1-4 "Town", a peaceful tune (and slower remix of the town theme from the first game), plays. Maxim walks into the town from the entrance in the south, crosses a bridge across the stream, enters the item shop, and walks up to the counter. |
マキシム: ティア。いるかい? |
Maxim: Tia. You here? |
Maxim: Tia, are you home? |
Tia, the woman from the opening with shoulder-length blue hair and wearing a pink dress, walks in from the back room and steps up to the counter. |
ティア: マキシム。お帰りなさい。 今日の仕事の出来はどう? |
Tia: Maxim. Welcome back. How did work go today? |
Tia: Hi, Maxim! How was work today? |
マキシム: まぁまぁだな。 今日は、ジェリーが6匹だ。 |
Maxim: So-so. Six Jellies today. |
Maxim: Alright. I got six jellies. |
ティア: ええっと……それなら 120GOLDね。 |
Tia: Let's see... that's 120 gold, then. |
Tia: Let's see... that'll be 120 gold pieces, right? |
That's right, the unit of currency is GOLD. I find that amusing... Anyway, although monsters drop money directly, as in most games, this scene seems to imply that there's something like a bounty system as the in-universe justification for combat earnings. Though jellies aren't normally worth nearly that much. |
マキシム: ちょっと待てよ、ティア。 ジェリーが6匹だぜ。 180GOLDだろう? |
Maxim: Just a minute, Tia. It's six Jellies. That's 180 gold, right? |
Maxim: Wait a minute, Tia. I said six jellies. That comes to 180 gold pieces! |
ティア: 最近モンスターが多くて、今までの 値段では引き取れなくなったのよ。 街も、お金がないんだって。 |
Tia: There have been so many monsters lately I can't take them at the old prices any more. The town doesn't have the money, either. |
Tia: Look, monsters are cheap these days. The city's suffering so I can't pay the top price. |
マキシム: 命にはかえられんだろうに……。 にしても、最近のモンスターの ふえ方は確かに異常なんだよな。 |
Maxim: They'd rather save money than lives... Can't deny that the way monsters are increasing lately is unusual, though. |
Maxim: Yeah, it's true. More. monsters every day. |
命にはかえられん (inochi ni wa kaeraren) plays with the idiom 背に腹はかえられぬ (se ni hara wa kaerarenu), which means having to sacrifice something else to protect something important. As one Japanese idioms site explains it, the belly is very important, so to protect the belly, one would sacrifice the back if needed. Here, Maxim substitutes 命 (inochi, life) for 背 (se, back), so it would seem he's saying that they consider lives more expendable than (considering the context) money. |
ティア: なんか気味が悪いわね。 |
Tia: It's kinda creepy. | Tia: It's spooky, you know. |
マキシム: まぁ、そのおかげで、俺みたいな 仕事がなりたつんだけどな。 |
Maxim: Jobs like mine are practical thanks to that, though. |
Maxim: Well, I should appreciate it though. I'm a monster hunter. I'd lose my job without them. |
Tia walks around the counter and approaches Maxim. |
ティア: ねぇマキシム。 ちゃんとした仕事に つく気はないの? |
Tia: Hey, Maxim. Aren't you interested in settling down in a proper job? |
Tia: Maxim! Have you thought about getting an ordinary job? |
マキシム: どんな仕事がちゃんと してるって言うんだ? |
Maxim: What kind of job would you call proper? |
Maxim: What is an ordinary job anyway? |
ティア: そうねぇ…… |
Tia: Let's see... |
Tia: Let's see... |
Tia looks off to the side... |
ティア: たとえば…… |
Tia: For example... |
Tia: like... |
...sways a bit away from Maxim... |
ティア: お店のあるじ…… |
Tia: A shop owner... |
Tia: a shop owner... |
...then back towards him. |
ティア: とか。 |
Tia: Or something. |
Tia: perhaps. |
マキシム: 商人は俺のガラじゃねぇよ。 わはははっ! |
Maxim: Shopkeeping's not my style. Wa ha ha hah! |
Maxim: Me? Shop owner? Ha! That'll be the day! |
Tia walks a bit away, frustrated. |
ティア: ……どうしてこうもニブイの かしら、この人は。 |
Tia: ...I have to wonder how he manages to be so dense. |
Tia: How can he be so insensitive...!? |
Protagonists being romantically oblivious is a common trope, but sometimes I wonder if he's not just trying to avoid having to tell her he's not interested. |
マキシム: ん?何か言ったかティア? |
Maxim: Hm? You say something, Tia? |
Maxim: Did you say something, Tia? |
She runs back over to him... |
ティア: 何でもないわよ!! はい、お金!! |
Tia: It's nothing!! Here's your money!! |
Tia: Forget it!! Here's your money! |
...shoves the money at him, and runs into the back room, slamming the door. Also, that 120 gold? Now that you have control, checking the menu shows you have exactly that. It's a nice little touch, actually. Well, no use sticking around. Let's start by talking to this little girl outside Tia's shop. |
