Previous Part: Arena Conflict

モトの町 Origin Town HomeTown

Heading into town, we see a young winged woman surrounded by hoodlums outside a building that has been gated off. It doesn't look good for her, until something explodes, taking the gate with it.

「くっそう! 何しやがる!!
 「‥すみません おケガは ありませんか?
「Dammit! What the hell are you doing!?
 「...I'm terribly sorry. Are you hurt?
「Hey!  What do you think
you're doing!!
 「‥Oh, excuse me.
Are you hurt?
「おケガ‥じゃ ねえだろ! 殺す気か!?
「すみません‥ でも
あなた方が しつこいから つい‥‥‥
「Hurt...? Screw that! You trying to kill us!?
「I'm quite sorry... but with how
obstinate you've been.........
「Am I hurt‥!  Do you
intend to kill me!?
「I'm sorry‥
 But you gentlemen are
so persistent I just
 おとなしく ついて来なよ
ボスが あんたに 会いたがってるんだ
 Give in and come with us.
The boss wants to meet you.
 Be good and come with us
My boss wants to see
「だから‥ イヤだと 言ってるんです‥
「I've told you... I'm not interested...
Please let go of me!!
「Like I said‥ I don't
want to go‥
 please let go of me!!

Lightning falls from the clear sky, knocking the hoodlums back.

「うわっ! ビリっと来たぁ!
「いいかげんに しないと
つぎは 手かげんしませんよ!!
「Whoa! That stings!
「If you don't behave yourselves,
I won't hold back next time!!
「Ouch!  You shocked me !
「If you don't leave me
 next time I will not
hold back!!
「ちくしょう! おぼえてろ!
「Dammit! You'll pay for this!
「Darn!  We'll be back!

The goons leave, and Nina goes inside.

 ‥ねえ ここ 魔法の学校だよね?
あたしも 魔法 教えてもらいたいナー?
いいよ        ムリだよ
 {Lin Pu}
 ...hey, this is a magic school, right?
I want them to teach me magic too!
Sure / Not going to happen
 ‥Say this is a Magic
school right?
 Can I also learn some
Yes        No

Nina's obviously not our thief. She's calm and blonde, not restless and blue-haired, and while she does have wings, they're birdlike and breathtaking in a deep violet, not batlike at all. Still, we ought to know by now that trying to argue with Lin Pu is more trouble than it's worth... attemping it quickly makes obvious.

「やーん! 魔法ほしい ほしい ほしい!
 ねー 魔法学校に 行こうよー!
はいはい       ダダこねちゃ、だめ
 {Lin Pu}
「Waah! I want magic, gimme, gimme!
 Come on, let's go to the magic school!
Oh, all right / Don't act so spoiled
「No! I want magic. I want
it, I want it!
 Please, let's go to the
magic school!
Yes        No
「よーし! 行こう、{リュウ}!
 {Lin Pu}
「All right! Let's go, {Ryu}!
「All right!
Let's go,{Ryu}!

Some classes are evidently in session, but since this is, after all, a jRPG, everyone is still willing to talk.

「じゅぎょう中の 学校に 入ってきて
あちこち 話しかけるなんて‥ あんた
フツーじゃ ないね?
「Coming into the academy during class
and talking to everyone... you're not
exactly normal, are you?
「You sure are rude.
Talking to people
during class.

That one, at least, does respond with more snark than I would have expected, though.

