Towers aren't much different from caves and labyrinths, except that they tend to be in better condition, have more floors with numerous stairs, and include an exterior map to add more connections with balconies and ladders. Tower dungeons use 1-20 "Tower" as the background music. This tower bars passage across a narrow strip of land. The party enters from the south end. The northern exit, which leads elsewhere, is blocked off for now. As for puzzles, there's a fairly simple blocks and buttons puzzle almost right away, a simple puzzle involving pushing a pillar onto marked floor tiles, a switch on a carpet that can only be reached by stepping where the carpet has no fringe, a fairly obvious pillar and pots moving puzzle, a switch hidden under a pile of bones (Bombs deal with them), and then a sound mimicking puzzle... |
おんぷは、下から行くのが良い | Notes ought go from the bottom. | Musical notes should go from the bottom. |
...which leads to the important chest... |
そらのカギを手に入れた | Got the Sky Key. | Found Sky key | ||||
Those who delve into such things have also found an unused set of rooms near the one with the notes puzzle. One holds an amazing 21 treasure chests, but none of them are functional, and neither are any of the other objects that would normally be interactive. Similar rooms existed, unused even then, in a prototype build, though the chests, curiously, were a later addition. Near the top of the tower are the usual HP and MP recovery tiles and save point. A rather odd arrangement appears inside a room on the second-highest floor. It has a roughly circular section of floor with a white tile in the middle and black tiles at the top, the bottom, the left edge, and the right edge. It also has a pillar on the tile to the right and a block on the one at bottom. A sign on the wall gives a hint about what to do: |
現在、6時15分。 ドアは、9時に開く。 |
It is 6:15 at present. The door opens at 9:00. |
It is 6:15 right now. The door opens at 9:00. |
The figure on the floor represents a clock face, with the pillar as the minute hand and the block as the hour hand. Moving them to the 9:00 arrangement opens the door, which lets the party reach a switch that allows access to the top floor. But there's more to do here. A sign outside the clock room says: |
奥の部屋で日付が変わる時、 何かがおこる……。 |
When the date changes in the inner room, something will happen... |
When the date changes in the back room, something happens. |
The date changes at 12:00, of course. Since both the pillar and the block can't be on the same tile at the same time, the pillar goes on the tile at the top, and the block goes right below it (since the hour hand is shorter). This makes another door appear, which leads to a Warding Helmet. Finally, the party climbs to the top floor of the tower, where they need to use the Sky key to enter. 1-24 "Shudder" plays up here. Inside, the man who attacked Tanbel earlier stands guard over Hilda. |
ヒルダ: に、にいさん…………。 |
Hilda: B-big brother...... |
Hilda: Gu...Guy... |
ガイ: ヒルダ!! |
Guy: Hilda!! |
Guy: Hilda!! |
ここまで来るとは、 さすがだな。 |
I expected no less than for you to come this far. |
I applaud your efforts to have come this far. |
ガイ: てめぇ!何が目的でヒルダを さらった! |
Guy: You bastard! What'd you kidnap Hilda for!? |
Guy: You! Why did you take Hilda? What did she ever do to you, huh? |
ある方の命令で、ウデの立つ男を調べて いるのだ。それで、キサマの本当の ウデ前を調べるには、どうすれば いいのかと考えたのだが…… 結局、キサマの妹をゆうかい する事にした。そうすれば、 キサマは必死になるだろうからな! |
