Previous Part: Spelunking

Storyline text and attempted translations from...

Final Fantasy IV

ふういんのどうくつ  Sealed Cave  Cecil Rosa Cain Rydia Edge  Sealed Cave

The cave entrance, near Tomera, is only reachable by air.

ふういんをとく あかしを かかげよ‥‥
さすれば くらき すいしょうへの みちは
Hold ye aloft the sign to release the seal...
Do so, and the way unto the dusky crystal
shall be opened...
Hold the Key to unbind
the Seal... then the way
to the Dark Crystals
will be opened.

This message uses archaic language, and particularly interesting is that we see the standard Japanese term 水晶 (suishou) for "crystal" rather than the game's usual English-derived クリスタル (KURISUTARU), and the more poetic-sounding 暗き (kuraki) for "dark" instead of 闇の (yami no) as used elsewhere.

Using Luca's Necklace causes something like lightning to strike the door, and it opens.

The main path to the Crystal is fairly linear; however, the whole cave is littered with side doors, and every door in the cave...

『とびらが おそってくる! 『The door's attacking! {Cecil}: Trap Door! quite hostile! Some side rooms have various treasures or other useful contents. Far too many others are frustratingly empty, though.

The Assault Door is flagged as a boss, but otherwise has no particular resistances or weaknesses. It attacks only by Targeting a random character, then using Dimension 9 on its next action to instantly Incapacitate them. However, Dimension 9 is reflectable, and the Assault Door isn't immune to its own attack, so that's an effective way to kill one. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that you'll get the chance before its first attack, so bring plenty of recovery items.

Finally, if a door takes damage when at low health (≤700 HP), the door is replaced with a Chimera Brain or Yellow Dragon after a message:

ドアから モンスターがとびだした! A monster sprang out of the door! A monster appeared!

The doors do at least stay beaten, even if you leave the area completely and come back later. You can't teleport out, either, which makes sense if the cave is magically sealed, but presumably it's mostly for plot reasons that we'll get to in due time. The cave isn't really all that long, it's just that with door after door after door, with quite a few of them not even going anywhere, it feels like it drags on forever.

Along the way, be on the lookout for the Black Hood and Sword of Light in particular, behind the first and fifth doors from the left in the chamber with six along the north wall. The second door from the left in the same room leads to a save point, and there's another save point along the main path deeper in.

Finally, after one last attacking door, they find a standard Crystal room, and in the center...

やみのクリスタルを てにいれた! Got the Dark Crystal! Found the Dark Crystal!

No boss fight? If it weren't for the slog to get here, that would almost seem too easy. And it was. On the way out, the cave starts shaking.

{カイン}「さすが ふういんの どうくつ
 クリスタルを とったあとも あんしんは
{エッジ}「なら ブッこわすまでよ!
『The wall!
{Rydia}: It's starting to move!
{Cain}: Figures that the Sealed Cave
 wouldn't let us relax any even
 after getting the Crystal!
{Edge}: Then we just gotta bust it up!
{Cecil}: The wall!
{Rydia}: It's moving!
{Kain}: They set the trap
 to guard the crystal!
{Edge}: Let's destroy the
 trap, then!

The Demon's Wall (EvilWall) continually closes in as combat progresses, and if it gets too close, it starts spamming an unreflectable magic-based instant death attack. The faster it goes down, the better. No weaknesses, no resistances, so whatever hits hardest is best.

Slowing down bosses is always a good idea, but here it's especially useful. The wall advances sixteen times, making a basic attack each time, before it starts spamming deadly attacks, so drawing out those turns goes a long way to mitigating the threat. Berserk and Haste can help, too. The wall's basic attacks are largely negligible, and so is the gradual petrification attack it uses in response to any sort of magic, so all-out offense is the way to go.

{エッジ}「おととい きやがれってんだ!
{Rydia}: We did it!
{Edge}: And don't come back!
{Rydia}: We did it!
{Edge}: A petty trap!

Edge's line is one of those fun idioms, literally meaning "come [back] the day before yesterday", with a more insulting twist put on it by the ~やがる suffix.

With the Teleport spell disabled to ensure the upcoming scene occurs, the only way out is on foot, but at least it's significantly quicker and less troublesome without the hostile doors along the way. However, after passing out into the entry chamber, the screen dims and the music fades...

