It's another town, this one nicer than most, and there's also a castle nearby. Two boys and a girl stand near the town's entrance, where a scene begins that should look familiar to anyone who watched the opening... |
ラミティ、いーもの 見せてやるよ。 |
Lamity, we'll show you something good. |
Hey Lemmy. Let me show you something interesting. |
ほら! | Look! | Look! | ||||
They throw something that looks like a snake at her. |
ラミティ: きゃーっ!ヘビ!? |
Lamity: Eeeek! A snake!? |
Lemmy: Eeeek! A snake! |
あははっ!!よく見ろよ、 ただのロープだよ! |
A ha hah!! Take a good look, it's just a rope! |
Ha, ha, ha! Look again! It's just a rope! |
泣き虫だな、ラミティは! あはははっ! |
You're such a crybaby, Lamity! A ha ha hah! |
You're such a crybaby, Lemmy! Hee, hee, hee! |
ラミティ: わ~ん!! |
Lamity: Waaaah!! |
Lemmy: Whaa! Sniff, sniff! |
A woman rushes to the scene. She wears what appears to be blue armor, and her slightly bluish green hair is in a ponytail that extends to about her shoulders. |
こら!男の子が、女の子を いじめちゃだめでしょ!! |
Hey! You know it's not okay for boys to pick on girls!! |
Hey, you boys! You're supposed to be nice to girls!! |
わっ!! セレナだー! | Wah!! It's Selena! | Oh no!! It's Selan! | ||||
逃げろー!! | Run awaaay!! | Run!! | ||||
The boys run off as well as they can manage in their haste. Selena comes closer to comfort Lamity. |
ラミティ: セレナお姉ちゃ~ん。 あ~ん、あ~ん。 |
Lamity: Selenaaaa! Waaaah, waaaah! |
Lemmy: Selen...Whaaa! Whaaa! Sniff, sniff! |
セレナ: ラミティ。もう泣かないの。 |
Selena: Lamity. Don't cry any more. |
Selen: Stop crying, Lemmy. |
ラミティ: だって……だって……。 |
Lamity: But... but... |
Lemmy: But...but... |
セレナ: いいラミティ。 いじめた子も悪いけど、女の子は、 カンタンに泣いちゃダメなのよ。 |
Selena: Listen, Lamity. It's wrong of them to pick on you, but a girl mustn't cry easily, either. |
Selen: Listen, Lemmy. It's not right for them to bully you, but girls shouldn't cry so easily either. |
ラミティ: ……どうして? 男の子は泣いちゃダメだけど、 女の子は泣いてもいいって お父さん言ってたよ。 |
Lamity: ...why? Daddy said that boys can't cry, but it's okay for girls to cry, you know? |
Lemmy: Why...? My daddy said boys shouldn't cry, but girls can. |
セレナ: いい。女の涙はね――男の涙なんか とは、くらべものにならないほど重い のよ。 |
Selena: Listen. A woman's tears—they're so much more meaningful than a man's tears you can't even compare them. |
Selen: Hey, listen. A woman's tears..mean a lot more than a guy's. |
ラミティ: ……重いの? |
Lamity: ...meaningful? |
Lemmy: ...a lot more? |
セレナ: そうよ。だから、カンタンに 泣いちゃダメなの。わかる? |
Selena: Right. That's why you mustn't cry so easily. Understand? |
Selen: That's right. So you shouldn't cry easily. Save your tears. Do you understand? |
ラミティ: ……よくわかんない。 |
Lamity: ......I don't really get it. |
Lemmy: ...Well...no. |
セレナ: もう少し大きくなったらわかるわよ。 ……さて、それじゃ私は、お城に もどるわ。もう泣いちゃダメよ。 |
Selena: You'll understand once you grow up a bit. ......now then, I'm going back to the castle. Don't cry anymore. |
Selen: You will, when you grow older. I have to go back to the castle. Don't cry, okay!? |
ラミティ: ……うん。 |
Lamity: ...okay. |
Lemmy: ...Alright. |
Selena leaves for the castle. But who is she? |
ラミティ: セレナお姉ちゃんは、兵隊さんたちの 隊長をやってるのよ。 とっても強いんだから。 |
Lamity: Selena's the commanding officer of the soldiers. It's 'cause she's reeeally strong. |
Lemmy: Selan is the commander. She's super strong! |
Oh. Okay. The boys are wandering around another part of town, and I think that what they say is amusing, so here it is: |
ラミティを見てると、なんか イタズラしたくなるんだよな。 どうしてかな? |
Whenever I see Lamity, it makes me want to pull some kind of prank. I wonder why? |
Whenever I see Lemmy, I just want to tease her. I don't know why. |
ラミティって、泣き虫だから、 からかってみたくなるんだよ。 べ、べつにキライなわけじゃ ないんだよ。 |