「{ニーナ}って カワイイと思わない?
でも、ちょっと 近よりにくいよな!
「Don't you think {Nina}'s cute?
But she's so hard to approach!
「Isn't {Nina} cute?
But she's a little
difficult to approach!
「近ごろ、変な人が ウロウロしてるんだって
 あなたたちの事じゃ ないわ
ジョーカーだん って言う
悪人たちの しゅうだんよ
「We've had troublemakers around lately.
 I don't mean you people.
I'm talking about a group of no-goods
called the Joker Gang.
「Lately there's been some
strange people roaming
 but it's not you guys
 It is a bad group of
people called
the Joker Gang
東の ロッコ山に
ふりょうが たまってるんだって!
「Just a rumor...
but I hear hoodlums have gathered
at Rokko Mountain to the east!
「I heard some rumors‥
that hoodlums gather at
Mt.Rocko in the East!
「ウインディアの人って しろい翼があるの
 でも、{ニーナ}の翼は 黒いのよ
「Windians have white wings.
 But {Nina}'s wings are black.
How unusual.
「The people of Windia
have white wings
 But, {Nina} has black
Unusual, isn't it?
「私たち まだ しゅぎょう中だから
むやみに魔法を 使えないの
「Since we're still in training,
we can't use magic just whenever.
「We're still in training
so we can't use magic
「はー、あたしの 若いころにゃ
こんな魔法は、なかったねー フムフム‥
「Huh, we didn't have magic like this
back in my youth... fascinating...
「Interesting. We didn't
have magic like this
 when I was young.
Hum, hum‥

That's odd... she doesn't look any older than the other students. But let's go check on Nina, shall we?

「甲しわけありません‥ ヨーヂせんせい
魔法を 使ってしまいました‥
「ふむ、ワケを 話しなさい‥
「I'm terribly sorry... master Yodji.
I have used magic...
「Well, explain your reasons...
「I'm very sorry Yoji
I used my magic‥
「Hum, tell me the

ようぢ in hiragana, that's not the most common of names. Google mainly gives me results for a pop star who Romanizes it as "Yohdi" and can't be an intended reference due to being just an infant when the game was released. Phonetically, "Yoji" is a good approximation.

「‥‥‥このところ ジョーカーだんという
たちの悪いやつらが 私を‥
「.........recently, an ill-natured group
called the Joker Gang have...
「‥‥‥ Lately,
 this gang called The
Joker Gang
have been‥

Lin Pu cuts in. Ryu looks like he was afraid something like that would happen...

 {Lin Pu}
「Excuse me,‥
「あたしに 魔法 教えてくれたら
あいつら やっつけて あげるんだけどなー
 あたしと‥ {リュウ}でさ?
 {Lin Pu}
「Teach me some magic and I'll
beat those guys up for you.
 Me and... {Ryu}, okay?
「If you will teach us
some magic,
 {Ryu} and I will get them
for you

I like the little hesitation here. Everyone was calling him Doodoo when they met, so that's the name she learned for him, and it would be easy to automatically keep calling him that out of habit, or to stubbornly refuse to change. She's not doing that, though. Ever since finding out he goes by Ryu, she's been mindful of calling him that, even if it means a little more effort on her part to adjust and get it right.

「ふぉふぉふぉ‥ ゲンキな 女子じゃな‥
魔法を おぼえたいのか?
「うん! じいちゃん 教えてよ!
そしたら、悪者 やっつけて あげる!
「Ho ho ho... such a spirited girl...
You want to learn magic?
 {Lin Pu}
「Yeah! Teach me, gramps!
Then I'll take out the bad guys!
「I'm afraid that won't work...
「Oh‥ you are a brave
 You want to learn magic?
「Yeah!  Would you teach
 Then I can get the bad
「No, it can't be done‥
「魔法を 教えるには 時間がかかるが
 あやつらは そんなに 長くは
待ってくれん ようじゃぞ‥
「Teaching magic takes time,
 and it doesn't seem that they're
willing to wait that long...
「It takes time to teach
someone magic
 It doesn't look like
they will wait very

Evidently not, since one of the hoodlums has just barged in.

オレたちは、あきらめないぜ‥ {ニーナ}ちゃん
 だって、{ニーナ}ちゃん かわいいもんな
いもうとの ミイナちゃんも かわいいけど‥
「...heh heh heh heh, that's right...
We ain't giving up... {Nina}.
 You're such a cutey, after all.
And so's your kid sister Mina...
 Heh heh heh heh heh heh...
「‥Ha ha ha,
that's right‥
 We won't give up‥
little {Nina}
Cause, you are cute
 Your sister Mina is cute
Ha ha ha‥
「おーっと そんなにニラむなよ
まだ 何も してねぇよ‥
 けど {ニーナ}ちゃんが ついて来ないと
どうなっても 知らないよ、ヘヘッ
いもうと君の所へ あんないしますよ‥
「Whoa there, don't glare like that.
We ain't done a thing yet...
 But if you don't come with us,
babe, who knows, heh heh.
「Come along now, lady {Nina}...
I'll take you to your sister...
「Whoa, such a dirty look
 I haven't done anything
yet‥.  But,
 if you don't come with
me, you don't know what
will happen.  Ha ha ha
 Let us take you to your
little sister‥

Nina reluctantly leaves with him.

