アダマンとうのどうくつ Adaman Isle Cave Grotto Adamant | ||
Before moving on with the story, it couldn't hurt to take a look in another newly-reachable cave near the shallows outside of Mithril Town. Inside are two Minikin on a raised platform covered in unusual rocks. |
うちのおとうさんは ここで へんなこうせきを みつけたの。 しゅみは どうぶつのシッポあつめ。 |
My dad found a weird ore here. His hobby is collecting animal tails. |
My dad found a funny ore. And you know what? He collects tails! |
The EasyType replaces こうせき (ore) with the more accessible きんぞく (metal). |
なんだ あっちへいけ! しっぽを もってんなら はなしはべつだがな。 |
What? Buzz off! But if you have a tail, that's a different story. |
I don't wanna talk to you unless you have a tail for me! |
No tails so far, though. Something to keep in mind for later, then. |
エブラーナのどうくつ Eblana Cave Cave Eblana | ||
Cid's workers mentioned the cave by the Tower of Babwil, though. The tower sticks up through the mountains on the island with Eblana Castle, and the shallows nearby do indeed lead to a cave. It just might connect to the upper tower, where the Crystals are supposed to be, so it's certainly worth investigating. Inside, the cave has numerous hidden passages in the walls. There are a few minor treasures along the way, but more interestingly, the party soon stumbles across a human settlement, complete with shops and an inn! |
われわれは ほこりたかき エブラーナのたみ! | We are the proud people of Eblana! | We're the people of Eblan. |
しろを おわれ いまや このちが われらのち。 |
We were driven from our castle, and now this land is our land. |
We lost our place to live. This is our home now. |
ここには いきのびた ものたちが にげこんでいる。 |
Those who survived have taken refuge here. |
We hid in here. |
しょくりょうも のこりすくない。 いつまで もつのやら‥‥ |
Little remains of our food supply. How long can we hold out...? |
Food is running short... |
にんじゅつを ほこる エブラーナが こうも かんたんに やぶれるとは‥‥ |
How could Eblana, boasting Ninjutsu, have been defeated so easily...? |
I can't believe that we Ninjas are defeated this easily... |
わかさまが るすだったばかりに おうと おうひが‥‥ |
Because the young lord was away, the king and queen... |
The King and Queen were taken when the Prince was gone! |
エブラーナの にんじゃのちも これで おわりかのお‥‥ |
Could the bloodline of the Eblana Ninjas be coming to an end...? |
This may be the end of the Ninjas of Eblan. |
わしは エブラーナの かろうじゃ。 わかは くちはわるいが おやさしい おかた。 おうと おうひの かたきうちに バブイルのとうへ のりこもうと ぬけみちを ほっておる。 しかし どうしたことか すがたが みえん。 よもや また ムチャなことを‥‥ |
I am the chief minister of Eblana. The young lord has a foul mouth, but he is a kind person. In an attempt to enter the Tower of Babwil to avenge the king and queen, he is digging a secret passage. But he's gone missing. Don't tell me he's being reckless again... |
To rescue the King and Queen, the Prince is digging a hole into the Tower of Bab-il. But I haven't seen him lately... |
The EasyType replaces よもや (yomoya) with まさか (masaka), which has a comparable meaning but is far more common. |
わかさまが わるものを やっつけてくれるって いってたもの! すぐ おしろに かえれるわよね? |
The young lord said he'd take out the bad guys for us! We can go back to the castle soon, right? |
The Prince will beat up those bad guys, right? |
ここは ルビカンテの ほんきょ バブイルのとうにつうじる ぬけみちです。 |
This is a secret passage leading to the Tower of Babwil, Rubicante's stronghold. |
This path leads to the Tower of Bab-il. That's where Rubicant has his headquarters. |
わかさまが ようすを みにゆかれましたが かえりが おそすぎる‥‥ |
The young lord went to take a look at the situation, but he's taking too long to return... |
Our Prince went to look around but hasn't come back yet... |
This young lord sounds important, and that passage sounds useful. Time to investigate! |
バブイルねのつうろ Passage to Babwil Pass to Bab-il | ||
