Clament is another smaller village, similar to Sandeltan. "Village" plays here, and Maxim's recent adventures haven't gone unnoticed. |
南の塔が、ゆれてたけど 何かあったのかい? |
The southern tower was shaking. Did something happen? |
The South Tower was shaking. What happened? |
Here's another example of that provincial sort of nomenclature that I find so realistic. To the people of Tanbel, it's the southeastern tower, but if you head north from it and ask the people of Clament, they'll refer to the same building as the southern tower. There's a woman of som significance in one of the shops. |
……いらっしゃいませ。 | ...welcome. | Hello. | ||||
ティア: わぁ、キレイなガラス細工ですね。 全部あなたが、お作りになったの ですか? |
Tia: Wow, such beautiful glasswork. Are they all of your making? |
Tia: Wow, what beautiful glass crafts! Did you make all of these? |
Tia is speaking very politely here, which is why I chose a fancier phrasing. |
いえ、これを作ってるのは 主人ですの。 |
No, the one who makes these is my husband. |
No. My husband makes all the crafts. |
ティア: そうなんですか。 ところで今は、ご主人は いらっしゃらないんですか? |
Tia: Oh, I see. By the way, is your husband away at the moment? |
Tia: Really? Is he here today? |
……ええ、主人は旅に出てますの。 世界中の美しい物を自分のひとみに やきつけて、それをガラスで作るのが 主人の生きがいなんです。 ……でも、ずいぶんと長いこと帰って きませんの。 こんなに長い旅は、いままでなかった のに……。 あっ、すみません。つい、長々と しゃべってしまって……。 どれか、お気に入りのアクセサリーは ございましたか? |
...yes, my husband is out on a journey. Searing the beautiful things of the world into his eyes and then making them out of glass is what my husband lives for. ...but it's been quite a long time, and he hasn't returned. And he's never had such a long journey before now... Oh, excuse me. I didn't mean to go on talking for so long... Did any of these accessories interest you? |
No, he's off on a journey. He seeks beautiful things and turns them into glass. But he hasn't come back for such a long time. He's never been away this long before. I'm sorry. I talk too much. Did you find anything you like? |
There's also an unusually large house in the village. It seems that a rich couple lives there. |
この村の家は、すべて私たちの 物ですのよ。 やちんだけでも、かなりの おカネが入りますのよ。 もっとも、中には、はらいの わるい人もいますけどね。 |
All of the houses in this village belong to us. The rent alone brings in quite a bit of money. Although, there are people among them who are bad about paying. |
We own all the houses in this village. The rent alone brings us a tidy sum. Of course, there are some who don't pay on time. |
わしゃ、この村で一番の金持ちの、 カネアマールと言う者じゃ。 ところで、旅のおかた。そなたたちは 剣士のようじゃが、北の洞窟に行った 事は、おありかな? |
I am the richest man in the village, Khanae-Amarl. By the way, journeying ones. You would seem to be swordsmen, but I wonder, have you been to the northern cave? |
I'm Rochy, the richest man in this village. I understand you are warriors. Have you ever gone to the North Cave? |
The rich guy's name seems to come from 金余る (kane amaru), which roughly translates to "too much money". I threw a hyphen in my pseudo-English rendering of it because it looks more stuck-up that way, and to help with pronunciation. "Rochy", incidentally, is probably meant to sound like "rich". Maybe I ought to call him "Monibaggs" or something... |
マキシム: いえ、行った事はありませんが、でも どうしてそんな事を聞くのですか? |
Maxim: No, we have not been there. But why do you ask about that? |
Maxim: No, but why do you ask? |
Maxim's line changes accordingly if he's already been there. |
カネアマール: 実は北の洞窟には、リンゴの形をした ルビーがあるとのウワサを聞いてな。 だが、洞窟にはモンスターも多くて おいそれとは近づけん。 じゃが、わしは、どうしてもリンゴの ルビーが欲しいのじゃ。もし、そなた たちがルビーを見つけたら、ぜひ、 わしにゆずってくれ。 もちろん、カネにいとめはつけんぞ。 ……みなは、わしの事をケチじゃと 言っとるが、それは、カネの使い道 を知らんだけじゃ。 |
