This game has a lot of items. Most console games use one byte to identify items, so are limited to 255 items, and many don't use all of the available slots. This game adds a second byte and has over 400 actual, implemented, and obtainable items. Wow. I'll be listing them in the same order the game stores them internally, made possible by memory patching...
Note that every two points of STR give +2 to ATP and +1 to DFP, so items that raise STR also incidentally raise both ATP and DFP. Additionally, every two points of AGL give +1 to DFP, so items that raise AGL also incidentally raise DFP.
Items in bold blue count as Ancient Cave blue chest treasures. Blue chest treasures may appear in blue chests in the Ancient Cave, and you can freely take them in and out of the cave, unlike normal items. Items in italic red are cursed and cannot be removed once equipped except by uncursing them at a church or with the Purifying Drop item. Items in bold italic violet are cursed items that are also blue chest treasures (the cursed Mirror of Darkness is the only one of these).
Some items have names that are based on spell names, but have no other apparent meaning.
Contents | ||
Usable Items | Weapons | Body Armor |
Shields | Headgear | Rings |
Stones | Casino Prizes | Miscellaneous and Plot Items |
Stones | ||
ホースロック あばれうまのようになります |
Horse Rock Become like a frenzied horse. |
Horse rock Gives you the power of a raging wild horse. |
Stats: +10 ATP (from STR), +5 DFP (from STR), +10 STR |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Frenzy |
イーグルロック イーグルの攻撃が出来るように なります |
Eagle Rock Become able to do an Eagle's attack. |
Eagle rock Lets you do Eagle attacks. |
Stats: +5 ATP, +7 or 8 DFP (from AGL), +15 AGL | Used by: Everyone | IP: Swoop |
ししのきば かみつき攻撃が出来るように なります |
Lion Fang Become able to do a biting attack. |
Lion fang Attack with a Fang attack. |
Stats: +15 ATP (from STR), +12~13 DFP (7~8 from STR, 5 from AGL), +15 STR, +10 AGL |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Bite |
ビーロック はちの攻撃が出来るようになります |
Bee Rock Become able to do a Bee's attack. |
Bee rock Lets you do Bee attacks. |
Stats: +10 DFP (from AGL), +20 AGL | Used by: Everyone | IP: Needle Shower |
スネークロック スネークの攻撃が出来るようになります |
Snake Rock Become able to do a Snake's attack. |
Snake rock Lets you do Snake attacks. |
Stats: +10 ATP (from STR), +5 DFP (from STR), +10 STR, +10 GUT |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Tail Attack |
キャンサーロック キャンサーの攻撃が出来るように なります |
Cancer Rock Become able to do a Cancer's attack. |
Cancer rock Lets you do Cancer attacks. |
Stats: +20 DFP | Used by: Everyone | IP: Scissors Attack |
かぼちゃのひせき パンプキンヘッドの攻撃が 出来るようになります |
Pumpkin's Cryptolith Become able to do a Pumpkin Head's attack. |
Pumkin Jewel Lets you do Pumpkin Head attacks. |
Stats: +10 INT, +20 MGR | Used by: Everyone | IP: Head Attack |
As some of the descriptions demonstrate, ひせき (hiseki) is 秘石, "secret" + "stone". Cryptolith is the same thing, using Greek roots. |
イッカクのひせき ユニコーンの力を封じ込めた 秘石です |
Narwhal's Cryptolith A cryptolith with a unicorn's power sealed within. |
Uni jewel A mysterious jewel with unicorn power trapped inside it. |
Stats: +50 ATP | Used by: Everyone | IP: Charge |
The monster is a sea creature, so despite the description, the usual concept of a unicorn doesn't quite fit, even if the word's literal meaning does. |
にんじゃのひせき 伝説のにんじゃが使っていたと 言われる秘石です |
Ninja's Cryptolith A cryptolith that a legendary ninja is said to have used. |
Mysto jewel A mysterious jewel said to have been used by a legendary ninja. |
