Previous Part: Mistaken Identity

Storyline text and attempted translations from...

Final Fantasy VI

オペラ劇場  Opera Theater  | | . . . . .  OPERA HOUSE

The scene changes. The Impresario, Lock, and any additional party members other than Celes are all seated in a large, otherwise empty, balcony that overlooks the orchestra and stage. 2-7 "Overture" plays. The curtain rises, and a man walks onto the stage.


The war between the Western Forces and the
Eastern Forces grew more intense by the day.

On the fiercely contested front lines, Draku,
a warrior of the Western Forces' Garut Castle,
thinks of Maria, left behind in their homeland...
The West and East
were waging war...

Draco, the West's great hero,
thinks of his love, Maria.
Is she safe? Is she waiting?

The narrator leaves the stage. A man wearing plate mail walks on stage and is promptly trampled by a trio of chocobo-riding soldiers. He reacts by getting up and starting to sing. Gotta love opera. Though technically this is more of an operetta, considering some dialog is spoken.

  ♪ オー マリア 
    オー マリア 
わたしの こえが とどいているか 
   おまえの もとへ ♪ 
  ♪ Oh— Maria
    Oh— Maria
Does my voice reach you 
   where you are? ♪ 
♪ Oh Maria
  Oh Maria
  Please, hear my voice!
  How I long to be with you! ♪

The game uses doubled sixteenth notes, not single eight notes, but it's close enough.

I'm making no effort to match the words to the music. Neither did the official translation, evidently, though it's likely that only the text was available. In contrast, the GBA version matches up well enough that it's been performed live, and apparently also stays impressively close to the original meaning for the most part.

The screen pans back to the balcony. Lock gets up.

{Lock}: I'm gonna try
 going to the anteroom.
{LOCKE}: I'm going to the dressing room.

If Shadow had been in the party, he's gone now.

Impresario: Your companion left by
 himself. He said he'd doze off if
 he stayed even five minutes...
IMPRESARIO: Your friend left.
Said he'd have fallen asleep in another 5 minutes...

I guess opera's just not his thing. Unfortunately, this leaves you a member short for quite some time...

ダンチョー「だいじょうぶかな。 Impresario: I wonder if everything's okay. IMPRESARIO: Is everything okay?

Anyone else sitting around has a line, too.

{エドガー}「いってやりなよ。 {Edgar}: Go do it. {EDGAR}: Go right ahead.
{Mash}: Huh?
 How come everyone's singing?
{SABIN}: Uh?
Why's everyone singing?
{Cayenne}: Whither goest thou?
 Try calming thyself.
{CYAN}: Going somewhere?
I'm going to relax!
{ガウ}「ガウ {Gau}: Gau. {GAU}: Pretty song!

Why make up meaning where there isn't any?

Lock heads to the anteroom to find Celes dressed up in a fancy gown. He takes a look at her and turns away, blushing deeply.

{Lock}: You're...
 Were you always this pretty...?
{LOCKE}: Aye yai yai!!?
{Celes}: {Lock}.
 Why did you help me then?
{Lock}: Losing a woman I'd gotten to like
 and not being able to do anything for her...
 Just didn't want any more of that.
Why did you help me escape back there?
{LOCKE}: I...once abandoned someone when she needed me...

Celes responds only if the player has seen the flashback where Lock had the crazy old man preserve Rachel's body.

{Celes}: A substitute for her...
 is that what I was?
{CELES}: Somewhere inside you were saving...her, weren't you...?
{Lock}: suits you.
 That ribbon.
{LOCKE}: That ribbon suits you.

An obvious and rather inept attempt to change the subject. Luckily for him, Celes doesn't seem interested in talking any more about it right now either.

{Celes}: My turn's coming up.
 Worried about Draku's safety,
 Maria puts her feelings into song.
 It's an important scene.
{CELES}: On with the show!
This is a big scene in which Maria senses that something's happened to Draco!

This is possibly the first time Celes speaks with a distinctly feminine (as opposed to simply non-masculine) tone (note in particular the (wa) at the end of the first line and the omission of だ (da) between the noun and (yo) at the end), and she continues to use mildly feminine speech for the rest of the game. Perhaps dressing up in pretty clothes and being able to figuratively let her hair down for once and do something less hardassed than soldiering helps change her frame of mind. I can't imagine that she had much of a normal childhood.

{Lock}: Hadn't you better check
 the script one last time?
{LOCKE}: You'd better check the score one last time.

If the play has failed at least once already, the above conversation is skipped, and Lock just says:

{ロック}「今度はへますんなよ。 {Lock}: Don't mess up this time. {LOCKE}: Don't make any more mistakes!