Khanae-Amarl: The fact is I've heard rumors that in the northern cave is an apple-shaped ruby. But the cave also has enough monsters that it's no easy task to get near it. I want the Apple Ruby, though, no matter what it takes. If you find the ruby, I insist that you bring it to me. Of course, money is no object. ...everyone calls me a miser, but that's only because they don't understand how to use money. |
Rochy: Rumor has it there's an apple-shaped ruby there, but I can't get to it because of the monsters. I just have to have the Ruby Apple. If you happen to find it, would you sell it to me? Of course, I will pay whatever you ask. I'm not stingy, I just know how to use money. |
Apple Ruby rather than Ruby Apple because "ruby" is the primary noun and "apple" is more of a description. The wife comes over to talk to him. |
ねぇ、あなた。 あのガラス屋、また、やちんの しはらいが、おくれてますのよ。 |
Say, dear? That glass shop is late on the rent payment again. |
Honey, that glass shop hasn't paid the rent yet. They're always late. |
カネアマール: なに、またあそこか! 今度おくれたら、出ていって もらうと、言っておいたのに。 |
Khanae-Amarl: What, that place again! I told them they'd have to leave if they were late this time. |
Rochy: What, again!? I told them one more delay and they're out. |
どうします、あなた。 | What will we do, dear? | What shall we do? | ||||
カネアマール: うーん、そうだなぁ…………あっ、 おい、おまえ。お客の前で、こんな 話を持ち出すんじゃない! | Khanae-Amarl: Hmm, well............ ah, hey, now. Don't bring this sort of thing up in front of guests! |
Rochy: Hmm, let's see...Oops. Sweetheart, don't bring up such things in front of our guests. |
あら、別にいいじゃありませんか。 事実なんですから。 |
Oh, it's no big deal, is it? It is the truth, after all. |
Why not? I don't see anything wrong with speaking the truth. |
カネアマール: いいから、ひっこんでおれ。 | Khanae-Amarl: Just drop it, all right? |
Rochy: H-ha, ha! Now isn't there something you should be doing out back, sweetness? |
はいはい。 | Fine, fine. | Alright, alright. | ||||
She heads back over to the side of the room where she started. |
カネアマール: いや、おはずかしい所を見せて しまいましたな。ハッハッハ! |
Khanae-Amarl: Dear me, I'm afraid that was a bit of an embarrassing scene. Hah hah ha! |
Rochy: Excuse me. How embarrassing! Ha! Ha! Ha! |
In case money and adventure weren't enough, talking to him again if Maxim has tried to pass the shrine to the north results in... |
カネアマール: なに、ほこらを通るきょかがほしい とな。そうじゃなぁ。ルビーを見つ けてくれれば、きょかしてもよいが のぅ……。 |
Khanae-Amarl: What's that? You want permission to pass through the small shrine? Hmm, well, if you find the ruby for me, I wouldn't mind giving it... |
Rochy: You need permission to go through the small shrine? Well, if you can find the ruby... |
And so, the party is left with little choice but to search for a ruby shaped like an apple, with nothing but a rumor to go on. |
It's another cave, but with lava this time. The party can't actually fall in the lava, so it doesn't matter in that sense, but at least it's a change of scenery. Many rooms have basic puzzles that involve simple things like cutting down bushes or flipping a switch, so let's skip straight to a more complicated switches puzzle. There are four switches arranged in a square, each one flipped to the right, and a sign on the wall. |
すべてのスイッチを左にたおせ。 ただし、各スイッチは、ふくざつに 連動している……。 |
Throw all switches to the left. But be warned that each switch is linked in a complex way... |
Turn all the switches to the left. However, they are interconnected in a complex way. |
