Previous Part: Windia's Curse

カペタン村 Capitan Village Capitan

This is as far west as we can go before a a strait of water gets in the way. The village has a peculiar mix of multiple architectural styles.

「この村の家は 3しゅるい あるじゃろ?
 それぞれ ちがう だいくが 作ったんじゃよ
「The village has three types of houses, right?
 A different carpenter made each kind.
「There are three types of
houses in this village,
 Each type of house was
built by a different

There are more pressing concerns, though.

「いどが かれちゃって
みずが 出なくなったんだよ‥
子供が あなに 入ってっちゃった‥
その子供を さがしに行った 村人たちが
だれも 帰ってこないんだ
「The well dried up and
stopped giving us water...
 On top of that,
a kid went in the hole...
 On top of that,
none of the villagers who went to
look for the kid have returned.
「First the well ran dry,
so that we no longer
have any water‥
 Then, the children fell
into the well‥
 And, on top of that
all villagers who
went to look for
 the children have not

We can't overlook this, and besides, we can't go any further west for now anyway. Into the well! Immediately upon entering, we stumble into the middle of a battle. Ray, the cleric previously seen in Corsair, clashes with a large insectlike monster, finishing it off with a colorful shiny spell.

ケガは ありませんでしたか?
「My apologies...
are you wounded?
「Excuse me‥
Are you hurt?
「‥この かれいどで 子どもが
行方ふめいに なったんです
 村じゅうで さがしているんですが‥
こんなモンスターが うろついているとは‥
「...a child has gone missing in
this dry well.
 The whole village is searching...
but to think such monsters lurked here...
「‥A child disappeared in
this dried up well.
 The whole village is
looking for the child‥
 but we had no idea that
a monster was on the

Another of the monsters rushes in from the nearby passage, and we have to fight this one ourselves. Yup, that's a giant bug, all right. It's fairly strong and tough, and can attack twice in a row to make things worse. Once that's dealt with, we can talk to Ray.

2  レイ
「早く助けないと‥ みんなが あぶない!
 みなさん、私に 力をかして下さい!
はい         いいえ
「Unless we help soon... all are in danger!
 Please lend me your aid, all of you!
Yes / No
「If we don't help quickly
everyone is in danger!
 Everyone, please help
Yes        No

As usual, we don't really have a choice in the long run, so it's best to just agree right away. This also raises Ray's Mood slightly.

2 「助かります‥
「That is a great help...
Now, please come with me.
「Thank you for your
Please follow me

However, refusing, even repeatedly, remains a short-term option. This makes Ray increasingly frustrated, dropping his Mood with each refusal.

1 「私ひとりでは、みんなを助けることが
出来ません‥ お願いします!
はい         いいえ
「I cannot save them all on my
own... I beg of you!
Yes / No
「There is no way I can
help everyone by
 please help me!
Yes        No
1 「こうして グズグズしている間にも
村人が、モンスターに おそわれるんです!
それは大変だ   コワイですね
「Even as we dawdle the villagers
are under attack by monsters!
That's bad / Ooh, scary
「We are wasting time.
The monster will attack
the village soon! 
 please help me!!
Yes        No
0 「つみのない 人々を
見殺しに するのですか?
しない        する
「You would stand idly by as
innocent people die?
Wouldn't / Would
「Are you going to let
innocent people die? 
No        Yes

Continuing to blow him off at this point doesn't lower his Mood any further, just gets us stuck in a But Thou Must loop until we finally accept.

0  レイ
「‥お願いです いっしょに来てください!
はい         いいえ
「...please come with me, I beg of you!
Yes / No
‥Please come with me!
Yes        No

As we follow Ray deeper into the dry well, another one of the monsters attacks. Ray intercepts it, saving us from another battle but blocking the way out.

「こいつは 私にまかせて‥
あなた方は おくへ!
「Leave this one to me...
Head deeper inside!
「Leave him to me‥
 The rest of you,
please go in!

