トゥールの村 Village of Toole | |||||
Faris and the other pirates head into the pub. When shopping for equipment, Faris drops by long enough to join in. Since equipment is restricted by Job, make sure to get at least basic supplies for each one, and don't forget to buy magic if you want your mages to have spells! As is often the case, boxes, pots, and other things around the town contain free items and money. Take everything that isn't nailed down. Anyway, the destination is the large house on the north end of the village. The old man inside is shocked to see Lenna. |
ゾック「おお、レナ様! | Zokk: Oh, lady Lenna! | ||||
レナ「ゾック! | Lenna: Zokk! | ||||
ゾック「おひさしぶりです。 | Zokk: It has been a while. | ||||
レナ「ゾック…お願いがあるの。 ウォルスに行くために トルナ運河を通りたいの。 |
Lenna: Zokk... I have a request. We want to pass through the Tolna Canal to go to Worus. |
ゾック「ですが、風のクリスタルが なき今、あそこは魔物の巣 です。危険です! |
Zokk: Yes, but now that the Wind Crystal is gone, that place is a den of monsters. It is dangerous! |
ゾック「それに… 運河のカギは、なくして しまいました… |
Zokk: Besides... I have lost the key to the canal... |
ゾック「レナ様! ともかく、今夜はこの家に おとまりください! |
Zokk: Lady Lenna! In any case, please stay here tonight! |
Lenna looks at the others, sees no objection, and nods in acceptance. |
ゾック「よかった! では、さっそくこちらへ! |
Zokk: Very good! Well then, right this way! |
Zokk leads them to a side room. Scene change to night. Butz, Lenna, and Galuf are asleep. Butz wakes up and walks outside. |
『クリスタルか… そういえば、おやじが昔… |
"Crystals...? Come to think of it, my old man used to..." |
Scene change to Butz's childhood home. He's in bed, and his parents are talking. |
「クリスタルだけは、守らねば ならん… |
: I must protect the Crystals... | ||||
「私に、もしもの事が あっても、バッツには クリスタルのことは言わないで くれ… |
: Even if something should happen to me, don't tell Butz about the Crystals... |
あいつには… せおわせたくない… |
I don't want to... burden him with this... |
「あなた! そんなこと言わないで!! |
: Darling! Don't talk like that!! |
Scene change back to the present. Butz walks back inside. Zokk stands by Lenna's bedside. |
レナ「…… お父様… クリスタルは守ります… |
Lenna: ... Father... I'll protect the Crystals... |
Zokk walks out of the room and sees Butz. |
ゾック「どうしたんじゃ? | Zokk: What's wrong? | ||||
『いや… ちょっと、死んだおやじと おふくろの事を思い出して… |
"Nothing... Just remembering my dead mom and dad a bit..." |
ゾック「これを使ってくれ! | Zokk: Use this! | ||||
『これは? ゾック「運河のカギじゃ。 これで、門を開ければ ウォルスまで行ける。 |
"And this is?" Zokk: The canal key. If you open the gate with this you can get to Worus. |
ゾック「レナ様のことが心配で かくしておったんじゃ。 |
Zokk: I hid it out of worry for lady Lenna. |
ゾック「たのむ! レナ様を守ってくれ!! |
Zokk: Please! Protect lady Lenna!! |
Scene change to morning. Butz, Lenna, and Galuf get up. There's also a tutorial house in town, which I probably ought to add eventually. Some townspeople have more information relevant to the upcoming journey. |
タイクーン城のそばに、いん石が 落ちたんだって? 西のカルナックのほうにも、落ちたらしいぜ。 |
You say a meteorite fell near Tycoon Castle? I hear one fell out west by Karnak, too. |
むかしむかーし…おそろしい魔物 を風のクリスタルの力をかりて 運河の底ふかく封じた… じっちゃんから聞いた話だべ。 |
Long, long ago... they borrowed the Wind Crystal's power to seal a terrifying monster deep in the canal... or so I heard from my grandpa. |
運河をぬけて東にすすむと ウォルスっていう国があるんだ。 水のクリスタルでさかえてる 国さ。 |
Through the canal and further east is a country called Worus. They prosper thanks to the Water Crystal. |
運河の魔物は、女しか ねらわないんだ。 |
The monsters in the canal don't go after anyone but women. |
More looking around finds someone with long purple hair asleep in one of the rooms upstairs in the pub. |
『ちょっと、おれが見てくる。 | "I'll go take a quick look." | ||||
The others nod. Butz approaches the bed, and the person rolls partway over, looking distinctly feminine. After recovering from the initial shock, Butz gets a little heart over his head, then walks out of the room. |
ガラフ「バッツ! どうしたんじゃ? |
Galuf: Butz! What's the matter? |
『いや…なんでも…… 頭がおかしくなっちまったかな? |
"Ah... nothing... maybe I've just lost my mind?" |
ガラフ「ちょっと、どけっ! | Galuf: Hold on, out of the way! | ||||
Galuf pushes past Butz and into the room. His reaction to the person in the bed is much the same. Galuf returns to the hallway, where he and Butz nod to each other, then blink their eyes as though trying to clear their heads. |
ガラフ「きれいじゃ… ドキドキするぞい! |
Galuf: So pretty... my heart's racing! |
They blink a few more times. Lenna walks over. |
レナ「2人ともなに言ってるの! | Lenna: What are you two talking about!? | ||||
Meanwhile, Faris gets out of bed. |
ファリス「う…ううん… よくねた… |
Faris: Mm... mmm... Slept well... |