I'm investigating skilled men on a certain someone's orders. As such, I thought about what I should do to investigate your true ability... In the end, I decided on abducting your little sister. You'd be sure to get desperate if I did that! |
Orders. You see, I had to check out the abilities of certain men. I considered your case a while... ...and came up with an idea - kidnapping your sister! You'd do anything to save her. |
ガイ: てめぇ、それを考えた事を、死ぬほど こうかいさせてやるぞ!かくごしろ! |
Guy: You bastard, I'll make you regret the idea so much it kills you! Prepare yourself! |
Guy: That idea will cost you dearly, friend! Pick up your sword! |
いせいがいいな。 キサマたちの実力、とくと見せて もらうぞ! |
How dashing. I'll have all you scum show me your true capabilities in full! |
Noisy, aren't we? Now it's time to see your real strength! |
Boss time, again. Finally, we see that the guy's name is カミュ, a rendition of the French name Camus. Camus has some interesting attacks, though none unusually powerful, and he's also weak against thunder, which is nice since Tanbel sells swords with a thunder IP. He sometimes summons minions, which are just the creatures that appeared in Tanbel earlier. Before long, Camus goes down. Lucky players may win a Camus's Cryptolith, at a 3% drop rate. |
カミュ: よ……よそう以上の強さだ……。 ガイ……そして、マキシムか……。 し、しかし、いい気になって いられるのも、今の……うちだ……。 | Camus: Str... stronger than I expected... Guy... and Maxim...? B-but, you won't be able to gloat... for much longer... |
Camu: It is mo...more than I...had expected. Guy, and...Maxim? But, don't overestimate yourself...th...the time...will...come... |
ガイ: どう言う意味さ!? |
Guy: What's that supposed to mean!? |
Guy: What are you talking about!? |
カミュ: この地上は……もうすぐ、神に 支配されるのだ……もうすぐ……。 |
Camus: This earth... will soon fall under godly rule... very soon... |
Camu: This world...will be ruled by...Sinistrals. Soon, just wait... |
There's no way to tell from the Japanese, at this point or for some time afterward, whether it's one god or several gods. Japanese doesn't usually distinguish between singular and plural, but since English almost always does, that makes it difficult to translate effectively here. |
ガイ: 地上が神に支配されるだと? どういう事だ!? |
Guy: "The earth will fall under godly rule"? What are you talking about!? |
Guy: Ruled by Sinistrals? What do you mean!? |
カミュ: ふふふ……どうせ、キサマたちは ここで死ぬのだ……知る必要はない! |
Camus: Hu hu hu... you're all going to die here anyway... you have no need to know! |
Camu: Ha, ha, ha! You people will...never leave here...No need to...know! |
That's actually a nice change from the overdone "you're going to die anyway so I'll just go ahead and tell you everything I know" thing. The tower begins shaking, "Despair" starts playing, and... |
ティア: ドアが閉まったわ! |
Tia: The door closed! |
Tia: The door just closed! |
カミュ: うわーっはははっ!! キサマたちは死ぬのだぁ!! |
Camus: Waaa, ha ha hah!! You're all gonna die!! |
Camu: Ha, ha, ha! You cannot escape!!! |
As he finishes his gloating, Camus finally dies and disappears, like a good little monster. :-P |
ガイ: 塔ごと、しずめる つもりなのか!? |
Guy: He means to bring down the whole tower, and us with it!? |
Guy: Is he trying to bury us with the tower!? |
マキシム: 私たちが、ドアを開けてみます! ガイさんは、ヒルダさんを! |
Maxim: We'll try getting the door open. Guy, take care of Hilda! |
Maxim: Let's try to open the door! Guy, go get Hilda! |
ガイ: わかった! |
Guy: Got it! |
Guy: Ok! |
Maxim and Tia run off to the door while Guy goes over to Hilda. |
ガイ: ヒルダ!おい、 しっかりしろ! |
Guy: Hilda! Hey, hang in there! |
Guy: Hilda! Hey, hang on! |
ヒルダ: に、兄さん……きっと来て くれると思ってたわ……。 |
Hilda: B-big brother... I knew you would come for me... |
Hilda: Oh...I knew you would come... |
ガイ: ああ、あたりまえだろ。 さぁ、ここから脱出するぞ。 |