ティアお姉ちゃん、マキシムお兄 ちゃん以外の人には、おこらないの にね。お兄ちゃんきらわれてるの? |
Miss Tia never gets mad at anyone but you, mister Maxim. Doesn't she like you? |
Why doesn't Tia get upset at anyone except you, Maxim? Doesn't she like you? |
Just the opposite, really. People are weird like that sometimes. Maybe you'll understand when you're older, kid. There's also a bit of background information on Maxim to be had. |
特に誰に教わったわけでもないのに、 剣が使えるなんて、マキシム、お前 さんは、やっぱり才能があるんだよ。 |
Never received any real instruction from anyone, yet you can use a sword. Maxim, you must be gifted. |
No formal training, yet your swordsmanship is good. You must have natural talent. |
Elsewhere in town, a woman in the spell shop explains the magic system. |
ねぇマキシム。魔法の使い方って ちょっと変わってるのよ。知りたい? 魔法にはね、全体魔法とか、こべつ魔法 とかの種別がなくなったのよ。 つまり、どんな魔法でも、好きなように 敵を選んでかけられるの。 たとえば、ジェリーが3匹いたとすると 3匹全部に魔法をかける事も出来るし、 1匹だけに魔法をかける事も出来るの よ。もちろん2匹でも大丈夫よ。 ただし、3匹に魔法をかければ、1匹 だけに魔法をかけた時より、それぞれ のモンスターに与えるダメージは、 少なくなるわよ。 強い敵1匹に集中して、魔法をかけるも よし、弱い敵をまとめてやっつけるも よし。後はあなたしだいねマキシム。 あっ、それと、敵全部に魔法をかけたい 時に、いちいち1匹ずつ敵を選んでいく のは、めんどうよね。 そんな時は、Rボタンを押すといいわ。 そうすれば、全部の敵を一度に選ぶわ。 これは、覚えておくと便利よ。 ……でもRボタンって何なのかしらね。 それだけは、あたしも知らないのよ。 マキシム、あなた知ってる? |
Hey, Maxim. The way you use magic has changed a bit. Want to know about it? In magic, you see, the categories like all-target spells and individual spells are gone. In other words, you can select enemies and cast however you want, no matter the spell. For example, let's say there were three Jellies. You could cast magic on all three of them, or you could also cast magic on just one. Two is just fine too, of course. Just keep in mind that casting magic on all three reduces the damage you inflict to each monster compared to casting on only one. You can cast magic concentrated on one strong enemy, or you can finish off weak enemies. The rest is up to you, Maxim. Oh, one more thing, when you want to cast magic on all enemies, it's a pain to select the enemies one at a time. You should push the R button then. You'll select all the enemies at once if you do. It's convenient to keep in mind. ...but I wonder what an R button is. That's the one thing even I don't know. Maxim, do you know? |
Listen Maxim. There's a somewhat unusual way to use spells. Would you like to know about it? There's no such thing as a one-enemy or all-enemy spell anymore. It's any spell for any enemy. When there are three jellies, you can put a spell on any or all of them. Of course, if you attack all of them, the damage is less compared to attacking just one. You can concentrate your spell against one enemy or spread it out to attack weak enemies all at once Also, it's too troublesome to choose one enemy at a time when attacking all of them. In that case, use the R button to select all the enemies at once. Remember this. But what is an R button anyway? I don't know. Do you know, Maxim? |
In the first game in the series (which actually occurs about a century later), attack magic hits either one target, one group of targets, or all targets. This game does away with that and lets you pick any combination you want with any spell, at the cost of dividing the effect between the targets, and applies to healing and effect spells as well as attack spells. The only limitation is you can't mix enemy and ally targets on the same casting, though why you would want to... This is still the only game I've played that lets you do things like focusing a healing spell on exactly two party members of your choice out of a group of four, or picking out just the enemies weak against fire when casting a fireball, and it can do a lot to make your magic use more effective. Maxim starts to head out of town when a generic old man stops him. |
おお、マキシム。ちょうどいい 機会じゃ。わしのダンジョン攻略の 秘密を教えてやろう。 南にあるダンジョンに来るがよい。 わしは、一足先に行っておるぞ。 |
Oh, Maxim. This is the perfect chance. I'll teach you my secrets to conquering dungeons. Come to the dungeon to the south. I'll go on ahead. |
Oh, it's you, Maxim. This is a good time to show you my secret techniques for fighting in dungeons. I'll wait for you at the dungeon south of here. |