Faris stretches and walks out into the hall, then notices Butz and Galuf. |
ファリス「お前ら、なにやってる んだ? しっかりしろよ! |
Faris: What're you guys doing? Pull yourselves together! |
Faris walks to Butz and Lenna to Galuf, and... well, I'm not quite sure what exactly they do, but the hearts clear up, Butz and Galuf shake their heads rapidly, then scratch their heads as though in confusion. Faris walks back into the room. |
ファリス「悪いが、ちょっとひとり になりたいんだ… またな。 |
Faris: Sorry, but I wanna be alone for a while... See ya. |
Faris locks the door and sits at a table, apparently deep in thought. Make sure to play the piano while you visit the pub, even though it sounds terrible at this point. You'll need to watch the dancers first to get them to move. As the rest of the party reaches the edge of town, Faris walks out of the pub. |
海ぞく「おかしらー! 待ってくれー!! |
Pirates: Boss! Wait!! |
The other pirates file out of the pub. |
ファリス「お前たちは おいて行く! |
Faris: I'm leaving you guys behind! | ||||
「おかしら! 「どうしてっ!? 「あっしらは、おかしらに ついていきやすぜ!! |
: Boss! : Why!? : We'll go with you, boss!! |
ファリス「だめだ。 | Faris: No. | ||||
海ぞく「おかしらっ!! | Pirates: Boss!! | ||||
ファリス「長い旅になりそうだ… お前たちは、おれが いない間、アジトを 守ってくれ! |
Faris: This could be a long trip... You guys protect the hideout while I'm away! |
海ぞく「おかしらっ! | Pirates: Boss! | ||||
ファリス「たのむ… 海ぞく「おかしら… |
Faris: I'm counting on you... Pirates: Boss... |
海ぞく「わかりやした! | Pirates: You got it! | ||||
海ぞく「おかしら お気をつけて! |
Pirates: Boss, be careful! |
海ぞく船 Pirate Ship | |||||
Lenna stands on deck, looking downcast. Butz walks up to her. |
『レナ、どうしたんだ? | "Lenna, what's wrong?" | ||||
「風のクリスタルは くだけちってしまった… |
: The Wind Crystal shattered... | ||||
「今は、風の力が弱まって いるだけ… でも、しばらくすれば 風は完全にとまってしまう。 |
: For now, the wind's power is only weakened... but before long, the wind will completely stop. |
そして何年かすれば、空は よどみ、鳥たちは飛ぶ場所を うしなう… |
Within several years, the air will stagnate, and the birds will lose their place to fly... |
「お父様は、ほかの3つの クリスタルを守れと 言ってたわ。 |
: Father said to protect the other three Crystals. |
『3つのクリスタル…? | "Three Crystals...?" | ||||
「水、火、土の3つの クリスタル。 |
: The three Crystals of Water, Fire, and Earth. |
『もしそれがくだけちれば…? | "If they shatter...? | ||||
「しばらくは、何もおこらない… でも… じょじょに大地はくさり、 水はよどみ、流れをとめ、 |
: For a time, nothing will happen... But... gradually, the earth will rot, water will stagnate, currents stop, |
火の力はとまり、さむさに こごえるようになる… 人の住めない世界になる… |
the power of fire will cease, and we'll be frozen in the cold... It will be a world people can't live in... |
Galuf walks onto deck. |
ガラフ「クリスタルを守るぞい! | Galuf: I'll protect the Crystals! | ||||
『記憶がもどったのか? | "Did your memory come back?" | ||||
ガラフ「いいや。 だが、守りに行くんじゃ! |
Galuf: Nope. But I'll go and protect them! |
ファリス「おれも行くぜ! | Faris: I'm going, too! | ||||
ファリス「レナのおやじをさがさ なきゃならないしな! |
Faris: And we've got Lenna's old man to search for, too! |
『かげにつつまれて、消えて しまったタイクーン王を? |
"King Tycoon, who disappeared engulfed in shadow?" |
ファリス「生きてるさ! レナのおやじは、ぜった いに死んだりしない! |
Faris: He's alive! There's no way Lenna's old man would just go and die! |
レナ「バッツ… いっしょに来てくれる…? |
Lenna: Butz... will you come along with us...? |
『おれは、ただ旅してただけだ… だけど、こいつを見てると… |
"I was just traveling... but when I look at these..." |
レナ「クリスタルのかけら… | Lenna: The Crystal shards... | ||||
『この世界を守るために 力をかしてくれてる… 風の心… … … … |
"They're lending us their power to protect this world... Heart of Wind... ... ... ... |
行こう! クリスタルを守りに。 | Let's go! To protect the Crystals." | ||||
ガラフ「よーし! 行くぞい! | Galuf: All right! We're off! | ||||
トルナ運河 Tolna Canal | |||||
The canal might take its name from a town or county in Hungary, or that could just be a coincidence. Butz unlocks the canal gate. |
ガラフ「バッツ! いったいどこで、運河の カギを手に入れたんじゃ? |
Galuf: Butz! Where in the world did you get the canal key? |
『どこでも、いいじゃないか。 さあ、行くぞ! |
"Does it really matter where? Come on, let's go!" |
As reported, the canal is full of monsters. I wouldn't have realized if TV Tropes hadn't pointed it out (somehow I never noticed the NPC that talks about this), but the monsters here, all of which are of the tentacled variety, only attack Lenna and Faris, ignoring Butz and Galuf completely even if they're the only ones left standing. Given what tentacle monsters are known for in less family-friendly contexts, that certainly could count as Getting Crap Past the Radar, but maybe there's more to it than that... Farther into the canal, a whirlpool appears ahead of the ship. |
『なんだありゃ? | "What's that?" | ||||
レナ「まさか… 運河に、封じられし魔物… |
