カッカラ王国 | Kakkara Kingdom | KAKKARA |
Might as well start here. Unfortunately for the people here, the oasis remains as dry as ever. |
ウーム、神殿に種子を戻してくれた のに水が戻らん‥‥マナの力が そうとう少なくなっているからか? |
Hmm, you returned the seed to the temple, yet the water isn't back... is it because the power of Mana has grown so faint? |
The seed hasn't brought the water back. Mana's growing weaker. |
だが、ひあがってしまったイドでも アメフラシのシッポというものが あれば水をよびもどせると聞く。 でも、そんなもの、どこにあると いうのだろうか‥ やはりこの国はもう‥ |
But I've heard of a sea hare's tail that could call back water even to a bone-dry well. But where could such a thing be found...? Our country is still done for... |
If only we had a Sea Hare's tail..! Without one this realm is finished. |
Incidentally, a sea hare is not a hare at all but a category of sea slug. |
アムール王「火の種子を神殿に 戻してきてくれたとな? ありがとう、ありがとう! |
King Amur: You've returned the Fire Seed to the temple? Thank you, thank you! |
AMAR:You've brought back the Fire seed! Thanks! |
「‥‥しかし、へんだのう? いっこうにオアシスに水が戻る けはいがないぞ? |
: ...how strange, though. There's no sign of water returning to the oasis? |
But our water still hasn't returned... |
Well... we'd like to help, but how? And where should we go next, anyway? Anyone? |
みんなどんどんこの国をはなれて いくの‥‥このさいだから私も いっそ帝国にひっこそうかしら? |
Little by little, everyone is leaving the country... with how things are, should I just give in and move to the Empire? |
Everyone's moving away... I think I'll move to the Empire! |
なんでも、大砲屋さんがこんどから 帝国までのヒミツのうちあげを 始めたって!きっとスパイ用ね‥‥ |
I hear the cannoneer started making secret launches to the Empire! Must be for spies... |
Now even Cannon Travel has a route there! |
Sure enough, cannon travel now offers the Empire as a destination. Since we have literally nothing else to go on, we might as well give it a try, even though we have no reason whatsoever to believe we ought to be going there. This is where we start getting into parts of the game with a definite "content was cut" feel to them, starting with not knowing why we're going to the Empire. |
「帝国の中では おとなしくして 目だたぬようにするっち! |
: When you're in the Empire, keep your head down and try not to stand out! |
Keep a low profile while in the Empire! |
Since when does that ever work out? We should probably start thinking up escape plans right now... |
帝国サウスタウン | Imperial Southtown | SOUTHTOWN |
At least there's another cannon on this end in case we want to leave the area. Imperial towns have their own music (track 2 不思議なお話しを / "[Tell] A Strange Tale"), which to me sounds active and peaceful enough, but not what I would call cheerful. An undercurrent of discontent, perhaps? The item shop has some new armor, but consider holding off unless you have money to spare, since the next town is coming up soon and has better options. Which seems odd. Our last armor upgrate was all the way back in Kakkara, but then the stuff here becomes obsolete almost immediately? |
ここはサウスタウン。 ノースタウンほど大きな町では ないの。 |
This is Southtown. It's not as big a city as Northtown. |
Southtown's not as big as Northtown. |
That's an understatement. RPG towns tend to be unrealistically small to begin with, but the only actual buildings in this one are the inn/shop in the southeast and a single private residence in the northwest. Pretending the rest of the town is hiding somewhere out of bounds works well enough in many cases, especially where games explicitly depict areas extending beyond your reach, but here I think that's asking too much of the player. The city just feels incomplete. |
大きなこえではいえないが、最近の 皇帝へいかのおかんがえは、ワシら にはさっぱり、りかいできん。 世界をとういつするとかいって、 おもいぜいきんをかけ、ぐんたいの ぞうきょうをくりかえしておる。 ウワサではモンスターのぐんたい まで‥‥お城の中も魔物で いっぱいだそうじゃ。 |
You can't discuss it openly, but lately none of us can understand what the emperor's thinking in the slightest. He talks about unifying the world, puts heavy taxes on us, and just keeps building up the army. Rumor has it the army even has monsters...... and they say the castle is full of monsters, too. | These days the Emperor has such bizarre thoughts... Seeking peace, he prepares for war. He even has a force of monsters in the castle! |