The old man leaves the town ahead of Maxim. 攻略 (kouryaku, which roughly refers to capturing an enemy holding in battle or triumphing by means of a skillful attack) is also a common name for what English-speakers normally call walkthroughs or strategy guides for games. |
1-6 "The Earth" plays on the world map. Within the cave, 1-7 "Cave" plays. The old man stands inside the cave, waiting for Maxim. |
おお、マキシム!待っておったぞ。 さっそく、ダンジョン攻略の 秘密を教えよう。 よいか。まずモンスターの動きの ほうそくを覚えるがかんじんじゃ。 まず、自分が動かない時は モンスターも動かない。 だから、目の前にモンスターがいても あわてる必要はないのじゃ。 おお、ちょうどそこにジェリーがおる。 そいつを、倒してみるがよい。 |
Ah, Maxim! I've been waiting. Let us teach you my secrets to conquest without delay. Now, to start with, it's vital to learn the rules to how monsters move. First, when you are not moving, neither do the monsters move. Therefore, even if a monster is right before your eyes, you need not panic. Ah, perfect! There's a Jelly there. Try beating it. |
You took so long, Maxim! Let's go ahead and start the lesson for secret techniques in the dungeon. First, the important thing is to learn the patterns of the monsters' movements. Monsters move only when you move. So, don't worry even if a monster is in front of you. Oh good, I see a jelly right there. Why don't you try to get that jelly. |
As Maxim approaches it, the Jelly occasionally moves, but only when he takes a step. 1-8 "Battle #1" plays during the battle, and during all normal battles. Maxim's weapon of choice is a sword. His combat abilities, compared to the other player characters, fall in the average range in almost all respects. He's neither sluggish nor swift, is strong and tough but not exceptionally so, can use magic but only moderately well, and has similarly average magic defense. For whatever reason, he can't use fire magic, but can learn most other spells as the game progresses, except for those that involve teleportation (probably more to limit your ability to get around in the early game than for any other reason). The only unusually high attribute Maxim has is GUT, but it has no obvious effect and isn't explained anywhere that I can find. The most common claims are that it affects how quickly IP goes up (more on IP later) and that it protects against status changes and instant death. From a role-playing standpoint, it presumably means that he has great strength of will. As I recall, Maxim starts out at level 1 with no experience, even though he's supposed to be an accomplished monster hunter, and should at the very least have the experience from the six Jellies he brought in earlier... oh well, he's got to start somewhere, I suppose. In any case, he quickly dispatches the Jelly. 1-9 "Triumph" plays during the spoils readout. |
さすがは、マキシム。 ジェリーなどは、敵ではないな。 だが、ゆだんはきんもつじゃ! モンスターの中には、こっちが1歩動く 間に、2歩動くすばやいヤツもおる。 さらに、多くのモンスターがいる 部屋では、モンスターに、かこまれ ないように歩く事が、かんじんじゃ。 まぁ、自分が動かねば、モンスターも 動かぬから、あわてずゆっくりと 考えて行動する事が大事じゃぞ。 よし。それでは次の部屋へ行こう。 上のドアから、入ってくれ。 |
I'd expect no less of you, Maxim. Mere Jellies are no match. But you must never be off your guard! Some speedy monsters move two steps in the time it takes you to move one. And in rooms with many monsters, you must take care where you walk to avoid being surrounded by monsters. Of course, if you don't move, the monsters don't move either, so it's important to think things over and act without rushing. Good. On to the next room, then. Enter through the door above. |
That's our Maxim. Jellies are nothing for him! But don't get cocky! Some monsters are fast, gaining two steps to your one. Also, when there are many monsters in a room, don't let them surround you! Of course, the monsters move only when you move, so stop and think before you act. Good. Let's move on to the next room. Enter from the door above. |
Maxim and the old man continue into the next room. There's another jelly there. |
さて、この部屋では『スキル』の 使い方を教えよう。 セレクトボタンを押せば、自分が 身につけている『スキル』が現れる その中から使いたい『スキル』を えらぶのじゃ。 お主が今、身につけている『スキル』は アローじゃ。 今は、それしか持っておらんが、旅を 続けるうちに、スキルは増えてゆくぞ。 ちなみに、アローは、敵の動きを 少しの間、止める事が出来る。 スキルはYボタンで使う事が出来るぞ。 ためしに、敵に向かって、アローを うってみるがよい。 みごと敵に当たれば、しばらく 動かなくなるはずじゃ。 そして、動いていない敵と ぶつかっても、戦闘にはならない。 これが重要じゃ。 スキルは、なくなるものではない。 敵と戦いたくない時は、アローを どんどん使うと良いじゃろう。 セレクトボタンでスキルを呼び出し、 Yボタンで使う。 おそらくダンジョンでは、一番よく 使うテクニックになるじゃろう。 そこのジェリーと戦うもよし。 スキルで止めておいて、戦わず 先に進むもよし。 お主の好きにすればよかろう。 |
