The party goes to the throne room to report to the king. |
そうであったか。ゴードバンを 破壊したガデスと言う男は、 それほどまでに強かったのか……。 |
So, that is what happened. The man called Gades who destroyed Gordovan was that strong... |
I see. Hmm...the villain who destroyed Gordovan was that strong... |
セレナ: 申しわけありません。 私の力不足です。 | Selena: My apologies. I lacked the necessary ability. |
Selan: It is all my fault. I overestimated my ability. |
そんな事はない。 それよりも、ガデスの存在は むしできんな……。 |
Nonsense. In any case, we cannot ignore the existence of Gades... |
That isn't true. In any case, we have to to something about Gades. |
セレナ: 陛下。よろしければ、この後も ガデスの調査を続けたいのですが。 もちろん、調査は私一人で行います。 |
Selena: Your Majesty. By your leave, I wish to continue investigating Gades. Of course, I will do so alone. |
Selan: Your Majesty. With your permission, I'd like to find out more about Gades. Of course, I'll go alone. |
……うむ。 それじゃな、これ以上 マキシム殿にたよるのも―― | ...I see. Well, relying on sir Maxim any further would also— |
Hmm. I guess we shouldn't rely on Maxim so much... |
A guard rushes into the throne room. That's rarely a good sign. |
ガイ様は、おられますか? | Is a master Guy here? | Is there a Guy, here? | ||||
ガイ: どうした、俺に何か用か? |
Guy: What's up, you need me for something? |
Guy: What is it? What do you want? |
タンベルから使者がまいりました。 妹様のようだいが悪化したそうです。 |
A messenger has arrived from Tanbel. Your younger sister's condition has worsened. |
A messenger from Tanbel is here. He says your sister's condition has worsened. |
ガイ: なんだって!? ヒルダが! |
Guy: What's that!? Hilda! |
Guy: What!? Hilda! |
マキシム: ガイ。すぐに戻ってやれ。 |
Maxim: Guy. Go back to her right away. |
Maxim: Guy, go back right away! |
ガイ: し、しかし……ガデスってとんでも なく強いヤツまで現れて…… ここで俺がいなくなっては……。 |
Guy: B-but... with someone as absurdly strong as Gades appearing...... If I leave now... |
Guy: Bu...but, Gades is so powerful...I can't just leave you guys like this. |
マキシム: 今、ヒルダさんにとって一番の くすりは、ガイがそばにいてやる事だ。 |
Maxim: The best medicine for Hilda now is for you to be there for her, Guy. |
Maxim: What Hilda needs most right now is for you to be with her. |
ガイ: そ、それは……。 |
Guy: W-well, that's... |
Guy: That's true, but... |
マキシム: それに、俺たちは大丈夫だ。 一人、新しいパーティーの 心あたりがあるし……。 |
Maxim: Besides, we'll be fine. For one thing, I have an idea about a new party member... |
Maxim: Besides, don't worry about us. I know someone who can help us. |
ガイ: それってのは、 もしかして…… |
Guy: By that, could you mean...? |
Guy: You mean...Could that by any chance be...? |
マキシム: 陛下。セレナさんの力を、私にかしては いただけないでしょうか? もちろん、ガデスに関する調査は一緒に いたします。 |
Maxim: Your Majesty. Might you be willing to lend Selena's assistance to me? Of course, we would be investigating Gades together. |
Maxim: Your Majesty, might I ask for Selan's help? Of course, we'll help her find out more about Gades. |
おお、そうか! うむ、それが一番よかろう。 ……セレナもそれでよいな? |
Oh, I see! Yes, I expect that is for the best. ......I trust that works for you, Selena? |
Oh, that's excellent! Yes, yes, that sounds very good indeed. Is that alright with you, Selan? |
The archiac tentative よかろう (yokarou) corresponds to modern よいだろう (yoi darou, roughly "is probably good"). |
セレナ: はい……。 |
Selena: Yes... |
Selan: Yes, Your Majesty... |
マキシム殿と共に、 ガデスの調査をたのんだぜぞ。 |
I'm counting on you for the Gades investigation, together with sir Maxim. |
I shall entrust you and Maxim to investigate Gades. |
The English version grammar feels subtly off here. The usual phrasing for this verb is "entrust you with doing" rather than "entrust you to do". |
セレナ: わかりました。 |
Selena: Understood. |
Selan: Yes, Your Majesty. |
マキシム: それでは陛下。 失礼いたします。 |
Maxim: Well then, Your Majesty. Excuse us. |
Maxim: Well then, Your Majesty. By your leave, we'll be off. |
The four of them leave the throne room. This time, Guy goes first, with Tia behind him, while Maxim and Selena bring up the rear, walking side by side. |
ガイ: それじゃ、俺はタンベルに戻るぜ。 |
Guy: I'm going back to Tanbel, then. |
Guy: Well, I'll go back to Tanbel, then. |
ティア: ヒルダさんに、なに事もなければ いいですけど……。 |
