Sandeltan, with its dirt paths and bales of hay, is a more rural village than Elcid. 1-12 "Village" plays here, a tune similar in feel to "Town", but more laid back. Everything seems to be normal here, except that the ground starts shaking violently soon after Maxim enters the town. He rather foolishly runs around with his hands in the air until it stops. The villagers seem pretty used to this sort of thing, though. |
いやー、今の地震は 大きかったなぁ。 |
Whew, the earthquake just now was a big one. |
Whew, that earthquake was a pretty big one. |
最近、地震が多いんだよ。 俺、地震がニガてなんだよなぁ。 やんなっちゃうよ。 |
Lots of earthquakes lately. I'm not so good with quakes. It's getting to be a pain. |
A lot of earthquakes these days. I hate earthquakes, you know. I just can't take it anymore. |
Maxim wanders around the village, talking to various people. A knight in the weapons shop gives him some advanced combat tips. |
俺は、戦いのごくいを 教えている。何が聞きたい? |
I'm teaching about the key to battle. What do you want to ask about? |
I teach battle secrets. What do you wish to know? |
IPの説明 | Explanation of IP | About IP. | ||||
The I in IP stands for 怒り (ikari: anger, rage, or fury). Perhaps "indignation" or "ire" would work to maintain the acronym in English. |
いいか。戦いのごくいは、 怒りのコントロールにある。 敵からダメージを受ければ、怒りが たまる。これがIPだ! そして、武器や防具には、IPを使う 事により、特殊な効果を出す物がある。 たとえば、ここのショップでは、 バトルナイフやドレスにIPがついて いる。 バトルナイフのIPは、雷に弱い敵に 強力な一撃を与えられる。 ドレスのIPはHPを回復する事が 出来る。 つまり装備は、たんに攻撃力や防御力が 高いからと言って、それに買い代えて いるだけではダメなのだ! その装備にどんなIPがついているか それが重要なのだ! 強敵には、たいてい弱点もある。 その弱点をつけるIPを持った武器を 装備する事こそ、勝利への道だ! 買い物をする時に、アイテムに カーソルをあわせて、Xボタンを 押せば、そのアイテムのヘルプが 見られる。 そして、名前のよこにIPマークが ついている物が、IP付きの装備だ。 十字キーの右を押せば、IPのヘルプ が見れる。 どの装備に、どんなIPはついている かを、しっかりと見きわめる事が、 重要だぞ! |
Listen up. The key to battle lies in controlling your rage. Your rage builds up when you take damage from an enemy. This is IP! Now, some weapons and armors produce special effects by using IP. In this shop, for instance, the Battle Knife and the Dress have associated IP. The Battle Knife's IP can inflict a powerful strike on an enemy weak to thunder. The Dress's IP is capable of recovering HP. In other words, just buying replacement equipment simply because it has high attack or defense power is no good! What sort of IP that equipment has is what's important! Even strong enemies tend to have weak points. Equipping weapons with the IP to hit those weak points, THAT is the way to victory! You can view help on an item when shopping if you put the cursor on the item and press the X button. Then you can tell the equipment with IP by the IP mark beside their names. You can see the IP help if you press right on the keypad. It's essential to make absolutey sure you know which equipment has what kind of IP! |
Listen carefully. The secret of combat is controlling rage. When you're damaged by the enemy, your rage increases. This is IP. Also, some weapons an armor can produce special effects when you use this IP. For example, among the goods in this shop, the Battle Knife and the Frock have IP. The Battle Knife IP damages enemies vulnerable to lightning. Frock IP restores HP. In other words, don't buy equipment just because it has greater attack or defense powers. What's important is what kind of IP the equipment has! Even strong enemies have their weaknesses. The key to winning in battle is to be equipped with weapons that have IP that can hit the enemy's weaknesses. When you're shopping, place the cursor on the item you like and press X to see a description. When you see an IP mark next to the item, press the + Control Pad right to see the description. It's very important to know which equipment has what IP. |
Incidentally, Maxim can't (or at least isn't willing to) wear a Dress. That suggests that a female character (or at least someone more openminded about their choice of clothing) joins the party fairly soon... |
IPの使い方 | How to use IP | How to use IP. | ||||
IPが使えるのは、戦闘時だけだ! キャンプでは、使えない。 いいか。クロスカーソルの下を押せば、 装備しているIPのリストが出る。 その中から、使用するIPを選ぶのだ。 ただし使えるのは白い色のIPだけだ。 青い色のIPは、まだ怒りが足りない から、使えないのだ。 使ったIPにより、IPのポイントが 減る。 そして、敵から攻撃を受けるとIPが 増える。 強敵には、たまった怒りを、どんどん ぶつけていけ! それが、戦いのごくいだ! |
