トロイアじょう Troy Castle Toroia | ||
Other than the water and frogs, it's basically your standard castle. |
ようこそ トロイアじょうへ! | Welcome to Troy Castle! | Welcome to Toroia! |
クリスタルのことで? ならば じょうないの しんかんさまたちに あわれるがよい。 |
This is about the Crystal? In that case, you should see the Priestesses, inside the castle. |
About the Crystal? Then talk to the Clerics inside the castle. |
しんかんさまは かみにつかえる げんしゅくな おかた。 くれぐれも しつれいのないようにな。 |
The Priestesses are dignified persons who serve the gods. Be quite careful not to be impolite. |
The eight Clerics govern this country. Make sure to be polite to them, understand? |
The EasyType omits げんしゅくな (genshuku na, dignified or solemn), presumably since it's not exactly an everyday term. The women in leotards inside are a bit unusual, though. |
おどりを おどれ? ぶれいな! わたしは このえへいだ! |
Do a dance? How rude! I'm an elite guard! |
Dance!? Me?! Who do you think I am!! I am the guardswoman! |
このえへい (konoehei, 近衛兵) is the same term as used for Baron's Royal Guard. Since Troy doesn't seem to have a royalty, that translation feels a bit off here. |
これは レオタードのようだが われわれの せんとうふく! うごきやすいし なにしろ ファッショナブル だろう? |
This may resemble a leotard, but it's our combat gear! It's good for mobility, and besides, isn't it fashionable? |
This is not a leotard! It's our combat uniform! |
The EasyType substitutes the native term オシャレ (OSHARE, fashionable) for the English-derived ファッショナブル (FASSHONABURU, fashionable). |
トロイアは いくさに まきこまれたことがない。 もし いくさになれば わたしたちが どこまで くにを まもれるやら‥‥ |
Troy has never been involved in a war. I'm not sure how well we could protect the country if we did go to war... |
Toroia has never been in a war. I wonder how much we can actually defend ourselves. |
You'd better hope you never have to find out... The EasyType replaces each いくさ (ikusa) with せんとう (sentou), both of which roughly translate to "combat" or "war". |
やばんなおとこが くにを おさめるより はるかにいい。 |
This is far better than having savage men running the country. |
I like this place better than any place else! |
Censorship strikes again, but this reminds us that sexism is harmful to men, too. And I wonder if she knows about the more-or-less brothel in town? While I'd argue that having the option to pursue any means of income you want—as long as it doesn't step on anyone's rights and is actually your choice rather than something you're being forced or coerced into—is important to things like freedom and equality, it seems as though the sort of person who makes comments like this also tends to condemn women who would "demean themselves" by seeking profit from anything in any way sexual. Anyway, vaguely political rant aside, the eight priestesses are inside. |
このトロイアは われわれ 8にんのしんかんが おさめています。 つちのクリスタルの めぐみを さずかっていた のですが‥‥ |
We eight priestesses govern Troy. We had been gifted with the blessings of the Earth Crystal, but now... |
We the eight clerics rule this country. We used to have the blessing from the Crystal of Earth. Not now. |
クリスタルが なくなっちゃうと あれた だいちに もどっちゃうわ! |
The land will go back to being barren without the Crystal! |
The land will return to desert without that Crystal of Earth! |
つちのクリスタル? それが ダークエルフに ぬすまれてしまって よわっているんだ。 |
The Earth Crystal? It was stolen by the Dark Elf, and we don't know what to do about it. |
Crystal of Earth? Dark Elf took it, and we must take it back! But... how? |
つちのクリスタルは さしあげることは できないが とりかえしてきてくれるのなら かすことぐらいは できるじゃろう。 |
We cannot give you the Earth Crystal, but if you were to regain it for us, we could at least lend it to you. |
You cannot have it, but if you can take it back, you may use our Crystal of Earth for a good purpose. |
クリスタルを とりかえせたら かすことを やくそくしましょう。 ひとまず ここに おもちください。 |
