Previous Part: Cayenne

Storyline text and attempted translations from...

Final Fantasy VI

ドマ城  Doma Castle  |  DOMA CASTLE

Cayenne and another soldier stand on lookout atop a tower. "Cyan" plays.

ドマ兵「{カイエン}殿! Doma Soldier: Sir {Cayenne}! DOMA SENTRY: Sir {CYAN}!
 There seems to be activity in the Imperial base.
 Could it be a sign of a new offensive?
The Empire's base is bustling with activity. Something must be up!
{カイエン}「ん? 水の色が? {Cayenne}: Hm? The hue of the water... {CYAN}: Huh?
The water looks odd...

Sentries around the castle are shown collapsing from the poison. Only Cayenne and the soldier with him seem to be spared.

ドマ兵「{カイエン}殿! Doma Soldier: Sir {Cayenne}! DOMA SENTRY: Sir {CYAN}!
{カイエン}「これは……毒でござる! {Cayenne}: This be... poison! {CYAN}: This is... POISON!

でござる (de gozaru) is an archaic version of the copula (the equivalence form of "be"). Between that and other outdated quirks in his speech, I'm using archaic English, sort of like the NA version sometimes does, but hopefully less mangled. Curiously, no other characters speak the way he does, even the other people of Doma. Again, it makes him sound like a stereotypical movie samurai.

ドマ兵「なんとヒレツな! Doma Soldier: Such foul play! DOMA SENTRY: What lowdown, contemptible...!
{カイエン}「へいかをお守りせねば! {Cayenne}: We must protect his majesty! {CYAN}: Guard our liege!

"The Unforgiven" plays.

ドマ兵「はやく、へいかのもとへ! Doma Soldier: Quickly, to his majesty! DOMA SENTRY: To the King, on the double!
{カイエン}「うむ!王の間はすぐそこだ! {Cayenne}: Aye!
 The throne room be just ahead!
{CYAN}: Right!
The King's room is near!

Cayenne runs in first, to find the king already collapsed on the floor. The music stops dead.

{Cayenne}: Your majesty, be strong!
King Doma: You are...?
{CYAN}: Your Highness!
Fear not!
KING DOMA: Who's there?
{カイエン}「へいか! へいか!
{Cayenne}: {Cayenne}!
King Doma: Ah... Yes... My eyes are in
 such a state, I can't even see your face...
{Cayenne}: Your majesty! Your majesty!
 Please, be strong!
King Doma: {Cayenne}...
 You have protected our Doma Kingdom since
 my father's time... I give you my thanks.
 I'm sorry...
 I couldn't protect the country to the end...
{CYAN}: {CYAN}, Excellency.
KING DOMA: Indeed!
My sight is going fast...
Can't see a thing...
{CYAN}: Excellency!
Hang on!
You have defended the realm since my father's days...hack, cough...
Thank you...
It's over...
Our kingdom is through.
  ……く  く  ………
{Cayenne}: Speak not such nonsense!
King Doma: I worry for your families...
 Urrgh... can't breathe... chest burning...
{Cayenne}: Strain not yourself!
 You must speak not!
King Doma: Go to your family..., kh ......
{Cayenne}: Your majesty!!
{CYAN}: Not yet, Highness!
KING DOMA: I fear for your family. Uhh...chest is on
{CYAN}: Save your strength!
Don't talk!
KING DOMA: to your family...hack... gasp... ......
{CYAN}: Highness!!

"You" from Cayenne rather than "thou" as a mark of respect. For a while, English did make that distinction.

The other soldier finally runs in, and sees the now dead king.

ドマ兵「{カイエン}殿! Doma Soldier: Sir {Cayenne}! DOMA SENTRY: Sir {CYAN}!

They managed to use that same line of text three times in one scene. Not bad, I guess.

After a moment of silent mourning...

{Cayenne}: But within the castle there
 may yet be those who survived.
Doma Soldier: Then we split up, and...
{CYAN}: There have to be some survivors in the castle!
DOMA SENTRY: Let's split up...

