Okay, so what now? |
ティアお姉ちゃんが、お兄ちゃんを さがしてたわよ。 |
Miss Tia was looking for you, mister. |
Tia was looking for you. | ||||
That sounds like a plot hook, although... |
ティアが、変な魚を買ってきてたぞ。 夕食は、用心しろよ。 |
Tia bought some weird fish. Watch yourself at dinner. |
Seems like Tia bought some strange fish. Get ready for tonight's dinner. |
Regardless, with nothing better to do, Maxim heads to Tia's place. Where does he live, anyway? It seems unlikely that they live together, but he doesn't seem to have his own place either. The innkeeper does let him stay the night free of charge, though, and he seems to spend a lot of time in the field anyway, so maybe he doesn't need his own home. Tia stands behind the counter, as usual. |
ティア: あらマキシム。ちょうどよかったわ。 これから夕食にしようと思ってたとこ なのよ。一緒にどう? |
Tia: Ah, Maxim. Perfect timing. I was just thinking about having dinner. Would you like to join me? |
Tia: Hey Maxim. I was about to have dinner. Would you care to join me? |
マキシム: もちろん、ごちそうになるよ。 |
Maxim: Of course I would. |
Maxim: Love to. |
They head inside and sit at a small table. 1-11 "Peace of Mind" starts playing. |
ティア: きょうはすごいのよ、マキシム。 ちょっとまってね。 |
Tia: It's something special today, Maxim. Hold on a sec. |
Tia: I made something special, Maxim! Wait a minute, ok!? |
She goes over to the nearby kitchen unit, does a few things, and comes back, heaving a large fish onto the table. |
ティア: じゃーん! 幻の魚『ナワロア』のパイつつみやき でーす。 |
Tia: Ta-da! It's a baked pie of the fabled fish "Nawaroa". |
Tia: Ta-daaa! It's fish pot pie mode of 'navaroa', the phantom fish! |
幻 (maboroshi), in this case, refers to something so rare that its very existence is in doubt. つつみやき (tsutsumiyaki) refers to cooking something wrapped in paper, foil, etc. Nawaroa is just arowana (an actual type of fish) with the kana reversed. Would "anawora" be more appropriate for the English name? |
マキシム: へー、これが!? ウワサは聞い てたけど見るのは初めてだ。 |
Maxim: Wow, really!? I've heard rumors, but this is my first time seeing one. |
Maxim: Hmm so this is navaroa, huh!? I've heard of it before but never seen it. |
ティア: でしょ!あたしも初めてよ。 どんな味がするのかしらね? 早く食べましょう。 |
Tia: Thought so! It's my first time too. I wonder what it will taste like? Let's hurry up and eat. |
Tia: I know! I've never seen it either. What's it taste like, I wonder? Let's dig in. |
マキシム: どれ、それじゃ一口。 |
Maxim: Hmm, well then, I'll have a bite. |
Maxim: Well, let's see. |
He tries eating some. |
ティア: どう?おいしい? |
Tia: Well? Is it tasty? |
Tia: How is it? |
マキシム: ……うん……なんつーか……その。 ティアも食べろよ。 |
Maxim: ......um...... what can I say...... hm. You eat it too, Tia. |
Maxim: We...well...aaah...what shall I say? Hmm...I mean...um...Tia, why don't you try some? |
For how much he usually brushes aside Tia's feelings, Maxim handles this fairly well... maybe it's because food is involved? |
ティア: そうね。それじゃ、 いただきまーす。 |
Tia: Okay. Well, time to eat. |
Tia: I will. Here goes. |
Tia tries some. |
マキシム: どうだ? |
Maxim: How is it? |
Maxim: And? |
ティア: こ、これは!! マズいわね。 |
Tia: Th-this is!! It's awful. |
Tia: This...is pretty bad, that's what this is! |
マキシム: やっぱりそう思うだろ。 味付けがどうのこうの言う前に、 魚そのものがマズいよな。 |
Maxim: I figured you'd think so. Now, before you say anything about your seasoning, it's the fish itself that's bad. |
Maxim: You think so, too? It's not your cooking, it's the fish, don't you think? |
ティア: なんでこんなの幻の魚なんて 言われてるのかしら? |
Tia: I wonder why something like this is called a fabled fish? |
Tia: Why is this called the phantom fish, then? |
マキシム: マズくて誰も食わないから、 幻になったんじゃないのか? |
Maxim: Couldn't it be that it's become fabled since it's so awful no one eats it? |
Maxim: Because it tastes so bad that nobody eats it. Something like that. |