There's enough water deeper in to form an underground lake, where we need to ride on large turtles to cross from island to island. A few more bug monsters loiter in the area, and there are a few treasure chests, too. There's also a man...

「お、おれのムスコが あんな場所に‥
「M-my son's over there...
Please go save him!
「Oh, look where my
son is‥.
please save him!

...and, near the back, a boy.

「カメと 遊んでいたら、
帰れなく なったんだよー あーん
「I was playing with the turtles and
now I can't get back home. Waaah!
「I was playing with a
turtle and I lost my
way home.  When‥.

Then there's a big splash nearby and a boss attacks, looking even more like something H. R. Giger might have come up with than the earlier bugs.

The giant bug has a ton of health, hits fairly hard, and has some multitarget attacks as well. On top of that, one of its abilities can compel a party member to attack another, which also cancels the controlled character's action for the round if they haven't already acted.

Making things worse is the lack of useful options at this point in the game. Only Ryu has any healing spells, Sten and Nina have only basic offensive spells while Ryu has none at all, and Lin Pu may have learened some advanced spells but can't use any of them, so for the most part, it's down to slogging through the battle with relatively weak attacks and depending on items for survival. The monster doesn't have any weaknesses, either.

After the battle, the whole cavern is shaking ominously. Ray awaits us in the next chamber.

 どうやら せきとめられていた みずが
あふれだそうと しているようですね
「This tremor.........!
 It seems that the water that had been
held back is about to overflow.
「This vibration ‥‥‥!
 It seems like the dam
is about to overflow

Everyone retreats as surging water floods into the cavern. Ray stops to face it, holding a hand up.


A wall of light appears in front of him, barely holding the water back.

どうやら くいとめたようです‥
 しかし、長くは 持ちません!
早く、このどうくつにいる 村人たちを
I seem to have halted it...
 However, this will not hold long!
Please hurry to rescue the villagers
who are in this cave!
「Umm ‥‥‥ I think
we've somehow stopped it
 But, it won't last long!
 Quickly, please save the
villagers who are in
the cavern!

A total of six villagers are scattered through the rest of the dry well. We can rescue a few just by talking to them, but most have what can only be described as facehuggers attached to them, and attack us! Targeting the parasites kills them without harming the villagers, though, and they can't take much damage. A few more of the basic bug monsters also remain, but they're insignificant compared to that boss.

「あぁーん こわかったよー 「Wow, was that scary... 「Yeeow, that was so scary
他のみんなも 助けてやってくれ
「Thank you...
Help the others, too.
「Thank you‥
Please save the others
「みんな、バケモノに とりつかれて‥
「Everyone's got monsters on them...
they're being controlled!
「They are all possessed‥
and controlled by the
こいつに とりつかれると、体がきかなくなるんだ
your body won't listen once they've got you.
「I'm grateful‥
I lose strength when the
demon is inside me.
 ところで、リバブの子どもは 見つかったか?
「Phew, I'm saved...
 By the way, did they find the Rivab kid?
「I'm saved‥
By the way, did they
find the Ribabu child?
村中で やって来たんだが‥
 まさか バケモノがいるとは‥
「The whole village turned out
to look for the child...
 But no one expected monsters...
「I've been looking all
over the village for
the child‥
 But I had no idea there
was a monster‥

Once we've rescued all the villagers (or don't care enough to save any more), we report back to Ray.

はい         いいえ
「Have you rescued the villagers?
Yes / No
「Save the villagers?
Yes        No

Answering No lets us keep looking. Answering Yes advances the story.

 シールドをときます! はしって下さい!
「...good, I've reached my limits.........
 I'm removing the shield! Please run!
「‥Thank goodness.
It was the limit ‥‥‥
 I'm going to remove the
Please run!

Ray removes the barrier and runs for it as the water surges forward. Whether we do the same or not doesn't really matter. The scene resumes with Ray and the party safely back in town regardless. His Mood here carries over from its previous value.