Stats: +20 ATP, +10 DFP (from AGL), +20 AGL | Used by: Everyone | IP: Decapitation |
さむらいのひせき サムライが使っていたと言われる 秘石です |
Samurai's Cryptolith A cryptolith that a samurai is said to have used. |
Samu jewel A mysterious jewel said to have been used by a samurai. |
Stats: +20 ATP, +20 DFP | Used by: Everyone | IP: Fast Draw |
バットロック バットの攻撃が出来るように なります |
Bat Rock Become able to do a Bat's attack. |
Bat rock Lets you do Bat attacks. |
Stats: +10 ATP, +2~3 DFP (from AGL), +5 AGL | Used by: Everyone | IP: Bloodsuck |
ヒドラのひせき ヒドラの攻撃が出来るようになります |
Hydra's Cryptolith Become able to do a Hydra's attack. |
Hidora rock Lets you do Hidora attacks. |
Stats: +20 ATP, +10 DFP (from AGL), +20 AGL, +10 MGR |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Tri-Head Attack |
ほのおのひせき 炎の化身が封じ込められた秘石です |
Flame Cryptolith A cryptolith with an incarnation of flame sealed within. |
Flame jewel A mysterious jewel with a flame trapped inside it. |
Stats: +10 ATP, +10 INT, +5 MGR | Used by: Everyone | IP: Fire Breath |
Confirmed as not a blue chest item, even though most other elemental stones are. |
みずのひせき 水の神が封じ込められた秘石です |
Water Cryptolith A cryptolith with a god of water sealed within. |
Water jewel A mysterious jewel with water power trapped inside it. |
Stats: +10 DFP, +20 INT, +10 GUT | Used by: Everyone | IP: Cold Breath |
いかずちのひせき 雷の力が封じ込められた秘石です |
Thunder Cryptolith A cryptolith with the power of thunder sealed within. |
Thundo jewel A mysterious jewel with thunder power trapped inside it. |
Stats: +30 ATP (10 from STR), +5 DFP (from STR), +10 STR, +10 INT |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Thunder Breath |
つちのひせき 大地の力を封じ込めた秘石です |
Earth Cryptolith A cryptolith with the power of the earth sealed within. |
Earth jewel A mysterious jewel with earth power trapped inside it. |
Stats: +20 DFP, +20 MGR | Used by: Everyone | IP: Fury of the Earth |
かぜのひせき かまいたちを呼び出せます |
Wind Cryptolith Can call up a wind scythe. |
Twist jewel Calls up a Twister attack. |
Stats: +35 DFP (15 from AGL), +30 AGL | Used by: Everyone | IP: Wind Scythe |
やみのひせき あんこくの攻撃が出来ます |
Dark Cryptolith Can do an attack of darkness. |
Gloom jewel Lets you do Dark attacks. |
Stats: +50 MGR | Used by: Everyone | IP: Dark Breath |
にんぎょのひせき つなみを起こせます |
Mermaid's Cryptolith Can cause a tsunami. |
Tidal jewel Causes a tidal wave. |
Stats: +20 GUT | Used by: Tia, Selena | IP: Tsunami |
マグマロック マグマの攻撃が出来るようになります |
Magma Rock Become able to do magma attacks |
Magma rock Lets you do Magma attacks. |
Stats: +20 ATP (from STR), +30 DFP (10 from STR), +20 STR, +10 GUT |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Magma Breath |
あくまのひせき 悪魔を封じ込めらた秘石です |
Demon's Cryptolith A cryptolith with a demon sealed within. |
Evil jewel A mysterious jewel with evil power trapped inside it. |
Stats: +120 ATP | Used by: Everyone | IP: De Th |
あくまのひせき 悪魔を封じ込めらた秘石です |
Demon's Cryptolith A cryptolith with a demon sealed within. |
Evil jewel A mysterious jewel with evil power trapped inside it. |
Stats: +80 ATP | Used by: Everyone | IP: Netherworld Flames |
ゴーゴンロック ゴーゴンの攻撃が出来るように なります |
Gorgon Rock Become able to do a Gorgon's attack. |
Gorgon rock Lets you do Gorgon attacks. |
Stats: +25 ATP, +25 DFP | Used by: Everyone | IP: Destructive Axe |
セイレーンロック うた声で、敵を攻撃します |
Siren Rock Attacks the enemy with a singing voice. |
Song rock Attack enemy with a song. |
Stats: +10 DFP, +10 GUT | Used by: Tia, Selena | IP: Singing Voice Lalalaa |
クラーケンロック クラーケンの攻撃が出来るように なります |
Kraken Rock Become able to do a Kraken's attack. |
Kraken rock Lets you do Kraken attacks. |