『なんだ? 『What? Cecil:What?

Golubaeser's theme fades in.

 かえってこい {カイン}‥‥
 そのクリスタルを もち わたしのもとへ‥‥
 Come back, {Cain}...
 Bring that Crystal to me...
Return to me, {Kain}...
Come back to me with the
{Cecil}: {Golbez}!

Everyone looks at Cain.

 おれは しょうきに もどった!
{Rosa}: Stay strong!
{Cain}: I'm fine...
 I'm back to my senses!
{Cecil}: {Kain}!
{Rosa}: Get a hold of
{Kain}: I'm... all right.
 I am no longer under his

But just after he says that, he gives Cecil a shove.

やみのクリスタルを うばわれた!
The Dark Crystal was taken!
{Cecil}: Ugh!
Lost the Dark Crystal!
{ローザ}「{カイン} なにを!?
{ゴルベーザ}「わたしのじゅつを あなどって
 もらっては こまる。
 このときを まっていたのだ!
 これで バブイルのとうは かんせいする!
 つきへ ゆけるのだ!
 くるのだ {カイン}!
『{カイン}! めをさませ!
{Edge}: You little shit!
{Rosa}: {Cain}, what are you doing!?
{Golubaeser}: It wouldn't do for you
 to underestimate my spell.
 I have awaited this moment!
 I shall now complete the Tower
 of Babwil! I will reach the moon!
 Come, {Cain}!
『{Cain}! Wake up!
{Cain}: ...
{Rosa}: {Cain}!
{Edge}: You wretch!
{Rosa}: {Kain}!
 What are you doing!?
{Golbez}: I've been waiting
 for this moment!
 Now the Tower of Bab-il
 can be reactivated!
 The way to the moon
 will open!
 Come {Kain}!
{Cecil}: Come on, {Kain}!
 Wake up!
{カイン}「これで すべてのクリスタルが
 つきへの みちがひらかれる!
{Cain}: Now all the Crystals are
 assembled! The way to
 the moon will be opened!
{Edge}: Wait up, damn you!!
{Kain}: All the crystals
 are gathered now!
 The way to the moon will
{Edge}: Wait!

Cain doesn't wait. He just walks right out of the cave.

{ゴルベーザ}「ハーッハッハッハッハ‥‥! {Golubaeser}: Haa, ha, ha, ha, ha...! {Golbez}: Ha Ha Ha!
{Edge}: What the hell!
{Cecil}: {Kain}...
{Edge}: Oh my...!

So yeah. Cain leaves the party, and now Golubaeser has all eight Crystals.

If you used the warp trick in the Dwarf Castle to get the Dark Crystal early, this scene instead takes place as soon as you try to enter the cave, allowing you to skip the rest of it if you so choose. Either way, remove Cain's equipment before he leaves.

ドワーフのしろ  Dwarf Castle  Cecil Rosa Rydia Edge  Castle of Dwarves

The tower now has an unnatural glow and cannot be entered, so back to the castle it is.

ジオット「おお! よくぞもどった!
 さあ さいごのクリスタルを‥‥
Giott: Ah! Good, you're returned!
 Now, the final Crystal...
Giott: Welcome back!
 Now let me see...
ジオット「なんと! そろってしまったか!
 もはや うつてはない‥‥
 あの まどうせんの でんせつが ほんとうでも
『The truth is...
Giott: What! They're all gathered!?
 There's nothing we can do now...
 At least, not unless that legend
 about the Sorcerous Ship is true...
『Sorcerous Ship!?
{Cecil}: I am afraid...
Giott: What!? They gathered
 all the crystals!?
 Now we are finished...
 Unless the Legend of the
 Big Whale comes true...
{Cecil}: Big Whale!?

The music stops.