If we've rescued at least five of the villagers, he expresses gratitude, and the Dragon's Tear gleams.

?  レイ
助けられない ところでした‥
 ほんとうに ありがとうございます‥
「...that was a close call.
 I would not have been able to
rescue the villagers on my own...
 I sincerely thank you...
「‥Boy, that was close
 I would not have been
able to save the
villagers alone‥
 Thank you very much‥

However, if we killed or abandoned two or more villagers, he mostly just blames himself, and the Dragon's Tear groans.

?  レイ
 ‥村に、みずを とりもどし
魔物を たいじすることが できました‥が
 おおぜいの ぎせいが 出ました
 みなさんが いなければ 子供さえ
助けられなかった でしょう‥
 私に、もっと力が あれば‥‥‥
「...that was a close call.
 ...we were able to restore water to the
village and exterminate the demon...
 But at the cost of many lives.
 I might not have been able to save even
the child were it not for all of you...
 If only I were stronger.........
「‥That was close
 ‥We were able to take
the water back and
exterminate the demon ‥
 But many lives were lost
 If all of you were not
here to help me,
 I wouldn't have been
able to save the
 If only I had more

Ray paces back and forth as though distressed about something, and then a light bulb flashes over his head.

あなた方に あたえましょう‥
 わたしに できる せめてもの
かんしゃの しるしです‥
 お仲間たちの あつまる場所に
私を つれて行って ください‥‥‥
「In any event, I would bestow
an Evaist blessing upon you...
 It is the least I could do to
express my thanks...
 Please bring me to where your
fellows congregate.........
「I shall give you
St. Eva's blessings‥
 This is a token of my
 Please take me to the
place where all the
members meet ‥‥‥

Unfortunately, this means trekking all the way back to the ruins. That's not going to be quick, but it's not like we can do anything else here for now anyway, even though there's another lead on where the thief went.

「この前、コウモリみたいな 女を
のせて行ったきり、ふねが 帰ってこないんだ‥
「The boat left with a batlike woman
earlier and hasn't been back since...
「The boat has not
returned since it picked
up a woman
 who looked like a bat‥

Meanwhile, the townpeople aren't quite sure what to make of things.

「なんだって こんな村に
魔物が すみついたんだろ?
いやだよ‥ まったく
「Why in the world would a demon
move in to a village like this?
Good grief... how horrible.
「Why would a demon come
to a village like this?
 It's terrible‥
really terrible
「エバ教の、レイさんとか言う えらい人が
子どもをさがしに いどに 入っていったんじゃ‥
「Some important Evaist named Ray went
into the well to search for the child...
 Wow, what a guy!
「A great man by the name
of Ray from St. Eva‥
 went into the well to
look for the children‥
He is truly a brave man!
「あのまま バケモノを ほっといたら
「Who knows what could have happened
if we'd let that monster be...!
「I get chills when I
think about what might
have happened‥
 if we hadn't destroyed
the monsters‥!

At least no one turned into a demon this time. That we know of. And the kid is fine, too, if a bit overexcited.

「モンスターがねぇ‥ ぶぉーんって来て
「The monster... went BOOM
and GRAWR and BANG!
It was the most amazing thing!
「The monster‥ zoomed
off‥ then, wang ,
 Everything was crazy!

きょうどうたい The Commune TownShip

We arrive back at the ruins to find that they aren't just ruins any more. Not only has Niro's crumbling house been fixed up, it now has a smaller secondary structure attached to the side. Bosch paces back and forth by the entrance to the side building, blocking it off for now.

 どう? きれいだろ?
こっちには、オレたちの 部屋を
「Welcome back, {Ryu}!
 Well? Nice, isn't it?
I've made us a room over
「Welcome home, {Ryu}!
 What do you think?
Isn't it nice?
 We built our room
over here‥

The main house is similarly much improved on the inside, as well, and now includes a large counter in one corner that Niro stands behind.