We shall promise to lend you the Crystal if you can regain it. Please first bring it to us. |
If you can get it back, show it to us first, and we promise to lend it to you. |
ダークエルフなら ほくとうのしまの どうくつに すんでるよ! |
If you're after the Dark Elf, he lives in a cave on the island to the northeast! |
Dark Elf is in a cave on an island over in the northeast. |
ダークエルフは きんぞくせいの ぶきに よわい。 そのじゃくてんを おぎなうため どうくつを じりょくで おおっているんです。 |
The Dark Elf is weak to metallic weapons. He has blanketed the cave in a magnetic field to compensate for that weakness. |
Dark Elf is weak against metallic weapons. So he sealed the cave with a magnetic field. |
ほくとうのどうくつの なかでは きんぞくせいの ぶきやぼうぐを みにつけてると うごきが にぶってしまうの! |
Inside the cave to the northeast, you can hardly move if you have metallic weapons or armors equipped! |
Metals get heavy in the cave of the northwest! Your swords and armors of metal will be the same! |
That explains the apparent obsession with nonmetal equipment, at least. There's also another interesting rumor floating around. |
ダムシアンの いきのこりが ながれついて いるらしい。 ほんにんは おうじと なのっているらしいが ‥‥ |
A survivor of Damcyan is said to have washed ashore. I hear he claims to be the prince... |
A man from Damcyan was found on the beach. He says he's a prince. |
Sure enough, Gilbert lies bedridden in one room of the castle. Number of times someone has survived apparent certain death: 3 |
『{ギルバート}! | 『{Gilbert}! | {Cecil}: {Edward}! |
{ギルバート}「{セシル}か‥‥ ぶじだったんだね。 ぼくも‥‥たたかうよ‥‥ {テラ}「そんなからだで なにが できる! おとなしく ねておれ! {ギルバート}「{テラ}さん‥‥ いきていてくれたんですね。 すみません‥‥ぼくが {アンナ}を ころしたも どうぜんです‥‥ {テラ}「‥‥ {ギルバート}「ほんとうに‥‥うう‥‥ |
{Gilbert}: {Cecil}...? I see you're all right. I'll... fight too... {Tella}: What can you do in that state!? Settle down and stay in bed! {Gilbert}: {Tella}... I see you're still alive. I'm sorry... I as good as killed {Anna} myself... {Tella}: ... {Gilbert}: I'm so... ugh... |
{Edward}: {Cecil}... So you are alive. Let me join you. {Tellah}: What can you do in such a wretched condition! Lie in bed quietly! {Edward}: Master {Tellah}. Forgive me. You lost {Anna} because of me. {Tellah}: ... {Edward}: Really. |
This is a good example of a line taken out of context. Gilbert's ほんとうに, by itself, does translate to "really" (or "truly"), but note the context and that he trails off and groans. He was probably starting to say something along the lines of ほんとうにすみませんでした ("I'm so very sorry"). The EasyType changes Gilbert's どうぜん (douzen, practically the same as) to おなじ (onaji, the same as). |
{ヤン}「{ギルバート}どの いまは ようじょうせねば‥‥ |
{Yang}: Sir {Gilbert}, you must recuperate for now... |
{Yang}: Prince {Edward}, think only of your health now. |
The EasyType changes ようじょうせねば (youjou seneba, must recuperate) to ゆっくり やすまねば (yukkiri yasumaneba, must take time to rest). |
{ギルバート}「{ヤン}‥‥ きみも ぶじだったのか。 じゃあ {リディア}も‥‥? {ヤン}「めんぼくない‥‥ |
{Gilbert}: {Yang}... So you're also all right. Then {Rydia} as well...? {Yang}: Much to my shame... |
{Edward}: {Yang}... So you too survived that Leviatan attack. Then {Rydia}? {Yang}: Sorry. |
{ギルバート}「そうか‥‥かわいそうに‥‥ みんなが たたかっているときに ぼくは なさけないよ‥‥ |
{Gilbert}: I see... the poor girl... I'm pathetic, when everyone else is fighting... |
{Edward}: Poor {Rydia}. And I can't do anything while you fight. It's a shame. |
{シド}「だいじょぶじゃ! この{シド}と エンタープライズが ついとる! きけば {セシル}や {ローザ}が せわになったそうじゃ。 ワシに まかしとくんじゃな! |
{Cid}: Don't worry! They got {Cid} here and the Enterprise with 'em! {Cecil} and {Rosa} owe you one the way I hear it. Just leave it to me! |
{Cid}: Don't worry! Me and my Enterprise will take your share! I've heard you had taken good care of {Cecil} and {Rosa}. Now it's my turn! |
{ギルバート}「あなたが {シド}? じゃあ うまく ひくうていを‥‥ !! |
{Gilbert}: You're {Cid}? Then an airship... !! |