 {Lin Pu}
「What's going on?
「What's going on?
「うぬぬ‥ あやつら‥
 {ニーナ}君の いもうとを
ひとじちに したんじゃ!
 このままでは {ニーナ}君は
やつらの 言いなりに‥!
「ヒキョーなやつら! むかつくー!
ぶんなぐって やる!
「Dear me... they...
 They took {Nina}'s little
sister hostage!
 If no one stops them, {Nina}
will be at their mercy...!
 {Lin Pu}
「That's no fair! It pisses me off!
I'm gonna beat them up!
「Um‥ They‥
 have taken {Nina}'s little
sister hostage!
 If we don't do
will have to do
anything they say‥!
「Those dirty rats!
That burns me up!
 I'm going to punch
their lights out!
「よーし! 行こう、{リュウ}!
 {Lin Pu}
「All right! Let's go, {Ryu}!
「All right!
Let's go,{Ryu}!

Sounds like... well, not exactly a plan, but at least an appropriate course of action.

 ロッコ山  Rokko Mountain  Mt.Rocko

Naturally, the hideout is guarded.

「ここは なく子も だまらせる
ジョーカー様の アジトだぞ
「This hideout belongs to the great Joker.
He could scare a crying baby into silence.
「This is The Joker's
 They're the baddest
gang around!
「ああ? 中に入れろ、だあ?
「Huh? You want in?
Heh, cry me a river!
「Huh?  Let you in?
Get lost!

Naturally, we're not going to let that stop us. A little violence goes a long way. Moving on, most of the gang would rather talk than fight, but they have a curious tendency to talk about how they're related to each other.

There are also random encounters further inside, including our first Spirit-type enemy. These take half damage from most forms of attack, which makes them tougher in practice than their HP would indicate.

「おれの親父は、ボスのおとうとなんだぜ! 「My dad is the boss's kid brother! 「My father is the
boss's younger
, you know!
「お宝は、ぜんぶ ボスの物さ
「The treasure all belongs to the boss.
He won't even share with me, his kid brother...
「All of the treasure
belongs to the boss
 He won't share it with
me his younger brother
「The boss's name is Joker.
I'm Guevara,
and this is the john.
「The Boss's name is
 My name is Gebara,
and this is the toilet
「おれは ボスの おさななじみだけど
「I'm the boss's childhood friend,
but he's been different lately...
「I've known the boss
since childhood
 but, lately, he's
「おれは‥ ボスのおとうとの むすこ
ボスのあにきは ゲバラさん‥
 こうしてみると しんせきだらけだな
「I'm... the boss's kid brother's son's
friend, Gabe.
 Over there is Terrell.
The treasure guard's Lait and his son's Paine.
The boss's big brother's Guevara...
 Come to think of it, it's all relatives.
「I'm Boss's younger
's son's
 and my name is Gabe
He's Tereru
 The guard for the
treasure is Raite,
and his son is Pain,
 and the Boss's older
brother is Gebara
 When you think about
it, it's nothing
but relatives
「何だ‥‥ ボスの知り合いか?
‥だったら、ボスの おいっ子のなまえを
ゲイブ        テレル
レイト        ペイン
ゲバラ        トイレ
「What...... you know the boss?
...then tell me what his nephew's
name is!
Gabe / Terrel
Lait / Paine
Guevara / John
「What‥‥ Are you an
acquaintance of the
 ‥Then, tell me the
boss' nephew's name!
Gabe      Tereru
Raite      Pain
Gebara    Toilet

Note that レイト (Lait) is just トイレ (toilet) backwards, and that you're seemingly meant to mistake the latrine for an actual name.