Guy: Yeah, of course. C'mon, we're getting out of here. |
Guy: Of course. We're going to get out of here together. |
Guy and Hilda join up with Maxim and Tia by the door. |
マキシム: ドアに、強い魔法がかかっていて、 開きそうにありません! | Maxim: There's strong magic on the door, and I don't think we can get it open! |
Maxim: Magic's stopping the door from opening! |
ガイ: やばいぜ! 長くはもたないぞ。 |
Guy: Damn, we're in trouble! It won't hold up much longer. |
Guy: This doesn't look good! We haven't got all day! |
Suddenly, the shaking stops and the door opens. |
マキシム: ドアが開いた!? |
Maxim: The door opened!? |
Maxim: The door opened!! |
Iris, the fortune teller, runs into the room. |
アイリス: さぁ!早く! |
Iris: Come! Quickly! |
Iris: Please! Hurry! |
マキシム: き、君は……あの洞窟の! でも、どうして? |
Maxim: Y-you're... from that cave! But why? |
Maxim: You...you are the one I saw at the cave! But why? |
アイリス: 話してる時間はありません! タンベルへスイングします! | Iris: There is no time for talk! I will Swing us to Tanbel! |
Iris: There is no time for conversation! I am warping us to Tanbel! |
Swing (スイング) is the teleportation spell used to jump between towns. The name was changed to "Warp" in the English version. Iris teleports them all out of the tower... |
...and Guy, Hilda, Maxim, and Tia appear at the entrance to Tanbel. Iris isn't with them. No music plays for the moment. |
ガイ: ふうっ、なんとか助かったな。 ……ところで、マキシム。 あの女は誰なんだ? |
Guy: Phew, we're saved, somehow. ...by the way, Maxim. Who's that woman? |
Guy: Whew, I guess we made it. Hey, Maxim. Who was that woman? |
マキシム: 私に、旅立ち戦う事が運命だと 言った人です。 |
Maxim: She's the person who told me that setting off on a journey and fighting is my destiny. |
Maxim: She once told me that I was destined to travel and fight. |
ガイ: かわった女だな。もっとも助けて もらったんだから、礼の一つでも ……あれ、どこに行った? |
Guy: Weird woman. But we did get her to help us, so a word of thanks or something'd... huh, where'd she go? |
Guy: What a weird woman. Well, she saved us alright. I should thank her...where is she? |
ティア: いないわね。 |
Tia: She's gone. |
Tia: She's gone. |
マキシム: ……彼女は、一体。 |
Maxim: ...what's with her, anyway? |
Maxim: What...is...she..? |
ガイ: とにかく、家に入ろう。 ヒルダも少しケガをしている。 |
Guy: Anyhow, let's go in the house. Hilda's hurt a bit, too. |
Guy: In any case, let's go back home. Hilda's a little hurt, too. |
マキシム: わかりました。 |
Maxim: Understood. |
Maxim: Right. |
They all go inside. "Peace of Mind" plays. Guy puts Hilda in bed upstairs in their house... |
ガイ: ヒルダ……。 |
Guy: Hilda... |
Guy: Hilda... |
...then sits down with Maxim and Tia at a nearby table. |
ガイ: やっと、眠ったよ。 |
Guy: She finally went to sleep. |
Guy: Finally slept. |
ティア: ヒルダさんの具合は どうなんですか? |
Tia: How is Hilda's condition? |
Tia: How's Hilda doing? |
ガイ: 大丈夫だ、命に別状は無い。 ケガも、思っていたほどひどく なかった。それでも、しばらくは 不自由するだろうがな……。 ところで、マキシム。 あの塔で会った女は、誰なんだ? お前を知っていたようだったが……。 |
Guy: She'll be fine. Her life's in no danger. Her wounds weren't as bad as I thought, either. Even so, she'll probably be out of it for a while... By the way, Maxim. Who's the woman we met in that tower? It seemed like she knew you... |
Guy: She'll live. Wasn't hurt as badly as we thought. But she'll be out of it for a while. Hey, Maxim. Who was that woman at the tower? Seemed like you knew her. |
マキシム: 彼女なんですよ。 私に、戦う事が運命だと言ったのは。 |
Maxim: She's the one. The one who told me fighting is my destiny. |
Maxim: That woman. You know, the one who told me I was destined to fight. |
ガイ: 何者なんだ、あの女は。 |
Guy: What sort of person is she, that woman? |
Guy: Just what kind of woman is she, I wonder. |
マキシム: わかりません。ただ、あのドアの 魔法を消す事が出来るのだから、 かなりの使い手だと思います。 |