{Edward}: You are that Master Engineer {Cid}? Then you have an airship! |
Presumably starting a sentence like じゃあ うまく ひくうていを てにいれたね, roughly, "Then, things went well and you got an airship." |
{ギルバート}「{セシル}! {ローザ}は? 『このトロイアの つちのクリスタルと ひきかえということに なってしまった‥‥ だが クリスタルは ダークエルフに‥‥ |
{Gilbert}: {Cecil}! What about {Rosa}? 『We're going to have to trade Troy's Earth Crystal to get her back... But the Dark Elf has the Crystal... |
{Edward}: {Cecil}! Where is {Rosa}? {Cecil}: She was caught in exchange for the Crystal of Earth at Toroia. But the crystal is now in the hands of the Dark Elf. |
{ギルバート}「ダークエルフ‥‥ | {Gilbert}: Dark Elf... | {Edward}: Dark Elf... |
{ギルバート}「{セシル} これを もっていってくれ‥‥ 『これは? {ギルバート}「ぼくの かわりさ‥‥ もっていってくれ‥‥ |
{Gilbert}: {Cecil}, take this with you... 『And this is? {Gilbert}: My replacement... Take it with you... |
{Edward}: {Cecil}, take this... {Cecil}: What's this? {Edward}: Say... my substitute... It may help... |
ひそひそうを てにいれた。 | Got Whisper Weed. | Received TwinHarp! |
{ギルバート}「{セシル}‥‥{ローザ}を かならず! |
{Gilbert}: {Cecil}... make sure you save {Rosa}! |
{Edward}: {Cecil}...... Save {Rosa}...! |
The doctor just confirms that he's not in good shape. |
いま むりをさせては なりません。 もともと じょうぶでないうえに だいぶ すいじゃくされています。 |
He must not overstrain himself now. He's quite weakened, on top of not being very sturdy to begin with. |
He may not walk or get up until he's all well. Don't worry. We'll take care of him. |
The EasyType replaces だいぶ すいじゃくされています (daibu suijaku sarete imasu, is quite weakened) with あちこち ケガを おっています (achikochi KEGA wo otte imasu, is wounded all over). There are a few treasure rooms on the other side of the castle. The main one is blocked off by a guard, but the others include two useful Ruby Rings. Since it should be obvious what your next destination is by now, make sure you're prepared with nonmetal equipment for everyone. There's some for sale in Troy, while Baron and Mysidia have better options for everything but armwear. Don't change equipment just yet, though. |
チョコボのむら Chocobo Village Chocobo's Village | ||
Head north through the forest to find this area, chocobo-shaped on the inside. Regular, white, and black chocobos all appear here, as well as a spot where Gysahl Greens summon the world's hugest chocobo to store extra items. Don't leave your metal equipment behind, though—you'll want to have that handy. Chocobo storage is nothing new, though, having been available in the smaller chocobo forests in numerous places. Another useful trick that's been available all along is that a white chocobo will recover the party's MP, so combining that with healing magic means free full restoration. Once you're ready, catch a black chocobo to fly to the island just to the east, and land near the cave. The airship can't land here, since forest covers everything but the mountains. A black chocobo, on the other hand, can only land in forest, so it all works out just fine. |
じりょくのどうくつ Magnetic Cave Cave Magnes | ||
First, remember to remove everything metal anyone is wearing (the weapon and armor pages note which items count as metallic). Here's the short version, based on what's actually available at this point: Tella should be almost fine already. Just swap out the Silver Bracelet he's presumably wearing for a Ruby Ring, and make sure he isn't using the Mithril Staff. All other rods and staves are fine. I've found that the Transformation Rod works amazingly well, since turning things into pigs disables most of their special attacks, and using it as an item never seems to fail unless the target is immune. Tella should be wearing a Triangle Hat and Earth Garb, both for sale in