ジオット「はるかむかしに あったとされる
 きょだいな ふねじゃ。
 こんな でんせつが ある。
 りゅうのくちより うまれしもの‥‥
『それは ミシディアの!
ジオット「ごぞんじか? ミシディアを!
『ちじょうの まどうしの さとです!
 ミシディアは じつざいしたか!
『ちょうろうは いのりのしんでんに はいられ
ジオット「もしや そのおかたは‥‥
ジオット「まどうせんを ふっかつさせるつもりか?
 いや! そう しんじるしか みちはない!
 ミシディアだ! ミシディアに いそぐのだ!
{ローザ}「でも ちじょうへの つうろは
{エッジ}「バブイルのとうも クリスタルが
 ぜんぶ そろっちまって ちかづけやしねー!
Giott: A huge ship supposed to have
 existed in the distant past.
 There's a legend that goes like this.
 One born from the mouth of a dragon...
『That's the Mysidian...!
Giott: You know of it? Of Mysidia!
『It's a mage village on the surface!
Giott: Dear me!
 Then Mysidia really did exist!
『The elder has entered the Temple of
 Prayer and is continually praying.
Giott: Could he possibly be...
Giott: Trying to revive the Sorcerous Ship?
 Yes! We have to believe, it's the only way!
 Mysidia! Hurry to Mysidia!
{Rosa}: But the passage that goes above
 ground is blocked off!
{Edge}: And we can't get near the Tower of
 Babwil with all the Crystals gathered!
Giott: A huge ship spoken
 in the legend. It says
 ...One to be born from...
{Cecil}: Mysidian legend!
Giott: You know Mysidia!?
{Cecil}: It is the home of
 wizards on upper world!
Giott: Mysidia does exist!
{Cecil}: Elder of Mysidia is
 now wishing in the tower.
Giott: I wonder if he is
 intending to...
{Cecil}: ?
Giott: Call the Big Whale!?
 It must be! You must now
 hurry to Mysidia!
{Rosa}: But the way to the
 upper world is closed!
{Edge}: We can't get close
 to the Tower of Bab-il.

The EasyType makes a curious change, from ミシディアは じつざいしたか! (Then Mysidia really did exist!) to ミシディアは ちじょうに あったか! (Then Mysidia was on the surface!). Perhaps じつざい (jitsuzai, existence in reality) was deemed too obscure for younger readers?

「ワシが なんとかしよう! 「I'll manage somethin'! Let me take care of it!

Cid's theme starts up as he walks in.

『{シド}! 『{Cid}! {Cecil}: {Cid}!
{シド}「ファルコンの せんしゅに
 ドリルをつけ ちじょうへの あなを
 ふさいでいるいわを ほりながら すすむんじゃ!
{ローザ}「きずは もういいの?
{シド}「こんな おいぼれの ケガを
{エッジ}「ほんとに できんのか?
{シド}「ひくうていの {シド}に
 ふかのうの もじは ないわ!
{Cid}: We'll attach a drill to the Falcon's prow
 so you can bore your way through the
 rocks pluggin' the hole to the surface!
{Rosa}: Are your wounds better?
{Cid}: This's hardly any time to be worryin'
 'bout this old geezer's wounds!
{Edge}: You sure you can do it?
{Cid}: The word "impossible" ain't
 in Airship {Cid}'s vocabulary!
{Cid}: We've got to attach
 a drill to the head of
 Falcon so you can dig
 your way out!
{Rosa}: But you're hurt!
{Cid}: It doesn't matter!
{Edge}: Can you do it?
{Cid}: Who do you think
 you are talking to?
 I am {Cid}, the Master
 Engineer of the airships!
 さっそく かいぞうじゃあ!
{Cid}: All right!
 Let's get to remodelin'!
{Cid}: Right!
 Now let's remodel it!

Another textless cutscene on the airship deck follows. Cid again appears to have recruited several dwarves and Edge to help. Edge, however, sneaks off to bother the women while Cid's attention is elsewhere. Rydia gets between him and Rosa and seems to be holding her own, until Cid notices and drags Edge back to work. The two of them get in another fight, which Cid comes out on top of. He goes over to Cecil, perhaps giving a report, then returns to the helm... and collapses.

『{シド}! 『{Cid}! {Cecil}: {Cid}!

The scene resumes in the infirmary, with Cid back in bed.