外の {ボッシュ}さんと、あちらの ご老人?
「So, this is your village.
 Your fellows are these three,
{Bosch} outside, and the elderly man?
「Is this your village?
 Your friends are these
three people?
 {Bow} standing outside
and this old gentleman?

Neither Ryu nor Niro seem quite comfortable with that characterization.

「ワシは たんなる ジジイじゃ
 仲間は 後ひとり‥
{ランド}って デカいのが 上の部屋に いるぞ
「I'm just on old geezer.
 He's got one more buddy...
{Rand}, the big guy, is upstairs.
「I'm just an old man
 There is another big guy
named {Rand} in the
upstairs room

Then Lin Pu's usual curiosity kicks in.

「ね! {ニーナ}!
あっちに 行ってみない?
あっちに 行っとくね
 {Lin Pu}
「Hey! {Nina}!
Why don't we look around?
 Hey, {Ryu}, we're going
over thataway.
「{Nina}!  Do you want to
look around?
 {Ryu}, we're going over
「{ステン}も 来な!
 {Lin Pu}
「{Sten}, you come too!
「Roger that!
「{Sten}, why don't you come
with us?
「All right!

The three of them head through a doorway in the back that wasn't there before the renovations.

If we saved no more than four of the six villagers in the well, Ray offers a spell that costs 7 AP and heals 100 HP.

「‥それでは しゅくふくを さずけましょう
 エバの神の かごの おかげで
『アプリフ』 の魔法が
使えるように なりますよ‥
「, I shall bestow a blessing.
 by the providence of the
Evaist god, you will become
able to use the Upleef spell...
「‥ Now, let me give you
the blessing of St. Eva
 You will be able to use
the `Cure 2' magic with
St. Eva's providence‥

If we saved at least five of the six, he instead offers a spell that costs 10 AP and has 70% chance to revive a fallen character with 25% health.

「‥そうそう しゅくふく でしたね!
 しゅくふくを さずかると
エバの神の かごが えられ‥
 『リバル』 の魔法が
使えるように なります‥
「...ah, yes, the blessing!
 Granting the blessing will bring
the providence of the Evaist god...
 You will become able to use
the Reval spell...
「‥Oh it's time for the
 The person that is
blessed will be given
St. Eva's providence‥
 and that person will be
able to use the
`Renew' magic‥

Ray's Mood has no effect on any of this, so although it's interesting that we can get on his nerves, it doesn't end up making any difference.

「だれに さし上げれば よいか
みなさんで 話し合って、きめて下さい
「Please consult with everyone and
decide who I should grant this to.
「Who shall I give this
to?  Please discuss it
and decide.

Niro has nothing to say about this, though he will provide a useful service after this event is done.

 ここでは 仲間の入れかえが できるんじゃ
「Well? Looking good, isn't it?
 You can switch teammates here.
「What do you think?
Isn't it grand?
 You can change your
buddies in the party

Also, simply entering the house heals the party. The currently active members other than Ryu temporarily leave to go hang out in a common room in the back while here. At the moment, that means Lin Pu, Nina, and Sten are there.

「え? 魔法? あたしにくれるの?
ここ、キレーになったね‥ えへへ
 {Lin Pu}
「Huh? Magic? For me?
Nah, that's fine...
 Anyhow, this place looks
a lot nicer now... eh heh heh.
「What? Magic? You are
going to give me magic?
 No, I don't need it‥
 By the way, this place
is looking very nice‥
heh heh
「‥そうですか、あの方が 魔法の力を?
 でも 私は、こうげき魔法の方が
「...oh, he's offering the power of magic?
 Offensive magic is more my specialty,
「Is that so‥
 Will this person have
magical powers?
 But I'm much better at
attack magic ‥‥‥
「ほうほう、魔法を 分けてくだサル?
 けど、おいらに くれても
サルに魔法、ねこにごはん だよ‥
「Oh ho, he's sharing some magic?
Well, that's wonderful.
 But giving a monkey magic would
be like putting rice before a cat...
「Ho! you're going to give
me some of your magic?
 That's fabulous.
But, that would be like
giving magic to a monkey

