1-22 "Shrine" plays here. The floors are white stone, possibly marble, and the walls are columns made of a similar material. Selena can wield swords, staves, and whips, and can wear lightweight, medium, and female-only armor. Like Maxim, her attributes start out fairly average, though she's better with magic than he is, and before long rivals even Tia in magical power. As the game progresses, Selena's magic abilities increase faster than her physical prowess, so she ends up being more of a mage than a fighter, but she can still hold her own reasonably well in physical combat. Her GUT is average; not as high as Guy's, but rather better than Tia's. She's also the only character with the Light spell, which is neither useful nor usable for nearly the entire game. Selena's initially low AGI increases well as she gains levels, typically overtaking Maxim's by level 25 or so and only continuing to improve from there. She never gets as fast as Tia, but that's the only comparison where Tia comes out on top in the long run. At equal levels, expect Selena to have more HP at all levels and especially at higher ones, more MP after level 40 or so, significantly more STR at all levels, and more INT at all levels. MGR has more uneven growth, giving Selena a moderate disadvantage at low levels (up to about 20 or 25), turning into a moderate advantage at medium levels, before they both end up with nearly identical values at high levels (around 60 and up). Think of her as a slower Tia with better equipment selection and better overall stats, if that helps. As always, there are puzzles. A (poorly hidden) secret passage through one wall leads to a cracked wall that leads to a cracked floor that leads to a treasure chest with a Round Shield. Sliding platforms in the basement lead to an Undead Ring, Fury Bracelet, Cold Rapier, and: |
ほうけんのカギを手に入れた | Got the Treasure Sword Key | Found Sword key | ||||
...with that, the party can pass through the center door in the entry hall, where monsters that move too quickly to avoid run out from behind pillars. The next puzzle is fairly simple and involves a platform that moves by flipping switches, with a useful Bat Rock through the south door. Then there's a trick in the apparently empty room with the stairs that continue upward... walking into an odd spot on the right wall reveals more of the room, with monsters and a chest with an Intelliring. Upstairs is a room with two crates on buttons, a strange platform, and a sign to help. |
木箱はボムでこわす事が 出来る……。 |
One can break wooden boxes with a Bomb... |
Wooden crates can be broken by bombs. |
That's old news, but it does suggest that the Bomb will be needed here. Dropping one next to each of the boxes so that they are destroyed at different times (not both at once) and walking onto the platform allows the party to cross. A few rooms later is a rather strange arrangement with no explanation. On the near side of the room are several arrow symbols in the floor, pointing across the room. In front of each arrow is a walkway. There are occasional connecting paths between the walkways. On the far side of the room, one walkway ends at a door, while the others end at teleporters, all of which warp to the beginning of the room. However, the door won't open. The only way to get the door to open is to start at a walkway and move forward, taking every sideways path reached along the way, and ending at the door. Only one starting point will lead to the door with this method. The quick and dirty way to find the correct starting point is to begin at the door and work backwards. I've seen something similar done as a way of "drawing straws" in Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, as a bonus minigame in Super Mario Land 2, and probably elsewhere. The setup is fairly widely known in Japan, where it's called Amidakuji. |
