Despite everyone calling it the North Labyrinth in the NA version, the location itself uses the name North Dungeon. The area resembles the disused basement under Alunze, and has the same music. There are three main branches to follow. Two are interconnected in a way that makes the party keep going back and forth between the two to open more of the other, and lead to several treasures, including a ReGi Ring, a (cursed) Killer Sword, and a powerful Thunder Axe that no one in the current party can use. The other path has the majority of the real puzzles. In one room, a staircase moves away when approached, but there's a sign on the wall to help. |
階段の逃げ方にはクセがある。 逃げられない場所に追い込むべし! |
There is a habit to how the stairs flee. Herd them to where they can run not! |
There's a pattern to the stairs' madness. Trap them in a place from which they cannot flee. |
The key is figuring out how the stairs respond to approaches from each side, and maneuvering them into the tile at the bottom that has only one way out. Also, the idiom is a method to one's madness. There's a sliding platform puzzle later on; each of the platforms in a 3x3 grid can move around, but only if they have an arrow pointing that direction (step on the arrow to move it), and only if there's nothing in the way. The party enters at the bottom left, and there are doors in each of the other corners. First taking the platform across to the bottom right, then crossing some pits with the Hook, leads to... |
カプセルモンスターの 『もじゃもじゃ』が仲間になった。 |
The capsule monster "Shaggy" became a companion. |
Capsule Monster Shaggy joins the party. |
もじゃもじゃに名前を つけてあげてください。 |
Please give Shaggy a name. | Please give Shaggy a name. | ||||
Shaggy's default name of ぴかぴか (Pika pika) roughly translates to sparkle, glitter, or shiny (Pikachu is basically glitter-squeak). Shaggy, the light-elemental capsule monster, has low physical stats and high everything else, including GUT, which means sticking around more often. Though relatively poor at causing damage, Shaggy is also the only capsule monster that can heal party members. The healing starts out weak, improving as the monster evolves. Higher classes also bring some offensive magic, which tends to work rather better than the physical attacks. Back to the dungeon... it's not difficult to reach the door in the top right of the sliding platforms room from there, and pushing four pillars onto a section of floor that looks different is good for a fourth Dragon Egg. After visiting the other doors in the order given here, getting to the top left door should be simple enough. On the other side is another puzzle, consisting of a 3x3 grid of tiles, some light and some dark. There's a sign on the wall. |
ボムで、すべてのパネルを 明るくせよ。 |
Brighten every panel with the Bomb. |
Light up all the panels with a bomb. |
The problem with using a Bomb here is that each blast affects not only the tile beneath it, but also the ones next to it. The fastest solution is to explode a Bomb on each of the tiles on the right side, plus the center tile and the top left tile. With that done, a platform rises to make a bridge. Avoid completing the puzzle with a chain reaction, or the game may get confused and make the platform keep rising forever. Down another flight of stairs and past a save point comes the amazingly simple puzzle of pushing a pillar onto a button to open the door. Prince Alec and Josef stand in the next room, ringed by a section of floor that looks a bit odd. As soon as the party approaches them, the odd-looking floor falls away, leaving them trapped in the middle of the room. "Despair" starts playing, and Idura appears. |
イドゥラ: ふはははっ! 死の舞台へようこそ。 |
Idura: Hu ha ha hah! Welcome to the stage for your death. |
Idura: Ha, ha, ha! Start saying your goodbyes! |
マキシム: なんだと? |
Maxim: What did you say? |
Maxim: What? |
イドゥラ: テザーの魔法は、ブロックしてある。 もう、そこから逃げる事はできないぞ。 ……さて、それでは始めよう。 |
Idura: The Tezar spell has been blocked. Escape is now impossible. ...now then, let's begin. |
Idura: I have blocked the spell, Escape. You are trapped. Well, let's begin. |
Tezar (テザー) is the spell for warping out of dungeons. As with many other spells, the NA version gives it a more self-explanatory name. Idura summons some mummies to attack the party. They're quite flammable and not all that tough. |
イドゥラ: ほう、少しはやるようだな。 では、こいつではどうだ! |
Idura: Oh? Seems you can fight a bit. How about these, then! |
Idura: I see you can fight a tad. And how about this monster!? |