"Complex" is an overstatement. Flipping any switch also flips the two adjacent to it. The trick to this puzzle is that moving each switch once makes every switch flip three times, which results in all being flipped to the left. This drains some lava in the next room, allowing access to... |
カプセルモンスターの 『アーマードッグ』が仲間になった。 |
The capsule monster "Armor Dog" became a companion. |
Capsule Monster Armor Dog joins the party. |
アーマードッグに名前を つけてあげてください。 |
Please give Armor Dog a name. | Please give Armor Dog a name. |
Armor Dog's default name of もえもえ (Moe moe) translates to something like burn-burn. The NA version defaults to BLAZE instead. Armor Dog, the fire-elemental capsule monster, has good stats overall except for low GUT, which means chickening out fairly easily. Though not particularly exceptional at anything, Armor Dog comes in handy when fire is a good thing to have, assuming it doesn't run away too quickly. Passing a few lesser puzzles grants access to another one of those important treasure chests... |
ルビーのカギを手に入れた | Got the Ruby Key. | Found Ruby key | ||||
...but the main puzzle in this dungeon is... |
青いブロックを溶岩に 投げ入れろ。 |
Throw the blue blocks into the lava. | Throw the blue blocks into the lava. |
...using ice blocks to cross a lake of lava. The blocks can be picked up and dropped like pots, and create a 3x3 platform of solid rock when dropped in the lava. Leaving and reentering the room resets the blocks. Clever use of the ice blocks allows access to several optional, but useful, treasures (particularly the Aqua Whip and Fury Helmet reached by going down from the bottom right). Only minimal usage is required to reach the innermost part of the dungeon, where the usual recovery tiles and save point are hidden behind some vines. The party then finds, almost too easily... |
ティア: マキシム、見て、 リンゴのルビーよ! |
Tia: Maxim, look, the Apple Ruby! |
Tia: Maxim, look! The Ruby Apple! |
As they approach the ruby, a monstrous hairy blue spider appears in a swirl of red sparkles. |
ふははは、また、ルビーにつられた 人間どもがやってきおったわ! 今夜の食事は、キサマたちでキマリ だな、ふはははっ! |
Hu ha ha ha, humans enticed by the ruby have turned up again! That settles it, my dinner tonight will be you guys, hu ha ha hah! |
Ha, ha, ha! More idiots fooled by the ruby! Looks like my dinner has just arrived!! |
And it's another boss battle. The spider can summon lesser spiders and heal itself a bit, it has a poisoning multitarget attack, and its regular attacks can paralyze. I don't remember having problems with that, but maybe I was just lucky. It's weak against fire, so the Fire Dagger from the tower helps, as does Armor Dog, if the silly creature doesn't wimp out. The weaker Insect Killer also inflicts bonus damage. The Giant Spider may drop a Giant Spider's Cryptolith, but at only a 3% rate, it's far from reliable. After the battle, the ruby lies in pieces. |
ティア: マキシム、ルビーが!? |
Tia: Maxim, the ruby!? |
Tia: Maxim, the ruby! |
マキシム: 今の戦いでこわれたのか? |
Maxim: Did it break in the battle just now? |
Maxim: Was it broken in that battle? |
ガイ: いや、ちょっとまてよマキシム。 ルビーってのは、かなりかたい石の はずだぜ。そんなにカンタンに こわれるわけがない……。 |
Guy: No, hang on, Maxim. Ruby's supposed to be a pretty sturdy stone. There's no way it would break that easy... |
Guy: Wait a minute, Maxim. I thought ruby was a pretty strong gem. It can't be so easily broken! |
ティア: どういう事なの? |
Tia: What's going on? |
Tia: What's going on? |
ガイ: さぁ、そこまでは 俺にもわからん。 |