The people in charge of the NA version of the game seem to have decided this puzzle would be too difficult, confusing, or obscure for American players, so they replaced it with a series of small tile color-changing puzzles, with rules like Othello (also known as Reversi). As such, the signs shown to the right do not appear in the JP version. I won't go into detailed solutions, but I'll mention a few things anyone struggling with the block puzzles should keep in mind. Diagonals work, in addition to vertical and horizontal lines, so keep them in mind. It's also perfectly legal to move a tile without using it to change the color of any other tiles, in order to set up a later move. |
All blocks between two yellows change to yellow, all blocks between two reds change to red. Move one yellow block to change them all to yellow! |
Move one yellow and one red block to change them all to yellow! |
Move two yellow and one red blocks to change them all to yellow! |
In either version, right after that room are the usual HP and MP recovery tiles and save point. Up another flight of stairs, the party approaches an important-looking doorway, but a blue clown and a red clown suddenly appear in swirls of red sparkles. The blue one speaks: |
その先には、行かせんぞ! | I won't let you go beyond there! | I'm not going to let you go any further! |
Ridiculous as it seems, the party tries confronting one of the clowns. |
キサマに、この俺が 倒せるかな? |
I wonder if it's possible for the likes of you to beat me? |
I wonder if you can really defeat me? |
And they fight, and the clown dies, and then it mysteriously reappears... |
マキシム: そ、そんなバカな! たしかに倒したはずだ!? |
Maxim: It c-can't be! I'm positive we beat you! |
Maxim: No! This can't be true! I defeated you!? |
ははは! そんなウデでは、俺は倒せんぞ。 ここから、立ち去れ! |
Ha ha ha! You can't beat me with skill like that. Get out of here! |
Ha, ha, ha! Your power is not enough to defeat me. Get out of my face! |
And the party is warped back outside of the room. They try attacking the other clown, with exactly the same results, down to the dialog. Being too persistent (or stubborn) to give up that easily, the party heads back in again, but Selena stops them at the entrance. |
セレナ: ちょっと待って、マキシムさん。 あのモンスター、何かおかしいわ。 |
Selena: Wait a minute, Maxim. Something's fishy about those monsters. |
Selan: Wait a minute, Maxim. There's something wrong with those monsters. |
Selena speaks more informally to Maxim a few times here. Maybe it's because she feels like she's taking on more of a leadership role for a little while... |
マキシム: 何か気づいたんですか? |
Maxim: Did you notice something? |
Maxim: Did you notice something? |
セレナ: 見た目も、言ってる事も 同じなのが、ひっかかるんです。 もしかすると……。 |
Selena: The way that both their appearance and what they say are the same bothers me. It could be that... |
Selan: I mean it's strange that they look exactly the same and say exactly the same thing. It may be... |
マキシム: もしかすると……? |
Maxim: Could be that...? |
Maxim: May be what? |
セレナ: あのモンスター、2匹で1匹なの かもしれない……。 もし、そうだとすると、かた方ずつと 戦っていても勝てないわ。 |
Selena: The two of those monsters may actually be one... If we make that assumption, we can't win by fighting them one at a time. |
Selan: They may be one monster split into two. If that's the case, there's no use fighting with only one. |
ガイ: 2匹同時に、やれって事か? |
Guy: You're saying take them both out at once? |
Guy: You mean get two at once? |
セレナ: ええ。 |
Selena: Yes. |
Selan: Yes. |
マキシム: しかし、それじゃパーティを わけなくちゃならないな……。 |
Maxim: But then we'll have to split the party... |
Maxim: Then, we'll have to split up into two teams. |
セレナ: 私が一人で戦います。 |
Selena: I will fight alone. |
Selan: I'll do it alone. |
...she's back to formal language... |
マキシム: いや、それは―― |
Maxim: No, that's— |
Maxim: I don't think so. |
セレナ: ――いえ。この探索は、私の国の人間 だけでケリをつけるべき事なのです。 何の関係もない旅の方の手をかりて いるだけでも、心ぐるしいのに……。 |
Selena: —no. My country ought to be finishing out this search with only our own people. It pains me just to ask help from travelers who have nothing at all to do with it... |
Selan: My people should handle this investigation. I feel so bad asking for your help. |