You can only use IP during combat! You can't use it in camp. Listen up. The list of IP you have equipped appears if you hit down on the cross cursor. Choose the IP to use from those. You can only use the white IPs, though. For a blue IP, you don't have enough rage yet, so you can't use it. Your IP points decrease through the use of an IP. And whenever you suffer attacks from an enemy, your IP increases. Keep on unleashing gathered rage against powerful enemies! That is the key to battle! |
You can use IP only when actually fighting battle. Listen. Press the + Control Pad down to see the IP list of the equipment you're using. Choose your IP from the white ones. Blue means you don't have enough IP points. When you use your IP, IP points decrease. When you're hit by enemies, IP points increase. Use IP as much as you want against strong enemies. This is the key to victory! |
In battle, the player selects actions from a cross-shaped clump of icons. That's the cross cursor the knight refers to. Up, left, and right correspond to magic, item, and defend, respectively, with attack in the center. Accumulated IP lasts between battles, the amount it rises varies based on the damage received, and the amount used up by different IP effects varies depending on the effect. More damage taken means a larger increase, and more potent IP effects tend to use up more. Continuing around town, Maxim finds one old man who suggests an explanation... |
地震の原因は、湖の洞窟の ナマズ様が、あばれているからじゃ! ……だが、わしがいくら言っても 大人は誰も信じようとはせん。 |
The earthquakes are happening because the great catfish in the Lake Cave is throwing fits! ...but no matter how much I tell them, none of the adults are willing to believe me. |
A master catfish going mad in the Lake Cave caused the earthquakes! Adults don't believe me! |
As he says, none of the other adults agree with him, but none of them have any better explanations either. Maxim decides to investigate the cave. |
The cave resembles the previous one, but with more water, stronger monsters, and trickier puzzles. "Cave" plays here, too. In the first room, Maxim has to shoot a switch with an arrow to raise the water level, and then move floating log pieces onto the water to cross. In one room near a pair of recovery tiles, there are several monsters running around and a sign on the wall. |
同じき時にしたがいて矢を放て! されば道はひらかれん……。 |
Mind the same order and fire arrows! Thus shall the way be opened... |
Shoot the Arrows in the right order and you will find the way! |
This is some old-style Japanese, so I'm representing it in old-style English (or trying to, at least, as my archaic English isn't great). When Maxim kills the monsters, stationary likenesses appear out of reach. If he shoots them in the same order as he beat the monsters, a door opens, letting him continue inside to find a chest containing the Insect Killer. Another room has blocks arranged in a downward-pointing triangle, and another sign on the wall. |
上向きの三角にせよ | Make it an upturned triangle. | Create a triangle pointing upward. |
Rearranging the blocks opens another door. Inside, Maxim finds a chest of a different color. |
みずうみのカギを手に入れた | Got the Lake Key. | Found Lake key. | ||||
In another room, Maxim finds a sign next to a doorway. |
このカベの奥、しれんの道なり。 | Beyond this wall, a road of trials. | Behind this wall lies the path to the ordeal that awaits you! |
Through the door is a narrow passage crammed with monsters, but Maxim battles through them and finds a Mach Ring at the far end. Also check the top right corner from the outside... In another room, part of the floor is cracked, and there's yet another sign on the wall. |
勇気をもって、飛び込め! されば道はひらかれん……。 |
Have courage and dive in! Thus shall the way be opened... |
Be brave and dive in, and you will find the way. |
Stepping on a weak section of the floor makes Maxim fall through, but falling in the right spot triggers a switch that opens the door to continue to the heart of the cave. Further in, Maxim finds a door that only opens with the Lake Key, and inside is an underground lake. With a great rumbling, a large catfish surfaces... |
ほう、やっとここまで来れる ヤツがいたか。 しかし、キサマのような弱そうな ヤツがくるとはな。 これでは、しょうがない。 ケガをしないうちにさっさと 帰れ! |
Oh? So, someone finally managed to come this far. But I wasn't expecting someone so puny as you. I suppose it can't be helped. Hurry on home before you get hurt! |
