トレーニングルーム Training Room Training Room | ||
In the original Japanese version, the Training Room is a literal room found in the basement of the Baron end of the Devil Road (Serpent Road). The English and EasyType versions expand it into a large two-story building that appears not just in Baron, but also in the upcoming towns of Kaipo, Mysidia, and Troy. Unsurprisingly, the expanded training center contains many more NPCs, which means more lines. Interestingly, even the content that exists in both the original and the expanded versions is sometimes modified or even split between two people where it originally belonged to a single one. At least that helps keep topics separate... |
むちゃな せんとうは いのちとり! まずいと おもったら まよわず LRボタンを どうじに おして にげること! また まほうのなかには ぜんいんに かけられる ものもある。 せんとうでは ひだりで てき ぜんたいに みぎで なかまぜんいんに かけられる! メニューで つかうときも さゆうを おせば なかまぜんいんに かけられるぞ! |
Reckless combat is deadly! If you think you're in trouble, don't hesitate to run by pressing the L and R buttons at the same time! Also, there are some spells that can be cast on everyone at once. In combat, you can cast on all enemies with left and all allies with right! You can also press left or right when using them in the menu to cast on all allies! |
(see below) |
The above is modified and split into the two following speeches in the English and EasyType versions. In addition to specifically mentioning recovery magic as something you might cast out of combat, the EasyType text also has a more polite tone to it. |
むちゃな せんとうは いのちとり! まずいと おもったら まよわず LRボタンを どうじにおして にげることです。 |
Reckless combat is deadly! If you think you're in trouble, don't hesitate to run by pressing the L and R buttons at the same time. | Recklessness, often proves to be damaging. When you are losing a battle, don't hesitate to run away by pushing L and R-Buttons at the same time. |
まほうのなかには ぜんいんに かけられる ものもあります。 せんとうでは ひだりで てき ぜんたいに みぎで なかまぜんいんに かけられる! せんとういがいで かいふくまほうなどを つかうときも さゆうを おせば なかまぜんいんに かけられます。 |
There are some spells that you can cast on everyone at once. In combat, you can cast on all enemies with left and all allies with right! You can also press left or right outside of combat when using recovery magic, for instance, to cast on all allies. |
There are spells which can be used for all. In the battles, you can cast the spell on all enemies by pushing the Control Pad to left, and all allies to right. On Menu Screen, you can cast spells to all by pushing either left or right. |
Someone else. |
もちきれなくなった にもつは チョコボのもりの でぶチョコボに あずける! チョコボくさかったら ギサールのやさいだ! |
When I can't carry all my things, I leave some with the Chubby Chocobo in a Chocobo forest! Use Gysahl Greens when it smells like Chocobo! |
(see below) |
The above is modified and expanded to the following speech in the English and EasyType versions, which uses the modified name for the greens and explicitly states what they do instead of leaving it implied. It's also in a more polite tone, again. |
もちきれなくなった にもつは チョコボのもりの でぶチョコボに あずけるといいでしょう。 チョコボくさかったら チョコボのやさいを つかうと でぶチョコボが あらわれるはずです。 |
When you can't carry all your things, consider leaving some with the Chubby Chocobo in a Chocobo forest. Use Chocobo Greens when it smells like Chocobo and the Chubby Chocobo should appear. |
When your items get too many to carry, go to the Big-Chocobos and leave items in their care. When it smells like Chocobos, use Carrot. Big-Chocobos will surely appear! |
Someone else. |
たいりょくの ないものは ならびかえで こうれつに さげること! せんとうちゅうも コマンドを えらぶとき ひだりを おせば ぜんれつ こうれつの チェンジ。 みぎを おせば ぼうぎょが できるぞ! また せんとうちゅう アイテムとしても つかえる ぶきは 「アイテム」で アイテムらんを ひらき うえまで カーソルを もっていき そうびしなおして つかうのだ! ぶきを もちかえるときや やの ほじゅうなども これで オーケーだ! |