Maxim: I don't know. But I do think, since she was able to remove the magic on that door, that she must be quite skilled. |
Maxim: Who knows. But she's good for us. She knows how to get rid of the magic cast on that door. |
ガイ: そうだな。だいたい、あのモンスター だらけの塔の屋上まで、一人で のぼって来たくらいだからな。 それだけでも、たいしたもんだ。 |
Guy: Yeah. Long story short, she made it all the way up to the roof of that monster-infested tower on her own. That's impressive enough by itself. |
Guy: Yeah. Anyone who can get to the top of that monster-ridden tower must be pretty strong. |
マキシム: そうですね……。 |
Maxim: Agreed... |
Maxim: That's the way I figure it. |
ガイ: それより、マキシム。 お前、この後はどうするんだ? |
Guy: Anyhow, Maxim. What're you doing after this? |
Guy: So, what's your next move, Maxim? |
マキシム: 旅を続けます。ひとつ気になる 情報も得ましたし……。 |
Maxim: I will continue my journey. For one thing, I have gained some information that concerns me... |
Maxim: To keep going. I got wind of something that...bothers me. |
ガイ: 地上を支配する神……って やつか。 |
Guy: The earth coming under godly rule... that thing? |
Guy: You talking about the super beings out to rule the world? |
マキシム: ……ええ。 もし、本当にそんな神がいるの なら、会う必要があるでしょう。 |
Maxim: ...yes. If such gods truly exist, then I suspect I need to meet them. |
Maxim: You got it. If they really exist, I'm going to have to meet them. |
ガイ: 会ってどうする気だ? |
Guy: What do you expect to do then? |
Guy: And what do you do after you...meet? |
マキシム: 本当に地上を支配する つもりなら……戦います。 |
Maxim: If they truly intend to rule the earth...... do battle. |
Maxim: If this world is their target...I'll have to destroy them, won't I? |
ガイ: 相手は神様だぜ。 そんなヤツに勝てるのか? |
Guy: You'd be up against gods. Can you win against their kind? |
Guy: We're talking super beings here, you know. You can't just walk on them like bugs. |
マキシム: 剣をまじえる事ができれば、勝つ チャンスはありますよ。 それに……ガイさんもそう思って るんじゃないんですか? |
Maxim: If I can cross swords with them, I have a chance of winning. Besides...... do you not think so yourself, Guy? |
Maxim: Sword to sword, I can win. And you, Sir Guy? Don't you feel the same? |
ガイ: はははっ!ずぼしだよ。 だいたい俺は、人にさしずされるのが キライなんだ。支配なんぞされて たまるか!なぁ、マキシム。 |
Guy: Ha ha hah! Bingo. Basically, I hate getting bossed around by anyone. No way I'd just get ruled without a fight! Right, Maxim? |
Guy: Ha! Of course! I won't be ordered about by anyone. Be ruled? No way, Maxim. Not me. |
マキシム: ええ。 ……それではガイさん。 私たちは、そろそろ出発します。 | Maxim: Yes. ......well then, Guy. It is about time that we departed. |
Guy: So I thought. Listen, we've got to be moving on soon. |
ガイ: なんだ、もう行っちまうのか? ……その、なんだ、俺も……いや、 もうちょっとゆっくりしていけよ。 |
Guy: What, you're already going? ...um, uh, I'll...... I mean, no, take it easy a little longer before you go. |
Guy: Huh? Already? Well, I could...Nah. I should take it easy a while longer. |
A young woman walks upstairs and sits down next to Guy. She has long dark pink hair and wears a pale green dress that goes well with it. |
行きたいんでしょ、ガイ? | You want to go, don't you, Guy? | You really want to go, don't you Guy? |
ガイ: ジェシー |
Guy: Jessie. |
Guy: Jessy... |
ティア: キレイな人ですね。 どなたですか、ガイさん? |
Tia: She's a beautiful person. Who is she, Guy? |
Tia: What a beautiful woman she is. Who is she, Guy? |
ガイ: ジェシーだ。 俺の……その、なんだ、あれだよ。 |
Guy: She's Jessie. My..... well, you know, that. |
Guy: Jessy. She's...uh... my...you know... |
ジェシー: はっきり言ってよ、もう。 はじめまして。ジェシーです。 ガイの恋人なんです。 |
Jessie: Just say it, already. Nice to meet you. I'm Jessie. Guy's girlfriend. |
Jessy: Can't you say it straight out!? Hi, I'm Jessy, Guy's girlfriend. |
ティア: まぁ!そうなんですか。 ステキですね。おにあいですよ。 |
Tia: Ah! So that's it. How lovely. You make a good pair. |
