Previous Part: Around the World

Storyline text and attempted translations from...

Final Fantasy VI

封魔壁監視所  Mystic Barricade Lookout  . . . . . . . .  IMPERIAL BASE

On the eastern side of the southern continent, just before a large subcontinent covered in mountains, lies this Imperial outpost. "The Empire "Gestahl"" plays.

If Tina is not in the current group:

"We can't win the Genjuu over
 if {Tina}'s not with us..."
The Espers wouldn't give us the time of day without...

And they leave to regroup.

If Tina is the only member of the current group:

{Tina}: ...I don't feel comfortable trying
 to talk them into this all alone...
{TERRA}: I can do it...
But why do I feel so wretched?

And she leaves to get backup.

"How strange..."
That's odd...
『帝国の見はりがいない… "There aren't any Imperial lookouts..." No Imperial soldiers...
{ティナ}「とにかく行きましょう。 {Tina}: Let's just go. {TERRA}: Let's get this over with.

The lack of soldiers is indeed odd, especially since the place was crawling with them earlier. It's almost as though they want... nah, couldn't be. Anyway, the only interesting place here is the basement of the lone building, and that's locked, so just go on through to the other side.

封魔壁への洞窟  Cave to the Mystic Barricade  | . . . . . . .  CAVE TO THE SEALED GATE

Beyond the outpost is a swelteringly hot cave. "Another World of Beasts" plays.

Most of the enemies here absorb Flame and are weak against some combination of Ice, Water, and Holy, so take advantage of that. Mog's Water Harmony tends to work well, though he may need a few tries to get it started thanks to the terrain mismatch, so you might have better luck with a Trident, optionally combined with Wyrmknight's Boots for double damage. Gau should favor the Chimera Rage for Aqua Breath, while Mash's Aura Cannon works well against the frequent undead monsters. Tina and Lock can use the Icebrand to good effect, as can Edgar, though he's better off using his Machines. Wear Earth Garb where possible to protect against Lifeshaver, a draining attack some of the enemies like to use.

The third room has a series of bridges over lava that periodically switch between two layouts. Watch the pattern carefully before moving to avoid falling in, which inflicts damage and sends everyone back to the beginning of the room.

Don't miss the Ultima Weapon in one of the side caves. It's not especially impressive just yet, but it does ignore defense, and the damage increases unusually quickly with rising levels, as long as you keep your health up. Unless used with Mug, in which case a bug causes it to act like just a normal weapon, but with 255 attack power, which isn't bad at all. Get it now, while you can. Step on the button on a raised floor to open the cave, which also contains an Ether Turbo and two Magicite Shards.

Other treasures of note include an Assassin Dagger in the first room, a Kazekiri Blade in the second, an X-Potion and Heiji's Truncheon in the moving bridge room, and two Ether Turbos, an Elixir, a Genji's Bracer, and a Magicite Shard in the large cave. Not bad, but don't try the Assassin Dagger on the undead monsters.

Hitting a certain switch drops a Ninja on the party. Beat him up. Instant death works well.

And I thought I'd be able to keep the
treasures buried in the landing under
the big staircase all to myself...
N...nuts!!! I thought I had the monopoly on the stuff buried in the plaza beneath the grand stairway...

The large area below a long staircase has a number of hidden items, mostly ninja scrolls. Walk around pressing A to find them.

何かがうまっている… There's something buried... Something's buried...

Unfortunately, the messages for the items found aren't entirely accurate in either version of the game. Even more interesting is what isn't here. Several of the lines for items found go unused, including one particularly unusual one:

「うつせみ」を手にいれた Got Utsusemi. Got "?????."

Literally a discared cicada skin, utsusemi also serves as the name for a ninja evasion technique (as in the Ragnarok Online skill Cast-Off Cicada Shell), suggesting that a ninja scroll may have been removed or renamed during the course of development.

Eventually, the party comes to the bridge leading to the Mystic Barricade. The music stops as lightning strikes dramatically.

『これが封魔壁…… "This is the Mystic Barricade..." This is the sealed gate...

Everyone present speaks in turn.