町はずれにすむマリクトは 変わり者さ。あまりかかわりあいに ならない方がいいぞ。 |
Marict, who lives on the outskirts of town, is an oddball. It's best not to have too much to do with her. |
A woman named Mara lives here. She's a nut case! |
マリクトばあちゃんはいつも小箱を もちあるいているよ。大事な宝物 でも入ってんのかな? |
Old lady Marict always carries a little box around with her. Is there a valuable treasure or something in there? |
Mara always carries around a little box... |
There's an older woman outside the sole house who heads inside as we approach. That's probably her. Let's investigate. |
「‥いひひひ‥オマエたちのことは 知っているよ。 『!? 「ジェマの知り合いだろ? あたしゃ、じつはタスマニカの スパイなんじゃよ。いひいひ。 「もとは、だんながそうだったんだ けど帝国のヒミツを手にいれて にげるとちゅうで‥‥ううう‥ 「だんなの、カタキうちじゃ! だんなのあとをついでこうして、 帝国の町にひそんでいるわけさ。 「町の東の小屋から下水へ入れる。 北の城下町へ抜けるレジスタンス たちのひみつのつうろさ。 「みはりの男にひみつのばんごうを いえば通してくれるよ。ひみつの ばんごうは『634』じゃ! |
: ...ee hee hee hee... I know about you people. 『!? : You know Gemma, right? I'm actually a Tasmanican spy. Ee heee hee! : It used to be my husband who was, but during his escape after getting an imperial secret...... *sob*... : I'm getting vengeance for him! So I'm following in his footsteps and lurking in an imperial town. : You can get in the sewers from the shed in the east of town. It's a secret Resistance passage to the northern castle town. : Give the man standing guard the secret number, and he'll let you through. The secret number is 634! |
MARA:Ha! I know who you are! [BOY]:!?.. MARA:Jema's friends, right? See, I'm really a Tasnican spy! So was my husband 'till he got...caught. I'm continuing his work. Enter Northtown from the resistance's sewer-way, east of here. Give the guard this secret number: "634". |
It makes sense that there's a resistance group where there's an evil emperor, but it might have been nice for someone to at least mention them before this. Sure enough, there's a man beyond the inn who falls back to a grate in the wall when approached. |
あんしょうばんごうをいってみろ! | State the passcode number! | Try the secret number! |
『 6 3 4 』 「!さあ、通りな! |
『 6 3 4 』 : ! All right, go on through! |
" 6 3 4 " ..! Enter! |
The guard steps aside. |
『634!634! 「シーッ!わかったってば! |
『634! 634! : Shh! I get it, already! |
"634! 634!" Shh! Not so loud! |
The sewers are the only way in and out of the town outpost other than cannon travel. We caught a glimpse of a river flowing by and into a large lake nearby on the way in, but there's no sign of any way to access either one. Nor are there any roads leading to Northtown, or anywhere else, for that matter. Sneaking through the sewers to avoid a security checkpoint on the main road would make sense, but there is no main road, and there's no trace of any other connecting route at all. Mussolini was said to have made the trains run on time (though that was more propaganda than truth), and the Roman Empire of old is still famous for its roadways, but this Empire can't even seem to manage a basic dirt path between its two main settlements. "The Boy Heads for the Wilds" plays in the sewers, which feature uncomfortably brownish water. Garfish await just inside, and should be no threat by this point. However, there are also more dangerous Killer Fish (Dinofish) further in, along with quite a few Blue Bavarois and even a lost Duck Soldier. Curiously, although we're supposed to be heading from Southtown to Northtown, our progress through the sewers runs mostly north to south. |
帝国ノースタウン | Imperial Northtown | NORTHTOWN |
Unexpectedly, the passage leads directly into the heart of the Resistance base. "Orphan of the Storm" plays inside. Several people are already here and immediately turn to confront the intruders. One of them, the apparent leader, has a distinctive, likely military-inspired, appearance featuring spiky blonde hair even messier than The Boy's, yellow utility pants, and a green headband, shirt, and gloves. She questions them. |