There's enough information to figure this one out...

「ふむ‥ ほんとう みたいだな 「Hmm... guess it's true. 「Hum‥ it looks like
you're telling the truth
「いいよ、行きな 「Okay, go ahead. 「Ok, go ahead

Or we could pick a wrong answer and just fight our way through.

「このウソつきめ! くたばれ!! 「You liar! Go to hell!! 「You liar!
Take this!! Hay-Ya!

Either he hits the switch to open the gate or we do it for him. The next guard has the sense to stand behind a gate, though.

-1 「‥あれ? ボスに聞いてない?
「...huh? Haven't you heard from the boss?
The switch for here is in that hole, yeah?
「‥What? You haven't
heard from the boss?
 The switch for this is
in this hole, right?

The one with the gleaming eyes inside? Unfortunately, despite how suspicious this is, the only way forward (or back, for that matter) is to try it.

 {char1}は あなに手を入れた‥‥‥
 {char1}は 手をかみつかれた!!
 {char1} put a hand in the hole.........
 {char1}'s hand was bitten!!
 {char1} puts a hand
in the hole ‥‥‥
{char1}'s hand is bitten!!
 {char1}は ダメージをうけた!!
「だまされたな! そのアナにいるのは
知っている ハズだがな!!
 さあ! かんねんしな!
{char1} took damage!!
「Fooled you! It's a poison spider
that's in that hole!!
 Anyone who knows the boss
ought to know better!!
 Now! Say your prayers!
{char1} receives damage!!
「You fell for it!
 A poisonous spider is
in that hole!!
 If you were a friend of
the Boss, you should
have known that!!
 Well!  Give it up!

Whoever reached in starts the battle poisoned, but the spider appears in the fight, so at least we get to have a little payback.

Don't miss the Silver Knife in one of the chests downstairs. It should be an improvement for Ryu to begin with, and since Spirits take double damage from Holy but resist just about everything else, it will inflict a net 4x damage to them as compared to a typical weapon with the same power.

Continuing on, we find Nina surrounded by thugs and facing their obvious leader. Another guard gets in our way, though.

「‥‥‥ みはり、ごくろうさん
「The boss is busy right now!
 {Lin Pu}
「.........nice work standing guard. can take a break now!
「The boss is busy right
now!  Go over there!!
「‥‥‥ thanks for
standing guard
 ‥you can rest now!

We deal with him just like all the others, but with more attempted witty quipping. Back to checking on Nina, then.

「いもうとを‥ ミイナを かえしなさい‥
「ホホッ! おこったかおも うつくしいですね‥
 {ニーナ}様、その うつくしいかおを
もう少し 近くで見せて 下さいませんか?
「Return Mina... my sister...
「Ho ho! Just as beautiful when angry...
 Lady {Nina}, would you show me
your lovely face a little bit closer?
「Return my sister Mina
to me‥
「Ho hoh!  You're very
 when you're mad‥
 {Nina}, won't you show me
that beautiful face
closer up?
「‥‥‥ いもうとを かえしなさい!
「‥おい ねーちゃん!
さっさと 行かねえか!!
「.........return my sister!
「...hey, babe!
 You heard the boss...
get a move on!!
「‥‥‥ return my sister
to me!
「‥Hey baby!
 Listen to the Boss‥
Shut up and do as
he says!!

The thug shoves her toward the boss. This was a mistake. She spins around...

「Don't touch me!!
「Don't touch me!!

...and throws a fireball at him.

「うぎゃあ!! 「Ughyaa!! 「Aaaugh!!
「さあ! ミイナを かえしなさい!
つぎは ヤケドでは、すみませんよ!
「ホホッ! かえしますとも!
「Now! Return Mina!
You'lI get worse than burns next time!
「Ho ho! But of course I'll return her!
Ho ho ho ho!!
「Now!  Bring Mina back
to me!
 Next time, you won't get
away with just a burn!
「Ho hoh!  I shall bring
her to you!
 Ho ho ho ho!!

Another thug brings Mina out.