Lenna: It couldn't be... the monster sealed in the canal... |
ファリス「かじが、きかない | Faris: The helm's not responding. | ||||
ガラフ「すいよせられてるぞっ! | Galuf: We're being pulled in! | ||||
ファリス「シルドラ、どうした!? | Faris: Syldra, what's wrong!? | ||||
『何か来るぞっ! | "Something's coming!" | ||||
This must be that monster that was sealed in the canal. It's weak against Thunder, so Black Mages can do plenty of damage. Other attacks also work, of course. The boss can inflict 'paralysis', and also has an attack that drops a character's HP to single digits. After the battle, the boat drifts out of the whirlpool, but Syldra's still stuck! |
ファリス「シルドラ! | Faris: Syldra! | ||||
『まだ、生きてるぞ! シルドラを道づれにする 気だ! |
"It's still alive! It's trying to take Syldra down with it!" |
ファリス「シルドラ! | Faris: Syldra! | ||||
Butz and Galuf restrain Faris, who looks about ready to dive in. |
ファリス「はなせ! はなせよ!! シルドラー!!! |
Faris: Lemme go! Lemme go!! Syldraaa!!! |
Syldra is sucked down into the whirlpool... Scene change to night on deck. Butz and Galuf stand by the railing. |
『ファリスは…… | "Faris is..." | ||||
ガラフ「フム。 今は、そっとしておいて やるのがよいじゃろう… |
Galuf: Yeah. Probably best to leave him be for now. |
『この船、流されてるな… | "Our ship's getting washed away..." | ||||
The screen pans up to show Lenna and Faris standing together. |
レナ「ファリス… シルドラは、きっと 生きてる… |
Lenna: Faris... I'm sure Syldra is alive... |
The ship continues to drift... |
船の墓場 Ship Graveyard | |||||
...and eventually lands in a mess of shipwrecks. |
『ここは? ファリス「船の墓場… |
"Where are we?" Faris: The Ship Graveyard... |
レナ「ひょうりゅうした船が 集まってできた アンデッドの巣… |
Lenna: A lair of the Undead, made of drifting ships that have collected here... |
ガラフ「とにかくここを脱出じゃ | Galuf: Anyhow, let's get out of here. | ||||
Head down after leaving the ship and wait for stepping stones to appear to reach a chest with a Flail. Continuing on, the party comes to a flooded ship before long. |
ファリス「ここを通るのか? ぬれちまうな… |
Faris: We're going through here? We'll get soaked... |
『なに言ってんだ。行くぞ! | "What are you saying? Let's go!" | ||||
A little while later, they reach a dry cabin. |
『ビショビショだァ… レナ「ここは、安全そうね。 休んでいきましょ。 |
"Drenched..." Lenna: It looks safe here. Let's rest. |
Lenna heads for a nearby room. |
レナ「ふくをかわかなきゃ… 見ちゃだめよ! |
Lenna: Need to dry my clothes... don't peek! |
Butz gathers some material and starts a fire. |
『さあ、かわかそう! | "Now, let's dry off!" | ||||
ファリス「おれは、いいよ… | Faris: I'm fine... | ||||
ガラフ「なにを言っとる! かぜをひくぞ |
Galuf: What are you saying!? You'll catch cold. |
Butz and Galuf try to drag Faris closer to the fire. |
ファリス「やめろ! やめろったら!! |
Faris: Quit it! Cut it out!! |
Faris goes ballistic and flings them away. Lenna comes out. |
レナ「どうしたの? | Lenna: What's wrong? | ||||
『レナ、こ、こいつ… | "Lenna, th-this guy's..." | ||||
ガラフ「女じゃ! | Galuf: A girl! | ||||
With all the clues the game has been dropping, from how Faris's outfits tend to resemble Lenna's considerably more than Butz's or Galuf's (not going bare-chested as a Monk being the most telling at this point, though certain later jobs are rather more blatant about it), to the scene in the inn, to the tentacle monsters ignoring Butz and Galuf but not Faris, this really shouldn't come as much of a surprise. |
ファリス「悪いか! | Faris: You got a problem with that!? | ||||
レナ「でも、どうして? | Lenna: But, why? | ||||
ファリス「おれは、小さいころ 海ぞくに、ひろわれて 育ったんだ… |
Faris: I was found and raised by the pirates when I was young... |
『それで、男のフリを? | "So you pretended to be a guy?" | ||||
ファリス「海ぞくで、女じゃあ バカにされるからな… |
Faris: 'Cause I'd be made a fool of by the pirates for being a girl... |
The game never really delves into the concept more deeply, but overall I get the impression that Faris has never considered herself a man, and is more of a tomboyish woman who got into the habit of presenting as male for perceived reasons of safety and respect. |
ガラフ「フム。たしかに男にしては 美しすぎると思っとった! |
Galuf: Yeah. I thought for sure you were too pretty to be a man! |
He should see Fushigi Yuugi (to name one series). Hotohori prides himself on being as beautiful as any woman, and then there's Nuriko. |
ファリス「でもなあ!女だからって バカにすんなよ! 『あ、ああ… |
Faris: Well, anyway! Don't make fun of me just 'cause I'm a woman! "Uh, right..." |
ファリス「よしっ!ねるぞ! | Faris: All right! I'm gonna sleep! | ||||
Faris hops into a nearby bed. Scene change to later. Everyone is in bed. Faris gets up energetically. |
ファリス「あーあ、よくねた… よしっ!行くぞ!! |
Faris: Ahhh, slept well... All right! Let's go! |
Galuf falls out of bed. |
ファリス「なにやってんだ 行くぞ! |