「あっ、なにものだ!? 帝国のスパイか!? 『ち、ちがいます!634634! |
: Hey, who goes there!? Spies for the Empire!? 『N-no! 634, 634! |
KRISSIE:Who're you? Imperial spies? [BOY]:Hardly! |
634! The answer to all our troubles! It's kind of a shame that panicked response didn't make the cut in the localization. |
クリス「あっ、ジェマさまが いってた聖剣のカレね?ようこそ レジスタンスのアジトに! |
Kriss: Oh, are you the boy Sir Gemma mentioned, with the Holy Sword? Welcome to the Resistance base! |
KRISSIE:Jema told us about you! Welcome to the Resistance! |
Her name could be romanized any number of ways. It's also plausible as a feminine Japanese name (Kurisu), but that seems out of place in this setting. The Boy steps forward and nods agreement. |
『[BOY]だ!よろしく! | 『I'm [BOY]! Glad to meet you! | [BOY]:I'm [BOY]! How do you do? |
The Girl crosses her arms and looks annoyed. |
『‥ナニさ!カッコつけちゃって! | 『...hey! Quit trying to act cool! | [GIRL]:Wow! You're...a WOMAN!!! |
I always thought her English version line seemed at odds with her body language. On the other hand, it makes The Sprite's jab that much more scathing. |
[SPRITE]『けけ、やいてんの [GIRL]『だれが!私は ディラックひとすじなの! |
[SPRITE]『Keh keh, jealous, much? [GIRL]『Who, me!? I only have eyes for Dirac! |
[SPRITE]:Jealous? [GIRL]:Knock it off! I'm Dyluck's girl! |
クリス「デイラック!あなた ディラックを知っているの!? [GIRL]『もちろん!なんで? クリス「この町の東に古代から あるという、いせきがあります。 「そこに、最近になってディラック という男が現われ‥人々の生気を 次々と、抜いているのです。 『パンドーラと同じだ!‥でも、 なぜディラックが!? クリス「‥きっと、何者かに コントロールされているのでは? われわれもしらべてみます。 |
Kriss: Dirac! You know Dirac!? [GIRL]『Of course! Why? Kriss: There are ruins east of town they say have been there for ages. : A man called Dirac appeared there recently... he's draining the vitality out of one person after another. 『Just like in Pandora! ...but why would Dirac...!? Kriss: ...maybe he's just being controlled by someone? We'll investigate, too. |
KRISSIE:You KNOW Dyluck? [GIRL]:Of course...why? KRISSIE:A "Dyluck's" been draining people's energy at the ruins to the east. [GIRL]:Like in Pandora! But why's Dyluck... KRISSIE:Something must be controlling him. We'll check on that. |
Everyone goes back to what they were doing. Kriss doesn't have much to say, but the rest of the Resistance helps fill in some backstory. |
クリス「がんばってね! | Kriss: You can do it! | KRISSIE:Good luck! |
あたいたちのリーダーはクリスよ。 | Our leader is Kriss. | GIRL:Krissie is our leader. |
クリスの父サグは、レジスタンス のリーダーだった。だが、帝国との 戦いによって‥‥ リーダーを失ったわれわれが バラバラにならないよう、サグの あとをついでクリスがリーダーに‥ まだ18さいなのに、みんなのため にがんばっている。われわれも かのじょをたよりにしているよ。 |
Kriss's father, Saag, was the leader of the Resistance. But, in a battle with the Empire...... To keep us from falling to pieces with the loss of our leader, Kriss succeeded Saag as leader... She's still only 18, yet works so hard for everyone. We all rely on her. |
MAN:Krissie's dad founded the Resistance... When he was caught, she kept us together. She's only 18, but she's brilliant! |
Another name with no apparent meaning or obvious equivalent. Also note that his fate is left vague, but it's likely that he's dead. |
わが帝国も、昔は平和な国だった。 ところが、15年前あたりから どうもようすがおかしい。 |
Our Empire was once a peaceful country. But something just hasn't seemed quite right about it since around 15 years ago. |
All the trouble started about 15 years ago. |
Upstairs, the base looks more like an ordinary cafe, with mostly nondescript people milling around. |
クリスもふつうの女の子のように あそんだりしたい年ごろだろうに‥ |
Kriss is at that age when she'd probably rather be having fun like a normal girl... |
Krissie had to grow up too fast. |
帝国には、してんのうとよばれる 皇帝ちょくぞくの、しんえいたいが いる。 リーダーかく、闇の騎士シーク、 マシンライダーのゲシュタール こういってんのファウナッハ‥‥ そして魔法騎士タナトス‥こいつは まだくわしいことが、よく わかっていないんだ。 |
The Empire has a special force called the Elite Four that reports directly to the emperor. Their leader, the Dark Knight Shiek; the Machine Rider Gestahl; Faunach, the lone woman of the group...... And the Mage Knight Thanatos... I still haven't been able to get any detailed information on that one. |