Stats: +30 ATP, +20 DFP, +10 MGR | Used by: Everyone | IP: Ten Legs |
なまずのひせき 大じしんを起こせます |
Catfish's Cryptolith Can cause a great earthquake. |
Catfish jwl. Causes a huge earthquake. |
Stats: +20 GUT, +20 MGR | Used by: Everyone | IP: Great Earthquake |
カミュのひせき カミュの攻撃が出来るようになります |
Camus's Cryptolith Become able to do Camus's attack. |
Camu jewel Lets you do Camu attacks. |
Stats: +20 ATP, +20 INT, +20 MGR | Used by: Everyone | IP: Spread Buster Attack |
おおぐものひせき おおぐもの攻撃が出来るように なります |
Giant Spider's Cryptolith Become able to do a Giant Spider's attack. |
Spido jewel Lets you do Tarantula attacks. |
Stats: +10 ATP, +20 GUT | Used by: Everyone | IP: Spider Net |
オロチのひせき オロチの攻撃が出来るようになります |
Orochi's Cryptolith Become able to do an Orochi's attack. |
Gorgan rock Lets you do Orky attacks. |
Stats: +20 ATP (from STR), +50 DFP (10 from STR), +20 STR, +20 MGR |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Octo-Head Breath |
Orochi (大蛇) is a giant eight-headed serpent of Japanese mythology. And this item is painfully misnamed in the NA version. It should at least be an "Orky rock" to match the misnamed monster. Oddly enough, the description does match it. |
ひかりのひせき 光りの精霊を封じ込めた秘石です |
Light Cryptolith A cryptolith with a spirit of light sealed within. |
Light jewel A mysterious jewel with light power trapped inside it. |
Stats: +20 ATP (from STR), +10 DFP (from STR), +20 STR, +20 INT, +20 MGR |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Flash |
Confirmed as not a blue chest item, even though most other elemental stones are. |
こくりゅうのめ ブラックドラゴンの目です |
Sablewyrm's Eye A Black Dragon's eye. |
Black eye The braceletof the Black Dragon |
Stats: +20 ATP (from STR), +20 DFP (10 from STR, 10 from AGL), +20 STR, +20 AGL, +20 GUT, +20 MGR |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Dark Splash |
Not a bracelet, and definitely not a "braceletof". Inaccuracy and poor proofreading are more painful when paired. On a side note, the JP text names the dragons with Japanese terms in the item names, but transliterated English in the descriptions, so more exotic item names seem appropriate to keep them different. "Wyrm" is just an old word for dragons, and these colors come from heraldry. |
ぎんりゅうのめ シルバードラゴンの目です |
Argentwyrm's Eye A Silver Dragon's eye. |
Silver eye The braceletof the Silver Dragon |
Stats: +10 DFP (from AGL), +20 AGL, +20 INT, +20 GUT, +20 MGR |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Diamond Dust |
きんりゅうのめ ゴールドドラゴンの目です |
Orwyrm's Eye A Gold Dragon's eye. |
Gold eye The braceletof the Golden Dragon |
Stats: +40 ATP (20 from STR), +30 DFP (10 from STR), +20 STR, +20 MGR |
Used by: Everyone | IP: Stardust Breath |
Return to contents |
Casino Prizes | ||
1まい カジノのコインです |
1 Coin A casino coin. |
1 coin Coin you can use in the casino. |
まい (mai) is just a counter for flat objects, but it's obvious by context that it's counting coins. |
10まいセット カジノのコイン10枚セットです |
10 Coin Set A set of 10 casino coins. |
10 coin set A set of 10 coins to use in the casino. |
50まいセット カジノのコイン50枚セットです |
50 Coin Set A set of 50 casino coins. |
50 coin set A set of 50 coins to use in the casino. |
100まいセット カジノのコイン100枚セットです |
100 Coin Set A set of 100 casino coins. |
100 coin set A set of 100 coins to use in the casino. |
ほのおのおふだ 敵一体に、炎のダメージを与える おふだです |
Flame Charm A charm that inflicts flame damage on one enemy. |
Flame charm A talisman that causes flame damage to one enemy. |
おふだ (ofuda) are paper charms. They're often seen around Shinto shrines. Characters in fiction will sometimes throw them at monsters to attack. |
いなずまのふだ 敵一体に、雷のダメージを与える おふだです |
