The town of Alunze resembles Elcid in design, and has a European-style castle nearby. "Town" plays in town. Everyone's talking about the big event. |
The coronation ceremony's coming soon and we can see the crown right now. Perhaps I should go, too. |
There's about to be a coronation at the castle. And, get this, the crown that's used in the ceremony is specially on public display. Maybe I should go take a look, too... |
もうすぐお城で、たい冠式があるのよ。 それでね、その式に使われる王冠が 特別に公開されてるのよねぇ。 あたしも見に行こうかなぁ~。 |
There's also a small casino in town, with a single slot machine and some unusual prizes. |
いらっしゃいませ。 スロットマシンが一台しかないけど、 ここも、りっぱなカジノだぜ。 でも、ウワサじゃ、もっとでっかい カジノが世界のどこかにあるそうだ。 俺も行って、勝負したいぜ! |
Welcome. We may only have the one slot machine, but this is still a perfectly good casino. Rumor has it that there's a much larger casino somewhere in the world, though. I'd love to go try my luck there! |
Hi there! There's only one slot machine here, but it is a casino alright. But I hear there is a bigger casino somewhere. I'd love to go there just once for a little bet. |
If you feel like gambling, the slot machine takes 1 to 5 casino coins, which you can buy in the casino, with each coin activating a row or diagonal for potential winnings. Hold up to feed it all the coins it will take. Over time, playing the slot machine tends to pay out more than you put in, but, being a slot machine, it's random. Still, if you want any of the prizes, it might be worth it to save, weigh the button down, and come back a while later to see how much you got. The prize counter in this casino has the Flame Charm, Goddess Statue, Thunderflash Charm, Fury Knife, and See-Through Cape. The spellcasting items might come in handy now and then, while the knife is just a mediocre weapon with a common hit-all-enemies IP, and the cape provides minimal defense but prevents status effects and has an IP with the same effect as the Miraculous item (revive and restore full HP/MP). There's nothing of interest as far as plot goes, though, so the party continues on to the castle. |
The drawbridge is down and the guards are friendly enough. 1-15 "Castle" plays in the castle. The party wanders around, talking to the soldiers. |
ここはアルンゼ城です。今、王室で、 たい冠式に使われる王冠が、 特別に公開されています。 ぜひ、ごらんになってください。 |
This is Alunze Castle. The crown that will be used in the coronation is on public display in the throne room for a limited time. Please feel free to have a look. |
Welcome to Alunze Castle. The coronation crown is on public display in the throne room. |
この先は王室です。今、たい冠式に 使う王冠が公開されています。 めったに出さない物ですから、 この機会に見ておくといいですよ。 |
The throne room is ahead. The crown used for the coronation is currently on public display. We rarely ever bring it out, so I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to see it. |
Behind this door is the throne room. Now's a rare chance to see the crown. You should go look. |
As Maxim and Tia enter the throne room, they hear a shout from outside, two soldiers rush in, and then the music stops. |
こ、国王陛下ー!!!! た、大変です!! |
Y-Your Royal Majesty!!!! T-terrible news!! |
Your Majesty!!! The...The Crown!! |
I finally decided to do a little research into terms of royal address. "Your Majesty", "His Majesty", and so forth are reserved for reigning monarchs, and all words in the phrase are normally capitalized, especially when used in place of a name, as here. The Japanese term 陛下 (heika) is largely equivalent. When speaking to non-reigning members of the royal family, the proper term of address is "Your Highness", also normally capitalized. Japanese has a similar equivalent term for that, 殿下 (denka). However, this game never uses it, instead favoring more specific titles such as 王子 (ouji, prince). |
