Items and attempted translations from...

Breath of Fire II

Here's the miscellaneous items list, sorted by the game's internal ordering.

Any spell cast by an item functions much like the normal spell does, but costs nothing (except that most consume the item), ignores magic immunity, and will either always or never critical as determined by the item itself.

Warning: May contain spoilers


Value: 0 Zeny

This has a blank name and description, and doesn't seem to be a "real" item.

たいりょくの かいふく 40ポイント
Recovers 40 points of physical strength
Recover HP 40 points.
Value: 8 Zeny

Heals one ally by 40 HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

たいりょくの かいふく 100ポイント
 Energy Ball
Recovers 100 points of physical strength
Recover HP 100 points.
Value: 50 Zeny

Heals one ally by 100 HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

たいりょくを かんぜんかいふく
 Topleef Essence
Recovers physical strength completely
Recover HP Completely.
Value: 200 Zeny

Heals one ally to full HP in or out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

ぜんいんのたいりょくの かいふく 120ポイント
 Leefrall Essence
Recovers 120 points of physical strength to all
Recover HP 120 points.All
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Heals all allies by 120 HP in or out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

せんとうふのうと たいりょくを かんぜんかいふく
Cures incapacitation and completely recovers physical strength
Recover HP and all ability
Value: 500 Zeny

Revives one incapacitated ally, restoring full HP, in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

ステータスいじょうと たいりょくを すべてかいふく
Cures status abnormalities and completely recovers physical strength
Recover HP and bad status
Value: 200 Zeny

Revives, restores full HP, and cures status effects for all allies, in or out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

どくの ちりょう
Treatment for poison
Treatment for poison
Value: 12 Zeny

Cures one ally of Poison, in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

ちりょくの かいふく 20ポイント
 Mental Fruit
Recovers 20 points of mental strength
Recover AP 20 points
Value: 200 Zeny

Recovers 20 AP for one ally, in or out of combat, but also causes 20 HP damage, though it cannot drop HP below 1. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

のろいを とく
 Cleansing Dew
Lifts a Curse
Reverse a curse
Value: 200 Zeny

Cures one ally of Curse, in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

ゾンビのじょうたいを ちりょう
 Bem's Tear
Treats Zombie status
Treatment for a zombie
Value: 100 Zeny

Cures one ally of Zombie, in combat only. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

ステータスいじょうを すべてかいふく
Cures all status abnormalities
Recover bad status
Value: 400 Zeny

Cures one ally of Curse, Sleep, Poison, Zombie, and Rotting, in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

ちりょくのかいふく 100ポイント
 Wisdom Ball
Recovers 100 points of mental strength
Recover AP 100 points
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Recovers 100 AP for one ally, in or out of combat, with no side effects. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

スタミナが あがる
 Stamina Source
Stamina rises
Increase in stamina
Value: 100 Zeny

Permanently increases one ally's Stamina by 1, to a maximum of 255. Usable only out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

うんが よくなる
 Lucky Bonbon
Luck improves
Have good luck
Value: 100 Zeny

Permanently increases one ally's Luck by 1, to a maximum of 255. Usable only out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

つよさが あがる
 Power Food
Strength rises
Increase in strength
Value: 100 Zeny

Permanently increases one ally's Strength by 1, to a maximum of 255. Usable only out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

すばやさが あがる
 Quick Meal
Agility rises
Increase in Agil.
Value: 100 Zeny

Permanently increases one ally's Agility by 1, to a maximum of 511. Usable only out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

Do I even want to ask what a "dinker" is?

かしこさが あがる
 Miso Stew
Wisdom rises
Increase in wisdom
Value: 100 Zeny

Permanently increases one ally's Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 255. Usable only out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

こんじょうが あがる
 Gutsy Ball
Guts rise
Increase in Guts
Value: 100 Zeny

Permanently increases one ally's Guts by 1, to a maximum of 255. Usable only out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

Note that the Guts stat displays in the status menu as one flame per 32 Guts.

