The shrine resembles the one on the kingdom's southern end where nothing of note happened. 1-21 "Door of Journey" plays in such shrines. Inside are a boy... |
アベルのやつ、ドアのカギを宝探し ゴッコの宝にしたんだよ。 あのカギは、大切な物だから僕は やめようって言ったんだけど……。 |
That Abel, he made the door key the treasure for our treasure hunting game. That key's an important thing, so I said we'd better not, but... |
Abel used the door key for the treasure hunting game. I said we shouldn't, but... |
...an old man... |
アベルがドアのカギを持って洞窟に 行ってしまった。 あれほど、カギを遊びに使っては いかんと言っておいたのに! それにしても、まだ帰って こないとは……。 少し、心配じゃのぅ。 |
Abel took the door key and went off to the cave. And I've told him so often that he must not use the key for playing! At any rate, for him not to have come back yet... I'm a bit worried. |
Abel took the door key and went to the cave. I've told him he can't treat the key like a toy! He still hasn't come back. I'm starting to worry... |
...and a woman with short straw-blonde hair and wearing a light blue dress. |
ああ、どうしましょう……。 | Aah, what should I do...? | Oh, what shall I do!? | ||||
マキシム: どうかしたんですか? |
Maxim: Is something the matter? |
Maxim: What's the matter? |
私は、北の街『タンベル』から サンダルタンに買い物に来たのです。 買い物もすませ、帰ろうと思ったの ですが、ほこらのドアのカギが なくなってしまったそうなんです。 これでは、タンベルに帰れません。 兄さんも心配してるだろうに……。 |
I came to Sandeltan from Tanbel, the city to the north, to shop. I finished my shopping and meant to go home, but they say the key to the shrine's door is missing. I can't get back to Tanbel like this. I'll bet my big brother is worried, too... |
I'm from the town of Tanbel north of here. I came to Sundletan to do some shopping. I finished shopping and wanted to go home, but I couldn't find the key to the small shrine's door. I won't be able to return to Tanbel. My brother is probably worried about me. |
It looks like Maxim and Tia have to go find that key... |
It's a cave, so "Cave" plays. There's a boy just inside the entrance. The dialog goes a bit differently if Maxim and Tia haven't already been to the shrine, but the overall idea is the same. |
マキシム: 君は、もしかして、 アベル君かい? |
Maxim: Would you happen to be Abel? |
Maxim: Are you Abel, by any chance? |
アベル: ……そうだけど、僕に 何か用なの? | Abel: ...yeah, did you want something? |
Abel: Yes. What is it? |
マキシム: 君が持ち出したカギを さがしに来たんだ。 |
Maxim: I came here looking for the key you carried off. |
Maxim: I came here to find the key you've taken. |
アベル: ああ、じつは…… カギは……。 |
Abel: Well, actually...... The key... |
Abel: Oh, that. The key is... |
ティア: ……どうしたの? |
Tia: ...what's wrong? |
Tia: What's wrong...? |
アベル: カギは……その……。 |
Abel: The key... well... |
Abel: The key is... |
マキシム: おじいさんが、おこっていたぞ! 大切なカギをオモチャにしちゃ だめだって! |
Maxim: The old man was angry! He says you can't make a toy out of an important key! |
Maxim: Your grandpa was so upset! He said you shouldn't treat that key as a toy! |
In case it's not obvious, Maxim is being... somewhat less than tactful. |
アベル: ホ、ホントに? ……どうしよう。 |
Abel: R-really? ......what'll I do? |
Abel: Uh oh! I'm in trouble... |
マキシム: さぁ早く、カギを出すんだ! |
Maxim: Now hurry up and give me the key! |
Maxim: Give me the key right now! |
アベル: でも……その……あの……。 |
Abel: But... that is... well... |
Abel: But...but... |
マキシム: どうしたんだ? 早く言わないと―― |
Maxim: What's wrong? If you don't tell me quick— |
Maxim: What is it? Come on! |
ティア: ――ちょっとマキシム。 だめよ、そんな言い方じゃ。 |
Tia: —hold on, Maxim. You can't say it like that. |
Tia: Hey, Maxim. It doesn't work that way. |