Mysidia. Yang should similarly be nearly ready. Keep him with the Twisted Headband and Kung Fu Suit he probably already has from Baron, put on a Ruby Ring, and you're good to go. All claws are fine. Use the Flame Claw for the one enemy with an exploitable vulnerability. Although nothing else in here has a weakness to anything he has handy, Yang will still be the mainstay of your offense in the cave. Cid should also wear a Twisted Headband and Kung Fu Suit with a Ruby Ring. For weaponry, he has a choice between a bow and arrows or the Wooden Hammer he starts with. The hammer is less trouble and considerably more accurate, so that's my preference. Cecil, on the other hand, doesn't have much of a choice except to use a bow, preferably the Greatbow. Only Iron Arrows count as metal. Holy Arrows from Mysidia work particularly well, even though they're slightly weaker than the arrows Troy sells, since everything in the cave is either weak against Holy or has no elemental weaknesses at all, and the Draculady (VampGirl) in particular is also Undead, giving the Holy Arrows a racial bonus on top of that. Don't forget to put the bow in his off hand (left) for full damage. Alternately, Cecil can use a Healing Staff to aid recovery, though it's essentially useless for attacking. Also remember that you can switch weapons at will, which could come in handy. Like everyone else, Cecil gets a Ruby Ring. He has more flexibility for the rest of his equipment, since he can use both the mage equipment from Mysidia and the fighter equipment from Baron. Personally, I recommend mixing the Triangle Hat with the Kung Fu Suit. If you're playing the EasyType, this is your lucky day. This version replaces the Mithril Sword with the Piglet's Bamboo Sword, which despite sounding silly actually has slightly more power and accuracy. The best part, though, is that it's nonmetal, so Cecil can fight normally! The sword isn't sold in the Mithril Town, but instead appears in the basement of Baron's eastern tower, accessable any time after beating Beigan. For best results, put Cid (unless he's using a bow) and Yang in the front row so their attacks work to best effect, and put Cecil (unless he's using the Piglet's Bamboo Sword, if available) and Tella in the back row for the defensive bonus. This will probably be the only time you regularly put Cecil back there. Save the game before entering the cave, just in case you missed something. Anyone equipped with anything metal inside the cave will be stuck with an incurable paralysis-like status effect during combat. If everyone has it, that's an instant game over. In the DS remake, characters wearing anything metallic helpfully display as paralyzed on the menu without needing to enter combat to check. On a less positive note, Cecil can't use bows or staves any more, making his options more severely limited than ever. |
{シド}「なんちゅう じりょくじゃ! こりゃ きんぞくせいの ぶきぼうぐを そうびしとったら みうごきとれんぞ! {ヤン}「わたしの つめならば へいきなようです。 {テラ}「あんずるな! わたしの まほうがついておる! |
{Cid}: What a bunch of magnetics! You can't even move in this with metallic weapons or armors on! {Yang}: My claws, for their part, seem to be fine. {Tella}: Worry not! We have my magic! |
{Cid}: What is this magnetic field! Metallic things will be too heavy to control! {Yang}: My claws seem okay. {Tellah}: Do not worry! I'll do it with my magic! |