Puts you in top condition
Be in the best condition
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Raises one ally's Condition to 225 (out of 255) if currently lower. Usable only out of combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

Condition displays on the status screen as one of four text strings, changing with every 64 points of the internal stat. Any value over 195 shows the best label.

"Beer" is normally ビア or ビール in Japanese, but that seems to be close enough. Besides, it's supposed to make you feel pretty good, right?

せんとうちゅうに つかう
 Fire Spice
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 100 Zeny

Invokes Padarma (Flame) in combat, inflicting Fire magic damage on all enemies at 60 power. Does not stack in your inventory.

せんとうちゅうに つかう
 Shaved Ice
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 100 Zeny

Invokes Leygir (Freeze) in combat, inflicting Ice magic damage on one enemy at 100 power. Does not stack in your inventory.

せんとうちゅうに つかう
 Thunder Crisp
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 100 Zeny

Invokes Vaval (S.Boom) in combat, inflicting Thunder magic damage on all enemies at 50 power. Does not stack in your inventory.

おこし okoshi is a type of Japanese snack food vaguely similar to flavored Rice Krispies Treats. One variety has the same name as this item, though it's perhaps ironic that this variety was reportedly marketed as warding off thunder, not causing it. I'm not sure how any of this turned into a misspelled frisbee.

こうげきりょくが いちじてきに あがる
 Wonder Drug
Attack power temporarily rises
Off. up temporarily
Value: 500 Zeny

Gives one ally Attack Up status, doubling effective attack power (capped at 511). Usable only in combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

つりで つかえる
Can use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 200 Zeny
 can't sell

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. Coins attract only those merchant fish, but draw them in like magnets. When there's one around, make the shortest cast you can and let the merchant come to you before getting caught on the line. Does not stack in your inventory.

English BoF2 calls the currency "C" (for coins), so had to rename this.

てきに あいにくくなる
 Smoke Guard
Reduces enemy encounters
Meet the enemy less.
Value: 100 Zeny

Temporarily reduces random encounter rate. Usable only outside of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

がったいを かいじょする
 Orb of Cancellation
Cancels unification
Cancel the uniting
Value: 0 Zeny
 can't sell

Cancels one ally's unification. Usable only outside of combat.

つりに つかう
 Wood Rod
Use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 100 Zeny

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. Can catch fish, but not very well. Does not stack in your inventory.

That English description is painful, but at least the item names are more interesting than Rod1, Rod2, etc.

つりに つかう
 Bamboo Rod
Use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 300 Zeny

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. Sturdier than the Wood Rod.

つりに つかう
 Rod Deluxe
Use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. Sturdier than the Bamboo Rod.

つりに つかう
 Artisanal Rod
Use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 2,000 Zeny

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. The best rod. Virtually necessary to fish up sunken treasure.

つりに つかう
Use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 4 Zeny

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. Attracts these fish: Sardine, Mackerel, Foul Fish, Whiting.

つりに つかう
Use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 20 Zeny

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. Attracts these fish: Sea Bream.

つりに つかう
 Horned Turban Shell
Use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 10 Zeny

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. Attracts these fish: Wrasse, Greenling, Sea Bream, Black Porgy. Also snags sunken treasure chests.

The horned turban is a type of sea snail with a spiny spiral shell. All things considered, an urchin isn't a bad choice for a more familiar substitute.

つりに つかう
 All-Purpose Bait
Use for fishing
Be used for fishing
Value: 50 Zeny

Acts as an accessory that only Ryu can equip. Attracts these fish: Sardine, Mackerel, Foul Fish, Wrasse, Greenling, Whiting, Sea Bream, Black Porgy.

たいりょくを かいふく
Recovers physical strength
Recover HP
Value: 60 Zeny

Heals one ally by 40 HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

Looks tasty
Looks tasty
Value: 60 Zeny

Usable on one ally in or out of combat, but has no apparent effect. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

 Foul Fish
Looks unappetizing
Looks awful
Value: 60 Zeny

Reduces one ally to 1 HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

The name comes from the idea that even a cat (ねこ), much as they like fish, would step over it (またぎ) and walk away. There are almost certainly better ways to express the idea in English. I kind of want to call it "catsbane", but that implies something that actually kills cats, not merely disgusts them.