{ロック}「この奥に幻獣界が…… {Lock}: The Genjuu World is in there... {LOCKE}: Beyond is the Esper World...
{カイエン}「何とも不気味でござる… {Cayenne}: Quite eerie... {CYAN}: What an eerie place...
{Edgar}: There's nothing to do now
 but leave it all up to {Tina}...
{EDGAR}: From here on, it's all up to {TERRA}...
{Mash}: We're counting on you...
{SABIN}: We're counting on you, {TERRA}...
{Setzer}: Such an unpleasant place
 we've come to...
{SETZER}: Why'd you bring me to such an awful place!?
{ティナ}「…… {Tina}: ...... {TERRA}: ......

Tina steps forward, but hesitates... and an unfortunately familiar laugh interrupts. 1-25 "Metamorphosis" plays, though it's perhaps overly dramatic.

"{Tina}! Hurry up with the
 Mystic Barricade gate!!"
...the gate...quickly!

Switch to a combat screen with Cefca and the non-Tina characters.

「ケ ケフカ!!
: C-Cefca!!
We've been followed...!?
You followed us!
Hyo, hyo, hyo...
It's just like Emperor Gastra
Hand {Tina} over to those who defy the
Empire, give them free rein, and they're
sure to open the Mystic Barricade...
U'hee, hee, heeee!!!!
The Emperor was right!
Let {TERRA} fall into your
hands, and you'd open the
gate for us...!
「……! : ......! ......!
So, in other words, you've been
doing nothing more than dancing
upon the palms of our hands!
Hee, hee, hee...!
How does it feel to know
you've been working for us?!
I have no business with you.
It's time to open the road
to glory prepared for me!!
Now I fear you've outlived
your usefulness......
「そうは、いかないぜ! ケフカ! : That's not happening, Cefca! You'd better think again,
Oh, dear me, you intend
to fight with me?
That is such a very bad
intention for you to have!
Oh dear...
you wanna fight me?!
This is just dreadful!
: We'll hold Cefca off long enough
for {Tina} to get into the gate!!
Keep Kefka busy
until {TERRA} slips through
the gate!!

Combat ensues. Cefca's combat script has some interesting things, like randomly counterattacking and using healing items after every few hits he takes, but none of that matters. Whether by design or oversight, hitting him with anything (even a healing spell!) will end the battle immediately.

Th-the gate is opening!
The, the door's opening!

End combat. Stop music. Tina glows a few different colors, then turns Genjuu to glow a few more colors.

{Tina}: Genjuu...
 accept me...
{TERRA}: Espers...
Please heed my call...

The gate opens, and the screen shakes violently. Back to a combat screen.

It opened! It opened!
It opened!!
I, I, I, I, I feel so, so, so anxious!
I, I, I, I feel so anxious.
「何か来るっ!!! : Something's coming!!! Something's coming!!!

Everyone hits the ground as several Genjuu rush past. "Metamorphosis" resumes.

Incredible energy!!
Frightful energy!!

Cefca is blown away. Excellent.


Tina falls into the scene, back in human form...

「{ティナ}!!! : {Tina}!!! {TERRA}!!!

...then collapses. Not so excellent. Exit combat screen, and the music stops, but the shaking continues.

『あっ!扉が!!! "Ah! The gate!!!" Hey! The gate!!!

A rockslide blocks off the gate.

『さっきの幻獣は……? "Those Genjuu...?" What about those Espers...?
{Tina}: In any case,
 let's return to the airship.
{TERRA}: Look,
let's return to the airship.

The party leaves the room with the gate to find a new passage that serves as a shortcut to the entrance. There's no going back to the gate, since the party refuses to, not that there would be any point to it regardless.

『とりあえず飛空艇に戻ろう… "Let's go back to the airship for now..." Anyway,
let's return to the airship.

Make sure you didn't miss anything. This is the best time to explore the cave, and it won't be accessible at all before long.

A representative of the others meets them on the way out of the Imperial base.

If I'm reading the event script correctly, the priority is: Lock, Cayenne, Edgar, Mash, Setzer. Since the party must contain Tina and can therefore hold no more than three other characters, that means Setzer will never fill this role, since there will always be a character not in the active group who takes priority over him.

『何が起こったんだ? "What happened?" What happened?
"The Genjuu flew off together
 in one big mass..."
The Espers flew off together...
"After that, the people from the Empire
 ran away, too, as though terrified."
Then, the Empire's citizens ran off, as though they were terrified.
『幻獣はどっちの方向へ? "Which way did the Genjuu go?" Which way did the Espers go?
『帝国首都の方へ… "Toward the Imperial Captial..." Toward the capital...
『ベクタか…… "Vector..." Vector...

