飛空艇 The Airship | ||
Karulu, Lenna, and Faris stand on the airship deck. Faris walks over to Lenna. |
ファリス「レナ… | Faris: Lenna... | |
レナ「お父様はもう… いないのね…… |
Lenna: Father is... gone, isn't he... |
Butz walks up from below deck and toward the bow, where Galuf is perched in a spot that doesn't look terribly safe. |
『ガラフ… どうしたんだ? |
"Galuf... what's wrong?" |
ガラフ「わしらは行かねばならぬ! 『えっ!? |
Galuf: We have to go! "Huh!?" |
ガラフ「記憶がよみがえったのじゃ やっと、すべてを思い出す ことができた… |
Galuf: My memory's returned. I've finally managed to remember everything... |
エクスデスはわしらの世界の邪悪 な魔道士じゃった… 30年前、 やつはこの世界にクリスタルを はかいしにやってきた。 |
Exdeath was an evil mage from our world... thirty years ago, he came to this world to destroy the Crystals. |
わしと、3人の戦士… 暁(あかつき)の4戦士は クリスタルの力を借りてやつを 封じこめたのだ。その後30年間は 何もなく過ぎ去った… |
I and three warriors... the Four Warriors of Dawn, borrowed the power of the Crystals to seal him. The next thirty years passed uneventfully... |
Galuf walks back onto solid deck. |
だがクリスタルに異変が起きた。 わしらはそれに気づき、いん石に 乗って再びこの世界にやってきた のだ。 |
But something happened to the Crystals. We noticed it and rode the meteorites to come to this world once more. |
ガラフ「しかし、おそかった… やつはよみがえり わしらの世界に、まい もどった… |
Galuf: But we were too late... He's been revived and has returned to our world... |
Butz looks upset. |
『おれたちが、クリスタルの力を 使いすぎたから…? |
"Because we overused the power of the Crystals...?" |
Galuf shakes his head and reaches toward Butz. |
ガラフ「エクスデスをこの世界に 封印したのは、わしら じゃ… |
Galuf: It was we who sealed Exdeath in this world... |
ガラフ「あの時、やつの言うように なんとしても、われわれの 世界に、つれ帰るべき じゃった… |
Galuf: We should have brought him back to our world then, whatever it took, just like that one said... |
Near What Remains of the Ruined Town | ||
Scene change to outside a meteorite. Karulu perches on the side as Galuf says his farewells to Butz, Lenna, and Faris. |
『自分たちの世界に帰るのか…? | "You're returning to your own world...?" | |
Galuf nods. |
ガラフ「エクスデスを封じなければ ならん。さいわいクルルの 乗ってきたいん石は、まだ 動いておる… |
Galuf: We must seal Exdeath. Fortunately, the meteorite Karulu rode here on is still working... |
ガラフ「1度だけなら使えそうじゃ バッツ、レナ ファリス、世話になった! 礼を言う。 |
Galuf: Seems like we can use it, if only once. Butz, Lenna, Faris, I'm in your debt! My thanks. |
Karulu hops down, and Galuf starts to head for the meteorite. |
『待てよ! おれたちも行く!! |
"Wait! We'll go too!!" |
ガラフ「だめじゃ! いん石はクルルが 乗ってきたのが 最後のひとつ。 |
Galuf: No! The meteorite Karulu rode here on is the last one. |
ガラフ「向こうの世界に行ったら もう2度とこちらの世界に 帰ってこれぬ!! |
Galuf: If you go to the other world, then you'll never be able to return to this world again!! |
ガラフ「さらばじゃ! | Galuf: Farewell! | |
Galuf heads inside. |
クルル「さようなら! | Karulu: Goodbye! | |
Karulu follows, as energetically as is apparently usual for her. |
『ガラフ!クルル! | "Galuf! Karulu!" | |
Switch to a wide-area view. Two sparkles are seen rising into the sky. |
飛空艇 The Airship | ||
The ruined town is now almost completely destroyed, with nothing left of it except some rubble and the disturbed section of ground that it rose from. The meteorite, on the other hand, sits by and appears to be completely intact. Land anywhere (except the ocean) to continue. Butz stands on deck, looking downcast. Lenna and Faris arrive from below deck. |
レナ「バッツ… | Lenna: Butz... | |
『どうした? | "What is it?" | |
ファリス「2人で話し合ったんだ… | Faris: The two of us talked it over... | |
レナ「異世界で、ガラフたちは エクスデスと戦っている… |
Lenna: Galuf and the others are fighting Exdeath in the other world... |
ファリス「父さんのかたき! | Faris: Vengeance for dad! | |
レナ「うん! それに… ファリス「ガラフは… |
Lenna: Right! Besides... Faris: Galuf is... |
『仲間だ。 | "One of us." | |
レナ「バッツ! ファリス「じゃあ!! |
Lenna: Butz! Faris: Then!! |
『行こう!異世界へ!! | "Let's go! To the other world!!" | |
レナ「ガラフたちの世界に行くには どうすれば…? |
Lenna: To get to Galuf's world, how can we...? |
ファリス「いん石には、もうワープ できるだけのエネルギー は残っていないし… |