The cave continues. A soldier lies on the ground not far inside. |
わかさまが おひとりで! | The young lord went alone! | The Prince went alone! |
The EasyType replaces the exclamation point with trailing ellipses. The party finds more collapsed soldiers as they advance further. |
わかさまを とめて‥‥ | Stop the young lord... | Stop the Prince... |
わかさまが ルビカンテを‥‥ | The young lord is after Rubicante... | The Prince is going after Rubicant... |
わかさまは あつくなると みさかいが‥‥ | When the young lord heats up, his judgment... | Prince easily loses his temper... |
A side room after a few caverns holds a save point, and hides a passage containing a Blood Sword in a chest guarded by two Steel Golems. The Blood Lance works especially well against them. Shortly after the save room, the party finds a caped man confronting Rubicante himself. The music stops. |
おとこ「やっと あえたな ルビカンテ! きょうというひを まってたぜえ! ルビカンテ「ほう どこかで あったかな? おとこ「オレが エブラーナおうじ! {エッジ}さまよ! ルビカンテ「エブラーナ? なんのことかな。 {エッジ}「てめえの むねに きいてみやがれ! |
Man: We finally meet, Rubicante! I've waited so long for this day! Rubicante: Oh, have we met somewhere? Man: I'm Eblana's prince! The great {Edge}! Rubicante: Eblana? What do you mean? {Edge}: Take a wild guess, asshole! |
Man: Hey! Rubicant! I was waiting for this day! Rubicant: Have I met you before? Man: I am Eblan's Prince {Edge}! Rubicant: Eblan? What's that? {Edge}: Don't play the fool with me! |
自分の胸に聞いてみる (literally "try asking your own chest/heart"), which Edge rephrases more rudely here, is an idiom that roughly means, "you know perfectly well what you did, and you ought to feel guilty about it". Rubicante seems genuinely confused about Edge's attitude, though. They enter combat. Rubicante, wrapped in a cloak, takes a hit from Edge's twin blades and answers back with a weak Fira spell. Edge responds by using Katon, a ninja flame technique, but that just heals him. |
ルビカンテ「なんだ そのあわれな じゅつは‥‥ | Rubicante: What was that pitiful technique...? | Rubicant: Was it Flame? |
「ほのおは こうして つかうものだ! | : THIS is how you use flame! | I will show you how! |
Rubicante stops shielding himself and uses Flamestream, a Flame attack stronger than Figa. Edge doesn't stand a chance. |
{エッジ}「ち‥‥きしょう! | {Edge}: Damn... it! | {Edge}: Blast... you! |
ルビカンテ「たしかに じしんを もてるほどの つよさだ‥‥ しかし このわたしには まだ およばぬ。 うでを みがいてこい! いつでも あいてになるぞ! |
Rubicante: You do have strength enough to warrant confidence, to be sure... But it is still no match for me. Come once you've refined your skills! I'll face you whenever you like! |
Rubicant: Indeed you're strong... but still no match for me. Challenge me after you've become strong enough! |
He turns into flame and drifts up the stairs. Edges gets to his feet with difficulty... |
{エッジ}「まち‥‥やが‥‥れ‥‥! | {Edge}: Wait... damn... you...! | {Edge}: ...W...Wa...it! |
...then collapses again. The party decides it's time to intervene. |
『だいじょうぶか!? {エッジ}「な なさけねえ‥‥このオレが‥‥ まけるなんざ! {リディア}「わたしたちも ルビカンテのもつ クリスタルを おってるの。 {エッジ}「てをだすな! ヤツは‥‥オレが‥‥このてで ブッたおす! {カイン}「あいては 4てんのうだぜ。 おうじさま。 『ヤツのつよさを あじわったろう! {エッジ}「ヘッ‥‥オレを ただの あまちゃんおうじと おもうなよ。 エブラーナおうぞくは だいだい にんじゃの おうぎを うけついでんだ‥‥! おめーらより いちまいもにまいも‥‥ うわてだ‥‥ぜ! {リディア}「いいかげんにしてえ! もうこれいじょう しんじゃうのは いやよお! |
『Are you all right!? {Edge}: P-pathetic... how could I... possibly LOSE!? {Rydia}: We're also after Rubicante, for the Crystals he has. {Edge}: Butt out! I'm gonna... beat him down... myself! {Cain}: You're up against one of the Elite Four, prince. 『You've already had a taste of his power! {Edge}: Heh... don't think I'm just some spoiled brat of a prince. The royalty of Eblana has inherited generations of secret ninja skills...! I'm a good step or two above... all of... you! {Rydia}: Knock it off, already! I don't want any more people dying! |