Faris: What're you doing? Let's go! |
ガラフ「やっぱり男のような 気がする… |
Galuf: Still seems more like a man... |
『どっちでもいいさ。 ファリスはファリスだ! |
"Doesn't matter either way. Faris is Faris!" |
レナ「うん! | Lenna: Yeah! | ||||
One of the ships ahead has a map of the world, invaluable for navigating outside. There's reportedly another one available later in the game if you skip this one. A final set of stepping stones leads to a small beach. The screen gets dark... |
『やな感じだな… | "I've got a bad feeling..." | ||||
...and a green-haired woman appears in a sparkle of light. She looks like Butz's mother from his earlier flashback. |
ステラ「バッツ… こっちへおいで… |
Stella: Butz... come over here... |
『母さん… | "Mom..." | ||||
Butz looks kind of dazed and drifts over toward her. King Tycoon appears in a second sparkle. |
タイクーン王「こっちへ来なさい… | King Tycoon: Come over here... | ||||
レナ「お父様! | Lenna: Father! | ||||
ファリス「レナ!?…… ……うッ… |
Faris: Lenna!? ... ...ugh... |
As Lenna drifts toward him, Faris moves as if to stop her, then also loses it. A girl with blonde hair in a ponytail appears in a third sparkle. |
女の子「おじいちゃん、 こっちに来て… |
Girl: Grandpa, come over here... | ||||
Galuf shakes his head rapidly as if trying to clear it. |
ガラフ「だれじゃ…? 思い出せん… |
Galuf: Who're you...? I can't remember... |
Butz, Lenna, and Faris collapse, and blue flames (souls) rise from their bodies and drift toward the phantoms. A tall woman appears behind them. |
「命を吸い取られるがいい… 私たちの仲間になるのだ! |
: May your lives be sucked out... become more of our kind! |
ガラフ「きさま、何者だ! | Galuf: Who the hell are you!? | ||||
「ほー… 私のじゅつにかからぬとは… |
: Oh...? How were you not caught in my spell...? |
「私はセイレーン。 3人の命はもらった。 じゃまをしなければ、お前は 帰してやろう。 |
: I am Siren. I have taken their lives. If you don't get in the way, I'll let you leave. |
ガラフ「そうはいかん! セイレーン「なぜ、その3人を 守る? |
Galuf: That's not happening! Siren: Why do you protect those three? |
ガラフ「わしの… 仲間だからじゃ! |
Galuf: Because we're... in this together! |
ガラフ「まどわされるな! みんな目をさませ! |
Galuf: Don't be misled! All of you, open your eyes! |
Galuf picks up and slaps Butz, Lenna, and Faris. The illusions vanish, and the three recover. |
バッツが目をさました! レナが目をさました! ファリスが目をさました! |
Butz woke up! Lenna woke up! Faris woke up! |
『ガラフ! | "Galuf!" | ||||
『来るぞっ!! | "Here she comes!!" | ||||
Another boss. At first, she uses magic, and physical attacks work well against her, but magic poorly if at all. After several rounds, Siren will turn Undead, use physical attacks instead of magic, and gain resistance to physical attacks, but become vulnerable to magic (especially Flame) and take damage from curatives ( Cure and healing items like Potions). If the battle drags on, she'll keep changing between the two forms periodically. Anyone attempting a low-level game should note that she's level 2, so characters at that level can use Goblin Punch for (relatively) high damage. She drops a Bronze Armor if beaten when in living mode, or a Bronze Shield when undead. |
『ガラフ! 命のおんじんだな!! |
"Galuf! You saved our lives!!" |
ガラフ「なーに…… | Galuf: It's no big... | ||||
『てれるなよ! | "Don't get embarrassed!" | ||||
ガラフ「てれとらんわい!! | Galuf: I'm not getting embarrassed!! | ||||
The others laugh before moving on. |
Karkurser (カルキュルスル ) here has Fusion to learn, but will only use it when confused or controlled, and you can't cause either of those yet, unless I'm overlooking something. And by the time you can, there are more convenient options, so these hardly matter. |
カーウェンの町 Town of Curwen | |||||
The name is up to debate, but Googling gives Curwen more often than Carwen. Googling that in English finds several historical figures of some note. This town on the coastline south from the ship graveyard has the usual shops and numerous villagers and such, but the important one is the woman by the port. |
この町の南、海をこえた所に ウォルスの国があります。 水のクリスタルの力を利用して いるとか… |
The country of Worus is across the sea to the south of this town. I hear they're using the power of the Water Crystal there... |
レナ「とめなきゃ! ウォルスへ行く方法は? |
Lenna: We have to stop them! How can we reach Worus? |
「以前は船が出ていましたが、風が 弱まったせいで船はいっさい… |
: Ships used to go there, but because the wind died down, they're all... |
ガラフ「シルドラもいないしのォ… | Galuf: And Syldra's gone too... | ||||
Faris looks upset. |
ガラフ「ファリス… すまん。 |
Galuf: Faris... sorry. |
レナ「バッツ 何かいい方法はないの? |
Lenna: Butz, isn't there any good way? |
『風がないとなれば、海はだめ… | "With no wind, the sea's out..." | ||||
『海はだめなら… | "If the sea's no good..." | ||||
Another woman appears in front of the pub. |