どくの ちりょう
Treatment for poison
Treatment for poison
Value: 300 Zeny

Cures one ally of Poison, in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

ちりょくを かいふく
Recovers mental strength
Recover AP
Value: 300 Zeny

Recovers 20 AP for one ally, in or out of combat, but also causes 20 HP damage, though it cannot drop HP below 1. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

たいりょくを かいふく
Recovers physical strength
Recover HP
Value: 60 Zeny

Heals one ally by 100 HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

Unagi is the Japanese term for eels, so even aside from these not being eels at all, it's a curious choice for an English version name.

ステータスいじょうを すべてかいふく
 Sea Bream
Cures all status abnormalities
Recover bad status
Value: 3,000 Zeny

Cures one ally of Curse, Sleep, Poison, Zombie, and Rotting, in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

たいりょくを かんぜんかいふく
 Black Porgy
Recovers physical strength completely
Recover HP Completely.
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Heals one ally to full HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

たいりょくを かいふく
Recovers physical strength
Recover HP
Value: 200 Zeny

Heals one ally by 100 HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

Literally "bird meat", and typically chicken.

たいりょくを かいふく
Recovers physical strength
Recover HP
Value: 200 Zeny

Heals one ally by 100 HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

ちりょくを かいふく
Recovers mental strength
Recover AP
Value: 200 Zeny

Recovers 20 AP for one ally, in or out of combat, but also causes 20 HP damage, though it cannot drop HP below 1. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

たいりょくを かいふく
Recovers physical strength
Recover HP
Value: 200 Zeny

Heals one ally by 40 HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

どくの ちりょう
Treatment for poison
Treatment for poison
Value: 200 Zeny

Cures one ally of Poison, in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

たいりょくを かんぜんかいふく
Recovers physical strength completely
Recover HP Completely.
Value: 400 Zeny

Heals one ally to full HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

More properly, tender red meat suitable for roasting. A good hunter can be drowning in these even early on, making them a good source of money.

せんとうふのうと たいりょくを かんぜんかいふく
Cures incapacitation and completely recovers physical strength
Recover HP and all ability
Value: 200 Zeny

Revives one incapacitated ally, restoring full HP, in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

たいりょくを かんぜんかいふく
Recovers physical strength completely
Recover HP Completely.
Value: 800 Zeny

Heals one ally to full HP in or out of combat. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

It's burnt
It's burnt
Value: 1 Zeny

Other than as a cooking ingredient, there's no known use for this. Does not stack in your inventory.

おこげ (okoge) originally and primarily means the rice that ends up scorched on the bottom of a cooking pot, but here it's burnt food in general.

せんとうちゅうに つかう
 Death Gruel
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 800 Zeny

Attempts to inflict instant death on a single enemy in combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

せんとうちゅうに つかう
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 1200 Zeny

Invokes a random offensive magic effect in combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

This isn't so much a potluck as its more extreme cousin. Yaminabe (literally "darkness pot") involves a group of people each bringing their own choice of, usually unconventional, ingredients and stewing all the food together in the dark so no one is quite sure what's in the pot. Then they try to eat the result...

ぜんいんのたいりょくを かんぜんかいふく
 Hard Wafer
Completely recovers physical strength for all
HP recovers completely
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Gives Defense Up status and recovers all HP for all allies in combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

I get the impression this is some sort of crunchy cookie.

こうげきりょくが いちじてきに あがる
Attack power temporarily rises
Off. up temporarily
Value: 900 Zeny

Gives all allies Attack Up status, doubling effective attack power (capped at 511). Usable only in combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

Takoyaki typically have a shape and size similar to donut holes, but they're made of minced or diced octopus (tako), grilled (yaki) in a batter with tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion, then typically served with a sauce and flakes of dried seaweed and bonito.