The following lines appear in this section of the game data but appear to be unused.

An earthquake...?
: Hyo, hyo, hyo...
 I knew it!!
Uwa ha!
So, it's true!
Cefca: It's just like
 Emperor Gastra said.
KEFKA: Emperor Gestahl was right!
「な、何だ!? : Wh-what the!? What the!!!
「幻獣!? : Genjuu!? Espers?
Cefca: D...
 you'll pay for this!!
Drat it all!!
I won't forget this!
"What happened...?"
Something happened...
『わからない… "I don't know..." I'm not sure...

The Airship Blackjack  | . . . . . . .

Soon after.

{セッツァー}「もう少しでベクタだな… {Setzer}: We're almost to Vector... {SETZER}: We're almost at Vector.
『あっ! あれは……!! "Hey! Over there...!!" There! What's that?

Switch to combat screen. "Metamorphosis" plays again.

What's wrong, {Tina}?
What's wrong, {TERRA}?
I feel them...
rapidly approaching...
I can feel it......
It's coming closer and closer...
What do you mean, feel them?
What do you mean you can
feel it?

Something flashes.

A flash!
It was......glowing!
What the!?
What's that?
Don't tell me...!?
It can't be......!
An Esper???
{Tina}, look out!!
It's coming!!!
Watch out, {TERRA}!!

He tackles her as one flies past.

What WAS that!?
What was that!?
{Setzer}, get down!
{SETZER}, get down!

He tackles Setzer as another flies past. More pass by, and the screen shakes and turns red.

「げ 幻獣……???
Where're they headed?
Where are they going?
They were angry...
They were mad......
They seemed......angry.
No... you can't...
don't go, please!!
No......Stop...! Please, don't go!!
Never mind that, this shaking...!!
Did the Genjuu just...?
Forget that......
what's with this vibration?!
Is it from the Espers?
Um......{SETZER} !!!!
: Waaaaah!
The helm's not responding!!!
I've lost control!!!

Cutscene of the airship losing control and making a crash landing. The party comes to on deck.

Most characters now have new lines when not in the active party:

{Lock}: I'll bet the Genjuu
 headed to Vector for sure...
{LOCKE}: I'm sure the Espers were headed for Vector...
{Cayenne}: In those Genjuu creatures
 did I sense the souls of warriors.
{CYAN}: I could feel the warrior spirits of those Espers!
{Edgar}: We must somehow win
 the aid of the Genjuu...
{EDGAR}: Somehow we need to tap in to the power of those Espers...
{Mash}: I'm worried about how
 things are in the Empire...
 Let's hurry and go take a look!
{SABIN}: Let's see what's become of the Empire! Hurry!
{Setzer}: Damn...
 For the time being, the skies
 are out of my hands...
{SETZER}: Urghh!
For the time being, I don't own the skies...
{Tina}: ...the Genjuu...
 They were angry...
{TERRA}: ...the Espers...
Something happened...

怒ってた (okotte ta, were angry) makes far more sense than 起こってた (okotte ta, had happened) for this line.

{モグ}「…プー…… {Mog}: ...puuu... {MOG}: ...puuh...
{Gau}: ...oo...
 {Gau}... high place...
 really... scary... ooh...
{GAU}: ...ooh...
{GAU}...high place...
Not good...don't like...

Again including some who can't even be here:

{Shadow}: Just between us,
 it seems like Cefca is after
 General Leo's life.
{SHADOW}: I think Kefka's out for General Leo's hide!
{Celes}: I can't imagine that Cefca is done
 thinking up vicious courses of action.
 We've got to hurry and do something...
{CELES}: Kefka's sure to come up with another demented plan. We need to do something FAST!
{Stragus}: I've lived many a year,
 but that's the first time I've ever
 fallen from such a high place.
{STRAGO}: ...I've never seen anyone so sleazy as Kefka.
{Relm}: I'm sure the Genjuu are all
 just a bunch of nice guys, right!?
{RELM}: I'm sure those Espers are all very kind!

Anyway, let's go take a look at Vector. The airship crashed near Maranda, so head northeast to get there.

Setzer has an unused line for this point in the game, configured to display when speaking to him by the table where the coin flip occurred, but he doesn't appear there anymore now that he's joined the party.

{Setzer}: I've got to repair the airship.
 Hurry and go see how things are
 in the Empire.
{SETZER}: I'll have to repair the air ship. Go scout around and let me know what's happening.

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