Use Reorder to move those with little stamina into the back row! During combat, too, press left when selecting a command to Change front and back rows. You can Defend if you press right! Also, for weapons you can also use as items during combat, use Item to open the item list, move the cursor up to the top, set equipment and use! This also works for switching weapons or replenishing arrows! |
(see below) |
The above is modified and split into the two following speeches in the English and EasyType versions. The tone is more polite, the menu options are put in 「」 marks to stand out better, and the English version introduces an error by using "Change" instead of "Form" for the first command. |
たいりょくの ないものは 「ならびかえ」で こうれつに さげることです。 せんとうちゅうでも コマンドを えらぶとき ひだりを おせば ぜんれつ こうれつの たいけいを 「チェンジ」。 みぎを おせば 「ぼうぎょ」が できます! |
Use "Reorder" to move those with little stamina into the back row. During combat, too, press left when selecting a command to "Change" front and back rows. You can "Defend" if you press right! |
You should move the people with less HPs to the back by using the Change command. During the battles, you can Change the front and rear row by pushing the left of the Control Pad when in turn. By pushing to right, you can select Parry. |
せんとうちゅう アイテムとしても つかえる ぶきは 「アイテム」で アイテムらんを ひらき うえまで カーソルをもっていき そうびしなおして つかうのです。 ぶきを もちかえるときや やの ほじゅうなども これで オーケーです。 |
For weapons you can also use as items during combat, use "Item" to open the item list, move the cursor up to the top, set equipment and use. This also works for switching weapons or replenishing arrows. |
Some weapons can be used as items during battles. You have to Equip them on the hand first though. To change or supply new weapons during battles, select and change within the Item-window. |
Someone else. |
せんとうでは すばやいけつだんが ひつよう! じしんのないものは バトルスピードを さげることじゃ! じしんのあるものは メニューの コンフィグで バトルモードを アクティブにすれば まほうや アイテムを えらんでいるあいだも まものが こうげきしてきて スリルまんてんの たたかいが できるぞ! |
Swift decisions are a must in combat! Those who lack confidence should lower the Battle Speed! For those with confidence, if you set the Battle Mode to Active, enemies will keep attacking even while you're selecting magic or items, for more thrilling battles! |
(see below) |
The above is modified and expanded to the following speech in the English and EasyType versions. Menu options are highlighted and the tone is more polite, but the content is essentially the same. |
せんとうでは すばやいけつだんが ひつよう! じしんのないばあいは Xボタンをおし メニューの 「コンフィグ」で 「バトルスピード」を さげること! じしんのあるひとは 「バトルモード」を 「アクティブ」にすると まほうや アイテムを えらんでいるときも てきが こうげきしてきて スリルまんてんの たたかいが できるぞ! |
Swift decisions are a must in combat! If you're not confident, press the X button and lower "Battle Speed" in "Config" on the menu! If you're confident, you can set the "Battle Mode" to "Active" and enemies will keep attacking even while you're selecting magic or items, for more thrilling battles! |
You need to decide quickly in battles. If you're not confident or not used to it yet, use the Menu Screen to reduce the Battle-speed! |
FF2US doesn't have the Active/Wait option in the menu, though presumably the functionality still exists. All three versions default to Wait mode. To go into more detail about the changes to the config menu across versions, the original JP version unsurprisingly has the most options. The EasyType removes the option to remap buttons and the option to remember the cursor position (in combat), presumably for simplification's sake. The NA version also removes those, as well as the Active/Wait battle mode option as just noted, and additionally the Single/Multi controller configuration that allows specific characters to be assigned to the second controller. In this case, though, it seems to have been more a matter of running out of space on the menu than anything else. Legends of Localization has some screenshots and more details on the menu changes. |
Someone else. |
そこにいるおかたは おやくしょづとめの ネミングウェイさん。 なまえを かえたくなったら かれに たのむこと! |
The person over there is Namingway, a servant of the public. If you ever want to change your name, ask him! |
