運命の時へ…… | To the Fateful Time... | The Fated Hour | |
= Sidequest: The Prismatic Shell = | |||
ガルディア城 A.D. 1000 Guardia Castle | Guardia Castle | ||
This part of the quest is purely extra setup for the fallout later. Other than bringing Marle to gain entry to the castle in the first place, you can skip it entirely, and rest of the events are unaffected. Actually, it's kind of sneaky... the game sets things up to look like you're supposed to take Marle on a sidequest to reconcile with her father, when you really need to do something completely different that at first seems to be entirely unrelated. |
Trying to enter without Marle in the party doesn't go well. |
兵士「!! テ、テロリストいちみだーッ!! |
Soldier: !! |
T, Terrorists!! | |
Everyone looks startled (except the Magus, who doesn't react at all), and all of the following in the active party speak before being chased out of the castle: |
ルッカ「マ、マズいわよ!! | Lucca: Th-this isn't good!! | Lucca: This is NOT good. | |
ロボ「ナ、何なんデス~!? | Robo: Wh-what IS this!? | Robo: What is going on?! | |
カエル「テロリストお!? | Frog: Terrorist!? | Frog: Who, what? |
Bringing her along works better (at any point after defeating the Magus in the Middle Ages; prior to that she insists on leaving immediately). |
「マールディア様~! | : Lady Marlediaaa! | Princess Nadia! | |
The chancellor runs up to Marle from the direction of the throne room. Let's hope he's less of a jerk this time. |
大臣「心配しましたぞ、マールディア様! マールディア様のお気持ち、この大臣 よくわかりますぞ。 国王は何よりも国を大事になさるお方。 そう、あなたの母君アリーチェ王妃様が なくなられた時も…… |
Chancellor: We've been worried, lady Marledia! |
CHANCELLOR: I've been worried, |
マール「母様が!? | Marle: Mother!? |
Marle: No one could do that! |
He turns away. |
大臣「いやいや、何でもありませぬ。 | Chancellor: No, no, it's nothing. |
CHANCELLOR: Oh, child, it's ancient |
Marle runs around in front of him insistently. |
マール「話してよ! | Marle: Tell me! |
Marle: Tell me more! |
He turns away again. |
大臣「もうしあげにくいのですが…… もともと病弱だったアリーチェ様の よう態が急変した時です。 最後に一目国王にお会いしたいと おっしゃっていたアリーチェ様ですが 国王はなんと…… |
Chancellor: It is difficult to say this, but... |
CHANCELLOR: This may be difficult... |
大臣「国のしごとでおいそがしいとはいえ アリーチェ様のもとに来ず…… おさないマールディア様が 死という事もわからぬまま見守る中…… |
Chancellor: Busy with official work or not, |
CHANCELLOR: Said he had some work to |
大臣「アリーチェ様は、おなくなりに なられたのですじゃ……。 いやはや、あれでは国王が アリーチェ様を殺したも同然…… |
Chancellor: Lady Ariche passed |
CHANCELLOR: Aliza passed away in |
マール「……!! 父上が……母様を…… |
Marle: ...!! |
Marle: WHAT...!! |
He finally faces her. |
大臣「おやおや、私とした事が! お気にしませぬようにマールディア様! |
Chancellor: Dear me, what have I done!? |
CHANCELLOR: But what do I know! |
大臣「さ! せっかく戻られたのです。 国王のもとへお立ち寄り下され。 |
Chancellor: Now! You've returned at long last. |
CHANCELLOR: Now...so glad to see you |
He leaves. Well, that certainly wasn't suspicious at all. There is some good news, though. |
めでたき千年祭でもある事だし クロノはとりあえず、しっこうゆうよに しておけとの王のご命令だ。 |
As the Millennial Festival is a joyous event, the king has ordered a suspended sentence for Crono for the time being. |
Since it IS our 1000th Anniversary, The King has, for the time being, ordered probation for Crono. | |
Crono's lawyer is in the barracks with several of the castle's soldiers. |
ベンゴシのピエールです。 マールディア様が城を出られてから 国王はすっかりふさぎこんでしまい…… 私の話も聞いて下さり、王女ゆうかいの 罪はなかった事と…… 時間はかかりましたが、ようやっと 使命をはたせました。 それにしても大臣殿の様子がおかしい。 我々はそのけんにかんして話し合って いるんです。 |
I'm the lawyer Pierre. The king has been thoroughly dejected ever since lady Marledia left the castle... He has also listened to me about there being no crime of abducting the princess... It's taken time, but I have finally carried out my mission. Regardless, something's off about the Chancellor. We are having a discussion regarding this matter. |
I'm your lawyer, Pierre. The King has been so gloomy since Princess Nadia's disappearance... Listening to my story, he has concluded that it was NOT a kidnapping... It's taken time, but I think he understands. Still, the Chancellor's acting weird. He may give us some trouble... |
ドラゴンせんしゃを作るよう命じたり…… あのころから大臣殿は変わってしまった。 |
His orders to construct the Dragon Tank... the chancellor's been different since around then. |
The Chancellor lost it right around the time he ordered that Dragon Tank to be built! |
刑務所にいた兵達は大臣殿の口聞きで 城に来た者達だ。 |
The soldiers in the prison all came to the castle thanks to the chancellor's influence. |
The Chancellor hired all those soldiers that work in the jail. |
口聞き appears to be a typo for 口利き (kuchi kiki), which in this context basically means he vouched for them. |
刑務所の兵達はどうにも いけすかなかった。 時々、俺達を冷たい目で見やがった。 まるで人間じゃない目つきでな。 |
The prison soldiers always gave me the creeps. They sometimes gave us these cold looks that hardly seemed human. |
Those jail guardians were an odd bunch. We got cold stares from them. It's like they weren't even human! |
裁判で王様をたきつけたのも おそらく大臣殿…… |
It's probably the chancellor who riled up the king at the trial, too... |
I heard the Chancellor really gave it to the King in court. |
That would be Crono's trial. It's good to know Crono has some support. A soldier elsewhere goes as far as to say that... |
大臣殿だけは、クロノ有罪を最後まで 決めこんでいました。 |
Only the Chancellor took Crono's guilt for granted to the end. |
Only the Chancellor thought Crono was guilty. |
The chancellor seems a bit obsessed, actually. Talking to him without Marle in the party yields this line if Crono is present... |