She sort of pushes him off to the side and has a little one-on-one with Abel. |
ティア: ねぇ、おこらないから、お姉さんに 本当の事を言ってくれないかな? |
Tia: Look, I won't get mad, so would you mind telling me the truth? |
Tia: Would you tell me what really happened? I won't get upset at you. |
アベル: …………。 |
Abel: ............ |
Abel: ...... |
ティア: お願い。 |
Tia: Please. |
Tia: Please. |
アベル: ……さっき、とつぜん大きな モンスターが出たんだ。 それで、おどろいて、とっさに カギを投げつけちゃったんだ。 そうしたら、そのモンスターが カギを持って、ダンジョンの奥 に行っちゃったんだよ。 |
Abel: ...earlier, a big monster suddenly came out, and I got surprised and just threw the key at it. When I did that, the monster took the key and went deep into the dungeon. |
Abel: A huge monster suddenly appeared and I was so freaked I threw the key at it. And that monster took the key and went inside the dungeon. |
ティア: ……そうだったの。 大丈夫よ。カギはあたしたちが 見つけてあげるから。 |
Tia: ...I see. It's okay. We'll find the key for you. |
Tia: Ok. I understand. Don't worry. We'll find the key for you. |
アベル: ホントに!? |
Abel: Really!? |
Abel: Really!? |
ティア: ええ。だから、もうこんな 事しちゃだめよ。いい? |
Tia: Yes. So don't do anything like this any more. Okay? |
Tia: Yes. So promise me you're not going to do this again, ok? |
アベル: うん。おじいちゃんにも あやまるよ。 |
Abel: Yeah. I'll apologize to gramps, too. |
Abel: I promise. And I'll apologize to grandpa, too. |
ティア: いい子ね。 さぁ、ここは危ないから、 おじいちゃんの所へ帰りなさい。 |
Tia: Good boy. Go on, it's dangerous here, so go back to grandpa. |
Tia: That a boy. Now, this place is dangerous, so go back to your grandfather's. |
アベル: うん。お姉ちゃんたちも 気をつけてね。 | Abel: Okay. You guys be careful, too. |
Abel: I will. Please be careful. |
Abel leaves the cave. |
マキシム: 子供のあつかいがうまいな、 ティア。 |
Maxim: You're really good at handling children, Tia. |
Maxim: You're so good with kids, Tia. |
ティア: ……いつ出来てもいいように、 練習してるのよ。 |
Tia: ...I practice to make sure I'm ready to have one. |
Tia: I'm just prepared, that's all. |
マキシム: ……ふーん。 |
Maxim: ...hmm. |
Maxim: Of course. |
ティア: これでわかってくれるようなら、 あたしも苦ろうしないんだけどなぁ。 |
Tia: It would be a lot easier for me if you'd understand what I'm trying to say here. |
Tia: If only he could understand what I mean by that, I wouldn't be so frustrated. |
I used to think the original made it sound like she just said something he'd understand easily to save herself trouble, but that doesn't seem right anymore. I think she's actually trying to hint that she wants to have children. His children. And it's frustrating her that he never catches on to all the hints she keeps dropping. Sure, this isn't the most direct hint, but it was pretty obvious where she was heading with her earlier flirtatious suggestion that he become a shopkeeper, and it's likely that she's been dropping hints since quite some time before the beginning of the game. |
マキシム: 何考えてるんだ、ティア? |
Maxim: What're you thinking about, Tia? |
Maxim: What's on your mind, Tia? |
ティア: なんでもないわよ。 さぁ、行きましょうマキシム。 |
Tia: It's nothing. Come on, let's go, Maxim. |
Tia: Oh, nothing. Let's go, Maxim. |
