The Same House as Before | |||
The old man who helped Tina remains here, and a young man runs in from the back. He has light brown hair and wears a navy blue vest and a matching bandana as a headband. No music plays yet. |
老人「やっと来おったか。 ところで、ドロボウからは 足をあらったのか? |
Old Man: You're finally here. By the way, have you wiped your feet clean of being a thief? |
OLD MAN: Took you long enough! How goes the robbing and plundering trade? |
"Washed your hands of" might be a more familiar idiom. As the whole mini-biography and naming thing starts, 1-4 "Locke" starts playing. It's energetic and has a rather heroic sound to it. |
さすらいの旅人 古代の秘宝を求めて世界をまたにかける トレジャーハンター |
A wandering traveler. A treasure hunter who roams the world seeking an arcane treasure from ages past. |
Treasure hunter and trail-worn traveller, searching the world over for relics of the past... |
It's not obvious at this point, but the game text only uses 秘宝 (hihou, literally "secret treasure", a term used when referring to treasured possessions of the sort that are kept hidden away) to refer to one particular thing. He's searching for something specific, not just ancient treasures in general. |
{ロック}「ど・ろ・ぼ・う? 俺を呼ぶならトレジャーハンターと 言ってくれ! 老人「ハッハッハ! 同じようなもんじゃろうが! {ロック}「ちっちっ! 大ちがいだぜ!! |
{Lock}: THIEF? Say "treasure hunter" if you're going to call me anything! Old Man: Ha, ha, ha! It's practically the same thing! {Lock}: Tsk, tsk! There's a huge difference!! |
{LOCKE}: I PREFER the term treasure hunting! OLD MAN: Ha! Semantic nonsense! {LOCKE}: There's a HUGE difference! |
I'm used to spelling his name with a silent 'e' because the NA version spells it that way, but the JP version really does spell it "Lock" in the ending. I could always break with that, but without any particular reason to, why? |
{ロック}「ところで、この俺を 呼び出したのは? 老人「フム。 実は、例の娘に会った。 |
{Lock}: Anyhow, what did you call me here for? Old Man: Well. As it happens, I met the girl. |
{LOCKE}: Anyway, were you the one who sent for me? OLD MAN: Yeah. There's a girl I'd like you to meet. |
{ロック}「!? 魔導の力を持つという娘のことか? |
{Lock}: !? You mean the girl they say has the power of sorcery? |
{LOCKE}: ......!? This better not have anything to do with that Magitek-riding, imperial...witch!!! |
Bad NA version. Lock's reaction in the original is surprised, probably excited, but certainly not angry or disgusted. The original also gives the impression that he's heard about a magic-using girl, but doesn't have any details, while the NA version sounds like he knows all about recent events. |
老人「今は、この都市のガードに 追われている…… この都市には、帝国に立ち向かうだけの 力がある。だがその自治力の高さゆえに われわれの地下組織リターナーにも 加わろうとしない… 娘は、帝国にあやつられているだけだと いう、わしの説得も聞こうとしない… |
Old Man: She's being pursued by this city's guards right now... The city has strength enough to stand against the Empire. But they're fiercely independent and not about to join with our underground organization, the Returners, either... And they won't listen when I try telling them the girl was just being manipulated by the Empire... |
OLD MAN: Imperial troops are pursuing her even as we speak. This town is no match for the Empire. Our independence can only be assured if we join forces with the Returners, an underground resistance movement. That girl wasn't responsible for her actions. We must get her to understand our dilemma! |
Where do I begin...? In order of appearance, in the original: City guards are chasing her, not Imperial troops. The town stands a fair chance against the Empire (at least according to him, though it hardly seemed like it earlier), rather than being no match for it (why else would the Returners want their help so badly?). The city's stubborn independence prevents an alliance with the Returners, rather than the city needing the Returners to maintain independence. The old man speaks to Lock as a fellow member of the Returners, not merely as a concerned citizen of the city. There is no mention of getting the girl to understand their dilemma, just getting the guards to listen. |
{ロック}「わかった。 その娘を助け出せばいいんだな。 |
{Lock}: Got it. I'm supposed to help that girl out. |
{LOCKE}: All right... I think we'd better help her... |
老人「フム。 ひとまずはフィガロ国王のところへ。 |
Old Man: Right. Head to King Figaro to start with. |
OLD MAN: Agreed. Make your way first to Figaro, and talk to the king. |
Where Tina Fell in the Caves | |||
Lock enters. Unfortunately, so does a pack of guards... |
ガード「いたぞ!! | Guard: Found her!! | GUARD: Now we gotcha! | |
A squadron fills in behind him. |
{ロック}「ちっ! おおぜい来やがった! |
{Lock}: Damn! There's so many of them! |
{LOCKE}: Wonderful... There's a whole bunch of 'em... |
クポー… |
Kupo... |
Kupo... |
Several creatures that resemble white teddy bears with little red bat wings walk in. |
{ロック}「モーグリ… 助けてくれるっていうのか? |
{Lock}: Moogles... You mean you'll help out? |
{LOCKE}: Moogles...! Are you saying you want to help me? |