国王: な、何事じゃ!? |
King: Wh-what is it!? |
King: What is it!? |
この王冠が、ニセモノだとの 情報が入りました! |
Information has come in that this crown is a fake! |
I just learned that this crown is an imitation! |
1-23 "Despair" begins playing. Most of the people in the room crowd around the crown to take a closer look. |
信じられません! | I cannot believe it! | This can't be true! | ||||
このかがやき……どう見ても 本物にしか見えませんぞ! |
This radiance... any way you look at it, it appears to be nothing but genuine! |
The way it shines... it must be real. |
王冠のけいびに、ぬかりは ありませんでした! |
We overlooked nothing in securing the crown! |
The guards on the crown were the best! |
すりかえる事など、 とうてい不可能です! |
The very notion of replacing it with a substitute is absolutely impossible! |
It's impossible for anyone to switch crowns! |
国王: ど、ど、ど、どうなって おるのじゃ? |
King: Wh-wh-wh-what's going on? |
King: Wha...what's going on? |
とにかく、外に宝石の、かんていしを 待たせてあります。 すぐに王冠を調べてまいります。 |
In any case, we have an expert jeweler waiting outside. We will go check the crown at once. |
I have called an expert. I'll have him examine the crown right away! |
国王: そ、そ、そうか。 よし、すぐに調べてまいれ! |
King: I, I, I see. Very well, go check on it at once! |
King: Very well. Do it immediately! |
ははっ! | Yes, sir! | Yes, Your Majesty! | ||||
One of the soldiers who burst into the throne room picks up the crown, and the two begin to leave, but a ranking soldier stops them. |
ちょっと待て! | Wait a minute! | Hold on, there! | ||||
He moves around to block them from reaching the door. The music fades out. |
きさまたち、見ない顔だが、 どこの部隊の者だ? |
I've never seen your faces. Which unit are you with? |
I've never seen you before. What's your outfit, soldier? |
…………。 | ............ | ....... | ||||
どうした?なぜ答えん! | Well? Why won't you answer!? | What is it? Cat got your tongue? |
ちっ、バレちゃしょうがねぇ! | Tch, can't help it; we've been found out! | Dribbles, drubbles. I see you noticed, eh? |
The NA version overplays their quirky speech a bit, but it fits. And apparently they're Canadian too, eh? (sorry) He puts the crown down, and the two "soldiers" shed their disguises. 1-16 "The Greatest Thieves in the World" begins to play, but it's more comical than threatening. The obvious leader, who grabbed the crown, has rather effeminate blue hair. The other one has spiky blonde hair. Both wear similar thief-like clothes too unremarkable to describe in further detail. |
な、なんだぁ!? | Wh-what the!? | What the...!? | ||||
うわはははっ! 天下の大ドロボウ、ジミー様だぁ 俺の事だぁ! |
Uwa ha ha hah! It's the greatest thief under heaven, the great Jimmy! That's me! |
Welly well well! 'Tis I, Berty, world reknowned thief! |
そして、ジミー兄キの一番でし、 トミー様でぃ! |
And boss Jimmy's number one follower, the great Tommy! |
And I, as welly well. 'Tis Bart, Berty's first apprentice! Greetings. |
Why bother changing Jimmy and Tommy to Berty and Bart? Were these names meant to sound more comical? And why not Berty and Barty? On a side note, while skimming the Square Enix site for the DS game loosely based on this one, I noticed that they replaced Tommy with a gender flip named ジェミー (Gemmy, or however you want to spell it), making their names even more similar. Which made me wonder... does the English version keep the leader's name as Berty for consistency, and does it then call her Betty to maintain the similarity between their names? Yes. Yes it does. Nicely done! |
なんだぁ?キサマたちは! | What? Who are you guys! | What!? Who are you guys! |
Several of the bystanders move in to support the ranking soldier. |
トミー: おっと動くんじゃねぇぜ! |
Tommy: Whoa there, don't go moving! |