Thunderflash Charm A charm than inflicts thunder damage on one enemy. |
Zap charm A talisman that causes thunder damage to one enemy. |
The NA name isn't the best choice, considering that they named a holy spell "Zap". |
まほうのランプ ランプにかかった魔法で 敵を攻撃します |
Magic Lamp Attacks the enemy with the magic on the lamp. |
Magic lamp Use its magic to attack enemies. |
Using the Magic Lamp hits all enemies with what appears to be a Spread Buster Attack (refer to IP skills). |
めがみぞう 戦闘中、女神像に祈ると、味方の HPを回復してくれます |
Goddess Statue Pray to the goddess statue during combat and she will recover ally HP. |
Statue Restores HP of members of your party during battle if you ask it nicely. |
"Ask it nicely"...? I suppose praying could be considered asking nicely in a sense, but still. |
いかりのナイフ 怒りのおんねんが宿ったナイフです |
Fury Knife A knife with a hateful grudge dwelling within. |
Rage knife A knife imbued with special rage power. |
Weapon: +40 ATP | Used by: Everyone | IP: Explosive Attack |
こうふくのむち 幸福のムチです |
Good Luck Whip A whip of good fortune. |
Fortune whip A whip that may bring you luck. |
Weapon: +260 ATP, +4 DFP (from AGL), +8 AGL | Used by: Tia, Selena | IP: none |
According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the Good Luck Whip also adds 50% to critical hit rate, but reduces attack power to 1/8 during critical hits. This hinders its usefulness as a weapon except against enemies with particularly high defense power, which critical hits bypass. |
ドラゴンブレード ドラゴンに、大ダメージを 与える剣です |
Dragon Blade A sword that inflicts great damage to dragons. |
Dragon blade A sword that severely damages dragons. |
Weapon: +450 ATP | Used by: Maxim, Guy | IP: Dragon Eraser |
Note that while the IP inflicts anti-Dragon damage, the weapon itself has a standard typeless attack and does no extra damage to dragons. According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the Dragon Blade also adds 25% to critical hit rate, and additionally triples attack power during critical hits. |
バニーのゆびわ バニーさんの付ける指輪です |
Bunny Ring A ring bunnygirls wear. |
Bunny ring Wear this with the Bunnysuit. |
Ring: +5 DFP | Used by: Tia, Selena, Arty | IP: Re Gion |
According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the Bunny Ring also prevents instant death. |
バニーのみみ バニーさんが付ける大きな耳です |
Bunny Ears Large ears bunnygirls wear. |
Bunny ears These go well with the Bunnysuit. |
Headgear: +10 DFP | Used by: Tia, Selena, Arty | IP: Weapon Destruction |
According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the Bunny Ears also prevent confusion and sleep status. |
バニーのおぼん バニーさんの持つおぼんです 普通はお酒などがのっています |
Bunny Tray A tray bunnygirls carry. Usually has alcoholic drinks on it. |
Bunnylady She wears a Bunnysuit and carries a tray. |
Shield: +10 DFP | Used by: Tia, Selena, Arty | IP: Berserk Spirits |
According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the Bunny Tray also prevents silence status. |
バニーのけん バニーさんの剣です。刃にうさぎさんの イラストがついています |
Bunny Sword A bunnygirl's sword. There are bunny pictures on the blade. |
Bunny sword Goes with the Bunnysuit, and is decorated with rabbit pictures. |
Weapon: +500 ATP, but cripples damage | Used by: Tia, Selena, Arty | IP: Fury Strike |
According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the Bunny Sword has a base damage of 120 (further reduced by enemy defense). The listed 500 ATP works normally when using IP attacks, however. |
バニーのふく バニーさんの服です。この服が にあう女性は、なかなかの大人です |
Bunny Suit Bunnygirl clothing. Women who look good in this are quite the adults. |
Bunnysuit Just the thing to wear to a fancydress party! |
