectable.

(summon magic) ゴブリン  (summon magic) Goblin (summon magic) Imp
MP: 1, no cast delay Invokes the "Goblin Punch" effect (see below) on any one target (default enemy).
(summon magic) ボム    (summon magic) Bomb (summon magic) Bomb
MP: 10, no cast delay Invokes the "Self-Destruct" effect (see below) on any one target (default enemy).
(summon magic) コカトリス (summon magic) Cockatrice (summon magic) Dummy
MP: 15, cast delay 2 Invokes the "Petrify Beak" effect (see below) on any one target (default enemy).

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1 and keeps the name as (summon magic) コカトリス, even though it's unavailable in that version and the English version.

(summon magic) マインドF (summon magic) Mindflayer (summon magic) Mage
MP: 18, no cast delay Invokes the "Mind Blast" effect (see below) on any one target (default enemy).
(summon magic) チョコボ  (summon magic) Chocobo (summon magic) Chocb
MP: 7, cast delay 3 Invokes the "Chocobo Kick" effect (see below) on any one target (default enemy).

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 2.

(summon magic) シヴァ   (summon magic) Shiva (summon magic) Shiva
MP: 30, cast delay 4 Invokes the "Snowstorm" effect (see below) on all enemies.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 3.

(summon magic) ラムウ   (summon magic) Ramuh (summon magic) Indra
MP: 30, cast delay 4 Invokes the "Thunder of Judgment" effect (see below) on all enemies.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 3.

(summon magic) イフリート (summon magic) Ifrit (summon magic) Jinn
MP: 30, cast delay 4 Invokes the "Flames of Hell" effect (see below) on all enemies.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 3.

(summon magic) タイタン  (summon magic) Titan (summon magic) Titan
MP: 40, cast delay 5 Invokes the "Wrath of the Earth" effect (see below) on all enemies.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 4.

(summon magic) ドラゴン  (summon magic) Dragon (summon magic) Mist
MP: 20, cast delay 3 Invokes the "Mist Breath" effect (see below) on all enemies.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 2.

(summon magic) シルフ   (summon magic) Sylph (summon magic) Sylph
MP: 25, cast delay 1 Invokes the "Murmur of the Wind" effect (see below) on any one target (default enemy).

The EasyType removes the cast delay.

(summon magic) オーディン (summon magic) Odin (summon magic) Odin
MP: 45, cast delay 2 Invokes the "Zantetsuken" effect (see below) on all enemies.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1.

(summon magic) リヴァイア (summon magic) Levia (summon magic) Levia
MP: 50, cast delay 3 Invokes the "Tsunami" effect (see below) on all enemies.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 2.

(summon magic) アスラ   (summon magic) Asura (summon magic) Asura
MP: 50, cast delay 1 Invokes one of the "Asura" effects (see below) at random on all allies.
(summon magic) バハムート (summon magic) Bahamut (summon magic) Baham
MP: 60, cast delay 3 Invokes the "Megaflare" effect (see below) on all enemies.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 2.

Twin Magic
 プチメテオ  Minimeteor  Comet
MP: 20, no cast delay, base power 80 Damages all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
 プチフレア  Miniflare  Flare
MP: 10, no cast delay, base power 120 Damages any one target (but command targeting overrides this). Base hit rate 100%.

Due to the default targetting, Minimeteor inflicts full damage against multiple enemies, while Miniflare has its power divided by the number of targets. Also note that Miniflare is reflectable, while Minimeteor is not. The twins will cast Miniflare roughly three times as often as Minimeteor.


Kage Shibari is the only reflectable Ninjutsu.

 かとん    Katon  Flame
MP: 15, cast delay 2, base power 80 Flame Flame damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

火遁 (katon, roughly "unleashed fire") is the standard term for ninja fire skills.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1.

 すいとん   Suiton  Flood
MP: 20, cast delay 2, base power 120 Ice Ice damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

水遁 (suiton, roughly "unleashed water") is the standard term for ninja water skills.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1.

 らいじん   Raijin  Blitz
MP: 25, cast delay 2, base power 160 Thunder Thunder damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

雷迅 (raijin, roughly "swift lightning") is the standard term for ninja lightning skills.

The EasyType reduces the cast delay to 1.

 けむりだま  Smoke Ball  Smoke
MP: 10, no cast delay Flees from combat. Targets all allies and ignores Reflect.
 かげしばり  Kage Shibari  Pin
MP: 5, no cast delay, hit/miss Sets Paralysis on any one target (default enemy). Base hit rate is 75%. Fails on bosses.