うちのだんなが北の山に竜が 飛んで行くのを見かけたって 言ってるの。 |
My husband says he spotted a dragon flying to the northern mountain. |
でも、誰も信じてくれないから パブの2階でいじけてるわ。 |
But since no one believes him, he's moping on the second floor of the pub. |
As it turns out, he has useful information. |
「本当に見たんだよ 竜が北の山に 飛んで行くのをさー! |
: I really saw it! A dragon flying to the northern mountain! |
レナ「どんな竜!? | Lenna: What kind of dragon!? | ||||
「なんだか、よろいみたいなのを つけたさあ… |
: It had something on that looked kinda like armor... |
レナ「お父様の飛竜が北の山に? | Lenna: Father's wyvern, on the northern mountain? | ||||
ファリス「どうしたんだ? | Faris: What's wrong? | ||||
レナ「北の山には飛竜草と言う草が はえているの。 飛竜の傷はその草でしか なおせない。 |
Lenna: On the northern mountain grows an herb called wyvernweed. A wyvern's wounds can't be healed except with that herb. |
レナ「もしかしたら、飛竜は 傷ついて… |
Lenna: Maybe the wyvern is wounded... | ||||
ガラフ「海がだめなら… | Galuf: If the sea's no good... | ||||
『… … …空だ!! | "... ... ...the sky!!" | ||||
レナ「飛竜ならウォルスへ 行ける。 ガラフ「じょうできじゃ 北の山へ、行くぞい! |
Lenna: The wyvern can reach Worus. Galuf: Excellent. Let's go to the northern mountain! |
But first, play the piano. Well, at least that wasn't quite so awful as last time... |
北の山 Northern Mountain | |||||
Blocks (ブロックス) has a 33% chance to use Flash each turn, but doesn't start with enough MP to do so. Give one an Ether if you want to learn the spell somewhat earlier than it would otherwise be available. It attempts to inflict 'darkness' status on all enemies. |
The mountain starts off fairly uneventful except for the poisonous flowers. Eventually, though, Lenna spots a helmet along a cliffside. |
レナ「お父様のかぶと! | Lenna: Father's helmet! | ||||
An arrow flies in from offscreen and hits Lenna. |
レナが毒におかされた! | Lenna was afflicted with poison! | ||||
『レナ! | "Lenna!" | ||||
Just to make things worse, part of the path collapses, between Lenna and the others. A woman approaches Lenna. |
マギサ「うふふッ 飛竜を追って、やって 来たけど、とんだえものが かかったわ! |
Magisa: Uhu hu, I came here after the wyvern, but what a prize I've caught! |
『飛竜を? マギサ「飛竜のつのは、高く売れる のよーッホッホ! |
"The wyvern?" Magisa: You can sell wyvern horns for a bundle, ho, ho! |
マギサ「見ればタイクーンの王女! だんなへ、いいみやげ になるわ。 ヒッヒッ…! |
Magisa: Look at this, Tycoon's princess! She'll make a good present for my husband. Hee, hee...! |
ファリス「やめろ! | Faris: Cut it out! | ||||
Faris gets a running start and hops over the gap, only for more of the path to collapse. |
『ファリス! | "Faris!" | ||||
マギサ「落ちたよー!ヒッヒッ… | Magisa: You fell! Hee, hee... | ||||
マギサ「なにっ! | Magisa: What!? | ||||
Faris climbs back up the cliff and tosses a rope over to Butz. They secure the ends, and Butz and Galuf cross to confront Magisa. |
『レナ!しっかり | "Lenna! Hang on!" | ||||
マギサ「くっそーこうなったら 4人まとめて、しまつして やるっ! |
Magisa: Shit! If this is what it's come to, I'll deal with all four of you at once! |
A boss battle begins. Lenna starts with 'poison' status. Magisa likes using magic attacks. Use 'silence' status to disable all but Aero (Blue Magic is unaffected for whatever reason). After her health drops to about 300 (out of 650), she summons help in the form of a hulking brute. |
マギサ「あんた! でばんだよ! | Magisa: Darling! Your turn! | ||||
Forza is a purely physical fighter, and strong enough to complicate matters, but he's vulnerable to 'sleep'. It's also possible to keep her from summoning him by taking off her last 300 or so HP all at once (the Monk's !Charge helps with this). Win for 6 ABP, a Whip, and (if Forza appeared) a Strength Drink. |
As noted above, Magisa may cast Aero (33% chance every other turn), so you can learn it here if you haven't already. |
レナ「ファリス、ありがとう! | Lenna: Faris, thanks! | ||||
The wyvern lies at the summit, ringed by poisonous flowers. |
レナ「飛竜! ファリス「ひどい傷だ… |
Lenna: The wyvern! Faris: Nasty wounds... |
レナ「飛竜… 今、なおしてあげるからね。 |
Lenna: Wyvern... I'll heal you right away. |
Lenna walks through the poisonous flowers toward a plant by the cliff edge. |
ファリス「レナ!何をするんだ! | Faris: Lenna! What're you doing!? | ||||
レナ「だいじょうぶ。 来ないで! 飛竜草で手当てをすれば… |
Lenna: It's fine. Stay back! If I treat it with the wyvernweed... |
Lenna collects the plant, crosses back, and reaches toward Faris. |
レナ「飛竜草をあの子に… 早く… |
Lenna: Give it the wyvernweed... Quickly... |
Faris takes the plant and feeds it to the wyvern as Lenna collapses. |
レナ「元気になって… | Lenna: Get better... | ||||
The wyvern stretches and cries out. Galuf walks up to Lenna. |
ガラフ「まったく むちゃするわい |
Galuf: Sheesh, you're being reckless. |