うぬぬ…… きさま、かならずや処刑してやる! |
Urrrgh... I swear I'll execute you, damn you! |
Urgh...! You'll see, you'll be put on ice! |
...or this one if not. |
うぬぬ…… クロノのヤツ、かならずや 処刑してやる! |
Urrrgh... I swear I'll execute that damn Crono! |
Oh, my... That Crono, he'll be strung up! |
His line when Marle is present isn't necessarily any more reassuring. |
さ、マールディア様…… | Go on, lady Marledia... | Come, Princess Nadia... | |
Maybe it's not the best idea to go along with this, but let's have Marle talk to the king anway. |
王「おお、マールディア…… | King: Oh, Marledia... |
KING: Oh! |
王「な、何しにもどった! この私に用などないはずだ! |
King: Wh-what did you come back for!? |
KING: W, what do you want! |
マール「……。 | Marle: ... |
Marle: ...... |
王「何だその目は! お前が勝手に城を飛び出すからだぞ! そうかと思えば、そんなキテレツな やからを城に入れるなぞ…… チンドン屋でもはじめるつもりか! |
King: What's that look for!? |
KING: It's your fault for leaving the |
Not a circus, exactly. He's referring to an over-the-top form of public advertising involving flashy outfits and various instruments. You could probably compare it to having a guy in a hot dog suit standing on the corner to promote a new diner. |
マール「何て事言うの! 私の友達に! | Marle: How can you say that to my friends!? |
Marle: Stop it! |
王「その様な者が友達とは ガルディア王家のご先祖様に もうしわけが立たぬわ! |
King: People like that as friends? |
KING: They're a disgrace to this family! |
Are we talking about the same ancestors who treat them, Crono and Frog in particular, as heroes? |
マール「父上は私よりも…… | Marle: You care less about me... |
Marle: Father, you, you... |
She turns away, arms crossed. |
マール「私や母様よりも大事なのね! このガルディア王国が!! |
Marle: Less about me or mother! |
Marle: You care more about your country than me...or mother!! |
王「何……? | King: What...? |
KING: What...? |
She whirls to point accusingly at him. |
マール「母様を殺したのは父上よ! | Marle: You're the one who killed mother! |
Marle: You, ...you killed mother! |
The music stops cold. He rises to his feet. |
王「!! | King: !! |
KING: !! |
王「出て行け! 二度と私の前に姿をあらわすでない! |
King: Get OUT! |
KING: Get... OUT OF HERE this instant!!! |
マール「いわれなくったって 来ないわ! |
Marle: I wouldn't come even |
Marle: Good riddance! | |
王「お前とは親でも子でもない! 勝手にするがいい!! |
King: I consider us neither parent nor child! |
KING: We're no longer family! |
King Guardia storms out of the room, but the chancellor has an evil glint in his eye... |
大臣「……。 | Chancellor: ...... | CHANCELLOR: ...... | |
...though he acts appropriately distressed if spoken to after the scene. |
おお、何という事でしょう…… | Oh, how terrible... | Oh, woe is me... | |
The king can be found staring at the wall in his room in the west tower at this point, but he's not in a talkative mood. |
……。 今さらこの私に用などないはずだ! |
...... Surely you're not here to see me after all that! |
...... I've got nothing to say! |
And even less so if Marle isn't in the group. |
ええい、もういい! お前達も消えるがいい!! |
Argh, enough already! Out of my sight, the lot of you! |
All right, forget it! Beat it, you guys!! |
However, after they check in on him, the chancellor suddenly decides to "help" again. |
そうですな、王のお好きな物でも 持ってプレゼントしてはいかがです? 王は最近、ハイパーほしにくに 目がなくておいでです。 |
Oh yes, what about bringing the king something he likes as a present? He has been rather obsessed with Hyper Jerky of late. |
Why not give the King a present? He's been known to love jerky... |
The idiom 目がない (me ga nai, literally "doesn't have eyes") means being fond of something to the point of being unable to think rationally about it. A series of clues leads to a source of Hyper Jerky. Buying some and having Marle bring it to King Guardia finally prompts a reaction. |
王「そ、それは? | King: Wh-what's that? | KING: W, what's that? | |
マール「父上の……好物だよ。 | Marle: Your... favorite. | Marle: Your... favorite. | |
王「…… お前が私に? |
King: ...... |
KING: ...... |
王「どれ…… | King: Let's see... | KING: Let's see... | |
Again, the music stops cold. |
王「!! | King: !! | KING: !! | |
王「はうう……!! | King: Urk...!! | KING: What...!! | |
めし使い「ど、どうされました!? | Servant: Wh-what is the matter!? | SERVANT: What is it, sir?! | |
王「うう…… 私の血あつが高い事を知っていながら こんなゲキカラな物を……! |
King: Urgh... |
KING: How dare you...?! |
Do spicy food and high blood pressure have a connection? That's not something I'm familiar with, but maybe they do. "Strange Happening" starts playing as Marle looks shocked. |
マール「え!? それ大好物じゃ…… | Marle: What!? Wasn't it your favorite...? | Marle: But...it's your favorite! | |
王「今度という今度は、カンベンならん! お前が私をここまでキライなのが よくわかった! |
King: I will not tolerate any more! |
KING: This is the last straw! |
マール「ちがうよ、父上…… | Marle: Father, that's not... | Marle: Father, NO...! | |
王「どこへでも行け! 二度と姿を見せるな!! |
King: Leave! I don't care where! |
KING: Leave! |
マール「父上!! | Marle: Father!! | Marle: Father!! | |
The party is ejected from the castle. No one stops them from reentering, but forget about getting back into the king's room. |
かたく閉ざされている……。 | It's shut tight... | It's shut tight... | |
王は誰にも会いたくないとの事です。 | The king does not wish to see anyone. | The King does not wish to see anybody. | |
あれ以来、王はねこまれてしまって…… お体よりも、気持ちがふさぎこんで おられるようです。 |
The king has been bedridden ever since... It would seem to be more of an emotional dejection than any physical problem. |
If you must know, he's been bedridden since then. He's emotionally drained. |
Well, if that went as planned, it's certainly not the plan of anyone Marle wants to be friends with. |