マキシム: セレナさん。私たちは、こうして 一緒に探索を続けてきたんですよ。 今でも、まだ、なんの関係もないと 言うのですか? |
Maxim: Selena. We have come this far working on the search together. Would you still say, even now, that we have nothing to do with it? |
Maxim: Selan. We've been investigating together. Do you think we're total strangers? |
セレナ: ……いえ、そ、それは。 |
Selena: ...no, I, I didn't mean that. |
Selan: Well, ah... |
マキシム: あなたが強いのは、みとめますが 一人で戦う事を、きょかする事は できません。 |
Maxim: I appreciate that you are strong, but I cannot allow you to fight alone. |
Maxim: I admit you're strong, but I cannot let you fight by yourself. |
セレナ: …………。 |
Selena: ............ |
Selan: ...... |
マキシム: ……ガイ。 |
Maxim: ...Guy. |
Maxim: Guy. |
This strikes me as the best tactical choice he could have made, even leaving aside the likelihood that he feels like he has to protect Tia (which is a good point). He could have chosen to fight with Selena and have Guy and Tia make up the other group, which would have resulted in the most balanced teams, but Selena's opposition to the situation has mostly been directed at Maxim, so putting her with Guy, to whom she's been merely indifferent, shows some degree of tact. Putting Selena and Tia together, on the other hand, would be poor for balance since Selena and especially Tia are primarily mages, while Maxim and especially Guy are primarily fighters. It's also possible that he's noticed Tia isn't terribly fond of Selena, which is another reason not to put the two of them together. |
ガイ: おう、彼女には俺がつくぜ。 |
Guy: Sure, I'll go with her. |
Guy: Alright. I'll fight with her. |
マキシム: いいですね、セレナさん。 |
Maxim: I trust that's all right, Selena. |
Maxim: Is that ok, Selan? |
セレナ: ……わかりました。 |
Selena: ...understood. |
Selan: Alright, you win. |
They return to the boss room. |
ガイ: それじゃ、ここで別れようぜ。 |
Guy: All right, let's split up here. |
Guy: Ok, then see you later. |
マキシム: 彼女をたのむぞ、ガイ。 |
Maxim: I'm counting on you with her, Guy. |
Maxim: I'm counting on you, Guy. |
ガイ: まかせとけ! |
Guy: Leave it to me! |
Guy: You're doing the right thing! |
Maxim and Tia head for the blue clown, while Guy and Selena go for the red one. |
まだこりないようだな。 こんどは、ようしゃせんぞ! |
Seems you still haven't learned your lesson. I won't let you off easy this time! |
You never give up, do you? I will really fight this time! |
And the fighting ensues. Although the battles supposedly occur at the same time, the player controls them one after the other, and the active capsule monster even joins both fights. The blue clown attacks with fire and thunder, and is weak against water and ice (but resists thunder), while the red one attacks with water and ice, and is weak against fire and thunder (but resists ice). With a smaller party fighting each, the battles are more difficult, but still manageable. For best results, equip Maxim with the Cold Rapier from the basement here, Tia with the Aqua Whip from the Ruby Cave, and Guy with the Fire Dagger from the tower southeast of Tanbel. Those lucky enough to have Camus's Cryptolith should find that its IP works well for Selena or Guy, too. |
うおー!そんな、バカなー! | Graaah! This cannot be! | Whoooaa! This can't be happening! |
And both clowns fade out and die, and they don't come back this time. |
マキシム: セレナさんの言ったとおりでしたね。 でも、どうしてわかったんですか? |
Maxim: It was just as you said, Selena. But how did you know? |
Maxim: Selan, you were right. But how did you know about the two monsters? |
セレナ: 前に、2体に別れるモンスターの ウワサを聞いた事があったんです。 そのモンスターは、どちらか1体が死ん でも、もう1体が無事なら、何度でも 復活する事が出来るらしいんです。 それで、そのモンスターをたおすには 2体同時にたおすしか方法がないと 言われてたんですよ。 |
Selena: I have heard rumors before about a monster that splits into two bodies. Supposedly, even if either one of the bodies dies, it can revive any number of times as long as the other body is safe. So, it was said that in order to beat that monster, there is no other choice but to beat the two bodies simultaneously. |
Selan: I heard a rumor about a monster that can split itself in two. That monster can be revived as long as the other half is alive. Some say the only way to defeat that monster is to get both halves at the same time. |