Guy: That part, I've got no more idea about than you do. |
Guy: I have no idea. |
The party continues into the room behind where the spider was. A man with short red hair is standing here. He's wearing a green outfit and some kind of apron. |
助かった!モンスターにつかまって、 ここにとじこめられていたのです。 このままでは、あいつに食われる ところでした。 |
I'm saved! I was caught by the monster and imprisoned here. The way things were going, I was about to be eaten by it. |
Good heavens! I was caught by a monster and trapped here. I was about to be eaten, too! |
ティア: どうして、こんな洞窟に入ったり したんですか。 見たところ、冒険者とも思えません けど……。 |
Tia: Why would you do something like coming into a cave like this? You certainly don't look like an adventurer... |
Tia: Why did you come to such a dangerous place? You don't appear to be an explorer or anything. |
私はガラス細工の職人なんです。 ただ、それだけでは食べるのがやっと なのです。 お金にこまってきた、ある日の事、 旅先でこの洞窟に、すごい宝が あると聞いたのです。 それで、ここにやってきたのですが、 ごらんのとおり、つかまってしまいま した。やっぱり、私にはトレジャー ハンターなんてムリなんですね。 助けていただいたお礼をしたいの ですが、今は、こんな物しか持って ません。よければ、もらって下さい。 |
I am a glasswork craftsman. The problem is that with just that, I barely make enough to eat. I was having money troubles, and one day during my travels I heard about an amazing treasure in this cave. And so, I made my way here, but as you can see, I was captured. I guess treasure hunting is out of the question for me, after all. I want to thank you for saving me, but I don't have anything with me now except this. Please accept it, if you don't mind. |
I'm a glass craftsman. You see, I can't make a living just by making glass crafts. I really needed money during my trip and heard there was an enormous treasure in this cave. So I came here. But as you can see, I got caught. I guess I'm not cut out for treasure hunting. I'd love to give you something for saving me, but I have only this. Will you accept it? |
He pulls out an object that looks exactly like the Apple Ruby. |
ティア: そ、それは!? |
Tia: Th-that's!? |
Tia: Tha...that is...!? |
旅先で、キレイな赤のガラスを 見つけましてね。 遊びで、こんな形にしてみました。 2つ作ったのですが、1つは、 街の物好きが買ってくれました。 ……ところで、これを知ってるの ですか? |
I found some beautiful red glass where my travels led me. I tried shaping it like this for fun. I made two, but an eccentric city person bought one. ......and you already knew something about this? |
I found this lovely red glass during my trip. So I made this out of it just for fun. I made two and sold one in the city. You seem to know about this. |
ティア: 知ってるもなにも、ちょっと 待ってくださいね。 |
Tia: We don't just know about it. Just a moment, please. |
Tia: You're kidding. Wait a second. |
Tia walks to the outer room and comes back with shattered Apple Ruby. |
こ、これは、私が作った ガラスのリンゴだ。 でもどうしてこれが、ここに? |
Th-this is the glass apple I made. But what's it doing here? |
This, this is the glass apple that I made. But why is this here? |
ティア: この洞窟にある宝って言うは、 リンゴのルビーの事なんですよ! |
Tia: The treasure in this cave is this, the Apple Ruby! |
Tia: This is the treasure you were talking about. The Ruby Apple! |
なんですって!? いや、まって下さい。 これはただのガラスですよ。 ルビーなんかじゃありません。 |
What did you say!? No, please, hold on a minute. This is just glass. It's not ruby or anything like that. |
What!? Wait a minute. This is just glass, it's not ruby. |
ティア: そのガラスのリンゴを売ったのは、 いつ頃なんですか? |
Tia: About when was it that you sold that glass apple? |
Tia: When was it you sold that glass apple? |
旅をはじめた頃ですからね。 もう、かなり前の事になります。 |
It was around when I started my journey. That's quite some time ago now. |
At the start of my journey, a long time ago. |