Now, in this room, I shall teach you how to use Skills. If you press the select button, the Skills you have acquired appear. Choose the Skill you want to use from among them. The Skill you currently have is the Arrow. For now, you have no others, but you'll gain more skills as your journey continues. The Arrow, by the way, can stop an enemy's movement for a short time. You can use skills with the Y button. You ought to try facing an enemy and shooting an Arrow to try it out. If you successfully hit the enemy, it should stop moving for a little while. Also, even if you run into an unmoving enemy, you won't get into a battle. This is important. Skills do not run out. When you don't want to fight with enemies, you should go ahead and use the Arrow. You call up skills with the select button, and use them with the Y button. This will perhaps be the technique you use most often in dungeons. You could fight that Jelly. You could also stop it with a skill and continue on without fighting. Whichever you like will be fine. |
In this room, we will learn how to use Skills! Press the Select button to display the Skills you have. Select the Skill you wish to use. You now have only the Skill Arrow but you will receive more... Incidentally, Arrows can freeze enemy movement for a while. Press the Y button to shoot them. When you hit an enemy with an Arrow, it's temporarily paralyzed. Bumping into a paralyzed enemy doesn't lead to a battle. Skills never run out. So, shoot an Arrow when you don't feel like fighting. Select the Skill you wish to use with the Select button and press the Y button to use it. You will use your skills most in dungeons. You can fight with that jelly there or use Skill to stop its movement and not fight. It's up to you. |
As described, shooting enemies with the Arrow skill will immobilize them for several steps and prevent combat with them while they're immobilized. The next room has a large crevice in the ground. The bridge across is down, though a switch sits on the other side. |
おっ、橋が落ちておるな……。 実は、その橋は、奥にあるスイッチを 入れるとかかる仕組みになって おるのじゃ。 じゃが、スイッチは、向こうぎしで 手がとどかない……これは、困った。 これ以上、先には進めんではないか! なんて言うのは、じょうだんじゃ。 実は、ここでもスキルが役に立つ。 アローは敵を止めるだけが能ではない。 あのスイッチをアローでうってみるが よい。 |
Oh, the bridge is down... Actually, that bridge is set up so that it spans the gap when you activate the switch back there. But the switch is on the other bank, out of reach... that's a problem. It seems we can't continue on! No, I was only kidding. The truth is, skills are useful here too. Stopping enemies isn't all the Arrow does. You ought to try shooting that switch with the Arrow. |
The bridge gave way, but can be crossed when the switch in the back is turned on. The switch is not within your reach. Hmm. We're in trouble. We can't go on! I was just kidding. You can also use Skills in a situation like this. Arrows are not only to stop enemy movement. Why don't you hit that switch with an Arrow? |
The Arrow flips the switch, which raises the bridge, which lets them reach the next room. This room has a small pillar that looks movable, and a button in the floor. |
この部屋の上のドアにはカギがかかって おる。だが、実はこの部屋の中にカギを 開けるしかけも、あるのじゃ。 わかるかな? 左上にスイッチがあるじゃろう。 その上に乗ってみるがよい。 |
The above door in this room is locked. But there's actually also a device within this room that opens the lock. I wonder if you can figure it out? There's a switch in the upper left, yes? You ought to try standing on it. |
The door to the room above is locked. Can you find the key to open it? Can you see the switch at the upper left? Stand on top of it. |
The door opens when Maxim stands on the switch, but closes as soon as he steps off. |
どうじゃ、ドアが開いたであろう。 じゃが、スイッチから降りてしまうと ドアは、とじてしまったな。 つまり、そのスイッチは何かが 乗っている時だけドアが開くように できているのじゃ。 さて、ではどうすればよいのか……? 答えは、この柱じゃ。 柱のよこに立って、Aボタンを 押しながら歩いてみるがよい。 |