Lamity's a crybaby, so it makes me want to try and tease her. It-it's not like I hate her or anything. |
Lemmy is such a crybaby I can't help teasing her. But it doesn't mean I don't like her. |
And then there's this: |
セレナにほれてる二人組にあった? この街じゃ名物なのよ。 なんでも、昔、命をすくわれた 事があるんですって。 |
Have you met those two who are in love with Selena? They're famous here in town. Apparently their lives were saved by her once upon a time, or so I hear. |
Did you see the two guys who are totally nuts over Selan? She saved them before, I hear. |
The two of them seem to have a problem with obsessiveness, and lack of self-awareness. |
セレナのあねごは、俺たちの あこがれなんだ。 強くて、やさしくて……いいなぁ。 おい、お前たち。 あねごにちょっかい だすんじゃねーぞ! |
We long after milady Selena. She's so strong, and kind... ahhh. Hey, you guys. Don't you dare go messing with milady! |
Madam Selan is our heroine. She's strong and sweet. She's just so great. Hey, you guys. Don't even think about going after Madam Selan, alright!? |
姉御 (anego), a respectful term for an older sister, is used affectionately here. As usual, it doesn't mean they're actually related. It also feels kind of... affected and unnatural? It's unusual, anyway, and I think it makes them sound more like creepy stalkers than they would otherwise. |
セレナのあねごは、ホントは、 さみしがりやなんですよ。 もちろん、そんなそぶりは見せない けど、なんとなく、わかるんです。 俺が、もっとしっかりしてれば、 あねごを守ってやれるんだけど、 ……今の俺じゃ、ぎゃくに守って もらいかねないんです。 |
Milady Selena is actually the type that gets lonely easily. Of course, she doesn't show it, but somehow I can tell. Were I but more dependable, I could protect milady, but... ...as I am now, I fear I might need to have her protect me instead. |
Madam Selan is really a fragile person. Of course she doesn't show it, but I know so. Were I stronger, I could protect Madam Selan. Right now, it's like she's protecting me. |
Interesting as that may have been, there's really nothing to do in town (except shop and rest) after the scene with Selena. |
Selena and a number of soldiers occupy the castle courtyard, apparently training. Selena is facing off with one of the generic soldiers. |
セレナ: さぁ、行くわよ! |
Selena: Now, here we go! |
Selan: Here I come! |
お願いします! | Please do! | I'm ready, Commander! | ||||
Selena and the soldier spar briefly, but it's only moments before she blasts him to the far side of the courtyard. Ouch. |
セレナ: どうしたの?そのていどのウデじゃ 城を守る事なんてできないわよ。 |
Selena: What's wrong? With that level of skill, you can't possibly defend the castle. |
Selan: That's it? Is that all you can do? You really think you can protect the castle like that? |
す、すみません! | F-forgive me! | Forgive me, Commander! | ||||
セレナ: まぁ、それでもだいぶ 強くなってきたわよ。 これからも、訓練を続ければ、 もっと強くなれるわ。 |
Selena: Well, even so, you've gotten quite a bit stronger. If you keep up with your practice, you'll be able to grow stronger. |
Selan: Well, you're improving. You'll have to keep practicing, that's all. |
本当ですか! ありがとうございます。 |
Do you mean it? Thank you! |
You really think so, Commander? Thank you, I will! |
セレナ: さて、これで全員の訓練が終った わね。それじゃ、私は部屋にいるから 何かあったら、知らせてちょうだい。 |
Selena: Now, that finishes practice for all members. I'll be in my room, then, so I'd ask that you let me know if something comes up. |
Selan: Right, I think that's all of you. I'll be in my room. Call me if you need me. |
はい。 | Yes. | Yes, Commander! | ||||
ガイ: なかなかやるじゃねーか、あの女。 なぁマキシム? |
Guy: Phew, that woman ain't half bad. Right, Maxim? |
Guy: She's pretty good, huh! Don't you think so, Maxim? |
マキシム: えっ、ああ……そうだな。 |
Maxim: Hm? Yeah...... you're right. |
Maxim: What? Well, yeah...I guess. |