チョラス村 A.D. 600 Choras Village | Choras | ||
Toma the explorer is at the bar. He seems to frequent them, doesn't he? |
トマ「よう、{char1}。 俺は、ついに虹色の貝がらの 手がかりを見つけたぜ。 しかし、今度ばかりはヤバいかんじが するんだ。 そうそう、こいつをあんたに あずけとくぜ。 |
Toma: Yo, {char1}. |
TOMA: Hey {char1}, I've finally got a |
トマのさけを手に入れた! | Got Toma's Sake! | ||
トマ「もし俺が死んだら、俺の墓に この酒をかけてくれよ。 ……、ケッ、エンギでもねェや。 |
Toma: If I die, pour this sake on my grave. |
TOMA: If I don't return, come to my |
So... 400 years should be plenty of time for him to die, right? |
西の岬 A.D. 1000 Western Cape | West Cape | ||
There's a grave here on the cape northwest of Choras. It's considered to be within the town limits, so "Tranquil Days" plays. |
王国歴 634・3・6 いだいなる探検家 トマ・レバイン ここに眠る……。 |
3/6, Royal Year 634. The great explorer Toma Levine rests here... |
The Great Adventurer Toma Levine rests here... 3/6/634 |
"Levine" rhymes with "sign", not with "scene", for what it's worth. The party leader pours the sake on the grave, and Toma's ghost appears. |
トマ「よう{char1}、ひさしぶりだな。 ついに、虹色の貝がらを見つけたぜ。 |
Toma: Yo, {char1}, long time no see. |
TOMA: {char1}, long time no see. |
トマ「この岬から北西の海上に 巨人のツメと呼ばれる島がある。 虹色の貝がらは、そこにある。 |
Toma: There's an island called Giant's Claw |
TOMA: To the northwest of this cape is |
The screen shows a view, in A.D. 600, panning from the cape to the northwest and stopping over an island with a small mountain on it. There's a cave in the mountain that wasn't visible until Toma pointed out the island. |
トマ「しかし、気をつけな。 あそこにゃ化け物がわんさといるぜ。 |
Toma: But be careful. |
TOMA: But beware! |
トマ「じゃあ、そろそろお別れだ。 | Toma: Well, it's time I left. |
TOMA: Time to shove off. |
Toma's ghost rises and vanishes. |
トマ「やっぱり、お前と飲む酒は最高だぜ。 あばよ……。 |
Toma: The sake I drink with you really |
TOMA: You guys are a riot a minute! |
巨人のツメ A.D. 600 Giant's Claw | Giant's Claw | ||
The cave looks a lot like the Primeval caverns, and "Tyran Castle" plays too, even during battles. There's a note in the entrance. |
トマの書いたらしいメモが落ちている…… 『落としあな…もしかしてわざと落ちる? ちっ…でなおしてくるか……』 |
A note Toma likely wrote is on the ground... |
Toma's crumpled note: "Those holes! What if I jump into them on purpose? Yes! I'll start back at the beginning, and..." |
Anyway, the next room is where it gets interesting, because it looks just like Azarla's throne room. |
(someone speaks) |
マール「ティラン城? | Marle: Tyran Castle? | Marle: Is this the Tyrano Lair? |
ルッカ「ティラン城? | Lucca: Tyran Castle? | Lucca: Is this the Tyrano Lair? |
カエル「ティラン城か? | Frog: Tyran Castle? | Frog: The Tyrano Lair? |
ロボ「ココハ恐竜人の 城のようデスネ。 |
Robo: THIS appears to BE |
Robo: Looks like the Reptites' |
エイラ「ゾワー!! 恐竜人の城 なんでこんなとこ ある? |
Ayla: Zowah!! |
Ayla: What!! |
魔王「原始時代の城か? | Magus: A castle of the Primeval era? | Magus: A prehistoric castle? |
(someone speaks) |
マール「ラヴォスが落ちてきたときに 地中深くうまって…… そのまま遺跡に なっていたのね。 |
Marle: When Lavos came falling it was |
Marle: This must have been pushed |
ルッカ「ラヴォス落下時に 地中深くにうまって遺跡化したのね。 |
Lucca: When Lavos fell it was buried |
Lucca: When Lavos fell, this became |
カエル「ラヴォスが落ちてきた時 地中深くうまり…… そのまま遺跡になったってわけか……。 |
Frog: When Lavos came falling it was |
Frog: When Lavos came hither, |
ロボ「ラヴォス落下時に 地中にうまり、そのまま遺跡に なったのデスネ。 |
Robo: When Lavos fell, it WAS buried |
Robo: This must have been pushed |
エイラ「ラヴォス ふってきた時 ティラン城 うまった。 そのまま ずーっと 地面の下……! |
Ayla: When Lavos rained down Tyran |
Ayla: Lavos fall and Tyrano Lair |
魔王「原始の城…… | Magus: A Primeval castle... | Magus: Prehistoric castle... |
So this is Tyran Castle, or at least what's left of it. Many of the rooms are nearly unchanged, but most of the interconnections have been replaced with a cave system that doesn't resemble the original layout. And, of course, the monsters are tougher. Monsters include the Fossil Ape, Ancient Saurus (Gigasaur), Ancient Nix (Leaper), and Tyran Kite (Lizardactyl). They're mostly similar to their prehistoric equivalents, with the Fossil Ape having high magical but low physical defense, and the Ancient Nix and Ancient Saurus having high physical defense until shocked but low magic defense. The Tyran Kite has normal defenses for the most part, except that in an unusual twist, it absorbs Aether damage, so simply electrocuting everything reptilian won't always work here. There's a Power Capsule behind one of the skulls that opens by stepping on a button, and another one on the floor in the next room. In that room, there's also a half-hidden chest near the far door containing the Blue Stone, which lets the Magus, Lucca, and Robo use the very powerful Dark-based Omega Flare skill. A similar chest in the next room contains a Stardust Cape. Take the left exit from the room above the original entryway to find a chest with the Fury Bracelet. The egg in one room is still trapped to open a trapdoor to the basement, but that's fine since the basement doesn't open from the outside. Head up the stairs for yet another Power Capsule, then all the way down to find a save point. The back of the cell where Kino was held now has an opening, so head through to find... a giant T-Rex. It's a boss, with the special second boss music even. The Rust Tyranno (Rust Tyrano) is basically a stronger version of Azarla's Black Tyranno, but at this point, it shouldn't pose much of a threat. Regardless of its massive HP total, the Rust Tyranno has standard defenses. It sometimes chews on people to heal when it's not counting down for the fire breath, but other than that, it's rather unremarkable, especially with Fire resistance. Ayla should steal a rare Red Plate. With the Rust Tyranno out of the way, the party continues into the cave to find a large shell that glimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. |