"Cyan" plays. People are dead all over the place. Before long, Cayenne goes to check on his family... but it's too late. The music stops.

{Cayenne}: Mina!
 Be strong, Mina!
{CYAN}: Elayne!
Elayne! Wake up!

Evidently, the localization efforts didn't approve of her name...

{Cayenne}: Can such...
 can such a thing be allowed...?
{CYAN}: This...
This...can't be happening!
{カイエン}「! シュン!! {Cayenne}: ! Shun!! {CYAN}: ! Owain...
NOT YOU TOO! can't BOTH leave me!

...or his name either. And what's with the excess screaming, especially when Cayenne can barely speak?

{カイエン}「あ…… あ…… {Cayenne}: A...... a...... {CYAN}: D... Dear me...
{Cayenne}: Th-this cannot be...
 Im... possible...
{CYAN}: I...impossible!
ゆるさんぞ! 帝国め!!
No mercy...
No mercy! Loathsome Empire!!
We can't forgive this!
The Empire must pay!

"The Unforgiven" plays. In a rage, Cayenne rushes out of the castle...

帝国軍陣地  Imperial Army Encampment  | .  IMPERIAL CAMP

...and furiously barges into the Imperial base.

{Cayenne}: I am {Cayenne},
 warrior of Doma Kingdom!
retainer to King Doma!
Soldier: The enemy!
 All units, into position!
SOLDIER: The enemy!
Get ready, everyone!

Cayenne fights a few Imperial Soldiers. Mash (with Shadow, if present) heads over to assist.

{Mash}: Whoa, there, let me
 help out a little too!
{SABIN}: May I give you a hand?!
{Cayenne}: Though I know not whence
 nor who thou art, I am grateful!
{CYAN}: Thank you...
whomever you are.

They overwhelm the soldiers, and Cayenne runs off frantically again.

{Cayenne}: Graaaaah!!
 No mercy!
{CYAN}: Ohhh!
This is too much!

I think うおおおーっ!! is supposed to be a battle cry.

More soldiers run in to attack, and Mash heads to help out again.

{Mash}: Over here this time!? {SABIN}: Let me have at it!
{Cayenne}: Graaaaah!!
 They be quite stubborn!!
{CYAN}: What a mess!!
Be careful, Sir!!

They overwhelm the soldiers again, and Cayenne runs off again.

{Cayenne}: Graaaaah!!
 Which of ye spilt the poison!
{CYAN}: Urgh!!!
Who released this poison?

More soldiers show up, yet again, this time including an Officer. Mash (and Shadow) go to help out, yet again.

: Okay then, at this rate, might
 as well pitch in 'til it's over!
Look...we're gonna have to do this together!
{カイエン}「合点でござる!! {Cayenne}: I am in accord!! {CYAN}: The thought has occurred to me as well!

This group of soldiers gets wiped out, too. As Cayenne regains his composure, the music reverts to "Troops March On".

{Cayenne}: Verily,
 I am grateful.
{CYAN}: Thank you, kind sir!
{Mash}: No need for thanks.
 I'm {Mash} from the country of Figaro.
 Let's get out of here for now.
{SABIN}: Allow me to thank you! I am {SABIN}, from Figaro.
Now, let's scram!
{Cayenne}: But... vengeance for
 my family, my countrymen...
{Mash}: Hold on a minute.
 We're severely outnumbered here.
 Wait around and another enemy swarm...
{CYAN}: But what of my home, my friends?
{SABIN}: Look...
If we stick around any longer we'll have a regiment of troops down our throats.
兵士「いたぞー! こっちだー!!! Soldier: They're here! This way!!! SOLDIER: Got 'em!
Over here!
{マッシュ}「そら、おいでなすった。 {Mash}: See? Here they come. {SABIN}: Hoo, boy...
{Mash}: I've got a good idea.
 Anyhow, we're going over there!
{SABIN}: I have a great idea...
Come over here.