There's a save room on the third floor that should come in handy. On the way to the fourth floor soon after, find the Faerie Claw for Yang, which has no element and gets a substantial attack bonus against Giant type monsters, as well as giving Yang a slight agility boost and sometimes inflicting Confusion status on attack. It has the drawback of low accuracy, so consider not using it except when the attack bonus applies, which in here means against Ogres. The DS remake gives the Faerie Claw normal accuracy, and does retain the racial bonus despite not mentioning it in the item's description. However, the remake also nerfs racial bonuses to provide only +50% damage, as opposed to quadrupling attack power as in the original. Still, every little bit helps. There's one last save room on the eastern side of the fourth floor, and then, in the central room... |
ダークエルフ「オマエタチ ヨクココマデコレタ! ダガ タドリツクコトハ デキテモ ツチノクリスタルハ オマエタチノテニ モドラナイ。 ソンナソウビデ コノワタシノ マリョクニ カテルトオモウカ? {ヤン}「{セシル}どの! {テラ}「ここは わたしらに まかせておけい! |
Dark Elf: You came this far. Impressive! But even though you have reached here, the Earth Crystal will not return to your hands. Do you think you can beat my magic with such equipment? {Yang}: Sir {Cecil}! {Tella}: Leave this to us! |
The creature speaks in all katakana, suggestive of an unearthly sound. The broken English I initially used, however, was improper. Though the katakana makes it look awkward, everything the Dark Elf says, barring noises that aren't language, is perfectly natural and grammatical. The Dark Elf does nothing for several rounds, and then a scripted event takes over. Don't waste any items. |
「オロカナ ソロソロ コチラカラ イクゾ! | : How foolish. Now it's my turn! | DarkElf: ME ATTACK YOU! |
The Dark Elf chains Fira, Thundara, and Blizzara, then hits anyone still standing with Tornado on his next turn. Casting Reflect before this can be amusing. It makes no meaningful difference, though. |
{ヤン}「だめだ‥‥ かちめがない‥‥ | {Yang}: It's no use... we don't stand a chance... | {Yang}: Oh... |
『けんさえ つかえれば‥‥ | 『If I could just use my sword... | {Cecil}: We can't... |
{テラ}「くっそー‥‥ | {Tella}: Damn... | {Tellah}: My dear... |
Combat ends, and the party collapses. |
『けんさえ つかえれば‥‥! | 『If I could just use my sword...! | {Cecil}: If I can use my sword...! |
Scene change to Gilbert's room in Troy Castle. |
{ギルバート}「{セシル}たちが‥‥あぶない! | {Gilbert}: {Cecil} and the others... are in danger! | {Edward}: They're in danger! |
He struggles out of bed, only to collapse a few steps later. The doctor and nurse rush to his side. |
「まだ うごけるからだでは ありません! 「どこへ いこうというのです! {ギルバート}「‥‥しんぱい いらない。 すぐそこの たてごとまで‥‥うッ! 「あなたは まだ あるくことさえ ままならぬはず! むりをしては! {ギルバート}「かまわないさ‥‥ {セシル}たちを すくえるのは ぼくしか‥‥いない! |
: Your body is in no condition to move yet! : Where do you think you're going!? {Gilbert}: ...no need to worry. Just to my harp over there... ugh! : You can't even walk properly yet! Don't push yourself! {Gilbert}: I don't care... There's no one who can save {Cecil}'s group... but me! |
Stay in bed! You cannot move around! Where are you going!? {Edward}: Don't worry. I just want to get to... ...my ...harp. ... ...Ouch! I told you! Do not overstrain yourself! {Edward}: Let me do this. I must save them! |
The EasyType replaces ままならぬ (mama naranu, won't go as desired) with できない (dekinai, cannot do) when describing his ability to walk. Rather than doing something sensible like helping him walk or bringing the harp to him, they back away and watch as he struggles the rest of the way to his harp and begins playing. Scene change back to the cave. |
ひそひそうから {ギルバート}のたてごとが きこえてきた! {ヤン}「おお‥‥ {テラ}「このあたたかい ねいろは‥‥ 『{ギルバート}の たてごとだ! ダークエルフ「ナンダ! コノ フカイナ オトハ! グ‥‥ゲゲゲ! |
The sound of {Gilbert}'s harp came from the Whisper Weed! {Yang}: Ah... {Tella}: This warm tone... 『It's {Gilbert}'s harp! Dark Elf: What is this unpleasant sound!? Gh... Geh geh geh! |
TwinHarp made a sound synchronizing the tune played by {Edward}! {Yang}: Oh! {Tellah}: This melody is... {Cecil}: {Edward}'s harp! Dark Elf: WHAT!? WHAT IS THIS NASTY MUSIC!? U-Ugh! |