Tia: Why, that's wonderful! Nice to meet you. |
ジェシー: ありがとう。 |
Jessie: Thank you. |
Jessy: Same here. |
マキシム: ……ガ、ガイさん。 恋人いたんですか? |
Maxim: ...G-Guy? You have a girlfriend? |
Maxim: Sir Guy's girl, huh? |
ガイ: なんだよ、その言い方は? 俺に女がいちゃ、いけねぇみたいだな。 |
Guy: What's up with saying it like that? Like I can't have a woman or something. |
Guy: What do you mean? Can't I have a girlfriend? |
マキシム: い、いえ。 そうじゃありませんが。 |
Maxim: N-no, I didn't mean it like that. |
Maxim: Oh, sure. I didn't mean anything by it. |
ガイ: ところで、ジェシー。 行けってのは、どういう意味だよ? |
Guy: Anyway, Jessie. What do you mean by telling me to go? |
Guy: So, Jessy. What did you mean when you asked if I wanted to go...? |
ジェシー: あなたも旅に出たいんでしょ。 ……そんな顔してるわよ。 |
Jessie: You want to go on a journey, too, right? ...your face shows it. |
Jessy: You want to go, too, right? It was written all over your face. |
ガイ: し、しかし……。 |
Guy: B-but... |
Guy: Well...but, I... |
ジェシー: ヒルダちゃんの事なら、大丈夫。 わたしがしっかりと、かんびょう してるから。 |
Jessie: If it's about Hilda, don't worry. I'll make sure to take good care of her. |
Jessy: If it's Hilda holding you back, don't worry. I'll take care of her. |
ガイ: そ、そりゃ、お前がそばについてて くれるなら安心だけど……。 でも、お前は……。 |
Guy: W-well, if you're with her, that's a relief, but... But, you... |
Guy: I would feel better if you were at her side. But, you and I... |
ジェシー: もちろんガイが旅に出れば、さみしい わよ。でも、あなたが行きたいのなら 止めないわ。だって―― ――旅が終ったら、わたしの元に 帰ってきてくれるんでしょ? |
Jessie: Of course I'll miss you if you go on a journey, Guy. But, if you want to go, I won't stop you. After all— —when your journey ends, you'll come back here to me, won't you? |
Jessy: Oh, I'll miss you for sure. But you have to do what you have to do. You see... ...when it's all over, you'll come back to me, right? |
ガイ: ああ。 |
Guy: Sure will. |
Guy: You know I will. |
ジェシー: ……行きなさいよ、ガイ。 あなたの力が、何かの役にたつのなら、 それが、わたしにも、うれしいの。 |
Jessie: ...go, Guy. If your help does some good, that will make me happy, too. |
Jessy: Go, then. It's ok, Guy. If you can help, I'm happy for you. |
ガイ: ジェシー。 |
Guy: Jessie. |
Guy: Oh, Jessy. |
ティア: ジェシーさんもガイさんも、相手の 心が分かるのね。 だから信じて、待っていられるんだわ。 ステキね。大人の恋よねぇ……。 |
Tia: Jessie and Guy both understand each other's hearts. That's why they can trust and wait. How wonderful. Adult romance... |
Tia: They're so close they can trust in each other and wait it out. Now that's true love. |
マキシム: ……だれかさんは、ついて 来ちまったからな。 |
Maxim: ...unlike a certain someone who came tagging along. |
Maxim: That's because one follows the other's lead, sort of supports... |
Maxim's not making observations on Guy and Jessie, he's grumbling about how Tia doesn't believe in him the way Jessie believes in Guy. |
ティア: マキシム。 何考えてるのよ! |
Tia: Maxim. What are you thinking!? |
Tia: Maxim! What on earth are you thinking? |
マキシム: いや……別に。 |
Maxim: Uh... nothing, really. |
Maxim: Oh! Uh...nothing, nothing at all. |
ティア: 言っときますけど、あたしは 待っていられるほど大人じゃないのよ。 |
Tia: Just so you know, I'm not adult enough to just wait around. |
Tia: Well, I should tell you I'm not a waiting around type of woman. |
Anyone else notice that Maxim and Tia don't click nearly as well as Guy and Jessie? This isn't the first indication of trouble, and it's hardly the last. |
ガイ: マキシム。俺も行くぜ! その神とやらを、おがみによ! |
Guy: Maxim. I'm going too! We'll go pay a visit to those gods or whatever! |
Guy: Maxim! I can go! I want to meet that super being. You'll let me in, right? |
マキシム: いいんですか? 危険な旅になりますよ。 |
Maxim: Are you sure about that? It's going to be a dangerous journey. |
Maxim: You sure about this? I mean, it's a very dangerous journey. |