Faris: The meteorites don't have enough energy left to warp, for starters... |
『いん石か… シドなら何か方法を見つけだせる かもしれない…! |
"Meteorites... Cid might be able to figure out some way...!" |
タイクーン城 Tycoon Castle | ||
This trip remains entirely optional even now... The dialog with the chancellor changes slightly after the events in the ruins. |
大臣「レナ様! レナ「心配かけてごめんなさい。 大臣「とにかく、城に おもどりください! |
Chancellor: Lady Lenna! Lenna: I'm sorry to have worried you. Chancellor: In any case, please return to the castle! |
大臣「魔物との戦いで兵士も ほとんど残っておりません。 姫がいなくては再建も ままなりません! |
Chancellor: Few soldiers remain from fighting the monsters. With the princess away, the rebuilding isn't going well either! |
レナ「行かなくてはならないの… 大臣「それではこの国は どうなります? |
Lenna: I have to go... Chancellor: Then what will become of this kingdom? |
レナ「この国だけではないの… 世界すべてにかかわる事が 起きようとしている… |
Lenna: It's not just our kingdom... Something that will affect the entire world is about to happen... |
レナ「お父様は、もういません… でも私たちには助けなければ ならない人がいるのです。 |
Lenna: Father is gone... but we have people whom we must help. |
大臣「わかりました。 この国は必ず、われわれで 守ります! |
Chancellor: Understood. We will make sure to protect this country ourselves! |
レナ「必ず、もどります。 それまで、みんなで がんばってください。 |
Lenna: I will be sure to return. Until then, everyone please carry on. |
The chancellor and soldiers present show their agreement. |
大臣「とりあえず今夜はこの城に… レナ「ええ。 |
Chancellor: At least stay the night here... Lenna: Yes. |
Continue into the Sarisa flashback and everything else as before. |
Airship Hangar | ||
Cid and Mid don't come out to meet the party this time, and further checking reveals that they've left a note in the library room. |
『シドの文字だ! | "Cid's handwriting!" | |
「飛空艇のかいそうで、あまった アダマンタイトが危険… もとの場所に… |
: Extra Adamantite from airship remodelling dangerous... Putting it where it came from... |
レナ「シドたちに何か あったのかしら? |
Lenna: Could something have happened to Cid and Mid? |
『もとの場所って…… | "Where it came from, so..." | |
タイクーンのいん石 Tycoon Meteorite | ||
The black chocobo stands outside the meteorite. |
「クエっ | : Kweh. | |
『なんで黒チョコボが? シドたちが乗ってきたのか? |
"Why's the black chocobo here? Did Cid and Mid ride it in?" |
Cid and Mid are inside. The party looks shocked to see them, even though finding them was the whole point of coming here. |
『シド!ミド!いったい… | "Cid! Mid! Why are..." | |
シド「バッツ 危険じゃ!よるな! |
Cid: Butz, it's dangerous! Keep back! |
ミド「アダマンタイトがいじょうな エネルギーを放出しはじめた んです。 |
Mid: The Adamantite began emitting an abnormal energy. |
シド「もとの場所にもどそうと 思って来たんじゃ ちょっと待っておれ。 |
Cid: We came here thinking to return it to where it came from. Wait just a minute. |
He pushes the adamantite onto the glowing tile. There's a reaction. |
シド『なんと! このゆかがアダマンタイトの エネルギーを吸いとっておる |
Cid: Oh my! This floor is absorbing the Adamantite's energy. |
レナ「ねえ!もしかして… これでいん石パワイーを回復さ せればガラフの世界に 行けるんじゃない? |
Lenna: Hey! Could it be...? Couldn't we go to Galuf's world if we recovered the meteorite power like this? |
『おおッ そうか! シド「何の事じゃ? |
"Oh, I see!" Cid: What's this about? |
Lenna explains things to Cid. |
シド「ふむ そうじゃったか! |
Cid: Hmm. So that's it! |
ミド「アダマンタイトが小さすぎて パワー全回復は無理です。 でも残りの3つのいん石の パワーも回復させれば… |
Mid: The Adamantite's too small for full power recovery to be realistic. But if we recovered power to the remaning three meteorites... |
『ガラフたちの世界にワープできる | "We could warp to Galuf's world." | |
Cid nods. Everyone heads outside, where Cid and Mid hop excitedly. |
シド「さあ 次のいん石じゃ! ミド「行こう! |
Cid: Now, the next meteorite! Mid: Let's go! |
Cid and Mid hop on the black chocobo and fly away. |
ウォルスのいん石 Worus Meteorite | ||
While this is conceptually the "next" meteorite, you can visit the remaining three in any order you want. Cid, Mid, and the black chocobo are already here. |
シド「ここで待っておれ! ミド「まかせといて!! |
Cid: Wait here! Mid: Leave it to us!! |
Cid and Mid head inside, then return shortly after. |
シド「おわったぞい! ミド「さあ、急ぎましょう! |