Celes rereads the script. It contains the lyrics for the first part of the upcoming aria, and the following stage directions.

...take the flowers in hand here.
  Climb to the balcony on the top floor of the
  castle and toss the flowers to the starry sky.
(Finish up the theatrics during the interlude.
 There's not much time before the
 second chorus, so make it quick.
        - The Impresario) you pick up the flowers.
Climb the stairs to the balcony high atop the castle. Raise the flowers to the stars.
(Hurry! You have just moments before Scene 2 starts!
      The Impresario)

Celes walks out onto the stage.

The scene shifts back out there, now showing the rooftop of a castle at nighttime. 2-8 "Aria de Mezzo Carattere" starts playing.

That's apparently Italian, and mezzo carattere translates to "half character", which refers to a character in an opera who mixes serious and comedic (or perhaps more precisely to a vocal classification that's a mix of those typically associated with those two character types). Here, it also seems to suggest that Celes is acting out a mix of different roles, to the extent that it's difficult to tell how much of what she says and does, both in and out of the opera, is geniunely her. Thanks to ic0n67 for suggesting the proper meaning of the phrase.

The Western Forces failed, and Maria's castle
fell under the occupation of the Eastern Forces.
Compelled to marry Prince Ralse of the
Eastern Forces, Maria is unable to abandon
her feelings for Draku, and looks to the night sky
every evening, thinking of her love...
The forces of the West fell,
and Maria's castle was taken.
Prince Ralse, of the East, took her hand by force.
But she never stopped yearning for Draco...

This doesn't necessarily mean the wedding has occurred yet, just that she's being forced into it.

At several points during the aria, the player must choose the correct next line, out of two choices. Picking the wrong line, or failing to follow the stage directions properly, ends the scene abruptly and forces starting the play over (and only a few tries are allowed, though it's always possible to load, of course).

Celes walks onstage as Maria, and the first choice comes right away.

I'm still not attempting to match the music. However, this part of the official translation seems to have been reviewed with an eye to at least coming close.

Here's the first wrong choice, which kills the play almost immediately...

  ♪ ああ ドラクゥさま。
  ♪ Aah, Draku-sama.
     Are you truly dead...?
♪ Alas, Draco!
  You're outta here!
 ♪ いとしの あなたは 
 ♪ いろあせぬ とわのあい 
     ちかったばかりに  ♪ 
 ♪ My beloved, have you
       gone to a distant place?
 ♪ But we only just swore 
     eternal, unfading love.  ♪ 
♪ Oh my hero,
  so far away now.
  Will I ever see your smile?
♪ Love goes away,
  like night into day.
♪ It's just a fading dream... ♪

And the second wrong choice, which also kills the play...

  ♪ 私も死にたい……え?   ♪ I want to die too... huh? ♪ I wish I...uh?

Censorship? What censorship?

  ♪ かなしい ときにも 
  ♪ そらにふる あのほしを 
      あなたとおもい ♪
  ♪ In times when I'm sad
      Or times when I hurt,
  ♪ I'll think of that star
      falling in the sky as you. ♪
♪ I'm the darkness,
  you're the stars.
  Our love is brighter than
  the sun.
♪ For eternity,
  for me there can be,
♪ only you, my chosen one... ♪

And the final wrong choice, which, again, kills the play...

   ♪ ラルスと結婚します。
  もう決めました… じゃないよ。 
   ♪ I will marry Ralse.
  I've already decided... or not.
♪ Prince Ralse...yeah, so?
  I hate him! Everyone does.
  ♪ のぞまぬ ちぎりを 
   どうすれば? ねえあなた? 
      ことばをまつ  ♪ 
  ♪ Must I exchange
      undesired vows?
   What should I do? What, my dear?
      I await your words.  ♪
♪ Must I forget you?
  Our solemn promise?
  Will autumn take the place
  of spring?
♪ What shall I do?
  I'm lost without you.
  Speak to me once more! ♪

Making any of the wrong choices leads to this surprisingly cutesy line:

なんか違うな? え?
That doesn't seem right. Huh?

Celes, as Maria, climbs to the castle roof. A man appears nearby.

Draku: Now... Maria.
 Follow my steps...
DRACO: Come, Maria!
Follow my lead...

He walks around the roof, and Celes, as Maria, follows (or else the play flops).

ドラクゥ「はははは…… Draku: Hahahaha... DRACO: Ha, ha, ha...

He vanishes, leaving a bouquet of flowers behind. Celes, as Maria, picks it up and quickly walks up to the balcony (or else the play flops).