This cave makes the puzzles a bit more interesting. The first room has some simple bridging and switches. One room has three buttons that need to be pressed for the door to open, but only two pots; the trick is to get a monster to step on the third one (alternately, there's a third pot hiding behind one of the pillars). Another has a secret passage in the wall between two doors, leading to a chest with Light Armor. Yet another room has a passage hidden behind a clump of vines, good for a Bravery Source and Miraculous. One room has a staircase that only appears when a pot is placed on a specific floor tile. This staircase leads to a two-part puzzle. First, pushing a block onto a switch through grass that grows back (Bombs handle these) makes a ladder appear; next, hitting a switch to drop away part of the floor while standing on that part allows for actually reaching the ladder to collect the Jet Helm. The only other real puzzle is crossing a narrow stream. There are two pillars on each side, and pushing one into the stream creates a platform there. Two is enough to cross the stream at its narrowest point, but there's also a secret passage on the eastern edge of the water that can be reached by pushing the two other pillars in from the north bank, good for a Witch Ring. The rest of the cave is fairly straightforward. Deep within the cave, Maxim and Tia find a big ugly goblin guarding a chest. |
なんだお前は? | Whaddaya want? | Who are you? | ||||
マキシム: 子供が投げたカギをひろっただろう? 返してくれないか。 |
Maxim: You took the key the kid threw, right? Would you give it back? |
Maxim: Didn't you pick up the key a little kid threw at you? We'd like it back, if you don't mind. |
あれは、もう俺の物だ。 だれにもわたさんぞ! |
It's mine now. I won't hand it over it to anyone! |
It's mine now. I'll never let it go! |
So it's another boss fight. The goblin attacks twice in a round and can summon lesser goblins. However, Tia's a lot better at healing than Maxim is, which helps a lot with staying alive, and frees him up to attack more often. The goblin bites the dust, and Maxim opens the chest. |
ほこらのカギを手に入れた | Got the Shrine Key | Found Shrine key | ||||
With that over, the party heads back to the shrine. |
Abel is here, along with everyone who had been here before. As in the cave, the dialog is a bit different if you didn't come here earlier. |
アベル: もう宝探しゴッコにカギを 使うのはやめるよ。 よーし。次は何を使おうなぁ。 |
Abel: I'll stop using the key for our treasure hunting game any more. O-kay. What'll I use next time? |
Abel: I won't use the key for my treasure hunting game any more. So, what can I use now? |
あのダンジョンの地下4階まで 行ったの?すごいや。僕たち なんて入り口のまわりまでしか こわくて入れないのに……。 | You went down four floors deep in that dungeon? Wow. We get too scared to go much farther than the entrance... |
Did you reach B4 in the dungeon? We only made it to the entrance area. It's just too scary. |
アベルから話は聞きました。 あの子もすなおにあやまったので ゆるしてあげましたよ。 |
I heard from Abel what happened. I forgave the boy because he apologized sincerely. |
I heard the story from Abel. He apologized sincerely so I forgave him. |
まぁ、カギを見つけたのですか。 助かりました。これでタンベルに 帰れます。 そうだ、もしタンベルに来る事があれ ば、ぜひ、私の家に来てください。 タンベルで宿屋をやってるんです。 私はヒルダといいます。 宿代はサービスしますから、タンベルに よった時は、ぜひいらしてください。 兄もきっと、よろこびますわ。 それでは、失礼します。 |
Oh my, you've found the key? That's a relief. Now I can return to Tanbel. Oh yes, if you ever come to Tanbel, please be sure to come to my house. I run an inn in Tanbel. My name is Hilda. I'll waive the lodging fee, so please feel free to stay over when you visit Tanbel. I'm sure my big brother will be delighted as well. Well then, excuse me. |
Thank goodness. You found the key. Now I can go back to Tanbel. Oh! If you are ever in Tanbel, please stop by. We run an inn there. I'm Hilda. We'd be pleased if you'd stay at our inn for free next time you come. Well then, I must be on my way. |