ガイ: ウデっぷしだけじゃなくて、 スタイルもバツグンだったよな。 あんないい女、そうはいねーぜ! なぁマキシム? |
Guy: And it's not just her strength, she cut a fine figure, too. Ain't many women that good! Right, Maxim? |
Guy: Her skill is one thing, but the way she looks-- whew! You don't see such a pretty woman very often. |
Among other things, Guy talks about Selena's スタイル (SUTAIRU). This could mean her fighting style even or fashion sense, but in this context he most likely means her figure—in short, he's admiring her body. |
マキシム: そ、そうだな。 |
Maxim: Y-yeah. |
Maxim: I guess not. |
ティア: もぅ!男ってちょっとキレイな 人を見るとすぐこれなんだから! ガイさん。今の事、ジェシーさんに いいつけますよ! |
Tia: Oh! Any time you men see someone the least bit pretty, it's straight to this! Guy. I'm telling on you to Jessie about this! |
Tia: Men! One look at a pretty face and you're jellied! And what's Jessy going to think, Guy? |
ガイ: ちょ、ちょっとまってくれティア。 ナイショにしといてくれよ。 ティアの方が、今の女より、ずっと カワイイからさ。な? |
Guy: H-hold on a minute, Tia. Keep it just between us. You're much cuter than that woman just now, okay? |
Guy: Wait a minute, Tia! Don't be so cruel. You know I think you're much prettier, so please! |
ティア: 今さら、ごきげんとっても ダメですよ。 |
Tia: It's a little late to try buttering me up. |
Tia: Too late, kiddo. I'm not going to buy that! |
マキシム: あんまりイジメるなよ ティア。 |
Maxim: Don't be so hard on him, Tia. |
Maxim: Come on, Tia! That's enough. |
ティア: なによ。マキシムだって デレーっと見てたじゃない! |
Tia: Excuse me! Weren't you looking all lovestruck at her yourself? |
Tia: What do you mean? You were the same. Your tongue was about to hit the ground. |
マキシム: そ、そんな事ないぞ。 |
Maxim: O-of course not! |
Maxim: That's not true! |
ティア: ……まぁ、いいわ。 たしかに、女のあたしから見ても ステキな人に見えたから。 |
Tia: ...oh, all right. Even from my perspective as a woman, she certainly looked like a lovely person. |
Tia: Well, alright. I guess I thought she was pretty too. |
ガイ: ……しかし、女であそこまで 強いってのはめずらしいな。 |
Guy: ...but to be that strong sure is a rare thing for a woman. |
Guy: I don't think I've ever seen such a strong woman. |
マキシム: ……そうだな。 |
Maxim: ...sure is. |
Maxim: Yeah, me neither... |
Well, after that, it would seem to make sense to go around and talk to the soldiers. Or maybe it's just me. |
さっき、私にけいこをつけてくれて いたのが、セレナ隊長です。 パーセライト王立軍の中で一番 強いんですよ。 |
The person who was training me earlier is Commander Selena. She is the strongest person in the Parcelyte Royal Army. |
It was Commander Selan watching us. She's the strongest soldier in the Parcelyte Royal Army. |
セレナ隊長の強さは、おそらく 生まれつきのものです。 小さな時から強かったんですよ。 ようするに戦いの天才なんですね。 |
Commander Selena was perhaps born with her strength. She has been strong since her youth. In short, she has a gift for combat. |
She was born with power, I think. She was strong as a little girl, and now she's a genius in battle! |
我々は、女性が隊長であることに ほこりを持っています。 それほどまでに、セレナ隊長は 強く、いだいな方なのです。 |
We are proud to have a woman as our commander. Commander Selena is that much of a strong and great person. |
Commander Selan is strong and great! We're proud to have a female Commander. |
As they explore the castle, the party comes across Selena's room. She lives with an older woman who has mint green hair, presumably a relative. |
セレナは、小さい時に両親を失ってね。 それいらい、私が育ててきたのだけど、 本当に、りっぱに育ってうれしいよ。 あとは、いいおムコさんを 見つけるだけだねぇ。 もっとも、本人はその気が ないみたいだけどね。 |
Selena lost her parents in her youth. I've brought her up ever since, but I'm truly glad she grew up so fine. The only thing I have left to do is to find her a good husband. But then, she herself doesn't seem to have any interest in that. |