マキシム: そうだったんですか。 私は初めて聞きましたよ。 そんなモンスターのウワサ……。 |
Maxim: So that was it. This is the first time I've heard rumors of any such monster... |
Maxim: Is that right? I've never heard that before. |
セレナ: 私は、物心ついた頃から戦いの中を 生きてきましたからね。 そのテの話は、よく知ってるん ですよ。 さぁ、行きましょう。宝剣は、 おそらく、この奥の部屋です。 |
Selena: I have lived in the midst of battles for as far back as I can remember. I am quite familiar with tales of that kind. Now, let us go. The Treasure Sword is most likely in the room past here. |
Selan: I've been exposed to battles for as long as I can remember. I know many such stories. Well, let's go. The Treasure Sword should be through this door. |
That's a neat bit of backstory. Unfortunately, her familiarity with such tales is never again helpful, or even mentioned, as far as I can remember. Maxim and Selena continue into the inner room. Tia and Guy pause for a moment. |
ガイ: ……ティア。 |
Guy: ...Tia. |
Guy: Tia... |
ティア: ……大丈夫よ。 まだまだ、これくらいじゃ負けないわ。 さぁ行きましょう! |
Tia: ...I'm fine. I'm not nearly beaten yet. Come on, let's go! |
Tia: I'm ok. I'm not going to give up yet. Let's go! |
Beaten... at what? If it's not clear yet, it will be later... Tia goes into the inner room. Guy follows soon after. And inside, just as Selena predicted... |
ほうけんを手に入れた | Got the Treasure Sword. | Found Treas. sword | ||||
Selena's relative keeps making leading comments. |
宝剣とやらを見つけたんだね。 あんたが、男の人の手をかりて何か をなしとげるなんて、ずいぶんと ひさしぶりだねぇ。 |
You found that treasure sword thing. It's been quite a long time since you've accepted a man's help to accomplish anything |
Found the Treasure Sword, did you? It's been so long since I've seen you accept any man's help. |
The king's reaction is of more immediate importance, though. |
おお!それはまさしく伝説の宝剣! やはり、ウワサどおりのウデ前 じゃな、マキシム殿! |
Oh! That is surely the legendary Treasure Sword! You are indeed as skilled as the rumors claim, sir Maxim! |
Oh yes! That's it! The Treasure Sword, indeed! You are as I've heard, a great warrior indeed! |
マキシム: いえ、これを手に入れたのは、 セレナさんがいたからです。 彼女がモンスターの弱点を 知っていたからですよ。 |
Maxim: No, it is because we had Selena with us that we obtained this. She knew what the monster's weakness was. |
Maxim: I couldn't have done it without Selan. We made it only because she knew the monsters' weakness. |
セレナ: いえ、ぐうぜん私が弱点を 知っていたにすぎません。 探索の成功はマキシムさんの力です。 |
Selena: No, it is no more than chance that I knew its weakness. The search succeeded due to Maxim's ability. |
Selan: That's not true. What I knew wasn't important. We owe our success to Maxim. |
よいよい。なんにしてもよくやった。 さて、ほうびじゃが、城の地下に ある宝をさずけよう。 番兵には、話をつけておく。 いつでも取りに行ってもよいぞ。 |
Good, good. In any case, well done. Now, for your reward, I shall grant you the treasure that is in the castle basement. I will arrange things with the guard. You may go and get it at any time. |
Fine, fine. In any case, an excellent job. I shall reward you with the treasures in the basement. I will tell the gatekeeper you're coming so you can get in anytime. |
Suddenly, a soldier rushes into the throne room. |
へ、陛下! 一大事でございます! |
Y-Your Majesty! I have grave news! |
You... You Majesty! A terrible thing has happened! |
The music fades out. |
何事じゃ!? | What is it!? | What is it!? | ||||
となりの街のゴードバンが、何者か によって、かいめつさせられたとの 情報が入れました! |
Reports have come in that the neighboring town of Gordovan has been destroyed by someone! |
I just learned that someone demolished our neighboring city of Gordovan! |
な、なんじゃと!? | Wh-what did you say!? | Can this be true!? | ||||
"Despair" starts playing. |
くわしい事はわかりませんが、 一人の男が現れて、街を 破壊しつくしたとの事です! |
We do not know the details, but it seems a single man appeared and utterly destroyed the town! |
I can't confirm details yet, but it seems a man appeared and destroyed the entire city! |
なに!? たった一人の男がじゃと? |
What!? A single man did that? |
What!? A single man? How can that be? |
セレナ: 陛下、私を調査に 行かせてください! |
Selena: Your Majesty, please allow me go to investigate! |
Selan: Your Majesty, let me find out what happened! |