{Cecil}: You Okay? {Edge}: How could I lose? {Rydia}: We're also after Rubicant for his crystal. {Edge}: Why don't you stay out of this? {Kain}: He is one of the Fiends of Elements! {Cecil}: Haven't you tasted enough of his power!? {Edge}: Think I'm just a spoiled prince, huh? The Royal Family of Eblan is trained as Ninja! I can take care of this myself, okay? {Rydia}: Stop it! No more! I've had enough! |
Everyone turns toward Rydia, and her theme starts playing. |
{リディア}「{テラ}のおじいちゃんも {ヤン}も‥‥ {シド}のおじちゃんも! みんな‥‥みんな! {エッジ}「お おい‥‥ |
{Rydia}: Grampa {Tella}, and {Yang}... and uncle {Cid}, too! They all... all! {Edge}: H-hey now... |
{Rydia}: {Tellah}... {Yang}... And even {Cid}! We lost them all...... All! {Edge}: Hey, come on! |
Remember when Cid told her to at least call him おじちゃん (literally "uncle") instead of おじいちゃん (literally "grandpa")? She does! Cid would be pleased. I've kept the literal translations of the family terms here for reference, and because I'm not sure how else to preserve that nuance. Besides, I like the idea of Rydia going around "adopting" new family members. It just feels like something she would do. |
{ローザ}「{リディア}‥‥ {リディア}「グスッ‥‥ |
{Rosa}: {Rydia}... {Rydia}: *sob*... |
{Rosa}: {Rydia}... {Rydia}: ...sob ...sob |
『‥‥あいては 4てんのう さいきょうだ。 かちめが あるかどうかも わからない! だが ぼくたちは ヤツらから クリスタルを とりもどさなくては ならない! {エッジ}「‥‥こんな きれーな ねえちゃんに なかれたんじゃ しょうがねえ‥‥ ここは いっぱつ‥‥てをくもうじゃねーか。 {カイン}「まったく こんな からだで くちのへらない おうじさまだ。 みるに たえん。 おい {ローザ}。 |
『...we're up against the strongest of the Elite Four. We don't even know whether we stand a chance of winning! But we must take the Crystals back from them! {Edge}: ...I haven't got much choice after getting cried over by such a pretty babe... Guess we'll... join forces for now. {Cain}: Give me a break! The prince's mouth won't stop even with the condition he's in. I can't stand to watch. Hey, {Rosa}. |
{Cecil}: Rubicant is the strongest of the Four Fiends. But we still have to recover the crystals! {Edge}: Can't keep this pretty girl crying. Why don't we work together on this? {Kain}: Considering the fact that he's wounded, he sure bluffs! Well, {Rosa}! |
{ローザ}「ケアルラ! | {Rosa}: Cura! | {Rosa}: Cure two! |
Rosa heals him, he gets up, and Cid's theme starts playing (come to think of it, Edge doesn't have his own theme). |
{エッジ}「サンキュー ねえちゃん! あんたも かわいいぜ! |
{Edge}: Thanks, babe! You're a cutey too! |
{Edge}: Thanks girl! You are cute too! |
{エッジ}「おっしゃ! それじゃ なかよく のりこむとしよーぜ! {リディア}「ちょうし いいの! にんじゃ {エッジ}が なかまになった! |
{Edge}: All right! Then let's do this thing! {Rydia}: You're awfully worked up! Ninja {Edge} became a companion! |
{Edge}: Right, men! Let's go! {Rydia}: Give me a break. Ninja {Edge} joined! |
Edge is conceptually a front-row fighter with some magic-like abilities for variety, but he tends to be fairly squishy, with low health and defense (his high evasion helps counteract that somewhat, but with the game mechanics the way they are, you need a shield to get the most out of evasion, and he doesn't do shields). Consider backtracking far enough to buy a Boomerang for his right hand so he can fight from the back row at full effectiveness (for whatever reason, only the right-hand weapon's range matters for ambidextrous characters like Edge) and get a bonus against some enemies for Projectile damage. Additionally, note that Edge can use all of Yang's claws, but unlike Yang, he needs weapon strength to fuel his attack power, and claws don't provide any. They're still useful for giving elemental and racial