Bart: Ah, ah! Don't move! |
He steps forward, pulls a lit bomb out of somewhere, and holds it over his head. |
トミー: このバクダンが目に入れないわけ じゃぁねぇだろうなぁ? |
Tommy: It ain't like you can't see this bomb, ain't that right? |
Bart: I assume all of you can see this boomin' bomb well now, eh? |
ジミー: トミー、かまうこたぁねぇ。 ちょっと、にぎやかにしてやんな! |
Jimmy: Tommy, never mind them. Make things a tad more lively! |
Berty: What are you waitin' for, Bart? Let's party arty, eh! |
トミー: わかりやしたぜ、兄キ! |
Tommy: Got it, boss! |
Bart: Righto, Berty! |
He tosses the bomb towards the onlookers, who hastily rush out of the way. |
うわぁ!! | Whoa!! | Waaah! | ||||
なんて事を!! | How could they!! | Oh no! | ||||
は、早く火を消せ!! | H-hurry up and put out the fuse!! | Put it out! | ||||
し、しかし!? | B-but!? | Bu..but!? | ||||
ジミー: はははっ!!もうすぐ ドカンといくぜ!ドカンとよ! |
Jimmy: Ha ha hah!! It'll go BOOM real soon! BOOM! |
Berty: Ha! Ha! Ha! Watch out folks, the big one's coming! |
トミー: いくぜ~、3、2、1、ドカァ~ン!!!! |
Tommy: Here goes, 3, 2, 1, BOOOOOMM!!!! |
Bart: Here it comes... 3, 2, 1, BOOM!!! |
The bomb doesn't explode. It just sits there. |
ジミー: …………。 |
Jimmy: ............ |
Berty: ...... |
トミー: …………? |
Tommy: ............? |
Bart: .....? |
ジミー: ……どうしたトミー? |
Jimmy: ...what's going on, Tommy? |
Berty: What's goin' on, Bart? |
トミー: あ、あれぇ? いや、ちょっと待って下さい。 |
Tommy: H-huh? Um, hold on a sec, please. |
Bart: Huh? It should.... |
Tommy walks over to the bomb, presumably to take a closer look at it. |
トミー: おっかしぃなぁ? |
Tommy: That's... odd? |
Bart: I haven't got a clue, Berty. |
ジミー: なにやってんだ、トミー |
Jimmy: What're you doing, Tommy? |
Berty: What're you playin' at, Bart? |
Jimmy also moves next to the bomb, which chooses that moment to explode. The blast knocks the clueless thieves halfway across the room, leaving everyone else unscathed. Jimmy and Tommy stagger back to the middle of the room. |
ジミー: ふぅ、今日のところはこれくらいで カンベンしてやるぜ! ありがたく思うんだな! |
Jimmy: Phew, I'll let you off with just this for today! You'd better be grateful! |
Berty: Hmm! I'm a great and generous kind of thief. I'll let you go this time! |
トミー: 天下の大ドロボウ、ジミーとトミーを ここまで苦しめるとは、敵ながら あっぱれだぜ。だが、ここで つかまるわけにはいかねぇ、あばよ! |
Tommy: Even if you are our enemies, bravo on givin' the greatest thieves under heaven, Jimmy and Tommy, so much trouble. But we ain't about to get caught here. See ya! |
Bart: Welly well done! You hurt Berty and me something terrible! But no more. Gone! Poof! |
The thieves rush out of the throne room, forgetting the crown in their haste. Jimmy runs back in a moment later to grab it and run away again. The onlookers remain too stunned by this display of idiocy to think about stopping them. The music fades out. |
………………。 | .................. | ...... | ||||
………………。 | .................. | ...... | ||||
国王: なな、な、なにをしておる! あんな者に王冠を盗まれたと 知れたら、国のハジじゃ! すぐにつかまえるのじゃぁ~! |
King: Whwh-wh-what are you doing! If word gets out that the crown was stolen by such people, the kingdom will be humiliated! Seize them at ONCE! |
King: Wha...what are you doing! Do something! What if this spreads outside the kingdom!? |
わ、わかりました! | U-understood! | Yes, Your Majesty! | ||||
With the scripted event finally over, "Castle" resumes playing. Maxim and Tia head out of the throne room, continuing to talk to people in hopes of finding a lead. |
王女: あんなに、お金をかけて王冠などを 作るから、ドロボウにねらわれるの ですわ。 問題なのは、王冠の値段ではなく、 それをかぶる者……ようするに、 兄の心がけしだいだと思うの ですが……。 |
Princess: It's because we put so much money into making things like the crown that we're targeted by thieves. I think the real problem isn't the crown's cost, but has to do with the attitude of the person who wears it... my older brother, in other words... |