Armor: +20 DFP | Used by: Tia, Selena, Arty | IP: Magic Resurrection |
According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the Bunny Suit also prevents paralysis and poison status. |
シースルーケープ きわめてうすい布で作られたケープです |
See-Through Cape A cape made from extremely thin cloth. |
Seethru cape A cape made of very thin cloth. |
Armor: +1 DFP | Used by: Tia, Selena | IP: Divine Miracle |
According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the See-Through Cape also prevents paralysis, confusion, sleep, poison, and silence status. |
シースルーシルク きわめてうすい布で作られたシルク製の 服です |
See-Through Silk Silk clothing made from extremely thin cloth. |
Seethru silk Clothing made from very thin silk cloth. |
Armor: +1 DFP | Used by: Tia, Selena | IP: Aureole |
According to Iron Knuckle's FAQ, the See-Through Silk also prevents paralysis, confusion, sleep, poison, and silence status. |
Return to contents |
Miscellaneous and Plot Items | ||
イリスソード 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやく剣です。 |
Iris Sword One of the Iris Treasures. A gleaming iridescent sword. |
Iris sword One of the Iris Treasures, this sword shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
イリスシールド 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやく盾です。 |
Iris Shield One of the Iris Treasures. A gleaming iridescent shield. |
Iris shield One of the Iris Treasures, this shield shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
イリスメット 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやくかぶとです。 |
Iris Helmet One of the Iris Treasures. A gleaming iridescent helmet. |
Iris helmet One of the Iris Treasures, this helmet shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
イリスアーマー 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやくヨロイです。 |
Iris Armor One of the Iris Treasures. Gleaming iridescent armor. |
Iris armor One of the Iris Treasures, this armor shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
イリスリング 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやく指輪です。 |
Iris Ring One of the Iris Treasures. A gleaming iridescent ring. |
Iris ring One of the Iris Treasures, this ring shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
イリスダイア 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやくダイアです。 |
Iris Diamond One of the Iris Treasures. A gleaming iridescent diamond. |
Iris jewel One of the Iris Treasures, this jewel shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
イリススタッフ 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやく杖です。 |
Iris Staff One of the Iris Treasures. A gleaming iridescent staff. |
Iris staff One of the Iris Treasures, this staff shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
イリスポット 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやく聖はいです。 |
Iris Pot One of the Iris Treasures. A gleaming iridescent chalice. |
Iris pot One of the Iris Treasures, this pot shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
イリスティアラ 『イリスの宝』の一つ。 虹色にかがやくティアラです。 |
Iris Tiara One of the Iris Treasures. A gleaming iridescent tiara. |
Iris tiara One of the Iris Treasures, this tiara shines with all the colors of the rainbow. |
These treasures (イリス) do NOT use the same rendition of Iris as the game's prophetess (アイリス). Thanks to Artemis for pointing this out. The one that appears here seems to have a stronger association with the Greek goddess of the rainbow than the other one does, appropriately enough. |
ジェリーのかけら いにしえの洞窟のすべてを司る、 ジェリーの一部です。 |
Jelly Fragment Part of the Jelly that rules over everything in the Ancient Cave. |
Power jelly The jelly that controls everything in the Ancient Cave. |
