Just as the reports said, the place is in ruins. "Despair" plays instead of the usual town music. Oddly, even though the buildings have all been destroyed, none of the inhabitants seem to have been harmed. Maxim tries talking to some of them. |
とつぜん一人の大男が現れて、 街を破壊しちまった……。 命があっただけでも、ましなのかも しれんがね……。 それより、その大男は、街の西にある 塔の屋上にいるらしいんだ。 ……また来るんじゃないだろうな。 |
A giant man suddenly showed up and destroyed the town... We may well be lucky just to still be alive... Anyway, I hear that the giant is on the roof of the tower west of town. ...he won't come back, will he? |
This giant appeared and destroyed the whole city! I'm lucky to be here! It's the guy in the tower west of the city. I hope he doesn't come back. |
街はハデに壊されたけど、 誰も死んじゃいないんだよ。 あの、大男は俺たちを殺す事が 目的じゃなかったんだ……。 しかし、いったい何のために、 こんな事をしやがったんだ。 |
The town was destroyed for all to see, but no one's dead. Killing us wasn't that giant man's goal... But what's the big idea, doing something like this? |
The city's pretty much gone, but luckily we're all ok. He didn't intend to destroy us... But then, why did he do such an evil thing? |
街を破壊した大男が、西の塔の方へ 行ったのを、あたしは見たよ。 だからと言って、この街には軍もないし どうしようもないけどね……。 あ、それと、旅の若い女が連れて 行かれたようだったけど……。 あんなヤツが相手じゃ、 どうしようもないよ……。 |
I saw the giant man who destroyed the town head toward the western tower. Still, we don't have an army, so there's nothing we can do about it... Oh, and it seems that a young woman traveler was carried off... Up against someone like that, though, there's nothing we can do about it... |
I saw the destroyer take off towards the West Tower. We can't do a thing without an army! Oh, that's right. And the lady traveler was kidnapped. But who can face such a strong man? |
Though one little girl has a more damning take on that. |
旅のお姉ちゃんがね、大男に 連れられて行っちゃったの……。 でも、この街の人じゃないから、 誰も助けに行こうとしないのよ。 |
There was this lady traveler who got taken away by the giant man... but no one cares about going to help her since she's not from our town. |
He took away a woman traveler, but nobody tried to rescue her because she's not from around here. |
That makes at least two reasons to go check out that tower... |
It's another tower, nothing special, except that every story has a central room with no floor. As in the tower near Tanbel, a second exit is blocked off for now. There's a block and switch puzzle on the second floor, and recovery tiles on the third. Also on the third floor is a little puzzle with a pot and two buttons. Opening either closed door involves putting the pot on the corresponding button, then walking along the gray floor tiles to the door. A bit odd, but simple enough. The fourth floor has the Hook tool, and a sign describing how to use it: |
フックは、柱や、くいなどにささる。 フックがささると、自分がささった 場所まで飛んで行く。 これにより、みぞなどを飛びこえて 先に進む事が出来る。 モンスターにさせば、動きを止める 事も出来る。 |
The Hook catches on pillars or stakes. When the Hook catches on something, you will cross to where it caught. By doing so, you can pass over obstacles like gaps and keep going. You can also stop a monster's movement if you jab it. |
The Hook will hook onto pillars and stakes so you can be pulled towards them. Hooks take you to the other side of the chasms. Hitting monsters with a Hook paralyzes them. |
The Hook also does everything the Arrow does, if with slightly less range. Additionally, it allows access to a few more places in earlier dungeons, including a Dragon Egg in the Cave to Sandeltan. Unsurprisingly, the rest of the tower has a number of pillar-hook puzzles, though nothing fancy just yet. One room on the fifth floor has a puzzle that involves bombing a crate that sits on a button. There's a platform in the central room on the fifth floor that can move between floors (an elevator!) and reach some additional areas. One newly reachable area has a zombie encounter blocking the door. They keep reappearing no matter how many times they're beaten, but there are several blocks scattered around, and a cross-shaped outline on the floor. If it's not already obvious what to do, there's also a sign explaining it. In the US version, the puzzle is changed to seeing seven crystals flash in a specific order, then hitting them in that order, and the sign changes to reflect this. The Christian cross apparently offended NoA's sensibilities. Odd, considering that the cross patterns on the floor in the topmost room remain, and that there are far more (at least nominal) Christians in America than Japan, which is primarily Shinto and Buddhist. |
のろわれしアンデッドモンスターを 倒すには、聖なる十字をきるがよい。 |
To fell the accursed undead monsters, form a holy cross. |
Cut them in order! | ||||