I don't see how you could possibly get "moogle" from モーグリ (MOUGURI), which is a lot closer to "moagly", but the term "moogle" is so well-known I'm not even going to bother trying to argue with it. According to a post by Kawaii Ryûkishi on the Eyes on Final Fantasy Forums, モーグリ blends the Japanese words for "mole" and "bat", which are, spelling corrected, モグラ (MOGURA) and コーモリ (KOUMORI). They do look a lot like white moles with bat wings, so that's probably right. Maybe they should be "molebats", but again, it's not worth disputing the familiar name. |
クポー!!! | Kupo!!! | Kupo!!! | |
The screen fades out except for a moogle in the middle. The game uses them occasionally to explain things instead of relying on impersonal narration. |
モーグリ「ボクたちで、都市のガード達 から{ティナ}を守ります。 説明を聞きますか? |
Moogle: Use us to protect {Tina} from the city guards. Want an explanation? |
MOOGLE: Use us to save {TERRA} from the guards! Need more information? |
3つのパーティーに分かれて戦います。 (Y)ボタンを使って、パーティーを きりかえてください。 {ティナ}のいるところまで 攻めこまれたら、負けです。 その前に、敵のガードリーダーを たおしてください。 |
You'll fight divided into three parties. Use the Y button to switch between parties. If you let them reach {Tina}, you lose. Beat the Guard Leader before then. |
You'll fight using 3 different groups. Press the Y
Button to switch between them. Your job is to defeat the commander of the guards before his men reach {TERRA}. Save her, or else... |
Like I said earlier, ALL CAPS in the middle of a sentence doesn't look too good. I'm not sure why the NA version has a vague open-ended threat instead of just saying Game Over or something... Lock and the moogles fight off the guards. "Locke" continues playing during the whole scene, even during battles and wins, until the battle with the Guard Leader, which uses "Decisive Battle" like a normal boss, and "Fanfare" when Lock and the moogles win. Lock is speedy and can steal items from enemies during battle, which often helps pad your supplies and can sometimes yield better equipment than what stores carry, or even the occasional rare item. Mog, the apparent leader of the moogles, can perform dances that turn the terrain against his foes. Though uncontrollable, the dances are versatile and fairly powerful, at least until they become largely obsolete towards the endgame, but by then Mog can get armor that makes him a defensive marvel. (See the character page for details of each skill: Lock, Mog). The Guard Leader hurts when he hits and tends to be more aggressive when alone, but can't stand up to much damage. Mog's dances might kill the poor guy in a single attack, while Lock can steal a Mithril Knife if you think it's worth the effort. The music stops after winning the battle. Here's a little trick: Unequip Mog before beating the Guard Leader to keep his equipment after this event, since you won't see anything else this good any time soon. Unfortunately, you can't change any equipment on the other moogles. |
{ロック}「モーグリたち… おんにきるぜ! |
{Lock}: Moogles... I owe you one! |
{LOCKE}: Thanks, Moogles! We're in your debt! |
Lock takes Tina to a different part of the mines, then feels around on the rock wall. "The Mines of Narshe" plays. |
{ロック}「たしか、このスイッチで…… | {Lock}: As I recall, this switch... | {LOCKE}: I think this switch'll... | |
He hits the switch, opening a secret exit. Tina starts showing signs of awareness by the time he's done. |
{ロック}「ん? 気がついたのか。 | {Lock}: Hm? You've come to? | {LOCKE}: Eh? You back with us now?! |
{ティナ}「わたし……助かったの……? {ロック}「モーグリたちに 感謝するんだな。 |
{Tina}: I'm... saved...? {Lock}: Thank the moogles. |
{TERRA}: You...saved me? {LOCKE}: Save your thanks for the Moogles! |
{ティナ}「うっ…… はっきりと思い出せない。 その前も……ずっと前の事も…… |
{Tina}: Urgh... I can't remember very well. Or before that... or long ago either... |
{TERRA}: Uhh...I can't remember anything...past or present... | |
Lock flips out a bit. |
{ロック}「記憶がないのか?! | {Lock}: Your memory's gone!? | {LOCKE}: You have amnesia?! | |
{ティナ}「でも、時間がたてば 戻るって… {ロック}「記憶が…… 安心しろ。俺が必ず守ってやる。 必ずだ!! {ティナ}「??? {ロック}「記憶をなくした…… 俺は……見すてたりしない…… 必ず守ってやる!! |
{Tina}: But it's supposed to come back eventually... {Lock}: Memory... Don't worry. I'll protect you for sure. No matter what!! {Tina}: ??? {Lock}: You lost your memory... I... won't abandon you... I'll protect you no matter what!! |
{TERRA}: A man said my memory would come back... {LOCKE}: Give it time. You're safe with me! I give you my word! {TERRA}: ??? {LOCKE}: I won't leave you until your memory returns!! By the way, this secret entrance might be useful some day. Don't forget about it! |
The original makes Lock more clearly agitated. He also starts saying something about memory again, as if it has some special meaning to him... Additionally, Lock says nothing in the original about the secret entrance here. Apparently someone thought American gamers were clueless. Sigh. The added remark doesn't really fit the scene, either. They leave through the secret exit. Try entering town, and a guard runs up and... |
ん…… お ま え ら? |
Hm...? And who are you? |
Eh?...... Who might you be? |
Lock grabs Tina and ducks around the corner. |
{ロック}「やばい。 ひとまずここは南の砂漠にある フィガロに向かおう…… |
{Lock}: Too risky. Let's head for Figaro in the desert to the south for now... |
{LOCKE}: This is the pits. We'd better hightail it southward, to Figaro. |
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