Princess: That crown has cost a fortune. No wonder villains are after it. The crown's price is unimportant. Its value lies in the attitude of he who wears it-my brother. |
Now that I think about it, I'm getting the impression that the prince has a tendency toward wasteful spending, and that's the problem she means. Interesting, though not a lead. But there's a servant girl who saw something suspicious... |
変な二人組の男が、奥の階段を 下りて行きましたわ! |
A pair of strange men went down the stairs in the back! |
I saw two strange men descend the back stairs! |
Following the lead, Maxim and Tia head down the stairs. Partway down, they find an unmoving soldier. |
マキシム: 大丈夫ですか? |
Maxim: Are you all right? |
Maxim: Are you alright? |
Maxim shakes the soldier a few times, perhaps rather too roughly, and he regains consciousness. |
ふ……二人組の男がいきなり バクダンを…… |
A..... a pair of men, with a bomb, and suddenly... |
Two...two men suddenly..th.. the bomb... |
マキシム: バクダンを投げられたんですか!? |
Maxim: You had a bomb thrown at you!? |
Maxim: Threw a bomb at you? |
い、いえ、私に投げる前に、 いきなりバクハツしたんです。 ですが、運わるく、バクダンの、 はへんが私の頭にあたって 気を失ったんです。 でも、あの二人はよく無事で すんだなぁ……。 |
N-no, it exploded all of a sudden before they threw it at me. But, unfortunately, a fragment of the bomb struck my head, and I lost consciousness. I'm amazed those two made it unharmed, though... |
No, no. The bomb exploded before they threw it! Fragments struck my head and I passed out. But, how could they survive the explosion anyway...? |
The party continues down the stairs until they reach the second underground floor. This section of the castle is poorly lit and in a state of moderate disrepair. 1-17 "Labyrinth" plays down here. A single soldier stands nearby. |
城の地下は、ずっと昔に使わなく なったのです。 それ以来、モンスターが住みついて 今では誰も入れません。 |
We stopped using the castle basement a long time ago. Monsters have settled in since then, and now we let no one in. |
Monsters appeared long ago when people stopped using the castle basement. |
マキシム: そんな事より、今ここを二人組の 男が通りませんでしたか? | Maxim: Never mind that. Didn't a pair of men just pass through here? |
Maxim: I see. But did you see two guys pass through here? |
えっ?いや、その、実は今、 いねむりしてたんですよ。 そういえば、何か物音が 聞こえたような気も……。 |
Huh? Uh, well, to be honest, I was dozing off just now. Now that you mention it, I feel like I heard some noises... |
What!? Ah, well, I...uh... fell asleep. Come to think of it, I might have heard some sounds... |
Maxim and Tia continue into the castle basement. As promised, there are monsters, and the condition of the building is rather poor, with plants growing in unlikely places and cracks in some of the walls. They reach a dead end, but there's a chest... |
ボムを手に入れた | Got the Bomb. | Found Bomb | ||||
...and a sign on the wall nearby. |
ボムは、箱や、ひびのはいったカベ、 柱などをこわす事が出来る。 ボムは、置いてから6歩で爆発する。 なお、剣をふるなどのアクションも、 1歩となるので、その場で6回 剣をふっても爆発する。 ボムを使いたい時は、 セレクトボタンを押して、 スキル・リングを呼び出して使用せよ。 |
The Bomb can destroy boxes, cracked walls and pillars, and so on. A Bomb explodes six steps after placement. Additionally, actions such as swinging your sword also count as a step, so it also explodes if you swing your sword six times in place. When you want to use the Bomb, press the select button and call up the skill ring to put it to use. |
Bombs can blast boxes, cracked walls and pillars. They explode six steps after placement. One swing of your sword is considered one step. So six swings will detonate a bomb! To use a bomb, press the Select button to call up the Skill Ring. |