ガイ: その売れたリンゴが、どんなルートを 通ったかは知らねぇが、ここの宝として ウワサになったんだな。 |
Guy: I can't say how it got here, but that apple you sold wound up in rumors as the treasure of this place. |
Guy: I don't know how this apple got here, but it became THE treasure talk of the town. |
ティア: でもそんな事ってあるのかしら? ジェフリーさん。ガラスのリンゴを 誰に売ったのですか? |
Tia: But how could that be? Jeffrey. Who did you sell the glass apple to? |
Tia: How's that possible? Jaffy, who did you sell this glass apple to? |
Either I missed some dialogue, or the writers made an oversight, since I can't figure out how she knows his name. |
ジェフリー: ナーシサスに住んでいる、金持ちの男に 売ったのです。私がクラメントでガラス 細工の店をやってると話すと、とても 親切にしてくれましてね。 すごく感じのいい人でしてね。 同じ金持ちでも、カネアマールさんと は大ちがいですよ。 |
Jeffrey: I sold it to a rich man who lives in Narcissus. When I told him I run a glasswork store in Clament, he was very kind to me. I had a really good impression of him. They may both be rich, but he's very different from Khanae-Amarl. |
Jaffy: To a rich guy in Narcysus. He treated me great when I told him I ran the glass shop in Clamento. I've known other rich people, but this guy was really nice, not like Rochy. |
ガイ: まぁなんにせよ、リンゴのルビーが 手に入ったんだ。 さっそく帰ってカネアマールから あまってるカネをもらうとしようぜ。 |
Guy: Well, whatever you make of it, we got the Apple Ruby. Let's head right back and get Khanae-Amarl's excess money. |
Guy: In any case, we got the Ruby Apple. Let's go back and get the money from Rochy. |
As noted above, the rich guy's name means something like "having excess money". The NA version ought to say something like "Rochy's riches" to parallel. Or, if you like my idea for an alternate name, then it's "bags of money from Monibaggs." |
ティア: だけど、これはルビーじゃなくて ガラスなのよ。 |
Tia: But this isn't ruby, it's glass. |
Tia: But this isn't a ruby, it's just glass. |
ガイ: 良くそのリンゴを見てみろよ。 ルビーとのちがいがわかるか? |
Guy: Try taking a good look at that apple. Can you tell the difference from a ruby? |
Guy: Look at the apple closely. Can you tell the difference? |
マキシム: そうだな、俺たちは、この洞窟で リンゴのルビーを手に入れた。 これは事実だ。 |
Maxim: He's right. We got the Apple Ruby in this cave. That's the truth. |
Maxim: That's right. We found the Ruby Apple in this cave. That's the truth. |
ティア: マキシムまで、そんな事 言うの? |
Tia: Maxim, even you're talking like that? |
Tia: Maxim! I never thought you would say such a thing. |
マキシム: まぁいいんじゃないか。 ようは、カネアマールさんが、 なっとくすればいいんだろ? もし、これでなっとくすれば、 このガラスのリンゴに、それだけの 値うちがあるって事だよ。 |
Maxim: Hey, it's fine, isn't it? The point is, if Khanae-Amarl accepts it, it's all good, right? If he accepts this, it means this glass apple is worth that much. |
Maxim: It's ok. If Rochy thinks it's a real ruby, then there's no problem, right? If he believes it's a real ruby, it means it's worth that much. |
ガイ: いやー、楽しみだな。 あのおっさんが、これを見て、 なんて言うかが。 |
Guy: Hoo boy, I can hardly wait to hear what that old man's gonna say when he sees this! |
Guy: Yeah! I can't wait to hear what he says when he takes a look at this! |
マキシム: そうだな。 よし、クラメントに戻ろうぜ。 |
Maxim: Yeah. All right, let's get back to Clament. |
Maxim: Yeah. Alright, let's go back to Clamento. |
ジェフリー: 私もクラメントに戻ります。 いろいろと、ありがとうございました。 |
Jeffrey: I will return to Clament as well. Thank you for everything. |
Jaffy: I'll go back too. Thanks for everything. |
ティア: 一人で大丈夫ですか? |
Tia: Will you be all right on your own? |
Tia: Can you go back by yourself alright? |
ジェフリー: ええ。大丈夫です。 それでは、このリンゴは さし上げます。 |
Jeffrey: Yes. I will be fine. Now, I will give you this apple. |
Jaffy: Yes. And please take this apple. |