The Dark Elf seems weakened. |
{ギルバート}「いまだ {セシル}! このねいろが ながれているあいだは ヤツも じりょくをあやつることは できないはずだ! けんを! けんを そうびするんだ‥‥! |
{Gilbert}: Now, {Cecil}! He shouldn't be able to control magnetics while this melody is flowing! Your sword! Wield your sword...! |
{Edward}: Wield your sword...! Dark Elf cannot control metallic weight while I am playing. |
The EasyType adds a space between じりょくを and あやつる (a type of edit it often makes), and more significantly, omits the first けんを! (Ken wo!, [Your] sword!). |
『わかった‥‥{ギルバート}! | 『Understood... {Gilbert}! | {Cecil}: It's... {Edward}! |
The party gets up, and has conveniently fully recovered. Put all your best equipment back on, with one exception: Cecil should use the Sword of Legend, regardless of what other equipment you may have, since the Dark Elf now has a severe weakness against Holy. |
ガゴゴ‥‥ヨクモ! オマエタチ コロス‥‥! |
Gah goh goh... How dare you! I will kill you all...! |
GRRR... YOU... YOU...! |
Those are basically strangled gurgling noises, I'd say. Combat goes much more smoothly this time. Cecil's Holy sword inflicts massive damage, and the elf's triple spell combo has become almost laughably weak (his spells now get 1 hit chance instead of 15). Although Tornado still hurts, it only hits one person at a time at this point, so Tella can heal easily enough. A Pig-inflicting attack may also appear, which the Transformation Rod cures effortlessly. Anyway, after you inflict 3,890 total damage... |
「ナラバ スガタ カエルシカ ナイ! | : Then I must change form! | DarkElf: ME CHANGE! |
...the Dark Elf transforms into the Dark Dragon, and the battle arguably gets easier. All he does now is alternate between normal (if stronger than before) attacks and Dark Breath, which damages all characters by roughly 1/4 of their maximum HP. And remember that critical weakness to Holy? It's still there, so this shouldn't take long at all. On that note, Cid could try using Holy Arrows, though I don't find that the damage bonus makes up for the low accuracy. If taking advantage of a severe elemental weakness doesn't feel like enough, the Dark Dragon has an even greater vulnerability: no boss flag. This means spells that normally fail on bosses can work here. Although the Dark Dragon has status immunities that render most ineffective anyway... try casting Tornado. There are two more odd bits of trivia here, too. First, the Dark Dragon is flagged as a Dragon, which is completely pointless since the only equipment available at this point that cares is the Gold Headdress (Tiara), and no one in the current group can use it. More oddly, the Dark Dragon is flagged as absorbing Holy in addition to being highly weak against it. The effect of being both weak to and absorbing the same element is that physical attacks of that element strike the weakness, while magic answers to the absorption. However, Tella never learns Holy and can't cast Meteor, so that's not meaningful, either. It's all rather peculiar. In short, equip Cecil's Sword of Legend, toss Berserk and Haste on him if you like, heal and Blink as needed, and you'll win before you know it. In the DS remake, the Dark Elf and Dark Dragon both have an additional weakness to Flame for Yang, Cid, and Tella to exploit. Survival is more of an issue, since the Dark Elf's spells still inflict a respectable amount of damage even with the harp playing, while the Dark Dragon's normal attack hits much harder than before. I also sincerely doubt that Tornado works, though I didn't actually try it since Tella was flattened before I got the chance. Silence reportedly works on the Dark Elf to disable nearly all of his attacks, which I didn't even think of trying since I'm too used to status magic (other than Slow) always failing against bosses. |
