運命の時へ…… | To the Fateful Time... | The Fated Hour | |
Clearing the game after reviving Crono leads to one of two variants of the primary ending "To Beyond Time", depending on whether the Sylbird remains intact. |
時の最果て The Farthest Reaches of Time | The End of Time | ||
Crono is back, and "Chrono Trigger" (what else?) plays. |
老人「ほ、うまくいったようじゃな…… いやいや、私は何もしとらんよ。 ただ、きっかけをあたえたにすぎん。 かんしゃなら仲間達にするんじゃな。 この兄ちゃんを思った仲間達にな。 あの時をわたる翼も お前さん達を追って、ここに来とるぞ。 あれも心を持っているのかもな……。 |
Old Man: Oh? It seems things went well... |
OLD MAN: So! Looks like you were successful! No, don't thank me. I didn't do a thing. I just gave you a place to begin... If you really want to thank me, make me a member of your team! By the way, the Wings of Time has come looking for you. It seems to have a heart and mind of it's own... |
He never mentions making him a team member. The line in question is the fourth one from the top. The confusion likely came from the ~にする (-ni suru), which can indeed mean "make [someone/something] into ~". It can't mean that here, though. The most obvious reason is that he uses the explicit plural 仲間達 (nakama-tachi, teammates), and it doesn't make any more sense in Japanese than English to say "make me your teammates". Taking the beginning of the sentence into account, the phrase should be read as 仲間達に[かんしゃ]する (nakama-tachi ni [kansha] suru), with the implied かんしゃ (kansha, thanks) taken from the first half of the sentence. This unambiguously translates to "express thanks to teammates". In short, he's saying, "Don't thank me, thank your teammates." |
老人「お前さん達、あのラヴォスと 戦うつもりじゃな……。 そこのバケツのゲートに飛び込むか。 時をわたる翼で『ラヴォスの日』に 行くか……。 あるいは、時代をまたがり現れた あの黒く巨大なもの…… あれもまたラヴォスを呼び起こさんと しておる……。 力にたより、力にとりこまれた おろかな心じゃ……。 あの黒い悪夢に行けばラヴォスとも 戦うはめになるじゃろう。 ラヴォスといつ、どこで戦うのかは お前さん達しだいじゃ。 じゃが、くれぐれもお前さん達だけでは 戦わない事じゃ……。 おぼろげじゃが、お前さん達に力を かしてくれるものが見える……。 |
Old Man: You intend to fight that Lavos... |
OLD MAN: You wish to fight Lavos, correct? Many paths lay open to you. You may use that bucket. Or fly the Wings of Time to "The Day of Lavos"... Or there's the Black Omen, which floats in the sky above your world. Lavos is somehow connected with it. It's up to you to decide when and where to fight Lavos. By now you must realize you are the only ones who stand a chance against him... However, you will not be alone. I have had vague glimpses of events, people and places that will empower you... |
中世の時代、一人の女性の心により よみがえる森……。 |
In the Middle Ages, a forest revived thanks to one woman's will... |
In the Middle Ages, a woman's sheer determination brings a forest back to life... |
中世で逃げのびておる 魔王はいかの3悪の巣くう場所。 |
A place in the Middle Ages where three evils who served the Magus escaped to make their den. |
A fugitive in the Middle Ages, Ozzie, maintains an evil hideout... |
未来の時代、機械の生まれた ふるさと……。 |
In the Future era, the homeland where machines were born... |
There's a task to be done in the Future, where machinery originated. |
原始から未来、すべての時をまたにかけ 陽の光をあつめ続ける石……。 |
A stone that travels all times from Primeval to Future, continuing to collect the sun's light... |
And there's a very special stone that can shine its light on each generation, from the distant past to the far future... |
中世で魔王にやぶれ 現代までさまよい続ける ほこり高き騎士のたましい……。 |
The soul of a proud knight done in by the Magus in the Middle Ages that continues to linger to the Modern Age... |
There's the ghost of a lofty knight, slain by {Magus} in the Middle Ages, who haunts the present... |
中世では、まぼろしと言われる 虹色に輝くもの……。 |
In the Middle Ages, a thing called mythical that shines in all colors of the rainbow... |
There's an object in the Middle Ages that sparkles like a rainbow... |
老人「自分の時代の事なら お前さん達の中にも知っている者が おるじゃろう。 聞いてみるがいい……。 この星のあらゆる時代の人々 いや、すべての生命の力をかりて 戦うのじゃ……! でなければヤツは倒せん。 未来を変えるにはそれほどの大きな エネルギーが必要じゃ……。 この星の行くすえ…… 私はここで、ゆっくりと見物させて もらうよ……。 |
Old Man: I expect that there are those |
OLD MAN: One of you is close to someone who needs help... Find this person...fast. Just as you touch the lives of every life form you meet, so, too, will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win... I am sorry that I must simply witness the coming spectacle from my vantage point here... |
Given the amount of discussion that the line "One of you is close to someone who needs help... Find this person...fast." has generated, it's almost a shame that it's nothing more than a mistranslation. Go around and talk to the other characters, and everyone (except Crono, of course) has something to say, many giving a brief glimpse of a related location... |