てきのこうげきりょくを さげる
Lowers enemy attack power
Lower the enemy's Off
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Inflicts Attack Down status on one enemy in combat. Does not stack in your inventory.

Literally "grilled the way you like it", okonomiyaki resembles an omlette, stuffed pancake, or pizza (though generally without cheese or tomato sauce), and has also been compared to soul food. The batter, contents, toppings, and preparation vary by region and preference.

たかく うれそうだ
 Golden Sugar
Seems likely to sell for a lot
Be sold costly
Value: 12,000 Zeny

No known use other than selling for a hefty sum. Does not stack in your inventory.

"Golden sugar" is a translation of the Japanese "Ogontoh" candy. It's basically a solid chunk of boiled sugar with a natural golden color. Since you can only get it in the game by cooking, the item is a food, but based on its value, they decided to take "gold" more literally.

せんとうちゅうに つかう
 Deadly Flame
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 800 Zeny

Invokes Padolarm (Fireball) in combat, with automatic critical, inflicting Fire magic damage on all enemies at 180 power. Does not stack in your inventory.

せんとうちゅうに つかう
 Kamikaze Ball
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 800 Zeny

Invokes Shezaaga (Typhoon) in combat, with automatic critical, inflicting Wind magic damage on all enemies at 120 power. Does not stack in your inventory.

Note that kamikaze translates to "divine wind", regardless of the usual connotations in English usage.

せんとうちゅうに つかう
 Catfish's Rage
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 800 Zeny

Invokes Gadaburayda (8.0) in combat, with automatic critical, inflicting Earth magic damage on all enemies at 105 power. Does not stack in your inventory.

Japanese folklore holds that catfish cause earthquakes.

せんとうちゅうに つかう
 Glacier Shard
Use during combat
Use while fighting
Value: 800 Zeny

Invokes Gleygol (Hail) in combat, with automatic critical, inflicting Ice magic damage on all enemies at 150 power. Does not stack in your inventory.

 Build Medal
An enigmatic medal, perhaps?
The mystery medal?
Value: 1 Zeny
 can't sell

Used to play the othello-like game set up by the carpenter who builds log houses, if you recruited him. Up to 9 stack in your inventory.

These are useless if you got either of the other two carpenters, so don't feel obligated to hang on to them.

こうげきりょくが あがる
 Valor Belt
Attack power rises
Increase Off.
Value: 2,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Increases Attack Power by 10. Does not stack in your inventory.

せんせいこうげきが しやすくなる
 Quickstrike Shoes
Improves chance of preemptive attacks
Easy to lead off an attack
Value: 10,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Increases Mobility by 10. Does not stack in your inventory.

Ben Siron's handbook reports that, despite the description, this accessory has no discernable effect on preemptive attack rate.

ふしぎなこうかが ありそうだ
 Diamond Bracelet
Seems likely to have a mysterious effect
It has strange powers?
Value: 2,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. No discernable effect. Does not stack in your inventory.

Ben Siron's handbook reports that this does not prevent instant death, regardless of claims to the contrary.

ふしぎなこうかが ありそうだ
 Skull Bracelet
Seems likely to have a mysterious effect
It has strange powers?
Value: 2,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Sets critical rate for offensive magic to 50%, the maximum possible. Does not stack in your inventory.

かしこさが あがる
 Wisdom Band
Wisdom rises
Increase in wisdom
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Increases Wisdom by 10. Does not stack in your inventory.

ふしぎなこうかが ありそうだ
 Bell Collar
Seems likely to have a mysterious effect
It has strange powers?
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for Bosch and Lin Pu. Increases random encounter rate. Does not stack in your inventory.

てきに あいにくくなる
 Holy Scarf
Reduces enemy encounters
Meet the enemy less.
Value: 5,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Decreases random encounter rate. Does not stack in your inventory.

すばやさが あがる
 Wind Bracelet
Agility rises
Increase in Agil.
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Increases Mobility by 10. Does not stack in your inventory.