{シド}「‥‥どうやら ワシなんかの
 おまけに このからだじゃ。
 ワシにできるのは ひくうていを いじる
{Rosa}: You push yourself too hard...
{Cid}: ...looks like it ain't no time for
 my ilk to be out on the stage...
 And with my body like this, besides.
 'Bout the only thing I can do's
 fiddle with airships...
{Cecil}: {Cid}...
{Rosa}: Take care of
{Cid}: ...I may have already
 served my term...
 Seems like I can't be of
 much use anymore...
 じーさん あんたにゃ まけたぜ!
{リディア}「はやく よくなって‥‥
{Edge}: Gimme a break...
 Old man, you've outdone me!
{Rydia}: Hurry and get better...
{Edge}: I take my hat off
 to you!
{Rydia}: Get well soon...
 {ローザ}を たのむぞ‥‥!
 あんたは ここで ゆっくりまってな!
{Cid}: Take care of {Cecil}...
 and {Rosa}...!
{Edge}: You got it!
 You wait here and rest up!
{Cid}: Look after
 {Cecil} and {Rosa}...
{Edge}: Don't worry and
 just rest here!
{シド}「さ ゆけ‥‥
 こんなジジイに かまっとるヒマないはずじゃ!
{Cid}: {Cecil}...!
 Be careful...!
{Rosa}: You too, {Cid}...
{Cid}: Now go... you ain't got time
 to be wastin' on this old man!
『Thanks... {Cid}!
{Cid}: Take care...
{Rosa}: You too.
{Cid}: Now, go...
 You have no such time to
 waste on this old man!
{Cecil}: Thanks... {Cid}!

Cid's capacity to use various axes, none of which are available while he's in the party, and the ability of his hammers to inflict quad damage against Machine enemies, few if any of which appear while he's in the party, suggest that there were plans to have him rejoin at some point. This seems like the perfect time for it, with an open space in the party and Cid already making his presence felt, but he stays behind, leaving them shorthanded for a while longer.

{シド}「ひくうていを ワシだと
 おもって がんばるんじゃぞ‥‥!
{Cid}: Think of the airship as me
 and keep on fightin'...!
{Cid}: Take care of the
 airship, as you would
 take care of me, okay?
あの おっさん すごいー!
ホントに ドリルつけたー!
That old man's amazing!
He really attached a drill!
He really put on the
drills! He's great, Lali!
ちじょうのヤツも なかなか やるー! Surface folk are pretty capable, too! People from the upper
world are not that bad!

At this point, the king just recaps his previous directions.

ジオット「ミシディアへ ゆくのだ!
 すべては おぬしらに かかっとる!
Giott: Go to Mysidia!
 Everything depends on you!
Giott: Go to Mysidia!
 You hold the future of
 us all!

As silly as the drill concept seems, and as unbalanced as it looks on the Falcon's prow, it does its job remarkably well, reopening the hole to the surface without issue. At this point, both the Falcon and the Enterprise are available, and both can handle the heat of the magma equally well. With nothing else to drill through, their only functional difference now is that the Enterprise can move the hovercraft around.

アダマンとうのどうくつ  Adaman Isle Cave  Cecil Rosa Rydia Edge  Grotto Adamant

Speaking of the hovercraft, didn't the miner here collect tails? Like that Rat Tail from the Genjuu Town?

こ これは さがしもとめてた ネズミのしっぽ!
よし このきんぞくを すこしだけやろう!
アダマンタイトを てにいれた!
Th-this is the Rat Tail I've been seeking!
All right, I'll give you a bit of this metal!
Got Adamantite!
It's a Rat Tail I have
been looking for!
Okay! Take the ore!
Received Adamant!

It's no class change, but he's no Bahamut, and besides, Cecil already earned a class change a while ago.

かじやのククロのいえ  Blacksmith Kukuro's House  Cecil Rosa Rydia Edge  Kokkol, the Smith's

And Kukuro was obsessed with Adamantite...

これが アダマンタイト!
よし おれいに そなたの その ふるびたつるぎを
This is Adamantite!
All right, I'll give that old sword
of yours new life as thanks!
This! The Adamant!
As a token of my
gratitude, I'll make your
old sword into a great
でんせつのつるぎを てわたした。 Handed over the Sword of Legend. Handed the [light sword]Legend.

He leaps out of bed and hops and skips his way downstairs.

ししょう いきいきしてるラリ! The master's energetic, lali! Lali-ho!
Boss looks happy!
オレも ししょうにまけない かじやに
I'll become just as great of a
blacksmith as the master, too!
I'll become the greatest
blacksmith too, Lali!

Of course, not even the greatest of blacksmiths could finish working so quickly.

そんなに すぐ できるか!
As if it's going to be done so soon!
Such impatience!
Come back later!