ねこにごはん (neko ni gohan) appears to be a corruption of the idiom 猫に小判 (neko ni koban), the koban being an elongated gold coin used in Japan during the Edo period (the coin on Meowth's forehead in Pokémon is meant to be one, as are the coins that maneki-neko commonly hold). Similar to English "pearls before swine", it signifies giving something valuable to someone who can neither understand nor appreciate it properly. In short, Sten seems to be suggesting that magic would be wasted on him, while throwing in a bit of clowning around by getting the idiom wrong.

Reserve characters can be found upstairs in one of nine rooms spread across three largely identical floors. That's enough for everyone to have their own room, with some left over! At the moment, only Rand is there, in the rightmost room on the middle floor.

「よう、帰ったのか! どうだ、この家?
 ん? 魔法をもらえる?
もらえる物は 何でも
いただくのが おれの ポリシーなんだ
「Hey, you're back! How's the house?
 Hm? I could get magic?
 ...I'll take it.
It's my policy to accept anything
I can get.
「Yoh, you're home!  What
you think of the house?
 Um?  You'll give
me magic?
‥so give it to me
 Take whatever is offered
to me, that's my policy

Bosch can't rejoin the party just yet, so he's still outside for now.

「へぇー 魔法ねぇ‥
 それが もらえれば
また、おまえと たびに出る時、ベンリだよな!
「Huh, magic...
 Getting that could come in handy
when I go journeying with you again!
「Hummm  Magic, huh‥
 If I have magic it will
come in handy when we go
on our journey together!

After talking with the others (or just leaving the room and coming back is enough), Ray lets us choose who gets the spell.

「だれにすれば よいか、きまりましたか?
はい         いいえ
「Have you decided who to choose?
Yes / No
Did you decide?
Yes        No
「どなたを しゅくふく しましょう?
 {リュウ}       {ボッシュ}
{ランド}       {リンプー}
{ニーナ}       {ステン}
「Whom shall I bless?
{Ryu} / {Bosch}
{Rand} / {Lin Pu}
{Nina} / {Sten}
「Whom shall I bless?
 {Ryu}       {Bow}
{Rand}       {Katt}
{Nina}       {Sten}

Who to pick? Bosch and Rand are both out, despite their enthusiasm, since they learn both spells on their own already. Lin Pu isn't a good choice, either, since she has so little AP. Ryu learns the healing spell but not the revival spell, so he's a valid option for the second one, particularly since he's fairly durable and always in the party. Otherwise, it's basically down to either Nina or Sten. Nina has more AP and could use the variety, so she's my usual pick.

The healing spell is arguably more useful than the revival spell, so although it's not very nice from a role playing perspective, leaving some of the villagers to die may prove more beneficial from a gameplay standpoint. It would have been nice for Ray to offer a choice of spells, or better yet, teach both of them.

 エバの神の ひかりと ともに あれ!
 May the light of the Evaist god be with you!
「Well, then ‥‥‥
May you be blessed with
St. Eva's light!

Ray does a shiny thing that coalesces into a little angel that alights on the chosen character.

「‥エバの神の ごかごが
あなた方の 上に ありますように‥
「...may the grace of the Evaist god
be ever upon you all...
 I shall take my leave now...
「‥May the grace of St.
Eva's always be with
 I shall be going now‥

He leaves, and with that settled, we can finally switch party members. The three chosen wait in the common room and can be spoken to there...

 だれかさんは 女の子と
どっか 行っちゃうんだもんなー
「*sigh* Here we are, working our
butts off...
 While a certain someone goes
off somewhere with a girl.
「Ahh, we're working
so hard yet‥
 someone I know just
takes off with a girl
 あたしらが 遊んでる間に
{ランド}と {ボッシュ}は
がんばって この家を 作ってたんだねー
 {Lin Pu}
「Eh heh heh heh.
 {Rand} and {Bosch} sure worked
hard making this house while we
were off having fun.
「Heh heh he
 While we were out
playing {Rand} and {Bow}
have been busy building
 the house, haven't they?