The Emperor has some powerful bodyguards. Sheex, Geshtar, Fanha, and Thanatos. They're capable of anything! |
Faunach (ファウナッハ, faunahha) ends in the same throat clearing sort of sound as words like "Mach". こういってん (紅一点, kou itten, a single point of red) is a common shortening of a line originally from a Chinese poem about a red pomegranate flower making a striking impression in a sea of green. The phrase has become an idiom for anything that stands out from an otherwise largely uniform group, and in particular for a single woman in a group that's otherwise all men. Surely that's not Faunach's only significant characteristic, though? Come to think of it, I don't recall it being a particularly significant characteristc at all. I'm not sure I even realized she was supposed to be a woman until translating that line. |
皇帝は、へいたいを使って私たち レジスタンスのアジトをさがして いるらしいの。 |
The emperor is apparently using his soldiers to search for our Resistance base. |
The Emperor's using his troops to find us. |
町の東にある、古代いせきに、 最近出入りする者が多いようじゃ。 以前はこんなことなかったのに。 |
There's been a lot of traffic to the ancient ruins east of town lately. It never used to be like this. |
People are sure busy in the ruins over there. |
いじょうありまっちぇん! んとね、テーコクのおっちゃんが こないようにね、みはってゆの。 |
All cleaaaar! Um, I'm standing guard so the Empire men don't come. |
It's fun playing war. |
ここは おもてむきはカフェだけど われらレジスタンスのひみつの アジトよ! |
It's a cafe as a front, but this is the secret base of the Resistance! |
The Resistance's base is well disguised! |
クリスねえちゃんが、ひとりで ないてるのを見たことがあるよ! |
I've seen miss Kriss crying when she's all alone! |
I've heard Krissie crying at night... |
Outside the base, Northtown, in stark contrast to Southtown, is possibly the largest city in the game, to the extent that there's slight but noticeable slowdown. "Tell A Strange Tale" plays, as in Southtown. The item shop has the best armor that's going to be available for a while, and Watts has set up shop in the basement of the inn. |
ワッツ「なんだか武器のニオイが プンプンするよ、この町。戦争の じゅんびでもしてんだろうな。 「さーて、ところで武器のパワーは たまってるかな? |
Watts: This town positively reeks of weapons. They must be getting ready for a war or something. : So, anyway, do you have any weapon power saved up? |
Watts:This town smells like war... Found any new weapon orbs? |
As mentioned, soldiers are looking for the Resistance base, if not very effectively. |
この町に皇帝へいかにタテつく レジスタンスのアジトがあるらしい のだが‥きっと見つけだす! |
The base of the Resistance that opposes His Imperial Majesty is supposed to be in this town... we'll find it! |
We'll find the resistance's base soon! |
Let's check whether the townspeople have anything more interesting to say. |
15年前の共和国との戦争で 父をなくしました。 |
I lost my father in the war with the Republic 15 years ago. |
We once fought the Republic. |
帝国のりょうどはこの町と、南の サウスタウン、ほかにも黄金島の ゴールドシティーがあるよ。 |
Besides this town and Southtown to the south, the Empire's territory includes Gold City on the Golden Isle. |
The Empire consists of this town, Southtown and the Gold Isle. |
Just the towns? Is the rest of the continent so utterly devoid of content, even in-universe, that they don't think of it as part of their territory? |
皇帝へいかは世界中の国をあいてに 戦争を始める気らしい‥‥ しんぱいいらないという話だが‥‥ こんなにかぞくが多いとしんぱいも ひといちばいだよ‥‥ |
I hear His Imperial Majesty is fixing to start a war with all the nations of the world...... They say there's nothing to worry about...... But having such a large family makes me that much more worried...... |
Why's the Emperor taking on the world..? I fear for my family! |
ホホホ、きょうお城でパーティが あったら何をきていこうかしら? |
Ho ho ho, what would I wear if there were a party at the castle today? |
Oh dear, I must dress for the castle party! |
最近お城でパーティーがおこなわれ なくなったもんだから、おねえさま いえの中でドレスきてるの! |
They've stopped having parties at the castle lately, so my big sister's wearing her dresses around the house! |
There AREN'T any parties! My sister's going nuts! |