The game never puts this item in your inventory, but you can still display it in the Iris treasure room by talking to the NPC after clearing the Ancient Cave. |
トレジャーソナー 洞窟などで使用すると、開いていない 宝箱の数だけ、音がはね返ってきます |
Treasure Sonar Use in a cave, etc., and sounds will bounce back for the number of unopened treasure chests. |
Jewel sonar (no description in NA version) |
フック はしらなどにさして、自分が移動する事 が出来ます |
Hook Can move yourself by sticking it into pillars, etc. |
Hook boltsthis into columns and posts to be able to get to places you normally couldn't. |
ボム 箱やひびの入ったカベなどを 壊す事が出来ます |
Bomb Can destroy boxes, cracked walls, etc. |
Bomb Lets you break into boxes and blow up walls with cracks in them. |
アロー 矢です。敵の動きを止める事や、 スイッチを入れる事もできます |
Arrow Arrows. Can stop enemy movement, and can also flip switches. |
Arrow Lets you freeze enemies temporarily and flick switches from a distance. |
ファイヤーアロー 火のついた矢です。草をもやす事が 出来ます |
Fire Arrow Arrows on fire. Can burn weeds. |
Fire arrow Lets you burn grass away. |
ハンマー ハンマーです。柱などを 押す事が出来ます |
Hammer A hammer. Can push pillars, etc. |
Hammer Lets you push things like columns and posts. |
ほうけん 高価な剣です。 戦闘用ではなく、装しょく用です |
Treasure Sword A valuable sword. For ornamental, not combat, use. |
Treas. sword An expensive sword. It's only for decoration, not real battle. |
とびらのカギ サンデルタンへの洞窟のカギです |
Door Key The key to the Cave to Sandletan. |
Door key The key to the cave that leads to Sundletan |
ほこらのカギ アルンゼ王国北のほこらのカギです |
Shrine Key The key to Alunze Kingdom's northern shrine. |
Shrine key The key to the North Shrine in Alunze Kingdom. |
そらのカギ タンベル南東の塔のカギです |
Sky Key The key to the tower southeast of Tanbel. |
Sky key The key to the South-East Tower in Tanbel. |
みずうみのカギ 湖の洞窟のガキです |
Lake Key The key to the Lake Cave. |
Lake key The key to the Lake Cave. |
ルビーのカギ ルビーの洞窟のカギです |
Ruby Key The key to the Ruby Cave. |
Ruby key The key to the Ruby Cave. |
かぜのカギ ゴードバン西の塔のカギです |
Wind Key The key to the tower west of Gordovan. |
Wind key The key to the West Tower in Gordovan. |
くものカギ はいきょの塔のカギです |
Cloud Key The key to the Ruined Tower. |
Cloud key The key to the Ruined Tower. |
とうだいのカギ パーセライト北東の燈台の カギです |
Lighthouse Key The key to the lighthouse northeast of Parselyte. |
Light key The key to the North-East Lighthouse in Parcelyte. |
ほうけんのカギ 宝剣の神殿のカギです |
Treasure Sword Key The key to the Treasure Sword Temple. |
Sword key The key to the treasure Sword shrine. |
きのカギ 幻の木の山のカギです |
Tree Key The key to the Mountain of the Fabled Tree. |
Tree key The key to Phantom Tree Mountain. |
はなのカギ 花の山のカギです |
Flower Key The key to Flower Mountain. |
Flower key The key to Flower Mountain. |
マグマのカギ ドラゴン山のカギです |
Magma Key The key to Dragon Mountain. |
Magma key The key to Dragon Mountain. |
こころのカギ 精神の神殿のカギです |
Heart Key The key to the Spiritual Temple. |
Heart key The key to the Holy Shrine. |
みたまのカギ おんりょうの神殿のカギです |
Ghost Key The key to the Vengeful Spirit Temple. |
Ghost key The key to Ghost shrine. |
しれんのカギ フェルム王国北東の塔のカギです |
Trial Key The key to the tower northeast of Ferrum Kingdom. |
Trial key The key to the North-East tower in Ferim Kingdom. |
てんしのカギ ダンケルク王国北の洞窟のカギです |
Angel Key The key to the cave north of Dunkirk Kingdom. |
Dankirk key The key to the North Cave in Dankirk Kingdom. |
The spelling matches the Japanese rendition of Dunkirk, France. (this comment is to be moved to the story section once it reaches that point) Is it really such a big deal to keep the word "angel"? |
ろうやのカギ グラッセ王国地下迷宮のカギです |
Jail Key The key to the labyrinth under the Glacé Kingdom. |