This line appears to be using a rare definition of 切る (kiru), listed as meaning つくる (tsukuru, to make), in the last of 22 entires on the Japanese-Japanese dictionary on goo.ne.jp. It appears to derive from the concept of cutting down trees, presumably as a source of materials to build with. Further investigation has revealed that 十字を切る is a common translation of the Catholic practice of making the sign of the cross, so perhaps that explains the phrasing. Finishing the task zaps the zombie and lets the party continue to find a chest: |
かぜのカギを手に入れた | Got the Wind Key | Found Wind key | ||||
With the key, the party can reach the roof. Or maybe "attic" is more like it, since it seems to be indoors. Either way, "Shudder" plays here. There's a flash and a crackling sound as they approach the inner room. |
ガイ: マキシム……。 |
Guy: Maxim... |
Guy: Maxim... |
マキシム: ああ……何かいる……。 |
Maxim: Yeah... someone's here... |
Maxim: Yes, I sense it too. |
セレナ: 気を付けて……強いわ! |
Selena: Careful...... they're strong! |
Selan: Be careful...It's strong! |
She's speaking informally again, as she tends to do when there's a crisis looming. Which makes sense, since it's a briefer and more natural form of speech. There's one of those monster-warping-in thingies, but fancier than usual, and a huge man wearing blue plate mail appears. |
ほう……いい波を出しているな。 破壊したあの街には、そんな波を 出すヤツはいなかったはずだが……。 キサマは旅の剣士か? |
Oh...? Such impressive waves. I don't believe that town I destroyed had any who gave off such waves... Are you a traveling swordsman? |
Hmm...I don't recognize your energy pattern. Strangers? Traveling warriors, perchance? |
マキシム: 街を破壊しただと!? それじゃ、お前があの街を! |
Maxim: That town you destroyed!? Then you're the one who...! |
Maxim: The destroyed town!? So you're the one...! |
Maxim's line feels like a non sequitur in the NA text. In the Japanese, it's clear that the stranger mentioned destroying the town first. |
少しは、ていこうするかと 思っていたのだがな。 あれではヒマつぶしにも ならなかったわ……。 |
I had thought they might resist a little. That wasn't even worth it for killing time... |
I expected them at least to put up a fight. They didn't even begin to amuse me. Pity... |
Though often feminine as a sentence ending, わ (wa) also serves to express strong feelings, such as surprise, admiration, or disgust. |
マキシム: な、なんだと!! |
Maxim: Wh-what did you say!? |
Maxim: Why, you!! |
だが、これで少し楽しめそうだな。 キサマ、名は? |
But this, I think, I'll enjoy a bit more. You there, what's your name? |
But you! Now, you seem more the sport. You, what is your name? |
マキシム: マキシム! |
Maxim: Maxim! |
Maxim: Maxim! |
我の名は、ガデス。 破壊を司る神だ! |
My name is Gades. The God of Destruction! |
I am Gades, Master of Destruction! |
That's with short vowels, so it sounds something like "gah dehs". Even so, I have trouble reading Gades as anything but "gay dees". And the party battles with Gades. However, he's ridiculously powerful (for this point in the game), so unless the party is also ridiculously powerful, they fall within a few rounds at most. His deadliest attack, 破壊の波動 (hakai no hadou, roughly "Waves of Destruction", though 波動 refers more specifically to the motion of a wave than to the wave itself) strikes the entire party at once, and can easily kill Tia and Selena in one hit at lowish levels, with only their higher defense and HP totals sparing Maxim and Guy (Tia and Selena should still take less damage if they're in the back row since the attack is physical). Even the background music is more menacing (though awesome) than usual, with 2-9 "Battle #3" playing instead of the standard boss music. I'm not sure how to handle the distinction between 波 (wave) and 波動 (wave motion). Both would normally be "wave" in English, I think. As best I can tell, the proper physics jargon for 波動 would be "undulation". Unfortunately, I find that it would sound overly awkward and cheesy if used in dialog. "Such impressive undulations, but they're no match for mine!" ...yeah. I think I'm going to go ahead and just use "waves" regardless, and if the distinction ever seems to make a difference, I'll worry about it then. Before long, the party falls. The music stops after the battle ends. |
ガデス: しょせん人間の力など、こんなものか。 くだらん……まったく、くだらぬわ! |
Gades: Is that all there is to human power? Worthless... utterly worthless! |
Gades: You are mere mortals, after all. Pitiful. Absolutely pitiful! |
And after adding insult to injury (literally!), Gades leaves. |