ティア: ガッカリだわ。せっかくマキシムに おいしい夕食をごちそうしようと、 思ってたのに……。 |
Tia: I'm so disappointed. And I went to all that trouble, hoping to treat you to a tasty dinner, Maxim... |
Tia: Oh, I'm so disappointed. I wanted to cook something really tasty for you. |
マキシム: でも、まぁ食べられないってほどでも ないと。レモンをしぼればクサみも消 えるし……うん、いける。 |
Maxim: But, ah, it's not so bad you can't eat it. If you squeeze lemon on it, the smell goes away, too... yeah, this works. |
Maxim: Well, maybe it's not that bad if you cover it in lemon or something. See, it's not that bad. |
ティア: うん。まぁ、これならなんとか。 |
Tia: Yeah. Hmm, it's okay like this. |
Tia: Well, I guess you could eat it that way. |
マキシム: だろ?なれれば、けっこう おいしく感じてくるぜ。 |
Maxim: Right? It seems tasty enough once you get used to it. |
Maxim: See? It's already tasting better. |
ティア: あらホント。ふしぎね。 やっぱり幻の魚っていわれる だけの事は、あるのかしら? |
Tia: Oh, it really does. How odd. I wonder if that's reason enough for it to be called a fabled fish? |
Tia: Yeah, you're right. How odd. Maybe that's why it's called the phantom fish. |
マキシム: ま、話のタネにはなったじゃないか。 あはははっ。 |
Maxim: It gave us something to talk about, at least. Aha ha hah! |
Maxim: Well, it at least brought us a cheerful evening. Ha, ha, ha! |
ティア: それもそうね。 ……さて、おなかもいっぱいになっ たし、お茶でもいれてくるわね。 |
Tia: That too. ...well, now that we're full, I'll go make tea or something. |
Tia: I guess so. Well, I'm stuffed. Let me get some tea. |
Tia heads over to the kitchen for a bit before returning. |
ティア: はい。 |
Tia: Here. |
Tia: Here you are. |
マキシム: ありがとう。 |
Maxim: Thanks. |
Maxim: Thanks. |
ティア: ……ねぇマキシム。 |
Tia: ...say, Maxim. |
Tia: Say, Maxim. |
マキシム: ん? |
Maxim: Hm? |
Maxim: Yeah? |
ティア: ……あなたって、どうして いつも戦っているの? |
Tia: ...how come you're always fighting? |
Tia: Why...are you always in battle? |
マキシム: どうしたんだ? きゅうにそんな事。 |
Maxim: What's the matter? That came out of nowhere. |
Maxim: Why do you ask such a thing all of a sudden? |
ティア: この街でモンスターと戦っているのは、 あなただけよ。……いいえ、他の街だ って、戦う事を仕事にしている人は少 ないわ。なのに、あなたはどうして? |
Tia: The only one in this town fighting monsters is you. ...no, even in other towns, there are few people who make a job of fighting. So why do you? |
Tia: You're the only one fighting monsters. Not many people fight to live. Why you? |
マキシム: ……物心ついた頃には、もう 戦ってたからな。 理由なんて考えた事もなかったよ。 |
Maxim: ...because as far back as I can remember, I was already fighting. I've never even considered the reason. |
Maxim: I've been fighting ever since I can remember. I've never asked myself why. |
ティア: ふしぎな人よね。 あなたって……。 |
Tia: You're... such a curious person. |
Tia: I've never met anyone quite like you before... |
マキシム: ……ごちそうさま、ティア。 おいしかったよ。 このお礼は、そのうちにな。 |
Maxim: ...thanks for dinner, Tia. It was good. I'll make it up to you some time. |
Maxim: ...well, thanks for dinner. I'll make it up to you sometime. |
ティア: お礼なんていいのよ。一人で食べる 食事なんて、ちっともおいしくない んだから……。また食べにきてね。 |
Tia: Don't worry about repaying me. Meals you eat all alone aren't tasty at all... Come eat again. |
Tia: Don't worry about it. It's no fun to eat alone anyway. Join me again sometime, ok!? |
マキシム: 食べるのは得意だからまかせとけ! それじゃ、またな。 |
Maxim: I'm good at eating, so leave it to me! See you later, then. |
Maxim: I'd love to! Eating is something I do very well, you see. Well, bye! |
"Town" resumes playing. As Maxim walks out, a man comes rushing into the middle of town, and the music fades out. |
おーい、みんな! 大変だぞ! |
Hey, everyone! Big trouble! |
Bad news, everyone! | ||||
He hops up and down a few times for emphasis, and the townspeople gather around. "Cave" starts playing. |
どうしたのよ? | What's wrong? | What is it? | ||||
サンデルタンへの洞窟にモンスターが うじゃうじゃ出やがったんだ! |
The damn monsters are coming out in swarms in the cave to Sandeltan! |
