Topic List

Looking for something specific and not sure where it would be? If it's on the site, it's listed here (or at least should be), under as many meaningful names as I can think of. Feel free to contact me if anything's missing, any links are broken, or you have an alternate way of indexing any of these.

By Concept or Approximate English Meaning By Japanese Phrases, Terms, and Conjugations
12-hour and 24-hour time

Able to do something
"About..." (ni tsuite)
"About..." (ni kansuru)
"About..." (wa)
About to do
About to happen
"According to..."
Actions in progress
Adjective conjugation
Adjectives as other parts of speech
Adverbing adjectives
Advice (-eba ii)
Advice (-hou ga ii)
"Although..." (ga)
"Although..." (kedo)
"Although..." (no ni)
"... and ..." (nouns)
"... and ..." (phrases)
"... and ..., etc." (nouns)
"... and ..., etc." (verbs)
"... any minute now"
Apologizing (basics)
Apologizing (more details)
Approximate numbers
Approximations (kurai)
Archaic Japanese
as ... as (hodo)
as ... as (kurai)
"As far as ... is concerned ..."
As long as (kagiri)
Asking for permission (causative form)
Asking for permission (-te mo ii)
Assume that ... (to suru)
Attempting something (-te miru)

"Because..." (kara)
"Because..." (no de)
"Because... and..." (shi)
Begin doing
"Better to..." (hou ga ii)
Beyond comparison (a time)
by means of

"... called ..."
can and can't (capability)
can (permission)
can't (permission)
Can't quite remember (kke)
Casual form
Causative form
Causative-passive form
Cause and effect (kara)
Cause and effect (no de)
Cause and effect (provisional form)
Caused conditions (-te aru)
Causes and effect (shi)
Characters used for native words (kana)
Characters used for native words (kanji)
Characters used for words of foreign origin
Chinese characters
Classical Japanese
Command forms
"Compared to ... "
Completely do
"Concerning..." (ni tsuite)
"Concerning..." (wa)
Concurrent events
Conditional form (verbs)
Conjectures based on what has been heard
Continuous states
Contracting repeated nouns
Counting age
Counting days
Counting months
Counting multiple births
Counting people
Customary behavior (decided by self)
Customary behavior (decided by society, etc.)

Date and time
Days of the week
-de form (-te form for some sounds)
Decide to do...
Decided practices
Denying permission
"Depending on..."
Describing a noun using another noun
Describing a person's attributes
Desires (want to do)
"Despite..." (kuse ni)
"Despite..." (no ni)
Destination marker (e)
Destination marker (alternate) (ni)
Dictionary form (of verbs)
Difficulty of actions
Direct object marker (wo)
Direct style
Distal style
Do deeply
Do fully
Due to (ni yoru)

"Each and every..." (X to iu X)
Easy to do
Embedded questions
Emphasis marker (koso)
Emphasis marker (yo)
English and other foreign words in Japanese
"Even if/though..." (-te mo)
"Even though..." (kedo)
"Even though..." (kuse ni)
"Even though..." (no ni)
"Ever since..."

"Feels like..." (-ge adjective ending)
First, second, third, etc.
Forced to do...
Formality (general notes and codes used here)
Formality (in requests and apologies)
Frequency (times per timespan)
Future actions
Future actions (planned)

Gender (general notes and codes used here)
Getting ready for something
Given that ... (kara ni wa)
Giving in (or refusing to) (-te tamaru)
Giving permission
"Good thing that..."
Guesses based on what has been heard

Hard to do
"Have a..."
"Have/has done..."
Honorific prefixes
Hortative form
How to do (-kata)

If (general-purpose)
If [you] just... (sae)
If ... then (verbs)
If/when (verbs)
"I hear that..."
"I hope that..."
"I'm glad that..."
Imminent events
"I'm sorry" (basics)
"I'm sorry" (more details)
Imperative forms
Incidentally (tsuide ni)
Indefinite numbers
Indefinite pronouns (anything, everywhere, etc.)
Indicating commonality
Indirect obect marker (ni)
"In order to do..."
"In regards to..." (ni tsuite)
Interrogative pronouns (who, where, etc.)
Interval of time
Intransitive verbs
"I've heard..."
"I wonder..."
"... is ...", "... is a ..."
"... isn't ...", "... isn't a ..." (copula)
"... isn't ...", "... isn't a ..." (ja particle)

Japanese native syllabry
"Just about the only..." (kurai)

Kanji (general information)
Kanji (sample kanji)

"less ... than ..."
..., let alone ... (dokoro ka)
Let someone do...
"Let's ..."
"Like hell I'll ..." (mon ka)
Linking form (literary)
Linking form (usual)
Literary Japanese
Location of an action
Long form
"Looks like..." (-sou adjective ending)
"Looks like..." (nouns, verbs, sentences)

Made by someone to do...
Make someone do...
"May I...?"
Means by which an action is performed
Metric system
Moderation (of adjectives)
Must do (beki)
Must do (-nakucha ikenai, etc.)
Must not do (-te wa ikenai, etc.)