Idura summons some trolls. They're tougher, but nothing a few fireballs can't obliterate. |
イドゥラ: ほほう、楽しませてくれる。 しかし、お前たちに勝ち目はないぞ。 この私を倒さぬ限り、モンスターは 無限に出てくるのだ! |
Idura: Oho, you're making this interesting. But you have no chance to win. Endless monsters will come forth as long as I remain unbeaten! |
Idura: Amusing, indeed. But you cannot win. As long as I live, I can send monster after monster against you. |
セレナ: どうするの、マキシムさん。 このままじゃ、キリがないわよ! |
Selena: What should we do, Maxim? There's no end in sight! |
Selan: What're we going to do, Maxim? There's no end to this battle! |
Yes, she's talking more informally again. As for what to do... I'd go after Idura directly, and I'm not sure why that doesn't occur to them. |
マキシム: く、くそっ! |
Maxim: D-dammit! |
Maxim: Darn it! |
イドゥラ: あーっはっははっ! |
Idura: Aaah, hah, ha hah! |
Idura: Haha, haha, haha, haha! |
A bass voice interrupts. |
なに、えらそうに笑ってんだ お前は? |
What's with the laughing like you're a big deal? |
What's so funny!? | ||||
イドゥラ: は? |
Idura: Huh? |
Idura: Huh? |
1-25 "The Strongest Man" plays as Heidecker walks into the room. |
イドゥラ: キ、キサマ!? |
Idura: Y-YOU!? |
Idura: Who are you!? |
Translating kisama as "you" fails to convey the level of disdain and hatred it carries, but I can't think of anything else that would still keep the primary meaning, so we'll settle for all caps. Regardless, the NA text completely misses the point. Idura already knows and loathes Heidecker. That's why he's so furious! |
ハイデッカ: ずいぶんと、セコいしかけを 考えたもんだな。 もしかしたら、お前、ものすごく 弱いんじゃないのか? |
Heidecker: You really thought up an awful lot of lousy traps. It couldn't be that you're incredibly weak, could it? |
Dekar: Did you think up that childish trick? You certainly are a wimp! |
イドゥラ: おのれ、またしても、私を ブジョクしたな!! ゆるせん!! |
Idura: You dare insult me yet again!? I can't let that pass!! |
Idura: Enough! I will not take your insults any longer!! Take this! |
He summons a small pack of monsters to surround Heidecker. |
ハイデッカ: またこいつらか……。 |
Heidecker: These guys again...? |
Dekar: These guys? Not again. |
Heidecker slaughters the monsters with no apparent effort. |
ハイデッカ: モンスターばかり使ってないで てめぇが直接こい!! |
Heidecker: Don't just keep using monsters, come get me yourself!! |
Dekar: Why don't you stop sending all those stupid monsters and come yourself, huh!? |
イドゥラ: ふん、今、キサマを殺しても、 なにも面白くない。 キサマには、もっとふさわしい 死に場所をじゅんびしてやる! |
Idura: Hmph, I could kill you now, but where's the fun in that? I'll prepare a more fitting place for you to die! |
Idura: Mmm. Destroying you now would be boring. I will return to send you to your doom! |
Idura teleports away. Heidecker steps on a switch that connects a bridge to the platform where the others are. |
ハイデッカ: おう、マキシム。 もう、ここまで来てたのか? 俺の方が、先に迷宮に入ったはず なのに、先をこされたな。 |
Heidecker: Hey, Maxim. You already got this far? I could've sworn I came in the labyrinth first. You must have passed me. |
Dekar: Hey, Maxim. You're already here. I entered the labyrinth first, so you must have passed me. |
マキシム: 助かりました。 |
Maxim: You saved us. |
Maxim: Thanks. |
ハイデッカ: なに、これくらい かるいかるい! おっと、それよりも……。 |
Heidecker: Hey, it was nothing, easy peasy! Whoops, more importantly... |
Dekar: No sweat. That wasn't even a fight. Oh, I almost forgot... |
He walks over to the prince. |
ハイデッカ: 王子、無事でしたか。 |
Heidecker: Prince, are you unharmed? |
Dekar: Your Highness, are you alright? |
アレク王子: ボクは、大丈夫だ。 ……すまんハイデッカ。 めいわくをかけた。 |
Prince Alec: I'm all right. ...sorry, Heidecker. I've caused you such trouble. |
Prince Alex: I am just fine. My apologies, Dekar. Because of me, you had to go through all this trouble. |
ハイデッカ: 何を言います。王子は、国と民の ために危険な迷宮に乗り込んで 来たのでは、ありませんか。 誰にでも、出来る事ではありません。 |
Heidecker: What are you saying? Prince, did you not enter a dangerous labyrinth for the sake of the kingdom and its people? Not just anyone could do that. |
Dekar: Please. It is you who entered the labyrinth for your country and people. Not everyone can do that. |
アレク王子: ……しかし、結局 何もできなかった。 |
Prince Alec: ...but I couldn't actually do anything, in the end. |
Prince Alex: But, there was nothing I could do. |
ハイデッカ: 王子。剣のウデなど訓練すれば上がる のです。それより、民のために自らが 行動した、その気持ちを忘れないで ください。 |
Heidecker: Prince. Your skill with the sword will improve if you train. More importantly, please do not forget the feelings that moved you to act on behalf of the people. |
Dekar: With practice, you will be a strong swordsman. And do not forget the good you will foster by trying. |
アレク王子: ……ボクに剣を教えてくれるか ハイデッカ? |