multipliers, though. Finally, although Edge boasts of inheriting generations of secret ninja skills, the only one he can use so far is Katon, and it's not much stronger against a single target than Fira, though at least it doesn't cost much, either. Also, "Edge" is officially short for "Edward Geraldine". Considering how that clashes with his personality, it's no wonder he goes by a nickname. Finally, if you don't mind glitching a little bit, this is a great opportunity to give Rydia a shield. Make sure you don't have any Mithril (Silver) shields in your inventory, then get Edge to steal one, for instance from the Armed Mammal (Armadillo) or Iron Dress (Ironback) found in this very cave, while Rydia's item menu is open. The game forgets to restrict who can use weapons or shields when swapped during battle if the weapon or shield is newly added while the item menu is already open, so she can put it on then even though she can't normally use shields, giving her a substantial evasion boost to help her survive better. The trickiest part of the setup is making sure her turn comes up quickly enough after his; arranging the party so he's a slot ahead of her and hoping for a preemptive attack may be the surest way of getting that to happen. You may also need to visit her equipment screen after battle for her stats to update. Just don't remove the shield, or you won't be able to put it back on without doing the glitch all over again. This works just as well for other characters, so you could also give Rosa a shield if you don't mind giving up bows and keeping her on staves, and for any weapon Edge can steal, so by stealing from the appropriate monsters you can give any character (except Edge himself) oddball weapons like a Lamia's Harp or Healing Staff if you feel like it. In the DS remake, Edge starts with more of his skills, but can't use Yang's claws, so that takes some options off the table. The combat algorithms have been redone, so I'm hoping his high evasion will do a better job of keeping him healthy. And, of course, the glitch described above is gone, too. |
バブイルのとう Tower of Babwil Tower of Bab-il | ||
The cave connects to the outside of the tower at the first floor above ground. There's no entrance, though. |
『どうやって しんにゅうするんだ? {エッジ}「ヘヘ! カベぬけのじゅつだ! |
『How do we get inside? {Edge}: Heh heh! Kabenuke no Jutsu! |
{Cecil}: How are we gonna get in? {Edge}: Watch! |
That would be a legendary ninja technique to, as the literal translation indicates, pass right through walls. And because he's only able to do it here for plot convenience, Edge promptly forgets about this ability once the scene ends. It's never again mentioned for the rest of the game, much less used. |
{エッジ}「あらよっと! | {Edge}: Here goes! | {Edge}: Here we go! |
Edge takes the lead and brings the party through the solid wall and into the tower. It's a one-way trip, though. Other than the monsters, the tower above ground isn't much different from the tower below ground, though this section is more linear except for a chest down a conspicuous side path that contains an Ogre Killer axe guarded by four Berserk Ogres. These showed up in a chest in the basement of Eblana Castle, too, though there were only three of them there. Rosa should try to hit them with Minimum to make them harmless, while the fighters can equip blood weapons and the Faerie Claw (Charm) for that juicy anti-giant racial bonus. Further on are a chest with a better sword for Edge, what looks like the top end of the teleporter Rubicante used to leave the underworld section of the tower, and a room with a save point. Don't miss the 82,000 Gil in a chest to the left of what's an obvious location for a boss fight, either. Cross the bridge toward the obvious boss location, and a regal-looking man and woman appear as the music fades out. |