Good. Someone's finally made it this far. Although I never expected anyone so weak. No use fighting. Go home before you hurt yourself! |
The catfish is being rather mean to Maxim, or at least condescending, even in word choice. ヤツ (YATSU) is a moderately rude term (usually) for a person, キサマ (KISAMA) is a very rude term for "you", and it's bossing him around at the end. The earth shakes again. |
マキシム: こ、この地震は、お前が 起こしているのか? |
Maxim: Th-these earthquakes, you're causing them? |
Maxim: The earthquake. Is it you who's responsible? |
このところヒマをもてあましていてな。 それで、地震を起こして誰かがここ まで来るのを待っておったのだ。 |
I've had far too little to do lately. So I've been causing earthquakes and waiting for someone to come in here. |
I was bored. I created the earthquake hoping somebody would come to me. |
マキシム: みんなが、めいわくしているんだ。 やめてくれないか? |
Maxim: It's causing everyone trouble. Would you mind stopping? |
Maxim: Your earthquake is troubling everyone.. Give it up. |
わしに勝ったら、考えてやっても いいぞ……まぁ、ムリだろうがな! |
I could consider it if you beat me... not that there's much chance of that! |
Well, I'll think about it, only if you beat me! Of course, that won't happen! |
The Giant Catfish is a lot tougher than the Lizardman, with an earthquake attack and an occasional painful lightning attack. It's also faster than Maxim, usually, depending on level and luck with statistic gains. The exact bonuses for leveling up are fairly random, though each character does tend to level differently from the others. Because of this, agility, like every other attribute except GUT (which doesn't go up on its own), depends on the whims of the random number generator to a moderate extent. However, Maxim has gotten stronger himself. The Battle Knife's Thunder Strike IP attack works well (the boss isn't actually weak against thunder, but it's still 1.5x damage), and Maxim should have a few useful spells by now (like healing!). With some difficulty, he prevails. The Giant Catfish may drop the Catfish's Cryptolith, but the odds are only 1 in 8, so don't count on it. |
ま、まいった。わしの負けだ……。 もう二度と、地震は起こさない から、カンベンしてくれ。 わしは、しばらく湖の そこで眠ってる事にするわい。 たっしゃでな……。 |
I g-give up. I lose... I won't cause earthquakes again, so forgive me. I'll go ahead and sleep at the bottom of the lake for a while. Take care... |
I...I give up...I'll never roll out another earthquake, so please forgive me. Perhaps I'll sink under the lake and sleep for a while. Yes, that's what I'll do... |
The Catfish sinks out of sight. On his way out of the cave, Maxim goes to stop by the recovery spot he found earlier. But when he enters the room, he hears a high-pitched scream... If you don't come here on your own, several NPCs mention a young woman who was looking for Maxim, and direct him back to the cave. |
キャー!! | Eeeek!! | Aaaak!! | ||||
Maxim runs into the chamber and finds monsters attacking a woman with short blue hair. It's Tia! |
ティア: マキシム!? |
Tia: Maxim!? |
Tia: Maxim!? |
The monsters, apparently recognizing the real threat, shift their attack to Maxim. He beats them without much difficulty. |
ティア: マキシム。 |
Tia: Maxim. |
Tia: Maxim. |
マキシム: ティア!なんでこんな所 に来たんだ!? |
Maxim: Tia! Why'd you come to a place like this!? |
Maxim: Tia! what on earth are you doing here!? |
ティア: あなたが……あなたが急に遠くへ 旅立ってしまいそうな気がして。 ……それで、いてもたっても いられなくなって……それで……。 |
Tia: I had a feeling you... you were about to go off on a long trip all of a sudden. ......and I couldn't bear to just wait around, and... and so I... |
Tia: I...I felt like you were going away. And I just...just couldn't help myself... |
マキシム: …………。 |
Maxim: ............ |
Maxim: ...... |
ティア: でも、きっとあたしの思い過ごしよ。 そうよ……そうに、決まってるわ。 ね、マキシム? |
Tia: But I'm sure I'm just imagining things. Yes... that has to be it. Right, Maxim? |
Tia: Silly me. You're not going anywhere. Right, Maxim? |
マキシム: …………。 |
Maxim: ............ |
Maxim: ...... |
ティア: ……ちがうのね。 |
Tia: ......that's not it, is it. |
Tia: Oh, no. You are... aren't you? |
マキシム: ……ああ。 |
Maxim: ...right. |
Maxim: Yes... |
ティア: どうして? |
Tia: Why? |
Tia: But why? |
マキシム: ちょっと前に、北の空へ飛んで行った 赤い光の玉の事は、ティアも 覚えてるよな? |
Maxim: You remember the ball of red light that went flying into the northern sky a little while ago, don't you, Tia? |