Failing to make it in time gives you this, also unexpectedly cutesy:

あーん 間に合わなかった。
しっぱい しっぱい
Whoopsie, wasn't in time.
Messed up, messed up!
Uhnn...not in time...
We messed up.

Assuming she makes it in time, she starts singing again, and casts the flowers toward the starry sky as a shooting star appears in the background.

 ♪ ありがとう わたしの
  いちどでも このおもい
      ゆれたわたしに ♪
 ♪ しずかに やさしく
  いつまでも いつまでも
      あなたをまつ  ♪
 ♪ Thank you, O my
      beloved one.
  To me, whose feelings
      wavered if but once, ♪
 ♪ You quietly, gently
     gave an answer.
  As long as it takes, as long as it takes,
      I will await you.  ♪
♪ We must part now.
  My life goes on.
  But my heart won't give
  you up.
♪ Ere I walk away,
  let me hear you say.
  I meant as much to you... ♪
♪ So gently,
  you touched my heart.
  I will be forever yours.
♪ Come what may,
  I won't age a day,
  I'll wait for you, always... ♪

A noble of some sort walks out onto the roof.

Chancellor: Prince Ralse is in
 search of a dance partner.
Please, just resign yourself.
Our country has become a
vassal of the Eastern Forces...
CHANCELLOR: Prince Ralse is looking for a dance partner.
Leave the past behind!
Our kingdom is adopting the spirit of the East...!

Showing reluctance, Celes, as Maria, follows him into the castle. The scene changes to show ballroom dancing. Celes, as Maria, dances with a green-haired aristocrat who could only be Prince Ralse. The waltz part of 2-9 "The Wedding" plays.

The scene shifts back to the waiting room, where Lock is looking out at the stage.

{Lock}: Well done, {Celes}. {LOCKE}: Well done, {CELES}.

Once the aria has been completed successfully, any retries skip to this point.

Lock starts back to the balcony, but finds a letter on his way there.

"I can't stand you guys,
 so I'm gonna disrupt the opera.
          – Orthros"
I owe you one, so I'm gonna jam up your opera!
{Lock}: Crap!
 I've gotta let the Impresario know.
{LOCKE}: Uh oh...
Better tell the Impresario!

If this isn't the first time:

{ロック}「またか! {Lock}: Again!? {LOCKE}: Again!

Lock hurries back to the balcony.

ダンチョー「なんですと!! Impresario: What did you say!? IMPRESARIO: What!!!?

Suddenly, the music changes to the duel part of "The Wedding". The view pans onto the stage, where a soldier rushes into the ballroom.

"Western Force survivors are attacking!!"
Ralse: What!?
The survivors of the West attack!
RALSE: Impossible!

Several soldiers of the Western Forces rush into the room, where they start battling the soldiers of the Eastern Forces. Suddenly, a voice cries out...

        待て!!          Wait!!       Wait!!

...and Draku rides into the ballroom on a chocobo, running over Ralse on the way. He hops off and begins to (what else) sing:

     ♪ マリア       ♪ Maria ♪ Maria

Celes sings as Maria:

   ♪ ドラクゥ 
  このひを しんじてた。 ♪ 
   ♪ Draku
  I knew this day would come.  ♪
♪ Draco,
  I've waited so long.
  I knew you'd come. ♪

Literally, "I believed in this day," but you know what she means.

Ralse counter-sings:

 ♪ マリアは このわたしの 
きさきになる べきひとだ ♪ 
 ♪ Maria is the one 
who is to become my queen! ♪
♪ Maria will finally
  have to become my queen! ♪

Maybe it's just me, but the way Ralse sings, with one arm raised and the other at his chest, looks horribly stupid.

Draku sings back:

♪ いのち つきはてよう とも 
     はなし はしない。 ♪ 
♪ Though it may cost me my life,
     I will never let her go.  ♪
♪ For the rest of my life
  I'll keep you near... ♪

Ralse sings again:

     けっとうだ! ♪       Then we duel! ♪  It's a duel! ♪

They begin dueling, and the view shifts back to the balcony.

Impresario: But what dreadful means
 will he try disrupting the play with?
IMPRESARIO: But how might he disrupt the opera?
...With that?!

The following line from the ROM could go here, but is unused.

{ロック}「あれを! {Lock}: That! {LOCKE}: That has to be a joke!

The view shifts to show a series of planks above the stage. Orthros stands there, next a large weight labeled "4t".