エブラーナおう「{エッジ}‥‥ {エッジ}「おやじ! おふくろ! |
King Eblana: {Edge}... {Edge}: Dad! Mom! |
King of Eblan: {Edge}... {Edge}: Dad! Mom! |
エブラーナおうひ「よかった‥‥おまえも ぶじだったのね‥‥ {エッジ}「おふくろも! エブラーナおうひ「{エッジ}‥‥おまえも いらっしゃい‥‥ エブラーナおう「わたしたちと いっしょに‥‥ {エッジ}「どこへ? おうひ「じごくにさあ! 『あぶない! |
Queen Eblana: Thank goodness... you're all right, too... {Edge}: Same to you, mom! Queen Eblana: {Edge}... you should also come... King Eblana: With us... {Edge}: Where to? Queen: To hell! 『Look out! |
Queen of Eblan: I'm glad you are fine... {Edge}: So am I! Queen: {Edge}... Come... King: Come with us. {Edge}: To where? Queen: To the Dark World! |
Wait, the Dark World? Wrong game. Or maybe it's just awkward censorship. Probably that second thing. They attack, looking more monster than human. This king uses Fira and the queen uses Fire, but neither hurts much, and it's the dialog that's interesting here. |
おう「おまえらもか そんなに しにたいのなら | King: More of you? If you're so eager to die, | King: I will bring you |
「まとめて じごくのすなに してやろう! | : I will reduce you all to the sands of hell! | all down to the Hades! |
That was one of the oddities of NoA's content policy, apparently. You couldn't say "hell", since that was considered a religious reference, but if it was "Hades", that was considered more of a mythological reference, making it acceptable. But "down to the Hades" still smacks of inadequate proofreading. |
{エッジ}「どうしちまったんだい!? | {Edge}: What's gotten into you!? | {Edge}: Dad? Mom? |
「おやじっ! おふくろっ! | : Dad! Mom! | What's wrong with you? |
{エッジ}「オレだよっ なあっ‥‥ | {Edge}: It's me, come on... | {Edge}: It's me! {Edge}! |
After a few rounds, they change color and stop attacking, and the music turns sorrowful. |
おうと おうひは りょうしんを とりもどした! | The king and queen regained consciousness. | They became conscious. |
おう「{エッジ}か‥‥ わしの はなしをきけ | King: {Edge}...? Listen to me. | King: {Edge}... Listen... |
「われわれは もう ひとではない‥‥ | : We are no longer human... | We're no longer human. |
「いきていては いけない そんざいなのだ | : What we are ought not exist. | We must not live long. |
おうひ「あなたに のこすものがなくて‥‥ | Queen: We have nothing to offer you... | Queen: I'm sorry, dear... |
{エッジ}「‥‥ | {Edge}: ... | {Edge}: ......... |
おう「この いしきのあるうちに | King: While we still have our minds | King: Before we lose our |
「われわれは ここをさらねば ならん‥‥ | : we must take our leave... | mind...... We must go...... |
「あとを たのんだぞ {エッジ} | : The rest is up to you, {Edge}. | Take care, {Edge}... |
{エッジ}「いやだっ! いっちゃいやだっ! | {Edge}: No! Don't go! | {Edge}: NO!! Please! |
The king dies. |
おうひ「さよなら {エッジ} | Queen: Goodbye, {Edge}. | Queen: Good bye, {Edge}. |
{エッジ}「まってっ! おふくろっ! | {Edge}: Wait! Mom! | {Edge}: Don't! Mom! |
「いやだー ー ー | : DON'T!! | DON'T GO!! |
The queen dies. The party does not celebrate as combat ends. |
{エッジ}「うおおおおおお! {ローザ}「ひどい‥‥! |
{Edge}: Graaaaaah! {Rosa}: How awful...! |
{Edge}: Graaaagh! {Rosa}: No... |
The screen tints red, and Rubicante appears from a flame. |
ルビカンテ「ルゲイエのヤツめ かってなマネを しおって‥‥‥‥! |
Rubicante: Damn that Lugae, taking unauthorized actions......! |
Rubicant: Wretched Lugae! How dare he...! |
{エッジ}「ルビカンテ! てめえだけは ゆるさねえ! ゆるさねえぞー!! ルビカンテ「おうと おうひを まものに したのは ルゲイエのヤツが かってに したこと‥‥ その ひれいは わびよう‥‥ わたしは ほかのヤツらと ちがって せいせいどうとうと たたかいたいのだ。 {エッジ}「ゴチャゴチャ いってんじゃねえ!! ルビカンテ「わたしは おまえのように ゆうきあるものは すきだ。 ‥‥しかし そういった かんじょうに ふりまわされる にんげんでは かんぜんなつよさは てにはいらん。 えいえんにな‥‥ {エッジ}「その にんげんの! いかりってモンを‥‥ みせてやるぜえ! |