Yes, she's the same Hilda who appears in the opening sequence. Hilda goes to walk through the door, then realizes that it's still locked. |
ヒルダ: そういえば、まだドアを開けて もらってませんでしたね……。 私ったら……もう。 |
Hilda: Come to think of it, I haven't had you open the door for me yet... Silly me... |
Hilda: Oops, I guess I forgot to have you open the door. |
Hilda steps back, and Maxim opens the door. |
マキシム: さぁ、どうぞ。 |
Maxim: There, go ahead. |
Maxim: Go ahead. |
ヒルダ: お手数を、おかけしました。 それでは、失礼します。 |
Hilda: Sorry to trouble you. Now then, excuse me. |
Hilda: Thanks for all your trouble. Goodbye. |
And this time, she really does leave. The party also goes into the shrine, through a teleporter to the other side, and continues on to the next town. Maxim takes this key with him, too. Maybe they can have it back once they've proven more competent. |
"Town" plays in the town, which resembles Elcid, though with a more open layout. Hilda stands near the entrance. |
ヒルダ: まぁ、タンベルに来てくれたんですね。 ……ええっと……そう言えば、 まだ名前を聞いてもいませんでしたね。 |
Hilda: Ah, you've come to Tanbel. ...err... come to think of it, I haven't gotten your names yet. |
Hilda: Oh, you came to Tanbel. Let's see...I guess I haven't got your names. |
マキシム: マキシムです。 彼女はティア。 |
Maxim: I'm Maxim. She's Tia. |
Maxim: I'm Maxim. And this is Tia. |
ティア: こんにちは。 |
Tia: Hello. |
Tia: Hello! |
ヒルダ: ほこらでは、本当に 助かりました。 |
Hilda: You were a real help at the shrine. |
Hilda: Thank you so much for what you did at the small shrine. |
A man, with somewhat messy golden-blond hair and wearing light armor and green pants, walks up from inside the town and stops beside Hilda. |
ヒルダ: あら、兄さん。ちょうどよかったわ。 これから行こうと思ってた所なの。 |
Hilda: Ah, big brother. Perfect timing. I was just about to go get you. |
Hilda: Oh, it's you, brother! I was just about to go and talk with you. |
ヒルダ。この人たちは? | Hilda. Who are they? | Hilda, who are these people? |
ヒルダ: 私がほこらでこまっている時、 カギを見つけてくれた人よ。 こちらがマキシムさんで、 彼女はティアさん。 | Hilda: They're the people who found the key when I was in trouble at the shrine. This one is Maxim, and she's Tia. |
Hilda: They found the key when I was in trouble at the small shrine. This is Maxim and Tia. |
マキシム: はじめまして。 |
Maxim: Nice to meet you. |
Maxim: Glad to meet you. |
ヒルダ: それで、これが私の兄の ガイです。 |
Hilda: And this is my big brother Guy. |
Hilda: This is my brother, Guy. |
Yes, the same Guy that appears in the opening. |
ガイ: ほこらでは、妹が世話になった そうだな。 俺からも礼を言わせてもらうよ。 |
Guy: Sounds like my little sister owes you one from the shrine. Let me thank you too. |
Guy: I hear you helped my sister at the small shrine. Thank you. |
ヒルダ: マキシムさん。きょうはぜひ ウチに泊まってください。 ごちそうをじゅんびしますから。 |
Hilda: Maxim, please feel free to stay at our home today. I'm going to get a big meal ready. |
Hilda: Maxim, please stay here today. I'll cook something special for you. |
ガイ: それがいい!ヒルダも、料理だけは うまいから、ぜひ食べてってくれよ。 |
Guy: Good idea! Cooking's the one thing Hilda's really good at, so be sure to come eat. |
Guy: That's a great idea. I don't know about her other abilities, but her cooking is pretty good. |
ヒルダ: 『だけ』ってのは何よ、兄さん。 |
Hilda: What's this "the one thing", big brother? |
Hilda: And just what do you mean by that!? |
ガイ: あれ?ほかになにか、得意な ものでもあったか? |
Guy: Huh? Did you have any other strong points or anything? |
Guy: Well, is there anything else you can do really well? I just can't think... |
ヒルダ: なに言ってるのよ。宿のけいえいから、 食事にそうじ、せんたくまで。 兄さん一人じゃ、何も出来ないくせに。 |