Well, the door did open, didn't it? But when you got off the switch, the door closed. In other words, that switch is made so that the door opens only when something is on it. Now then, what should you do...? The answer is this pillar. You ought to try standing beside the pillar and holding the A button as you walk. |
See? That opened the door. However, step off the switch to close the door. Got it? In other words, that switch works only with something on it. Now, what should you do? The answer is this pillar. Stand next to the pillar and walk while pressing the “A” button. |
Maxim does so, and pushes the pillar onto the switch, opening the door. As he's about to leave to the next room... |
おおそうじゃ、マキシム。 ちょっと、まっとくれ。 大事な事を忘れておった! お主に、一つ魔法を授けるのを 忘れておった。これなくしては、 ダンジョンから生きて帰れぬ 大事な魔法、その名も…… 『リセト』の魔法じゃ! |
Oh, yes, that's right, Maxim. Wait just a moment. I've forgotten something important! I forgot to teach you a spell. This is an important spell that you'll need to make it out of dungeons alive, and its name is... the "Reset" spell! |
That's right, Maxim. Please wait a moment. I almost forgot! I forgot to give you one very precious spell. You can't survive the dungeon without it. It's... "Reset" |
You get this alternate lead-in instead if you foul up the puzzle by pushing the pillar into a wall: |
ついに、やってしまったようじゃの! そこまで柱を押すと、もう、 どうにもならんではないか! |
Now you've gone and done it! There's nothing you can do once you've pushed the pillar that far! |
You've done it! That's as far as you can push the pillar. |
よいか。たとえば、この部屋のように 何か物を押すしかけがある場合、 一つ、覚えておかねばならぬ事がある。 それは、柱などは、押す事は 出来ても、引く事は出来ないと 言う事じゃ。 つまり、柱をまちがって、かべや ドアの前まで押してしまうと、 どうにもならなくなってしまうのじゃ。 しかし、心配は無用じゃ! そんな時のためにあるのが、 『リセト』の魔法じゃ。 この魔法を使えば、部屋に入った 瞬間まで、時間を戻す事が出来る。 つまり、柱の位置や、自分の位置、 倒したモンスターなどが、元にもどる わけじゃ。 『リセト』の魔法は、MPを使わない から、やり直したい時は、どんどん 使うとよいじゃろう。 この魔法を身につければ、もう恐い ものなしじゃぞ!それでは、『リセト』 の魔法をさずけよう。 |
Listen. When there's a puzzle in which you push something, as in this room for instance, there is one thing you must remember. That is that although you can push pillars and similar things, you cannot pull them. In other words, if you mistakenly push a pillar until it's in front of a wall or door, you can't do anything about it. But there's no need to worry! We have the Reset spell for such times as those. You can turn back time to the instant you entered the room if you use this spell. In other words, pillar positions, your own position, the monsters you beat, and so on all go back to the way they were. The Reset spell doesn't use MP, so when you want to start over, you ought to go ahead and use it. Once you have this spell, there's nothing more to fear! And now, I shall teach you the Reset spell. |
When you solve a trick in this room by pushing something, you must remember one thing. Although you can push the pillars, you can't pulls them. In other words, if you push the pillar against a wall or door, you can do nothing more. But don't worry! There is a Reset spell that sets it all up again. This spell sends you back in time to when you had just entered the room. Everything in the room returns to its original position, including the monsters! Reset does not take any MP. Thus, you can use it as many times as you wish. Possess this spell and you'll have nothing to fear. I shall give you the Reset spell. |
『リセト』の魔法を手に入れた | Got the Reset spell. | Gets the Reset spell. | ||||
リセトの魔法は、スキルリングの 中にも入っている。 セレクトボタンを押して、キーを 上下に入れてみればわかるぞ。 |
The Reset spell is also in your skill ring. You'll see if you try pushing the select button and pressing the keypad up or down. |
You can also find Reset on the Skill Ring. Press Select then up or down on the Control Pad. |
You get this extra line if you fouled up the puzzle by pushing the pillar into a wall: |
それでは、さっそくリセトの魔法を 使うのじゃ。 そうすれば、部屋に入った時に もどるぞ。 |
Now, use the Reset spell at once. Do so and you'll go back to when you entered the room. |
Let's try Reset now. You can go back in time to when you had just entered this room. |
Maxim and the old man continue into the next room. This one has no obvious path to the other side, but there are arrow markings by a lower section. |
右のがけっぷちに、ちいさな矢印が あるじゃろう? その矢印がある場所からは、飛びおりる 事も出来るのじゃ。やってみるがよい。 |