Basement key The key to the basement labyrinth in Grassei Kingdom. |
グラッセ is the Japanese rendition of the French term glacé, which refers to glazing (as in glazed donuts, for example). (this comment is to be moved to the storyline section once it reaches that point) |
いけにえのカギ ナーシサス北の塔のカギです |
Sacrifice Key The key to the tower north of Narcissus. |
Narcysus key The key to the North Tower in Narcysus Kingdom. |
Is it really such a big deal to keep the word "sacrifice"? And the last time I checked, Narcissus wasn't a kingdom either... |
しんじつのカギ 真実の塔のカギです |
Truth Key The key to the Tower of Truth. |
Truth key The key to the Tower of Truth. |
にんぎょのたま 伝説の人魚の国へのカギです |
Mermaid's Orb The key to the legendary realm of the merfolk. |
Mermaid jade The key to the legendary land of the Mermaids. |
エンジン グラッセ王国がほこる、無敵戦車の エンジンです |
Engine The engine from the Invincible Tank, pride of Glacé Kingdom. |
Engine The engine to Grassei Kingdom's invincible tank. |
いにしえのガキ いにしえの洞窟のどこかにある カギです |
Ancient Key A key to somewhere in the Ancient Cave. |
Ancient key A key that lies somewhere in the Ancient Cave. |
きれいな『はな』 とてもキレイな花です |
Pretty Flower A very pretty flower. |
Pretty flwr. An extremely beautiful flower. |
ガラスのてんし ルビーの天使の、にせものです ガラスで作られています |
Glass Angel An imitation Ruby Angel. Made of glass. |
Glass angel A copy of the Ruby Icon, made of glass. |
VIPカード カジノのVIPルームに入れる メンバーズカードです |
VIP Card A member card that allows entry to the casino's VIP room. |
VIP card A membership card that lets you enter the VIP room in the casino. |
カギ26 | Key 26 | Key26 |
カギ27 | Key 27 | Key27 |
カギ28 | Key 28 | Key28 |
カギ29 | Key 29 | Key29 |
カギ30 | Key 30 | Key30 |
Keys 26 through 30 have no descriptions and cannot be obtained without cheating. They are likely extra slots reserved for keys or other plot items. Note that if you start numbering from the Door Key, these numbers match up. |
おうかん 王様の冠です |
Crown A king's crown. |
Crown The king's crown. |
リンゴのルビー リンゴの形をしたルビーですが 本当はガラスで出来ています |
Apple Ruby A ruby in the shape of an apple, but it's actually made of glass. |
Ruby apple This looks like an apple-shaped ruby, but it's actually only glass. |
All items below this note cannot be obtained without cheating, and most have no descriptions. |
プリフィア | Priphea | PURIFIA |
タグリング | Tag Ring | Tag ring |
Ring, no apparent effect | Used by: Everyone | IP: none |
タグリング | Tag Ring | Tag ring |
Ring, no apparent effect | Used by: Everyone | IP: none |
Might also be a portmanteau of たぐり (taguri), as in the candy below, with リング (RINGU), ring. As for what it means... who knows? |
らんらんすてっぷ 体重を減らす事が出来ます |
Viewing Step Capable of lowering your body weight. |
RAN-RAN step Reduces your weight. |
Weapon, +0 ATP | Used by: Everyone | IP: none |
らん (ran) here is most likely 覧, as found in such words as 一覧 (a look, at a glance) and 展覧会 (exhibition). Equip this and attack, and it runs through practically every spell/skill effect in the game, but doesn't have any real effect. Most likely a debugging item. |
たぐりあめ | Reeling Candy | Tag candy |
たぐり (taguri) is reeling as in reeling in a fishing line. As for the significance of that, who knows? Usable in combat, unknown effect. Always seems to "miss". |
さいご | Last | Last |
Weapon: +0 ATP, +300 MGR | Used by: Everyone | IP: none |
Odds are that this just comes here to mark the end of the item list. This suggests that they didn't fix the number of possible items during development. Incidentally, attacking with it has no attack animation (the user just stands there as the damage appears). |
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