Maxim: You remember the ball of red light that flew north? |
ティア: ええ。 |
Tia: Yes. |
Tia: Uh-huh. |
マキシム: あの光は、世界を破滅にみちびく 邪悪な力を持っている……そう 俺に言った人がいるんだ。 |
Maxim: That light has an evil power that will lead the world into ruin... ...or so someone told me. |
Maxim: That light has an evil power that could lead to world destruction. That's what I was told. |
ティア: 世界を破滅にみちびくですって? とても信じられないわ。 |
Tia: Lead the world into ruin? That's hard to believe. |
Tia: World destruction? I can't believe that. |
マキシム: でも、モンスターが増え、人間に きがいをくわえるようになったのは、 事実だ。 |
Maxim: But it's the truth that there are more monsters now, and they've been causing people harm. |
Maxim: But it's true that monsters are increasing and have begun attacking people. |
ティア: たとえ、それが事実だとしても、 どうして、あなたが旅に出なくちゃ ならないのよ! | Tia: Even if that is the truth, how come you've got to leave on a journey!? |
Tia: Even if that's true, why do YOU have to go!? |
マキシム: 俺には、あの邪悪な光の玉を うち砕く力があると、その 人が言ったんだ……。 |
Maxim: I have the power to crush that wicked ball of light, that person said... |
Maxim: The same person told me that I have the power to shatter that ball of evil light. |
ティア: ……確かに、……確かに、あなたは、 普通の人より強いわ。 でも、そんな―― |
Tia: ...well... sure, you're stronger than the average person. But something like— |
Tia: It's...it's true that you're stronger than most, but still... |
マキシム: ――俺は知りたいんだよ、ティア。 |
Maxim: —I want to know, Tia. |
Maxim: I just want to know, Tia. |
ティア: ……何を? |
Tia: ...know what? |
Tia: Know...what? |
マキシム: 俺は、生まれた時から剣が使えた。 誰に、教わったわけでもなく、 自然に身についていた……。 なぜ、俺は、こんな力持って いるのか。そして、この力を 何に使えばいいのか? ……それが、わかるかもしれない。 |
Maxim: I've been able to use a sword since I was born. I was never taught by anyone, but just naturally knew how... Why do I have this kind of power? And what should I use this power for? ...I might find the answers. |
Maxim: Ever since I was born, I've known swordsmanship. No one taught me. I just knew. Why do I have this ability? What am I supposed to use it for? I have to know. |
ティア: ……決心は変わらないのね、 マキシム。 |
Tia: ......your determination isn't going to change, is it, Maxim. |
Tia: So...you're not going to change your mind... are you, Maxim? |
マキシム: ……ああ。 しばらくティアにも会えなくなる。 |
Maxim: ...right. I won't be able to see you for a while, Tia. |
Maxim: No...I won't be able to see you for a while. |
ティア: あら、そんな事ないわよ。 |
Tia: Oh, I wouldn't say that. |
Tia: That's not true. |
マキシム: えっ? |
Maxim: Huh? |
Maxim: What? |
ティア: だって、あたしも旅に 出るんだもの。 |
Tia: Well, you see, I'm leaving on a trip too. |
Tia: 'Cause I'm going with you. |
マキシム: なんだって!? いや、だめだ ティアを連れては行けない! |
Maxim: Say what!? No, no way, Tia, I can't take you with me! |
Maxim: What!? No way. I can't take you with me, Tia! |
ティア: 誰も、連れてってくれなんて 言ってないわよ。あたしだって 武器屋をやってるくらいですからね。 戦い方くらいは知ってるわ。 |
Tia: No one said a thing about you taking me. I do run a weapon shop, you know. I at least know how to fight. |
Tia: Hey, did I beg you to take me? I run a weapons shop. I know how to fight! |
Does anyone else think that equating running a weapon store with being able to fight could lead to problems? Yeah... She starts heading off without him. |
マキシム: 待てよ、ティア! うかつに歩き回ると あぶないぞ! |
Maxim: Wait, Tia! It's dangerous to walk around carelessly! |
Maxim: Wait, Tia! Don't walk around so fast, it's dangerous! |
ティア: それくらい、わかってるわよ! |
Tia: I know that much! |
Tia: I know that! |
Another monster runs up from somewhere and attacks her. |
マキシム: ティア! |
Maxim: Tia! |
Maxim: Tia! |
Maxim dispatches the offending monster in a quick battle. The music stops. |
マキシム: ムチャしやがって! |
Maxim: That was really reckless of you! |
Maxim: Are you crazy!? |
ティア: ありがとう、マキシム。 ……ごめんなさい。 でも、あたし……あたし……。 |
Tia: Thanks for helping, Maxim. ......I'm sorry. But, I... I... |
Tia: Thank you, Maxim. I....I'm so sorry, but I...I... |
マキシム: ……わかったよティア。一緒に行こう。 でも、もうあんなムチャするなよ。 |
Maxim: ...fine, Tia. Let's go together. But don't be so reckless anymore. |
Maxim: Alright, Tia. Let's go together. But don't be so rash! |
ティア: うん。 |
Tia: All right. |
Tia: Ok. |
ティアが仲間になった | Tia became a companion. | Tia joins the party. | ||||
