Another small village. A villager warns the party of danger ahead. |
ゴードバンを破壊した男が、 北の洞窟に、現れたんだ。 そいつが、洞窟にかかっている橋を 壊しちまったんだよ。 橋をなおそうにも、あの男が来てから、 洞窟に、モンスターがうじゃうじゃ 出やがってな。 まったく、あいつは何者なんだよ。 |
The man who destroyed Gordovan appeared in the northern cave. The guy destroyed the bridge across the cave. We could try to fix it, but the cave's been swarming with monsters ever since he came. Who the heck is that guy? |
The destroyer of Gordovan appeared in the North Cave. He destroyed the bridge to the cave. We want to fix the bridge, but there are too many monsters in the cave. Who is that guy anyway? |
北の洞窟には、今までモンスター なんか一匹も出なかったのに……。 あの男が、洞窟に現れてから、 何かがおかしくなってるんです。 |
Not a single monster or the like had ever shown up in the northern cave until now... But something's gone wrong ever since that man appeared in the cave. |
There were never any monsters in the North Cave until now. Ever since that guy appeared... |
ゴードバンをほろぼした男は、 北の洞窟を通って、さらに北に 進んだそうじゃ。 |
It seems the man who destroyed Gordovan went through the northern cave and continued further north. |
The man who destroyed Gordovan went north through the North Cave, I hear. |
Someone will need to fix that bridge, though. Any leads? |
この村の家はね、全部、ポロンちゃんの お父さんがたてたのよ。 |
Palon's dad build all the houses in this village. |
Ugene's father built all the houses in this village. |
Maybe Palon knows more. She's in one of the houses. Curiously, the builder himself is never named, only his daughter. |
あたしのお父さん、お家をたてたり、 橋をかけたりするのが仕事なの。 それでね、今、北の洞窟の橋を直しに 行ってるのよ。 |
Building houses and bridges and things is my dad's job. And so now, he's gone to the northern cave to fix the bridge. |
My dad makes houses and bridges. He's fixing the North Cave bridge right now. |
セレナ: でも、北の洞窟には、モンスターが 出るんじゃないの? あぶないわ。 |
Selena: But don't monsters show up in the northern cave? It's dangerous. |
Selan: But, aren't there lots of monsters in the North Cave? It's dangerous. |
うん……。でも、危険だけど、 他の人じゃできない仕事だからって 言ってたの。 |
Yeah...... but he said that, dangerous or not, no one else could do this job. |
I know...But my dad said this is something only he can do. |
セレナ: りっぱなお父さんね。 |
Selena: You have an admirable father. |
Selan: What a great father you have. |
うん!! だから、あたしも一人で ちゃんと、おるすばんしてるのよ。 お料理だって、少しは出来るんだから。 |
Yeah!! So I'm watching the house all by myself while he's away. I can even cook a little bit. |
Yes! So I'm staying home by myself until he comes back. I'll be ok. I can cook a little, too. |
He might need some help. The party continues on to the cave, preferably after investing in a shiny new fireball spell for Tia and Selena. |
It's your usual garden-variety cave, with the usual music. A man stands near the cave entrance, next to a broken bridge. |
橋を直そうにも、モンスターが ジャマして、思うように仕事が はかどらねえんだよ。 橋が壊される前に、モンスター なんか、出なかったのによ……。 |
I'm trying to fix the bridge, but there are monsters getting in the way, so the work's not going very well. Nothing like monsters ever showed up before the bridge was broken, though... |
There are so many monsters that I can't fix the bridge. Before the bridge was destroyed, I had never seen any monsters! |
The party goes deeper into the cave, searching for the source of the problem. There's no sign of monsters, but they eventually reach an empty room. |
ティア: 何もない部屋ね……。 |
Tia: A room with nothing in it... |
Tia: There's nothing in this room... |
セレナ: 何もなさすぎて、かえって あやしいわ……。 |
Selena: It's too empty. That just makes it more suspicious... |
Selan: There's something really fishy about this emptiness... |
Informal again, but she's concentrating on other things, and seems to be talking to Tia anyway. |