Name suffixes
Naming things or people
Native syllabary
No later than
Nonpast affirmative form
Nonpast negative form
"No sooner did ... than ..." (to omou to)
"No sooner did ... than ..." (ya)
Not ... but ... (ja nakute)
Nothing but (bakari)
Nothing more than (shika)
Not just ... but also ... (bakari)
Not necessarily (to wa kagiranai)
Not only ... but ... (dokoro ka)
Not so much ... as ... (to iu yori)
Not the time for that (dokoro ja nai)
Nouning adjectives
Nouning verbs
Now that ... (kara ni wa)
Numerical classifiers
Numeric kanji

Objective comments on subjective situations (nagara)
Objects with traits in common
Object marker (wo, for direct objects)
Object marker (ni, for most indirect objects)
Obligation (beki)
Observations about other people
Offering an item
Only a given amount/thing
Only a small amount
On that note (tsuide ni)
On the ... side
Ordinal numbers
Ought to be so
Ought to do (beki)
Ought to do (hou ga ii)
Overdoing it (adjectives)
Overdoing it (verbs)
Ownership (with no)
Ownership (with wa)

Passive form
Past Affirmative form
Past Negative form
Permission (denying)
Permission (granting)
Personal pronouns (I, you, etc.)
Plain form
Please (with actions, basics)
Please (with actions, more details)
"Please give me..."
"Please take..."
Polite form
Polite requests
Possession (with no)
Possession (with wa)
Potential form
Present tense (sort of)
Private feelings
Progressive tense (more or less)
Pronouns (demonstrative—this, there, etc.)
Pronouns (indefinite—anything, everywhere, etc.)
Pronouns (interrogative—who, where, etc.)
Pronouns (personal—I, you, etc.)
Pronouns (usage notes)
Provisional form
Purpose of movement

Qualifying phrases
Question sentences
Questions within larger sentences

"Regarding..." (ni tsuite)
Relative clauses
Reporting what someone said
Requests (basics)
Requests (more details)
Role of an item
Romanization conventions used on this site

"Seems like..." (-ge adjective ending)
"Seems like..." (-sou adjective ending)
"Seems like..." (clauses)
Semi-voiced consonants
Sentences modifying nouns
Short form
Should be so
Should do (-ba ii)
Should do (beki)
Should do (hou ga ii)
Simultaneous events
Somewhat (for adjectives)
Sorry (basics)
Sorry (more details)
Sorting conventions
Source of movement
Start and end time
Start doing
Subject marker (ga)

-te form
Telling time
"The more ... the more ..." (hodo)
"... therefore ..." (kara)
"... therefore ..." (node)
"... and ... therefore ..." (shi)
They (as an abstract subject)
Thoughts (speaking about)
Time (expressing the)
Time (intervals of)
Time (of an event)
To the extent of (kagiri)
Too much (adjectives)
Too much (verbs)
Topic marker (wa)
Transitive verbs
Trying something

Unless (kagiri)
Until (made)
Unvoiced consonants
Using nouns to describe nouns

Verb conjugation
Verb stem
Verbing adjectives
Vocabulary (cursory)
Voiced consonants
Volitional form

Want to do
Want someone else to do
Way of doing (-kata)
"... when ..."
"... whenever ..."
When an action occurs
While (nagara)
While you're at it (tsuide ni)
"... with ..." (two nouns)
Wondering out loud
Word choice (formality)
Word choice (gender)
Word order
あいうえお (a i u e o) ordering
~aされる (-asareru)
~aせられる (-aserareru)
~aせる (-aseru)
~aない (-anai)
~aなかった (-anakatta)
~aれる (-areru)
いいから (ii kara)
いいとして (ii to shite)
一段動詞 (ichidan doushi)
いつの間にか (itsu no ma ni ka)
~iました (-imashita)
~iましょう (-imashou)
~iます (-imasu)
~iません (-imasen)
~iませんでした (-imasen deshita)
いろは (i ro ha) ordering
言わんばかりに (iwan bakari ni)
~e (-e)
~eば (-eba)
~eる (-eru)
御~ (o-) honorific prefix
お~ (o- + verb stem)
お~下さい (o ... kudasai)
~oう (-ou)
音読み (on'yomi) kanji readings