An additional trick to using the Bomb is that one Bomb will explode immediately if another Bomb explodes right next to it. This can be used to set off chains of explosions. Occasionally, it's even useful. Maxim tries blasting the cracked wall he saw earlier, opening up another passage. Before long, the party reaches a room with a colored blocks puzzle and a convenient sign on the wall explaining what to do. |
同じ色の光がつらなる時、 その光は消える……。 すべての光が消えた時、 道は開ける……。 |
When lights of the same color stand in a row shall those lights disappear... When all lights have disappeared shall the way open... |
When the same colored lights align, the light vanishes. When all vanish, the path opens up. |
The idea is to push the blocks around to line up those that are the same color. Lining up three or more of the same color block causes those blocks to disappear. The trickiest part of the puzzle is that two of the colors have five blocks, making it necessary to eliminate all five at once. Somewhere in the middle of the labyrinth are HP and MP recovery tiles and a save point. Continuing on, the party comes to a room with four buttons in the floor, a teleporter, and another sign. |
スイッチにより、ワープは 四つの部屋へと飛ぶ……。 |
By the switches doth the warp leap to four rooms... |
The switches warp you to four different rooms. |
With no buttons pressed, the warp point goes to the same room that it's in. Placing a pot on one of the switches will change the destination to one of four other rooms depending on the button pressed. The starting room and one of the destinations give access to blocks that have to be pushed onto switches to open a path from one of the other rooms. One destination room contains a monster that circles around a central barrier opposite Maxim's movements; getting it caught on an irregularity in the room allows the party to catch it, and beating it gives access to a treasure chest containing a Knife of Light. One destination room has a maze of spikes, some of which rise when Maxim approaches them, blocking access. This room has a Mysterious Fruit, and going around the outside leads to a cracked wall hiding a Miraculous. One room has a box on a switch in one corner and an unreachable chest in the other. Removing the box extends a bridge to the chest, but shuts the player in with the switch, leaving the chest still unreachable. The trick is to place a bomb by the box and move away, destroying the box after a delay and letting Maxim cross to find a Dragon Egg in the chest. Dragon Eggs have no apparent purpose now, but they're useful later. Much later. Anyway, continuing a bit deeper into the labyrinth, the party finds a doorway with a sign next to it. |
この先、地下水路あり。 関係者以外立ち入り禁止。 |
Ahead is the underground waterway. Entry forbidden save to authorized personnel. |
The underground waterway lies ahead. No trespassing! |
They have a pair of thieves to catch, so Maxim and Tia ignore the sign and continue through the door. They spot the thieves in the dry water channel. Jimmy is still carrying the crown. "The Greatest Thieves in the World" plays. |
ティア: マキシム、あの二人組よ! |
Tia: Maxim, it's those two! |
Tia: Maxim, look! Those two guys! |
マキシム: お前たち、そこを動くな! |
Maxim: You there, don't move! |
Maxim: You! Don't move! |
Of course, the thieves run to the far side of the channel, where there are two switches in the floor. Maxim and Tia hop down after them. |
ジミー: ここまで追ってくるとは、 たいしたヤツだな。 だが、そこに降りたのが、 キサマの運のつきだ!! |
Jimmy: You're quite some guy to have chased us this far. But your luck ran out when you dropped down there!! |
Berty: I applaud your efforts in coming this far. But you shouldn't have jumped down there, you see!! |
He steps on one of the switches, raising a barrier down the middle of the waterway, between the two groups. |