In the English version, this little incident comes across as a symptom of the weirdness going on with the townspeople, but it turns out the young lady is well aware there aren't any parties anymore and is just dressing up at home for fun. This does suggest recent meaningful changes at the castle, though. |
南のさんごしょうに、とてつもない シロモノがしずんでいると 城のやつらが話しておった。 |
Them at the castle were talking about some preposterous something being sunk in the coral reef to the south. |
Something's hidden under the coral to the south! |
Some dialog is more immediately concerning, like from this child wandering around. |
さっきパメラって人からアメだま もらったの。町ハズレのいせきに いくと、もっともらえるんだって! |
I got candy from someone called Pamela earler. She said I can get more if I go to the ruins on the edge of town! |
Phanna gave me some candy. I can get MORE if I go see her at the ruins! |
And this old woman by the road to the ruins is displaying unpleasantly familiar symptoms. |
‥‥ | ...... | ...... |
Like Southtown, Northtown also lacks any access to the surrounding countryside, or anything resembling a dock or any other potential way to leave the area, though there is a peculiar little passage through the trees on the south edge of town that doesn't go anywhere you can't already reach. However, a road to the north leads to the castle, and another to the northeast connects to ruins similar to those outside Pandora. At the moment, entry to the castle proper is walled off, so there's nothing to do in that direction except fight an Armored Knight (Armored Man) or three, which is at least handy for grinding spell and weapon levels if desired. That leaves the ruins as our only option, and all available clues point in that direction anyway. |
Ancient ruins near Northtown | ||
The Northtown ruins use the same eerie track, "Ritual", as the Pandora ruins, though here it starts playing in the courtyard rather than waiting until we enter the ruins proper. Unlike in Pandora, no one is outside except for a familiar blue-haired girl. |
[GIRL]『あっ!パメラ!! しっかりして! パメラ「‥‥うるさい! 「あたしはかえらないよ!ここで ディラックといっしょにくらす ことにしたのさ! 「ふふん!いつもアタシの前で ディラックの話をするから、 わるいんだ。もうかえさないよ! |
[GIRL]『Ah! Pamela!! Pull yourself together! Pamela: ......shut up! : I'm not leaving! I've made up my mind to live here with Dirac! : Hu huhn! It's your fault for always talking about Dirac in front of me. I'm not giving him back! |
[GIRL]:Phanna! Wake up! Are you okay, Phanna? PHANNA:...Hush! PHANNA:Dyluck and I are happy here! We just love being together! |
"Soul of the Night" starts playing as The Girl reacts, shaking her head. |
[GIRL]『そんなっ! ウソでしょっ!!パメラ! パメラ「ハハハハ!いいきみよ! |
[GIRL]『No way! You're lying!! Pamela! Pamela: Ha ha ha ha! Serves you right! |
[GIRL]:Liar! PHANNA:Don't you wish!? |
The Girl runs up and hits her. Pamela collapses. That presumably wasn't The Girl's intent, as she reacts with evident shock and dismay. |
パメラ「!うっ‥‥! [GIRL]『‥はっ!パメラ! わ、わたし‥‥わたし‥‥ |
Pamela: ! Ugh......! [GIRL]『...ha! Pamela! I, I...... I...... |
PHANNA:Ooh! [GIRL]:Oh...Phanna... Phanna...I... |
[BOY]『‥‥いったん クリスのところにもどろう [SPRITE]『‥ネエちゃん! |
[BOY]『......let's head back to Kriss's place for now. [SPRITE]『...babe! |
[BOY]:Let's get her to Krissie's. [SPRITE]:Come on, [GIRL]! |
Just then, Kriss walks up from the direction of the town. |
クリス「[BOY]ー! どうしたの!? |
Kriss: [BOY]! What's wrong!? |
KRISSIE:[BOY]! What's up? |
[BOY]『あっクリス! ‥この娘をしばらくあずかってて ほしいんです。じつは‥‥ |
[BOY]『Ah, Kriss! ...I'd like you to look after this girl for a while. You see...... |
[BOY]:Krissie! Can you help her? |
クリス「‥‥わかりました。 なかまの、おいしゃさんにみて もらうわ。だいじょうぶよ! |
Kriss: ......got it. We've got a doctor I'll have look at her. She'll be fine! |
KRISSIE:No sweat. I'll take her to our doctor. |
[GIRL]『‥おねがいします | [GIRL]『...please do. | [GIRL]:Please! |
クリス「しんぱいいらないわ! さあ、ディラックをたすけに 行くんでしょ!しっかり! |
Kriss: No need to worry! Now, you're going to save Dirac, right? Keep it together! |
KRISSIE:Don't worry! Go help Dyluck! |
The Girl nods, and Kriss leaves with Pamela. |
帝国ノースタウン | Imperial Northtown | NORTHTOWN |