(ka) particle
(ka) counter
(ga) particle
かい (kai) particle
がいい (ga ii)
~替える (-kaeru)
限り (kagiri)
ヶ月 (kagetsu) counter
かしら (kashira)
~方 (-kata)
~がたい (-gatai)
片仮名 (katakana) writing system
(gatsu) counter
~がっている (-gatte iru)
かと言って (ka to itte)
かな (ka na)
かも知りません (ka mo shiremasen)
かも知れない (ka mo shirenai)
がよい (ga yoi)
から (kara) particle
からと言って (kara to itte)
からには (kara ni wa)
から~まで (kara... made)
~がる (-garu)
(kan) (timespans)
~切る (-kiru)
くせに (kuse ni)
くらい (kurai)
ぐらい (gurai)
くらいなら (kurai nara)
比べ物にならない (kurabemono ni naranai)
訓読み (kun'yomi) kanji readings
~げ (-ge) (adjective ending)
形容詞 (keiyoushi)
形容動詞 (keiyoudoushi)
けど (kedo) particle
けれど (keredo) particle
けれども (keredomo) particle
(go-) honorific prefix
(go) counter
五十音 (gojuu on) ordering
こそ (koso) particle
五段動詞 (godan doushi)
事がある (-koto ga aru)
事が出来る (-koto ga dekiru)
事にしている (-koto ni shite iru)
事にする (-koto ni suru)
事になっている (-koto ni natte iru)
事になる (-koto ni naru)
~込む (-komu)

(sa) particle
歳 or 才 (sai) counter
さえ (sae) particle
~させられる (-saserareru)
~させる (-saseru)
~ざる (-zaru)
~される (-sareru)
(shi) particle
(ji) counter
しか (shika) particle
自動詞 (jidoushi)
じゃ (ja) particle, contraction of では (de wa)
じゃありません (ja arimasen)
じゃありませんで (ja arimasen de)
じゃありませんでした (ja arimasen deshita)
じゃあるまい (ja arumai)
~じゃいけない (-ja ikenai)
~じゃう (-jau)
~じゃだめ (-ja dame)
じゃない (ja nai)
じゃなくて (ja nakute) (as connective structure)
じゃなくて (ja nakute), negative -te form of です (desu)
助数詞 (josuushi)
~ず (-zu)
~ずに (-zu ni)
~すぎる (-sugiru) (adjectives)
~すぎる (-sugiru) (verbs)
すべき (subeki)
すべく (subeku)
(ze) particle
(zo) particle
ぞい (zoi) particle
そう (sou) (clause ending)
~そう (-sou) (adjective ending)
~そう (-sou) (verb ending)
それにしても (sore ni shite mo)

~た (-ta)
~たい (-tai)
(dai) (ordinal numbers)
だから (dakara)
だからと言って (da kara to itte)
濁点 (dakuten) ( ゛)
だけ (dake) particle
だけあって (dake atte)
だけど (dakedo)
だけに (dake ni)
だけのことはある (dake no koto wa aru)
~出す (-dasu)
だった (datta)
だったら (dattara)
だったり (dattari)
だったりして (dattari shite)
だって (datte)
他動詞 (tadoushi)
~たまえ (-tamae)
~たら (-tara)
~たり (-tari)
だろう (darou)
~ちまう (-chimau)
~ちゃいけない (-cha ikenai)
~ちゃう (-chau)
~ちゃだめ (-cha dame)
一日 (tsuitachi)
ついでに (tsuide ni)
つー (tsuu)
っけ (kke)
つつ (tsutsu) particle
って (tte)
つもり (tsumori)
~て (-te)
(de) particle
(de) (-te form of です)
~で (-de), same form as ~て (-te)
であった (de atta)
であったら (de attara)
であったり (de attari)
であって (de atte)
~てある (-te aru)
であれば (de areba)
であろう (de arou)
~て行く (-te iku)
でいよう (de iyou)
でいられる (de irareru)
~ている (-te iru)
~ておく (-te oku)
~てください (-te kudasai)
~てから (-te kara)
出来るだけ (dekiru dake)
~て来る (-te kuru)
~てしまう (-te shimau)
でした (deshita)
でしたら (deshitara)
でしたり (deshitari)
でして (deshite)
でしょう (deshou)
です (desu)
~てたまる (-te tamaru)
~でない (-de nai)
では (de wa)
ではあるまい (de wa arumai)
~てはいけない (-te wa ikenai)
ではない (de wa nai)
ではなかった (de wa nakatta)
ではなくて (de wa nakute)
~てほしい (-te hoshii)
~てまう (-te mau)
~てみせる (-te miseru)
~てみる (-te miru)
~ても (-te mo)
でも (de mo) particle
~てもいい (-te mo ii)
~てる (-te ru)
~てよかった (-te yokatta)
てんてん (tenten) mark (dakuten) ( ゛)
(to) particle
(do) counter
といいですね (to ii desu ne)
といいね (to ii ne)
といいんだが (to ii n da ga)
といいんだけど (to ii n da kedo)
といいんですが (to ii n desu ga)
といいんですけど (to ii n desu kedo)
と言う (to iu)
Xと言うX (X to iu X)
と言うより (to iu yori)
と言ったって (to itta tte)
と言って (to itte)
と言っても (to itte mo)
動詞 (doushi)
と思うと (to omou to)
と思ったら (to omottara)
とか (to ka) particle
~とく (-toku) (contraction of ~ておく)
ところ (tokoro)
どころか (dokoro ka)
どころじゃない (dokoro ja nai)
として (to shite)
とする (to suru)
とは言え (to wa ie)
とは言ったって (to wa itta tte)
とは言って (to wa itte)
とは言っても (to wa itte mo)
とは限らない (to wa kagiranai)
とやら (to yara)