You see, Selan lost her parents when she was a little girl. I raised her after that. It's so rewarding to see her turn into such a wonderful woman. Now she needs to find a good man. But I guess she's not interested right now. |
セレナ: あら、あなたたちは、さっき 訓練を見ていた人ですね。 私に何かご用ですか? |
Selena: Ah, you would be the people who were watching us practice earlier. Did you need me for something? |
Selan: Oh, it's you guys. You were watching the training before, right? What brings you here? |
Enough wandering around... it's time to go see the king. Since, you know, that's what you do, I guess. |
おお、そなたは、もしかして マキシム殿ではないのか!? |
Oh, would you by any chance be sir Maxim!? |
Oh, would you happen to be Sir Maxim!? |
マキシム: はい、そうですが……。 でも、どうして私の名を? |
Maxim: Yes, that is me... But why would you know my name? |
Maxim: Yes, I am Maxim. But how did you know my name, Your Majesty? |
アルンゼの国王から、そなたが、 盗まれた王冠を見事に取り返した 一件を聞いたのじゃ。 その後も、旅を続けていると聞いて、 いつか、ここにも来てくれるのでは ないかと楽しみにしておったのじゃ。 ところで、そなたのウデをみこんで ひとつ、そうだんがあるのじゃが、 ぜひ聞いてはくれぬか? |
I heard from the king of Alunze about what a magnificent job you did in recovering the stolen crown. Hearing that you were continuing your journey, I have been hoping that you might also come here. And so, I have a proposal for you that calls for your skill. You will listen, of course? |
I heard from the King of Alunze that you had recaptured the stolen crown. I heard that you had gone on a journey. I hoped you'd visit my country, too. Welcome. Knowing your skills, I have a favor to ask. Will you accept? |
Sure, why not? It's not like they're in the middle of anything... |
そうか!聞いてくれるか! いや実はな、この城の北に神殿がある のじゃが、そこに宝剣が、かくされて いるとのウワサがあるのじゃ。 だが、北の神殿は、いつのまにか モンスターどもの住みかになって おってな。手がだせんのじゃ。 じゃが、お主たちなら、モンスターを 倒しながら、宝剣を探しだす事も、 出来るじゃろう。 もちろん、宝剣を見つけてくれれば、 そうおうの礼はいたすぞ。 どうじゃ、引き受けてはくれんか? |
Indeed! Then you'll hear me out! Well, actually, you see, there's a temple to the north of this castle, and rumor has it that a Treasure Sword is hidden there. But the northern temple became a den of monsters at some point. We can't handle it. If you go, though, I expect you'll be able to beat the monsters as you seek out and retrieve the Treasure Sword, correct? Of course, if you find the Treasure Sword for me, I will give you a suitable reward. Now then, won't you accept? |
You will? Excellent! It's rumored that the Treasure Sword is hidden in a fortress up north. The problem is that monsters live there, so no one can get in. With your ability, I believe you could defeat the monsters and find the sword. Of course, I will reward you for your efforts, should you succeed. Do you accept? |
Maxim agrees to try. Why not? |
そうか!引き受けてくれるか! よし、ちょっと待っておってくれ。 ……おい、ゼッペル! |
Indeed! You'll accept! Good, wait just a moment. ...oh, Zeppel! |
Excellent! Wait for a moment. Oh...Zepel! |
One of the people standing nearby approaches the king. |
ゼッペル: お呼びでしょうか? |
Zeppel: You called? |
Zepel: Yes, Your Majesty. |
セレナをここに。 | Bring Selena here. | Bring Selan here. | ||||
ゼッペル: かしこまりました。 |
Zeppel: Certainly. |
Zepel: Yes, Your Majesty. |
He leaves the throne room briefly and returns with Selena. |
セレナ: お呼びでしょうか、陛下。 |
Selena: You called, Your Majesty? |
Selan: Your Majesty. |
うむ。そなたも、このマキシム殿 と同行して、北の神殿へ行ってくれ。 |
Yes. Accompany sir Maxim, here, and go to the northern temple. |
Selan. I'd like you to go with Maxim to the North Fortress. |
セレナ: 北の神殿……それは、 宝剣の探索の事ですか? |
Selena: Northern temple...... does this concern the search for the Treasure Sword? |
Selan: The North Fortress? Is it about the Treasure Sword, if I may ask? |
その通りじゃ。 | Exactly. | Yes. | ||||