ファブール  Fabul  Cecil Rosa Rydia Edge  Fabul

It makes sense to keep Yang's wife updated on his status.

え? あのひとが ちていに? Huh? He's underground? What?
He is in the underground?
まったく そんなとこで あぶらうって‥‥
あら めにゴミが はいっちゃったよ。
Good grief, wasting your time on this...
Oh, there's something in my eye.
Come on! ...Ooops!
This onion makes my eyes
しかし なさけないね!
こいつで ガツンと カツをいれてきな!
How pathetic, though!
Use this to smack some life into him!
But that's not the way
he should be! Give him a
good one with this!
あいのフライパンを てにいれた! Got the Frypan of Love! Received Frying Pan!

That seems harsh, but perhaps she knows best.

シルフのどうくつ  Sylph Cave  Cecil Rosa Rydia Edge  Sylvan Cave

It's still a bit of a a slog, not helped by Cain's absence, but at least the exploration is already dealt with. Yang's still in bed, so it's time for that pan!

シルフ「あ! やめ‥‥ Sylph: Ah! Don't... Sylph: Oh! Don't...

Dramatic BONK effect!

 うーん‥‥もう しゅぎょうのじかんか?
 もうしばらく ねかせて‥‥
{Yang}: Mh...
 Uhhn... time for training already?
 Let me sleep a little longer...
{Yang}: Mmm...
 Mmm... Already the time for
 training? Let me sleep
 a little longer...

He takes a look around.

{ヤン}「シルフたちが しにかけていた
 わたしを すくってくれた。
{ローザ}「おかげで あの
 きょだいほうは はかいされたわ。
 {ヤン}「わたしも いこう‥‥
シルフ「だめ ねてなくちゃ!
{Yang}: Ha!
 Sir {Cecil}?
{Rydia}: Thank goodness!
{Yang}: The Sylphs saved me
 from the brink of death.
{Rosa}: The Giant Cannons were
 destroyed thanks to you.
 {Yang}: I shall go, too...
Sylph: No, you have to rest!
{Yang}: Oh! {Cecil}!
{Cecil}: {Yang}!
{Rydia}: Oh, great!
{Yang}: Sylphs saved me
 when I was in trouble.
{Rosa}: Your brave act
 saved the dwarves!
{Yang}: I am...
 going with you...
Sylph: No!
 You stay and rest!
{エッジ}「ケガにんの でるまくじゃねーぜ。
{Yang}: The world is at stake!
 I can't just rest...
{Edge}: This's no time for the
 wounded to butt in.
{Yang}: The whole world is
 in danger! I cannot...
{Edge}: It's no place for
 the injured, man!
{エッジ}「オレは エブラーナの
 あんたいじょうに うではたつさ!
{ヤン}「エブラーナ! にんじゃか‥‥
 わたしたちも ちからをかすから!
{Yang}: And you are?
{Edge}: I'm {Edge}, of Eblana!
 I've got more skills than you!
{Yang}: Eblana! A Ninja...
 I must also...!
Sylph: Don't push yourself!
 We'll lend our powers!
{Yang}: Who are you?
{Edge}: I'm Prince {Edge}
 of Eblan! Much better at
 fighting than you, man!
{Yang}: Eblan!?
 So you are a Ninja!
 Then I will...
Sylph: No!
 Don't force yourself!
 We'll help them instead!
シルフ「このひとは しょうかんしでしょ。
 しょうかんしなら わたしたちを
 わたしたちも たたかいます!
 {ヤン}の かわりに!
{リディア}「よろしくね シルフさん!
{リディア}が シルフを おぼえた!
{Yang}: ?
Sylph: This person is a Summoner.
 If she's a Summoner, she
 can call us forth!
 We'll fight too!
 In {Yang}'s stead!
{Rydia}: Thank you, Sylphs!
{Rydia} learned Sylph!
{Yang}: ?
Sylph: She is a Caller.
 She can call us!
 We'll help you!
{Rydia}: Thank you!
{Rydia} learned [summon]Sylph!

The Sylph summon inflicts a fairly decent amount of nonelemental damage and also heals the party by the same total amount. Additionally, it's glitched in the English and EasyType versions in a way that typically keeps it from consuming any MP when cast, making it highly spammable.

{Yang}: I am most grateful...
 Do my part, too...!
{Yang}: Sorry... I cannot
 be of any help now.