The wyvern flies over to Lenna and prods at her, or something. She gets up, looking energetic. |
レナの毒が消えた! | Lenna's poison is gone! | ||||
レナ「飛竜…ありがとう! ガラフ「元気になったぞい! さあ、行くぞ!! |
Lenna: Wyvern... thank you! Galuf: She got better! Come on, here we go!! |
Butz walks a few steps away, looking embarrassed. |
『高い所はにがてなんだ… | "I'm not good with heights..." | ||||
The others look at each other, and laugh. |
『何がおかしいんだ! ガラフ「それそれ 乗った乗った! |
"What's so funny!?" Galuf: Come on, then, on with you! |
Lenna and Faris get on the wyvern, and Galuf pushes Butz on too. It spreads its wings and flies off. The wyvern can cross land and sea, but doesn't fly high enough to pass over mountains. This gives access to several new areas, but let's start with Lenna's home, on the far side of the meteorite... |
タイクーン城 Tycoon Castle | |||||
This trip is entirely optional, and what happens during the visit varies after certain events later on... A soldier stands watch at the castle gate. He spots Lenna. |
よくぞ、ご無事で!! | It is good to see you well!! | ||||
The soldier opens the gates. |
大臣がお待ちしております | The chancellor awaits. | ||||
The chancellor is shocked to see Lenna, and so are the guards inside. |
大臣「レナ様! レナ「心配かけてごめんなさい。 大臣「とにかく、城に おもどりください! |
Chancellor: Lady Lenna! Lenna: I'm sorry to have worried you. Chancellor: In any case, please return to the castle! |
大臣「魔物との戦いで兵士も ほとんど残っておりません。 姫がいなくては再建も ままなりません! |
Chancellor: Few soldiers remain from fighting the monsters. With the princess away, the rebuilding isn't going well either! |
レナ「行かなくてはならないの… 大臣「それではこの国は どうなります? |
Lenna: I have to go... Chancellor: Then what will become of our kingdom? |
レナ「この国だけではないの… 世界すべてにかかわる事が 起きようとしている… |
Lenna: It's not just our kingdom... something that will affect the entire world is about to happen... |
レナ「…… それに…… お父様は生きています |
Lenna: ... Besides... father is alive. |
大臣「わかりました。 この国は必ず、われわれで 守ります! |
Chancellor: Understood. We will make sure to protect this country ourselves! |
レナ「必ず、お父様をつれて もどります。 それまで、みんなで がんばってください。 |
Lenna: I will be sure to return with my father. Until then, everyone, please carry on. |
The chancellor and soldiers present show their agreement. |
大臣「とりあえず今夜はこの城に… レナ「ええ。 |
Chancellor: At least stay the night here... Lenna: Yes. |
Fade out, and scene change to Lenna lying awake in bed. She gets up and walks outside, and finds Faris standing on a balcony. |
レナ「ファリス? | Lenna: Faris? | ||||
ファリス「えっ、なんだレナか。 | Faris: Oh, it's you, Lenna. | ||||
レナ「姉さん… ファリス「!? |
Lenna: Sister... Faris: !? |
レナ「姉さんでしょ? ファリス「なに言ってんだ! おれが… そんなわけないだろ! |
Lenna: You're my big sister, aren't you? Faris: What're you saying!? Me...? There's no way! |
レナ「でも… | Lenna: But... | ||||
ファリス「海ぞくのおれが、本当は お姫様かい… じょうだんきついよ! |
Faris: Me, a pirate, really a princess...? That's not even funny! |
Faris laughs anyway, then leaves rather hastily. |
レナ「でも… あなたのペンダントは… |
Lenna: But... your pendant... |
Fade out and scene change to a guest room. Butz is asleep in one of the beds, and there's no sign of the others. |
「バッツ バッツ! |
: Butz, Butz! |
『…… …フニャッ! |
"... ...*yawn*!" |
Butz half-jumps, half-falls out of bed. He starts stretching, or something, then gets a big question mark over his head. The lights come on, showing Lenna, Galuf, and Faris all standing around, apparently watching him. |
「クスクス… 「なにやっとるんじゃい! 「へんなやつだなあ。 |
: *giggle*... : What are you doing!? : What a weirdo. |
Based on how they talk (not to mention the order), the first line is Lenna's, the second Galuf's, and the third Faris's. Butz looks around as if annoyed, then scratches his head in embarrassment. The chancellor is found in a storage room off of the castle courtyard. |
大臣「レナ様、タイクーンに昔より つたわる、つえです。 きっと役に立ちます。 レナ「ありがとう! |
Chancellor: Lady Lenna, this staff has long been passed down in Tycoon. It will surely be of use. Lenna: Thank you! |
Though the game doesn't say so, he gives Lenna a Healing Staff. Chests in the room itself contain a Glasscraft Bell, a Shuriken, and an Asura, and pots all over the castle contain various other items, as usual. Particularly well hidden is a tower on the far right that contains two Cottages. The passage to it doesn't show up even with the Thief's Secret Passages ability, but you can see part of the walkway to it, and the unseen part lines up with that, so just go through the wall directly to the left of it. |
ウォルス城 Worus Castle | |||||