Orthros: Fssh ssh.
 I'll drop a weight on Maria's head.
ULTROS: Mwa ha ha!
Let's see if Maria can shrug THIS off!
Orthros: Ngaaah!
 It's heavier than I planned for!
 It'll take 5 minutes to drop this!
ULTROS: N'ghaaa!
This is heavier than I thought! It'll take me 5 minutes to drop it!

If we've seen this already, most of that is skipped, and Orthros's line is changed.

Orthros: Ngaaah!
 It's four tons AGAIN!
ULTROS: N'ghooo!
And it only weighs 4 tons...!

Come to think of it, that's some amazingly sturdy scaffolding.

Back to the balcony. Lock's not exactly thrilled.

The following line from the ROM looks like it belongs here, but isn't used.

{Lock}: Impresario,
 where's the way to get above the stage?
{LOCKE}: Impresario, what's up above the stage?
{Lock}: He's playing dirty!
Impresario: Try speaking with the
 stagehand in the room to the right.
 You'll be able to go above the stage.
{Lock}: Leave it to me!
{LOCKE}: We haven't a second to lose!
IMPRESARIO: Talk to the man in the room to the far right!
He'll help you get up there!
{LOCKE}: It's as good as done!

As soon at the talking ends, a five-minute timer starts counting down. Lock (with the others, if any) rushes to the room indicated.

Stagehand: Impresario's orders?
 Lower the rightmost switch.
 Don't touch any of the others.
STAGE MASTER: The Impresario asked me to have you press the far right switch.

Flipping the switch opens a door in the room on the opposite side of the stage, and Lock hurries there. The door leads to the planks above the stage, but it's infested with killer rats. The party has to either attempt to avoid them (with minimal room to maneuver) or waste valuable time fighting them.

The other switches (there are three of them) have somewhat amusing effects, but now isn't the time. You can always come back and play with the switches later, without having to worry about the countdown. One is even useful, much later.

If the timer expires, the weight falls, and the play fails. No one actually gets crushed, though.

Orthros: Fssh ssh.
 Down it goes!
ULTROS: N'ghaa, ha, ha!

Hopefully, they reach Orthros before time runs out.

オルトロス「えーい。ちくしょー Orthros: Urgh. Dammit! ULTROS: Phew! Rats!

Orthros suddenly lunges at Lock. The only thing this does is to make everyone lose their balance, falling onto Draku and Ralse, who are still dueling on the stage below. None of those involved move for a while, but Celes at least had enough sense, and quick enough reflexes, to move out of the way and avoid being hit. The music stops, a murmur runs through the crowd, and the Impresario runs onto the stage in another panic.

ダンチョー「ああ いかん!!
Impresario: Aah, this won't do!!
 The story won't go on if those
 two are flattened!
 Whose queen is she supposed to be?
If the two heroes are flattened, the opera's over! Then who'll win the girl?!

Of those hurt, Lock is the first to get up. He has a sudden inspiration, or something.

{Lock}: The one to take {Celes}
 as his wife will be neither
 Draku nor Ralse!!
{LOCKE}: Neither Draco nor Ralse will save {CELES}!
{Lock}: I, {Lock}, the world's
 greatest adventurer, shall!
{LOCKE}: I, {LOCKE}, the world's premier adventurer, will save her!

Lock's making quite a bold statement here... I wonder how much he realizes what he's saying and how much he means it?

Impresario: Egad!
 After such horrendous acting!?
What awful acting!

He claimed to be the world's greatest adventurer. He never said a word about being able to act...

Orthros and any remaining party members get up.

Orthros: SHUT UP!
 Whatever else, I'm still an octopus!
 I won't lose to the likes of you!!
 I'm gonna fight you!!
ULTROS: Silence! You are in the presence of octopus royalty! A lowborn thug like you could never defeat me!
Impresario: Whatever,
 just make the most of it!
 Start the music!!
Might as well make the most of this. MUSIC!!

2-10 "Grand Finale?", a tune that's just about as silly as fighting a talking purple octopus on stage in an opera theater, starts playing. It's battle time, but first, our tentacled buddy has a few words to say.

ひさしぶり…… また出たよ。
待った? 待った?
It's been a while... I'm back.
Didja wait? Didja wait?
Long time no see!
You've changed!
Did ya miss me?

Just to add the the weirdness, Orthros keeps moving around, and also talks a lot, usually when moving or using special attacks:

かっぱ ともだち ともだち! Kappa, friend, friend! Imp! Pal! Buddy!

The above line occurs periodically when enough time passes and is always followed by using Kappa Song.

まだ、かえらない I ain't leaving yet. I ain't ready ta go yet.
わいは、ただのタコじゃないよ I ain't no ordinary octopus. I ain't no...
garden-variety octopus!
こっち こっち Over here, over here! Here! Over here!
わいが出ると、こまる? こまる? Izzit a problem when I show up? Izzit? How sweet it is!
よんだ? You called? Have ya read it?