Pamela can be found with the doctor in one of the houses in Northtown at this point. She's walking around, but otherwise unresponsive. |
パメラ「‥‥ | Pamela: ...... | PHANNA:... |
わしが、その いしゃ じゃ! パメラは心にキズをおっている ようじゃな‥‥ なーに、しんぱいいらんよ。 少しづつパメラの心をときほぐせば かならずよくなる! |
I'm the doctor! Pamela seems to be suffering from psychological damage...... Not to worry, though. Pamela is sure to get better if we untangle her mind little by little! |
DOCTOR:I examined Phanna! her vital signs are WAY off. Don't worry, though. She'll be okay. |
For now, though, those ruins need investigating. |
Speculation | ||
The imperial continent appears to have been hit particularly hard when the game content was pared down. Aside from certain things feeling lacking even in-game, such as the absence of any wilderness areas, Southtown being literally just two buildings and a wall with sewer access, and nothing but a single brief dungeon separating it from Northtown and the significantly better armor there, in-progress screenshots and promotional material also suggest a more extensive and detailed region. Note in particular the large open areas around Southtown on what's dubbed Map IIb (which existed late enough into development that it's actually printed in the Japanese manual), with cannon travel a considerable distance south of the town itself. Similarly, several promotional screenshots show a town that resembles Northtown, but is clearly not Northtown as we know it, and may have been an earlier, more fleshed-out version of Southtown. Anything beyond what appears in the images is mere speculation, of course, but here's my take on what likely would have happened in this chapter of the story if the game hadn't been scaled back. First of all, I expect that we would have been given some concrete reason to go to the Empire in the first place. It could be any number of things, but we haven't seen Gemma in a while, and Kriss has been in contact with him recently, so perhaps he would have turned up with news of troubling developments in the Empire and sent us to assist the Resistance. Which would also mean that we'd have heard about them in advance. The cannon trip would have landed at the old cannon position well south of town, placed to reduce the risk of detection, thus leaving us to make our way into Southtown on foot. Whether the landscape would have been noticeably different from the Gaia Lowlands region is anyone's guess. After fighting through the wilds, the inn would have been much appreciated, and the new equipment would have come in handy when attempting the road to Northtown. Of course, the overland path would prove pointless. I'd expect a boss fight along the way, with the way becoming impassable afterward, similar to the golem fight that destroys the bridge in Trials of Mana. That would result in some runaround trying to find an alternate route, which would eventually lead to the helpful spy providing the password to go through the sewers, but only after a sidequest or three. And she'd probably be a little harder to track down in the first place. The sewers might have been more extensive and elaborate, but with another boss or two and the sidetracking I'm assuming would have come between reaching Southtown and finding the sewer route, it wouldn't really be all that necessary. Maybe it would have another boss towards the end of it? That seems like enough content to justify getting a whole new tier of armor in Northtown, too. (Seriously, the last new armor before Southtown was at least two full dungeons and three bosses earlier, yet Northtown offers a greater improvement in armor quality over Southtown than Southtown offers over the previous set). I'd also appreciate it if you actually went north when going to Northtown. Were the ends of the sewers accidentally connected the wrong way around? In any case, here are Southtown and the surrounding region in the preliminary and final maps for comparison: |
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