う、うむ……しかし、その男が我が国に も来るかもしれん。国のけいびを手うす にする事は、さけたいのじゃが……。 |
Y-yes... but that man may also come to our country. I want to avoid leaving the kingdom's defenses shorthanded... |
Hmm...but the man might come to my land. I'd rather you stay and keep an eye on our guards. |
セレナ: 私と、部下3名でまいります。 それならば、国のけいびも 手うすにはならないでしょう。 |
Selena: I will go with three of my subordinates. That should not leave the kingdom's defenses shorthanded. |
Selan: I'll take only three soldiers. That way, there will be enough guards to protect our land. |
な、なんじゃと。たった4人で行くと 申すのか。いや、それは危険すぎる。 とうてい、きょかできん。 |
Wh-what was that? You would go with just four people? No, that's too dangerous. I cannot possibly allow it. |
What!? Only four of you? That's too dangerous. I can't allow it! |
マキシム: 陛下。よろしければ、私たちが セレナさんに同行しても よろしいのですが……。 |
Maxim: Your Majesty. If this is all right with you, we would be willing to travel with Selena... |
Maxim: Your Majesty. With your permission, we could go with Selan... |
まことか!? い、いや、しかし、そこまで めいわくをかける事は……。 |
Would you indeed!? B-but, no, to impose that much trouble on you... |
That would be excellent! But...well, no. I can't burden you with so much. |
マキシム: どのみち、私たちは次の街へ 行くつもりだったのです。 ……それに、一人で街をほろぼした 男というのも気になります。 |
Maxim: We had intended to go to the next town regardless. ...moreover, the man said to have destroyed the town singlehandedly concerns me. |
Maxim: We were leaving for the next city anyway. I'm also curious about this villain with such power. |
そ、そうか。そこまで言うのなら……。 そなたたちが同行してくれるのなら、 安心じゃ。 |
I s-see. If you so insist... It would be a relief if you were to travel together. |
Hmm...well, if you insist. That would make me feel that Selan is safe. |
セレナ: 陛下!これ以上、マキシムさんの 手をかりては、あまりにも失礼です。 |
Selena: Your majesty! Asking Maxim for any further help would be excessively discourteous. |
Selan: Your Majesty! Allow me, but we cannot keep asking Maxim for help. |
マキシム: セレナさん。 私たちじゃ、役不足ですか? |
Maxim: Selena. Are we not good enough for you? |
Maxim: Lady Selan. Would we be in your way? |
セレナ: い、いえ。 そういう事じゃありません。 |
Selena: N-no. That is not what I meant. |
Selan: No, it's not that. It's just... |
マキシム: では、いいじゃありませんか。 ……それに、あなたは一人で 行くつもりだったのでしょう? |
Maxim: Well then, what is the problem? ......besides, you had planned on going alone anyway, had you not? |
Maxim: Well then, I see no problem. Besides, you were going by yourself anyway, weren't you? |
セレナ: ……どういう意味ですか? |
Selena: ...what do you mean? |
Selan: What do you mean? |
マキシム: この調査が、危険な事は わかっているはずです。 ヘタをすると命にかかわる 事態にもなりかねない……。 |
Maxim: Surely you understand that this investigation is a dangerous matter. The situation might well be such that a mistake could cost your life... |
Maxim: You know that this will be a very dangerous trip. I mean, you might not make it back. |
セレナ: …………。 |
Selena: ............ |
Selan: ...... |
マキシム: 失礼ですが、あなたの部下は、 まだまだ実力不足です。 だから、きっとあなたは、一人で 行くはずです……ちがいますか? |
Maxim: Excuse me for saying so, but your subordinates just aren't ready for that. So you must be going alone... Am I mistaken? |
Maxim: Sorry to say, but your soldiers aren't ready for this yet. So you have to go alone. Am I wrong? |
セレナ: …………。 | Selena: ............ |
Selan: ...... |
セレナよ。マキシム殿はすべて わかっておられるようじゃぞ。 ……そなたも、異存はないな。 |
Selena. It would appear that sir Maxim understands everything. ...I trust you have no objections. |
Selan. It seems Maxim knows everything. I trust it will be ok with you now. |
セレナ: はい。 |
Selena: Agreed. |
Selan: Yes, Your Majesty. |
それでマキシム殿。 セレナをたのみますぞ。 |
Well, then, sir Maxim. I leave Selena to you. |
Very good. Maxim, please look after Selan. |
マキシム: はい。 |
Maxim: Agreed. |
Maxim: Yes, Your Majesty. |
And they finally leave the throne room, this time with Maxim right behind Selena, and Guy and Tia a step behind. The music stops. |
セレナ: マキシムさん。 どうして、こんな危険な事に 付き合うんですか? これは、私の国の事なのに……。 |
Selena: Maxim. Why would you invove yourself in something so dangerous? This is my country's problem... |