セレナ: 宝剣の探索ならば私と部下の者で、 じゅうぶんにすいこうできます。 なにも、旅の方の手をかりなくても。 |
Selena: I and my subordinates are prefectly cabable of carrying out the search for the Treasure Sword. We need not beg assistance from a traveler. |
Selan: If I may. My troops and I can find the sword. I don't believe we need the help of a traveler. |
セレナよ。 そなたは確かに強い剣士じゃ。 だが、それゆえに、他人の力を かりるのをこばむクセがある。 よいか。人間は助け合う事が大切なの じゃ。一人ではできぬ事も、力をあわ せれば出来る。 その事を、この探索でまなんでほしい。 |
Selena. You are a skilled with a sword, to be sure. However, you have a bad habit of refusing to accept help from others because of it. Listen. It is important for people to help each other. If you join forces, you can accomplish even things you cannot do alone. I want you to learn that in this search. |
Listen, Selan. I know you are a strong warrior. But because of this, you tend to act all on your own. Remember, people must help each other. Two heads are always better. Understand this on your journey. |
セレナ: …………。 |
Selena: ............ |
The NA script has a few errors here. Selena's line above is missing, and she says the king's next line. Oops. |
……いま一度言う。 マキシム殿に同行し 宝剣の探索を命ずる。 |
...I will say this just once. I command you to accompany sir Maxim and search for the Treasure Sword. |
I'll only say it one more time. I order you to search for the sword with Maxim. |
セレナ: し、しかし陛下―― |
Selena: B-but, Your Majesty— |
Selan: Bu...but, Your Majesty! |
――復唱は、どうした!! | —what are your orders!? | Do you dare disobey me? | ||||
復唱 (fukushou) refers to repeating back what someone else said in order to ensure that the message got across correctly. |
セレナ: は、はい!! マキシム殿に同行し、 宝剣探索の任につきます! |
Selena: Y-yes, sir!! I accept the duty of accompanying sir Maxim and searching for the Treasure Sword! |
Selan: No, Your Majesty! I will go with Maxim and pursue my mission! |
そう言うわけじゃ、マキシム殿。 セレナを同行させるがよろしいかな? もちろん、探索のリーダーはそなたに やってもらうが。 |
And that is that, sir Maxim. Selena may accompany you, I trust? Of course, I will have you act as the leader on the search. |
As you see, Maxim, Selan will go with you. Any problems with that? You may lead the party. |
マキシム: 私は別にかまいませんが。 |
Maxim: I have no particular objections. |
Maxim: I don't have any problems with that, Your Majesty. |
よろしい。では話は決まった。 よいかセレナ。これは、命令される 気持ちを理解するにも、いい機会 じゃぞ。 それでは、良い知らせを 待っておるぞ。 |
Very well. Then it is settled. Listen, Selena. This is also a good opportunity to understand how it feels to be the one taking orders. Now then, I will be waiting for the good news. |
Very well! Selan, this is a great chance to experience being under another's command. Well then, I wish you all the luck in the world! |
Selena stalks out of the throne room. The others follow and meet her outside the door. |
セレナ: マキシムさんと 言いましたね。 |
Selena: Your name was Maxim? |
Selan: You're Maxim, right? |
マキシム: ええ。 |
Maxim: Yes. |
Maxim: Yes. |
セレナ: 他の方たちは? |
Selena: And the other persons? |
Selan: How about the others? |
マキシム: 彼は、ガイ。 タンベルで知り合い一緒に旅を しています。 そして、彼女はティアです。 |
Maxim: He is Guy. We met in Tanbel and are traveling together. And she is Tia. |
Maxim: This is Guy. We met in Tanbel and have been traveling together since. And this is Tia. |
ティア: はじめまして。 |
Tia: It's nice to meet you. |
Tia: Hi. Nice to meet you! |
セレナ: ……マキシムさん。 一言、言っておきますが、 私はまだ、あなたをみとめていません。 もちろん陛下の命令ですから、宝剣探索 に関しては、あなたにしたがいます。 ですが、それ以外の事に関しては、 あなたはしたがう気はありません。 |
Selena: ...Maxim. I want to make it clear to you that I have not yet accepted you. I will, of course, follow His Majesty's orders and do as you say for the Treasure Sword search. However, I have no interest in obeying you when it comes to anything else. |