ダークエルフ「クク‥‥ナゼ アノオトガ ココマデ! クリスタルサエ アレバ‥‥エイエンノ イノチガ‥‥ グガゲゴ! |
Dark Elf: Kh kh... How did that sound reach here!? With the Crystal... eternal life was... gh gah geh goh! |
『やったぞ {ギルバート}! | 『We did it, {Gilbert}! | {Cecil}: Thank you, {Edward}! |
Cecil takes the Earth Crystal. The monsters should cause less trouble on the way out, or you can just Teleport after leaving the crystal room. On a side note, if you come here without first seeing Gilbert, the Dark Elf will wipe the floor with you. Oddly, he mostly forgoes magic in this case, instead striking with overpowered normal physical attacks (254 attack power x99 hits at 99% accuracy), and casting Quake only to mop up if anyone survives long enough. On another side note, the Mindflayer (Mage) enemies occasionally found here have a slight chance to drop the rare Mindflayer summon item. They appear most often on B3F, which averages 106 Mindflayers per 256 battles, and the drop rate is the usual 15 in 16,384, resulting in an average of 2,638 battles per drop. Though that's a painfully low rate, the other floors are even worse, Mindflayers don't appear anywhere else, and no other monster drops the item. |
トロイアじょう Troy Castle Toroia | ||
Let's go see Gilbert first. |
{ギルバート}「やったようだね‥‥ 『{ギルバート}! きみのおかげだ。 {ギルバート}「そんなこと‥‥ {シド}「でも なぜ きゃつは あのうたで? |
{Gilbert}: You seem to have done it... 『{Gilbert}! We have you to thank. {Gilbert}: Not at all... {Cid}: But why'd that song get to him? |
{Edward}: You did it. {Cecil}: It's you, {Edward}! {Edward}: Well... {Cid}: But where did you Learn that tune? |
The EasyType replaces Cid's nonstandard きゃつ (kyatsu) with ヤツ (YATSU). |
{ギルバート}「いぜん ぎんゆうしじんとして ほうろうしていたころ‥‥ あしき ようせいを いましめる うたというのを きいたことがあって‥‥ それで もしやとおもって‥‥ {ヤン}「おかげで たすかりもうした。 {ギルバート}「そんな‥‥ぼくなんか‥‥ うッ‥‥! |
{Gilbert}: Earlier on, when I was wandering as a minstrel... I heard a song said to suppress evil faeries... So I thought that maybe... {Yang}: Thanks to that, we were saved. {Gilbert}: Oh, no... I didn't really... ugh...! |
{Edward}: When I was wandering about as a Bard, I heard the tune to bind evil fairies... {Yang}: You saved us all, Prince {Edward}. {Edward}: No... Not really... Ouch! |
The EasyType replaces あしき (ashiki, evil) with the blander but more accessible わるい (warui, bad). |
『{ギルバート}! | 『{Gilbert}! | {Cecil}: {Edward}! |
{ギルバート}「{テラ}さん‥‥ {テラ}「{アンナ}も しあわせじゃった。 おぬしのような ゆうかんなものに あいされたのだからな‥‥ {ギルバート}「{テラ}さん‥‥ {テラ}「いまは そのみを なおすことだけを かんがえるのだ。 {アンナ}の かたきは わたしの メテオで かならず とってみせる! {ギルバート}‥‥おぬしのぶんもな。 {ギルバート}「‥‥ありがとうございます。 『{ギルバート} きみは‥‥ ゆうきある おとこだ‥‥! {ギルバート}「{アンナ}‥‥なんとなく わかったきがするよ‥‥ |
{Gilbert}: {Tella}... {Tella}: {Anna} was fortunate. She was loved by such a heroic man as you... {Gilbert}: {Tella}... {Tella}: Think only of healing yourself up for now. I swear to take vengeance for {Anna} with my Meteor! {Gilbert}... I'll do your part too. {Gilbert}: ...thank you. 『{Gilbert}, you are... a courageous man...! {Gilbert}: {Anna}... somehow I feel like I understand now... |
{Edward}: Master {Tellah}... {Tellah}: {Anna} was happy to be loved by a brave man like you. {Edward}: {Tellah}... {Tellah}: I will avenge {Anna} with Meteo! I'll take yours, too. {Edward}: Thank you. {Cecil}: You really are brave, {Edward}! {Edward}: Oh, {Anna}... I think I have come to understand what you were really trying to tell me, {Anna}... |
The EasyType adds ゆうきって‥‥ (yuuki tte...) in the middle of Gilbert's final line to clarify that he understands what courage is. |
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