The second character speaks. |
マール「これが虹色の貝がら! | Marle: This is the Prismatic Shell! | Marle: THIS's the Rainbow Shell! |
ルッカ「これが虹色の貝がら! | Lucca: This is the Prismatic Shell! | Lucca: The Rainbow Shell! |
カエル「フム。これが虹の貝がらか。 | Frog: Hmm. So this is the rainbow shell. | Frog: Behold! |
Frog isn't referring to it by the full proper name, so here's slightly different wording with no capitals. Though that may have been a simple typo. |
ロボ「虹色の貝がらデスネ。 | Robo: It IS the Prismatic Shell. | Robo: The Rainbow Shell. |
エイラ「きれい! 大きい! これ 虹色の貝がらか? 食べられるか? |
Ayla: Pretty! Big! |
Ayla: Pretty! |
魔王「私には、にあわぬ色だ……。 | Magus: The color doesn't suit me... | Magus: Rather drab, isn't it? |
So the Magus has a fashion sense. Hmm. |
They try lifting it, but can't keep it off the ground for long. |
The third character speaks. |
マール「重~い! これじゃあ運べないよ。 城からおうえんを呼んでこよう! |
Marle: Heaaaaavy! |
Marle: It's heavy! |
ルッカ「重すぎるわね。 ガルディア城からおうえんを呼んで きましょう。 |
Lucca: It's too heavy. |
Lucca: It's too heavy. |
カエル「重い! 王にお願いし、城からおうえんえを 呼んで来よう。 |
Frog: Heavy! |
Frog: Heavy, it be! |
ロボ「重すぎマス。 ガルディア城からオウエンを 呼ばないと。 |
Robo: It IS too heavy. |
Robo: It weighs a ton! |
エイラ「おもい おもい! 運べない。城に 誰か いないのか? |
Ayla: Heavy, heavy! |
Ayla: Heavy heavy! |
魔王「誰かに運ばせるか? | Magus: Can we make someone else move it? | Magus: Who's going to carry this for |
The scene fades out as the party leaves... |
ガルディア城 A.D. 600 Guardia Castle | Guardia Castle | ||
...and fades in at the castle, saving the player the trouble of going there manually. Everyone of importance is assembled in the throne room. By the way, there's a funny minor glitch here. Keep pressing in a direction (any direction, optionally with the run button pressed) after the screen fades out and until it fades back in at the castle. Your lead character will be stuck in the walking or running animation! The effect wears off when that character speaks, or after the scene ends, whichever comes first. |
王「よくぞ来た! 君らは、いつでもかんげいするぞ。 ん? どうされた? |
King: Good of you to come! |
KING: Hello! |
(someone speaks) |
マール「実は…… | Marle: Actually... | Marle: Well... | |
ルッカ「あ、あのですね…… | Lucca: Ah, well, you see... | Lucca: Um, well, it's... | |
カエル「おそれながら、お願いが ございます…… |
Frog: Most respectfully, we have |
Frog: We asketh a favor... | |
ロボ「お願いがあるのデスガ…… | Robo: We HAVE a request... | Robo: We would like to ask a |
エイラ「エイラ たのみ ある。 | Ayla: Ayla have request. | Ayla: Ayla have favor. | |
王「なるほど、その島にある 大きな貝がらを、後世までほかんして ほしいと? |
King: I see, you want me to take the |
KING: I get it. You want me to keep |
リーネ「他ならぬ、{char1}達の たのみです。 私からもお願いします。 |
Leene: The request is from none other |
LEENE: I ask for the sake of {char1}. |
The above line looks rather odd if the Magus is your lead character, considering they were just at war! Then again, it's unlikely anyone knows him by sight. |
王「あいわっかた! その虹色の貝がらやら、城に運ばせ 家宝として代々、宝物庫に 安置させよう。 騎士団長! |
King: Understood! |
KING: Done! |
騎士団長「は! | Knight Captain: Sir! | KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Yes, Majesty! |
王「巨人のツメにわたり、虹色の貝がらなる 巨大な貝を、何としても城に 持ちかえるのだ! |
King: Cross to Giant's Claw and bring the huge |
KING: Go and obtain the Rainbow Shell, |
騎士団長「は、ただちに! | Knight Captain: Yes, sir, at once! | KNIGHT CAPTAIN: At once, Sire! |
(someone speaks) |
マール「ありがとう、王様!リーネ! | Marle: Thanks, your majesty and Leene! | Marle: Thank you, your Majesty! |
ルッカ「ありがとうございます! | Lucca: Thank you! | Lucca: Thank you very much! |
カエル「私の様な者のため ありがとうございます。 |
Frog: Thank you for doing this for |
Frog: Thanks to thee, from one so |
ロボ「アリガトウゴザイマス! | Robo: THANK YOU! | Robo: Thank you very much! |
エイラ「お前 いいヤツ! エイラ 気に入ったぞ! |
Ayla: You good guy! |
Ayla: You, good man! |
I love how she's speaking to the king without even the faintest trace of formality, and getting away with it, too. |
Fortunately, the Sylbird is parked outside the castle, and not back on Giant's Claw. As a side note, back in the bottom of the cave on Giant's Claw, the knights can now be seen diligently working to move the shell. |
兵士「お、重~い~ でも、必ず城へ運びます! |
Soldier: H-heeeaavyyyy! |
SOLDIER: It's heavy... |
騎士団長「みんな~! がんばれー!! |
Knight Captain: Everyone! |
KNIGHT CAPTAIN: Okay, everyone! |
ガルディア城 A.D. 1000 Guardia Castle | Guardia Castle | ||
Something's wrong. Soldiers block off most of the castle. |
裁判が終わるまでは ふうさしろとの大臣のご命令です。 |
The chancellor ordered that until the trial ends, things be put on lockdown. |
The King ordered that the court be locked until the trial's over. |
That's odd. What's going on? What trial? Why the chancellor's orders? Could this have something to do with what the party just did in the Middle Ages? How did the translation turn "chancellor" into "King"? Let's try asking some of the other soldiers... |
間もなく裁判が始まります。 誰って? ガルディア王の裁判です。 |
Before long, the trial will begin. Whose, you ask? It's King Guardia's trial. |
The trial of the century is about to begin. Who's, you ask? King Guardia's, of course! |