影 (kage, shadow) plus 縛り (shibari, binding), this refers to the legendary ninja ability to seal an opponent's movement by binding his shadow to the ground. Functionally, it's a less accurate Hold spell that's quicker to cast.

 ぶんしん   Bunshin  Image
MP: 6, no cast delay, hit/miss Sets Decoy (2) on self. Base hit rate 99%. Ignores Reflect.

分身 (bunshin) is the standard term for ninja "cloning" skills. Functionally, it's a more accurate and less expensive Blink spell that only works on the user.

Item Magic

Other than Dancing Dagger, these weapon-exclusive spells are reflectable.

マジックアロー  Magic Arrow Dummy
Base power 28. Damage to any single target (default enemy). Found on the Rod with 1x hits (equivalent to casting with 0~3 int).

This results in an average of 35 damage against an enemy with no magic defense, with a minimum of 28 and a maximum of 42.

ヒール      Heal Dummy
Base power 12. Recovers HP for all allies. Found on the Healing Staff with 2x hits (equivalent to casting with 4~7 spr).

This results in an average of 30 healing, with a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 36.

バスナ      Basuna Dummy
Hit/miss. Removes Berserk, Confusion, Sleep, and Paralysis from any one target (default ally). Found on the Mithril Staff.

As noted under Esuna, Basuna was a spell in FF2 that cured temporary status ailments (the kind that wears off after battle). It's believed to be short for バトル中ステータスを治す (BATORUchuu SUTEETASU wo naosu, "cures in-battle status").

ポイゾナ     Poisona Dummy
Hit/miss. Removes Poison from any one target (default ally). Found on the Staff.
ダンシングダガー Dancing Dagger Dummy
Base power 40. Damage to any single target (default enemy). Ignores Reflect. Found on the Dancing Dagger with 8x hits (equivalent to casting with 28~31 int).

This results in an average of 400 damage against an enemy with no magic defense, with a minimum of 320 and a maximum of 480.

Summon Magic Effects

As noted above, no Summon Magic effects are reflectable.

ゴブリンパンチ  Goblin Punch Imp
MP: 1, base power 8 Damages one enemy (fails on player characters). Base hit rate listed as 50% but acts like 100%. Ignores Reflect.
じばく      Self-Destruct Bomb
MP: 10, hit/miss Damages one enemy (fails on player characters). Base hit rate is 100%.
Damage = caster's current HP + (0~255). Ignores Reflect.

This is effectively Mist Breath to a single target for half the MP and without a casting delay.

せきかくちばし  Petrify Beak Dummy
MP: 15 Sets Stone on one enemy (fails on player characters). Base hit rate is 50%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect. Also inflicts 1 damage when it hits thanks to how the damage algorithm works.

Since this is not a hit/miss spell, it's virtually guaranteed to work unless the target is a boss or immune.

Basically a more accurate, single-target version of Break, for the same MP cost. The 1 damage is pointless, but works even when the target is immune to Stone.

マインドブラスト Mind Blast Mage
MP: 18, base power 96 Damage and Paralysis to one enemy (fails on player characters). Base hit rate is 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
チョコボキック  Chocobo Kick Chocobo
MP: 7, base power 40 Damages one enemy (fails on player characters). Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.
ふぶき      Snowstorm Shiva
MP: 30, base power 80 Ice Ice damage to all enemies. Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.
さばきのいかづち Thunder of Judgment Indra
MP: 30, base power 80 Thunder Thunder damage to all enemies. Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.
じごくのかえん  Flames of Hell Jinn
MP: 30, base power 80 Flame Flame damage to all enemies. Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.
だいちのいかり  Wrath of the Earth Titan
MP: 40, base power 160 Damages all enemies. Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.
Always misses targets that have Levitate status or are weak against Projectiles (mostly flying enemies).

Inferior to Quake, being weaker, more costly, and slower to cast, but Rydia also learns Titan sooner unless you've been excessively leveling.

きりのブレス   Mist Breath Mist
MP: 20, hit/miss Damages all enemies. Base hit rate is 100%. Damage = caster's current HP + (0~255). Ignores Reflect.
かぜのささやき  Murmur of the Wind Sylph
MP: 25, base power 120 Damages one enemy (fails on player characters), and splits that amount to heal all allies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

This spell has a number of oddities. One is that is that it works normally on Undead monsters even though it's an absorption spell. Another is that it's bugged and costs nothing in the English and EasyType versions (though you still need to have 25 MP to select it).