Cid: It's done! Mid: Now let's hurry! |
A monster appears behind them. |
『シド!ミド!危ない!! | "Cid! Mid! Look out!!" | |
Cid and Mid duck out of the way, and the monster attacks the party, though there are actually not one but six Pyroboros (ピュロボロス). They have 1500 HP each and no weaknesses, but do have a few problematic reaction scripts. A bit annoyingly, each will cast Cura on itself if attacked with Summon Magic. Very vexingly, each will cast Araise on the whole group when its HP runs out. Fortunately, all reactions to an attack occur before anything actually dies of it, so no dying one can revive either itself or any that die of the same attack. All strategies for this battle break down into two types. You have to either prevent Araise from being effective by killing all six at once, or prevent them from casting Araise to begin with. There are any number of ways to kill them all at once, including Black Magic, Summon Magic (the damage should overpower their healing), the new Samurai job's !Coin Toss, Ninja skill scrolls... in short, anything that spreads damage out fairly evenly. More interesting in my mind are ways to prevent it. A Sword Mage using Silence will always inflict 'silence' and thus block the casting. The Silence spell and Mage Masher may also work, if rather less reliably. The enemies have and may use Self-Destruct either on their own or as commanded when under the influence of !Control, and one that dies by blowing itself up will not react to that, so you can either wait them out or use !Control and have them suicide. Also in the patience game catergory is waiting for them to run out of MP, which doesn't take too long since they only have 100 to begin with ( Cura costs 9 and Araise costs 50, and using Magic Hammer against them can speed this up). And, if you feel like something different, make a party of Monks, beat them nearly to death, and let counterattacks finish them off, since counters don't trigger reaction scripts, either. |
Aside from it being in their !Control list, each Pyroboros has a 33% chance to use Self-Destruct every other turn. |
The name seems to be a combination of Greek "pyro" ("fire", transliterated into Japanese as ピュロ due to Greek phonetics) and "boros" ("eater", as in "ouroboros"). Come to think of it, there's a boss in FFVI called Flame Eater, and that seems unlikely to be mere coincidence. |
シド「だいじょうぶか!? ミド「強ーい!! |
Cid: Are you okay!? Mid: Stroooong!! |
Cid and Mid hop up and down some more. |
シド「さあ 次のいん石じゃ! ミド「行こう! |
Cid: Now, the next meteorite! Mid: Let's go! |
カルナックのいん石 Karnak Meteorite | ||
Cid, Mid, and the black chocobo are already here. |
シド「行くぞミド! ミド「はい!! |
Cid: Here goes, Mid! Mid: Okay!! |
Cid and Mid head inside, then return shortly after. |
シド「魔物が巣くっとるぞい! | Cid: A monster's lurking inside! | |
He moves aside, letting the party enter to confront Titan. Titan mostly attacks physically, and may also use Earth Shaker, an Earth attack that hurts the whole party. Additionally, he always uses Earth Shaker upon dying. Thieves can rarely steal an Earth Hammer, but will usually just get a Potion instead. No weaknesses, and no elemental resistances besides absorbing Earth, so attack with anything. Casting Slow at least gives him fewer chances to attack. The primary challenge here is dealing with that Earth Shaker attack. Wouldn't it be nice if you could avoid it? Well, you can! It misses everyone with 'levitate' status. As you may know, there's a Timespace spell for that, except that you don't have it yet. This complicates matters, but there are still at least two ways to get the status with relative ease. The one I always see in strategy guides is to return to the North Mountain and !Control one of those flying cats into casting it on you. The other way I've found is to raise a Chemist to job level 2 (40 ABP total) and !Mix a Maiden's Kiss with an Antidote (once for each character). Since 'levitate' status remains after battle, as long as you don't rest, get it in advance and laugh as Titan's strongest attack is rendered impotent. Winning grants a High Potion, 5 ABP, and... |