It's interesting that both of them have similar takes on the situation.

「じぶんたちで 家を 作るなんて
「Making a house for yourselves is like
having a secret base, how exciting...
「Wow, this house feels
like a secret hideaway.
 It's so exciting‥
「こんな、おいらにまで 部屋を くださるとは
「You're giving even me a room?
What a big heart you have, guv!
「You are so generous to
build a room for me!

Sten often refers to Ryu (and sometimes other male characters) as ダンナ (danna), which is a fairly respectful term, usually for the master of a household, a merchant's patron, or a woman's husband, though it can also be used in a way more comparable to "sugar daddy" or "john". I wanted something that kept some degree of respect while also sounding conversational, distinctive, and kind of quirky, as befits Sten, and the (usually British) "guv", short for "governor", seems to fit well enough. Other possibilities might include "sarge" or "cap'n". "Master" wouldn't be wrong per se, but sounds too formal and generic.

...while the remaining character waits in their room upstairs. Rand, as already noted, uses the rightmost room on the middle floor. Lin Pu uses the middle room on the top floor, Nina the rightmost room on the top floor, and Sten the middle room on the middle floor.

「何か、仲間が ふえそうな 気がしてな‥
部屋を たくさん 作っておいて よかった
「I had a feeling our group would be growing...
Good thing we made lots of rooms.
「I had a feeling you
would be bringing lots
 of friends back, so I
made sure we had plenty
of rooms
「わー せまい部屋ー!
コロシアムの ひかえしつの方が、よかったなー
 って、もんく 言わないよ
{リュウ}の 家だもんね
 {Lin Pu}
「Whoa, what a cramped room!
The coliseum waiting room was better.
 Wait, I'm not complaining.
After all, it's your house, {Ryu}.
「Wow what a small room!
 I almost want to say I
prefer the dressing room
at the coliseum
 but I won't complain
because it's {Ryu}'s
いつか お話します‥‥‥
「...I'll tell you about Windia
「‥I'll talk to you about
Windia someday ‥‥‥

I'm having difficulty imagining just how the English version managed to foul this up in this particular way, but where it should have had a hexidecimal 0x0704, the code to display the name for character #4 (Nina), it somehow wound up with 0x3034 instead, which decodes to a 0 and a 4 as shown.

「ねぇダンナ、ひとつだけ お聞きしますが‥
{リンプー}       {ニーナ}
「Hey, guv, I've got a question...
 {Lin Pu} or {Nina}...
which one?
{Lin Pu} / {Nina}
「Hey Mister, I've got a
 Which is it, {Katt} or
{Katt}       {Nina}

It's not clear exactly what he's asking, and no matter which we pick, his response is the same and nothing more comes of it.

「あ、そうなんだ ははーん
「Ah, I see... aha.
I knew it.
「Ah, just as I thought

Bosch doesn't show up in any of his standard locations until he rejoins the party. For now, he's still outside.

「で、オレの ぬれぎぬは、はれそう?
 女どろぼうは、西に にげたんだろ?
「So, think you can clear my name?
 The woman thief fled west, right?
Hurry up and find her!
「So, does it look like
I'll be in the clear?
 The woman thief went
west, right?  Hurry up
and find her, please!

Our last lead was back in Capitan, so it seems it's time to hike all the way back there!

Sten is required for now thanks to the awkward crossing. Rand is available again, and he's bound to be behind on experience, so I'd suggest bringing him along. He's a good healer, too, even if he's slow and has limited equipment selection. That leaves a choice of Lin Pu or Nina for the fourth party member.

Also note that we can now change party members at any Dragon God statue, giving them a functional advantage over the Evaist churches.

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