(see below) |
More literally, it's basically calling him an governmental office worker. Which government, though...? The above is modified and slightly expanded into the following in the English and EasyType versions. Note, for one thing, the more specific directions to Namingway, a necessity in the larger and more complicated room. |
ひだりにいるおかたは おやくしょづとめの ネミングウェイさん。 なまえを かえたくなったら かれに たのめば いつでも かえられますよ。 |
The person to my left is Namingway, a servant of the public. If you ever want to change your name, ask him and he can change it any time. |
You can change your name by talking to the man on the left. He's everywhere! Find him in towns! |
Someone else. |
どうくつないに セーブかのうな ばしょがある。 うまく りようすること! |
There are places where you can save inside caves. Make good use of them! |
(scrapped) |
The above is scrapped in the English and EasyType versions, which instead have a more in-depth series of remarks about saving. | ||
All lines from this point on exist only in the expanded tutorial area in the English and EasyType versions. |
たびのきろくをすることを セーブといいます。 そとのマップや どうくつないにある セーブポイントで きろくをすることができます。 |
Recording your journey is called saving. You can make a record on the field map or at save points inside caves. |
To make a record of your journey is called Save. You can make a Save on the field map or Save points all around the world. |
きょうは ここまでにしようというときや みちのどうくつに はいるまえなどに セーブしておくとよいでしょう。 もし てきに ぜんめつさせられてしまっても セーブしておけば そこから たびを さいかい することができます。 |
You should probably save when you decide to stop for the day or before entering unfamiliar caves. Even if you're wiped out by the enemy, as long as you've saved first, you can resume your journey from there. |
It is better to Save before taking a rest or going to unknown places. Even if your party is wiped out, you may restart from the point in which you Saved. |
セーブは 4かしょに できます。 まんがいち きえてしまうこともあるので 2ついじょうのばしょに セーブしておいたほうが いいでしょう。 かぞくで セーブするばしょを きめれば こうたいで あそぶこともできますよ。 |
You can make saves at four points. There's an outside chance one might disappear, so you should probably save in two or more places. You can take turns playing as a family, too, if you agree on who saves where. |
You can make a total of 4 Saves. You'd better make more than 2 Saves, in case a Save should be lost. Specifying where to save the data, your family can enjoy the game in turn. |
たびのとちゅう あらたなちめいが でてきた ときは かならず そのほうがくを メモして おいたほうがいいですよ。 ちずとおなじように うえが きた したが みなみで ひだりが にし みぎが ひがしです。 |
When a new place name comes up during your journey, you should make sure to take note of which direction it is. As with a map, up is north, down is south, left is west, and right is east. |
When you hear a new name, you'd better note its direction. Same as maps, the upper part means north and lower south. Left means west, and to the right is east. |
あるいている さいちゅうは なかまがいても ひょうじされるのは ひとり。 Rボタンで すきなキャラクターを えらんで たびを するといいでしょう。 |
When walking around, only one person is displayed even if you have companions. Select whichever character you like with the R button as you travel. |
When walking, only one person will be shown. You can select that person by the R-Button. |
チョコボを ごぞんじで? にんげんをのせて いどうできる ダチョウのような どうぶつです。 チョコボたちは まるいかたちの もりに すんでますよ。 |
Do you know about Chocobos? They're ostrich-like animals that can carry humans around. Chocobos live in round forests. |
Do you know Chocobos? They are ostrich-like birds which can be used as transportation. |
Let's not forget to mention where they live, all right? Wait a second, it got bumped into someone else's line. At least they both talk about chocobos... |
チョコボは ひととはなすように Aボタンで つかまえて のることができます。 チョコボにのっていれば てきとも であわないでしょう。 |
Catch a Chocobo with the A button, like when you talk to someone, and you can ride it. You won't encounter enemies if you're riding a Chocobo, either. |