「ミイナ! 今、助けます!!
「Mina! I'll save you!!
「Mina!  I will save you
「ホッ!! うつくしいですね! あいですね!
 ‥でも、まだ ダメですよ
「Ho!! How beautiful! Such love!
 ...not so fast, though.
「Hoh!!  Isn't this
 This is love!
‥but not yet!
「やくそくが ちがいます!
いもうとを はなしなさい!
「だめですね‥ そんな頼み方では‥
いいですか‥ こう言うのです
 『私は、身も心も ジョーカー様にささげ‥
言って、私のクツに キスしなさい!!
「This isn't what you promised!
Release my sister!
「I think not... not if you ask like that...
Listen... here's what you say.
 "I offer myself to you body and mind...
to be your slave, master Joker."
 Go on, say it.
Say it, and kiss my boots!!
「You promised!
Release her to me!
「I'm afraid not‥
You must ask nicely‥
 Now‥ this is what you
 `I promise to use my
magic in your service‥
 and I will become your
 Come here right now!
Give me your oath!
ミイナ様を 助けたいのでしょう?
 どうしても できないのならば
部下たちに てつだわせましょう‥
「You don't get to refuse, lady {Nina}.
You do wish to save lady Mina, yes?
 If you simply cannot do it,
let us have my men assist...
「I won't take no for an
answer {Nina}!
 You do want to save
Mina, don't you?
 If you can't do it,
I can have my men
assist you‥

The thugs surround her...

「‥{ニーナ}様を つれて来なさい
 私の前に ひざまづかせるのです!
「...bring lady {Nina}.
 Make her kneel before me!
Ho, ho, ho!!
「‥Bring {Nina}
 and make her stand in
front of me!
Ha ha ha

...and drag her closer.

「さあ、{ニーナ}様 言うのです!
私の物になると ちかいなさい!
「Now, lady {Nina}, say it!
Vow to be my possession!
「{Nina}, say it! Swear that
you will obey me!

Nina struggles, but this doesn't look promising.

「やばいよ! {リュウ}!!
{ニーナ}を 助けなくちゃ!
 ひとじちを とりかえそう!!
 {Lin Pu}
「Oh no! {Ryu}!!
We've gotta save {Nina}!
 Let's take back the hostage!!
「This is bad! {Ryu}!!
We've got to save {Nina}!
 Let's take back the

Good thinking. With everyone focused on Nina, we have no trouble circling around behind Mina's watcher.

「こっからは あたしに まかせて‥
 {Lin Pu}
「Leave it to me from here...
「Leave this part to me‥

Lin Pu sneaks closer...

「‥‥‥ カクゴはできましたか?
「‥いもうとは 助けてもらえるのですね
「.........are you prepared?
「...this WILL save my sister?
「‥‥‥ Are you prepared
to give your oath?
「‥You promise to let my
sister go?
「No, don't do it!!

...and takes out the guard, then positions herself to shield Mina.

「{ニーナ}! いもうとは 助けたよ!
「ヌッ、何ですか あいつは!?
 {Lin Pu}
「{Nina}! We've rescued your sister!
「Wh-what? Who's that!?
Take her out!!
「{Nina}!  I have your
「Huh, who is that!?
Kill her!!

The rest of the thugs attack Ryu and Lin Pu. However, they're just as unremarkable as all the others have been, except that they may call for backup.

「さ、こっちは かたづいた!
もうエンリョは いらないよ!
 {Lin Pu}
「Well, that's that on our end!
No need to hold back now!
「Ok, we're all cleaned
up here!
 We have nothing to fear

Joker backs away.

「ホホッ‥ みんな やられてしまった‥
ホ‥ おゆるしを‥ ホホ‥
「Ho ho... they've all been taken out...
Ho... have mercy... ho ho...
「Oh no‥ they've all
been defeated‥
 Oh‥ forgive me‥
boo hoo hoo‥

Nina doesn't bother to hold back, launching a fireball into a rock wall that collapses on him.

2  {ニーナ}
「‥‥‥ ありがとう
おかげで 助かったわ
「あぶなかったね‥ でも、やったじゃん
「.........thank you.
You've saved us.
 {Lin Pu}
「That was close... but we did it.
「‥‥‥ Thank you
 Because of you,
we were saved
「That was dangerous‥
but, we did it

The Dragon's Tear gleams as Nina gives her thanks.