すこしずつ たいりょくが かいふく
 Love Bracelet
Gradually recovers physical strength
HP is recovered slowly
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Recovers 1 HP per step taken. Does not stack in your inventory.

こんじょうが あがる
 Guts Belt
Guts rise
Increase in Guts
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. No discernable effect. Does not stack in your inventory.

Ben Siron's handbook reports that this does not increase Guts, regardless of the name and description.

ゾンビを ふせぐ
 Romero Bracelet
Prevents Zombie
Avoid being a zombie
Value: 2,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Prevents Rotting (and therefore Zombie) status. Does not stack in your inventory.

Romero is a village in BoF1 with something of a zombie problem, as well as a real-life director known for making zombie films. Kramer, I have no idea.

ねむけを はらう
 Dream Earrings
Drives drowsiness away
Get rid of sleepiness
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Prevents Sleep status. Does not stack in your inventory.

Here it would have made sense to abbreviate or replace "earring" instead of "dream". Maybe as "DreamRG"?

いだいなこうかが ありそうだ
 Life Bracelet
Seems likely to have a considerable effect
It looks very effective
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Prevents instant death and recovers 1 HP per step taken. Does not stack in your inventory.

ぼうぎょりょくが あがる
 Iron Bracelet
Defense power increases
Def. power will increase
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Increases Defense Power by 10. Does not stack in your inventory.

のろいを ふせぐ
Prevents Curse
Block curses
Value: 1,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Prevents Curse status. Does not stack in your inventory.

ステータスいじょうを ふせぐ
 Bracelet of Light
Prevents status abnormalities
Prevent abnormal status
Value: 5,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Prevents Sleep, Curse, Poison, and Rotting status. Does not stack in your inventory.


It's an enigma.

It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Nameless item. Not usable, but up to 9 stack in your inventory, for what it's worth.

まほうを うちけす
 Netherworld Bracelet
Nullifies magic
Erase the spell
Value: 5,000 Zeny

Accessory for any character. Provides partial immunity (offensive spells may inflict 0 damage). Does not stack in your inventory.


It's an enigma.

It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Nameless item. Not usable, but up to 9 stack in your inventory, for what it's worth.


It's an enigma.

It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Nameless item. Not usable, but up to 9 stack in your inventory, for what it's worth.

 1 Z
It's an enigma.
It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Presumably used for chest contents. Not usable, and does not stack in your inventory.

 100 Z
It's an enigma.
It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Presumably used for chest contents. Not usable, and does not stack in your inventory.

 1,000 Z
It's an enigma.
It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Presumably used for chest contents. Not usable, and does not stack in your inventory.

 10,000 Z
It's an enigma.
It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Presumably used for chest contents. Not usable, and does not stack in your inventory.

ウパルパの エサ
 Al Fruit
Food for walking fish
Uparupa's feed
Value: 20 Zeny

Plot item. Does not stack in your inventory.

Name based on the related boss Algernon.

めいぶつに うまいもの なし
 Whale Bun
Local specialties are never tasty
No good local specialty
Value: Zeny

Usable on one ally in or out of combat, but has no apparent effect. Does not stack in your inventory.

まんじゅう (manjuu) is a type of Japanese steamed bun with any of a wide variety of fillings.

I always thought that was a minor typo for "[This is a] No-good local specialty", but it's supposed to be more "[There is] No [such thing as a] good local specialty".


It's an enigma.

It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Nameless item. Not usable, and does not stack in your inventory.


It's an enigma.

It is a riddle.
Value: 0 Zeny

Nameless item. Not usable, and does not stack in your inventory.

まりょくをひめた かがみ
 Old Man's Mirror
A mirror imbued with magical power
A mirror with spell powers
Value: 0 Zeny
 can't sell

Necessary to enter a certain dungeon. Use it when inside to exit (out of combat only).

Technical Information

This list runs from item entry 0x00 (the blank non-item) through 0x5B (the Old Man's Mirror).

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