王が代々伝わる家宝をひそかに 売り飛ばしたという事ですが……。 |
They say the king secretly sold off an heirloom that was passed down for generations... |
They say the King sold off the royal treasures. |
Just about the only open area is the hallway to the courtroom, but soldiers guard the entrance to the trial chamber. |
通せません! | We cannot let you pass! | No entry allowed! | |
If Marle is in the group, she lets forth a mighty shout! |
マール「通しなさーい!! | Marle: LET US THROUGH!! | Marle: Let me through!! |
The guards hastily move out of the way, and the party enters the courtroom. "Kingdom Trial" plays, and the king stands in the defendant's position, with the chancellor acting as prosecuter. There is, incidentally, no defense attorney. |
大臣「みなさん!王家に伝わる家宝 『虹色貝がら』をご存じですか? 私もこれを見るまでは 知りませんでした。 |
Chancellor: Everyone! Do you know of the |
CHANCELLOR: Had any of you heard of |
The chancellor pulls out some papers. |
大臣「ガルディアの遠い祖先の書いた 遺言です。 『千年の建国祭の時に 家宝『虹色の貝がら』を 国民の前にまつれ。』 |
Chancellor: It's a will that Guardia's |
CHANCELLOR: It's an ancestral will. |
王「そんな物は知らん! だいたい家宝などこの城にはない。 |
King: I know of no such thing! |
KING: What are you talking about?! |
That's interesting... I thought that when the party changes history, only they (and a few special beings existing outside of normal time) are aware that things haven't always been the way they have become. So the king ought to know about the Prismatic Shell, unless it was forgotten in the past 400 years, or he somehow gained immunity to the change... or someone arranged for it to be forgotten. Or maybe it's just an oversight by the writers. |
大臣「これがニセモノとでも? なぜヒコクは『虹色の貝がら』を 国民の前に出さないのか? それはもうここにないからです。 よくに目がくらんだヒコクはお金ほしさ に大事な家宝を売ってしまったのです。 さ、証人を……。 |
Chancellor: Are you suggesting this is a forgery? |
CHANCELLOR: So this is a forgery? |
Is that always going to be his supposed motive for everything? Maybe he's projecting... Marle bursts into the room. |
大臣「な、何です王女様。裁判中です。 | Chancellor: Wh-what is it, Princess? |
CHANCELLOR: Wh, what is it, Nadia? |
マール「父上! | Marle: Father! | Marle: Father! |
王「おお、マールディアよ 私は大臣にはめられようとしている! |
King: Oh, Marledia, I'm about to be |
KING: Nadia! |
The music fades out as the chancellor turns to address Marle. |
大臣「人聞きが悪いですなあ。 しょうこさえあれば王の無実は 証明できるのですよ。 | Chancellor: How slanderous. |
CHANCELLOR: He hurls insults! |
マール「しょうこ? | Marle: Proof? | Marle: Proof? |
大臣「ええ もし家宝を売っていなければ まだこの城にあるはずですからな。 私の目の前に『虹色の貝がら』を 持って来られたのならば、無罪を みとめましょう。 ま、無理でしょうけどね……くく…。 |
Chancellor: Yes. |
CHANCELLOR: Yes. If he hasn't sold the |
王「大臣! 何をたくらんでおる?! | King: Chancellor! What are you plotting!? | KING: Chancellor! |
"Abyssal Temple" starts playing. |
大臣「さ、そいつらをつまみ出せ! | Chancellor: Now, throw them out! | CHANCELLOR: Remove them! |
Odd that he uses an explict plural, even though only Marle seems to have actually come all the way into the room... A guard runs in and herds Marle out of the room. Outside, the guards resume their position blocking the door. ...but they don't actually close the door, just block the doorway. Huh? |
通せません! | We cannot let you pass! | No entry allowed! | |
マール「通しなさーい!! | Marle: LET US THROUGH!! | Marle: Let me through!! |
だめです。 王女さまといえどもお通しできません。 |
No. You may be the princess, but we cannot allow you to pass even so. |
Princess, not even you may enter. | |
(someone speaks) |
ルッカ「『虹色の貝がら』を 持って行けば無実を証明出来るわ! |
Lucca: If we bring the Prismatic Shell, |
Lucca: Find the "Rainbow Shell," |
カエル「『虹色の貝がら』を 持って行けば無実を証明できるぜ! |
Frog: If we bring the Prismatic Shell, |
Frog: 'Tis the "Rainbow Shell" that |
ロボ「『虹色の貝がら』を 持って行けば無実を証明デキマス。 |
Robo: If we bring the Prismatic Shell, |
Robo: The "Rainbow Shell" will |
エイラ「『虹色の貝がら』 持ってく! マールの父親 助ける!! |
Ayla: Bring Prismatic Shell! |
Ayla: Take "Rainbow Shell!" |
魔王「『虹色の貝がら』を 持って行けばいいではないか……。 |
Magus: Shouldn't we just bring the |
Magus: Taking the "Rainbow Shell" |
マール「何言ってるの! あれは大臣のでっちあげなのよ。 初めっから家宝なんてないのよ!! |
Marle: What are you saying! |
Marle: What ARE you saying!? |
(someone speaks) |
ルッカ「わすれたの? 私達がAD600年でやってきた事…。 歴史を変えたため、今の時代のこの城に 『虹色の貝がら』はあるはずなのよ! |
Lucca: Have you forgotten |
Lucca: We changed history back in |
カエル「わすれたか? 俺達がAD600年でやってきた事を。 歴史を変えたため、今の時代のこの城に 『虹色の貝がら』があるはずなんだ。 |
Frog: Have you forgotten |
Frog: Hast thou forgotten? |
ロボ「わすれマシタカ? AD600年でやってきた事。 歴史を変えたため、今の時代のこの城に 『虹色の貝がら』があるはずなのデス。 |
Robo: HAVE you forgotten |
Robo: We altered history in 600 A.D.! |
エイラ「思いだせ マール! エイラ達 むかしの王様 たのんだ! 『虹色の貝がら』 今 この城ある! ちがうか? |
Ayla: Remember, Marle! |
Ayla: Remember Marle?! |
魔王「バカめ、わすれたか? AD600年でやってきた事を…… |
Magus: Idiot, you forgot |
Magus: Idiot! |
マール「なるほど! AD600年の王様…… つまり先祖さまにわたして来た 『虹色の貝がら』が400年たった 今でもしまってあるって言うのね? |
Marle: I get it! |
Marle: Aha! |
マール「行きましょう。 きっと地下だわ! |
Marle: Let's go. |
Marle: It's probably in the |
Downstairs, there's another stairwell going down that wasn't there before asking the king of A.D. 600 to store the Prismatic Shell. The guard at the bottom of the stairs is lying on the ground... |
く…… ネズミにスネをかじられた。 |
Kh... My leg got bitten by a rat. |
Ouch! A rat bit me! |
Well. Anyway, there are two Biters (Gnashers), the weak snake monsters from Manoria Abbey early in the game, just around the corner. |
にょろた「親分は13代にわたる うらみがはらせるってウキウキさ。 きっきっきっき! |
Slitherta: It's so great that the boss will be |
DUMB: The boss is itching to avenge the |