However, the screen darkens, the ground shakes...

「ホホーッホー!! イタかったですよー!
 よーくも やってくれましたね!
おかえししますよー {ニーナ}様‥
「Ho ho, ho!! That hurt!
 How dare you!
I'm going to pay you back, lady {Nina}...
「Ho hoh!! That was very
How dare you hurt me!
 I'll have to pay you
back now, {Nina}‥

...and Joker bursts out of the rubble, except that he's now some kind of bloated, purple, long-tongued... thing.

-6  ジョーカー
「ホホー! ひざまづけ、{ニーナ}!
クツをなめさせてやる! 殺してやるぞ!
「Ho ho! Kneel, {Nina}!
I'll make you lick my boots! And kill you!
「Ha ha! You fool, {Nina}!
 You'll pay for that
Then I'll kill you!

Oh, dear. Fortunately, Nina joins the battle, and the whole party starts with full health. Unfortunately, Joker has a nasty attack that hits everyone and may cause Poison. He's weak against Ice, though, so Nina can deal good damage with Leyga (Cold). Ryu and Lin Pu should hit when they can and heal as needed.

-6  ジョーカー
「ホ‥‥‥ な‥なぜ?
 神が‥ この私を‥ 見はなす‥ なんて
そんな そ、そん‥‥‥ ダバッ
「Ho......... w...why?
 Why would... god... forsake... me...?
This, this c-cannot......... dhbah.
「Huh ‥‥‥ Why‥why?
 I‥ cannot believe that
this could happen to me
 This is not possible

Even now, Joker can't stop laughing. Maybe that's how he got that name.

Anyway, that's one less jerkass to worry about.

「‥ミイナ どうして お城から出たの!?
「ごめんなさい‥ ねえさま‥
 私‥ ねえさまに 会いたくって‥
「...Mina, why did you leave the castle!?
「I'm sorry... sister...
 I... wanted to see you...
I'm sorry...
「‥Mina why did you
leave the castle!?
「I'm sorry‥ I‥ wanted
to see you‥ I'm sorry‥

Nina turns to the others.

「ありがとう‥ ふたりの おかげで
あの子を 守ることが、できたわ
 ‥‥‥あの子を つれて帰らないと
きっと みんな しんぱいしてる‥
「Thank you... I was able to protect
the girl because of you.
 .........I must bring her back.
Everyone is sure to be worried...
「Thank you‥ because of
the two of you,
 I was able to protect
 ‥‥‥ I've got to take
her home. Everyone must
be so worried‥

That's a curious way to refer to Mina... especially since they're supposed to be sisters.

 {Lin Pu}
「Ah, wait up!
「Uh, wait!
「ねえ、いっしょに 行こうよ‥
 みんなで 行った方が 楽しいよ?
 {Lin Pu}
「Hey, let's go with you...
 The more the merrier, yeah?
Right, {Ryu}?
「Let's go together‥
 We'll have fun together.

Ryu seems a bit upset to be put on the spot like that, but he doesn't object.

2  {ニーナ}
「ほんとう? うれしい!
「Would you? I'm glad!
「Really? That makes
me so happy!
3  ひとりでは 心ぼそいと 思っていたの‥
おれいは‥ 何か 考えるわ
だから 今度 魔法 教えてね!
 I wasn't eager to go it alone...
As thanks... I'll think of something.
 {Lin Pu}
「I don't need any thanks!
So teach me some magic later!
 I really didn't want to
go back alone‥
 I'll think of some way
to thank you‥
「Oh, that's all right,
no need to thank us!
 Instead, teach us some
of your magic spells
next time!
「さあ ミイナ‥ 帰りましょう
「Now, Mina... let us return.
「Let's go home Mina‥
ウインディアに 向かうことになった!!
 {Ryu} and {Lin Pu} are headed
to Windia with {Nina}!!
 {Ryu}, {Katt} and {Nina}
decided to go back to
Windia together!!

Nina could use some better equipment from Corsair, and then it's off to Windia!

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