A horde of monsters appeared in the cave on the way to Sundletan! |
The verb suffix ~やがる (-yagaru) indicates hatred, contempt, or disdain for an action. |
ホントか!? | Really!? | Are you sure about that!? | ||||
ぶっそうな話ね。 | That's disturbing to hear. | That's horrible. | ||||
デイジーお姉ちゃん、 この街にも、モンスターが おそってくるの? |
Miss Daisy, will the monsters come attack this town too? |
Daisy, will monsters come to this city, too? |
それは、大丈夫だと 思うけど……。 |
Well, I don't think we need to worry about that... |
Well, I don't think they will, but... |
問題は、まだあるんだ。 | There's still another problem. | Unfortunately, that's not the only problem we've got on our hands. |
どう言う事だ? | What's that mean? | What do you mean? | ||||
洞窟の奥にあるドアを、モンスターが しめちまった事なんだ。 ドアのカギを見つけない限り、 もうサンデルタンに行けないぜ。 |
The monsters shut the door deep inside the cave. We can't go to Sandeltan any more until we find the key. |
The monsters have closed the door at the back of the cave. We can't get to Sundletan without the key. |
そりゃ、まずいな……。 | That sucks... | That's not good... | ||||
どうするのじゃ? | What should we do? | So, does anyone have any ideas about what we should do? |
どうするって、俺にそう 言われてもなぁ……。 |
Don't look at me... | Well... No, I don't... | ||||
Well, it's clear enough that something needs to be done, and that no one who isn't named "Maxim" is competent to do it. |
It's an unremarkable cave. "Cave" plays inside, for obvious reasons. A man stands by the entrance. |
若い女が、一人で中に入っち まったんだよ! もちろん止めたけど、ぜんぜん 聞いてくれないんだ。 でも、何か、さからいがたい ふんいきを持ってた事は、 確かなんだよな……。 |
A young woman went inside all by herself! I stopped her, of course, but she just wouldn't listen to me at all. But, it's like, she had some kind of an aura to her that was hard to argue with, that's for sure... |
A young woman went inside alone! I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen. But she seemed different from other women I know I felt like I shouldn't stop her, you know. |
Maxim continues into the cave. There are lots of monsters, but they're all rather weak. Similarly, the puzzles are generally very straightforward, mostly of the put-a-pot-on-a-switch variety. Though there's also a river with a post on the far side that he can't cross... yet. Notable treasures include a Power Source and Life Source, and the Leather Armor and Magic Jar hidden beyond the wall by the stairs just before the save point. Deep in the cave, Maxim finds special floor tiles that restore his HP and MP, along with one to save the game. Soon after, he comes across a solitary Lizardman... |
ドアのカギは、わたさんぞぉ! | I'm not handing over the Door Key! | I won't give you the key to the door! |
So Maxim has to fight. 1-13 "Battle #2" plays during this and all normal boss battles. This being a boss fight, the Lizardman is comparatively tough for this point in the game, but it's also slow and has no special abilities. There's no real strategy here beyond attacking and healing as needed. |
とびらのカギを手にいれた | Got the Door Key. | Gets the key to the door. |
マキシム: ……おかしい。 リザードマンごときに、カギを盗む 知能があるなんて……。 それに、リザードマンがドアのカギを 盗んで何の得になるんだ? 人間の生活を、ぼうがいしても、 ヤツラには、何の得もないはずだ。 ……わからない……今までに、 こんな事はなかった。 |
Maxim: ...strange. How does a mere Lizardman have the brains to steal a key...? Besides, what good does stealing the Door Key do a Lizardman? It might disrupt normal human life, but that shouldn't do them any good. ...I don't get it... nothing like this has ever happened until now. |
Maxim: I don't get it! How could the lizard men be smart enough to steal the key!? Besides, why should the lizard men steal the key? They gain nothing by disrupting human life. I just don't get it. This has never happened before! |