Hilda: Excuse me? I do everything from managing the inn, to meals and cleaning, to laundry. And here you can't do a thing on your own. |
Hilda: What are you saying? I manage the inn, cook, clean and even do laundry. You can't do anything! |
ガイ: 俺だって、せんたくぐらい 出来るぞ! |
Guy: Hey, I can at least do laundry! |
Guy: I do my own laundry! |
ヒルダ: 力まかせにあらって、服をボロボロ にしちゃうのが『せんたく』だって 言うのなら、確かに、兄さんにしか 出来ないけどね。 |
Hilda: If you call washing with all the strength you've got and making the clothes fall apart "laundry", then sure, no one else but you can manage it. |
Hilda: Yeah right! If tearing apart the clothes is called doing laundry, you do that really well, huh!? |
ガイ: …………。 |
Guy: ............ |
Guy: ...... |
ティア: うふふっ。 |
Tia: *giggle* |
Tia: Ha, ha, ha! |
ヒルダ: だめよねぇ男って。何にも出来ない くせに、えらそうにしてるんだから。 ねぇ、ティアさん。 |
Hilda: They're hopeless, men. They can't do a thing and yet make themselves out to be important. Isn't that right, Tia. |
Hilda: Men! They can't do a thing by themselves, yet act like they rule the world. Don't you agree, Tia? |
ティア: ほんとねぇ。 |
Tia: It's the truth. |
Tia: Yeah, I know what you mean. |
マキシム: ……なんだよ。 |
Maxim: ...excuse me? |
Maxim: What? |
ティア: いいえ、なんでもないわよ。 うふふふっ。 |
Tia: Never mind, it's nothing. *giggle* |
Tia: Never you mind Ha, ha, ha! |
ガイ: ま、まぁとにかく今夜はウチに 泊まっていってくれ。 ヒルダ、ほら早くじゅんびしろよ。 |
Guy: Uh, well, anyway, go stay at our place for tonight. Hilda, hurry up and get ready. |
Guy: In any case, please stay today. Hilda, why don't you go and fix up something? |
ヒルダ: はいはい。 |
Hilda: Yeah, yeah. |
Hilda: Coming right up. |
That's actually a formal "yes", doubled for emphasis, but especially considering the context, she has to be saying it with some sarcasm. Hilda heads into a nearby house. |
ガイ: 俺は奥の広場で、けいこをしている。 よかったら、後で手合わせして くれないか? |
Guy: I'm training in the plaza out back. If you're interested, would you spar with me later? |
Guy: I'll be in the square out back training. Why don't you join me later? |
マキシム: ええ。よろこんで。 |
Maxim: Sure. With pleasure. |
Maxim: Sure. I'd love to. |
ガイ: それじゃ、待ってるぜ。 |
Guy: I'll be waiting, then. |
Guy: See you then. |
Guy leaves for the back of the town, where he came from earlier. |
ティア: 仲のいい兄妹ね。 それに、ふたりともとっても いい人みたいだし。 | Tia: Those two get along well. And they both seem like very good people too. |
Tia: They're so close. They appear to be nice people, too. |
マキシム: そうだな。 |
Maxim: Yeah. |
Maxim: Yeah. |
Maxim and Tia look around town, and eventually go out to the plaza where Guy is. |
ガイ: よう、マキシム。 さっそく手合わせ してくれるのかい? |
Guy: Hey, Maxim. You ready to spar with me? |
Guy: Hey, Maxim! Are you ready to have a little match? |
ガイ: よし!それじゃ始めよう。 |
Guy: All right! Then let's start. |
Guy: Well, let's get to it then! |
Tia moves off to the side, out of the way. |
ガイ: 本気でやっても いいか? |
Guy: Okay if I fight for real? |
Guy: Can I strut all my stuff? |
マキシム: 本気じゃないと、 あなたが、ケガしますよ。 |
Maxim: If you're not serious about it, you're going to get hurt. |
Maxim: You'd better or you might end up getting hurt. |
ガイ: ふっ、言うじゃねーか。 ……行くぜ! |
Guy: Heh, you talk a good fight. ...here we go! |
Guy: You're that confident, huh!? Ok. Comin' at you! |
Guy launches into the air, and Maxim braces to counter, but they're interrupted... |
ガイさーん!! | Guuuy!! | Guy!! | ||||
A man rushes into the plaza from the front end of town. |
ガイ: なんだよ!? 今、いいカンジだったのに! |
Guy: What is it!? I was just getting into this! |