{Edge}: Rubicante! You'll never get away with this! NEVER!! Rubicante: Turning the king and queen into monsters was something Lugae did of his own accord, curse him... I apologize for his disrespect... Unlike the others, I want to fight fair and square. {Edge}: Knock it off with your rambling on and on!! Rubicante: I like those such as yourself who have courage. ...however, a human flung about by such emotion will not attain perfect strength. Not for all eternity... {Edge}: I'll show you exactly what... human rage is! |
{Edge}: Rubicant! I'm not gonna forgive you! ......Never!! Rubicant: Lugae turned your parents into monsters on his own. I apologize for that. I'm not like the others you see. I want to play fair. {Edge}: Shut up! Rubicant: How brave! But you'll never gain real strength as long as you are swayed by emotions. {Edge}: I'll show you the power... of anger! |
The Elite Four battle music starts as Edge finishes his line. |
いかりが {エッジ}の ねむっていたちからを ひきおこした! {エッジ}が すいとん らいじんを おぼえた! ルビカンテ「ほう‥‥いかりというものは にんげんを つよくするか。 だが わたしの ほのおのマントは れいきすら うけつけぬぞ! |
Rage roused {Edge}'s dormant powers! {Edge} learned Suiton and Raijin! Rubicante: Oh...? So rage can make humans stronger. But my manteau of flame rejects even cold itself! |
Rage drew out {Edge}'s hidden powers. {Edge} acquired Flood and Blitz! Rubicant: I see. But my Cloak of Flame cannot be penetrated even by cold! |
However, the battle doesn't start immediately. Talk to Rubicante to continue. |
ルビカンテ「さあ かいふくしてやろう! ぜんりょくで かかってくるがいい! |
Rubicante: Now, I shall restore you! Come at me with all your might! |
Rubicant: Now I restore you to full strength! Fight with all your might! |
HP MPが かいふくした! | HP and MP recovered! | HP and MP recovered! |
Now the battle begins. During the course of combat, Rubicante alternates between wrapping himself in his cloak and not, and absorbs cold-based magic damage when wrapped up. When he emerges from the cloak, that leaves him vulnerable, but it's also a warning that he's about to use Flamestream, easily his strongest attack and potentially a one-hit KO depending on who it hits. He's not heartless, though. Toss a Fire spell (or Katon, or other fire-based magic) at him, and he'll cast Raise on the entire party (however, since it's coming from an enemy, the spell is subject to magic evade, increasing the chance that it may miss). Physical attacks will provoke a multitarget Fira counterattack, but it's not particularly powerful and shouldn't dissuade you from attacking. Whether this is deliberate or a glitch, Rubicante's severe Ice weakness remains even when he also has Ice absorption, so physical attacks of that type inflict quadruple damage all throughout the battle. It's riskier to try using Ice magic, since it will heal him if it hits at the wrong time. Curiously, Rubicante has no particular resistance to Flame damage. He's supposed to absorb it, but the changes when he opens or closes his cloak overwrite the previous settings, and so that goes out the window right away. Rydia might be better off sticking to Fira, even though it doesn't take advantage of a weakness. In the original Japanese version only, Rubicante will also react to all summon magic by casting Blizzara on himself (this takes precedence over casting Raise if Ifrit is summoned). That's free bonus damage when the timing is right, but free healing for him otherwise. If physically attacked when at sufficiently low health, Rubicante leaves some parting words before combat ends. He needs to be struck when he has no more than 1,000 HP left to trigger this. Given that fighters with Ice weapons can easily hit for several thousand at a time to blow right by that, and that magic damage can't trigger them at all, these lines are fairly easy to miss. |