ガイ: 危険じゃない旅に、何の ミリョクがあるんだよ! |
Guy: Where's the appeal in a journey that's not dangerous!? |
Guy: Dangerous journey? Is that all you can tempt me with? |
マキシム: ガイさん……。 |
Maxim: Guy... |
Maxim: Sir Guy... |
ガイ: おっと、そのガイさんってのは、 やまてくれ。もう仲間だからな。 それに俺はお前をみとめている。 立場は同じだ。 |
Guy: Whoa, quit it with the formality. We're in this together now. Besides, I've accepted you. We're on equal footing. |
Guy: You have to drop this Sir stuff. I mean, I'm part of the team now. We're equals, ok? |
The formality stuff has some difficulty in translation. Japanese usage places a lot of emphasis on social status and politeness and such, and in short, Maxim has up until now been addressing Guy with deference. This is presumably because they've just recently met, because Guy is, at least locally, a person of some importance, and because Maxim tends to err on the side of caution (generally a good rule to follow). Guy apparently cares little for formality and is sick of it by now, so he says to cut it out. |
マキシム: わかりました。 |
Maxim: Understood. |
Maxim: I understand. |
ガイ: おいおい、敬語も やまてくれよ。 |
Guy: Hey, hey, quit it with the stuffy language too. |
Guy: No, no. You don't have to be so prim and proper. I mean, you can say, like, "Got it." |
This part's about the long form verb endings Maxim has been using around Guy, though it's an exaggeration to call it keigo (the extremely formal form of the language), as Guy does here. |
マキシム: ……わかった。 それじゃ行こう、ガイ! |
Maxim: ...got it. Then let's go, Guy! |
Maxim: Got it. Ok, then, let's get going, Guy! |
ガイ: おう、そうこなくっちゃな! 行こうぜ、マキシム、ティア! | Guy: Yeah, that's more like it! Let's go, Maxim, Tia! |
Guy: Let's do it, Maxim! Outta here, Tia! |
ガイが仲間になった | Guy became a companion. | Guy joins the party. | ||||
It seems that "became a companion" is a more concrete, lasting sort of thing than "joined the party". |
ジェシー: ヒルダちゃんの事は、わたしに まかせておいて。 それはそうと、とりあえず どこに行くつもりなの、ガイ? |
Jessie: Leave Hilda to me. So anyway, where are you planning on going first, Guy? |
Jessy: Let me worry about Hilda, Guy. Where are you off to, anyway? |
ガイ: 南東の塔から先へ行ってみる。 どうせ、タンベルからは、 そこにしか行く場所がないからな。 |
Guy: We'll try going on from the southeastern tower. After all, there's nowhere else to go from Tanbel but there. |
Guy: First the Southeast Tower. I have to pass there on the way to Sundletan anyway. |
Credit goes to Artemis for figuring out what probably went wrong with this line in the NA version. In the compressed text, "Sundletan" is 0x0513 and "north" is 0x0613, so it would be simple for an error to occur here, making it say "on the way Sundletan" instead of "on the way north". Later proofreading (which apparently there was at least a little of) would then (mistakenly) correct that to "on the way to Sundletan" as it is in the final NA version, grammatically correct but with the wrong meaning. The party leaves Tanbel and heads for the tower. Before passing through, they (ought to) raid the top floor for a Fire Dagger, Pearl Bracelet, and Camus's Armor. The armor has a fairly nice healing IP and solid defense along with a small attack boost, though it's too heavy for anyone so far except Guy to wear. It's possible to come get the treasures before Hilda is kidnapped, but that means clearing the tower (minus the Camus battle) with just Maxim and Tia. Camus also resists fire, making the dagger less useful against him. The barrier blocking the northern exit has vanished, so they pass through and continue north. Another small shrine blocks passage farther north, so they stop by the nearby village. |