A young woman walks into the chamber. She has longish green hair and wears a red dress. 1-14 "The Prophet" plays. |
知りたいですか……マキシムさん。 | Do you wish to know... Maxim? | Do you wish to know why, Maxim? |
マキシム: だ、誰だ、君は? なぜ、俺の名を知っている! |
Maxim: W-who are you? How do you know my name!? |
Maxim: Wh...who are you? How did you know my name?! |
私には、未来が見えるのです。 あなたの名前も、あなたがここに来る 事もわかっていました。 |
I am able to see the future. I knew both your name and that you would come here. |
I can see the future. I know your name and why you come here. |
マキシム: な、何者なんだ……君は? |
Maxim: J-just who... are you? |
Maxim: Who are you? |
私の事より、なぜ、モンスターが 高い知能を身につけ、人間に対して 好戦的になったかを知りたくは ありませんか? |
Would you not prefer to know why the monsters have gained high intelligence and grown warlike towards humans? |
Never mind. Don't you want to know why monsters are smarter and attacking humans? |
マキシム: その原因を知っているのか? |
Maxim: You know the cause? |
Maxim: Do you know why? |
数日前、赤い光の玉が空に現れたのを 知っていますか? |
Are you aware that a ball of red light appeared in the sky several days ago? |
Are you aware of the ball of red light that appeared a couple of days ago? |
マキシム: ああ。 |
Maxim: Sure. |
Maxim: Yes. |
すべては、あの光の玉の影響です。 | All these are effects of that ball of light. | Everything that's happened has been because of that light. |
マキシム: なんだって? しかし、あの光の玉にそんな力が あるなんて、とても信じられない。 |
Maxim: Say what? I really can't believe that ball of light could have that kind of power, though. |
Maxim: What!? I can't believe that a ball of light has that kind of power. |
信じられないのは、わかります。 ですが、時は、動きだしたのです。 今は、まだ小さな波ですが、やがて 大きなうねりとなって、全人類を おそう事になるでしょう……。 |
I understand that it is unbelievable. However, time has begun to move. Now, it is yet a small wave, but soon it is likely to become a great surge and attack all of humanity... |
I understand your doubt. It is incredible, but true. But time has begun to change. Now a mere wave, later a giant swell of an attack on humanity. |
マキシム: そんなバカな……。 でも、なぜ俺にそんな話をする? |
Maxim: No way... But why tell me such a thing? |
Maxim: That's ridiculous! Why are you telling me this? |
それは……あなたが、その波に 対抗する力を持った人だからです。 |
That is...... because you are one who has the power to oppose that wave. |
Because...you have the power, the power to confront that swell. |
マキシム: 俺が? |
Maxim: Me? |
Maxim: Me? |
そうです。 | Correct. | Yes, you. | ||||
マキシム: ま、待ってくれ。 確かに、俺は戦う事を仕事にしている が、そんな大それた力を持っている とは、思っていない。 |
Maxim: H-hold on. Sure, I've made a job out of fighting, but I don't think I have such outrageous power as all that. |
Maxim: Wait a minute. It's true that fighting is my job, I know. But I don't have such great power. |
…………。 | ............ | ...... | ||||
マキシム: それに、光の玉の正体は何なんだ? モンスターなのか? それとも人間なのか? |
Maxim: And what exactly is the ball of light? Is it a monster? Or human? |
Maxim: What is this ball of light anyway? Is it mosnter or human? |
…………。 | ............ | ...... | ||||
マキシム: 戦う相手の事が何もわからないんじゃ 戦いようがないじゃないか……。 それに、全人類をまきこむような巨大な 敵に、俺一人でどうしろというんだ。 |
Maxim: How am I supposed to fight if I don't know the first thing about what I'm up against...? And what am I supposed to do on my own to an enemy so huge it involves all of humanity? |
Maxim: I need to know! What can I do against this humongous enemy of all humanity? |
あなた一人では、ありません。 邪悪な力に対抗できる人たちが、 この世界のどこかにいます。 あなたは、その人たちを見つける ために……そして、邪悪な敵と戦う ために、旅に出る運命なのです。 |
You will not be alone. There are people out there in the world who can oppose the evil power. You are fated to leave on a journey to find those people... and to do battle with an evil enemy. |
It's not just you. There are others in this world who can confront this evil power. You're destined to go on a journey to meet those people and fight against evil. |