Maxim and Tia leave the cave, and continue to travel north away from Elcid. Tia can wield whips, staves, and small knifes, and can wear lightweight armor and (of course) female-only equipment. She's weak physically and strong magically, and can learn nearly every spell. Though her GUT is low, her agility is high enough that she nearly always acts first in combat. |
Might as well make a quick stop here and check whether anyone has anything interesting to say. |
お兄ちゃんは旅をしてるんでしょ? これから、どこに行くの? |
You're traveling, right? Where are you going next? |
You're traveling, aren't you? Where are you going now? |
マキシム: いや、とくに決めてはいないん だけどね……。 |
Maxim: Well, I haven't really decided... |
Maxim: I haven't decided yet. |
それなら、アルンゼ王国によってくと いいよ。 あの国で、これからたい冠式が あるからね。 本当は、ボクもみたいんだけど、 アルンゼ王国は、北西のほこらの ずっと向こうだから……。 ボクには、ちょっと遠すぎるよ。 |
Then you should stop by Alunze Kingdom. They're about to have a coronation there. I'd actually like to see it myself, but Alunze Kingdom is waaay beyond the northern shrine... It's a little too far for me. |
Then you should go to Alunze Kingdom. They're having the coronation ceremony soon. I want to go, but it's much farther than the small shrine in the northwest. Too far for me. |
That settles that, not that there was really anywhere else to go in the first place. |
A bit out of the way beyond the border shrine, the party finds a forest that looks interesting. 1-18 "Capsule Monster" plays here. They start to look around when a woman stops them. |
私は、この森の番人……。 ここをおとずれる人は、みな、自分の 信じるもののために、戦う人たち。 ……あなたもそうなのですか? |
I am the guardian of this forest...... All those who visit here are people who fight for what they believe in. ...are you also such a person? |
I am Keeper of the forest. All who pass here fight for what they believe in. Are you such a man? |
Maxim agrees. |
そうですか。ならば、そのいずみの 前にお立ちなさい。 ここは、カプセルモンスター『ムース』 の聖地―― ――あなたの戦いが、あなたにとっての 正義をつらぬくものならば、ムースは よろこんで仲間となるでしょう。 |
I see. In that case, stand before that spring. This is the holy ground of the capsule monster Mousse— —if your battle is one that follows through on your righteousness, Mousse should gladly become your companion. |
I see. Then stand before that spring. This is the sacred ground of Capsule Monster Foomy. If your fight is just, Foomy will gladly join your party. |
Maxim stands in front of the spring nearby. Some strange lighting effects go off, and a creature that resembles a teddy bear made of soap bubbles appears. |
ムースは、あなたをみとめたようです。 ムースを大切にしてあげて下さい。 きっと、あなたの役に立つはずです。 |
It seems that Mousse has accepted you. Please take good care of Mousse. They should surely be of use to you. |
Foomy has accepted you. Take good care of him as he will be of great help to you. |
カプセルモンスターの『ムース』が 仲間になった。 |
The capsule monster "Mousse" became a companion. |
Capsule Monster Foomy joins the party. |
ムースに名前をつけてあげて ください。 |
Please give Mousse a name. | Please give Foomy a name. | ||||
The JP version uses あわあわ (Awa awa) as the default name, which translates to bubble-bubble (or foamy-foamy, or your pick of various similar things). In the NA version, the default name of "JELZE" appears to be an intentional misspelling of "gels". |
ムースは、自分の考えで戦います。 そしてムースは、戦いの中で死んで しまっても、何度でもよみがえります。 ムースも戦闘によって経験値を得て、 レベルアップします。 さらに、ムースはクラスチェンジ する事も可能です。 キャンプの『カプセル』を見ると ムースの状態を知る事ができます。 たいていは、何かのアイテムを 食べたがってますから、 そのアイテムをいくつかあたえると、 ムースはクラスチェンジします。 クラスチェンジする事により、新しい 特殊攻撃が出来るようになります。 カプセルモンスターは、ムースをはじめ 7匹存在します。 あなたに運があるならば、旅先で めぐり会う事でしょう。 複数のカプセルモンスターが仲間に なっている時は、『チェンジ』で戦闘に 出すモンスターを選んでください。 レベルアップをさせたい時は、 戦闘をくりかえす。 クラスチェンジをさせたい時は、 アイテムをあたえる。 この二つの事を忘れないでください。 あなたの行く道に光があらん事を……。 |
Mousse fights as they think best. Even should Mousse die during battle, they will return to life any number of times. Mousse, too, gains experience and levels up through battle. Furthermore, it is also possible for Mousse to class change. Look in "Capsule" in camp, and you can learn Mousse's condition. Generally speaking, they will want to eat an item of some kind, so give them several such items and Mousse will class change. By class changing, they will become able to use new special attacks. Seven capsule monsters exist, Mousse the first of them. You may come across the others later in your journey if luck is with you. When multiple capsule monsters have joined you, use Change to choose which monster to send into battle. When you want to have them level up, battle repeatedly. When you want to have them class change, give them items. Please do not forget these two things. May light be upon the road you travel... |