リンゴのルビーを手に入れた | Got the Apple Ruby. | Gets the Ruby Apple. | ||||
ジェフリー: 私は村にもどります。 本当にありがとうございました。 |
Jeffrey: I am returning to the village. Thank you so much. |
Jaffy: I'll go back to the village. Thanks. |
And so, everyone heads back to the village. |
First things first. The party heads to the rich guy's house. |
カネアマール: おお、それこそまさしく リンゴのルビー! ついに見つけてくれたのじゃな! いや、本当によくやってくれた。 これは、礼金じゃ。 えんりょせずに、もらってくれ。 |
Khanae-Amarl: Oh, that is, without a doubt, the Apple Ruby! You're finally found it for me! Oh, you've really done quite well. Here is your reward money. Take it, without any reservations. |
Rochy: Oh, yes. This is it! The Ruby Apple! You did it! You found it! Thank you so much. This is to show my appreciation. Please, take it. |
ティア: うわぁ!こんなにいただいて いいんですか? |
Tia: Wow! Is it all right to accept so much? |
Tia: Oh my! Are you sure? This is a lot of money. |
カネアマール: よいよい。わしは、良い物には カネをおしまんのじゃ。 はっはっはっ! |
Khanae-Amarl: It's quite all right. When something's worth the money, I don't hold back. Ha ha hah! |
Rochy: Never mind, never mind. I don't hold back when it comes to quality! Ha! Ha! Ha! |
The following line is skipped if Maxim hasn't been to the shrine yet, though of course he's still allowed passage after this. |
カネアマール: それと、ほこらの番人には 話をつけておくからな。 もう通ってもよいぞ。 それにしてもスバラしい! |
Khanae-Amarl: Also, I'll arrange things with the shrine's watchman. You can go through now. In any case, this is splendid! |
Rochy: Also, I will talk to the keeper at the small shrine. You can pass anytime. |
ティア: でも、それは―― |
Tia: But that's— |
Tia: But that is... |
マキシム: ――ティア。 |
Maxim: —Tia. |
Maxim: Tia. |
マキシム: それでは、私たちはこれで 失礼します。 |
Maxim: Well then, please excuse us now. |
Maxim: Well, we've got to go now. |
The party heads outside. |
ティア: いいの、マキシム? こんなにお金、もらっちゃって。 |
Tia: Is this all right, Maxim? Accepting so much money. |
Tia: Is that really ok, Maxim? That's a lot of money. |
マキシム: それだけジェフリーさんの ウデ前がスゴイって事だよ。 |
Maxim: It means Jeffrey's skill is just that incredible. |
Maxim: It just tells us how good Jaffy's work is, that's all. |
ティア: でも、ちょっと……。 |
Tia: But it's kind of... |
Tia: But... |
マキシム: 気にする事ないさ。 さぁ、行くぞ。 |
Maxim: It's nothing to worry about. Come on, let's go. |
Maxim: Don't worry about it. Let's go. |
Maxim leads the party across the town and into Jeffrey's store. |
マキシム: ジェフリーさん。 こんにちは。 |
Maxim: Jeffrey! Hello. |
Maxim: Hello, Jaffy! |
ジェフリー: やぁマキシムさん。 来てくれたんですね。 |
Jeffrey: Hello, Maxim. You've come. |
Jaffy: Oh, it's you, Maxim. |
マキシム: ええ、これを、おわたし しようと思いまして……。 |
Maxim: Yes. I was thinking I'd turn this over to you... |
Maxim: Yes. I wanted to give you this. |
ジェフリー: こ、このお金は!? |
Jeffrey: Wh-what's this money!? |
Jaffy: What? Money!? |
マキシム: カネアマールさんが、あなたの ガラスのリンゴを買ったお金ですよ。 |
Maxim: It's the money that Khanae-Amarl paid to buy your glass apple. |
Maxim: That's how much Rochy paid for your glass apple. |
ジェフリー: し、しかし、あのリンゴは、 あなたにさし上げた物。 このお金を受けとる わけにはいけません。 |
Jeffrey: B-but, that apple, I gave it to you. I couldn't possibly accept this money. |
Jaffy: Bu...but I gave you that apple. I can't accept this. |
マキシム: いいんですよ。 これはあなたが受けとる べきです。 |
Maxim: It's fine. You ought to accept this. |
Maxim: That's alright. This money belongs to you. |
ジェフリー: し、しかし……。 |
Jeffrey: B-but... |
Jaffy: Bu...but... |
マキシム: それでは、このアクセサリーを 売って下さい。 お金は、それでたりますよね? |
Maxim: Well, then, please sell me this accessory. The money's enough for it, right? |