The Sylphs continue to fuss over him.

にんげんて らんぼうね! Humans are so violent! Humans. How violent!
{ヤン}が しんだら どうするの! What if {Yang} had died! {Yang} needs to rest!
{ヤン}のことなら まかせて! Leave {Yang} to us! Never worry about {Yang}!
We will take care of him.

ファブール  Fabul  Cecil Rosa Rydia Edge  Fabul

The frying pan has served its purpose and should be returned to its owner.

あら わざわざ すまないね。
こんなモンしかないけど なんかの
Oh, sorry for all the trouble.
I haven't got much except this,
but I bet you'll find a use for it.
I'm Sorry for taking all
your time!
Take this with you!
ほうちょうを てにいれた! Got a Carving Knife! Received [knife]Spoon!

Nobody can equip this, not being Tonberries, but Edge throwing it will reliably reach 9,999 damage if he's at least level 40.

あたしなら しんぱい いらないよ!
はやくなおして たたかいなって
あのひとに いっておやり!
Don't you worry about me!
Just tell him to hurry up and
get better so he can fight!
Don't worry about me!
Tell {Yang} to get well
soon and fight with you!

バロンじょう  Baron Castle  Cecil Rosa Rydia Edge  Baron

The spirit of the king said to return after visiting the Genjuu world, and so when Cecil approaches the throne in the basement...

バロンおう「よく きてくれたな。 King Baron: Good of you to come here. King: Welcome back.

...the spirit of the king appears again.

バロンおう「そんなに かなしいめを するな。
 まものに やられはしたが わたしは
 えいえんの ちからを てにいれた。
 その ミストの しょうかんしが
 よびだせば わたしは いつでも
 おまえの ちからになる。
 いちげきひっさつの げんじゅうとしてな。
 だが げんじゅうかいの おきてにより
 おまえの ちからを ためさねば ならぬ。
『Your Majesty...
King Baron: Don't look so sad.
 Though I was killed by the monster,
 I have obtained eternal power.
 I shall come to your aid
 whenever that Summoner
 of Mist calls me forth,
 as the one-hit sure-kill Genjuu.
 But by the law of the Genjuu world,
 I must first test your strength.
 Don't foul up...!
{Cecil}: Your Majesty!
King: Don't be sad. The
 monster got to me, but I
 have gained the eternal
 powers to help you.
 The Caller of Mist can
 summon me whenever you
 please. But first......
 I must test you!

The king attacks as Odin, wielder of the blade Zantetsuken. After making several normal attacks, he'll raise his sword, then strike with that after a delay. It hurts. A lot. Survival is unlikely unless overleveled, so the best tactic is to slow him down and pile on enough damage to win before he can strike!

As a book in the Phantom World library suggests, Odin is highly vulnerable to Thunder. Rydia and Edge should pummel him with their best spells, while Rosa slows him down and Cecil tacks on whatever additional damage he can manage. With a little luck, that will be just enough to finish him off in time.

Zantetsuken in this battle is a powerful unreflectable multitarget nonelemental magic attack, so there's not much you can do to mitigate it. However, if you manage to survive it twice, then hitting Odin with any magic-based Thunder attack when he has his sword raised after that results in a special message...

でんりゅうが オーディンを つらぬいた! Electric current pierced through Odin! Thunder struck Odin!

...and finishes him off instantly. Good luck surviving that far into the battle, though.

 バロンを いや せかいを たのむぞ。
 わたしも オーディンとして
 おまえと たたかおう!
{リディア}が オーディンを おぼえた!
King Baron: You have grown strong...
 Take care of Baron, no,
 of the world. I shall also
 fight with you, as Odin!
『Your Majesty!
{Rydia} learned Odin!
King: You have grown...
 This world is dependant
 on you. And I shall fight
 with you as Odin!
{Cecil}: Your Majesty!
{Rydia} learned [summon]Odin!

Summoning Odin attempts to instantly slay all enemies, but it's burdened with a terrible base hit rate. Furthermore, the way hit determination for this works means that the attack must score a hit on each enemy individually, otherwise it fails entirely. As a result, it's far too prone to doing nothing, and I find you're better off going for raw damage instead. At least the slicing up effect when the effect succeeds looks nice?

Previous Part: Spelunking

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