The Cutting Room Floor claims it's even stranger than that. Supposedly the spell only costs MP if the caster is adult Rydia (always true under normal circumstances) and is in the first slot of the character formation (which she typically isn't). Huh?

Normally, allies who are Incapacitated, Stone, or otherwise unable to be targeted are excluded from the healing and the character count for dividing the healing. However, I've occasionally seen this split healing to characters who aren't even in the party! For instance, I once had a save file in the Sealed Cave after Cain leaves that acted as though he was still there for purposes of this spell. It's likely caused by lingering character data left in the "empty" slot.

ざんてつけん   Zantetsuken Odin
MP: 45 Kills all enemies or does nothing. Fails if any enemies are bosses. Base hit rate is 0%. Ignores Reflect.

斬鉄剣 (zantetsuken) translates to "Iron-Cleaving Sword"

Unfortunately, this spell is severely underpowered. Not only is the base hit rate awful, but it's an all-or-nothing attack, meaning that unless a hit is determined for each individual enemy, the spell does nothing at all. This makes it even harder to hit large groups of enemies, since it has more chances to fail.

つなみ      Tsunami Leviatan
MP: 50, base power 280 Damages all enemies. Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.
アスラ      Asura Asura
MP: 50, base power 160 Heals all allies. Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.

A bit more powerful than Cureda as cast on a single target. However, Asura runs on Rydia's intelligence rather than her spirit (like actual white magic would), and since it innately multitargets, the entire party gets the full healing amount instead of having it split between them.

アスラ      Asura Asura
MP: 50, (base power 240 in English version) English version only: Heals all allies. Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.
Original and EasyType versions: +5 defense for all allies. Base hit rate is 66%. Ignores Reflect.

The Original and EasyType effect equals casting Protect on all allies, making it rather wasteful. The English version effect instead heals 50% more than the other healing effect, which is already substantial, making this easily the most powerful healing effect available.

アスラ      Asura Asura
MP: 50, hit/miss Removes Incapacitated from all allies and recovers HP equal to target stamina * 5. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

Essentially Raise on all allies, but more accurate. In general, I find Asura to be overly unreliable, especially outside of the English version.

メガフレア    Megaflare Bahamut
MP: 60, base power 480 Damages all enemies. Base hit rate is 100%. Ignores Reflect.

Special Magic
Wメテオ     Double Meteor W.Meteo
Base power 800 Holy. Holy damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect. Appears only in an event battle late in the game.

The EasyType renames this to ダブルメテオ (still "Double Meteor"). And the English version ought to have called it something like "2xMeteo" or maybe "Meteors", since we don't normally use "W" to mean "double" over here. Back in the olden days I used to think it was short for "White Meteo", and "Holy" being turned into "White" didn't help clear things up. Though combining Holy and Meteor is an interesting concept...

Despite the dramatic impact or whatever else, this has the same effect as a normal Meteor spell, other than being invoked through the Pair Cast command.

モンスター015 Monster 015 Dummy
モンスター016 Monster 016 Dummy

These two appear to be nothing more than blank slots for reference or potential expansion that were never used. For what it's worth, they're configured as being reflectable, failing against bosses, and targetting a single ally, with no elements, no status effects, 0 MP cost, 0 power, 0% base hit rate, and no cast delay.

Monster Magic and Skills

The enemy-only spells that follow ignore Silence (for usability) and Darkness (for accuracy). However, Toad and Pig status still disable them.

しせん      Gaze Gaze
Sets {Confuse or Sleep or Paralysis} on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses.
ブラスター    Blaster Bluster
Sets {Incapacitated or Paralysis} on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses.
ひらてうち    Slap Slap
Sets {Paralysis or Silence or Curse} on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
りんぷん     Moth Dust Powder
Sets Darkness on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

Techincally, the dust from moth wings is actually tiny scales.

ひとみ      Glance Glance
Sets Confusion on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

More literally, the pupil of the eye.

ゆうわく     Temptation Charm
Sets Confusion on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
した       Tongue Tongue
Sets Sleep on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

The EasyType renames this to さいみんじゅつ (Hypnotism).