Maxim: If it makes you feel better, why not sell me this? The money will cover it, right? |
ジェフリー: マキシムさん…… ありがとうございます。 |
Jeffrey: Maxim...... Thank you. |
Jaffy: Maxim...Thank you so much. |
マキシム: いいんですよ。 それでは、これで。 |
Maxim: Don't mention it. Well then, excuse us. |
Maxim: Don't mention it. Well, we've got to go now. |
This adds a Glass Pierce to the inventory. The party heads outside. |
ティア: マキシム。最初から こうするつもりだったのね。 |
Tia: Maxim. You were planning on doing this from the beginning, weren't you. |
Tia: Maxim, you were planning to do this right from the start, weren't you? |
マキシム: ……まぁな。 それより、ティア。ほら、これ。 |
Maxim: ...I guess. Anyway, Tia. Here, have this. |
Maxim: Well, yeah. By the way, here Tia. Take it. |
ティア: まぁ、このアクセサリー あたしにくれるの? |
Tia: Oh, you're giving me this accessory? |
Tia: You're giving it to me? |
マキシム: 俺がつけても しょうがないだろ。 |
Maxim: There's no point in me wearing it, is there? |
Maxim: Well, I can't wear it! |
ティア: ありがとうマキシム。 とってもうれしいわ! |
Tia: Thanks, Maxim. I'm really happy! |
Tia: Thank you, Maxim. What a lovely thing to do! |
And she sort of hyperactively hop-jump-spins across the village. |
ガイ: あのていどの物で、あんなに よろこぶなんてな……ティア もカワイイじゃねーか。 |
Guy: For her to be so delighted over that minor a thing... Tia's got a cute side too, doesn't she? |
Guy: Such a simple thing makes her so happy. She's like a little girl. |
マキシム: ああ。 ……でも、本当に俺について 来る事がティアにとって幸せ な事なのか……。 |
Maxim: Yeah. ......but is coming along with me really what Tia needs to be happy...? |
Maxim: Yeah. But I don't know if coming with me will make her happy. |
ガイ: さぁな。 それは、ティア自身が、 はんだんする事じゃねーのか? |
Guy: Dunno. Ain't that something for Tia herself to decide? |
Guy: Well...that's something she'll decide, isn't it? |
マキシム: ……そうかもしれないな。 おーい、ティア。そろそろ行くぞ。 |
Maxim: ...maybe you're right. Hey, Tia. We're about to go. |
Maxim: I guess. Hey, Tia. We're leaving soon. |
ティア: はーい! |
Tia: Okay! |
Tia: I'm coming! |
The party regroups after this. And we never do find out how much money was involved, but perhaps that's for the best. Before leaving, it couldn't hurt to make sure the rich couple won't cause him any more trouble. |
あのガラス屋、たまってた分のやちん まで、はらってくれたんですのよ。 何かあったのかしら? まぁ、やちんさえちゃんとはらって くれれば、何があってもいいんです けどもね。 |
That glass shop paid up on rent, even their back payments. Did something happen? Well, as long as they're making their payments, it doesn't really matter what happens. |
That glass shop is all paid up. I wonder how they got their hands on the money? Well, as long as they pay us, I don't really care how they do it. |
Sounds like their in the clear. Another villager has a more interesting comment. |
ジェフリーさんって、昔は東の大陸 で、ガラス細工のしゅぎょうを してたんですって。 ジェフリーさんの先生は、すごく ウデのいい職人だったらしいわよ。 その先生が作ったルビーの天使像は その国の国宝になったんですって。 |
Jeffrey studied glasscraft on the eastern continent, I've heard. It seems Jeffrey's teacher was an exceptionally skilled artisan. A ruby angel sculpture the teacher made became that country's national treasure. |
I heard Jaffy used to study glass crafting on the East Continent a long time ago. The Ruby Icon made by Jaffy's teacher is now that country's national treasure. |
She'll say the same thing upon first arriving in town, and this line is the only possible place to hear Jeffrey's name before meeting him. Since the line doesn't explicitly make the connection and is entirely optional anyway, though, it's still strange that Tia knows his name without him introducing himself. In any case, that's everything for here for now. Onward! |