They live in the round shaped forests. You can catch and ride Chocobos using A-Button ...just like talking! While riding Chocobos, you don't encounter enemies. |
どうくつなどには チョコボなどの のりものから おりないと はいってはゆけません。 のっているときに Aボタンをおせば おりることが できます。 いったんおりると チョコボは もりに かえっていっちゃいますがね。 |
You can't go in caves or anything when riding something like a Chocobo, so you have to get off to enter. You can get off by pressing the A button while riding. Chocobos will return to their forest once you get off, though. |
You can't go inside of places with Chocobos. Get off first by pushing A-Button. Remember! Chocobos will return to their woods when freed. |
バトルのさいちゅう メッセージが よみにくければ Xボタンの メニューで 「コンフィグ」をえらび じぶんにあった 「バトルメッセージ」のスピードに あわせるといい。 また 「コントローラー」を 「マルチ」にすれば せんとうちゅうの なかまのそうさを 1と2 それぞれの コントローラーに わりふれるので ふたりで きょうりょくして たたかうことも できるぞ! |
If you have difficulty reading messages in the middle of battle, select "Config" in the X button menu and set the "Battle Message" speed to your liking. Also, if you set "Controller" to "Multi", you can divide ally management between controllers 1 and 2, letting you battle cooperatively with two players! |
If you wanna read the words slowly during the battles, reduce the Battle Message speed. |
The multiple controller setup was removed from the menu in the English version, though apparently the functionality still exists. |
もっているぶきは ききうでにしか そうび できません。 キャラクターによっては りょうてに ぶきをもてる ものもいます。 |
You can only equip the weapons you have in your dominant hand. Depending on the character, some can hold weapons in both hands. |
You can equip weapons on a certain hand. There are some who can equip on both hands though. |
ゆみやには ほんすうせいげんがある! いつのまにか なくなっていることがあるので のこりの ほんすうには きをつけるのだ! |
You don't have unlimited arrows! You could run out before you realize it, so be careful of how many you have left! |
Be careful not to run out of the arrows! Bows won't, but arrows will be gone when used! |
まもののなかには じゃくてんを もっているものも います。 ほのおのまものなら れいきに こおりのまものなら ほのおに よわいはずです。 |
Some monsters have weaknesses. Flame monsters should be weak against the cold, and ice monsters against flame. |
Some monsters have their weak points. Monster of fire is weak against coldness. Monster of ice is weak against fire, see? |
すいちゅうにすむ まものたちは かみなりなどの でんきを とおしやすいはずです。 |
Monsters that live underwater should have little resistance to thunder and electricity. |
Monsters living in water are weak against the attacks of thunder. |
ガイコツや したいのような アンデッドは ほのおのまほうや にんげんならば かいふくする まほうによわいはずです。 |
Undead such as skeletons or corpses should be weak against flame magic and magic that would heal a human. |
Monsters like Zombies and Skeltons receive great damage from Fire and Cure magic. |
てきから にげてばかりいるようでは いちにんまえの せんしとはいえん。 にげるときに おかねを おとしてしまうばあいも あるぞ。 |
If you're always running from enemies, you can't call yourself a full-fledged warrior. You'll also drop money in some cases when you run away. |
Don't keep running away from your enemies! You may drop some money when escaping from them. |
In expanding the training room, the English and EasyType versions cut out an arguably more interesting set of rooms later in the game... ...but for now, back to the story. Actually, one more note first. In the original Japanese version only, the ダイブイーグル (Dive Eagle) enemies around Baron (called "Eagle" in the NA version) have a slight chance to drop the rare コカトリス (Cockatrice) item, which will allow a future character to learn the Cockatrice summon. You'll encounter an average of 182 Dive Eagles per 256 battles, and the drop rate is 15 in 16,384, resulting in an average of 1,536 battles per drop. While that may sound poor, the Baron region is tied (with western and central Hobs Mountain and the Agart region) for the second best rate in the game. Rare items in FFIV are quite rare. |
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