ティア: どこかに、しかけがあるんじゃ ないかしら? |
Tia: I wonder if there isn't a trick somewhere? |
Tia: Isn't there a trick or something somewhere? |
Tia starts wandering around the room. |
マキシム: おい、ティア。うかつに 歩き回るなよ。 |
Maxim: Hey, Tia. Don't walk around carelessly. |
Maxim: Hey, Tia. Don't walk around so carelessly. |
ティア: 大丈夫よ。 |
Tia: I'll be fine. |
Tia: I'll be fine. |
So, of course, with the next step she takes, the floor gives way and she falls through. |
マキシム: ティア!! |
Maxim: Tia!! |
Maxim: Tia!! |
Selena rushes over the hole. Maxim looks around the room again. |
セレナ: 大変!早くティアさんを 助けなくちゃ! |
Selena: Oh no! We've got to hurry and help Tia! |
Selan: Oh my goodness! Let's go find her, quick! |
As usual, crisis = casual speech. |
マキシム: くそっ、下への階段が 見当たらない!! |
Maxim: Darn, there's no sign of any stairs going down!! |
Maxim: Darn it! I can't find the stairs to go down! |
セレナ: ここから行けばいいのよ! 時間がないわ、先に行くわよ! |
Selena: We can just go from here! There's no time! I'll go first. |
Selan: We should just go from here! We don't have time to look for the stairs! |
マキシム: なんてムチャするんだ。 |
Maxim: How reckless. |
Maxim: What the..? |
Despite his protests, Maxim follows Selena into the hole, falling to the room below. This one has several pillars, a bit of carpeting, and no apparent exits. There's also a monster right next to Tia. |
セレナ: ティアさん!危ない!! |
Selena: Tia! Look out!! |
Selan: Tia! Watch out! |
Selena runs up and eliminates the threat. |
セレナ: あぶなかったわ。 大丈夫?ケガはなかった? |
Selena: That was close. Are you okay? You're not hurt? |
Selan: Whew! That was really close. Are you alright? |
ティア: え、ええ。大丈夫よ。 すみません……。 |
Tia: Y-yes. I'm okay. Thank you... |
Tia: Ye...yes. I'm fine. Thank you. |
セレナ: いいのよ。 |
Selena: Don't mention it. |
Selan: That's ok. |
マキシム: ティア!大丈夫だったか? |
Maxim: Tia! You all right? |
Maxim: Tia! Are you ok? |
ティア: ええ、大丈夫よ。 セレナさんが助けてくれたから……。 |
Tia: Yes, I'm okay. Selena saved me... |
Tia: I'm fine. Selan saved me. |
マキシム: ありがとうセレナさん。 あなたが、すぐに穴に飛び込んで なかったら―― |
Maxim: Thank you, Selena. If you hadn't jumped in the hole right away— |
Maxim: Thank you Selan. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't jumped down right away. |
セレナ: ――いえ、今回は、幸い誰もケガを せずすみましたけど、安全も確かめず 落とし穴に飛び込むのは、けいそつな 行動でした。 |
Selena: —no. We were fortunate enough to avoid anyone getting hurt this time, but jumping into a pitfall without checking it for safety was a reckless action. |
Selan: No, actually I reacted very carelessly. It was ok this time, because nobody got hurt. |
Back to being stiff and formal. |
マキシム: そうですね。 もう二度としないでくださいよ。 |
Maxim: I suppose so. Please don't do it again. |
Maxim: Yeah, you're right. Don't be so careless in the future. |
セレナ: ええ。でも、誰かに危険が 追ってる時は、またやると 思います。 |
Selena: Very well. But I think I would do it again when someone is in danger. |
Selan: Ok. But if somebody's in danger, I might do it again without thinking. |
マキシム: ……ところで、これからどうします。 どうやら出口はなさそうですけど? |
Maxim: ...anyway, what do we do now? There doesn't seem to be an exit. |
Maxim: By the way...what's our next move? I don't see an exit. |
セレナ: そうですね……どこかに、かくし ドアでも………… |
Selena: Let's see... there could be a concealed door somewhere...... |
Selan: Let's see...There might be a door hidden somewhere... |
Selena starts walking around the room, and the floor collapses beneath her. |
マキシム: セレナさん! |
Maxim: Selena! |
Maxim: Selan! |
He rushes over to the hole in the floor. |
ティア: 待って、マキシム! |
Tia: Wait, Maxim! |
Tia: Wait, Maxim! |
マキシム: どうしたんだとティア!? 急がないと、セレナさんが! |
Maxim: What's the matter, Tia!? If we don't hurry, Selena...! |
Maxim: What's wrong Tia!? We should hurry! |
ティア: ……そ、そうね。 ごめんなさい。急ぎましょう。 |