にょろにょろ (nyoronyoro) represents the sound of a slithering snake. I'm not sure what, if anything, the ending た (ta) here and ぽん (pon) in the next line mean, so I just tacked them onto "slither". |
にょろぽん「でっちあげのしょうこ品で 王様を死刑にするんだとよ。 きっきっきっき! |
Slitherpon: He says the king'll be put |
DUMBER: He's gonna frame the king! |
Then they notice the party and attack. The music keeps playing even during battle. But the monsters are as weak as ever, so no worries. |
If Marle is still in the active party, she reacts. |
マール「やっぱりいんぼうよ! 急ぎましょう! |
Marle: There really is a conspiracy! |
Marle: So there IS a plot! |
The scene jumps back to the courtroom. A generic man is testifying. |
商人「ええ、たしかに王様から 買いましたよ。 大変お金に困られていた様子で……。 |
Merchant: Yes, I definitely bought |
MERCHANT: I confess. |
ガルディア王「うそをもうすな! 私はお前など会ったこともない。 |
King Guardia: Don't lie! |
KING: Liar!! |
裁判長「せいしゅくに! | Presiding Judge: Order! | JUDGE: Order in the court! | |
The merchant walks up close to the chancellor. |
商人「へへ これでよかったかい? |
Merchant: Heh, heh. |
MERCHANT: Heh heh. |
大臣「グーだ! | Chancellor: Good! | CHANCELLOR: Perfect! | |
The scene jumps back to our heroes, who are abruptly attacked by more monsters, including a Mianne (Naga-ette), but winning is effortless. The are more weak monsters down the hallway, several setting up pointless ambushes. At the far end, sitting in an elevated carpeted alcove, is the Prismatic Shell. Marle must be in the active group to do anything with it. The music fades out as she approaches the shell. |
マール「あった! 虹色の貝がら!! | Marle: Here it is! The Prismatic Shell!! | Marle: The Rainbow Shell!! |
The first of the following characters who is in the active group checks the shell. |
ルッカ「何これ……、てがみ? | Lucca: What's this... a letter? | Lucca: What's this...a letter? |
ロボ「何デスカ、このてがみハ? | Robo: What IS this letter? | Robo: There is a letter? |
カエル「こんな所にてがみ……? | Frog: A letter in a place like this...? | Frog: Why, 'tis a letter? |
エイラ「ここ 何かある! かみ ある かみ ある! |
Ayla: Something here! |
Ayla: Something here! |
魔王「てがみがあるぞ。 もやすか? |
Magus: There's a letter. |
Magus: There's a letter here. |
マール「マールへ……? 親愛なるマールへ。 父上との仲はいかがでしょう? 今のあなたには、わからないかも 知れませんが、いがみあっても はなれていても、親子は親子。 あなたは、いつか親から巣立って 行かねばなりません。 そして、あなたもいつか親となる。 それはいつの世も変わりないはず。 だからこそ、私達とマールも つながっているのですから……。 ガルディア王21世 その王妃リーネより。 |
Marle: To Marle...? |
Marle: To Marle...? |
The character who found the letter continues. |
ルッカ「ニクい事やってくれるわね…… って、それどころじゃないわ! |
Lucca: What a horribly wonderful thing to do... |
Lucca: Boy, can she tell it like it is!! |
カエル「リーネ様…… さ、先を急ごう! |
Frog: Lady Leene... |
Frog: Dear Queen Leene...! |
ロボ「ワタシは親がいないので 子を愛する気持ちがわかりまセンが この文章は何か……あたたかいデスネ。 |
Robo: I have no parents, so I do NOT |
Robo: Although I have no emotions, |
No emotions? Really? |
エイラ「おう すだつ! エイラにもそれ わかる! プテランもすだつ。 時たてば すだつ! マールも すだつか? それすごい! |
Ayla: Oh, leave nest! |
Ayla: Ayla know about |
エイラ「すだつ! ねねする! 子供うむ! おっぱいやる! そしてまだ 子がすだつ! |
Ayla: Leave nest! Make baby! |
Ayla: Leave nest! |
おっぱいやる (oppai yaru) is literally a crude term for "breasts" plus a verb meaning "do" or "give". Of course she means nursing, but she doesn't say it very politely. |
魔王「感動している場合では ないと思うが……。 |
Magus: I don't think this is any time |
Magus: Perhaps we could have this |
マール「父上!今行くからねッ!! | Marle: Father! I'll be right there!! | Marle: Father! |
Marle reaches for the shell. |
にじいろのかけらを手に入れた! | Got Prismatic Shard! | You got 1 PrismShard! | |
If Ayla found the letter, she approaches Marle and gets touchy-feely with her. |
エイラ「オマエ だいじょぶか? おっぱいないな……。 |
Ayla: You be okay? |
Ayla: Sure you ready leave nest? |
Marle crosses her arms across her chest. I have to admire Ayla's ability to be totally open and honest about anything and everything. Though to be fair, it's clear from the concept art that Marle does have breasts, but of a modest size (unlike Ayla and many other anime females), and her clothing is fairly baggy as well. Anyway, it seems that Ayla is concerned that Marle may have trouble nursing the kids, and it doesn't occur to her that saying this could be considered embarrasing or insulting. On the other hand, おっぱい could also refer to breast milk rather than the breasts themselves, but Ayla would know that women don't constantly lactate. Wouldn't she? |
The scene shifts back to the courtroom again. "Concealed Truth" plays. |
裁判長「ばいしんいん達よ。 有罪と思う者は左へ 無罪だと思う者は右へ行きなさい! |
Presiding Judge: Jurors. |
JUDGE: Members of the jury... |
The first juror enters. |
有罪 | Guilty. | Guilty. | |
He moves to the left as the next juror enters. The scene switches back to the party, still in the basement. The music keeps playing even if they get into battles on the way out. Back upstairs, the guards are still refusing entrance to the courtroom. Marle must be in the active group to proceed. |
マール「どーしてもダメと言うの? | Marle: You're sure I can't no matter what? | Marle: You won't reconsider? |
兵士「はい、どーしてもです。 | Soldier: Yes, no matter what. | SOLDIER: No, Princess. |
マール「手があるわ! 少々あらっぽいけど…… ついて来て! |
Marle: There is a way! |
Marle: There is one way... |
The music comes to a conclusion. Marle and the others run down the hall, and the scene moves back into the courtroom. |
裁判長「判決をいいわたす! 有罪4 無罪1 よって有罪とする!! |
Presiding Judge: I now announce the verdict! |
JUDGE: The verdict is in! |