ジミー: うわっはははっ!おどろいたかぁ! ここには、こんなしかけがあるん だぜぇ! |
Jimmy: Uwah, ha ha hah! Surprised? There's even tricks like this here! |
Berty: Ha, ha! Surprised? Weren't expectin' such terrible tricks underground,were you? |
ティア: マキシム!どうするの? |
Tia: Maxim! What'll we do? |
Tia: What are we going to do, Maxim!? |
ジミー: ははははっ!およぐじゅんびは 出来てるかなぁ~? 次は水が出るぜぇ! よし、トミー。やっちまいな! |
Jimmy: Ha ha ha hah! You all ready to swim, hmm? The water comes out next! All right, Tommy. Do it! |
Berty: You ready to swim? The wily water's on its merry way! Alright Bart, do it! |
トミー: がってんでさぁ、兄キ! |
Tommy: Gotcha, boss! |
Bart: Righto, boss! |
Tommy steps on the other switch. The sound of rushing water is heard. A moment later, a torrent of water rushes into the side of the channel where the thieves are, washing them out of sight. After a few seconds, the water stops. |
マキシム: …………。 |
Maxim: ............ |
Maxim: ...... |
ティア: ……おもしろい人たちね。 |
Tia: ...such interesting people. |
Tia: What weirdos. |
Maxim finds a switch nearby that lowers the barrier and lets them climb out of the channel. "Labyrinth" resumes playing. A short distance down the waterway... |
ティア: マキシム、見て、王冠よ! |
Tia: Maxim, look, the crown! |
Tia: Maxim, look! The crown! |
マキシム: 流されてるうちに、落としたんだな。 |
Maxim: They must have dropped as they were being washed away. |
Maxim: They must have dropped it when they were washed away by their "wily" water! |
ティア: あの人たちは、どうしたのかしら? |
Tia: I wonder what happened to them? |
Tia: Whatever happened to them? |
マキシム: さぁな……。どこまで流されて 行ったのやら。 |
Maxim: Who knows...? No telling how far they got swept away. |
Maxim: I have no idea. How far were they carried anyway? |
ティア: 大丈夫かしら? |
Tia: I wonder if they're okay? |
Tia: I wonder if they're ok? |
マキシム: 大丈夫だろ。 あのタイプの人間は、そう カンタンには死なないよ。 |
Maxim: I'll bet they're fine. People like that never die so easily. |
Maxim: I wouldn't worry. They're the type that always comes back to bug you over and over. |
ティア: それもそうね。 |
Tia: You have a point. |
Tia: Yeah, you're right. |
王冠を手にいれた | Got the Crown. | Gets the crown. | ||||
Now that they have the crown, Maxim and Tia work their way back upstairs. The basement guard remains oblivious... |
えっ、王冠を取り戻したんですって! ……でも、王冠なんて、盗まれてたん ですか? |
Huh, you recovered the crown!? ...wait, the crown had been stolen? |
What!? You took the crown back! Great! But... uh...I didn't know the crown had been stolen. |
...but others are more grateful. |
王女: 王冠を取り戻してくださったの ですね! ありがとうございます。 兄も、あなたのようになれれば、 この国もあんたいですわ。 |
Princess: I see you recovered the crown for us! Thank you. If only my brother were like you, all would be well for our country. |
Princess: Thank you for returning the crown to us. Oh, I wish my brother could be more like you, for the sake of our country! |
今回の事件で、王子も、しっかりと した考えを持つようになりました。 その意味では、あのドロボウに感しゃ する必要がありますな。 |
The recent incident has even made the prince think with a level head. In that sense, I suppose we have to be grateful to those thieves. |
The theft has made our Prince rethink his ways. I say maybe we should thank those thieves. |
王子: 今回の事件は、ボクが王になるのは まだ早いのだと、神がおっしゃって いるにちがいない。 もっと、いろいろな事を、まなんで 王になる資格を身につけるよ。 |
Prince: The recent incident was unmistakably a message from the divine that it is still too early for me to become king. I must continue my studies and earn the qualifications to be king. |
Prince: This must be an omen signifying that it is not yet my time to reign. I will study all of life with all my heart to become King in my own right. |
王妃: 王冠を取りもどしていただき、 かんしゃの言葉もありません。 |
Queen: There are no words that can express our gratitude for your recovering the crown. |