Tia: I hope everything is okay with Hilda... |
Tia: I hope Hilda is ok... |
ガイ: あいつは、俺の妹だぜ。そんなに カンタンにくたばりゃしねーよ。 それに……ジェシーがそばについて るしな。 |
Guy: She's my little sister. She ain't gonna drop dead that easy. Besides... Jessie's with her. |
Guy: Hey, she's my sister. She won't give up so easily. Besides, Jessy is with her. |
ティア: そうですね。 |
Tia: You're right. |
Tia: Yeah, that's right. |
ガイ: マキシム。俺は必ず帰ってくるぜ。 それまで……死ぬなよ。 |
Guy: Maxim. I'll come back for sure. Until then... don't die. |
Guy: Maxim. I'll be back. Don't get knocked out until then, ok? |
マキシム: 誰に向かって言ってるんだよ。 |
Maxim: Who do you think you're talking to? |
Maxim: Hey, who do you think you're talking to!? |
ガイ: ちげーねぇな。 それじゃ、行くぜ。 |
Guy: Damn straight. I'm going, then. |
Guy: I know, I know. You're the man. Well, see you guys! |
Guy leaves the castle, and the party. Hope he didn't have any important equipment on him... |
ティア: ヒルダさん。きっと 大丈夫よね。 |
Tia: Hilda... I'm sure she'll be all right. |
Tia: Hilda will be ok, right? |
マキシム: ……ああ。 |
Maxim: ...yeah. |
Maxim: Of course. |
セレナ: マキシムさん……。 |
Selena: Maxim... |
Selan: Maxim... |
マキシム: セレナさん。一緒に旅を続ける前に、 あなたの本心を聞かせてもらえますか? |
Maxim: Selena. Before we journey on, would you mind telling me how you really feel? |
Maxim: Before we go on, Selan, tell me the truth. |
セレナ: 本心? |
Selena: How I feel? |
Selan: The truth? |
マキシム: 陛下に命令されたから、私と行動を 共にするのですか? |
Maxim: Are you acting jointly with me because you were ordered to by His Majesty? |
Maxim: Are you coming with us because the King asked you to? |
セレナ: それはちがうと思います。 ……私も、あの女の人の 言葉が気になるのです。 |
Selena: I do not think that is why. ...that woman's words concern me as well. |
Selan: No, that's not it. I'm also curious about what that woman said to you in the cave. |
Actually, I think she's more concerned about what the woman said to her in the tower just now than to him in the cave... |
マキシム: 『旅に出て戦う事が運命』ですか? |
Maxim: About it being your destiny to go on a journey and fight? |
Maxim: You mean, "Your fate is to fight on your journey"? |
セレナ: ……ええ。 それに、ガデスにやられっぱなしじゃ、 私のプライドがゆるしません。 |
Selena: ...yes. Moreover, my pride will not allow me to leave things at being beaten by Gades. |
Selan: Yes. Besides, I just can't let Gades beat me and do nothing. I've got my pride. |
マキシム: ……ガデスに勝てると思いますか? |
Maxim: ...do you think you can win against Gades? |
Maxim: So...you think you can beat Gades? |
セレナ: たしかに、ガデスの強さは絶大 でした……。 でも、剣をまじえる事が出来るなら、 倒す事も出来るはずです。 マキシムさん。 あなたも、そう思っている はずでしょ? |
Selena: Certainly, Gades's strength was tremendous... But if I can cross swords with him, I should also be able to beat him. Maxim. You feel the same way, do you not? |
Selan: True, his power is awesome. But if I could actually face him with my sword, I think it's possible. Maxim. I know you feel the same. |
I can't believe I missed this at first... Compare Selena's words here with what Maxim said to Guy about fighting gods, back in Tanbel. The wording's a bit different, but it's exactly the same thing... |
マキシム: ええ。 |
Maxim: Yes. |
Maxim: Yes |
セレナ: ……だと思いました。 ですから私は、あなたと共に 旅をする事にしたのです。 |
Selena: ...as I thought. That is why I decided to travel with you. |
Selan: That's what I thought. That's why I decided to go with you. |
マキシム: また、少しは、みとめてもらえた ようですね。 |
Maxim: It seems that I have won a little bit more of your acceptance. |
Maxim: You trust me more now? |
セレナ: ……ええ。 でも、まだまだですよ。 |
Selena: ...yes. But you still have far to go. |
Selan: Well, yeah. But not completely, no. |
マキシム: あいかわらず、きびしいですね。 ……さて、そろそろ行きましょう。 |
Maxim: You are as harsh as ever. ...now, we should be on our way. |
Maxim: Whew, tough, aren't you? Well, shall we, then? |
セレナ: ええ。 まずは塔をこえて、メリクス村へ 行きましょう。 塔の結界も消えているはずですから。 |
Selena: Yes. First, let us pass through the tower and on to Merix Village. The tower's barrier ought to be gone. |
Selan: Yes! Let's go through the tower and head for Merix Village. The tower barrier should be gone by now. |