Selan: Maxim. Let me just say one thing. I haven't accepted you yet. The King ordered me to follow your lead, so I will. But that's all you can count on. |
マキシム: ずいぶんハッキリと 言ってくれますね。 |
Maxim: You say that quite bluntly. |
Maxim: You're pretty straightforward, aren't you? |
セレナ: 気にさわりましたか? でも、言い直すつもりは ありません。 |
Selena: Did I hurt your feelings? I have no intention of correcting myself, though. |
Selan: I intend no offense but, yes, I tend to speak my mind. |
マキシム: いいですよ。あなたがおもしろくない のは、わかります。 ……しかし、どうすれば、あなたに みとめてもらえますか? |
Maxim: Very well. I understand that this is not amusing for you. ......what should I do to get you to accept me, though? |
Maxim: Well, that's alright. I know you don't like this situation. But what can I do to gain your trust? |
セレナ: ただ強いだけじゃ、私はみとめません。 これだけは、言っておきます。 |
Selena: I will not accept you for mere strength alone. That much, I will tell you. |
Selan: Strength is not the answer, I can tell you that. |
マキシム: ……むずかしいですね。 |
Maxim: ...difficult, aren't you. |
Maxim: Hmm, tough, huh!? |
セレナ: …………。 |
Selena: ............ |
Selan: ...... |
ガイ: まぁカタイ話は、これくらいにしと こうぜ。セレナさんって言ったっけ? とにかく、宝剣を見つけるまでは、 よろしくたのむぜ。 |
Guy: Hey now, let's leave off with the stuffy talk. Selena, was it? Anyhow, until we find the Treasure Sword, we're counting on you. |
Guy: Hey, that's enough! Selan, right? Welcome to the party! We'll find the sword together. |
After Selena's almost painfully formal speech and Maxim's normal formal, it's rather refreshing to have Guy jump in, as informal as always, yet managing to be fairly respectful... well, for him, anyway. |
セレナ: わかってます。 それが私の使命ですから……。 |
Selena: Understood. For that is my mission... |
Selan: Of course. That's my mission. |
It almost seems like Selena's trying to be a bit less formal here... she makes the common verbal omission of leaving out the い (i) that わかっています (wakatte imasu) should properly include. Or maybe she's just trying to do as little as possible while still technically going along with him. |
ガイ: 使命ねぇ……なんかカタイけど、 まぁいいか。 とにかく、仲良くやろうぜ。な! |
Guy: Mission, huh... that's kinda stuffy, but hey, whatever. Anyhow, let's all get along, okay? |
Guy: Mission, huh? That sounds awfully serious. But anyway, good to have you on board. |
セレナがパーティーに加わった | Selena joined the party | Selan joins the party. | ||||
Before leaving, let's stop by Selena's room... |
あら、セレナ。あなたが男の人と 一緒にいるなんてめずらしいね。 それに、けっこういい男じゃない! |
Ah, Selena. How unusual it is to see you with a man. And what a fine man he is, too! |
Well Selan, this is unusual. You with a man?! And he's a doll, too, this one! |
セレナ: もう、おばさんったら。 これは、陛下の命令なのよ。 |
Selena: Cut it out, auntie. This is on his majesty's orders. |
Selan: Stop it, Auntie! This is business. We're under orders from the King. |
あらあら、そうですか。 でも、まんざらでも ないんじゃない。 |
My, my, is that so. But you're not so upset as you're letting on, are you? |
Alright, alright! But you're not completely uninterested, are you? |
まんざらでもない (manzara de mo nai) literally translates roughly to "not utterly", and is used in the sense of something not being altogether bad. However, it also has a connotation of pretending to be upset by something while actually not minding it at all, or even preferring it that way. Basically, Selena's presumed relative is saying, "You can act like you don't want him around all you want, but we both know better. Mmm, check out that sweet ass." Well, regardless of what anyone thinks about the situation, it's time to head for the temple. |