ルビカンテ「ここは わたしのまけだ だが | Rubicante: Although I lose for now, | Rubicant: I lost now... |
「いつのひか かならず よみがえる | : I shall surely be revived some day. | But I shall return! |
「さらば | : Farewell. | Good luck...... |
Regardless, he has a brief speech after combat is over. |
ルビカンテ「そうか‥‥そのてが あったか‥‥ よわいものでも‥‥ちからを あわせるという てが‥‥ みごとだ! {ゴルベーザ}さまも てを やかれたわけだ。 おまえたちは りっぱな‥‥せんしだった! さら‥‥ばだ! |
Rubicante: I see... that's one way... Even the weak... may combine their power... Splendid! Thus even Lord {Golubaeser} struggled with you. You were... fine warriors! Fare... well! |
Rubicant: Well... now I see why {Golbez} had a hard time with you. Weak people can join forces...... I admire you, warriors! ... Farewell... |
He turns to flame and vanishes. |
{エッジ}「‥‥ おやじ‥‥ おふくろ‥‥ かたきは うったぜ‥‥! |
{Edge}: ... Dad... Mom... I've avenged you...! |
{Edge}: Dad... Mom... I avenged you...! |
A voice interrupts the scene. |
「わかー! | 「Young lord! | Your Highness! |
The minister and some soldiers from Eblana rush in. |
{エッジ}「じい! みんなも! じい「わしらも たたかいますじゃ! ルビカンテは いずこに!? |
{Edge}: Old-timer! And everyone! Elder: We will fight as well! Where is Rubicante!? |
{Edge}: Chamberlain! Chamberlain: We won't let Your Highness go alone! ...... Where is Rubicant? |
On the one hand, I can't come up with any way that じい could translate to "chamberlain". On the other, it is important that he's not just an old man. |
{エッジ}「もう すんだぜ! じい「おお さすがは わか! {エッジ}「こいつらの おかげさ! じい「そなたたちが! |
{Edge}: Already dealt with! Elder: Most befitting of you, young lord! {Edge}: Hey, thank these guys! Elder: All of you! |
{Edge}: It's over! We did it! Chamberlain: That becomes the Prince! {Edge}: All because of these guys! Chamberlain: Thank you, good sirs! |
{エッジ}「しかし {ゴルベーザ}ってのは? {カイン}「クリスタルをあつめ つきへ ゆこうとたくらむ ルビカンテを あやつるものだ! {エッジ}「あの おつきさんか? なんでまた? 『つきには せかいを はめつさせるほどの ものが あるというんだ。 {リディア}「わたしたち それをとめるの! {エッジ}「{ゴルベーザ}か! すべては そいつの‥‥ゆるせねえ! じい「わかには しろのさいけんが! |
{Edge}: But who's this {Golubaeser}? {Cain}: He's the one behind Rubicante, gathering the Crystals and plotting to go to the moon! {Edge}: What, the moon? Well, why? 『On the moon is said to be something powerful enough to destroy the world. {Rydia}: We're going to stop it! {Edge}: {Golubaeser}, huh! It's all his... he won't get away with this! Old Man: Young lord, you have a castle to rebuild! |
{Edge}: Who's {Golbez}? {Kain}: The one gathering the crystals to reach the moon. He is the mastermind of Rubicant! {Edge}: Why the moon!? {Cecil}: For the power. {Rydia}: And we have to stop him! {Edge}: {Golbez}! So he was behind all this! I'm gonna go get him! Chamberlain: Oh! But Your Highness! We must rebuild our castle! |
That's one way to keep Edge's interest. Sure, he beat the guy he blames for what happened to his parents and kingdom, but what about the guy who was giving that guy his orders? Cain is canny enough that I wouldn't doubt he introduced Golubaeser that way entirely on purpose. |
{エッジ}「エブラーナだけじゃねえ! せかいが あぶねーんだ! オレも その{ゴルベーザ}とかいう ヤツを このてで ブチのめすぜ! じい「くれぐれも おきをつけて‥‥! {エッジ}「わかってるって! さあ こっからさきは オレにまかせな! じい「わかりもうした! るすはおまかせを! みなさん わかを おたのもうします! みなのしゅう! かえるぞ! |
{Edge}: It's not just Eblana! The world's in danger! I'm gonna go, too, and beat up that {Golubaeser} guy myself! Elder: Do be careful...! {Edge}: I know, I know! Just leave all the rest to me! Elder: Understood! Leave things here to us! Everyone, take care of the young lord! Our people! Let us return! |