Tia: ...r-right. I'm sorry. Let's hurry. |
Tia: You...you're right. I'm sorry. Let's go. |
Maxim jumps in the hole, and Tia follows. The room below has another small carpet, and, thankfully, an obvious exit. There's no sign of monsters, and Selena seems to be just fine. |
マキシム: セレナさん! 大丈夫ですか!? |
Maxim: Selena! Are you all right!? |
Maxim: Selan! Are you alright!? |
セレナ: ……減点です。 |
Selena: ...shame on you. |
Selan: Tsk, tsk, Maxim. |
マキシム: は、はぁ!? |
Maxim: H-huh!? |
Maxim: Huh!? |
セレナ: さっき、自分で言ったばかりじゃ ありませんか。『こんな危険なマネは 二度としないでくれ』って。 それなのに、あなたは飛び降りてきた。 |
Selena: Did you not say so yourself just earlier? "Don't do something so dangerous again." And yet you came jumping down. |
Selan: You just told me not to do such careless things. But you jumped down right away. |
Now this is different... After the first sentence, she suddenly starts speaking informally (despite talking to Maxim in a non-crisis situation)... maybe because she's being preachy, or maybe... maybe she's just teasing him... |
マキシム: そ、それは……確かに 言いましたけど、でも今は―― |
Maxim: W-well... sure, I did say that, but right now— |
Maxim: I...I might have said that but... |
セレナ: ――ウソですよ。 ホントは、すぐに来てくれて、 うれしかった……。 |
Selena: —I don't mean it. To be honest, I was glad you came right away... |
Selan: I'm just kidding. Thanks. I'm glad you came right away. |
Maxim turns away as he replies. |
マキシム: と、とにかく無事でよかった。 先に行きましょう。 さぁティア、行くよ。 |
Maxim: A-anyhow, I'm glad you're okay. Let's keep going. Come on, Tia, we're off. |
Maxim: Anyway, I'm glad you're ok. Let's go, Tia! |
ティア: ……やさしいのね、マキシム。 あなたが、もっとつめたい人なら あたしも楽だったのに……。 |
Tia: ...you're so kind, Maxim. But this would be easier for me if you were a colder person... |
Tia: You...Maxim, you're so sweet. It would have been much easier if you'd been cold. |
If it's not yet clear what she means, it becomes clear soon enough. |
マキシム: どうしたんだ、ティア? |
Maxim: What's wrong, Tia? |
Maxim: What's wrong, Tia? |
ティア: えっ、あ、ごめんね。ちょっと ぼんやりしてたから……。 さぁ行きましょう。 |
Tia: Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just spacing out a little... Come on, let's go. |
Tia: Wh...what? Oh, I'm sorry. I was just spacing out. Let's go. |
The next room has a lot of monsters moving back and forth in front of a large glowing orb. The monsters reappear several steps after the party beats them, but breaking the orb makes them all vanish, and opens the door. Inside are stairs leading back to the top level, on the north side of the broken bridge. The man is still standing by the south end. |
モンスターが、とつぜんいなく なったけど、もしかして、 あんたたちが、やってくれたのか? |
The monsters suddenly disappeared. Could it be that you guys did it? |
All of a sudden, the monsters are gone. Is it you guys who got them? |
マキシム: ええ。この洞窟の地下にあった モンスターの発生元をつぶし ましたから。 |
Maxim: Yes. It's because we destroyed the source of the monsters that was underground in this cave. |
Maxim: Yes. We destroyed the source of the monsters in the basement of this cave. |
そりゃすごい!これで橋をかけられ るぜ。なに、モンスターがじゃま しなければすぐよ。 ちょっと見ててくれ! 俺は、誰かに見られてるほうが、 仕事がはかどるんだ。 俺の家は、せんぞ代々そうらしい。 まぁ、そんな事は、 どうでもいいやな。 それじゃ、はじまるぜ! |
That's amazing! Now I can put up the bridge. Hey, it'll be quick as long as the monsters aren't getting in the way. Watch me for a bit! I get the job done faster when I'm being watched by someone. I hear my family has been like that for generations. Well, anyway, all that stuff doesn't really matter. I'm starting, then! |
Amazing! Now I can fix this bridge in a jiff. Won't you stay and watch me work? I do better when someone is watching. I guess it's in my blood. My whole family's that way. Anyway, it'll be done in a minute, ok!? |