Mash leads Cayenne away from the soldiers and finds some unmanned mechs. Shadow runs off by himself at this point if he's here.

{Cayenne}: Sir {Mash}!
 What on earth be these things
 like unto armor monsters???
{CYAN}: Sir {SABIN}!
What on earth are these?

Evidently, these hadn't been used against Doma Castle yet. Could it have withstood them? We'll never know.

{Mash}: The details can wait!
 Just hurry and get in, get in!!!
{SABIN}: I'll explain later!
Relax. Just climb in!

Mash shoves Cayenne into one.

{Cayenne}: Sir {Mash}!
 How on earth doth one move this!?
{CYAN}: Sir {SABIN}!
How might these abominations
be manipulated?
{Mash}: Oh, come on.
 Thou troublesome...
 Oh crap! It's spread to me!
{SABIN}: I'm getting sick of this! Thou art such a pain in the...! Confound it all! I'm starting to talk like you!

"Spread" like a fire or an infectious disease, though the expression is admittedly also commonly used for picking up bad habits.

{Mash}: You listening!?
 Throw the levers by your hands. Hurry!
{SABIN}: Now listen!
Just use those levers located by your hands.

Mash jumps in a mech, and Cayenne's starts moving erratically.

{Cayenne}: Sir {Mash}!
 It be contrary!!!
{CYAN}: Sir {SABIN}!!
It is I who is in your debt!

あべこべ (abekobe) roughly translates to "the other way around" and could mean "I should be the one thanking you" if Mash had just expressed gratitude. Here, though, it's more likely an, "I'm trying to make it do one thing and it's doing something completely different!"

{Mash}: I get it, I get it.
 Anyhow, follow me!
{SABIN}: Forget it.
Now, come on!
Soldier: Hey!
 What are you up to there!?
What are you doing?

Cayenne's mech suddenly charges ahead, bowling over several soldiers foolish enough to get in the way.

{Cayenne}: Awawawawa!
 It halteth not!!!
{CYAN}: Aaahhh!
We can't stop now!

Cayenne finally gets it under control. Shadow comes back with another mech (assuming he's around, of course), and they all join up.

{マッシュ}「よしっ。突破するぞ!! {Mash}: Okay. We're busting through!! {SABIN}: Then let's just bust through!

Of course, they're challenged, and the enemy has Sorcerous Armor too. Fortunately, Thunder Beam levels them with ease.

ここから先は通さん!! We won't let you past here!! End of the line!
来たぞー! 逃がすなー!! They're here! Don't let them escape!! There's nowhere to run!
I'll bet you figured you'd slip away,
but it's not gonna go that way!!
Who said anything about running?!

It's not long before the party returns to where Mash first entered.

Though how leaving the same way he came in helps Mash get beyond the base is anyone's guess.

{Mash}: Things should go our way
 now that we've made it this far.
 By the way, which way should
 I go from here to get to Narshe?
{Cayenne}: Narshe, thou sayest.
 From here, it doth seem there be naught
 save to pass through the southern forest...
{SABIN}: Can't believe we've made it this far...
Say, how do we get to Narshe from here?
{CYAN}: Narshe, eh?
Only one route, through the forest to the south.
{Mash}: Okay!
 With that decided, no more need
 for this garbage. Let's go!
{SABIN}: All right!
It's decided.
Let's get going!

The party abandons the mechs and heads for the forest to the south...

There's also some unused, and untranslated, battle text that looks like it would belong in this section if it hadn't been cut. Here it is:

Confound it! Caught from behind!
I'm {Mash} of Figaro!
I've got your back!!
My thanks!
But this smacks of trouble,
so let us draw back for now.

Starting when you leave the base, Shadow has a small random chance of leaving the party at the end of each battle, except under certain special conditions as detailed in his character entry, with the following lines.

My duty ends here.
I've earned my pay!!
My job here's over.
I've earned my fee!
So long...

Previous Part: Cayenne

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