The cliff edge to the right has small arrow marks on it, yes? You can jump down from places with those arrow marks. You ought to try doing that. |
Whenever you see arrows like those on the cliff on the right, you can jump down. Give it a try. |
Maxim hops off, and continues to the next room. The old man follows. There are a few monsters roaming around. |
この先のドアは、この部屋の モンスターを全部やっつけると、 開くぞ。 部屋の中に、しかけらしき物がない 場合は、とりあえずモンスターを、 全部やっつけてみるのも、 良い行動じゃ。 |
The door ahead of here will open when you finish off all the monsters in this room. When there isn't anything in the room that seems to be a puzzle, finishing off all the monsters is a good course of action to start with. |
The next door will be opened when you defeat all the monsters. When you can't find any devices or tricks, one way to solve a problem is to defeat all the monsters. |
This room has a larger variety of monsters. Different types of monsters have different movement patterns on the dungeon map. Some react to how Maxim moves, while others ignore him, like the randomly-moving Red Jellies. Additionally, most monsters face in one direction or another. Coming up on an enemy from behind or (sometimes) the side will give the party a free round of combat before the enemy can act, but be warned that the reverse also applies if monsters blindside Maxim. Maxim beats all the monsters, and the door to the next room opens. This one has lots of grassy barriers littering the ground. |
Bボタンを押すと、剣をふる事が 出来るぞ。 そして、草は剣をふると切る事が 出来る。 さらに、草の下には、スイッチが かくされている事もある。 やってみなされ。 |
Push the B button, and you can swing your sword, and when you swing your sword, you can cut weeds. Furthermore, beneath the weeds may be hidden switches. Give it a try. |
Press the B button to swing your sword. You can cut grass using the sword. Sometimes switches are hidden under the grass. Why don't you try to find one? |
Maxim cuts down some of the grassy growth, finds a switch, and steps on it to open the door to the next room. This one has a pot and two small platforms of some sort on the ground. A wall bars further progress. |
つぼは、Aボタンを押すと 持ち上げたり、おろしたり する事が出来る。 あと、これは、ちょっとしたコツなの じゃが、Rボタンを押したままで、 十字キーを押すと、その場で方向を 変える事が出来るのじゃ。 歩くスペースのない場所で、方向を 変えたい時など、この事を知らんと どうにもならん。 よいか。Rボタンの使い方を 忘れるでないぞ。 さて、そのつぼを、そこの右板の 上に置くと、どうなるか? ……さぁやってみなされ。 |
Press the A button, and you can pick up or put down jars. Next, here's a little trick: Press the keypad with the R button held, and you can change directions in place. When you want to change direction where there's no room to walk, you're hopeless unless you know this. Listen. Don't forget how to use the R button. Now, what happens when you put that jar on the right plate there? ...go on, try it. |
Press the A button to pick up and put down the vase. This is a unique skill. Press the Control Pad while pressing the R button to change direction without moving. You need this skill to change direction when there's nowhere else to turn. Don't forget how to use the R button. Let's see. What do you think will happen if you put the pot on that slate? Why don't you try? |
Aside from its obvious applications for puzzle solving in cramped spaces, swiveling in place doesn't count as an action, and can sometimes help with outmaneuvering monsters. Maxim puts the pot on the right plate, and an opening appears in the wall. Putting a pot found beyond it on the other plate opens the door to continue. |
さて、これで、わしのダンジョーン攻略の 秘術はおしまいじゃ。 もちろん、今教えた事は、ほんの初歩に すぎん。 多くのダンジョーンを攻略するには、 その場におうじて、色々とやってみる 事が必要じゃ。 道はけわしいが、お主なら きっとやりとげる事が出来るじゃろう。 ……それでは、わしは街に帰るぞ。 |
Well, this concludes my secret arts for conquering dungeons. Of course, what I just taught you is no more than the bare basics. In order to conquer many dungeons, you'll need to try doing all sorts of things as suit the place. The way is difficult, but I'm sure you have what it takes to accomplish it. ...well then, I'm returning to town. |
Well, I guess I've finished the lesson. Of course, you have only begun to learn. To get through many dungeons, you must try many different things. It's not easy to do, but I'm certain you'll make it. Well, I must be off. |
He leaves. With nothing else happening here, Maxim does too. |