Selan: Maxim, I don't understand. Why are you doing this? It's not even your country. |
マキシム: 正直に言うと、一人で街をほろぼした 男が気になるんです。 ……私の旅の目的は、誰かと戦う事 らしいのですから。 |
Maxim: To speak frankly, the man who ruined a town all by himself concerns me. ...because the purpose of my journey is supposedly to fight someone. |
Maxim: The truth? I want to know about the destroyer. My destiny is to...fight. Fight someone... |
セレナ: 戦う事が目的……? |
Selena: Fighting is your purpose...? |
Selan: Your destiny? |
マキシム: ええ……。洞窟で、私にそう言った 女性がいるんです。 その言葉を信じているわけではありま せんが、気になる事も事実です。 |
Maxim: Yes... There was a woman who told me so in a cave. It isn't exactly that I believe what she said, but it does weigh on my mind. |
Maxim: A woman in a cave told me this. I don't know if I believe what she said, but something disturbs me... |
セレナ: ……そうですか。 私も小さい頃から、戦いの中で 生きてきましたから、その気持ちも わかります。 |
Selena: ...I see. I have lived in the midst of battles since I was young, so I understand that feeling as well. |
Selan: I see. I've been in the midst of battles since I was a child. I understand what you mean. |
マキシム: ……ところで、これからの行動は 誰がリーダーになります? 立場から言えば、あなたがなる べきなのですが。 |
Maxim: ...by the way, who will act as the leader for our actions from here on? Based on the situation, it ought to be you who does. |
Maxim: Anyway, who's going to lead the party? Considering the situation, you should lead. |
セレナ: いえ。やはりあなたが リーダーになるべきです。 |
Selena: No. You ought to be the leader even so. |
Selan: I don't think so. I want you to be the leader. |
マキシム: いいんですか? |
Maxim: Are you sure about that? |
Maxim: Are you sure? |
セレナ: さきほど、私の部下の事まで気づかって もらった時は、おどろきました。 正直、私では他人の部下の事まで気が まわらないでしょう。 もう少し、あなたの下について、 色々まなびたいと思います。 |
Selena: Earlier, when you showed concern even for my subordinates, I was surprised. Frankly, I doubt my attention would reach as far as someone else's subordinates. I think I would like to remain beneath you a little while longer and learn more from you. |
Selan: I was astonished when you spoke of my soldiers. I couldn't think of another's troops like you. I want to be under your command and watch what you do. |
I always thought the NA version makes it sound like she's surprised that he effectively called the soldiers useless incompetents. The JP version makes it clear that what she's surprised about is that he was attentive enough to notice and care about them instead of largely overlooking them. |
マキシム: ……少しは、みとめてもらえたと 思ってもいいのですか? |
Maxim: ...may I assume I have convinced you to accept me a little bit? |
Maxim: Can I take that to mean that you're starting to trust me? |
セレナ: ……ええ。 でも、ほんの少しですよ。 |
Selena: ...yes. Just slightly, however. |
Selan: I guess you could say that. But only a little. |
マキシム: きびしいですね。 |
Maxim: You certainly are harsh. |
Maxim: Tough, huh!? |
セレナ: はい。 |
Selena: Yes. |
Selan: That's right. |
ガイ: さてと、話は決ったようだな。 それじゃ、さっそくゴードバンって 街に行こうじゃねーか。 |
Guy: Now then, it seems that's all settled. So why don't we head straight for this Gordovan town? |
Guy: I guess we're ready. To Gordovan, shall we? |
セレナ: ゴードバンは、パーセライトの西に ある街です。 ほこらを通って行く街なんです。 |
Selena: Gordovan is the town to the west of Parcelyte. The town is past the small shrine. |
Selan: Gordovan's west of Parcelyte. We have to go through the small shrine. |
ガイ: よし。それじゃ……っと言う前に ごほうびをもらってからにしようぜ。 確か、城に地下って言ったな。 まず、そこに行こう。 |
Guy: All right. Then... well, before that, let's hold off until after we go get the reward. I think he said it's in the basement. Let's go there first. |
Guy: First, let's get the reward. The King said it's in the basement of the castle, right? |
セレナが仲間になった。 | Selena became a companion. | Selan joins the party. | ||||
And so, the party marches boldly into the basement, finding an Angel's Raiment. Sort of a strange reward, but useful regardless. The guard at the small shrine to the west cautions them as they pass though. |
ゴードバンは、今も危険な状態 かもしれません。 じゅうぶんに、気を付けてください。 |
The situation in Gordovan might still be dangerous. Please exercise due caution. |
Gordovan still might be in danger. Please be very careful. |