のろい      Curse Curse
Sets Curse on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
ゆびさき     Fingertip Ray
Sets Gradual Petrification (1/3) on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
しのせんこく   Death Sentence Count
Sets Count (10) on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses.
くちばし     Beak Beak
Sets Stone on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses.
せきかにらみ   Petrify Glare Petrify
Sets Gradual Petrification (1/3) on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
マインドブラスト Mind Blast Blast
Sets Paralysis and Slip on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses.
ほうよう     Embrace Hug
Fully heals, but then sets Stone on, one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses.
くさいいき    Foul Breath Breath
Sets Toad, Minikin, Pig, Silence, Darkness, and Confusion on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses or if the target is immune to any of these effects.
ささやき     Murmur Whisper
Sets Pig on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
まきつき     Entangle Entangle
Sets Paralysis on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
ワール      Whirl Weak
Sets one target's HP to single digits. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

The EasyType renames this to ハリケーン (Hurricane), and does the same to Maelstrom, the multi-target equivalent listed below.

じげんのひずみ  Dimensional Distortion Disrupt
Clears Berserk, Float, Decoy, Barrier, and Reflect from all enemies, and resets their turn delay to the default of 16. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
つめたいきり   Chilling Mist ColdMist
Base power 8 Ice. Damages all enemies, at half the power of a single-targeted Blizzard. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
だいばくはつ   Mass Explosion Explode
Base power 32 Flame. Damages all enemies, at half the power of a single-targeted Fira. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
のろいのうた   Curse Song DullSong
Increases turn delay of all enemies by 8. Turn delay starts at 16 and has a maximum of 32. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

The Internet supports 呪い (noroi, curse) as the intended interpretation, but it can't be coincidence that 鈍い (noroi, sluggish) is a homonym.

じゅばくのれいき Spellbound Chill Hold Gas
Sets Paralysis on all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

A Japanese Final Fantasy wiki claims it's 呪縛の冷気 in kanji, which is what I'm basing the translation on.

すいみんガス   Sleep Gas Gas
Sets Sleep on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
どくガス     Poison Gas Poison
Base power 8. Damage and Poison to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
とうかレーザー  Piercing Laser Maser
Damages one target. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = target's maximum HP / 10. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

とうか is most likely 透過 (touka, penetration/transmission/permeation)

あんこくかいき  Return to Darkness Vanish
Kills self without displaying anything. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

Useful as a scripted way to kill an enemy. A Japanese Final Fantasy wiki claims it's 暗黒回帰 in kanji, which is what I'm basing the translation on.

くろいきば    Black Fang Demolish
Sets Incapacitated on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
ブラックホール  Black Hole Blk.Hole
Clears Berserk, Float, Decoy, Barrier, and Reflect from all enemies, and resets their turn delay to the default of 16. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
おうじょのうた  Princess Song Dancing
Sets Berserk on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses.
9ディメンジョン Dimension 9 Disrupt
Sets Incapacitated on one target. Base hit rate 100%.
ミールストーム  Maelstrom Storm
Sets all enemies' HP to single digits. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

The EasyType renames this to ハリケーン (Hurricane), and does the same to Whirl, the single-target equivalent listed above.

でんじば     Electromagnetic Field Magnet
Sets Stop on one target {timer = 50}. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses.
れんさばくはつ  Chain Explosion Reaction
Kills self, followed by eliminating all remaining monsters. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
ふか       Hatch Hatch
Used by monsters that begin combat as eggs, this removes Stop status and loads their normal name and appearance. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

Note that if a status effect prevents this skill from working, the monster stays as a helpless egg.

かいふく     Recovery Remedy
Heals one target. Base hit rate 100%. Amount healed is target's maximum HP / 10. Ignores Reflect.
きゅうしゅう   Absorption Absorb
Heals self. Base hit rate 100%. Amount healed is current HP / 3. Ignores Reflect.
ちりょう     Treatment Heal
Removes Stone, Toad, Minikin, Pig, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Curse, and Gradual Petrification (either) from all allies. Ignores Reflect. Base hit rate 0%.
ビッグバーン   Big Bang Big Bang
Base power 200 (same as Quake). Damages and sets Slip on all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
きゅうけつ    Bloodsuck Vampire
Base power 24. Damages and sets Slip on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
しょうかえき   Digestive Juices Digest
Base power 60. Damages and sets Slip on one target. Base hit rate 100%.
かふん      Pollen Pollen
Base power 12. Damages and sets Slip on all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
クラッシュダウン Crashdown Crush
Sets Incapacitated on one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
けいほう     Alarm Alert
Summons a monster (and plays an annoying noise). Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
しょうかん    Summon Call
Summons a monster. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
だみーまほう   Dummy Magic Dummy
Does nothing other than triggering reaction scripts. Enemy scripts often use this to "command" other enemies. Ignores Reflect.