召喚獣「タイタン」! | Summoned beast Titan! | |
Cid and Mid enter. |
シド「かたじけない。 でも、後はわしらに まかせてくれ |
Cid: I'm grateful. But leave the rest to us. |
The party goes back outside to wait. Cid and Mid exit and jump around some more. |
シド「さあ 次のいん石じゃ! ミド「行こう! |
Cid: Now, the next meteorite! Mid: Let's go! |
遺跡に落ちたいん石 Meteorite that Fell on the Ruins | ||
Cid, Mid, and the black chocobo are already here. |
シド「ここで待っておれ! ミド「行ってきまーす! |
Cid: Wait here! Mid: Be right baaack! |
Cid and Mid head inside as usual, but this time, they don't return. |
レナ「おそいわね… ファリス「行ってみよう! |
Lenna: They're taking so long... Faris: Let's have a look inside! |
Inside, Cid and Mid appear to be trapped. |
シド「助けてくれい! ミド「ウワァー助けて!! |
Cid: Help us! Mid: Waaah, help!! |
It's time for another boss fight, of course! The most dangerous attacks the Chimera Brain (キマイレブレイン) has are Aqua Breath (Blue Magic) and Blaze (Ice damage and 'slip' status to the party), and it will use one of those at least every other turn, but at least there aren't any reaction scripts this time. Thieves can steal a Wind Spear rarely or a Dragon Fang usually, worth the effort either way. In the cheap tactics department, note that this boss is not Heavy. That means Death Claw will reduce it to single-digit HP. Feel free to abuse. |
Chimera Brain has a 33% chance to use Aqua Breath each turn, so learn it if you haven't yet. |
Winning nets 6 ABP and a Phoenix Tail. Cid and Mid are still spinning around after the battle, so the party steadies them. |
『よし!行こう。 | "Okay! Let's go." | |
Everyone heads back outside. |
レナ「だいじょうぶ? ミド「うんっ! シド「こわかった…!! |
Lenna: Are you okay? Mid: Yeah! Cid: That was scary...!! |
Assuming that this was the last one... |
シド「これで4つのいん石が そろった! この地図を見てみい。 |
Cid: And this makes all four meteorites! Look at this map. |
The world map appears, showing power flowing from the four meteorites and converging on a single point. |
ミド「4つのいん石のエネルギーが 集まる所に急いでください! そこがワープポイントです。 |
Mid: Please hurry to where the energy from the four meteorites gathers! The warp point is there. |
シド「気をつけてな!! | Cid: Take care!! | |
The party starts to leave. |
『ありがとうシド、ミド!! | "Thanks, Cid, Mid!!" | |
Warp Point | ||
The upcoming trip is one-way. Deal with any unfinished business now. Make sure you've played all five pianos, won all the optional summon beasts you want, and learned all the Minstrel songs and Blue Magic you can. Rix remains a great source of cheap consumable items, and if you like breaking rods, stock up on those now too, since they won't be available in stores again for a long time. You can farm Prototype on the islands southwest of Crescent for a supply of Dark Matter, too (as a reminder, use !Control → Self-Destruct for an easy kill). Another bit of unfinished business may well be that annoying basement in Worus Castle. If you'd rather kill the monster there than run from it, there are several feasible options by now. If you've learned Level 5 Death, that kills it, period. So does 1000 Needles, since it has fixed damage and always hits, though it costs slightly more to cast. If you don't have either one, worry not, since other methods work too, though perhaps not as easily. The problem here is that its high (50) defense and magic defense negate most of what you can throw at it at this point, especially when combined with its absorption of all elements. Several abilities that hit harder are useless here since they work by raising M, the damage multiplier, but