{Edge}: The world is in danger. I gotta do something! Besides, I don't like that guy. Chamberlain: Oh...... but... Your Highness... {Edge}: Don't worry! Now go back to Eblan! Chamberlain: ... Very well. Sirs, please take care of our Prince! |
みなのしゅう「わかさま ごぶうんを! {エッジ}「あいよー! |
People: May you prevail, young lord! {Edge}: You got it! |
All: Your Highness, good fortune be with you! {Edge}: Okey dokey! |
They head back the way they came. |
{エッジ}「よっしゃ! {ゴルベーザ}を ブッたおしにいくか! {リディア}「クリスタルを とりもどすの! {エッジ}「わかってるって! さ いこーぜ! |
{Edge}: All right! Let's go beat up {Golubaeser}! {Rydia}: You mean take back the Crystals! {Edge}: I know, I know! Now let's go! |
{Edge}: Right! Let's go smash {Golbez}! {Rydia}: To get back the crystals! {Edge}: All right! Now let's go! |
Through the nearby door is a large Crystal room, with three Crystals on their stands already visible from the entryway. However, just inside... |
『おとしあな!? | 『A pitfall!? | {Cecil}: A pitfall!? |
Though it's not possible to see much past the entryway without using a walk-through-walls code, the room has eight stands, with Crystals on all but one of them. None of them have event scripts defined, but they're still handled as interactive objects, and as a result, attempting to examine one crashes the game when it tries to execute arbitrary data. There's also a door in the back of the room that leads to a corridor behind it, partially visible from elsewhere on the floor. However, there's no way back into the room from the other side, and although there's another doorway nearby, that one leads nowhere at all and just causes some graphical glitches. The party drops into a lower floor of the tower. |
{エッジ}「いってー‥‥! {カイン}「どうやら ちていのほうまで おとされたらしいな‥‥ |
{Edge}: Yeoww...! {Cain}: It would seem we've been dropped all the way to the underground... |
{Edge}: Ouch......! {Kain}: Seems like we've fallen to the underground. |
Sure enough, the teleporter where they fought Lugae earlier is visible on the other side of the nearby wall. The monsters on this side are tougher, though, and on that note, the party may need to heal up—Rubicante gives free healing before combat, but none after it. As in the upper section, the path here is largely linear. It eventually leads to a conspicuously large room. Inside... |
『これは! | 『This is...! | {Cecil}: What! |
『てきの しんがたひくうてい? {エッジ}「こいつで だっしゅつしよーぜ! {リディア}「でも てきの ひくうていだよ! {エッジ}「いーんだよ! オレたちが つかったほうが こいつに とってもな! |
『The new-model enemy airship? {Edge}: Let's get out of here on her! {Rydia}: But this is an enemy airship! {Edge}: No problemo! I'll bet she'd rather have us using her anyway! |
{Cecil}: New airship? {Edge}: Let's take this airship and get out of the tower! {Rydia}: It's not yours! {Edge}: That's Okay! It would be happy to be used by us! |
Edge barges on ahead and to the helm. |
{ローザ}「わなじゃないかしら‥‥ {エッジ}「しんぱい いらねーって! オレは きにいったぜ。 よっしゃ なづけて ファルコンてのは どーだ? {リディア}「まったく! 『いそごう だっしゅつだ! {エッジ}「ファルコン はっしん! |
{Rosa}: It could be a trap... {Edge}: No worries, I'm telling you! I think I like her. Okay, how about I name her the Falcon? {Rydia}: Give me a break! 『Let's hurry up and get out of here! {Edge}: Falcon, lifting off! |
{Rosa}: Isn't this a trap or something...? {Edge}: Don't worry! I like this airship. Let's call it Falcon! How do you like that? {Cecil}: Hurry, {Edge}! {Edge}: Okay! Okay! Now...... Go, Falcon! |
Fortunately, it seems he does know how to fly this thing. The Falcon lifts off in front of the tower. Unfortunately, it apparently hasn't been reinforced against extreme heat, and can't fly over the magma. With the passage to the surface sealed off, that leaves Dwarf Castle the only plausible destination. |
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