マール「今ごろ、どうしてるかな…… 父上……。 |
Marle: I wonder how he's doing lately... |
{Marle}: Whatcha up to... Father... |
ルッカ「古代でラヴォスエネルギー 以前に使ってたっていう 太陽エネルギー…… ラヴォスに立ち向かうには おあつらえ向きかもしれないわね。 |
Lucca: The solar energy they say |
{Lucca}: Solar energy was used aeons ago, well before Lavos Energy existed... It might be just the thing we need to defeat Lavos... |
カエル「さまよう騎士のたましい…… まさか……な。 |
Frog: A knight's lingering soul...? |
{Frog}: The knight spirit which wanders... It can't be... |
ロボ「機械のフルサト……? ワタシにも生まれた場所が あるのデショウカ? |
Robo: The BIRTHPLACE of machines...? |
{Robo}: The origin of machines...? You mean to tell me I have a birthplace? |
エイラ「ラヴォス 戦う! エイラの村 強い防具あるぞ! 行ってみろ!! |
Ayla: We fight Lavos! |
{Ayla}: Fight Lavos! {Ayla} village have strong defense item! Go see!! |
魔王「……。 ヤツらの事。 まだ死んではいまい……。 そういえばビネガーのヤツ 魔王城ににたアジトを持っていた……。 |
Magus: ...... |
{Magus}: .... Cretins! And they're still alive!? By the way, Ozzie had a hideout much like my castle... |
And, incidentally, talk to them with Crono in the group for these extra lines: |
マール「よかった、本当に……。 | Marle: I'm so relieved... | {Marle}: I can't believe this! I'm so happy! |
ルッカ「あんまり、女のコを なかせんじゃないわよ! |
Lucca: Don't make girls cry so much! | {Lucca}: Don't put us through that again! |
カエル「ヘッ、色男はツライな。 死ぬこともままならないなんて。 |
Frog: Heh, it's tough being a ladies' man. |
{Frog}: Look at you... Ladies weeping over you right and left... |
ロボ「やはりクロノがいると ミナサン、元気デス! |
Robo: EVERYONE IS indeed lively |
{Robo}: Now that {Crono}'s here, everyone's cheerful! |
エイラ「クロ! クロ!! クローーッ!! |
Ayla: Cro! Cro!! |
{Ayla}: {Cro}! {Cro}!! {Cro}!! |
魔王「……。 お前が死んだのは弱さのせいだ。 |
Magus: ...... |
{Magus}: ... You got whacked, 'cuz you're weak. |
There's also some text for talking to Crono himself, though as usual he doesn't speak. |
クロノをつれて行きますか? | Take Crono along? | Will you take Crono? | |
If No, Crono blinks. If Yes, he pumps his fist and "Chrono Trigger" starts playing as the party select screen opens. |
While Crono is once again available for use in the party, he no longer has to be the lead member, and can even stay behind, if the player prefers. Most of the things referred to above are side quests that are now available. The sidequests are completely optional and can be completed in any order, so I'll just go through them in the order that the old man lists them... |
原始 Primeval Era | Prehistoric | ||
...except that I'm starting with a few little things you can do first. Ayla's comment isn't a sidequest as such, but the trading post in her village now has something new (though, like most of the proper sidequests, it's actually available as soon as the Black Dream rises). |
ルビー いっぱい かためて よろい 作った。 『はなびら』『きば』『つの』『はね』 10コづつ あわせて40コと交換。 |
Hardened much ruby, made armor. Trade for Flower Petal, Fang, Horn, Feather. Ten of each, forty total. |
Made armor from many rubies. 10 each of "Petal," "Fang," "Horn," and "Feather" for trade. |
Stock up. Ruby Armor is among the game's strongest, anyone can use it, and it also cuts damage from Fire to one fifth. Fire resistance is extremely useful in several upcoming battles... Stop by the ruins of Laruba Village to find a Nu now hanging out there (available once Grief Mountain falls). |
なんだい、どうしたんだい? ヌゥが気持ちよくねているってのに…… もう……。 {char1}の名前を変えてあげるよ。 だから、ねむらせておくれよ。 |
What, what's the matter? And Nu sleeping peacefully... Gimme a break... I'll change {char1}'s name for you. So let me sleep. |
Who disturbs my slumber? Nu...! Just trying to get some shut eye. I'll change {char1}'s name, so let me get some rest, nu...! |
A screen appears to change the lead character's name. |
じゃあ、おやすみ。 | Well then, good night. | Sleep well. | |
During the first encounter, this happens too... |
あ、そうそう。 ボクが持っていてもしかたがないから、 この石、あげるよ。 |
Ah, right, right. There's no point to me holding onto it, so I'll give you this stone. |
I Forget. No need for this stone, so I give to you. |
ぎんのいしを手に入れた! | Got a Silver Stone! | Got 1 SilverRock! | |
Find colored stone accessories like this to activate certain trio skills that, unlike all the normal ones, do not involve Crono. The Silver Stone enables Strike Spin, a powerful single-target physical attack for Robo, Frog, and Ayla. Refer to the items page or techs page for more details. Okay. Now on to the sidequests. |
No new historical impact yet, but those sidequests look promising. |
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