Prince Alec: ...will you instruct me in the sword, Heidecker? |
Prince Alex: Dekar, would you teach me swordsmanship? |
ハイデッカ: よろこんで。 |
Heidecker: With pleasure. |
Dekar: My pleasure, Your Highness. |
ジョセフ: くぅー!このジョセフ、今日ほど 感動した日はありませぬ!! |
Josef: Oooh! I, Josef, have never been so deeply moved as I am today!! |
Josef: Oh...wonderful! I have never been moved like this in my entire life!! |
ハイデッカ: それでは、城に 戻りましょう。 |
Heidecker: Then let us return to the castle. |
Dekar: Shall we go back to the castle, Your Highness? |
アレク王子: うん。 |
Prince Alec: Yes. |
Prince Alex: Yes, let's. |
Heidecker leads Prince Alec and Josef out of the room, then returns to talk to Maxim. |
ハイデッカ: マキシム。俺は、王子を城まで 送ってくる。 ……しかし、イドゥラをのがした のは、いたかったな。 |
Heidecker: Maxim. I'm gonna go see the prince back to the castle. ...boy, did it sting to let Idura get away, though. |
Dekar: Maxim, I'll take the Prince to the castle. We never should have let Idura go. |
マキシム: あいつは、きっと また来ますよ。 |
Maxim: I'm sure he'll be back again. |
Maxim: He'll be back. |
ハイデッカ: そうだな。まぁその時は、何度でも 相手になってやるよ。 それより、城に戻ったら俺の所に 来てくれ……話がある。 |
Heidecker: Yeah. Well, when he comes, I'll take him on as many times as he wants. Anyway, come see me once we're back at the castle... I wanna talk about something. |
Dekar: Yeah, you're right. I'll take care of him then. By the way, I need to talk later at the castle. |
マキシム: ……わかりました。 |
Maxim: ...understood. |
Maxim: Sure. |
Heidecker leaves. |
セレナ: あの人、本当は頭がいいのかも しれませんね? |
Selena: He might actually have a good head after all, maybe? |
Selan: Maybe he's not as dumb as we thought. |
マキシム: ええ、きっとそうですね。 |
Maxim: Yes, I'm sure he does. |
Maxim: Yeah, maybe not. |
That's when Heidecker comes back into the room. |
ハイデッカ: マキシム……。 |
Heidecker: Maxim... |
Dekar: Maxim... |
マキシム: ど、どうしたのですか、 何かあったのですか? |
Maxim: Wh-what's wrong? Did something happen? |
Maxim: What happened? |
The music fades out. |
ハイデッカ: となりの部屋のドアって………… どうやって開けるんだっけ? |
Heidecker: The door in the next room............ how do you open it, again? |
Dekar: Do you...happen to remember how to open the door in the next room? |
マキシム: …………柱をスイッチの 上まで押すんですよ。 |
Maxim: ...you push the pillar onto the switch. |
Maxim: Push the pillar and put it on top of the switch. |
ハイデッカ: そうそう!そうだったよな。 俺も、さっき開けたばっかりなのに つい、ド忘れしちまってな。 いやー、まいった、まいった!! |
Heidecker: Right, right! That was it. I just opened it myself earlier, but it sorta slipped my mind. Whew, I'm in over my head here!! |
Dekar: Oh, that's right. I know I opened it a while ago, but I forgot. Whew! Thank you. |
Heidecker leaves again. |
セレナ: やっぱり、バカね……。 |
Selena: I guess he really is an idiot... |
Selan: I think we were right about him the first time around. |
マキシム: ……まぁ、ちょっとヌケては いるみたいですね。 |
Maxim: ...it does appear he's not quite all there, anyway. |
Maxim: He's definitely a little forgetful. |
セレナ: ……でも、アレク王子の事は、 真剣に考えてるみたいですね。 |
Selena: ...but he does seem to earnestly care about Prince Alec. |
Selan: But he really cares for Prince Alex. |
マキシム: ……そうですね。でなければ、 王子があんなにも、したったりは、 しないでしょうから……。 |
Maxim: ...yes. If he didn't, I doubt the prince would admire him that much... |
Maxim: That's true. The Prince wouldn't trust him so much otherwise. |
セレナ: りっぱですね。 |
Selena: He's really something. |
Selan: That's really impressive. |
マキシム: セレナさんだって、パーセライトの 多くの兵から、したわれてるじゃ ありませんか。りっぱですよ。 |
Maxim: Selena, are you not admired by many of the soldiers of Parcelyte yourself? You're really something. |
Maxim: So are you, Selan. Many soldiers in Parcelyte think the world of you, you know. |
セレナ: ……ありがとう。 でも、それは剣士としての私です。 一人の――。 |
Selena: ...thanks. But that's for my skill with a sword. For myself as— |
Selan: Why, thank you. But that's the warrior in me. The other part... |
My guess is she was about to say something like 一人の女として ("for myself as a woman") and go into how they don't appreciate her for herself. She strikes me as, on the one hand, wanting to be taken seriously and respected in what many would consider to be a job that's supposed to belong to a man, while on the other hand embracing her femininity and wanting other people to see her as a person, and even as a desirable woman, not just as the esteemed commander. There's no contradiction there, but too often women are expected to pick one or the other, if not have it picked for them. |
セレナ: ――いや、なんでもないんです。 さぁ、バウンドキングダムに 戻りましょう。 |
Selena: —no, never mind. Now, let us return to Boundary Kingdom. |
Selan: Never mind. Let's go back to Bound Kingdom! |