Like the English version, the EasyType dubs this simply "Dummy".

あんこくかいき  Return to Darkness Vanish
Fully heals self without displaying anything. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

Zeromus uses this partway through the battle to effectively have more health than he actually does. A Japanese Final Fantasy wiki claims it's 暗黒回帰 in kanji, which is what I'm basing the translation on.

ターゲッティング Targeting Search
Designates a target for the next action. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
かくばくはつ   Nuclear Explosion Fission
Kills self and damages all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage equals user's remaining HP. Ignores Reflect.
てったい     Retreat Retreat
Kills self, giving no experience, gil, or items. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
じゅばくかいじょ Release Spellbind Heal
Removes Paralysis from all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
ビーム      Beam Beam
Damages one target. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = target's maximum HP / 10.
ぶったい199  Object 199 Globe199
Base power = 1020 (!). Damages one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

For reference, Flare has 400 power, and even Meteor only has 800.

ほのお      Flame Fire
Flame damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = target's maximum HP / 5, before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.
ブレイズ     Blaze Blaze
Ice damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = target's maximum HP / 4, before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.

The EasyType renames this to あおじろきほのお (Blue-White Flame).

いなづま     Thunderflash Blitz
Thunder damage to one target. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = target's maximum HP / 2, before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.
かみなり     Lightning Thunder
Thunder damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = target's maximum HP / 4, before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.

My first instinct was to call this "Thunder", but we already have a spell by that name.

ダークブレス   Dark Breath D.Breath
Flame damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = target's maximum HP / 4, before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.
おおつなみ    Greater Tsunami Big Wave
Damages all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = target's maximum HP / 4. Ignores Reflect.
ふぶき      Snowstorm Blizzard
Ice damage to all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = (user's current HP / 25) + (0~255), before elemental modifiers. Ignores Reflect.
つなみ      Tsunami Wave
Damages all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = (user's current HP / 25) + (0~255). Ignores Reflect.
たつまき     Tornado Tornado
Damages all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = (user's current HP / 20) + (0~255). Ignores Reflect.
レーザー     Laser Laser
Damages one target. Base hit rate 100%. Damage = (user's current HP / 5) + (0~255).
じばく      Self-Destruct Explode
Kills self and damages one target. Base hit rate 100%. Damage equals user's remaining HP. Ignores Reflect.
じしん      Earthquake Quake
Base power 80 (less than half the power of Quake). Damages all enemies, except those with Levitate status. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
かえんほうしゃ  Flamethrower Emission
Base power 20 Flame. Damages all enemies, with slightly more power than a single-targeted Fire. Base hit rate 100%.
ねっせん     Heat Ray Heat Ray
Base power 60 Flame. Damages all enemies, with slightly less power than a single-targeted Fira. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
かえんりゅう   Flamestream Glare
Base power 360 Flame. Damages one target, with more power than Figa. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.

More likely 火炎流 than 火炎竜 (which would be Flame Dragon). Thanks to Kahran042 for pointing that out.

ざんてつけん   Zantetsuken Odin
Base power 160 (somewhat weaker than Quake). Damages all enemies. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
メガフレア    Megaflare MegaNuke
Base power 1020 (!). Damages all enemies. Base hit rate 100%.

For reference, the player-cast version of Megaflare has 480 power, and even Meteor only has 800. They aren't reflectable, though...

はり       Needle Needle
Base power = user's attack power x 2. Damages one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
はんげきのつの  Counterattack Horn Counter
Base power = user's attack power x 2. Damages one target. Base hit rate 100%. Fails on bosses. Ignores Reflect.
モンスター000 Monster 000 Dummy
Sets monster invincibility. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
モンスター000 Monster 000 Dummy
Cancels monster invincibility. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.
さいせい     Rebirth Recover
Revives self with full HP (combat scripts that use this override the targeting). Base hit rate 0%. Ignores Reflect.
リレイズ     Reraise Remedy
Fully heals self. Base hit rate 100%. Ignores Reflect.

The EasyType renames this to ふっかつ (Restoration).

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...various spares, or possibly special functionality used in AI scripts...

The EasyType leaves the fourth one's name blank, and does the same for all the others after it. Who knows what went wrong in the English version.

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