It is, however, possible for a strong enough party to win this battle. The key seems to be healing every round and boosting Tia's speed above his so she can heal more effectively. Use every buff and debuff you have. Once you can stay alive, it's just a matter of patience. Give Guy the Undead Ring to make things go more quickly, since it adds the Holy element to attacks, and Gades has a weakness against that. You get Gades's Sword as a prize—not to mention an obscene 50,000 experience and 50,000 gold—but Gades throws a hissy fit... |
ガデズ: くっ、こざかしいまねを! 我の本当の力を見せてくれるわ! |
Gades: Kh, such impudence! I'll show you my true power! |
Gades: Ah! How irritating! Now witness my true power! |
...and lightning falls from above, leaving the party flat on the ground regardless. Gades still leaves after that, maybe to go sulk. |
Either way, the party is left sprawled out on the floor, Maxim at center, Selena nearby, Guy up front, and Tia behind and off to the side. "Prophet" begins playing, which can only mean one thing, and sure enough, Iris soon enters. She heals Maxim, Selena, Guy, and Tia in turn, and they get up. |
マキシム: あ、あなたは……。 |
Maxim: Y-you're... |
Maxim: You...you are... |
The party regroups. Maxim looks, perhaps rather pointedly, at Tia as he says: |
マキシム: みんな、大丈夫か? |
Maxim: Is everyone okay? |
Maxim: Is everyone all right? |
ティア: ええ。 |
Tia: Yes. |
Tia: Yes. |
He turns toward Iris. |
マキシム: また、あなたに助けられ ましたね。ありがとう。 |
Maxim: We have again been saved by you. Thank you. |
Maxim: Once again, you have come to my aid. Thank you. |
アイリス: ……いえ、いいんです。 |
Iris: ...no, that's quite all right. |
Iris: No, it is nothing. |
セレナ: マキシムさん。 どなたなんですか? |
Selena: Maxim. Who is this? |
Selan: Maxim, who is it? |
With the crisis over, Selena reverts to formal speech again. |
マキシム: 私に、旅に出て戦う事が運命だと いった人です。 |
Maxim: She is the person who told me that my destiny is to leave on a journey and fight. |
Maxim: It is the one who told me that my destiny was to travel and fight. |
アイリス: アイリスと申します。 マキシムさん。 仲間を見つけたようですね。 |
Iris: I am known as Iris. Maxim. It seems that you have found companions. |
Iris: I am called Iris. You seem to have found friends, Maxim. |
マキシム: えっ、それでは……。 |
Maxim: Oh, then you mean...? |
Maxim: You mean... |
アイリス: そうです。 ガイさん。そして、セレナさん。 あなたたちもマキシムさんと共に 旅に出て戦う運命にあるのです……。 |
Iris: Just so. Guy. And Selena, as well. You are also destined to journey and fight alongside Maxim... |
Iris: Yes. Guy. Selan. You, too, are fated to travel and do battle. |
セレナ: ……私が? |
Selena: ...I am? |
Selan: Me? |
アイリス: そうです。 |
Iris: Indeed. |
Iris: Yes. |
セレナ: でも、どうして私が……。 |
Selena: But why would I...? |
Selan: But, why me? |
アイリス: あなたにも、力があるのです。 邪悪な光に対抗する力が……。 |
Iris: You also have the power. The power to oppose the evil light... |
Iris: You also have the power to resist the evil light. |
セレナ: 邪悪な光に対抗する力……。 |
Selena: Power to oppose the evil light... |
Selan: Power to resist the evil light... |
Iris begins to walk away. |
マキシム: アイリスさん。 ……あなたは、 なぜ旅をしているんですか? |
Maxim: Iris. ...why is it that you are on a journey? |
Maxim: Iris. Why...are you traveling? |
アイリス: 私は、答えを探して いるのです。 |
Iris: I am searching for answers. |
Iris: I am looking for answers. |
マキシム: 答え?一体何の? |
Maxim: Answers? What kind? |
Maxim: Answers? To what? |
アイリス: …………時は動き始めました。 あとは、あなた次第なのです。 |
Iris: ............time has begun to move. The rest depends on you. |
Iris: Time's passing. Everything else is up to you. |
And upon giving that reply only after a lengthy hesitation, yet still not really answering the question, she leaves. |
セレナ: 私が、あなたと旅に……。 |
Selena: Me, go on a journey with you... |
Selan: My destiny is to travel with you... |
ガイ: ……まぁ、それはそれとして これからどうする? |
Guy: ...well, leaving that at that, what do we do from here? |
Guy: Well, that's that. But what now? |
マキシム: そうだな……。 |
Maxim: Let's see... |
Maxim: Let's see... |
セレナ: 一度、パーセライトに戻ってください。 この事を陛下に、ほうこくしなくては なりません。 |
Selena: Please return to Parcelyte for the moment. I must report this matter to His Majesty. |
Selan: Let's return to Parcelyte. We must report this to the King. |
マキシム: わかりました。 |
Maxim: Understood. |
Maxim: Ok. |
Maxim, Selena, and Guy start to leave, but Tia doesn't move. |
マキシム: ティア。どうしたんだ? |
Maxim: Tia. What's wrong? |
Maxim: Tia, what's wrong? |
ティア: えっ?ああ、ごめんなさい。 ちょっと考えごとしてたから……。 |
Tia: Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. I had something on my mind... |
Tia: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something... |
It doesn't hurt to loot the room behind where Gades appeared before leaving, netting a Scimitar and Protection Shield. In fact, it's really quite useful. What happened to that kidnapped woman traveler, though? Or was Iris her? She didn't look very kidnapped... On the way back to Parcelyte, the people of Gordovan express relief that Gades has left the area, but have little else to say. |