Guy: What!? We were just getting to the fun part! |
ガイさん! モ、モンスターが街に! | Guy! M-monsters in the town! |
Guy! Monsters! Monsters are in the town! |
ガイ: なんだとぉ!? |
Guy: What'd you say!? |
Guy: What!? |
There are several flashes of light and strange noises. Everyone looks around, trying to figure out where they're coming from. |
ガイ: な、なんだ!? |
Guy: Wh-what the!? |
Guy: Wha...what the...!? |
With some more flashes and sounds, and swirling red sparkles, monsters appear in the plaza. Soon after, a more imposing humanoid figure appears in a fancier swirl of red sparkles, directly in front of Guy. Tia runs over to Maxim, and the man who ran in with the news hides behind Guy. The intruder speaks. |
お前が、このあたりでは 一番強い男なのか? |
Are you the strongest man in this region? |
Are you the strongest man around? |
ガイ: だれだ、キサマは? |
Guy: Who the hell are you? |
Guy: Who are you? |
ふん。私の手下どもを倒したら 教えてやろう。 |
Hmph. If you beat my minions, I'll tell you. |
I'll introduce myself after, if you get all my henchmen! |
The lesser monsters step forward menacingly. |
マキシム: ガイさん。手合わせは、この後で ゆっくりとやる事にしましょう。 |
Maxim: Guy. Let's save the sparring for after this, when we can take our time. |
Maxim: Guy, let's have our match after we take care of these punks, ok!? |
ガイ: ふっ、わかってるじゃねぇーか。 それじゃ、こいつらをかるーく やっちまうとするか! |
Guy: Heh, you get it. Then how about we take these guys out like they're nothing! |
Guy: Good thinking! Let's clean up this scum! |
The minions attack. They're pretty weak. Guy cannot learn spells and has lowish AGI, INT, and MGR, but gets elevated HP and STR to make up for it. His GUT is above average, too, though not as high as Maxim's. He can wield heavy swords, spears, and axes, and can wear some heavy armors that Maxim can't. Anyway, the minions are soon slaughtered. |
ガイ: なんだ、口ほどでもねぇ。 |
Guy: What's this? You're all talk. |
Guy: Is that it? Whoa... way too easy. |
な、なんと……私の手下が…… くそっ! |
W-what... my minions... Shit! |
What the..? My men! Blast it! |
ガイ: さぁ、次はお前の番か? |
Guy: Now then, next it's your turn? |
Guy: Hey, you're next! |
ちっ!まだ勝負はついて ないからな! | Tch! This fight isn't settled yet! | Rats in your eyes! I'll be back for you! |
The attacker teleports away. Guy turns to Maxim, ready to restart the match. |
ガイ: さて、とんだジャマが はいっちまったな。 さぁ今度こそ―― |
Guy: Well, that sure was a ridiculous interruption. Now, THIS time— |
Guy: Some interruption, huh. Well, are you ready? |
But he's interrupted again as a boy runs up. |
ガイ兄ちゃん!大変だよ! 変な男がヒルダお姉ちゃんを ムリヤリ連れて行っちゃったよ! |
Mister Guy! It's really bad! A weird man dragged off miss Hilda! |
Guy!! Some weird man took Hilda away! |
ガイ: な、なんだって!? あのヤロウ! ふざけたマネしがって! |
Guy: Wh-what was that!? Damn him! How dare he!? |
Guy: What!? Hilda? The scumbag! |
男は、南東の塔へ 逃げて行ったよ! |
The man ran away to the southeastern tower! |
He ran to the Southeast Tower! |
ガイ: よし、わかった! |
Guy: Okay, got it! |
Guy: Thanks! |
マキシム: 俺も行きますよ、ガイさん! |
Maxim: I'll go too, Guy! |
Maxim: I'll go with you, Guy! |
ガイ: いや、南東の塔はモンスターが多くて 危険……なんて事をお前に言っても しょうがないな。 よし、一緒に行こう! | Guy: No, the southeastern tower's dangerous and has lots of monst... guess there's no point saying something like that to you. All right, let's go together! |
Guy: That tower's full of monsters. It's too dangerous, but not for you, I guess. Let's go! |
ガイがパーティーに加わった | Guy joined the party. | Guy joins the party. | ||||
With that, the party heads off to the southeastern tower. |