The town by this castle has new equipment and spells, though the spells are Timespace and Summon magics that aren't usable just yet. Water flows all over the outside of the castle. Lenna proceeds to the throne room to see the king. |
ウォルス王「これはレナ姫! | King Worus: Ah, Princess Lenna! | ||||
レナ「ウォルス王! おひさしぶりです。 |
Lenna: King Worus! It has been some time. |
レナ「お願いです! 今すぐ、水のクリスタルの 力を増幅させるのを やめさせてください! |
Lenna: I have a request! Please stop having the Crystal amplified at once! |
王「ハッハッハ…これはおどろいた。 そんなことできるわけがない。 クリスタルのおかげでゆたかに くらせておるのですぞ。 |
King: Ha, ha, ha... now that's a surprise. I couldn't possibly do such a thing. It's thanks to the Crystal that we're living in prosperity. |
レナ「でも、このままでは クリスタルはくだけちって しまうのです! |
Lenna: But if this continues, the Crystal will shatter! |
王「フーム… 風のクリスタルの事は 聞いておる…… |
King: Hmm... I have heard about the Wind Crystal... |
「しかしじゃ… ウォルスの水のクリスタルが 同じように、くだけちるか どうかはわからん… |
: However... We don't know whether or not Worus's Water Crystal will similarly shatter... |
「それに みんしゅうは反対するじゃろう。 |
: Furthermore, the people would likely object. |
『そんなこと言ってるひまは… | "There's no time to be talking about..." | ||||
As if in response to Butz's words, the screen turns red and rumbles... |
『なんだ!? | "What the!?" | ||||
A meteor falls from the sky and lands near the tower to the north. A soldier rushes into the throne room shortly after. |
兵士「大変です! いん石がウォルスの塔の 近くに落ちました! |
Soldier: We have trouble! A meteorite fell near Worus Tower! |
王「なにっ!! | King: What!! | ||||
The king looks out the window. |
王「なんだと! すぐに兵を集めろ! 塔に向かう! |
King: What's this!? Gather the soldiers at once! We're heading for the tower! |
兵士「はっ! | Soldier: Yes, sir! | ||||
The soldier rushes out, and the king turns to Lenna. |
王「すまぬが、急用ができた。 レナ姫よ。 後でもい一度、話し合おう! |
King: I'm sorry, Princess Lenna, but urgent business has come up. Let us talk this over again later! |
The king heads out of the room, and several soldiers join him along the way. |
王「行くぞ!! | King: Move out!! | ||||
There are some interesting spots in the castle, particularly the tower behind the waterfall in the back, and the dark basement below the main castle, but it's probably best to avoid them for now, the basement especially—the monster ガルキマセラ (romanized as "Garchimacera" in appearances from FF12 on) lurks there and will likely kill you with ease. Even later on, they're nearly impossible to kill... by most methods, anyway. You could always flee, but the game keeps track of that, and there's a reason you might want to avoid doing it... The castle's tower, on the other hand, isn't nearly so bad, and may be worth visiting long enough to steal a few Mithril Swords from the Ice Soldiers, though they also appear on the higher floors of Worus Tower. The castle also has a handful of scholars. |
この本によれば… 「魔神シヴァ… クリスタルに、きよめられし水に 封印(ふういん)された…」 |
According to this book... : The demon god Shiva... is sealed in water purified by the Crystal... |
Also, there's a dungeon with several prisoners, including the sneak thief Lone Wolf, who looks like a werewolf and asks you to release him. Don't. There's no benefit to it, and he'll steal several treasures elsewhere. |
Garchimacera also uses Moon Flute as a counterattack whenever it takes damage. This gives all allies 'berserk' status, making it only questionably useful. Many enemies, this one included, target player characters instead of their own allies. Note, though, that you must win the battle to learn Blue Magic. In both the castle's tower and the Worus Tower not far to the north where the king went, Elf Toad (エルフトード) has a 33% chance to use Frog Song each turn when it's the only living monster. This can give a single target 'toad' status, and may come in handy soon... |
ウォルスの塔 Worus Tower | |||||
As might be expected of the tower housing the Water Crystal, there's quite a lot of water here. Two soldiers also lie collapsed by the entrance. |
ガルラが、とつぜんあばれだして 塔に入って来ました。 王もそれを追って… それに見知らぬ戦士がひとり… |
A Garula suddenly went out of control and came into the tower. The king went after it... and there's an unfamiliar soldier... |
ガルラは、けっして人をおそったり しなかったのに… |
Garulas never attack people, though... |
Incidentally, Garulas can be found in battles near the tower, and he's right. They literally do not ever attack. The king is collapsed several floors up. The Wyvern monsters around here (not to be confused with King Tycoon's wyvern, which uses a different term in Japanese) have Mithril Knives to steal. |
ウォルス王「ガルラが上に… たのむ… クリスタルを 守ってくれ… |