マキシム: 戦いの……旅に……。 |
Maxim: A journey...... of battle... |
Maxim: A journey...to fight? |
そうです。あの光の玉が現れた時、 あなたの運命は決まったのです。 |
Correct. Your fate was set when that ball of light appeared. |
That's right. When that ball of light appeared, your destiny was sealed. |
マキシム: 本当に、あの光の玉がそんな、 わざわいをもたらすというのか? そして、それに対抗できる力を 俺が持ってなんて……。 |
Maxim: Does she really mean that ball of light will bring about such a catastrophe? And how could I have power that can oppose that...? |
Maxim: Will that ball of light really bring misfortune? And I have the power to handle that? |
あなたに伝えねばならない事は これだけです。 私の話を信じるも信じないも、 ……そして、旅に出るも出ないも、 後は、あなたしだいです。 |
I have told you everything that I must. Whether you believe what I say or not... and whether you go on a journey or not, depends on you now. |
This is all I can tell you. Whether or not you believe me and go on your journey is totally up to you. |
She turns and begins to leave. |
マキシム: ま、待ってくれ! |
Maxim: W-wait! |
Maxim: Wa...wait! |
……私の名はアイリス。 あなたの未来を見とどける者です。 あなたが旅に出るならば、また、 どこかで会う事になるかもしれません。 |
...my name is Iris. The one who ascertains your future. If you depart on a journey, it may come to pass that we again meet somewhere. |
My name is Iris. I am here to ascertain your future. If you go, we may meet again. |
"Iris" can be rendered into Japanese in several different ways. This version, アイリス (AIRISU), has a stronger association with the iris of the eye (appropriate for a seer), while another version used elsewhere in the game, イリス (IRISU), has a stronger association with Iris, Greek goddess of the rainbow. She departs the chamber, leaving Maxim rather confused. He feels that he has to journey on, but decides to stop by Elcid first. |
The townspeople are grateful to hear that passage through the cave is again possible, though there are other worrisome rumors as well. |
これで、一安心だな。 ありがとう、マキシム。 ところで、さっきサンデルタンからの 旅人に聞いたんだけど、最近、あの 村は、地震が多いらしいぜ。 それに、村の近くにある、 湖の洞窟じゃ、モンスターがハデに あばれまわってるそうだ。 一体、どうなってるのかねぇ? |
That's one less thing to worry about. Thanks, Maxim. By the way, as I've recently heard from travelers from Sandeltan, that village has been having lots of earthquakes lately. On top of that, in the Lake Cave near the village, monsters are causing quite a commotion. What in the world's going on? |
Whew, safe for now. Thanks, {Maxim}. By the way, I just heard from a traveler from Sundletan of constant earthquakes there. Also, monsters are going crazy in the Lake Cave near the village. What's going on anyway? |
Maxim can check in with Tia while he's here, too. |
ティア: あ、マキシム! よかった。あたしの思い すごしね。 |
Tia: Ah, Maxim! Thank goodness. I must just have been overthinking things. |
Tia: Oh, Maxim! Thank goodness, you're here. I had this weird feeling. |
マキシム: なんの事だよ? |
Maxim: What's this about? |
Maxim: About what? |
ティア: マキシム……その。 あなたが、どこかに行って しまいそうな気がして……。 |
Tia: Maxim... um. I got this feeling like you were about to go off somewhere... |
Tia: Well.., I..I had this feeling that you were going away somewhere... |
マキシム: …………。 |
Maxim: ............ |
Maxim: ...... |
ティア: ……おかしいね。 あなたはそんな事、一度も言って ないのに……ごめんね。忘れて。 それより、今日はどんな用? |
Tia: ...it's silly. You've never once said any such thing... sorry. Forget about it. Anyway, what did you want today? |
Tia: Silly me. It's nothing, forget it. So, what was it you wanted today? |
It's not exactly saying goodbye, but I think we've already established that Maxim isn't too good with this sort of thing. Maxim travels north through the cave, unlocks the door at the far end, and heads for the nearby village. And keeps the key, because it's not like he can trust these incompetents with it. |