Someone give that lone juror a medal. The others can have a gullibility test, or perhaps a corruption investigation. |
大臣「これでガルディアの時代は 終わりましたな…… これからは、この私が国をしきします。 さ! つれて行け!! |
Chancellor: And now, the age of |
CHANCELLOR: The Guardia line ends |
Wait. With the king removed, the chancellor takes over? And he was the prosecutor? Wow, can you say "conflict of interest" and "system is broken"? |
「待ってーーー!! | : WAIT!! | Wait!!! |
大臣「誰だ! | Chancellor: Who's there! | CHANCELLOR: Who is it?! |
"Manoria Abbey" starts playing, and Marle's silhouette appears behind the massive stained-glass window in the back of the courtroom, which depicts the figure of a wise-looking old man with a large set of scales, presumably symbolic of the justice system. Marle roams around as though looking for something, climbs something up to about the top of the figure... |
マール「ちちうえェーー!! | Marle: FATHER!! | Marle: FATHER!!! |
...crashes through from behind, shattering the figure's head and chest, which is probably symbolic of something, and lands in the middle of the courtroom. The jurors all rush out of the room, and the chancellor looks shocked. |
王「マールディア! | King: Marledia! | KING: Nadia! |
大臣「マールディア様! | Chancellor: Lady Marledia! |
CHANCELLOR: Princess! |
大臣「し、しかしもうおそい! ガルディア王は国民の裁判によって刑は 決まったのです。 王といえども…… |
Chancellor: H-however, you are too late! |
CHANCELLOR: You're too late! |
マール「そんな事ないわよ! それは、あなたのでっちあげよ!! |
Marle: Not a chance! |
Marle: No, this was a set up! |
大臣「いやいや、事実王は王家の宝を…… | Chancellor: Oh no, the truth about the |
CHANCELLOR: Nonsense! |
マール「宝ならここに!! | Marle: You want treasure, here it is!! | Marle: But the treasure is right |
Marle opens the doors to let in the other two (I thought they were following her?), and holds out the shard. |
大臣「そ、それは! | Chancellor: Th-that's! | CHANCELLOR: IMPOSSIBLE!! |
マール「かんねんなさい! 大臣! |
Marle: Give it up, chancellor! | Marle: Your little scheme is over, |
大臣「くく…… | Chancellor: Ku ku... | CHANCELLOR: Grrr...I mean...uh... |
マール「? | Marle: ? | Marle: Huh? |
大臣「くくくく…… かんねんするのは君達の方だよ。 先祖代々うけつがれてきたうらみ 今ここではらさせてもらうよ! |
Chancellor: Ku ku ku ku... |
CHANCELLOR: Hee hee hee! |
The king rushes out of the room, and the judge just sort of disappears. The music fades out as the chancellor moves to the middle of an open area. |
大臣「スーパーウルトラデラックス 大臣チェーーーンジ!! |
Chancellor: Super Ultra Deluxe |
CHANCELLOR: Super, ultra, presto... |
And with cheap special effects, he turns into an ugly blue-grey Yakra-looking thing. Remember, the boss near the beginning of the game that took the place of the chancellor in A.D. 600? That Yakra. Anyway, it's time for a boss battle. He's been asking for a beating ever since Crono's trial anyway. Yakra XIII has standard defenses and a fairly high HP total. He uses an annoying confusion-inducing attack, but other than that can't do much for the first stage of the battle. Equip gear that prevents confusion for best results. After a while, he starts talking... |
先祖からきいているぞ おまえらのじゃくてんは、、、 コレだ! |
I heard from my ancestors. Your weakness is... This! |
Heard about it from the ancestors! Your weaknesses are... This is it! |
After reaching the last line, he unleashes a fairly powerful attack against one character. After this point, he will fairly often yell: |
スピンニードル バージョン13だ! | Spin Needle Version 13! | NeedleSpin: Version 13! | |
...and use the same attack. He'll also occasionally use a similar attack that hits everyone at once. Keep health up, and he'll go down. Ayla can steal both a Last Elixir and a rare White Plate from Yakra XIII. When his HP runs out... |
ま、また 負けるのか、、、 | I l-lose again...? | D...defeated again... | |
...he uses the needle attack that hits everyone, one last time. If a counterattack finished him off, he falls without getting to use the final attack. A shiny something lands on the ground where he died, King Guardia comes back into the room, and "At the Bottom of Night" begins to play. |
マール「父上…… 私…… |
Marle: Father... |
Marle: Father... |
王「いいんじゃ、何も言うな。 わからずやの私がいけなかったんだ。 |
King: It's all right. Don't say a thing. |
KING: No, don't say it. |
マール「私こそ父上の気持ちも 知らないで…… ううん……. 頭ではわかっていたけど うまく言葉にならなくて……。 |
Marle: I'm the one who didn't even |
Marle: No, I didn't even think about |
王「私もさ。 一時はお前が本当に遠くに行って しまったように思えた。 でもよく考えてみると、遠くに行って いたのは私のほうだったのだな。 |
King: Nor could I. |
KING: I too, have that problem. |
Marle shakes her head. |
マール「今は近くにいる。 これからは父上に何でも言える。 いろんな事をそうだんしたり クロノの事を話したり 母上の事を聞いたり…… |
Marle: Now we're close. |
Marle: But I'm here now. |
王「母か……はずかしい話だが あの時の言葉が今やっと わかってきた気がする。 アリーチェがいきを引き取る前に 言った言葉…… 『マールディアが大きくなれば あなたの前に好きな人を連れて来る日が 来るでしょう。 その時は2人をあたたかく むかえてやってね。 ……だって、その日はあなたにとっても わすれられないすばらしい日に なるのですから。』 |
King: Your mother... I'm embarrased to say |
KING: Your mother... |
"Ariche" is the best I can do with アリーチェ (ARIICHE). That's a long i, and the ending is like "Chex" (the cereal) minus the 'x'. |
マール「母上の最後の言葉を 父上は聞いていたのね? |
Marle: So, you were listening to |
Marle: You...heard her last words? |
王「ああ…… お前は小さかったからおぼえて いないかもしれないが…… 『パパ、私好きな人いっぱいいるよ! いっぱい いっぱい!』 ってはしゃいでいたよ。 そんなマールディアを見て安心した アリーチェはほほえみながらいきを 引き取った……。 |
King: Yes... |
KING: Of course! |
マール「そうだったの…… | Marle: So that's how it was... | Marle: So that's how it was... |
ガルディア王「どうしたんだい? | King Guardia: What's wrong? | KING: Yes, why? |