Queen: I don't know how to thank you for retrieving our precious crown. |
国王: そ、そなたが王冠を取りもどして くれたのだな。アルンゼ王国を だいひょうして、礼を申すぞ。 ありがとう。 さて、そなたには、ほうびをとらす。 何がよいかのぅ、ささ、好きなものを もうせ。 |
King: Y-you recovered the crown for us. On behalf of Alunze Kingdom, I give you my thanks. We are grateful. Now, I would have you accept a reward. Hm, what would be fitting? Come now, tell me what you would like. |
King: You retrieved our crown, did you not? On behalf of the kingdom, I thank you. I would like to reward you. What would you like? |
Maxim has four choices for his response... First, the straightforward but boring choice: |
お金が欲しい | I want money. | Money. | ||||
国王: わかった。そなたには 2000GOLDのほうびを さずけよう。 |
King: Understood. I shall grant you a 2000 gold reward. |
King: Very well. I will reward you with 2000 gold pieces. |
The second choice would make more sense if Maxim was a womanizer, which he doesn't seem to be, but it's still vaguely amusing: |
お姫様が欲しい | I want the princess. | Princess. | ||||
国王: なに?姫を欲しいと申すか! それには姫の気持ちも考えねば ならぬしのぅ……。 しかし、それよりも、連れの女性が すごい顔でニラんでおるが、そっち の方は大丈夫なのか? まぁいろいろと問題もありそうじゃ。 ここは、500GOLDのほうびで なっとくしてくれぬか。たのむ。 | King: What? The princess, you say!? For that, we must also consider the princess's feelings... But more importantly, the woman with you is giving you quite a scowl. Is everything all right on that end? This seems all sorts of problematic. Won't you agree to a 500 gold reward instead? Please. |
King: What!? The Princess? Well, that's for her to decide. The woman beside you is glaring at you. Are you quite sure of your decision? I believe this will cause you much trouble. Why not settle for 500 gold pieces? |
The third answer is just silly. Apparently the script writers had a bit too much... I'll say "coffee"... |
王様が欲しい | I want the king. | King. | ||||
国王: なな、なんと!! わしが欲しいと申すか!? しかし、そ、それは……いや、 どうしても欲しいともうすのなら 考えてもよいが……。 いや、もちろんジョウダンじゃぞ! ま、ここは1000GOLDのほうび でなっとくしてくれぬか。たのむ。 |
King: Whwh-what!? You say you want me!? But th-that's... well, no, if you insist that you want me, I could consider it, but... No, this is all a joke, of course! Well, won't you agree to a 1000 gold reward instead? Please. |
King: Wh...what!? You want me as your reward!? But..No, no. Well, if you insist, I'll think about it...No, of course not. I was joking, you see! Well, why not settle for 1000 gold pieces? |
And finally, the choice a noble adventurer would make: |
なにもいらない | I don't need anything. | Nothing. | ||||
国王: なに、何もいらぬと申すか! なんとよくのない者じゃのう。 気に入った!3000GOLDの ほうびを、ぜひもらってくれ。 |
King: What, you would ask for nothing!? What an unselfish person you are. I like it! I insist that you accept a 3000 gold reward. |
King: What!? You want nothing? I admire your generosity. I shall reward you with 3000 gold pieces. |
The choice Maxim makes only affects the king's response and how much gold the reward is. There aren't any lasting aftereffects, which is kind of a shame... |
国王: そなたには、本当にかんしゃ しておる。ありがとう。 ところで、たい冠式じゃが、こんな事が あった後では、やりにくい。 まず、ドロボウなどに入られない国を 作る事にせんねんする事にした。 式は、それからでもおそくは あるまい。 |
King: We are truly grateful to you. Thank you. The coronation, by the way, would be difficult to hold after something like this. I have decided to first devote myself to making a country that the likes of thieves cannot enter. I'm quite certain the ceremony can wait until then. |
King: I appreciate all you've done. Thank you. We have postponed the ceremony. I shall rebuild my kingdom and make it impregnable to thieves. Then the ceremony shall be held. |
Now that that's over with, Maxim and Tia head for the far end of the kingdom to continue their journey. |