(na) particle
~な (-na)
~ない (-nai)
~ないで (-naide)
~ないでください (-naide kudasai)
~直す (-naosu)
~なかった (-nakatta)
ながら (nagara) particle
~ながら (-nagara)
~なきゃ (-nakya)
~なければ (-nakereba)
~なけりゃ (-nakerya)
~なくちゃいけない (-nakucha ikenai)
~なくちゃだめ (-nakucha dame)
~なくて (-nakute)
~なくてはいけない (-nakute wa ikenai)
~なくてもいい (-nakute mo ii)
~なくば (-nakuba)
~なさい (-nasai)
など (nado) particle
なのです (na no desu)
名乗り (nanori) kanji readings
なら (nara) particle
ならば (naraba) particle
なんか (nanka) particle
なんです (na n desu)
(ni) particle
に関して (ni kanshite)
に関する (ni kansuru)
~にくい (-nikui)
に比べて (ni kurabete)
に比べれば (ni kurabereba)
にしては (ni shite wa)
にしても (ni shite mo)
にする ([adjective] ni suru)
(nichi) counter
について (ni tsuite)
にとって (ni totte)
になる ([adjective] ni naru)
によって (ni yotte)
による (ni yoru)
によると (ni yoru to)
によれば (ni yoreba)
(nin) counter
~ぬ (-nu)
(ne) particle
~ねば (-neba)
(no) particle
(no) sentence ending
のが出来る (no ga dekiru)
のだ (no da)
ので (no de) particle
のです (no desu)
のに (no ni) particle
のみ (nomi) particle

(wa) particle
~ば (-ba)
ばかり (bakari) after a past tense
ばかり (bakari) particle
ばかりか (bakari ka)
ばかりでなく (bakari de naku)
ばかりに (bakari ni)
~始める (-hajimeru)
はず (hazu)
二十歳 (hatachi)
半濁点 (handakuten) ( ゜)
一人 (hitori)
平仮名 (hiragana) writing system
(byou) counter
二人 (futari)
(fun) counter
文語 (bungo) (classical Japanese)
分の (bun no)
(e) particle
べからざる (bekarazaru)
べからず (bekarazu)
べき (beki)
べく (beku)
べし (beshi)
~へん (-hen), dialectal variant of ~ない (-nai)
方がいい (hou ga ii)

~まい (-mai) (in tentative form)
~まい (-mai) (in volitional form)
~ました (-mashita)
~ましょう (-mashou)
~ます (-masu)
~ません (-masen)
~ませんでした (-masen deshita)
まで (made) particle
までに (made ni) particle
までもない (made mo nai)
まる (maru) mark (handakuten) ( ゜)
みたい (mitai)
~む (-mu)
(me) (ordinal numbers)
~め (-me) (adjective ending)
(mei) counter
(mo) particle
もの (mono)
ものですか (mono desu ka)
ものの (mono no) particle (?)
もん (mon)
もんか (mon ka)

(ya) particle
~やすい (-yasui)
やら (yara) particle
(yo) particle
~よ (-yo)
よう (you) (clause ending)
~よう (-you) (verb ending)
ようにする (you ni suru)
曜日 (youbi)
より (yori) particle

らしい (-rashii) (clause ending)
~られる (-rareru) (passive form)
~られる (-rareru) (potential form)
~れる (-reru)
連体詞 (rentaishi)
~ろ (-ro)
ローマ字 (Romaji) writing system

(wa) particle
わい (wai) particle
わりに (wari ni)
(wo) particle
をば (woba) particle

~ん (-n) (shortened from ~ない)
~ん (-n) (shortened from ~む)
んじゃない (n ja nai)
んだ (n da)
んです (n desu)