Marle stands there for a few moments, as if thinking about something, before turning to continue the conversation. |
マール「私って小さいころは 父上のことパパって呼んでいたのね。 |
Marle: When I was little, |
Marle: I used to call you "Daddy?" |
王「ああ、そうだよ。 | King: Yes, that's right. | KING: You did. |
Marle walks over and hugs him. |
マール「ごめんなさい…… パパ…… わがまま言って本当にごめんなさい…。 |
Marle: I'm sorry... |
Marle: I'm sorry...Daddy. |
The scene moves to the throne room, where King Guardia sits on the throne and "Courage and Pride" plays. |
王「城を出るのはみとめよう、じゃが! くれぐれも気をつけるのじゃぞ。 キミ達、娘をたのんだぞ。 |
King: I will accept your leaving the castle. |
KING: I'll let you exit the castle, BUT! |
(someone responds). |
Crono nods. |
ルッカ「……はい! | Lucca: ...okay! | Lucca: ...Yessir! | |
カエル「……しょうちいたしました。 | Frog: ...understood. | Frog: Indeed, Sir. | |
ロボ「オマカセクダサイ! | Robo: PLEASE LEAVE IT TO US! | Robo: You can count on us! | |
エイラ「お前 心配しょう! エイラ マール 守る! |
Ayla: You worrywart! |
Ayla: You no worry! |
The Magus makes no response. |
「さて、ワシの出番じゃな……。 | : Now then, it's my turn... | It's my turn, now... | |
The doors open, and Marle and the others turn to see Bosch walk into the throne room. |
マール「ボッシュ! | Marle: Bosch! | Marle: Melchior! | |
ボッシュ「お前さん達ばかりに おいしい所を持ってくれてたまるか。 虹色の貝がらからの防具作りは ワシがやろう! ひさかたぶりの出番じゃ。 腕がなるわい! |
Bosch: As if I'd let you guys |
MELCHIOR: Can't let you run the whole |
He walks back out of the throne room. Meanwhile, the king's new line is: |
すまなかったな、キミ達。 いや、思いかえせば、はずかしい所を 見せてしまった……。 これからもマールディアを よろしくたのむぞ。 |
Sorry, everyone. Oh dear, thinking back on it, I really showed you an embarrasing mess... Continue to take good care of Marledia for me. |
Sorry, fellas. I'm terribly embarrassed... Take care of Princess Nadia, OK? |
Remember the shiny thing Yakra XIII dropped? Let's go check that out. "Kingdom Trial" still plays in the courtroom. And the stained glass is miraculously repaired...! The spectators apparently have nothing better to do than sit around here, either. |
ヤクラのカギを手に入れた! | Got Yakra's Key! | You got 1 Yakra Key! | |
There's a locked chest partway down the stairs that this key opens. The chest opens, and the real chancellor pops out! |
大臣「ふーっ、助かったわい! あの化け物め、こんなとこに おしこめおってからに……! |
Chancellor: Phew, I'm saved! |
CHANCELLOR: Phew, finally! |
If Marle is around, he notices. |
大臣「お、マルディア様! お友達ですかな? |
Chancellor: Oh, lady Marledia! |
CHANCELLOR: Princess Nadia! |
Suddenly, his jaw drops open. |
大臣「と、こうしちゃおれん。 千年祭ムーンライト・パレードの じゅんびにとりかからねば! |
Chancellor: Oh, this simply won't do. |
CHANCELLOR: Wait, I don't have time for |
Bosch awaits the party in the basement by the Prismatic Shell. |
ボッシュ「これは特別な物質じゃ。 これから作る防具は魔法攻撃を受けた 時のききめを弱める事が出来るのじゃ。 プリズム・ドレスはききめが大きいが 1つしか出来ん。 ききめの小さいプリズム・メットは3つ 出来るな。 どっちにするね? |
Bosch: This is a remarkable material. |
MELCHIOR: This is a very rare! |
After the player picks one, Bosch gives more information and a chance to switch choices. |
ボッシュ「プリズム・ドレスじゃな? こいつは女の子しか装備出来んぞ? |
Bosch: The Prism Dress? |
MELCHIOR: The Prism Dress? |
ボッシュ「プリズム・メットじゃな? こいつは誰でも装備可能じゃが? |
Bosch: The Prism Helms? |
MELCHIOR: You want Prism Helms? |
ボッシュ「よーし、待っておれ! 腕によりをかけて、このボッシュ 一世一代の代物をこしらえてやるぞ! |
Bosch: Okay, just you wait! |
MELCHIOR: All right, you just wait there! |
The screen fades out, there are noises as of a busy construction site, and then the scene fades back in. |
ボッシュ「完成じゃ。 これを持っていけ! |
Bosch: It's done. |
MELCHIOR: Finished! |
プリズムドレスを手に入れた! | Got the Prism Dress! | You got 1 PrismDress! | |
プリズムメットを手に入れた! | Got Prism Helms! | You got 3 Prism Helms! | |
This is a difficult decision to make, since both choices are so good. I generally choose the helmets because I can outfit the whole active party with them, and they also prevent status effects. Refer to the items page for details. There's also a way to get three more of each in addition to whatever you get here. Refer to the Black Dream sidequest for information on that. Bosch stays around after making the armor, but that's it for this sidequest. Rewards: 3 Power Capsules, Blue Stone, Stardust Cape, Fury Bracelet, White Plate (steal), a choice of 1 Prism Dress or 3 Prism Helms, and various other treasures. Also, there are additional rewards for completing both this sidequest and the Solar Stone sidequest (in either order). On a side note, the dining hall now serves food upon request, and one of the options is called the... |
クロ・スペシャル | Cro Special | Crono special | |
Order it for an interesting remark. |
お目が高い。 これは昔、この地にあらわれた勇者の 名をとった料理なのです。 |
You have an eye for quality. This dish takes the name of a hero who appeared in these lands long ago. |
A fine choice This dish is named after a hero from the past. |
Finding the Prismatic Shell and having it stored in Guardia Castle had an obvious historical impact. It also led the false chancellor to show his hand in a situation where Marle and the others were able to foil him for good, when he might otherwise have kept manipulating events from behind the scenes indefinitely—the locked chest was there all along, not to mention the various suspicious things the phony had been doing, so he had already taken the real chancellor's place before history was changed. Getting Marle and King Guardia to reconcile also has potential implications for the future. |
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