double zero is still zero. What you need is a non-elemental attack with high A to overpower its high D. You'll also ideally want perfect accuracy thanks to the creature's 50% evade and magic evade. Most weapons available so far aren't strong enough to consistently inflict damage, either (the strongest non-elemental weapon so far, the Killer Bow, has 49 attack). So, given all that, what works to kill it with damage? One way is to !Throw Shuriken if you have the money, as !Throw doubles A and Shuriken have 50 attack to start with, for an A of 100 (plus random variation), and !Throw always hits. Combining a Samurai sword with the Hunter's !Aim may work thanks to the blade's high critical rate (criticals double A and negate D). Goblin Punch will work as long as the caster is exactly level 20 (8x A and negate D for equal levels). Self-Destruct works if you have at least 666 HP and don't mind suicidal attacks. !Control can't kill it, but can keep it from killing you. Certain mixes can kill it (Dark Potion, Drain Kiss, Dark Breath, Shadow Flare) but require uncommon ingredients. The Dancer's Sword Dance doubles A (and M), which should be enough to hurt, especially with a good weapon (try an Equip skill). And if you've done enough grinding to master Hunter, !Wild Strike ignores defense and always hits. However, the perhaps surprising winner here is the Berserker. Berserk gives a 50% A bonus, and although not very accurate, most axe weapons not only have a naturally high random factor on A (50% to 150%, yielding a net 75% to 225% with Berserk), they also ignore 3/4 of the target's defense, cutting that imposing 50 to an unremarkable 13. Hunt Crescents on Crescent Island to get Death Sickles (43 attack) for best results. 32 to 96 A versus 13 D... that's a LOT better, though the Ogre Killers (33 attack) you can buy in Jacorl are an adequate substitute. Equip Alertness to avoid back attacks and !White Magic to heal between battles. Actually, a team of Berserkers can do this much earlier, but it's safer to do this now. Or, better yet, right before the Lonka Ruins so you still have Galuf. Anyway, survive the basement one way or another and you'll get 2000 gil, an Elf's Manteau, and the Speed spell. The spell is largely useless, but you might as well get it to fill one of those annoying gaps in the magic list, and the Elf's Manteau at least is worth the trouble (bonus 33% chance to dodge). Once prepared, the party heads to the location marked on the map. Butz, Lenna, and Faris stand around a glowing, swirling depression. |
レナ「光が弱くなっていく… | Lenna: The light is weakening... | |
『いん石のエネルギーが残り 少ないんだ! |
"There's not much left of the energy from the meteorites!" |
ファリス「1度きり…… | Faris: Only once... | |
『かた道きっぷか… 帰ってこれないかもしれないぞ… |
"A one-way ticket, huh... We might never make it back..." |
レナ「いいわ! ファリス「いいさ! |
Lenna: That's okay! Faris: Just fine! |
『よし! 行こう!! | "All right! Let's go!!" | |
レナ「この世界ともお別れね… さよなら… |
Lenna: Farewell to this world... Goodbye... |
She hops into the warp. |
ファリス「元気でな。こぶんたち! | Faris: Keep well, crew! | |
Faris also hops in. |
『ボコ… 行ってくる! | "Boco... I'm off!" | |
Butz hops in too. The warp activates, sending the three high into the sky and beyond... And yet, it seems we have unfinished business here... the rumors of something hidden behind the waterfall near Istory... the pyramid in the middle of the Sandstream Desert... the seemingly pointless climbable wall at the back of the cave near Jacorl... the minstrel in Crescent who may have more songs to teach... the inaccessible shrine on an island in the central sea... the shard of the Water Crystal that sank with the tower... the oldest book in the Ancient Library, half-missing and unreadable... |
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