King Worus: Garula's above... Please... protect the Crystal... |
In the Crystal room, a soldier in an unfamiliar uniform stands between a Garula and the Crystal. |
戦士「あやつられているな! クリスタルをわらせる わけにはいかない!! |
Soldier: You're being controlled! I can't let you break the Crystal!! |
Incidentally, the player !Control command, gained later, will not work on a Garula. Something powerful is at work here... He tries to fend it off, but is knocked out of the way, and doesn't get up. The Garula turns toward the party. |
『来るぞっ!! | "Here it comes!!" | ||||
The Garula is physically powerful and starts counterattacking after some damage, but that's about it. No variety here. It helps to use physically sturdy classes and 'protect' status to halve damage taken. Maximizing damage per hit also helps, since it minimizes the counterattacks. One useful tactic is combining the Knight's !Guard with the Monk's Counter. If you'd rather cheese the fight completely, equip someone with the Whip (you'll need to change to Normal) for a good chance of 'paralysis'. Another cheap tactic is to learn Frog Song from an Elf Toad here or in the Worus Castle water tower and use that to influct 'toad' (this cripples its attack power), then cast Silence as needed to keep it from casting Toad to heal itself. Low-level players should note that the Garula is level 3, and use Goblin Punch with any characters at a matching level. The Crystal looks odd after the battle. |
レナ「クリスタルが!! | Lenna: The Crystal!! | ||||
And it shatters as the Wind Crystal did. |
レナ「まにあわなかった… | Lenna: We didn't make it... | ||||
戦士「うっ… | Soldier: Ugh... | ||||
The soldier gets up long enough to drag himself to the entrance, then collapses again, blocking the way out. Jerk. |
戦士「うっ… …ガラフ様!! |
Soldier: Ugh... ...lord Galuf!! |
ガラフ「わしのことを? 戦士「ガラフ様… クリスタルを守れなかった… すみません… |
Galuf: You know me? Soldier: Lord Galuf... I couldn't protect the Crystal... I'm sorry... |
ガラフ「教えてくれ!わしは いったい、だれなんじゃ? 戦士「火のクリスタルを… 守って…うっ… |
Galuf: Tell me! Who the heck am I? Soldier: The Fire Crystal... protect it... ugh... |
The Crystal shards shine as if to remind everyone they're there. Unlike in the Wind Temple, though, the shards stay where they are this time instead of conveniently converging on the party, and one is out of reach entirely. |
ファリス「クリスタルのかけらが 光ってる… 『おれたちに、力をかして くれるのか? |
Faris: The Crystal shards are glowing... "They're giving us their power?" |
And as for the unidentified soldier... |
死んでいる… | He's dead... | ||||
As before, picking up the shards grants new jobs. |
かけらに眠る勇者の心… | The hearts of heroes sleep in the shards... | ||||
Each starts with the above line before identifying the job. These are, clockwise from top right: |
After the party collects the five reachable shards, the tower starts shaking. |
『どうしたんだ! | "What's going on!" | ||||
ファリス「塔が、しずんでる? | Faris: The tower's sinking? | ||||
A door opens in the back of the chamber, and with no other way out, the party exits through there. Soon after, the tower sinks into the ocean, and so does the end of the peninsula that it sits on. The meteorite landed far enough away to remain unaffected, but the party gets dunked. |
『うわァーーー!!!! | "Whooooaaa!!!!" | ||||
Just then, a familiar sea monster approaches. |
ファリス「シルドラ! | Faris: Syldra! | ||||
Syldra takes Galuf and Butz, the closest two, into his mouth. They appear to be unconcious. |
ファリス「シルドラ! 生きてたのか!! |
Faris: Syldra! You're alive!! |
Lenna, also apparently unconcious, begins to drift away, but Faris grabs her and swims into Syldra's mouth. Soon after, Syldra arrives at a beach, presumably nearby, and spits the party out on land. Butz, Lenna, and Galuf collapse. |
ファリス「シルドラ! | Faris: Syldra! | ||||
Lenna gets up and walks to Faris's side. |
レナ「シルドラ… 最後の力で、私たちを たすけてくれたのね… |
Lenna: Syldra... you saved us with the last of your strength... |
Syldra lets out another cry. Butz and Galuf get up, though they still seem disoriented. |
ファリス「シルドラ! 死んじゃやだー! |
Faris: Syldra! Don't die—! |
Syldra drifts out to sea... Faris starts to run out into the ocean, but is held back by Lenna. |
レナ「シルドラ… ありがとう…… |
Lenna: Syldra... thank you... |
ファリス「シル…ドラ…… | Faris: Syl... dra... | ||||
After one last sad cry from Syldra, the four find themselves on the shore near the meteorite. The wyvern awaits nearby, having had the sense to move if it had been on the piece of land that sunk. We should probably report in at Worus... |
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