Without kanji or context, よんだ (yonda) could be either 読んだ (read) or 呼んだ (called).

たのしい? たのしい? Fun? Fun? Havin' fun?

Orthros's attacks vary depending on his current position, and he changes location every two attacks (not counting the timer-based Kappa Song). Position A: Battle, Ink, or Tentacle. Position B: Battle (33%) or ○ Fire (67%). Position C: Battle (33%) or Level 3 Confuse (67%). Position D: Battle, 10 Kilovolts, or ○ Drain.

Not having useful magic could become a problem here. With Tina bedridden and Celes too busy wearing a dress to fight (not that there's anything wrong with dresses, but who would want to fight a giant octopus while in formal wear?), the only spells available for this battle are whatever Lock and the others have learned from Genjuu since Zozo. That could be just what you need, though, since Orthros is weak against Flame and Thunder, and current magicite provide ○ Fire and ○ Thunder (and ○ Thundara if you've been grinding), plus the Ramuh summon. ◎ Slow also works, and ● Cure is, as always, very useful as well.

Be careful if using Mash or Cayenne, since Orthros will also counter Deathblow Sword or Deathblow Technique attacks with Acid Rain.

Gau has several useful options for this battle. If you've been back to the Beast Plain recently, Aspilance (Aspik) uses 1000 Kilovolts, a surprisingly powerful Thunder attack that will severely damage Orthros, and the Rage also absorbs Water (Acid Rain) and is immune to 'kappa' and 'confusion', though it's weak against Flame. And, like the last few bosses, Orthros is vulnerable to 'stop', so Alacrán (Areneid) and Acrophies (Primordite) work well again. Even better, 'stop' prevents him from switching positions, which makes him seem weaker because the various positions each have independent HP totals internally.

Also note that losing just ruins the play and doesn't (necessarily) result in a Game Over.

After fighting and acting silly for a while (maybe trying to amuse the audience?), Orthros finally gives in.

タコで すみません。
No good today either...?
Sorry I'm such an octopus.
What an unlucky day!

Possible pun on タコ as 蛸 (tako, octopus) and as 胼胝 (tako, callus). Calluses never seem to go away either.

Orthros runs away, leaving a measly 2 gil as spoils. Oh well. Lock laughs after the battle, but then a voice is heard.

「まちな! : Wait right there! Just a darn minute!
「すばらしいショーだったぜ! : That was a marvelous show! What a performance!!

The lighting shrinks so that only a small area around Celes is lit up. "Setzer" begins playing. Predictably, Setzer leaps down onto the stage and grabs Celes, who suddenly reverts to her usual outfit for no apparent reason.

Impresario: It's {Setzer}!!
{Setzer}: I'll be taking Maria,
 just like I promised!
{SETZER}: I'm a man of my word, music man!

Still holding Celes, he takes to the air, presumably on a rope from his airship.

{セリス}「あーーれェーーー {Celes}: Whaaaat theeee...? {CELES}: That's HIM...?!

The Impresario starts running around excitedly. By the end of his little speech, he's hopping up and down like a little kid who's had far too much sugar.

Impresario: A sudden plot twist!
 It seemed Maria would become
 {Lock}'s queen, but she was
 carried off by {Setzer}.
What does fate have in store for her?
Look forward to part TWO!!
IMPRESARIO: What a reversal!
Thinking she's {LOCKE}'s new queen, Maria is instead nabbed by {SETZER}!
What fate lies in store for her? Stay tuned for Part 2!

Failure at any point kicks the party out to the world map and forces a retry. Most of the noninteractive portions are truncated after the first time, but the Impresario gets increasingly worried with each failure.

Impresario: Yesterday was a failure.
 But somehow the play still goes on.
 Three days of performances remain.
but yesterday's performance was awful! I'll give you just 3 more chances!
ダンチョー「残りの上演はあと2日。 Impresario: Two days of performances remain. IMPRESARIO: You have 2 more chances.
ダンチョー「最後のチャンスですよ。 Impresario: This is your last chance. IMPRESARIO: You have 1 more chance.

Each time, before the event continues, he adds:

ダンチョー「お互いがんばりましょう。 Impresario: Let's all do our best together. IMPRESARIO: We're all in this together!

Of course, you can't fail too many times, or you'll get this message and a Game Over:

The party lacked any
talent for theater...
You don't have enough acting ability to convince your own mama!

Previous Part: Mistaken Identity

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