Foomy fights with his own will. Even if he dies during battle, he keeps coming back. Foomy's level increases by battle-won experience points. His class can also be changed. Look at "Capsule" on the Party Status screen to see how Foomy is doing. Usually he'll want to eat some of your items. After he is fed several items, his class changes. According to each class, Foomy can use different special attacks. There are seven capsule monsters, including Foomy. You will meet them when you need them. When your party has more than one monster, use "Change" to select the one you'll use in battle. To increase a monster's level, continue fighting with him. To change class, feed him items. Remember these two points. Your way is full of light...go in peace. |
Most significant distortion: Meeting the other monsters "when you need them" isn't nearly the same as meeting them if you're lucky. Capsule monsters start out at class 1 and have a growth meter that fills as they're fed items that they like. When its growth meter fills up, a capsule monster attains the next higher class. Higher classes have different appearances, better attributes, and more and (usually) better abilities. Capsule monsters can reach class 4 through normal feeding, and any of these classes can be chosen for use in combat once attained. There's usually no reason use to a lower class than the highest one available, but sometimes a lower class monster may have a more useful skill. There's also a way to switch them between the four normal classes and a special fifth class... more on that later. The effect of feeding a given item seems to be linked to the item's value, with the requested item giving an additional bonus. Higher classes have richer tastes. I've also noticed that they tend to demand different items in the JP and NA versions. Reportedly, the NA version is glitched and tends to produce demands for more rare and exotic items, while the JP version mostly asks for things you can reasonably buy. Capsule monsters may learn new skills at class change, and may also learn new skills as they continue to battle. The skills always match the element of the monster, even when they may not look like they ought to. In battle, the most annoying thing about capsule monsters is that they aren't quite party members. You can't control them, and they have a tendency to act foolishly. To make things worse, you can't target them directly, so the only way to heal them is with one of the few forced full-party recovery skills. On the other hand, it is nice to have an extra helper in battle, or at least an extra body to soak up some damage, and only rarely do they make things any worse. Occasionally a capsule monster will do something very useful, and some have very nice support abilities, but don't count on it. If only they'd use their skills more reliably! As indicated, capsule monsters keep coming back even if killed. The same goes for when they run away from battle, which many of them tend to do with disturbing frequency. The active capsule monster is always present, alive, and at full health at the beginning of every battle. The only loss if one dies or runs away is that they don't get experience for that battle, and of course won't help again until the next fight. Capsule monsters are also immune to all status ailments, so they cannot, for example, be poisoned or confused. Most, however, are susceptible to instant death attacks.
Maxim and Tia continue on their journey, taking Mousse along. Mousse makes a moderately good fighter and has middling attributes, except for a fairly high GUT, which on a capsule monster seems to mean that they're unlikely to wimp out and run away when hurt. At this point, Mousse's attacks are purely physical and minimally varied, but every little bit helps. Mousse's lack of an association with any element means a similar lack of any particular weaknesses or resistances. It also means that most monsters have no resistance to Mousse's attacks, but none have a weakness against them. |