The man fixes the bridge, with amazing speed. |
どうだい。ちょっとしたもんだろ? ……さて、俺の仕事は終わりだ。 家にカワイイむすめが待ってるんでな。 これで帰るぜ。それじゃな。 |
How's that? Really something, ain't it? ...now then, my job's done. My darling daughter's waiting at home. I'm headed back now. See ya. |
Isn't this great? Ok, I've done my job. My precious daughter awaits me, so I'll see you guys later. |
This whole bridge repair thing seems to be a tribute to, or parody of, a much more obnoxious bridge repair sequence in the first game, one that involves first finding and inspecting the broken bridge, then going to fetch workers and bring them back to the bridge, and finally circling around to another entrance of the same area just to supervise the repairs from a nearby overlook. Here, it's just stop the monsters, come back upstairs, and watch from right there. Actually, come to think of it, there are a lot of little (and not-so-little) things that are basically shout-outs to the first game. It's just that I'm not nearly as familiar with that one since I never had it growing up and have only played it maybe once or twice ever. Can't forget that stupid bridge, though. He heads back to the village. It couldn't hurt to stop by, so the party follows. |
The party finds the man at home with his daughter. |
おお、あんたたちかい! 洞窟では、助かったぜ。 何もない家だが、まぁゆっくり してってくんな。 |
Oh, it's you guys! You helped me out in the cave. There's not much here, but hey, kick back and relax before you go. |
Oh, you guys! Thanks for the cave. I've nothing much here, but make yourselves at home. |
The daughter is happy, too. |
お兄ちゃん、ありがとう。 これあげる。 あたしの宝物なんだよ。 |
Thanks, mister. I'll give you this. It's my treasure. |
Thank you. This is something for you. This is my treasure. |
マキシム: いいのかい? |
Maxim: Are you sure? |
Are you sure I can have this? |
うん!だって、お兄ちゃんたちの おかげで、お父さん、早く帰って これたんだもん! |
Yeah! After all, my daddy could come home early thanks to you guys! |
Yes! My dad came back early because you helped him! |
マキシム: ありがとう。 大切にするよ。 |
Maxim: Thanks. I'll take good care of it. |
Maxim: Thank you. I'll treasure this, too. |
It's another Dragon Egg. Still no apparent use for them, yet... |
あの橋の向こうには、 バウンドキングダムって城があるぜ。 なんでも、ウデのたつ剣士がいるって ウワサだからな。 あんたたちには、きょうみがあるんじゃ ないのかい? |
Beyond that bridge, there's a castle called Boundary Kingdom. Rumor has it there's a skilled swordsman there. You'd find that interesting, wouldn't you? |
There's a castle called Bound Kingdom Castle over that bridge. People say there's a strong warrior there, one you might be interested in. |
Boundary Kingdom, because borrowed English words in Japanese are often shortened, and Bound Kingdom (the direct transliteration) doesn't make sense. There's more, though, as someone in town mentions. |
橋が直ったのかい? それは、よかった。これで、 さっきの女の人も困らないだろう。 |
The bridge is fixed? That's good. Should save that woman earlier some trouble. |
The bridge's fixed, huh? Good. That woman won't have any problems then. |
マキシム: 何の話です? |
Maxim: What's this about? |
Maxim: What woman? |
いや、さっき見なれない女の人が 来てね、バウンドキングダムに行き たいって言ってね。 でも、橋がまだ直ってないかもしれ ないから、行けるかどうかわからな いって言ったんだ。 洞窟で会わなかったかい? |
Well, a woman I'd never seen before came by earlier and said she wanted to go to Boundary Kingdom. But I told her I wasn't sure she'd be able to go since the bridge might not have been fixed yet. You didn't see her in the cave? |
Never seen her before. Came a short while ago and said she wanted to go to Bound Kingdom. I told her she couldn't because the bridge hadn't been fixed. Didn't you see her in the cave? |
Could that be Iris again? Either way, it's time to stop by that castle... |